1 | start= program | unit | library | package .
2 |
3 | identifier_list= ID_NAME { ',' ID_NAME } .
4 | unit_qualified_identifier= ID_NAME { '.' ID_NAME } .
5 |
6 | type_name= TYPE_NAME | STRING | FILE .
7 | unit_qualified_type_name= type_name [ '.' type_name ] .
8 |
9 | function_result_type= type_name .
10 |
11 | constant_expression= F .
12 | string_expression= ( STRING_NAME | STRING_LITTERAL )
13 | { '+' ( STRING_NAME | STRING_LITTERAL ) } .
14 |
15 | variable_access= ( ACCESS_NAME | STRING ) { end_access_ } .
16 | end_access_= { array_access_ | record_access_ | '^' | function_parameters_ } .
17 | array_access_= '[' constant_expression { ',' constant_expression } ']' .
18 | record_access_= '.' variable_access .
19 | function_parameters_= '(' [ constant_expression { ',' constant_expression } ] ')' .
20 |
21 | set_factor= '[' [ set_element { ',' set_element } ] ']' .
22 | set_element= constant_expression [ '..' constant_expression ] .
23 |
24 | constant_expression= simple_expression__ [ ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN )
25 | simple_expression__ ] .
26 | simple_expression__= [ '+' | '-' ] term__ { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term__ } .
27 | term__= factor__ { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor__ } .
29 | | variable_access
30 | | NOT factor__ | '@' factor__ | set_factor
31 | | '^' NAME
32 | | '(' constant_expression ')'.
33 |
34 | typed_constant= simple_expression_ [ ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN )
35 | simple_expression_ ] .
36 | simple_expression_= [ '+' | '-' ] term_ { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term_ } .
37 | term_= factor_ { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor_ } .
39 | // -- id or field "(f1: v1; f2: v2)"
40 | | variable_access [ ':' typed_constant
41 | { ';' variable_access ':' typed_constant } ]
42 | | NOT factor_ | '@' factor_
43 | | '^' NAME
44 | | '(' [ typed_constant_] ')'
45 | | set_factor .
46 | // -- array "(1, 2, 3)" or "fn(p1, p2")
47 | typed_constant_= typed_constant { ',' typed_constant } .
48 |
49 | formal_parameters= '(' formal_parameter { ';' formal_parameter } ')' .
50 | formal_parameter= [ parameter | var_parameter
51 | | const_parameter | out_parameter | in_parameter ] .
52 | parameter_name_list= PARAMETER_NAME { ',' PARAMETER_NAME } .
53 | array_or_name_type= ARRAY OF ( CONST | unit_qualified_type_name )
54 | | unit_qualified_type_name .
55 | parameter= parameter_name_list ':' array_or_name_type
56 | ['=' constant_expression ] .
57 | var_parameter= VAR parameter_name_list [ ':' array_or_name_type ] .
58 | const_parameter= CONST parameter_name_list
59 | [ ':' array_or_name_type ['=' constant_expression ] ] .
60 | out_parameter= OUT parameter_name_list [ ':' array_or_name_type ] .
61 | in_parameter= IN parameter .
62 |
63 | dos_directives= NEAR | FAR | EXPORT | ASSEMBLER .
64 | calling_directives= CDECL | PASCAL | REGISTER | SAFECALL | STDCALL .
65 | overload_directive= OVERLOAD .
66 | method_directives= ABSTRACT | VIRTUAL | DYNAMIC
67 | | OVERRIDE | REINTRODUCE | MESSAGE constant_expression .
68 |
69 | const_type_var_declarations= constant_definitions | resource_defintions
70 | | type_definitions | variable_declarations .
71 |
72 | type= keyed_types | type_0 .
73 | // -- called by i_type
74 | enumeration_type= '(' identifier_list ')' .
75 | expression_t= simple_expression_t
76 | [ ( ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN ) simple_expression_t
77 | | '..' end_range_type ) ] .
78 | simple_expression_t= [ '+' | '-' ] term_t { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term_t } .
79 | term_t= factor_t { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor_t } .
81 | | variable_access
82 | | NOT factor_t | '@' factor_t
83 | | '^' NAME
84 | | '(' expression_t ')'
85 | | set_factor .
86 | end_range_type= simple_expression_t .
87 | type_0= ( NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL | NIL | NOT | '+' | '-' | '@' | '(' | '[' | NAME )
88 | $i_type .
89 | keyed_types= string_type | structured_type | pointer_type | procedural_type .
90 | // -- handle STRING as array[index_type]
91 | string_type= STRING [ '[' constant_expression ']' ] .
92 | structured_type= [ PACKED ] ( array_type | record_type | set_type | file_type ) .
93 | array_type= ARRAY [ '[' index_type { ',' index_type } ']' ] OF type .
