Apr 17, 2019, 10:42:18 AM (5 years ago)
  • Modified: Updated Graphics32 library.
2 edited


  • GraphicTest/Packages/Graphics32

    • Property svn:ignore set to
  • GraphicTest/Packages/Graphics32/GR32.pas

    r450 r522  
    46   {$IFDEF FPC} LCLIntf, LCLType, Types, Controls, Graphics,{$ELSE}
    47   Windows, Messages, Controls, Graphics,{$ENDIF}
    48   Classes, SysUtils, GR32_System;
     46  {$IFDEF FPC} LCLIntf, LCLType, Types, {$ELSE}
     47  {$IFDEF COMPILERXE2_UP}UITypes, Types, {$ENDIF} Windows, {$ENDIF}
     48  Controls, Graphics, Classes, SysUtils;
    5050{ Version Control }
    53   Graphics32Version = '1.9.1';
     53  Graphics32Version = '2.0.0 alpha';
    5555{ 32-bit Color }
    6363  TArrayOfColor32 = array of TColor32;
    6566  TColor32Component = (ccBlue, ccGreen, ccRed, ccAlpha);
     68  TColor32Component = (ccRed, ccGreen, ccBlue, ccAlpha);
    6670  TColor32Components = set of TColor32Component;
    6973  TColor32Entry = packed record
    7074    case Integer of
    7176      0: (B, G, R, A: Byte);
     78      0: (R, G, B, A: Byte);
    7280      1: (ARGB: TColor32);
    7381      2: (Planes: array[0..3] of Byte);
    236244  // Some semi-transparent color constants
    237245  clTrWhite32             = TColor32($7FFFFFFF);
     246  clTrGray32              = TColor32($7F7F7F7F);
    238247  clTrBlack32             = TColor32($7F000000);
    239248  clTrRed32               = TColor32($7FFF0000);
    258267function AlphaComponent(Color32: TColor32): Integer; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    259268function Intensity(Color32: TColor32): Integer; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
     269function InvertColor(Color32: TColor32): TColor32; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    260270function SetAlpha(Color32: TColor32; NewAlpha: Integer): TColor32; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
     271procedure ModifyAlpha(var Color32: TColor32; NewAlpha: Byte); {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
     272procedure ScaleAlpha(var Color32: TColor32; Scale: Single); {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    262274// Color space conversion
    263275function HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: Single): TColor32; overload;
    264276procedure RGBtoHSL(RGB: TColor32; out H, S, L : Single); overload;
    265 function HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: Integer): TColor32; overload;
     277function HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: Integer; A: Integer = $ff): TColor32; overload;
    266278procedure RGBtoHSL(RGB: TColor32; out H, S, L: Byte); overload;
     279function HSVtoRGB(H, S, V: Single): TColor32;
     280procedure RGBToHSV(Color: TColor32; out H, S, V: Single);
    277291  PFixed = ^TFixed;
    278292  TFixed = type Integer;
     293  {$NODEFINE TFixed}
     295  {$NODEFINE PFixedRec}
    280296  PFixedRec = ^TFixedRec;
     297  {$NODEFINE TFixedRec}
    281298  TFixedRec = packed record
    282299    case Integer of
    315332  TArrayOfArrayOfInteger = array of TArrayOfInteger;
     334  PCardinalArray = ^TCardinalArray;
     335  TCardinalArray = array [0..0] of Cardinal;
     336  PArrayOfCardinal = ^TArrayOfCardinal;
     337  TArrayOfCardinal = array of Cardinal;
     338  PArrayOfArrayOfCardinal = ^TArrayOfArrayOfCardinal;
     339  TArrayOfArrayOfCardinal = array of TArrayOfCardinal;
    317341  PSingleArray = ^TSingleArray;
    318342  TSingleArray = array [0..0] of Single;
    330354  FixedHalf = $7FFF;
    331355  FixedPI  = Round(PI * FixedOne);
    332   FixedToFloat = 1/FixedOne;
     356  FixedToFloat = 1 / FixedOne;
     358  COne255th = 1 / $FF;
    334360function Fixed(S: Single): TFixed; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    355381  TFloatPoint = record
    356382    X, Y: TFloat;
     384  public
     385    {$IFNDEF FPC}
     386    {$IFDEF COMPILERXE2_UP}
     387    constructor Create(P: TPointF); overload;
     388    {$ENDIF}
     389    constructor Create(P: TPoint); overload;
     390    constructor Create(X, Y: Integer); overload;
     391    constructor Create(X, Y: Single); overload;
     392    {$ENDIF}
     394    // operator overloads
     395    class operator Equal(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): Boolean;
     396    class operator NotEqual(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): Boolean;
     397    class operator Add(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): TFloatPoint;
     398    class operator Subtract(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): TFloatPoint;
     399    {$IFDEF COMPILERXE2_UP}
     400    class operator Explicit(A: TPointF): TFloatPoint;
     401    class operator Implicit(A: TPointF): TFloatPoint;
     402    {$ENDIF}
     404    class function Zero: TFloatPoint; inline; static;
     405  {$ENDIF}
    357406  end;
    367416  TFixedPoint = record
    368417    X, Y: TFixed;
    369   end;
     419  public
     420    {$IFNDEF FPC}
     421    {$IFDEF COMPILERXE2_UP}
     422    constructor Create(P: TPointF); overload;
     423    {$ENDIF}
     424    constructor Create(P: TFloatPoint); overload;
     425    constructor Create(X, Y: TFixed); overload;
     426    constructor Create(X, Y: Integer); overload;
     427    constructor Create(X, Y: TFloat); overload;
     428    {$ENDIF}
     430    // operator overloads
     431    class operator Equal(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): Boolean;
     432    class operator NotEqual(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): Boolean;
     433    class operator Add(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): TFixedPoint;
     434    class operator Subtract(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): TFixedPoint;
     436    class function Zero: TFixedPoint; inline; static;
     437  {$ENDIF}
     438  end;
     439  {$NODEFINE TFixedPoint}
    371441  PFixedPointArray = ^TFixedPointArray;
    398468  PFloatRect = ^TFloatRect;
     469  {$NODEFINE TFloatRect}
     470{$IFDEF SupportsBoost}
     471  (*$HPPEMIT '#include <boost/strong_typedef.hpp>'*)
     473  (*$HPPEMIT 'namespace Gr32 {'*)
     474{$IFDEF SupportsBoost}
     475  (*$HPPEMIT 'BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(int, TFixed)'*)
     477  (*$HPPEMIT 'typedef int TFixed;'*)
     479  (*$HPPEMIT 'struct TFixedPoint { float X, Y; }; typedef struct TFixedPoint TFixedPoint;'*)
     480  (*$HPPEMIT 'struct TFloatRect { float Left, Top, Right, Bottom; }; typedef struct TFloatRect TFloatRect;'*)
     481  (*$HPPEMIT 'struct TFixedRect { TFixed Left, Top, Right, Bottom; }; typedef struct TFixedRect TFixedRect;'*)
     482  (*$HPPEMIT '} // namespace Gr32 '*)
    399483  TFloatRect = packed record
    400484    case Integer of
    403487  end;
     489  {$NODEFINE PFixedRect}
    405490  PFixedRect = ^TFixedRect;
     491  {$NODEFINE TFixedRect}
    406492  TFixedRect = packed record
    407493    case Integer of
    417503function MakeRect(const FXR: TFixedRect; Rounding: TRectRounding = rrClosest): TRect; overload;
    418504function FixedRect(const L, T, R, B: TFixed): TFixedRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
     505function FixedRect(const TopLeft, BottomRight: TFixedPoint): TFixedRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    419506function FixedRect(const ARect: TRect): TFixedRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    420507function FixedRect(const FR: TFloatRect): TFixedRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    421508function FloatRect(const L, T, R, B: TFloat): TFloatRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
     509function FloatRect(const TopLeft, BottomRight: TFloatPoint): TFloatRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    422510function FloatRect(const ARect: TRect): TFloatRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    423511function FloatRect(const FXR: TFixedRect): TFloatRect; overload; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    460 { Gamma bias for line/pixel antialiasing }
    462 var
    463   GAMMA_TABLE: array [Byte] of Byte;
    465 procedure SetGamma(Gamma: Single = 0.7);
    468549  { TPlainInterfacedPersistent }
    475556  protected
    476557    { IInterface }
    477     function _AddRef: Integer; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
    478     function _Release: Integer; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
    479     function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF}IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
     559    function QueryInterface(constref iid: TGuid; out obj): HResult; {$IFDEF WINDOWS}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
     560    function _AddRef: LongInt; {$IFDEF WINDOWS}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
     561    function _Release: LongInt; {$IFDEF WINDOWS}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
     563    function QueryInterface(const iid: TGuid; out obj): HResult; stdcall;
     564    function _AddRef: LongInt; stdcall;
     565    function _Release: LongInt; stdcall;
