Feb 1, 2012, 3:02:33 PM (12 years ago)
  • Modified: Updated BGRABitmap package to version 5.5.
  • Modified: Removed draw method ComboBox and reorganized method list to single listview with using ownerdraw facility.
  • Added: New draw method TBitmap.RawImage.Data Move which use fast Move operation. It requires same pixel format.
  • Added: New draw method Dummy for comparion of empty method and to determine possibily max frame rate limit.
2 edited


  • GraphicTest/BGRABitmap

    • Property svn:ignore set to
  • GraphicTest/BGRABitmap/bgrabitmaptypes.pas

    r210 r317  
    32   Classes, Graphics;
     32  Classes, Types, Graphics, FPImage, FPImgCanv, GraphType;
     35  //pointer for direct pixel access
    3536  PBGRAPixel = ^TBGRAPixel;
     38  //pixel structure
    3739  TBGRAPixel = packed record
    3840    blue, green, red, alpha: byte;
    3941  end;
     43  //gamma expanded values
    4144  TExpandedPixel = packed record
    4245    red, green, blue, alpha: word;
    4346  end;
     48  //pixel color defined in HSL colorspace
    4549  THSLAPixel = packed record
    4650    hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: word;
    4751  end;
    49   TDrawMode = (dmSet, dmSetExceptTransparent, dmLinearBlend, dmDrawWithTransparency);
    50   TFloodfillMode = (fmSet, fmDrawWithTransparency, fmProgressive);
    51   TResampleMode = (rmSimpleStretch, rmFineResample);
     53  //general purpose color variable with floating point values
     54  TColorF = array[1..4] of single;
     56  { These types are used as parameters }
     58  TDrawMode = (dmSet,                   //replace pixels
     59               dmSetExceptTransparent,  //draw pixels with alpha=255
     60               dmLinearBlend,           //blend without gamma correction
     61               dmDrawWithTransparency,  //normal blending with gamma correction
     62               dmXor);                  //bitwise xor for all channels
     63  TChannel = (cRed, cGreen, cBlue, cAlpha);
     64  TChannels = set of TChannel;
     66  //floodfill option
     67  TFloodfillMode = (fmSet,                   //set pixels
     68                    fmDrawWithTransparency,  //draw fill color with transparency
     69                    fmProgressive);          //draw fill color with transparency according to similarity with start color
     71  TResampleMode = (rmSimpleStretch,   //low quality resample
     72                   rmFineResample);   //use resample filters
     73  TResampleFilter = (rfLinear,        //linear interpolation
     74                     rfHalfCosine,    //mix of rfLinear and rfCosine
     75                     rfCosine,        //cosine-like interpolation
     76                     rfBicubic,       //simple bi-cubic filter (blur)
     77                     rfMitchell,      //downsizing interpolation
     78                     rfSpline,        //upsizing interpolation
     79                     rfBestQuality);  //mix of rfMitchell and rfSpline
     81  TBGRAFontQuality = (fqSystem, fqSystemClearType, fqFineAntialiasing, fqFineClearTypeRGB, fqFineClearTypeBGR);
    5283  TMedianOption = (moNone, moLowSmooth, moMediumSmooth, moHighSmooth);
     84  TRadialBlurType = (rbNormal, rbDisk, rbCorona, rbPrecise, rbFast);
     85  TSplineStyle = (ssInside, ssInsideWithEnds, ssCrossing, ssCrossingWithEnds, ssOutside, ssRoundOutside, ssVertexToSide);
     87  //Advanced blending modes
     88  //see : http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/18301.aspx
     89  //and : http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/ 
     90  TBlendOperation = (boLinearBlend, boTransparent,                                  //blending
     91    boLighten, boScreen, boAdditive, boLinearAdd, boColorDodge, boNiceGlow,         //lighting
     92    boGlow, boReflect, boOverlay, boDarkOverlay, boDarken, boMultiply, boColorBurn, //masking
     93    boDifference, boLinearDifference, boNegation, boLinearNegation, boXor);         //negative
     96  boGlowMask = boGlow;
     97  boLinearMultiply = boMultiply;
     100  BlendOperationStr : array[TBlendOperation] of string =
     101   ('LinearBlend', 'Transparent',
     102    'Lighten', 'Screen', 'Additive', 'LinearAdd', 'ColorDodge', 'NiceGlow',
     103    'Glow', 'Reflect', 'Overlay', 'DarkOverlay', 'Darken', 'Multiply', 'ColorBurn',
     104    'Difference', 'LinearDifference', 'Negation', 'LinearNegation', 'Xor');
     106function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
    53109  TGradientType = (gtLinear, gtReflected, gtDiamond, gtRadial);
    56111  GradientTypeStr : array[TGradientType] of string =
    57112  ('Linear','Reflected','Diamond','Radial');
     113function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
    60   TRadialBlurType = (rbNormal, rbDisk, rbCorona, rbPrecise);
    61   TChannel = (cRed, cGreen, cBlue, cAlpha);
    62   TBlendOperation = (boLinearBlend, boTransparent, boMultiply,
    63     boLinearMultiply, boAdditive, boLinearAdd, boColorBurn, boColorDodge, boReflect,
    64     boGlow, boOverlay, boDifference, boLinearDifference, boNegation,
    65     boLinearNegation, boLighten, boDarken, boScreen, boXor);
     116  { A pen style is defined as a list of floating number. The first number is the length of the first dash,
     117    the second number is the length of the first gap, the third number is the length of the second dash...
