1 | ; Source: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/study/courses/APR/public/ebnf.html#string-character
2 |
3 | ; Programs and Blocks
4 |
5 | program
6 | program-heading block "."
7 | program-heading
8 | program identifier "(" identifier-list ")" ";"
9 | block
10 | declaration-part statement-part
11 | declaration-part
12 | [ label-declaration-part ]
13 | [ constant-definition-part ]
14 | [ type-definition-part ]
15 | [ variable-declaration-part ]
16 | procedure-and-function-declaration-part
17 | label-declaration-part
18 | label label { "," label } ";"
19 | constant-definition-part
20 | const constant-definition ";" { constant-definition ";" }
21 | constant-definition
22 | identifier "=" constant
23 | type-definition-part
24 | type type-definition ";" { type-definition ";" }
25 | type-definition
26 | identifier "=" type
27 | variable-declaration-part
28 | var variable-declaration ";" { variable-declaration ";" }
29 | variable-declaration
30 | identifier-list ":" type
31 | procedure-and-function-declaration-part
32 | { (procedure-declaration | function-declaration) ";" }
33 | procedure-declaration
34 | procedure-heading ";" procedure-body |
35 | procedure-heading ";" directive |
36 | procedure-identification ";" procedure-body
37 | procedure-body
38 | block
39 | function-declaration
40 | function-heading ";" function-body |
41 | function-heading ";" directive |
42 | function-identification ";" function-body
43 | function-body
44 | block
45 | directive
46 | forward | compiler-defined-directives
47 | statement-part
48 | begin statement-sequence end
49 |
50 | ; Procedure and Function Definitions
51 |
52 | procedure-heading
53 | procedure identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
54 | function-heading
55 | function identifier [ formal-parameter-list ] ":" result-type
56 | result-type
57 | type-identifier
58 | procedure-identification
59 | procedure procedure-identifier
60 | function-identification
61 | function function-identifier
62 | formal-parameter-list
63 | "(" formal-parameter-section { ";" formal-parameter-section } ")"
64 | formal-parameter-section
65 | value-parameter-section |
66 | variable-parameter-section |
67 | procedure-parameter-section |
68 | function-parameter-section
69 | value-parameter-section
70 | identifier-list ":" parameter-type
71 | variable-parameter-section
72 | var identifier-list ":" parameter-type
73 | procedure-parameter-section
74 | procedure-heading
75 | function-parameter-section
76 | function-heading
77 | parameter-type
78 | type-identifier | conformant-array-schema
79 | conformant-array-schema
80 | packed-conformant-array-schema |
81 | unpacked-conformant-array-schema
82 | packed-conformant-array-schema
83 | packed array "[ " bound-specification " ]" of type-idnetifier
84 | unpacked-conformant-array-schema
85 | array "[ " bound-specification { ";" bound-specification } " ]"
86 | of (type-identifier | conformant-array-schema)
87 | bound-specification
88 | identifier ".." identifier ":" ordinal-type-identifier
89 | ordinal-type-identifier
90 | type-identifier
91 |
92 | ; Statements
93 |
94 | statement-sequence
95 | statement { ";" statement }
96 | statement
97 | [ label ":" ] (simple-statement | structured-statement)
98 | simple-statement
99 | [ assignment-statement | procedure-statement | goto-statement ]
100 | assignment-statement
101 | (variable | function-identifier) ":=" expression
102 | procedure-statement
103 | procedure-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ]
104 | goto-statement
105 | goto label
106 | structured-statement
107 | compound-statement | repetitive-statement | conditional-statement | with-statement
108 | compound-statement
109 | begin statement-sequence end
110 | repetitive-statement
111 | while-statement | repeat-statement | for-statement
112 | while-statement
113 | while expression do statement
114 | repeat-statement
115 | repeat statement-sequence until expression
116 | for-statement
117 | for variable-identifier ":=" initial-expression (to | downto) final-expression do statement
118 | initial-expression
119 | expression
120 | final-expression
121 | expression
122 | conditional-statement
123 | if-statement | case-statement
124 | if-statement
125 | if expression then statement [ else statement ]
126 | case-statement
127 | case expression of
128 | case-limb { ";" case-limb } [ ";" ]
129 | end
130 | case-limb
131 | case-label-list ":" statement
132 | case-label-list
133 | constant { "," constant }
134 | with-statement
135 | with record-variable { "," record-variable } do statement
136 | actual-parameter-list
137 | "(" actual-parameter { "," actual-parameter } ")"