    481567    property RefCounted: Boolean read FRefCounted write FRefCounted;
    482568  public
    535621    procedure ChangeSize(var Width, Height: Integer; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer); virtual;
    536622  public
     623    constructor Create(Width, Height: Integer); reintroduce; overload;
    537625    procedure Delete; virtual;
    538626    function  Empty: Boolean; virtual;
    540628    function SetSizeFrom(Source: TPersistent): Boolean;
    541629    function SetSize(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
    542631    property Height: Integer read FHeight write SetHeight;
    543632    property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth;
    603692{$IFDEF BITS_GETTER}
    604     function GetBits: PColor32Array;     {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
     693    function GetBits: PColor32Array; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    618707    procedure SetResampler(Resampler: TCustomResampler);
    619708    function GetResamplerClassName: string;
    620     procedure SetResamplerClassName(Value: string);
     709    procedure SetResamplerClassName(const Value: string);
     710    function GetPenPos: TPoint;
     711    procedure SetPenPos(const Value: TPoint);
     712    function GetPenPosF: TFixedPoint;
     713    procedure SetPenPosF(const Value: TFixedPoint);
    621714  protected
    622715    WrapProcHorz: TWrapProcEx;
    638731    procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
    640     procedure InitializeBackend; virtual;
     733    procedure InitializeBackend(Backend: TCustomBackendClass); virtual;
    641734    procedure FinalizeBackend; virtual;
    642735    procedure SetBackend(const Backend: TCustomBackend); virtual;
    644     function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; override;
     738    function QueryInterface(constref iid: TGuid; out obj): HResult; {$IFDEF WINDOWS}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
     740    function QueryInterface(const iid: TGuid; out obj): HResult; stdcall;
    646743    function  GetPixel(X, Y: Integer): TColor32; {$IFDEF USEINLINING} inline; {$ENDIF}
    673770    procedure SetPixelXW(X, Y: TFixed; Value: TColor32);
    674771  public
    675     constructor Create; override;
     772    constructor Create(Backend: TCustomBackendClass); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
     773    constructor Create; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
     774    constructor Create(Width, Height: Integer); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
    676775    destructor Destroy; override;
     777    class function GetPlatformBackendClass: TCustomBackendClass; virtual;
    678779    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
    714815    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32); overload;
     816    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer); overload;
    715817    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer; const SrcRect: TRect); overload;
    716     procedure DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer); overload;
    717818    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; const DstRect: TRect); overload;
    718819    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
    765866    procedure LineToXSP(X, Y: TFixed);
    766867    procedure LineToFSP(X, Y: Single);
     868    property PenPos: TPoint read GetPenPos write SetPenPos;
     869    property PenPosF: TFixedPoint read GetPenPosF write SetPenPosF;
    768871    procedure FillRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; Value: TColor32);
    840943  private
    841944    FOnHandleChanged: TNotifyEvent;
    843946    procedure BackendChangedHandler(Sender: TObject); override;
    844947    procedure BackendChangingHandler(Sender: TObject); override;
    855958    procedure SetFont(Value: TFont);
    856959  protected
    857     procedure InitializeBackend; override;
    858960    procedure FinalizeBackend; override;
    859961    procedure SetBackend(const Backend: TCustomBackend); override;
    861963    procedure HandleChanged; virtual;
    862964    procedure CopyPropertiesTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32); override;
    863965  public
     966    class function GetPlatformBackendClass: TCustomBackendClass; override;
    864968  {$IFDEF BCB}
    865969    procedure Draw(const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect; hSrc: Cardinal); overload;
    871975    procedure DrawTo(hDst: Cardinal; DstX, DstY: Integer); overload;
    872976    procedure DrawTo(hDst: Cardinal; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
    873     procedure TileTo(hDst: Cardinal; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect);
     977    procedure TileTo(hDst: Cardinal; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
    875     procedure DrawTo(hDst: HDC; DstX, DstY: Integer); overload;
     979    procedure DrawTo(hDst: HDC; DstX: Integer = 0; DstY: Integer = 0); overload;
    876980    procedure DrawTo(hDst: HDC; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
    877     procedure TileTo(hDst: HDC; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect);
     981    procedure TileTo(hDst: HDC; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
     984{$IFDEF COMPILER2009_UP}
     985    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TControlCanvas; DstX: Integer = 0; DstY: Integer = 0); overload;
     986    procedure DrawTo(Dst: TControlCanvas; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
     987    procedure TileTo(Dst: TControlCanvas; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;
    880990    procedure UpdateFont;
    881     procedure Textout(X, Y: Integer; const Text: String); overload;
    882     procedure Textout(X, Y: Integer; const ClipRect: TRect; const Text: String); overload;
    883     procedure Textout(DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: String); overload;
    884     function  TextExtent(const Text: String): TSize;
    885     function  TextHeight(const Text: String): Integer;
    886     function  TextWidth(const Text: String): Integer;
    887     procedure RenderText(X, Y: Integer; const Text: String; AALevel: Integer; Color: TColor32);
     991    procedure Textout(X, Y: Integer; const Text: string); overload;
     992    procedure Textout(X, Y: Integer; const ClipRect: TRect; const Text: string); overload;
     993    procedure Textout(var DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: string); overload;
     994    function  TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize;
     995    function  TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer;
     996    function  TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer;
     997    procedure RenderText(X, Y: Integer; const Text: string; AALevel: Integer; Color: TColor32);
    888998    procedure TextoutW(X, Y: Integer; const Text: Widestring); overload;
    889999    procedure TextoutW(X, Y: Integer; const ClipRect: TRect; const Text: Widestring); overload;
    890     procedure TextoutW(DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: Widestring); overload;
     1000    procedure TextoutW(var DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: Widestring); overload;
    8911001    function  TextExtentW(const Text: Widestring): TSize;
    8921002    function  TextHeightW(const Text: Widestring): Integer;
    9361046    function Empty: Boolean; virtual;
    938     procedure ChangeSize(var Width, Height: Integer; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; ClearBuffer: Boolean = True); virtual;
     1048    procedure ChangeSize(out Width, Height: Integer; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; ClearBuffer: Boolean = True); virtual;
    9401050{$IFDEF BITS_GETTER}
    9921102  TCustomResamplerClass = class of TCustomResampler;
    994 function GetPlatformBackendClass: TCustomBackendClass;
    9971105  StockBitmap: TBitmap;
     1108  RCStrUnmatchedReferenceCounting = 'Unmatched reference counting.';
     1109  RCStrCannotSetSize = 'Can''t set size from ''%s''';
     1110  RCStrInpropriateBackend = 'Inappropriate Backend';
    1002   Math, GR32_Blend, GR32_Filters, GR32_LowLevel, GR32_Math,
    1003   GR32_Resamplers, GR32_Containers, GR32_Backends, GR32_Backends_Generic,
     1115  Math, GR32_Blend, GR32_LowLevel, GR32_Math, GR32_Resamplers,
     1116  GR32_Containers, GR32_Gamma, GR32_Backends, GR32_Backends_Generic,
    10041117{$IFDEF FPC}
    10051118  Clipbrd,
    10191132  Clipbrd, GR32_Backends_VCL,
    1021   GR32_DrawingEx;
     1134  GR32_VectorUtils;
    10461159  ZERO_RECT: TRect = (Left: 0; Top: 0; Right: 0; Bottom: 0);
    1048 resourcestring
    1049   RCStrUnmatchedReferenceCounting = 'Unmatched reference counting.';
    1050   RCStrCannotSetSize = 'Can''t set size from ''%s''';
    1051   RCStrInpropriateBackend = 'Inpropriate Backend';
    10531161{ Color construction and conversion functions }
    11291237        // the alpha channel byte is set to zero!
