Nov 22, 2012, 12:28:54 PM (12 years ago)
  • Modified: Draw frame moved to separated form without TPageControl. Each draw method is responsible for creating own TWinControl visual control.
1 edited


  • GraphicTest/UMainForm.lfm

    r338 r443  
    11object MainForm: TMainForm
    22  Left = 187
    3   Height = 421
    4   Top = 68
    5   Width = 735
     3  Height = 440
     4  Top = 107
     5  Width = 549
    66  Caption = 'Graphic test'
    7   ClientHeight = 421
    8   ClientWidth = 735
     7  ClientHeight = 440
     8  ClientWidth = 549
    99  OnClose = FormClose
    1010  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1111  OnDestroy = FormDestroy
    1212  OnShow = FormShow
    13   LCLVersion = '0.9.31'
    14   object PageControl1: TPageControl
    15     Left = 384
    16     Height = 401
    17     Top = 16
    18     Width = 348
    19     ActivePage = TabSheet1
    20     Anchors = [akTop, akRight, akBottom]
    21     TabIndex = 0
    22     TabOrder = 0
    23     object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
    24       Caption = 'TImage'
    25       ClientHeight = 368
    26       ClientWidth = 342
    27       object Image1: TImage
    28         Left = 6
    29         Height = 300
    30         Top = 7
    31         Width = 332
    32         Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    33       end
    34     end
    35     object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
    36       Caption = 'TPaintBox'
    37       ClientHeight = 368
    38       ClientWidth = 342
    39       object PaintBox1: TPaintBox
    40         Left = 6
    41         Height = 279
    42         Top = 7
    43         Width = 350
    44         Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    45       end
    46     end
    47     object TabSheet3: TTabSheet
    48       Caption = 'OpenGL'
    49     end
    50   end
     13  LCLVersion = '1.1'
    5114  object ListViewMethods: TListView
    5215    Left = 8
    53     Height = 345
     16    Height = 364
    5417    Top = 8
    55     Width = 368
     18    Width = 537
    5619    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    5720    Columns = <   
    7942    ReadOnly = True
    8043    RowSelect = True
    81     TabOrder = 1
     44    TabOrder = 0
    8245    ViewStyle = vsReport
    8346    OnData = ListViewMethodsData
    8750    Left = 8
    8851    Height = 25
    89     Top = 360
     52    Top = 379
    9053    Width = 115
    9154    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    9255    Caption = 'Test one method'
    9356    OnClick = ButtonSingleTestClick
    94     TabOrder = 2
     57    TabOrder = 1
    9558  end
    9659  object ButtonBenchmark: TButton
    9760    Left = 136
    9861    Height = 25
    99     Top = 360
     62    Top = 379
    10063    Width = 112
    10164    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    10265    Caption = 'Test all methods'
    10366    OnClick = ButtonBenchmarkClick
    104     TabOrder = 3
     67    TabOrder = 2
    10568  end
    10669  object FloatSpinEdit1: TFloatSpinEdit
    10770    Left = 88
    108     Height = 25
    109     Top = 388
     71    Height = 21
     72    Top = 411
    11073    Width = 58
    11174    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    11376    MaxValue = 100
    11477    MinValue = 0
    115     TabOrder = 4
     78    TabOrder = 3
    11679    Value = 1
    11780  end
    11982    Left = 256
    12083    Height = 25
    121     Top = 360
     84    Top = 379
    12285    Width = 75
    12386    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    12487    Caption = 'Stop'
    12588    OnClick = ButtonStopClick
    126     TabOrder = 5
     89    TabOrder = 4
    12790  end
    12891  object Label1: TLabel
    12992    Left = 8
    130     Height = 16
    131     Top = 393
    132     Width = 92
     93    Height = 13
     94    Top = 415
     95    Width = 69
    13396    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    13497    Caption = 'Step duration:'
    137100  object Label2: TLabel
    138101    Left = 152
    139     Height = 16
    140     Top = 393
    141     Width = 8
     102    Height = 13
     103    Top = 415
     104    Width = 5
    142105    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    143106    Caption = 's'
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.