1 | program= program_heading block '.' .
2 | identifier_list= NAME { ',' NAME } .
3 | program_heading= PROGRAM NAME '(' identifier_list ')' ';' .
4 |
5 | block= declaration_part statement_part .
6 |
7 | constant= [ '+' | '-' ] ( CONSTANT_NAME | NUMBER ) | STRING .
8 |
9 | type= simple_type | structured_type | TYPE_NAME .
10 | simple_type= constant '..' constant.
11 | structured_type= array_type | record_type .
12 | array_type= ARRAY '[' index_type { ',' index_type } ']' OF
13 | element_type .
14 | index_type= simple_type .
15 | element_type= type .
16 | record_type= RECORD field_list END .
17 | field_list= record_section { ';' record_section } .
18 | record_section= identifier_list ':' type .
19 |
20 | declaration_part= [ constant_definition_part ]
21 | [ type_definition_part ] [ variable_declaration_part ]
22 | procedure_and_function_declaration_part .
23 | constant_definition_part= CONST constant_definition ';'
24 | { constant_definition ';' } .
25 | constant_definition= NAME '=' constant .
26 | type_definition_part= TYPE type_definition ';' { type_definition ';' } .
27 | type_definition= NAME '=' type .
28 | variable_declaration_part= VAR variable_declaration ';'
29 | { variable_declaration ';' } .
30 | variable_declaration= identifier_list ':' type .
31 | procedure_and_function_declaration_part=
32 | { ( procedure_declaration | function_declaration ) ';' } .
33 | formal_parameter_list= '(' formal_parameter_section
34 | { ';' formal_parameter_section } ')' .
35 | formal_parameter_section= [ VAR ]identifier_list ':' parameter_type .
36 | parameter_type= TYPE_NAME .
37 | procedure_heading= PROCEDURE NAME [ formal_parameter_list ] .
38 | function_heading= FUNCTION NAME [ formal_parameter_list ] ':' result_type .
39 | result_type= TYPE_NAME .
40 |
41 | procedure_declaration= procedure_heading ';' block.
42 | function_declaration= function_heading ';' block .
43 |
44 | statement_part= BEGIN statement_sequence END .
45 | statement_sequence= statement { ';' statement } .
46 |
47 | expression= F .
48 | expression_list= expression { ',' expression } .
49 |
50 | variable_access= ACCESS_NAME { end_access } .
51 | end_access= { array_access | record_access | function_parameters } .
52 | array_access= '[' expression_list ']' .
53 | record_access= '.' variable_access .
54 | function_parameters= '(' [ expression_list ] ')' .
55 |
56 | actual_parameter_list= '(' expression { ',' expression } ')' .
57 |
58 | expression= simple_expression [ relational_operator simple_expression ] .
59 | relational_operator= '=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' .
60 | simple_expression= [ '+' | '-' ] term { addition_operator term } .
61 | addition_operator= '+' | '-' | OR .
62 | term= factor { multiplication_operator factor } .
63 | multiplication_operator= '*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND .
65 | | variable_access | function_designator
66 | | '(' expression ')' | NOT factor .
67 | function_designator= FUNCTION_NAME [ actual_parameter_list ] .
68 |
69 | statement= ( simple_statement | structured_statement ) .
70 | simple_statement= [ assignment_statement | procedure_statement ] .
71 | assignment_statement= ( variable_access | FUNCTION_NAME ) ':=' expression .
72 | procedure_statement= PROCEDURE_NAME [ actual_parameter_list ] .
73 | structured_statement= compound_statement | repetitive_statement
74 | | conditional_statement .
75 | compound_statement= BEGIN statement_sequence END .
76 | repetitive_statement= while_statement | repeat_statement
77 | | for_statement .
78 | while_statement= WHILE expression DO statement .
79 | repeat_statement= REPEAT statement_sequence UNTIL expression .
80 | for_statement= FOR VARIABLE_NAME ':=' initial_expression
81 | ( TO | DOWNTO ) final_expression DO statement .
82 | initial_expression= expression .
83 | final_expression= expression .
84 | conditional_statement= if_statement | case_statement .
85 | if_statement= IF expression THEN statement [ ELSE statement ] .
86 | case_statement= CASE expression OF
87 | case_element { ';' case_element } [ ';' ] END .
88 | case_element= case_label_list ':' statement .
89 | case_label_list= constant { ',' constant } .
90 | .