    1130         ROL     EAX, 8  // ABGR  ->  BGRA
     1238        ROL     EAX, 8  // ABGR  ->  RGBA
    11311239        XOR     AL, AL  // BGRA  ->  BGR0
    11321240        BSWAP   EAX     // BGR0  ->  0RGB
     1309function InvertColor(Color32: TColor32): TColor32;
     1311  TColor32Entry(Result).R := $FF - TColor32Entry(Color32).R;
     1312  TColor32Entry(Result).G := $FF - TColor32Entry(Color32).G;
     1313  TColor32Entry(Result).B := $FF - TColor32Entry(Color32).B;
     1314  TColor32Entry(Result).A := TColor32Entry(Color32).A;
    12011317function SetAlpha(Color32: TColor32; NewAlpha: Integer): TColor32;
    1203   if NewAlpha < 0 then NewAlpha := 0
    1204   else if NewAlpha > 255 then NewAlpha := 255;
     1319  if NewAlpha < 0 then
     1320    NewAlpha := 0
     1321  else if NewAlpha > $FF then
     1322    NewAlpha := $FF;
    12051323  Result := (Color32 and $00FFFFFF) or (TColor32(NewAlpha) shl 24);
     1326procedure ModifyAlpha(var Color32: TColor32; NewAlpha: Byte);
     1328  TColor32Entry(Color32).A := NewAlpha;
     1331procedure ScaleAlpha(var Color32: TColor32; Scale: Single);
     1333  TColor32Entry(Color32).A := Round(Scale * TColor32Entry(Color32).A);
    12141342  M1, M2: Single;
    1215   R, G, B: Byte;
    12171344  function HueToColor(Hue: Single): Byte;
    12201347  begin
    12211348    Hue := Hue - Floor(Hue);
    1222     if 6 * Hue < 1 then V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * Hue * 6
    1223     else if 2 * Hue < 1 then V := M2
    1224     else if 3 * Hue < 2 then V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * (2 * OneOverThree - Hue) * 6
     1349    if 6 * Hue < 1 then
     1350      V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * Hue * 6
     1351    else if 2 * Hue < 1 then
     1352      V := M2
     1353    else if 3 * Hue < 2 then
     1354      V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * (2 * OneOverThree - Hue) * 6
    12251355    else V := M1;
    1226     Result := Round(255 * V);
     1356    Result := Round($FF * V);
    12271357  end;
    12301360  if S = 0 then
    12311361  begin
    1232     R := Round(255 * L);
    1233     G := R;
    1234     B := R;
    1235   end
     1362    Result := Gray32(Round($FF * L));
     1363    Exit;
     1364  end;
     1366  if L <= 0.5 then
     1367    M2 := L * (1 + S)
    12361368  else
    1237   begin
    1238     if L <= 0.5 then M2 := L * (1 + S)
    1239     else M2 := L + S - L * S;
    1240     M1 := 2 * L - M2;
    1241     R := HueToColor(H + OneOverThree);
    1242     G := HueToColor(H);
    1243     B := HueToColor(H - OneOverThree)
    1244   end;
    1245   Result := Color32(R, G, B);
     1369    M2 := L + S - L * S;
     1370  M1 := 2 * L - M2;
     1371  Result := Color32(
     1372    HueToColor(H + OneOverThree),
     1373    HueToColor(H),
     1374    HueToColor(H - OneOverThree));
    12501379  // reciprocal mul. opt.
    1251   R255 = 1 / 255;
    12521380  R6 = 1 / 6;
    12551383  R, G, B, D, Cmax, Cmin: Single;
    1257   R := RedComponent(RGB) * R255;
    1258   G := GreenComponent(RGB) * R255;
    1259   B := BlueComponent(RGB) * R255;
     1385  R := RedComponent(RGB) * COne255th;
     1386  G := GreenComponent(RGB) * COne255th;
     1387  B := BlueComponent(RGB) * COne255th;
    12601388  Cmax := Max(R, Max(G, B));
    12611389  Cmin := Min(R, Min(G, B));
    1290 function HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: Integer): TColor32;
     1418function HSLtoRGB(H, S, L, A: Integer): TColor32;
    12921420  V, M, M1, M2, VSF: Integer;
    13061434    M2 := V - VSF;
    13071435    case H shr 8 of
    1308       0: Result := Color32(V, M1, M);
    1309       1: Result := Color32(M2, V, M);
    1310       2: Result := Color32(M, V, M1);
    1311       3: Result := Color32(M, M2, V);
    1312       4: Result := Color32(M1, M, V);
    1313       5: Result := Color32(V, M, M2);
     1436      0: Result := Color32(V, M1, M, A);
     1437      1: Result := Color32(M2, V, M, A);
     1438      2: Result := Color32(M, V, M1, A);
     1439      3: Result := Color32(M, M2, V, A);
     1440      4: Result := Color32(M1, M, V, A);
     1441      5: Result := Color32(V, M, M2, A);
    13141442    else
    13151443      Result := 0;
    13371465  else
    13381466  begin
    1339     D := (Cmax - Cmin) * 255;
     1467    D := (Cmax - Cmin) * $FF;
    13401468    if L <= $7F then
    13411469      S := D div (Cmax + Cmin)
    13421470    else
    1343       S := D div (255 * 2 - Cmax - Cmin);
     1471      S := D div ($FF * 2 - Cmax - Cmin);
    13451473    D := D * 6;
    13461474    if R = Cmax then
    1347       HL := (G - B) * 255 * 255 div D
     1475      HL := (G - B) * $FF * $FF div D
    13481476    else if G = Cmax then
    1349       HL := 255 * 2 div 6 + (B - R) * 255 * 255 div D
     1477      HL := $FF * 2 div 6 + (B - R) * $FF * $FF div D
    13501478    else
    1351       HL := 255 * 4 div 6 + (R - G) * 255 * 255 div D;
    1353     if HL < 0 then HL := HL + 255 * 2;
     1479      HL := $FF * 4 div 6 + (R - G) * $FF * $FF div D;
     1481    if HL < 0 then HL := HL + $FF * 2;
    13541482    H := HL;
     1483  end;
     1486function HSVtoRGB(H, S, V: Single): TColor32;
     1488  Tmp: TFloat;
     1489  Sel, Q, P: Integer;
     1491  V := 255 * V;
     1492  if S = 0 then
     1493  begin
     1494    Result := Gray32(Trunc(V));
     1495    Exit;
     1496  end; 
     1498  H := H - Floor(H);
     1499  Tmp := 6 * H - Floor(6 * H);
     1501  Sel := Trunc(6 * H);
     1502  if (Sel mod 2) = 0 then
     1503    Tmp := 1 - Tmp;
     1505  Q := Trunc(V * (1 - S));
     1506  P := Trunc(V * (1 - S * Tmp));
     1508  case Sel of
     1509    0:
     1510      Result := Color32(Trunc(V), P, Q);
     1511    1:
     1512      Result := Color32(P, Trunc(V), Q);
     1513    2:
     1514      Result := Color32(Q, Trunc(V), P);
     1515    3:
     1516      Result := Color32(Q, P, Trunc(V));
     1517    4:
     1518      Result := Color32(P, Q, Trunc(V));
     1519    5:
     1520      Result := Color32(Trunc(V), Q, P);
     1521  else
     1522    Result := Gray32(0);
     1523  end;
     1526procedure RGBToHSV(Color: TColor32; out H, S, V: Single);
     1528  Delta, Min, Max: Single;
     1529  R, G, B: Integer;
     1531  COneSixth = 1 / 6;
     1533  R := RedComponent(Color);
     1534  G := GreenComponent(Color);
     1535  B := BlueComponent(Color);
     1537  Min := MinIntValue([R, G, B]);
     1538  Max := MaxIntValue([R, G, B]);
     1539  V := Max / 255;
     1541  Delta := Max - Min;
     1542  if Max = 0 then
     1543    S := 0
     1544  else
     1545    S := Delta / Max;
     1547  if S = 0.0 then
     1548    H := 0
     1549  else
     1550  begin
     1551    if R = Max then
     1552      H := COneSixth * (G - B) / Delta
     1553    else if G = Max then
     1554      H := COneSixth * (2 + (B - R) / Delta)
     1555    else if B = Max then
     1556      H := COneSixth * (4 + (R - G) / Delta);
     1558    if H < 0.0 then
     1559      H := H + 1;
