1 | unit USyntaxHighlight;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls;
8 |
9 |
10 | type
11 | TRuleIndex = (riNormal, riComment, riReservedWord, riNumber, riString,
12 | riPreprocessor, riAssembler);
13 |
14 | procedure ProcessHighlight(var RichEdit: TRichEdit);
15 |
16 | var
17 | Rules: array[TRuleIndex] of TFont;
18 |
19 | implementation
20 |
21 | function IsAlfanumeric(Character: Char): Boolean;
22 | begin
23 | Result := ((Ord(UpperCase(Character)[1]) >= Ord('A')) and (Ord(UpperCase(Character)[1]) <= Ord('Z')))
24 | or ((Ord(Character) >= Ord('0')) and (Ord(Character) <= Ord('9')));
25 | end;
26 |
27 | procedure ProcessHighlight(var RichEdit: TRichEdit);
28 | type
29 | TBlockState = (msNormalText, msString, msComment1, msComment2, msComment3,
30 | msComment4, msComment5, msComment6);
31 | var
32 | Lines: TStringList;
33 | I: Integer;
34 | II: Integer;
35 | BlockState: TBlockState;
36 | // LastMachineState: TBlockState;
37 | OneChar: Char;
38 | LastPosition: TPoint;
39 | const
40 | ReservedWordList: array[0..80] of string = ('asm', 'begin', 'end', 'procedure', 'function',
41 | 'program', 'while', 'do', 'type', 'var', 'const', 'property', 'object',
42 | 'class', 'constructor', 'destructor', 'virtual', 'abstract', 'override',
43 | 'overload', 'repeat', 'until', 'for', 'to', 'if', 'then', 'else', 'interface',
44 | 'unit', 'implementation', 'initialization', 'finalization', 'private',
45 | 'public', 'published', 'protected', 'absolute', 'default', 'finally', 'try',
46 | 'except', 'index', 'case', 'exports', 'and', 'or', 'xor', 'not', 'array',
47 | 'record', 'as', 'is', 'div', 'downto', 'goto', 'final', 'file', 'inherited',
48 | 'inline', 'label', 'library', 'mod', 'nil', 'of', 'out', 'in', 'packed',
49 | 'raise', 'resourcestring', 'sealed', 'set', 'shl', 'shr', 'static', 'string',
50 | 'threadvar', 'unsafe', 'uses', 'with', 'read', 'write');
51 | begin
52 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
53 | Lines.Assign(RichEdit.Lines);
54 | LastPosition := RichEdit.CaretPos;
55 | RichEdit.Lines.BeginUpdate;
56 | RichEdit.Lines.Clear;
57 | BlockState := msNormalText;
58 | I := 1;
59 | while (I < Length(Lines.Text)) do begin
60 | case BlockState of
61 | msNormalText: begin
62 | II := 0;
63 | while (II < Length(ReservedWordList)) do begin
64 | if (ReservedWordList[II] = Copy(Lines.Text, I,
65 | Length(ReservedWordList[II]))) and
66 | (not IsAlfanumeric(Lines.Text[I + Length(ReservedWordList[II])])) and
67 | (not IsAlfanumeric(Lines.Text[I - 1])) then begin
68 | Break;
69 | end;
70 | Inc(II);
71 | end;
72 | if II < Length(ReservedWordList) then begin
73 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riReservedWord]);
74 | RichEdit.SelText := ReservedWordList[II];
75 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
76 | Inc(I, Length(ReservedWordList[II]));
77 | end else begin
78 | if (Lines.Text[I] = '{') then begin
79 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riComment]);
80 | BlockState := msComment1;
81 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
82 | Inc(I, 1);
83 | end else
84 | if (Copy(Lines.Text, I, 2) = '(*') then begin
85 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riComment]);
86 | BlockState := msComment2;
87 | RichEdit.SelText := '(*';
88 | Inc(I, 2);
89 | end else
90 | if (Copy(Lines.Text, I, 2) = '//') then begin
91 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riComment]);
92 | BlockState := msComment3;
93 | RichEdit.SelText := '//';
94 | Inc(I, 2);
95 | end else
96 | if Lines.Text[I] = '''' then begin
97 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riString]);
98 | BlockState := msString;
99 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
100 | Inc(I, 1);
101 | end else begin
102 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
103 | Inc(I);
104 | end;
105 | end;
106 | end;
107 | msString: begin
108 | if Lines.Text[I] = '''' then begin
109 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
110 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
111 | Inc(I, 1);
112 | BlockState := msNormalText;
113 | end else begin
114 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
115 | Inc(I, 1);
116 | end;
117 | end;
118 | msComment1: begin
119 | if Lines.Text[I] = '}' then begin
120 | RichEdit.SelText := '}';
121 | Inc(I, 1);
122 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
123 | BlockState := msNormalText;
124 | end else begin
125 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
126 | Inc(I, 1);
127 | end;
128 | end;
129 | msComment2: begin
130 | if (Copy(Lines.Text, I, 2) = '*)') then begin
131 | BlockState := msNormalText;
132 | RichEdit.SelText := '*)';
133 | Inc(I, 2);
134 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
135 | end else begin
136 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
137 | Inc(I, 1);
138 | end;
139 | end;
140 | msComment3: begin
141 | if (Lines.Text[I] = #10) or (Lines.Text[I] = #13) then begin
142 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
143 | RichEdit.SelAttributes.Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
144 | BlockState := msNormalText;
145 | Inc(I, 2);
146 | end else begin
147 | RichEdit.SelText := Lines.Text[I];
148 | Inc(I, 1);
149 | end;
150 | end;
151 | end;
152 | end;
153 | RichEdit.Lines.EndUpdate;
154 | RichEdit.CaretPos := LastPosition;
155 | Lines.Free;
156 | end;
157 |
158 | initialization
159 |
160 | Rules[riNormal] := TFont.Create;
161 | with Rules[riNormal] do begin
162 | Name := 'Courier New';
163 | Size := 10;
164 | end;
165 | Rules[riComment] := TFont.Create;
166 | with Rules[riComment] do begin
167 | Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
168 | Color := clBlue;
169 | Style := [fsItalic];
170 | end;
171 | Rules[riString] := TFont.Create;
172 | with Rules[riString] do begin
173 | Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
174 | Color := clGreen;
175 | end;
176 | Rules[riNumber] := TFont.Create;
177 | with Rules[riNumber] do begin
178 | Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
179 | end;
180 | Rules[riAssembler] := TFont.Create;
181 | with Rules[riAssembler] do begin
182 | Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
183 | Color := clRed;
184 | end;
185 | Rules[riPreprocessor] := TFont.Create;
186 | with Rules[riPreprocessor] do begin
187 | Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
188 | Style := [fsItalic];
189 | end;
190 | Rules[riReservedWord] := TFont.Create;
191 | with Rules[riReservedWord] do begin
192 | Assign(Rules[riNormal]);
193 | Style := [fsBold];
194 | end;
195 |
196 | end.