     118    It must have an even number of values. }
     119  TBGRAPenStyle = Array Of Single;
     120  TRoundRectangleOption = (rrTopLeftSquare,rrTopRightSquare,rrBottomRightSquare,rrBottomLeftSquare,
     121                           rrTopLeftBevel,rrTopRightBevel,rrBottomRightBevel,rrBottomLeftBevel,rrDefault);
     122  TRoundRectangleOptions = set of TRoundRectangleOption;
     123  TPolygonOrder = (poNone, poFirstOnTop, poLastOnTop); //see TBGRAMultiShapeFiller in BGRAPolygon
     125function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single=0; space2: single = 0; dash3: single=0; space3: single = 0; dash4 : single = 0; space4 : single = 0): TBGRAPenStyle; 
     127{ Point, polygon and curve structures }
     129  PPointF = ^TPointF;
    67130  TPointF = record
    68131    x, y: single;
    69132  end;
    70133  ArrayOfTPointF = array of TPointF;
     134  TArcOption = (aoClosePath, aoPie, aoFillPath);
     135  TArcOptions = set of TArcOption;
     137  TCubicBezierCurve = record
     138    p1,c1,c2,p2: TPointF;
     139  end;
     140  TQuadraticBezierCurve = record
     141    p1,c,p2: TPointF;
     142  end;
     144  TPoint3D = record
     145    x,y,z: single;
     146  end;
     148function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
     150function Point3D(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D;
     151operator = (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;
     152operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
     153operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
     154operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
     155operator - (const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
     156operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
     157procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
     158procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
     160function BezierCurve(origin, control1, control2, destination: TPointF) : TCubicBezierCurve; overload;
     161function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
     163{ Useful constants }
    73165  dmFastBlend = dmLinearBlend;
    75 const
    76   EmptySingle: single = -3.402823e38;
    78 const
    79   EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38);
    81 const
     166  EmptySingle: single = -3.402823e38;                        //used as a separator in floating point lists
     167  EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38); //used as a separator in TPointF lists
    82168  BGRAPixelTransparent: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 0);
    84 const
    85169  BGRAWhite: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 255; red: 255; alpha: 255);
    87 const
    88170  BGRABlack: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 255);
    90 const
     172  //Red colors
     173  CSSIndianRed: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 92; green: 92; red: 205; alpha: 255);
     174  CSSLightCoral: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 128; green: 128; red: 240; alpha: 255);
     175  CSSSalmon: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 114; green: 128; red: 250; alpha: 255);
     176  CSSDarkSalmon: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 122; green: 150; red: 233; alpha: 255);
     177  CSSRed: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 0; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     178  CSSCrimson: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 60; green: 20; red: 220; alpha: 255);
     179  CSSFireBrick: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 34; green: 34; red: 178; alpha: 255);
     180  CSSDarkRed: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 0; red: 139; alpha: 255);
     182  //Pink colors
     183  CSSPink: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 203; green: 192; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     184  CSSLightPink: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 193; green: 182; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     185  CSSHotPink: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 180; green: 105; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     186  CSSDeepPink: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 147; green: 20; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     187  CSSMediumVioletRed: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 133; green: 21; red: 199; alpha: 255);
     188  CSSPaleVioletRed: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 147; green: 112; red: 219; alpha: 255);
     190  //Orange colors
     191  CSSLightSalmon: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 122; green: 160; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     192  CSSCoral: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 80; green: 127; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     193  CSSTomato: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 71; green: 99; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     194  CSSOrangeRed: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 69; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     195  CSSDarkOrange: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 140; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     196  CSSOrange: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 165; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     198  //Yellow colors