    13551560  end;
    13671572  L.palVersion := $300;
    13681573  L.palNumEntries := 256;
    1369   for I := 0 to 255 do
     1574  for I := 0 to $FF do
    13701575  begin
    13711576    Cl := P[I];
    13861591function Fixed(S: Single): TFixed;
    1388   Result := Round(S * 65536);
     1593  Result := Round(S * FixedOne);
    14291634function FloatPoint(const FXP: TFixedPoint): TFloatPoint;
    1430 const
    1431   F = 1 / 65536;
    14331636  with FXP do
    14341637  begin
    1435     Result.X := X * F;
    1436     Result.Y := Y * F;
    1437   end;
    1438 end;
     1638    Result.X := X * FixedToFloat;
     1639    Result.Y := Y * FixedToFloat;
     1640  end;
     1644{$IFNDEF FPC}
     1645constructor TFloatPoint.Create(P: TPoint);
     1647  Self.X := P.X;
     1648  Self.Y := P.Y;
     1652constructor TFloatPoint.Create(P: TPointF);
     1654  Self.X := P.X;
     1655  Self.Y := P.Y;
     1659constructor TFloatPoint.Create(X, Y: Integer);
     1661  Self.X := X;
     1662  Self.Y := Y;
     1665constructor TFloatPoint.Create(X, Y: TFloat);
     1667  Self.X := X;
     1668  Self.Y := Y;
     1672// operator overloads
     1673class operator TFloatPoint.Equal(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): Boolean;
     1675  Result := (Lhs.X = Rhs.X) and (Lhs.Y = Rhs.Y);
     1678class operator TFloatPoint.NotEqual(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): Boolean;
     1680  Result := (Lhs.X <> Rhs.X) or (Lhs.Y <> Rhs.Y);
     1683class operator TFloatPoint.Add(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): TFloatPoint;
     1685  Result.X := Lhs.X + Rhs.X;
     1686  Result.Y := Lhs.Y + Rhs.Y;
     1689class operator TFloatPoint.Subtract(const Lhs, Rhs: TFloatPoint): TFloatPoint;
     1691  Result.X := Lhs.X - Rhs.X;
     1692  Result.Y := Lhs.Y - Rhs.Y;
     1696class operator TFloatPoint.Explicit(A: TPointF): TFloatPoint;
     1698  Result.X := A.X;
     1699  Result.Y := A.Y;
     1702class operator TFloatPoint.Implicit(A: TPointF): TFloatPoint;
     1704  Result.X := A.X;
     1705  Result.Y := A.Y;
     1709class function TFloatPoint.Zero: TFloatPoint;
     1711  Result.X := 0;
     1712  Result.Y := 0;
     1715{$IFNDEF FPC}
     1717constructor TFixedPoint.Create(P: TPointF);
     1719  Self.X := Fixed(P.X);
     1720  Self.Y := Fixed(P.Y);
     1724constructor TFixedPoint.Create(P: TFloatPoint);
     1726  Self.X := Fixed(P.X);
     1727  Self.Y := Fixed(P.Y);
     1730constructor TFixedPoint.Create(X, Y: TFixed);
     1732  Self.X := X;
     1733  Self.Y := Y;
     1736constructor TFixedPoint.Create(X, Y: Integer);
     1738  Self.X := Fixed(X);
     1739  Self.Y := Fixed(Y);
     1742constructor TFixedPoint.Create(X, Y: TFloat);
     1744  Self.X := Fixed(X);
     1745  Self.Y := Fixed(Y);
     1749// operator overloads
     1750class operator TFixedPoint.Equal(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): Boolean;
     1752  Result := (Lhs.X = Rhs.X) and (Lhs.Y = Rhs.Y);
     1755class operator TFixedPoint.NotEqual(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): Boolean;
     1757  Result := (Lhs.X <> Rhs.X) or (Lhs.Y <> Rhs.Y);
     1760class operator TFixedPoint.Add(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): TFixedPoint;
     1762  Result.X := Lhs.X + Rhs.X;
     1763  Result.Y := Lhs.Y + Rhs.Y;
     1766class operator TFixedPoint.Subtract(const Lhs, Rhs: TFixedPoint): TFixedPoint;
     1768  Result.X := Lhs.X - Rhs.X;
     1769  Result.Y := Lhs.Y - Rhs.Y;
     1772class function TFixedPoint.Zero: TFixedPoint;
     1774  Result.X := 0;
     1775  Result.Y := 0;
    14401779function FixedPoint(X, Y: Integer): TFixedPoint; overload;
    14461785function FixedPoint(X, Y: Single): TFixedPoint; overload;
    1448   Result.X := Round(X * 65536);
    1449   Result.Y := Round(Y * 65536);
     1787  Result.X := Round(X * FixedOne);
     1788  Result.Y := Round(Y * FixedOne);
    14581797function FixedPoint(const FP: TFloatPoint): TFixedPoint; overload;
    1460   Result.X := Round(FP.X * 65536);
    1461   Result.Y := Round(FP.Y * 65536);
     1799  Result.X := Round(FP.X * FixedOne);
     1800  Result.Y := Round(FP.Y * FixedOne);
     1892function FixedRect(const TopLeft, BottomRight: TFixedPoint): TFixedRect;
     1894  Result.TopLeft := TopLeft;
     1895  Result.BottomRight := BottomRight;
    15531898function FixedRect(const ARect: TRect): TFixedRect;
    15821927    Bottom := B;
    15831928  end;
     1931function FloatRect(const TopLeft, BottomRight: TFloatPoint): TFloatRect;
     1933  Result.TopLeft := TopLeft;
     1934  Result.BottomRight := BottomRight;
    1747 { Gamma / Pixel Shape Correction table }
    1749 procedure SetGamma(Gamma: Single);
    1750 var
    1751   i: Integer;
    1752 begin
    1753   for i := 0 to 255 do
    1754     GAMMA_TABLE[i] := Round(255 * Power(i / 255, Gamma));
    1755 end;
    1757 function GetPlatformBackendClass: TCustomBackendClass;
    1758 begin
    1759 {$IFDEF FPC}
    1760   Result := TLCLBackend;
    1761 {$ELSE}
    1762   Result := TGDIBackend;
    1763 {$ENDIF}
    1764 end;
    17662098{ TSimpleInterfacedPersistent }
    18702202{ TCustomMap }
     2204constructor TCustomMap.Create(Width, Height: Integer);
     2206  Create;
     2207  SetSize(Width, Height);
    18722210procedure TCustomMap.ChangeSize(var Width, Height: Integer; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer);
    19312269{ TCustomBitmap32 }
    1933 constructor TCustomBitmap32.Create;
    1934 begin
    1935   inherited;
    1937   InitializeBackend;
     2271constructor TCustomBitmap32.Create(Backend: TCustomBackendClass);
     2273  inherited Create;
     2275  InitializeBackend(Backend);
    19392277  FOuterColor := $00000000;  // by default as full transparency black
     2289constructor TCustomBitmap32.Create;
     2291  Create(GetPlatformBackendClass);
    19512294destructor TCustomBitmap32.Destroy;
    1965 procedure TCustomBitmap32.InitializeBackend;
    1966 begin
    1967   TMemoryBackend.Create(Self);
     2308procedure TCustomBitmap32.InitializeBackend(Backend: TCustomBackendClass);
     2310  Backend.Create(Self);
    19882331  http://qc.codegear.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=9500
    1990   If any backend interface is used within the same procedure in which
     2333  if any backend interface is used within the same procedure in which
    19912334  the owner bitmap is also freed, the magic procedure cleanup will
    19922335  clear that particular interface long after the bitmap and its backend
    22392582        // this checks for transparency by comparing the pixel-color of the
    22402583        // temporary bitmap (red masked) with the pixel of our
    2241         // bitmap (white masked). If they match, make that pixel opaque
     2584        // bitmap (white masked). if they match, make that pixel opaque
    22422585        if DstColor = (SrcP^ and $00FFFFFF) then
    22432586          DstP^ := DstColor or $FF000000
    22932636    // Check if the icon was painted with a merged alpha channel.
