1 | unit FormHelp;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
7 |
8 | type
9 |
10 | { TFormHelp }
11 |
12 | TFormHelp = class(TForm)
13 | Memo1: TMemo;
14 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
15 | private
16 | Output: string;
17 | public
18 | procedure AddText(Text: string);
19 | procedure AddLine(Text: string = '');
20 | end;
21 |
22 |
23 | implementation
24 |
25 | {$R *.lfm}
26 |
27 | uses
28 | Instructions;
29 |
30 | { TFormHelp }
31 |
32 | procedure TFormHelp.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
33 | var
34 | InstructionSet: TInstructionSet;
35 | Instruction: TInstructionInfo;
36 | I: Integer;
37 | J: Integer;
38 | begin
39 | Output := '';
40 | InstructionSet := TInstructionSet.Create;
41 | AddLine('Registers:');
42 | AddLine('R0-R15: There are in total 16 registers available for general use.');
43 | AddLine('SP (Stack Pointer) - points to the top of stack. It grows downwards.');
44 | AddLine('IP (Instruction Pointer) - pointer to memory location where current executed instruction is located.');
45 | AddLine;
46 | AddLine('Instructions:');
47 | for I := 0 to InstructionSet.Items.Count - 1 do begin
48 | Instruction := InstructionSet.Items[I];
49 | AddText(Instruction.Name);
50 | for J := 0 to Length(Instruction.Params) - 1 do begin
51 | if J > 0 then AddText(', ') else AddText(' ');
52 | if Instruction.Params[J] = ptNumber then AddText('n')
53 | else if Instruction.Params[J] = ptReg then AddText('R');
54 | end;
55 | AddLine;
56 | AddLine(Instruction.Description);
57 | AddLine;
58 | end;
59 |
60 | InstructionSet.Free;
61 | Memo1.Text := Output;
62 | end;
63 |
64 | procedure TFormHelp.AddText(Text: string);
65 | begin
66 | Output := Output + Text;
67 | end;
68 |
69 | procedure TFormHelp.AddLine(Text: string = '');
70 | begin
71 | AddText(Text + LineEnding);
72 | end;
73 |
74 | end.
75 |