     199  CSSGold: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 215; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     200  CSSYellow: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 255; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     201  CSSLightYellow: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 224; green: 255; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     202  CSSLemonChiffon: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 205; green: 250; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     203  CSSLightGoldenrodYellow: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 210; green: 250; red: 250; alpha: 255);
     204  CSSPapayaWhip: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 213; green: 239; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     205  CSSMoccasin: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 181; green: 228; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     206  CSSPeachPuff: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 185; green: 218; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     207  CSSPaleGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 170; green: 232; red: 238; alpha: 255);
     208  CSSKhaki: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 140; green: 230; red: 240; alpha: 255);
     209  CSSDarkKhaki: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 107; green: 183; red: 189; alpha: 255);
     211  //Purple colors
     212  CSSLavender: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 250; green: 230; red: 230; alpha: 255);
     213  CSSThistle: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 216; green: 191; red: 216; alpha: 255);
     214  CSSPlum: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 221; green: 160; red: 221; alpha: 255);
     215  CSSViolet: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 238; green: 130; red: 238; alpha: 255);
     216  CSSOrchid: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 214; green: 112; red: 218; alpha: 255);
     217  CSSFuchsia: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 0; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     218  CSSMagenta: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 0; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     219  CSSMediumOrchid: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 211; green: 85; red: 186; alpha: 255);
     220  CSSMediumPurple: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 219; green: 112; red: 147; alpha: 255);
     221  CSSBlueViolet: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 226; green: 43; red: 138; alpha: 255);
     222  CSSDarkViolet: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 211; green: 0; red: 148; alpha: 255);
     223  CSSDarkOrchid: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 204; green: 50; red: 153; alpha: 255);
     224  CSSDarkMagenta: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 139; green: 0; red: 139; alpha: 255);
     225  CSSPurple: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 128; green: 0; red: 128; alpha: 255);
     226  CSSIndigo: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 130; green: 0; red: 75; alpha: 255);
     227  CSSDarkSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 139; green: 61; red: 72; alpha: 255);
     228  CSSSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 205; green: 90; red: 106; alpha: 255);
     229  CSSMediumSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 238; green: 104; red: 123; alpha: 255);
     231  //Green colors
     232  CSSGreenYellow: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 47; green: 255; red: 173; alpha: 255);
     233  CSSChartreuse: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 255; red: 127; alpha: 255);
     234  CSSLawnGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 252; red: 124; alpha: 255);
     235  CSSLime: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 255; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     236  CSSLimeGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 50; green: 205; red: 50; alpha: 255);
     237  CSSPaleGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 152; green: 251; red: 152; alpha: 255);
     238  CSSLightGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 144; green: 238; red: 144; alpha: 255);
     239  CSSMediumSpringGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 154; green: 250; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     240  CSSSpringGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 127; green: 255; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     241  CSSMediumSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 113; green: 179; red: 60; alpha: 255);
     242  CSSSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 87; green: 139; red: 46; alpha: 255);
     243  CSSForestGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 34; green: 139; red: 34; alpha: 255);
     244  CSSGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 128; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     245  CSSDarkGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 100; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     246  CSSYellowGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 50; green: 205; red: 154; alpha: 255);