94 | index_type= constant_expression [ '..' constant_expression ] .
95 | record_type= RECORD field_list END .
96 | field_list= { common_field ';' } [ variant_fields ] .
97 | common_field= identifier_list ':' type .
98 | variant_fields= CASE tag OF cases { cases } .
99 | tag= VARIANT_TAG_NAME [ ':' unit_qualified_type_name ] .
100 | cases= constant_expression { ',' constant_expression }
101 | ':' one_case .
102 | one_case= '(' [ common_field { ';' [ ( common_field | variant_fields ) ] }
103 | | variant_fields ]
104 | ')' [ ';' ] .
105 | set_type= SET OF type .
106 | file_type= FILE [ OF type ] .
107 | pointer_type= '^' POINTED_NAME .
108 | procedural_type= ( PROCEDURE [ formal_parameters ]
109 | | FUNCTION [ formal_parameters ] ':' function_result_type )
110 | $<dir( [ OF OBJECT ] | i_procedural_type_directives ) $>dir .
111 | procedural_type_directives= calling_directives .
112 | i_procedural_type_directives= ( ';'
113 | | CDECL | PASCAL | REGISTER | SAFECALL | STDCALL ) $i_directives .
114 |
115 | constant_definitions= CONST constant_definition { constant_definition } .
116 | constant_definition= CONST_NAME [ ':' type ] '=' typed_constant ';' .
117 |
118 | resource_defintions= RESOURCESTRING resource_definition { resource_definition } .
119 | resource_definition= RESOURCE_NAME '=' string_expression ';' .
120 |
121 | type_definitions= TYPE type_definition { type_definition } .
122 | type_definition= TYPE_NAME '=' [ TYPE ] ( class_type | interface_type | type ) ';' .
123 |
124 | // -- used in INTERFACE also
125 | property= PROPERTY $>priv PROPERTY_NAME [ property_type ] property_specifiers .
126 | property_type= [ property_indexes ] ':' unit_qualified_type_name .
127 | property_indexes= '[' property_index { ';' property_index } ']' .
128 | property_index= [ CONST ] INDEX_NAME { ',' INDEX_NAME }
129 | ':' unit_qualified_type_name .
130 | property_specifiers= $<prop [ INDEX constant_expression ] $>prop
131 | // -- "READ FTabSize.Y"
132 | $<prop [ READ variable_access | READONLY ]
134 | // -- some params called "dispid"
135 | $<prop [ DISPID constant_expression ] [ ';' ] $>prop
136 | $<prop { storage_specifier [';' ] } $>prop
137 | [ IMPLEMENTS unit_qualified_identifier { ',' unit_qualified_identifier } ';' ] .
138 | storage_specifier= storage_stored | storage_default | storage_no_default .
139 | storage_stored= STORED [ constant_expression ] .
140 | storage_default= DEFAULT [ constant_expression ] .
141 | storage_no_default= NODEFAULT .
142 |
143 | // -- the ; is in the type_definitions
144 | class_type= CLASS [ class_reference | class_definition ] .
145 | class_reference= OF unit_qualified_type_name .
146 | // -- class_definition : can be foward with inheritance
147 | class_definition= [ inheritance ] [ class_body ] .
148 | inheritance= '(' unit_qualified_type_name { ',' unit_qualified_type_name } ')' .
149 | class_body= fields_and_procs_section { fields_and_procs_section } END .
150 | fields_and_procs_section= $<priv protection fields_and_procs $>priv .
151 | protection= [ PRIVATE | PROTECTED | PUBLIC | PUBLISHED ] .
152 | fields_and_procs= { class_field } { class_methods | property $<priv } .
153 | class_field= identifier_list $>priv ':' type ';' $<priv .
154 | class_methods= constructor | destructor |
155 | [ CLASS ] ( class_procedure | class_function ) .
156 | method_directives_= $<dir
157 | { (method_directives | overload_directive | calling_directives)
158 | [ ';'] } $>dir .
159 | // -- if interfaces : "FUNCTION i_xxx.yyy = zzz;"
160 | rename_method= '.' NAME '=' NAME ';' .
161 | constructor= CONSTRUCTOR $>priv PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';'
162 | method_directives_ $<priv .
163 | destructor= DESTRUCTOR $>priv PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';'
164 | method_directives_ $<priv .
165 | class_procedure= PROCEDURE $>priv PR_NAME
166 | ( rename_method | [ formal_parameters ] ';'
167 | method_directives_ ) $<priv .
168 | class_function= FUNCTION $>priv FN_NAME
169 | ( rename_method | [ formal_parameters ] ':' function_result_type ';'
170 | method_directives_ ) $<priv .
