Last change
on this file was 199, checked in by chronos, 5 years ago |
- Added: Virtual CPU with customizable bit width of data and address.
File size:
609 bytes
Line | |
1 | object FormMain: TFormMain
2 | Left = 617
3 | Height = 665
4 | Top = 269
5 | Width = 1041
6 | Caption = 'FormMain'
7 | ClientHeight = 665
8 | ClientWidth = 1041
9 | DesignTimePPI = 144
10 | OnShow = FormShow
11 | LCLVersion = ''
12 | object Memo1: TMemo
13 | Left = 26
14 | Height = 544
15 | Top = 80
16 | Width = 983
17 | Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
18 | OnKeyPress = FormKeyPress
19 | ReadOnly = True
20 | ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
21 | TabOrder = 0
22 | end
23 | object ButtonRun: TButton
24 | Left = 32
25 | Height = 38
26 | Top = 17
27 | Width = 113
28 | Caption = 'Run'
29 | OnClick = ButtonRunClick
30 | TabOrder = 1
31 | end
32 | end
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