Feb 1, 2012, 3:02:33 PM (12 years ago)
  • Modified: Updated BGRABitmap package to version 5.5.
  • Modified: Removed draw method ComboBox and reorganized method list to single listview with using ownerdraw facility.
  • Added: New draw method TBitmap.RawImage.Data Move which use fast Move operation. It requires same pixel format.
  • Added: New draw method Dummy for comparion of empty method and to determine possibily max frame rate limit.
1 edited


  • GraphicTest/UMainForm.lfm

    r212 r317  
    11object MainForm: TMainForm
    2   Left = 214
    3   Height = 393
    4   Top = 106
    5   Width = 680
     2  Left = 187
     3  Height = 421
     4  Top = 68
     5  Width = 735
    66  Caption = 'Graphic test'
    7   ClientHeight = 393
    8   ClientWidth = 680
     7  ClientHeight = 421
     8  ClientWidth = 735
    99  OnClose = FormClose
    1010  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1111  OnDestroy = FormDestroy
     12  OnShow = FormShow
    1213  LCLVersion = '0.9.31'
    1314  object PageControl1: TPageControl
    14     Left = 312
    15     Height = 373
     15    Left = 360
     16    Height = 401
    1617    Top = 16
    17     Width = 365
    18     ActivePage = TabSheet3
     18    Width = 372
     19    ActivePage = TabSheet1
    1920    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    20     TabIndex = 2
     21    TabIndex = 0
    2122    TabOrder = 0
    2223    object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
    2324      Caption = 'TImage'
    24       ClientHeight = 346
    25       ClientWidth = 361
     25      ClientHeight = 375
     26      ClientWidth = 364
    2627      object Image1: TImage
    2728        Left = 6
    28         Height = 278
     29        Height = 307
    2930        Top = 7
    30         Width = 351
     31        Width = 354
    3132        Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    3233      end
    4849    end
    4950  end
    50   object ButtonStart: TButton
    51     Left = 7
    52     Height = 25
    53     Top = 9
    54     Width = 75
    55     Caption = 'Start'
    56     OnClick = ButtonStartClick
    57     TabOrder = 1
    58   end
    59   object Label1: TLabel
    60     Left = 9
    61     Height = 14
    62     Top = 95
    63     Width = 24
    64     Caption = 'FPS:'
    65     ParentColor = False
    66   end
    67   object Label2: TLabel
    68     Left = 128
    69     Height = 14
    70     Top = 95
    71     Width = 10
    72     Caption = '   '
    73     ParentColor = False
    74   end
    75   object ButtonStop: TButton
    76     Left = 95
    77     Height = 25
    78     Top = 9
    79     Width = 75
    80     Caption = 'Stop'
    81     Enabled = False
    82     OnClick = ButtonStopClick
    83     TabOrder = 2
    84   end
    85   object Label3: TLabel
    86     Left = 9
    87     Height = 14
    88     Top = 112
    89     Width = 83
    90     Caption = 'Frame duration'
    91     ParentColor = False
    92   end
    93   object Label4: TLabel
    94     Left = 128
    95     Height = 14
    96     Top = 112
    97     Width = 10
    98     Caption = '   '
    99     ParentColor = False
    100   end
    101   object ListView1: TListView
     51  object ListViewMethods: TListView
    10252    Left = 8
    103     Height = 253
    104     Top = 136
    105     Width = 296
     53    Height = 345
     54    Top = 8
     55    Width = 344
    10656    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akBottom]
    10757    Columns = <   
    10858      item
    10959        Caption = 'Method'
    110         Width = 140
     60        Width = 200
    11161      end   
    11262      item
    11868        Width = 75
    11969      end>
    120     TabOrder = 3
     70    OwnerData = True
     71    ReadOnly = True
     72    RowSelect = True
     73    TabOrder = 1
    12174    ViewStyle = vsReport
     75    OnData = ListViewMethodsData
     76    OnSelectItem = ListViewMethodsSelectItem
     77  end
     78  object ButtonSingleTest: TButton
     79    Left = 8
     80    Height = 25
     81    Top = 360
     82    Width = 115
     83    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     84    Caption = 'Test one method'
     85    OnClick = ButtonSingleTestClick
     86    TabOrder = 2
    12287  end
    12388  object ButtonBenchmark: TButton
    124     Left = 229
     89    Left = 136
    12590    Height = 25
    126     Top = 101
    127     Width = 75
    128     Caption = 'Benchmark'
     91    Top = 360
     92    Width = 112
     93    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     94    Caption = 'Test all methods'
    12995    OnClick = ButtonBenchmarkClick
    130     TabOrder = 4
    131   end
    132   object ComboBox1: TComboBox
    133     Left = 7
    134     Height = 25
    135     Top = 64
    136     Width = 297
    137     ItemHeight = 0
    138     Style = csDropDownList
    139     TabOrder = 5
    140   end
    141   object Label5: TLabel
    142     Left = 9
    143     Height = 14
    144     Top = 47
    145     Width = 46
    146     Caption = 'Method:'
    147     ParentColor = False
     96    TabOrder = 3
    14897  end
    14998  object FloatSpinEdit1: TFloatSpinEdit
    150     Left = 175
     99    Left = 160
    151100    Height = 21
    152     Top = 103
    153     Width = 50
     101    Top = 392
     102    Width = 58
     103    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    154104    Increment = 1
    155105    MaxValue = 100
    156106    MinValue = 0
    157     TabOrder = 6
     107    TabOrder = 4
    158108    Value = 1
     109  end
     110  object ButtonStop: TButton
     111    Left = 256
     112    Height = 25
     113    Top = 360
     114    Width = 75
     115    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     116    Caption = 'Stop'
     117    OnClick = ButtonStopClick
     118    TabOrder = 5
     119  end
     120  object Label1: TLabel
     121    Left = 8
     122    Height = 14
     123    Top = 395
     124    Width = 137
     125    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     126    Caption = 'Single method test duration:'
     127    ParentColor = False
     128  end
     129  object Label2: TLabel
     130    Left = 224
     131    Height = 14
     132    Top = 395
     133    Width = 6
     134    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     135    Caption = 's'
     136    ParentColor = False
    159137  end
    160138  object Timer1: TTimer
    161139    Interval = 500
    162140    OnTimer = Timer1Timer
    163     left = 209
    164     top = 16
     141    left = 238
     142    top = 136
    165143  end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.