171 |
172 | interface_type= ( INTERFACE | DISPINTERFACE ) [ interface_definition ] .
173 | interface_definition= [ interface_heritage] [interface_g_u_i_d ]
174 | interface_member_list END .
175 | interface_heritage= '(' identifier_list ')' .
176 | interface_g_u_i_d= '[' string_expression ']' .
177 | interface_member_list= { class_procedure_ | class_function_ | property } .
178 | interface_directives_= $<dir
179 | { (method_directives | overload_directive | calling_directives | dispid )
180 | [ ';'] } $>dir .
181 | dispid= DISPID constant_expression .
182 | // -- redefinition "PROCEDURE x.y= z;" (axctrls)
183 | class_procedure_= ( PROCEDURE | CONSTRUCTOR | DESTRUCTOR )
184 | PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';' interface_directives_ .
185 | class_function_= FUNCTION FN_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ':' function_result_type ';'
186 | interface_directives_ .
187 |
188 | variable_declarations= (THREADVAR | VAR) variable_declaration { variable_declaration } .
189 | // -- has separated in 2 because of initialization
190 | // -- absolute can be after a list, but not with initialization
191 | variable_declaration= ID_NAME
192 | ( ':' type [ '=' typed_constant | absolute ] ';'
193 | | { ',' ID_NAME } ':' type [ absolute ] ';' ) .
194 | absolute= ABSOLUTE OTHER_VAR_NAME .
195 |
196 | // -- code
197 |
198 | expression= simple_expression [ ('=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | IN | IS )
199 | simple_expression ] .
200 | simple_expression= [ '+' | '-' ] term { ('+' | '-' | OR | XOR ) term } .
201 | term= factor { ('*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND | SHR | SHL ) factor } .
202 | // -- called by $i_access_or_expression
203 | // -- can be empty if fn call "fn()"
204 | parenthized_expression= '(' [ expression { ',' expression } ] ')' .
206 | | NOT factor | '@' factor | INHERITED [ factor ]
207 | | '^' NAME
208 | | set_factor
209 | // -- x= (Sender AS tButton).Caption
210 | // -- the AS is only for the level 0
211 | | ( NAME | STRING ) { parenthized_expression | end_access }
212 | | parenthized_expression { end_access } .
213 | end_access= { array_access | record_access | '^' | as_access } .
214 | array_access= '[' expression { ',' expression } ']' .
215 | record_access= '.' expression .
216 | as_access= AS NAME .
217 |
218 | // -- instructions
219 |
220 | asm= ASM { asm_statement } END .
221 | // -- for pasting in i_asm
222 | asm_statement_= { NAME | NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL
223 | | '[' | ']' | '.' | ','
224 | | ':'
225 | | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
226 | | NOT | AND | OR | XOR | SHR | SHL | DIV } .
227 | label_= '@' [ '@'] ( ALL_NAME | NUMBER ) .
228 |
229 | asm_statement= ( NAME | NUMBER | STRING_LITTERAL
230 | | '[' | ']' | '.' | ','
231 | | '@'
232 | | ':'
233 | | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
234 | | NOT | AND | OR | XOR | SHR | SHL | DIV ) $i_asm .
235 |
236 | composed_instruction= F .
237 |
238 | // -- allows empty ";" instruction
239 | instruction_list= [ instruction ] { ';' [ instruction ] } .
240 | instruction= { assignment_or_call | structured_instruction } .
241 |
242 | // -- this covers "x[3].z:= u;" or "my_proc(3+ zz)";
243 | // -- acces or (pchar+ 1)^ := ...
244 | assignment_or_call= expression [ end_assignment ] .
245 | // -- "(Sender As tButton).Caption:= xxx"
246 | end_assignment= ':=' expression .
247 |
248 | structured_instruction= composed_instruction | test | repetition | with
249 | | try | inherited_call | raise_statement | asm .
250 | test= if | case .
251 | if= IF expression THEN instruction [ ELSE instruction ] .
252 | // -- D5: ';' after last instr or before ELSE optional !
253 | case= CASE expression OF case_element
254 | { ';' [ ELSE $NOREAD | END $NOREAD | case_element ] }
255 | [ ELSE instruction_list ] END .
256 | case_element= case_label ':' instruction .
257 | // -- a general constant constant_expression, but no set [],
258 | // -- unless in a function call
259 | case_label= constant_expression
260 | { ( ',' constant_expression | '..' constant_expression ) } .
261 | repetition= while | repeat | for .
262 | while= WHILE expression DO instruction .
263 | repeat= REPEAT instruction_list UNTIL expression .
264 | for= FOR unit_qualified_identifier ':=' expression [ TO | DOWNTO ]
265 | expression DO instruction .
266 | // -- "with xxx AS"
267 | with= WITH expression { ',' expression } DO instruction .