    2294     // The happens transparently for new-style 32-bit icons.
     2637    // That happens transparently for new-style 32-bit icons.
    22952638    // For all other bit depths GDI will reset our alpha channel to opaque.
    22962639    ReassignFromMasked := True;
    23202663    else if SrcGraphic is TMetaFile then
    23212664      AssignFromGraphicMasked(TargetBitmap, SrcGraphic)
     2665{$IFDEF COMPILER2005_UP}
     2666    else if SrcGraphic is TWICImage then
     2667      AssignFromGraphicPlain(TargetBitmap, SrcGraphic, 0, False)
    23232670    else
     2734constructor TCustomBitmap32.Create(Width, Height: Integer);
     2736  Create;
     2737  SetSize(Width, Height);
    23872740{$IFDEF BITS_GETTER}
    23882741function TCustomBitmap32.GetBits: PColor32Array;
     2747procedure TCustomBitmap32.SetPenPos(const Value: TPoint);
     2749  MoveTo(Value.X, Value.Y);
     2752procedure TCustomBitmap32.SetPenPosF(const Value: TFixedPoint);
     2754  MoveTo(Value.X, Value.Y);
    23942757procedure TCustomBitmap32.SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor32);
    24132776  Result := @Bits[Y * FWidth];
     2779function TCustomBitmap32.GetPenPos: TPoint;
     2781  Result.X := RasterX;
     2782  Result.Y := RasterY;
     2785function TCustomBitmap32.GetPenPosF: TFixedPoint;
     2787  Result.X := RasterXF;
     2788  Result.Y := RasterYF;
    2440 procedure TCustomBitmap32.Draw(DstX, DstY: Integer; const SrcRect: TRect; Src: TCustomBitmap32);
     2815procedure TCustomBitmap32.Draw(DstX, DstY: Integer; const SrcRect: TRect;
     2816  Src: TCustomBitmap32);
    24422818  if Assigned(Src) then Src.DrawTo(Self, DstX, DstY, SrcRect);
    24502826procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32);
    2452   BlockTransfer(Dst, 0, 0, Dst.ClipRect, Self, BoundsRect, DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
     2828  BlockTransfer(Dst, 0, 0, Dst.ClipRect, Self, BoundsRect, DrawMode,
     2829    FOnPixelCombine);
    24552832procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer);
    2457   BlockTransfer(Dst, DstX, DstY, Dst.ClipRect, Self, BoundsRect, DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
    2458 end;
    2460 procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer; const SrcRect: TRect);
    2461 begin
    2462   BlockTransfer(Dst, DstX, DstY, Dst.ClipRect, Self, SrcRect, DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
     2834  BlockTransfer(Dst, DstX, DstY, Dst.ClipRect, Self, BoundsRect, DrawMode,
     2835    FOnPixelCombine);
     2838procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer;
     2839    const SrcRect: TRect);
     2841  BlockTransfer(Dst, DstX, DstY, Dst.ClipRect, Self, SrcRect,
     2842    DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
    24652845procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; const DstRect: TRect);
    2467   StretchTransfer(Dst, DstRect, Dst.ClipRect, Self, BoundsRect, Resampler, DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
    2468 end;
    2470 procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect);
    2471 begin
    2472   StretchTransfer(Dst, DstRect, Dst.ClipRect, Self, SrcRect, Resampler, DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
     2847  StretchTransfer(Dst, DstRect, Dst.ClipRect, Self, BoundsRect, Resampler,
     2848    DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
     2851procedure TCustomBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TCustomBitmap32; const DstRect,
     2852  SrcRect: TRect);
     2854  StretchTransfer(Dst, DstRect, Dst.ClipRect, Self, SrcRect, Resampler,
     2855    DrawMode, FOnPixelCombine);
    26102993  begin
    26112994    A := C shr 24;  // opacity
    2612     celx := A * GAMMA_TABLE[flrx xor 255];
    2613     cely := GAMMA_TABLE[flry xor 255];
    2614     flrx := A * GAMMA_TABLE[flrx];
    2615     flry := GAMMA_TABLE[flry];
     2995    celx := A * GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx xor $FF];
     2996    cely := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry xor $FF];
     2997    flrx := A * GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx];
     2998    flry := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry];
    26173000    CombineMem(C, P^, celx * cely shr 16); Inc(P);
    26223005  else
    26233006  begin
    2624     celx := GAMMA_TABLE[flrx xor 255];
    2625     cely := GAMMA_TABLE[flry xor 255];
    2626     flrx := GAMMA_TABLE[flrx];
    2627     flry := GAMMA_TABLE[flry];
     3007    celx := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx xor $FF];
     3008    cely := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry xor $FF];
     3009    flrx := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx];
     3010    flry := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry];
    26293012    CombineMem(MergeReg(C, P^), P^, celx * cely shr 8); Inc(P);
    26303013    CombineMem(MergeReg(C, P^), P^, flrx * cely shr 8); Inc(P, FWidth);
    26633046  begin
    26643047    A := C shr 24;  // opacity
    2665     celx := A * GAMMA_TABLE[flrx xor 255];
    2666     cely := GAMMA_TABLE[flry xor 255];
    2667     flrx := A * GAMMA_TABLE[flrx];
    2668     flry := GAMMA_TABLE[flry];
     3048    celx := A * GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx xor $FF];
     3049    cely := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry xor $FF];
     3050    flrx := A * GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx];
     3051    flry := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry];
    26703053    if (X >= FClipRect.Left) and (Y >= FClipRect.Top) and
    26873070  else
    26883071  begin
    2689     celx := GAMMA_TABLE[flrx xor 255];
    2690     cely := GAMMA_TABLE[flry xor 255];
    2691     flrx := GAMMA_TABLE[flrx];
    2692     flry := GAMMA_TABLE[flry];
     3072    celx := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx xor $FF];
     3073    cely := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry xor $FF];
     3074    flrx := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flrx];
     3075    flry := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[flry];
    26943077    if (X >= FClipRect.Left) and (Y >= FClipRect.Top) and
    27903173  Pos := (X shr 8) + (Y shr 8) * FWidth;
    2791   Result := Interpolator(GAMMA_TABLE[X and $FF xor 255],
    2792                          GAMMA_TABLE[Y and $FF xor 255],
     3174  Result := Interpolator(GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[X and $FF xor $FF],
     3175                         GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[Y and $FF xor $FF],
    27933176                         @Bits[Pos], @Bits[Pos + FWidth]);
     3246{$IFDEF TARGET_x64}
     3247          PUSH    RBP
     3248          SUB     RSP,$30
    28633250          ADD     X, $7F
    28643251          ADD     Y, $7F
     3262{$IFDEF TARGET_x64}