138 | actual-parameter
139 | actual-value | actual-variable | actual-procedure | actual-function
140 | actual-value
141 | expression
142 | actual-procedure
143 | procedure-identifier
144 | actual-function
145 | function-identifier
146 |
147 | ; Expressions
148 |
149 | expression
150 | simple-expression [ relational-operator simple-expression ]
151 | simple-expression
152 | [ sign ] term { addition-operator term }
153 | term
154 | factor { multiplication-operator factor }
155 | factor
156 | variable | number | string | set | nil | constant-identifier | bound-identifier | function-designator | "(" expression ")" | not factor
157 | relational-operator
158 | "=" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "in"
159 | addition-operator
160 | "+" | "-" | or
161 | multiplication-operator
162 | "*" | "/" | div | mod | and
163 | variable
164 | entire-variable | component-variable | referenced-variable
165 | entire-variable
166 | variable-identifier | field-identifier
167 | component-variable
168 | indexed-variable | field-designator | file-buffer
169 | indexed-variable
170 | array-variable "[ " expression-list " ]"
171 | field-designator
172 | record-variable "." field-identifier
173 | set
174 | "[ " element-list " ]"
175 | element-list
176 | [ expression { "," expression } ]
177 | function-designator
178 | function-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ]
179 | file-buffer
180 | file-variable "^"
181 |
182 | ; Types
183 |
184 | type
185 | simple-type | structured-type | pointer-type | type-identifier
186 | simple-type
187 | subrange-type | enumerated-type
188 | enumerated-type
189 | "(" identifier-list ")"
190 | subrange-type
191 | lower-bound ".." upper-bound
192 | lower-bound
193 | constant
194 | upper-bound
195 | constant
196 | structured-type
197 | [ packed ] unpacked-structured-type
198 | unpacked-structured-type
199 | array-type | record-type | set-type | file-type
200 | array-type
201 | array "[ " index-type { "," index-type } " ]" of element-type
202 | index-type
203 | simple-type
204 | element-type
205 | type
206 | record-type
207 | record field-list end
208 | set-type
209 | set of base-type
210 | base-type
211 | type
212 | file-type
213 | file of file-component-type
214 | file-component-type
215 | type
216 | pointer-type
217 | "^" type-identifier
218 |
219 | ; Record Fields
220 |
221 | field-list
222 | [ (fixed-part [ ";" variant-part ] | variant-part) [ ";" ] ]
223 | fixed-part
224 | record-section { ";" record-section }
225 | record-section
226 | identifier-list ":" type
227 | variant-part
228 | case tag-field type-identifier of variant { ";" variant }
229 | tag-field
230 | [ identifier ":" ]
231 | variant
232 | case-label-list ":" "(" field-list ")"
233 |
234 | ; Input/Output
235 |
236 | output-list
237 | output-value { "," output-value }
238 | output-value
239 | expression [ ";" field-width [ ":" fraction-length ] ]
240 | field-width
241 | expression
242 | fraction-length
243 | expression
244 |
245 | ; Variable and Identifier Categories
246 |
247 | identifier
248 | letter { letter | digit }
249 | file-variable
250 | variable
251 | referenced-variable
252 | pointer-variable "^"
253 | record-variable
254 | variable
255 | pointer-variable
256 | variable
257 | actual-variable
258 | variable
259 | array-variable
260 | variable
261 | field-identifier
262 | identifier
263 | constant-identifier
264 | identifier
265 | variable-identifier
266 | identifier
267 | type-identifier
268 | identifier
269 | procedure-identifier
270 | identifier
271 | function-identifier
272 | identifier
273 | bound-identifier
274 | identifier
275 |
276 | ; Low Level Definitions
277 |
278 | variable-list
279 | variable { "," variable }
280 | identifier-list
281 | identifier { "," identifier }
282 | expression-list
283 | expression { "," expression }
284 | number
285 | integer-number | real-number
286 | integer-number
287 | digit-sequence
288 | real-number
289 | digit-sequence "." [ digit-sequence ] [ scale-factor ] |
290 | digit-sequence scale-factor
291 | scale-factor
292 | ("E" | "e") [ sign ] digit-sequence
293 | unsigned-digit-sequence
294 | digit { digit }
295 | digit-sequence
296 | [ sign ] unsigned-digit-sequence
297 | sign
298 | "+" | "-"
299 | letter
300 | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z"
301 | digit
302 | "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
303 | string
304 | "'" string-character { string-character } "'"
305 | string-character
306 | any-character-except-quote | "''"
307 | label
308 | integer-number
309 | constant
310 | [ sign ] (constant-identifier | number) | string