268 | try= TRY instruction_list
269 | ( EXCEPT except_block | FINALLY instruction_list ) END .
270 | except_block= on [ ELSE instruction_list ] | instruction_list .
271 | // -- can have "ON ezero DO ELSE xxx ;" or "ON xxx DO ;"
272 | on= handle_instruction { ';' [ handle_instruction ] } .
273 | exception_identifier= unit_qualified_identifier [ ':' unit_qualified_identifier ] .
274 | handle_instruction= ON exception_identifier DO [ instruction ';' ] .
275 |
276 | // -- "Inherited Items[Index]:= "
277 | inherited_call= INHERITED [ instruction ] .
278 | // inline_statement= INLINE '(' INTEGERCONST {'/' INTEGERCONST } ')' .
279 | raise_statement= $<at RAISE [ variable_access ] [ AT constant_expression ] $>at .
280 |
281 | composed_instruction= BEGIN instruction_list END .
282 |
283 | // -- bloc
284 | // -- VIRTUAL etc only in CLASS
285 |
286 | routine_header= class_methods_header | constructor_header | destructor_header
287 | | procedure_header | function_header .
288 | // -- methods have no directives in implementation
289 | class_methods_header= CLASS (class_procedure_method | class_function_method ) .
290 | class_procedure_method= PROCEDURE CLASS_NAME '.' PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';' .
291 | // -- repeating the result is optional
292 | class_function_method= FUNCTION CLASS_NAME [ '.' FN_NAME ]
293 | [ formal_parameters ] [ ':' function_result_type ] ';' .
294 | constructor_header= CONSTRUCTOR CLASS_NAME '.' PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';' .
295 | destructor_header= DESTRUCTOR CLASS_NAME '.' PR_NAME [ formal_parameters ] ';' .
296 | // -- always ; before directives (for procedural cdecl is without ? )
297 | code_procedure_directives= $<dir { (dos_directives
298 | | calling_directives | overload_directive)
299 | [ ';'] } $>dir .
300 | procedure_header= PROCEDURE
301 | CLASS_OR_PR_NAME [ '.' PR_NAME ] [ formal_parameters ] ';'
302 | code_procedure_directives .
303 | // -- for the functions, STDCALL does not require ; "fn xxx: yyy STDCALL;"
304 | function_header= FUNCTION CLASS_OR_FN_NAME [ '.' FN_NAME ]
305 | [ formal_parameters ] [ ':' function_result_type ]
306 | [ ';' ] code_procedure_directives [ ';' ] .
307 |
308 | bloc= F .
309 | main_declarations= const_type_var_declarations | procedure_declarations_and_body .
310 | procedure_declarations_and_body= { procedure_declaration } .
311 | procedure_declaration= routine_header
312 | $<dir ( FORWARD $>dir | EXTERNAL $>dir end_external | $>dir bloc ) ';' .
313 | // "procedure xxx; external;"
314 | // "procedure xxx; external 'xxx';"
315 | // "procedure xxx; external xxx;"
316 | // "procedure xxx; external xxx NAME 'MessageBoxA';"
317 | // "procedure xxx; external xxx 'MessageBoxA' INDEX 31;"
318 | end_external= [ constant_expression $<index [ index ] $>index ] '.' .
319 | index= INDEX constant_expression .
320 | bloc= { main_declarations } ( composed_instruction | asm ) .
321 |
322 | main_uses= USES uses_in { ',' uses_in } ';' .
323 | uses_in= UNIT_NAME [ IN constant_expression ] .
324 |
325 | // -- program / units / library / packages
326 |
327 | program= PROGRAM NAME ';' [ main_uses ] bloc '.' .
328 |
329 | unit= UNIT UNIT_NAME ';' unit_interface unit_implementation unit_end '.' .
330 | uses= USES identifier_list ';' .
331 | unit_interface= INTERFACE [ uses ] { const_type_var_declarations | routine_header } .
332 | unit_implementation= IMPLEMENTATION [ uses ] { main_declarations } .
333 | unit_end= ( BEGIN instruction_list | initialization ) END .
334 | initialization= [ INITIALIZATION instruction_list [ FINALIZATION instruction_list ]] .
335 |
336 | library= LIBRARY LIBRARY_NAME main_uses bloc '.' .
337 |
338 | package= PACKAGE PACKAGE_NAME ';'
339 | $<pack [ requires_clause ] [ contains_clause ] $>pack END '.' .
340 | requires_clause= REQUIRES REQUIRES_NAME {',' REQUIRES_NAME } ';' .
341 | contains_clause= CONTAINS contains_statement {',' contains_statement } ';' .
342 | contains_statement= CONTAINS_NAME [ IN constant_expression ] .
343 | .