     3263          LEA     RSP,[RBP+$30]
     3264          POP     RBP
    29223314                       WordRec(TFixedRec(Y).Frac).Hi);
    29233315  EMMS;
     3318class function TCustomBitmap32.GetPlatformBackendClass: TCustomBackendClass;
     3320  Result := TMemoryBackend;
    29863383  end;
    29873384  FStippleCounter := Wrap(FStippleCounter, L);
     3385  {$IFDEF FPC}
     3386  PrevIndex := Trunc(FStippleCounter);
     3387  {$ELSE}
    29883388  PrevIndex := Round(FStippleCounter - 0.5);
    2989   PrevWeight := 255 - Round(255 * (FStippleCounter - PrevIndex));
     3389  {$ENDIF}
     3390  PrevWeight := $FF - Round($FF * (FStippleCounter - PrevIndex));
    29903391  if PrevIndex < 0 then FStippleCounter := L - 1;
    29913392  NextIndex := PrevIndex + 1;
    29923393  if NextIndex >= L then NextIndex := 0;
    2993   if PrevWeight = 255 then Result := FStipplePattern[PrevIndex]
     3394  if PrevWeight = $FF then Result := FStipplePattern[PrevIndex]
    29943395  else
    29953396  begin
    31283529    if Wy > 0 then
    31293530    begin
    3130       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wy * Wx1) shr 24]);
    3131       Wt := GAMMA_TABLE[Wy shr 8];
     3531      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wy * Wx1) shr 24]);
     3532      Wt := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[Wy shr 8];
    31323533      Inc(PDst);
    31333534      for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
    31363537        Inc(PDst);
    31373538      end;
    3138       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wy * Wx2) shr 24]);
     3539      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wy * Wx2) shr 24]);
    31393540    end;
    31443545    if Wy > 0 then
    31453546    begin
    3146       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wy * Wx1) shr 24]);
     3547      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wy * Wx1) shr 24]);
    31473548      Inc(PDst);
    3148       Wt := GAMMA_TABLE[Wy shr 8];
     3549      Wt := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[Wy shr 8];
    31493550      for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
    31503551      begin
    31523553        Inc(PDst);
    31533554      end;
    3154       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wy * Wx2) shr 24]);
     3555      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wy * Wx2) shr 24]);
    31553556    end;
    33223723    if Wx > 0 then
    33233724    begin
    3324       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wx * Wy1) shr 24]);
    3325       Wt := GAMMA_TABLE[Wx shr 8];
     3725      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wx * Wy1) shr 24]);
     3726      Wt := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[Wx shr 8];
    33263727      Inc(PDst, FWidth);
    33273728      for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
    33303731        Inc(PDst, FWidth);
    33313732      end;
    3332       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wx * Wy2) shr 24]);
     3733      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wx * Wy2) shr 24]);
    33333734    end;
    33383739    if Wx > 0 then
    33393740    begin
    3340       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wx * Wy1) shr 24]);
     3741      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wx * Wy1) shr 24]);
    33413742      Inc(PDst, FWidth);
    3342       Wt := GAMMA_TABLE[Wx shr 8];
     3743      Wt := GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[Wx shr 8];
    33433744      for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
    33443745      begin
    33463747        Inc(PDst, FWidth);
    33473748      end;
    3348       CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_TABLE[(Wx * Wy2) shr 24]);
     3749      CombineMem(Value, PDst^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[(Wx * Wy2) shr 24]);
    33493750    end;
    35453946          Inc(e, Dy2);
    35463947        end;
    3547         CheckAux := False; // to avoid ugly labels we set this to omit the next check
     3948        CheckAux := False; // to avoid ugly goto we set this to omit the next check
    35483949      end;
    35493950    end;
    35653966    end;
    3567     // set auxiliary var to indicate that temp is not clipped, since
    3568     // temp still has the unclipped value assigned at setup.
     3968    // set auxiliary var to indicate that term is not clipped, since
     3969    // term still has the unclipped value assigned at setup.
    35693970    CheckAux := False;
    35723973    if Y2 > Cy2 then
    35733974    begin
    3574       OC := Dx2 * (Cy2 - Y1) + Dx;
     3975      OC := Int64(Dx2) * (Cy2 - Y1) + Dx;
    35753976      term := X1 + OC div Dy2;
    35763977      rem := OC mod Dy2;
    35773978      if rem = 0 then Dec(term);
    3578       CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that temp is clipped
     3979      CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that term is clipped
    35793980    end;
    35823983    begin
    35833984      term := Cx2;
    3584       CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that temp is clipped
     3985      CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that term is clipped
    35853986    end;
    36104011    end;
    3612     // do we need to skip the last pixel of the line and is temp not clipped?
     4013    // do we need to skip the last pixel of the line and is term not clipped?
    36134014    if not(L or CheckAux) then
    36144015    begin
    38144215          Inc(e, Dy2);
    38154216        end;
    3816         CheckAux := False; // to avoid ugly labels we set this to omit the next check
     4217        CheckAux := False; // to avoid ugly goto we set this to omit the next check
    38174218      end;
    38184219    end;
    38344235    end;
    3836     // set auxiliary var to indicate that temp is not clipped, since
    3837     // temp still has the unclipped value assigned at setup.
     4237    // set auxiliary var to indicate that term is not clipped, since
     4238    // term still has the unclipped value assigned at setup.
    38384239    CheckAux := False;
    38454246      rem := OC mod Dy2;
    38464247      if rem = 0 then Dec(term);
    3847       CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that temp is clipped
     4248      CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that term is clipped
    38484249    end;
    38514252    begin
    38524253      term := Cx2;
    3853       CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that temp is clipped
     4254      CheckAux := True; // set auxiliary var to indicate that term is clipped
    38544255    end;
    38794280    end;
    3881     // do we need to skip the last pixel of the line and is temp not clipped?
     4282    // do we need to skip the last pixel of the line and is term not clipped?