     247  CSSOliveDrab: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 35; green: 142; red: 107; alpha: 255);
     248  CSSOlive: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 128; red: 128; alpha: 255);
     249  CSSDarkOliveGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 47; green: 107; red: 85; alpha: 255);
     250  CSSMediumAquamarine: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 170; green: 205; red: 102; alpha: 255);
     251  CSSDarkSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 143; green: 188; red: 143; alpha: 255);
     252  CSSLightSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 170; green: 178; red: 32; alpha: 255);
     253  CSSDarkCyan: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 139; green: 139; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     254  CSSTeal: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 128; green: 128; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     256  //Blue/Cyan colors
     257  CSSAqua: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 255; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     258  CSSCyan: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 255; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     259  CSSLightCyan: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 255; red: 224; alpha: 255);
     260  CSSPaleTurquoise: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 238; green: 238; red: 175; alpha: 255);
     261  CSSAquamarine: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 212; green: 255; red: 127; alpha: 255);
     262  CSSTurquoise: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 208; green: 224; red: 64; alpha: 255);
     263  CSSMediumTurquoise: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 204; green: 209; red: 72; alpha: 255);
     264  CSSDarkTurquoise: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 209; green: 206; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     265  CSSCadetBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 160; green: 158; red: 95; alpha: 255);
     266  CSSSteelBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 180; green: 130; red: 70; alpha: 255);
     267  CSSLightSteelBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 222; green: 196; red: 176; alpha: 255);
     268  CSSPowderBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 230; green: 224; red: 176; alpha: 255);
     269  CSSLightBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 230; green: 216; red: 173; alpha: 255);
     270  CSSSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 235; green: 206; red: 135; alpha: 255);
     271  CSSLightSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 250; green: 206; red: 135; alpha: 255);
     272  CSSDeepSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 191; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     273  CSSDodgerBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 144; red: 30; alpha: 255);
     274  CSSCornflowerBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 237; green: 149; red: 100; alpha: 255);
     275  CSSRoyalBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 105; red: 65; alpha: 255);
     276  CSSBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     277  CSSMediumBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 205; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     278  CSSDarkBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 139; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     279  CSSNavy: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 128; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     280  CSSMidnightBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 112; green: 25; red: 25; alpha: 255);
     282  //Brown colors
     283  CSSCornsilk: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 220; green: 248; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     284  CSSBlanchedAlmond: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 205; green: 235; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     285  CSSBisque: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 196; green: 228; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     286  CSSNavajoWhite: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 173; green: 222; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     287  CSSWheat: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 179; green: 222; red: 245; alpha: 255);
     288  CSSBurlyWood: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 135; green: 184; red: 222; alpha: 255);
     289  CSSTan: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 140; green: 180; red: 210; alpha: 255);
     290  CSSRosyBrown: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 143; green: 143; red: 188; alpha: 255);
     291  CSSSandyBrown: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 96; green: 164; red: 244; alpha: 255);
     292  CSSGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 32; green: 165; red: 218; alpha: 255);
     293  CSSDarkGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 11; green: 134; red: 184; alpha: 255);
     294  CSSPeru: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 63; green: 133; red: 205; alpha: 255);