    38824283    if not(L or CheckAux) then
    38834284    begin
    39164317  n, i: Integer;
    3917   nx, ny, hyp: Integer;
     4318  nx, ny, hyp, hypl: Integer;
    39184319  A: TColor32;
    39194320  h: Single;
    39254326    Inc(X1, 127); Inc(Y1, 127); Inc(X2, 127); Inc(Y2, 127);
    39264327    hyp := Hypot(nx, ny);
    3927     if L then Inc(hyp, 65536);
    3928     if hyp < 256 then Exit;
    3929     n := hyp shr 16;
     4328    if hyp = 0 then Exit;
     4329    hypl := hyp + (Integer(L) * FixedOne);
     4330    if (hypl < 256) then Exit;
     4331    n := hypl shr 16;
    39304332    if n > 0 then
    39314333    begin
    39404342    end;
    39414343    A := Value shr 24;
    3942     hyp := hyp - n shl 16;
     4344    hyp := hypl - n shl 16;
    39434345    A := A * Cardinal(hyp) shl 8 and $FF000000;
    39444346    SET_T256((X1 + X2 - nx) shr 9, (Y1 + Y2 - ny) shr 9, Value and $00FFFFFF + A);
    39584360  n, i: Integer;
    3959   ex, ey, nx, ny, hyp: Integer;
     4361  ex, ey, nx, ny, hyp, hypl: Integer;
    39604362  A: TColor32;
    39614363  h: Single;
    39704372    // Check for visibility and clip the coordinates
    39714373    if not ClipLine(Integer(X1), Integer(Y1), Integer(X2), Integer(Y2),
    3972       FFixedClipRect.Left - $10000, FFixedClipRect.Top - $10000,
     4374      FFixedClipRect.Left - $10000,
     4375      FFixedClipRect.Top - $10000,
    39734376      FFixedClipRect.Right, FFixedClipRect.Bottom) then Exit;
    39884391    end;
    3990     // If we are still here, it means that the line touches one or several bitmap
     4393    // if we are still here, it means that the line touches one or several bitmap
    39914394    // boundaries. Use the safe version of antialiased pixel routine
    39924395    try
    39944397      Inc(X1, 127); Inc(Y1, 127); Inc(X2, 127); Inc(Y2, 127);
    39954398      hyp := Hypot(nx, ny);
    3996       if L then Inc(Hyp, 65536);
    3997       if hyp < 256 then Exit;
    3998       n := hyp shr 16;
     4399      if hyp = 0 then Exit;
     4400      hypl := hyp + (Integer(L) * FixedOne);
     4401      if hypl < 256 then Exit;
     4402      n := hypl shr 16;
    39994403      if n > 0 then
    40004404      begin
    40094413      end;
    40104414      A := Value shr 24;
    4011       hyp := hyp - n shl 16;
    4012       A := A * Longword(hyp) shl 8 and $FF000000;
     4415      hyp := hypl - n shl 16;
     4416      A := A * Cardinal(hyp) shl 8 and $FF000000;
    40134417      SET_TS256(SAR_9(X1 + X2 - nx), SAR_9(Y1 + Y2 - ny), Value and $00FFFFFF + A);
    40144418    finally
    40284432  n, i: Integer;
    4029   nx, ny, hyp: Integer;
     4433  nx, ny, hyp, hypl: Integer;
    40304434  A, C: TColor32;
    40314435  ChangedRect: TRect;
    40364440    Inc(X1, 127); Inc(Y1, 127); Inc(X2, 127); Inc(Y2, 127);
    40374441    hyp := Hypot(nx, ny);
    4038     if L then Inc(hyp, 65536);
    4039     if hyp < 256 then Exit;
    4040     n := hyp shr 16;
     4442    if hyp = 0 then Exit;
     4443    hypl := hyp + (Integer(L) * FixedOne);
     4444    if hypl < 256 then Exit;
     4445    n := hypl shr 16;
    40414446    if n > 0 then
    40424447    begin
    40544459    C := GetStippleColor;
    40554460    A := C shr 24;
    4056     hyp := hyp - n shl 16;
     4461    hyp := hypl - n shl 16;
    40574462    A := A * Longword(hyp) shl 8 and $FF000000;
    40584463    SET_T256((X1 + X2 - nx) shr 9, (Y1 + Y2 - ny) shr 9, C and $00FFFFFF + A);
    40704475procedure TCustomBitmap32.LineXSP(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: TFixed; L: Boolean);
    4072   StippleInc: array [Boolean] of Single = (0, 1);
     4477  StippleInc: array [Boolean] of Integer = (0, 1);
    40744479  n, i: Integer;
    4075   sx, sy, ex, ey, nx, ny, hyp: Integer;
     4480  sx, sy, ex, ey, nx, ny, hyp, hypl: Integer;
    40764481  A, C: TColor32;
    40774482  ChangedRect: TRect;
    41104515        Integer((Y1 - sy) shr 16)));
    4112     // If we are still here, it means that the line touches one or several bitmap
     4517    // if we are still here, it means that the line touches one or several bitmap
    41134518    // boundaries. Use the safe version of antialiased pixel routine
    41144519    nx := X2 - X1; ny := Y2 - Y1;
    41154520    Inc(X1, 127); Inc(Y1, 127); Inc(X2, 127); Inc(Y2, 127);
    41164521    hyp := GR32_Math.Hypot(nx, ny);
    4117     if L then Inc(hyp, 65536);
    4118     if hyp < 256 then Exit;
    4119     n := hyp shr 16;
     4522    if hyp = 0 then Exit;
     4523    hypl := hyp + (Integer(L) * FixedOne);
     4524    if hypl < 256 then Exit;
     4525    n := hypl shr 16;
    41204526    if n > 0 then
    41214527    begin
    41324538    C := GetStippleColor;
    41334539    A := C shr 24;
    4134     hyp := hyp - n shl 16;
     4540    hyp := hypl - n shl 16;
    41354541    A := A * Longword(hyp) shl 8 and $FF000000;
    41364542    SET_TS256(SAR_9(X1 + X2 - nx), SAR_9(Y1 + Y2 - ny), C and $00FFFFFF + A);
    41994605        CI := EC shr 8;
    42004606        P := @Bits[X1 + Y1 * Width];
    4201         BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_TABLE[CI xor 255]);
     4607        BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[CI xor $FF]);
    42024608        Inc(P, Sx);
    4203         BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_TABLE[CI]);
     4609        BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[CI]);
    42044610      end;
    42054611    end
    42174623        CI := EC shr 8;
    42184624        P := @Bits[X1 + Y1 * Width];
    4219         BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_TABLE[CI xor 255]);
     4625        BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[CI xor $FF]);
    42204626        if Sy = 1 then Inc(P, Width) else Dec(P, Width);
    4221         BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_TABLE[CI]);
     4627        BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[CI]);
    42224628      end;
    42234629    end;
    42324638  Cx1, Cx2, Cy1, Cy2, PI, Sx, Sy, Dx, Dy, xd, yd, rem, term, tmp: Integer;
    4233   CheckVert, CornerAA, TempClipped: Boolean;
     4639  CheckVert, CornerAA, TermClipped: Boolean;
    42344640  D1, D2: PInteger;
    42354641  EC, EA, ED, D: Word;
    43764782          begin
    43774783            Inc(xd, -Sx);
    4378             BlendMemEx(Value, Bits[D1^ + D2^ * Width], GAMMA_TABLE[ED shr 8]);
     4784            BlendMemEx(Value, Bits[D1^ + D2^ * Width], GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[ED shr 8]);
    43794785            Dec(ED, EA);
    43804786          end;
    43954801        if Sy = -1 then yd := -yd;  // negate back
    43964802        xd := rem;  // restore old xd
    4397         CheckVert := False; // to avoid ugly labels we set this to omit the next check
     4803        CheckVert := False; // to avoid ugly goto we set this to omit the next check
    43984804      end;
    43994805    end;
    44144820    term := X2;
    4415     TempClipped := False;
     4821    TermClipped := False;
    44164822    CheckVert := False;
    44364842      end;
    4438       TempClipped := True;
     4844      TermClipped := True;
    44394845    end;
    44424848    begin
    44434849      term := Cx2;
    4444       TempClipped := True;
     4850      TermClipped := True;
    44454851    end;
    44584864    if not CornerAA then
    44594865    try
    4460       // do we need to skip the last pixel of the line and is temp not clipped?
    4461       if not(L or TempClipped) and not CheckVert then
     4866      // do we need to skip the last pixel of the line and is term not clipped?
     4867      if not(L or TermClipped) and not CheckVert then
    44624868      begin
    44634869        if xd < term then
    44674873      end;
    4469       Assert(term >= 0);
    44704875      while xd <> term do
    44714876      begin
    44724877        CI := EC shr 8;
    44734878        P := @Bits[D1^ + D2^ * Width];
    4474         BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_TABLE[CI xor 255]);
     4879        BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[CI xor $FF]);
    44754880        Inc(P, PI);
    4476         BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_TABLE[CI]);
     4881        BlendMemEx(Value, P^, GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[CI]);
    44774882        // check for overflow and jump to next line...