     295  CSSChocolate: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 30; green: 105; red: 210; alpha: 255);
     296  CSSSaddleBrown: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 19; green: 69; red: 139; alpha: 255);
     297  CSSSienna: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 45; green: 82; red: 160; alpha: 255);
     298  CSSBrown: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 42; green: 42; red: 165; alpha: 255);
     299  CSSMaroon: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 0; red: 128; alpha: 255);
     301  //White colors
     302  CSSWhite: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 255; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     303  CSSSnow: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 250; green: 250; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     304  CSSHoneydew: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 240; green: 255; red: 250; alpha: 255);
     305  CSSMintCream: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 250; green: 255; red: 245; alpha: 255);
     306  CSSAzure: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 255; red: 240; alpha: 255);
     307  CSSAliceBlue: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 248; red: 240; alpha: 255);
     308  CSSGhostWhite: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 248; red: 248; alpha: 255);
     309  CSSWhiteSmoke: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 245; green: 245; red: 245; alpha: 255);
     310  CSSSeashell: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 245; red: 238; alpha: 255);
     311  CSSBeige: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 220; green: 245; red: 245; alpha: 255);
     312  CSSOldLace: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 230; green: 245; red: 253; alpha: 255);
     313  CSSFloralWhite: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 240; green: 250; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     314  CSSIvory: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 240; green: 255; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     315  CSSAntiqueWhite: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 215; green: 235; red: 250; alpha: 255);
     316  CSSLinen: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 230; green: 240; red: 250; alpha: 255);
     317  CSSLavenderBlush: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 245; green: 240; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     318  CSSMistyRose: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 255; green: 228; red: 255; alpha: 255);
     320  //Gray colors
     321  CSSGainsboro: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 220; green: 220; red: 220; alpha: 255);
     322  CSSLightGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 211; green: 211; red: 211; alpha: 255);
     323  CSSSilver: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 192; green: 192; red: 192; alpha: 255);
     324  CSSDarkGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 169; green: 169; red: 169; alpha: 255);
     325  CSSGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 128; green: 128; red: 128; alpha: 255);
     326  CSSDimGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 105; green: 105; red: 105; alpha: 255);
     327  CSSLightSlateGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 153; green: 136; red: 119; alpha: 255);
     328  CSSSlateGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 144; green: 128; red: 112; alpha: 255);
     329  CSSDarkSlateGray: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 79; green: 79; red: 47; alpha: 255);
     330  CSSBlack: TBGRAPixel = (blue: 0; green: 0; red: 0; alpha: 255);
     332  { This color is needed for drawing black shapes on the standard TCanvas, because
     333    when drawing with pure black, there is no way to know if something has been
     334    drawn or if it is transparent }
    91335  clBlackOpaque = TColor($010000);
     338  TBGRAColorDefinition = record
     339    Name: string;
     340    Color: TBGRAPixel;
     341  end;
     343  { TBGRAColorList }
     345  TBGRAColorList = class
     346  protected
     347    FFinished: boolean;
     348    FNbColors: integer;
     349    FColors: array of TBGRAColorDefinition;
     350    function GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel;
     351    function GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel;
     352    function GetName(Index: integer): string;
     353  public
     354    constructor Create;
     355    procedure Add(Name: string; Color: TBGRAPixel);
     356    procedure Finished;
     357    function IndexOf(Name: string): integer;
     359    property ByName[Name: string]: TBGRAPixel read GetByName;
     360    property ByIndex[Index: integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetByIndex; default;
     361    property Name[Index: integer]: string read GetName;
     362    property Count: integer read FNbColors;
     363  end;
     366  CSSColors: TBGRAColorList;
    93368function isEmptyPointF(pt: TPointF): boolean;
     371  TFontPixelMetric = record
     372    Defined: boolean;
     373    Baseline, xLine, CapLine, DescentLine, Lineheight: integer;
     374  end;
     376  { A scanner is like an image, but its content has no limit and can be calculated on the fly.