    44784883        D := EC;
    44924897      while xd <> rem do
    44934898      begin
    4494         BlendMemEx(Value, Bits[D1^ + D2^ * Width], GAMMA_TABLE[EC shr 8 xor 255]);
     4899        BlendMemEx(Value, Bits[D1^ + D2^ * Width], GAMMA_ENCODING_TABLE[EC shr 8 xor $FF]);
    44954900        Inc(EC, EA);
    44964901        Inc(xd, Sx);
    47585163    begin
    47595164      C1 := SetAlpha(clWhite32, Clamp(Contrast * 512 div 100));
    4760       C2 := SetAlpha(clBlack32, Clamp(Contrast * 255 div 100));
     5165      C2 := SetAlpha(clBlack32, Clamp(Contrast * $FF div 100));
    47615166    end
    47625167    else if Contrast < 0 then
    47635168    begin
    47645169      Contrast := -Contrast;
    4765       C1 := SetAlpha(clBlack32, Clamp(Contrast * 255 div 100));
     5170      C1 := SetAlpha(clBlack32, Clamp(Contrast * $FF div 100));
    47665171      C2 := SetAlpha(clWhite32, Clamp(Contrast * 512 div 100));
    47675172    end
    48625267    W := Width shl 2;
    48635268    for I := Height - 1 downto 0 do
    4864       Stream.WriteBuffer(PixelPtr[0, I]^, W);
     5269      Stream.WriteBuffer(ScanLine[I]^, W);
    48655270  end
    48665271  else
    49915396procedure TCustomBitmap32.ReadData(Stream: TStream);
    4993   w, h: Integer;
     5398  Width, Height: Integer;
    49955400  try
    4996     Stream.ReadBuffer(w, 4);
    4997     Stream.ReadBuffer(h, 4);
    4998     SetSize(w, h);
     5401    Stream.ReadBuffer(Width, 4);
     5402    Stream.ReadBuffer(Height, 4);
     5403    SetSize(Width, Height);
    49995404    Stream.ReadBuffer(Bits[0], FWidth * FHeight * 4);
    50005405  finally
    51015506    OffsetRect(R, Dx, Dy);
    51025507    IntersectRect(R, R, MakeRect(0, 0, Width, Height));
    5103     if R.Top > 0 then FillRect(0, 0, Width, R.Top, FillColor)
    5104     else if R.Top = 0 then FillRect(0, R.Bottom, Width, Height, FillColor);
    5105     if R.Left > 0 then FillRect(0, R.Top, R.Left, R.Bottom, FillColor)
    5106     else if R.Left = 0 then FillRect(R.Right, R.Top, Width, R.Bottom, FillColor);
     5508    if R.Top > 0 then
     5509      FillRect(0, 0, Width, R.Top, FillColor)
     5510    else
     5511    if R.Top = 0 then
     5512      FillRect(0, R.Bottom, Width, Height, FillColor);
     5513    if R.Left > 0 then
     5514      FillRect(0, R.Top, R.Left, R.Bottom, FillColor)
     5515    else
     5516    if R.Left = 0 then
     5517      FillRect(R.Right, R.Top, Width, R.Bottom, FillColor);
    51075518  end;
    51765587    for J := 0 to Height div 2 - 1 do
    51775588    begin
    5178       P1 := PixelPtr[0, J];
    5179       P2 := PixelPtr[0, J2];
     5589      P1 := PColor32(ScanLine[J]);
     5590      P2 := PColor32(ScanLine[J2]);
    51805591      MoveLongword(P1^, Buffer^, Width);
    51815592      MoveLongword(P2^, P1^, Width);
    51925603    for J := 0 to Height - 1 do
    51935604    begin
    5194       MoveLongword(PixelPtr[0, J]^, Dst.PixelPtr[0, J2]^, Width);
     5605      MoveLongword(ScanLine[J]^, Dst.ScanLine[J2]^, Width);
    51955606      Dec(J2);
    51965607    end;
    5389 procedure TCustomBitmap32.SetResamplerClassName(Value: string);
     5800procedure TCustomBitmap32.SetResamplerClassName(const Value: string);
    53915802  ResamplerClass: TCustomResamplerClass;
    54005811{ TBitmap32 }
    5402 procedure TBitmap32.InitializeBackend;
    5403 begin
    5404   Backend := GetPlatformBackendClass.Create;
    5405 end;
    54075813procedure TBitmap32.FinalizeBackend;
    54675873  Result := (FBackend as IDeviceContextSupport).Handle;
     5876class function TBitmap32.GetPlatformBackendClass: TCustomBackendClass;
     5878{$IFDEF FPC}
     5879  Result := TLCLBackend;
     5881  Result := TGDIBackend;
     5984{$IFDEF COMPILER2009_UP}
     5985procedure TBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TControlCanvas; DstX, DstY: Integer);
     5987  DrawTo(Dst.Handle, DstX, DstY);
     5990procedure TBitmap32.DrawTo(Dst: TControlCanvas; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect);
     5992  DrawTo(Dst.Handle, DstRect, SrcRect);
     5995procedure TBitmap32.TileTo(Dst: TControlCanvas; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect);
     5997  TileTo(Dst.Handle, DstRect, SrcRect);
    55696001procedure TBitmap32.UpdateFont;
    55746006// Text and Fonts //
    5576 function TBitmap32.TextExtent(const Text: String): TSize;
     6008function TBitmap32.TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize;
    55786010  Result := (FBackend as ITextSupport).TextExtent(Text);
    55866018// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5588 procedure TBitmap32.Textout(X, Y: Integer; const Text: String);
     6020procedure TBitmap32.Textout(X, Y: Integer; const Text: string);
    55906022  (FBackend as ITextSupport).Textout(X, Y, Text);
    55986030// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5600 procedure TBitmap32.Textout(X, Y: Integer; const ClipRect: TRect; const Text: String);
     6032procedure TBitmap32.Textout(X, Y: Integer; const ClipRect: TRect; const Text: string);
    56026034  (FBackend as ITextSupport).Textout(X, Y, ClipRect, Text);
    56106042// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5612 procedure TBitmap32.Textout(DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: String);
     6044procedure TBitmap32.Textout(var DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: string);
    56146046  (FBackend as ITextSupport).Textout(DstRect, Flags, Text);
    5617 procedure TBitmap32.TextoutW(DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: Widestring);
     6049procedure TBitmap32.TextoutW(var DstRect: TRect; const Flags: Cardinal; const Text: Widestring);
    56196051  (FBackend as ITextSupport).TextoutW(DstRect, Flags, Text);
    56226054// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5624 function TBitmap32.TextHeight(const Text: String): Integer;
     6056function TBitmap32.TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer;
    56266058  Result := (FBackend as ITextSupport).TextExtent(Text).cY;
    56346066// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5636 function TBitmap32.TextWidth(const Text: String): Integer;
     6068function TBitmap32.TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer;
    56386070  Result := (FBackend as ITextSupport).TextExtent(Text).cX;
    56746106    lfCharSet := Byte(Font.Charset);
    5676     // TODO DVT Added cast to fix TFontDataName to String warning. Need to verify is OK
     6108    // TODO DVT Added cast to fix TFontDataName to string warning. Need to verify is OK
    56776109    if AnsiCompareText(Font.Name, 'Default') = 0 then  // do not localize
    56786110      StrPCopy(lfFaceName, string(DefFontData.Name))
    57476179  Sz := 1 shl N - 1;
    5748   Dst := B.PixelPtr[0, 0];
     6180  Dst := PColor32(B.ScanLine[0]);
    57496181  for J := 0 to B.Height - 1 do
    57506182  begin
    5772 procedure TBitmap32.RenderText(X, Y: Integer; const Text: String; AALevel: Integer; Color: TColor32);
     6204procedure TBitmap32.RenderText(X, Y: Integer; const Text: string; AALevel: Integer; Color: TColor32);
    57746206  B, B2: TBitmap32;
    57756207  Sz: TSize;
    57766208  Alpha: TColor32;
    5777   PaddedText: String;
     6209  PaddedText: string;
    57796211  if Empty then Exit;
    58356267    DrawMode := dmBlend;
    58366268    MasterAlpha := Alpha;
    5837     CombineMode := Self.CombineMode;
     6269    CombineMode := CombineMode;
    58396271    DrawTo(Self, X, Y);
    58796311  B := TBitmap32.Create;
    58806312  try
    5881     if AALevel = 0 then
     6313    if AALevel <= 0 then
    58826314    begin
    58836315      Sz := TextExtentW(PaddedText);
    5999 procedure TCustomBackend.ChangeSize(var Width, Height: Integer; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; ClearBuffer: Boolean);
     6431procedure TCustomBackend.ChangeSize(out Width, Height: Integer; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; ClearBuffer: Boolean);
    60016433  try
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.