     377    It must not implement reference counting. }
     378  IBGRAScanner = interface
     379    procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer);
     380    function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
     381    function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
     382    procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
     383    function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
     384  end;
     386  TScanAtFunction = function (X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel of object;
     387  TScanNextPixelFunction = function: TBGRAPixel of object;
     388  TBGRACustomGradient = class;
     390  { TBGRACustomBitmap }
     392  TBGRACustomBitmap = class(TFPCustomImage,IBGRAScanner) // a bitmap can be used as a scanner
     393  private
     394    function GetFontAntialias: Boolean;
     395    procedure SetFontAntialias(const AValue: Boolean);
     396  protected
     397     { accessors to properies }
     398     function GetHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
     399     function GetWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
     400     function GetDataPtr: PBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     401     function GetNbPixels: integer; virtual; abstract;
     402     function CheckEmpty: boolean; virtual; abstract;
     403     function GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean; virtual; abstract;
     404     function GetAverageColor: TColor; virtual; abstract;
     405     function GetAveragePixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     406     procedure SetCanvasOpacity(AValue: byte); virtual; abstract;
     407     function GetScanLine(y: integer): PBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     408     function GetRefCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
     409     function GetBitmap: TBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     410     function GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; virtual; abstract;
     411     function GetCanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas; virtual; abstract;
     412     function GetCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode; virtual; abstract;
     413     procedure SetCanvasDrawModeFP(const AValue: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract;
     414     function GetCanvas: TCanvas; virtual; abstract;
     415     function GetCanvasOpacity: byte; virtual; abstract;
     416     function GetCanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean; virtual; abstract;
     417     procedure SetCanvasAlphaCorrection(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
     418     function GetFontHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
     419     procedure SetFontHeight(AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
     420     function GetFontFullHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
     421     procedure SetFontFullHeight(AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
     422     function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
     423     procedure SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
     424     function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
     425     procedure SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
     426     function GetClipRect: TRect; virtual; abstract;
     427     procedure SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect); virtual; abstract;
     428     function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; virtual; abstract;
     429     function LoadAsBmp32(Str: TStream): boolean; virtual; abstract;
     431  public
     432     Caption:   string;  //user defined caption
     434     //font style
     435     FontName:  string;
     436     FontStyle: TFontStyles;
     437     FontQuality : TBGRAFontQuality;
     438     FontOrientation: integer;
     440     //line style
     441     LineCap:   TPenEndCap;
     442     JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
     443     JoinMiterLimit: single;
     445     FillMode:  TFillMode;  //winding or alternate
     447     { The resample filter is used when resizing the bitmap, and
     448       scan interpolation filter is used when the bitmap is used
     449       as a scanner (IBGRAScanner) }
     450     ResampleFilter,
     451     ScanInterpolationFilter: TResampleFilter;
     452     ScanOffset: TPoint;
     454     constructor Create; virtual; abstract; overload;
     455     constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap); virtual; abstract; overload;
     456     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor); virtual; abstract; overload;
     457     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     458     constructor Create(AFilename: string); virtual; abstract; overload;
     459     constructor Create(AStream: TStream); virtual; abstract; overload;
     461     function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract; overload;
     462     function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract; overload;
     463     function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract; overload;
     465     procedure LoadFromFile(const filename: string); virtual;
     466     procedure LoadFromStream(Str: TStream); virtual;
     467     procedure LoadFromStream(Str: TStream; Handler: TFPCustomImageReader); virtual;
     468     procedure SaveToFile(const filename: string); virtual;
     469     procedure SaveToFile(const filename: string; Handler:TFPCustomImageWriter); virtual;
     470     procedure SaveToStreamAsPng(Str: TStream); virtual; abstract;
     471     procedure Assign(ABitmap: TBitmap); virtual; abstract; overload;
     472     procedure Assign(MemBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap); virtual; abstract; overload;
     473     procedure Serialize(AStream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
     474     procedure Deserialize(AStream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
     476     {Pixel functions}
     477     procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; c: TColor); virtual; abstract; overload;
     478     procedure XorPixel(x, y: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     479     procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     480     procedure DrawPixel(x, y: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     481     procedure DrawPixel(x, y: integer; ec: TExpandedPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     482     procedure FastBlendPixel(x, y: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     483     procedure ErasePixel(x, y: integer; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     484     procedure AlphaPixel(x, y: integer; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     485     function GetPixel(x, y: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     486     function GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract; overload;
     487     function GetPixelCycle(x, y: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual;
     488     function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract; overload;
     489     function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract; overload;
     491     {Line primitives}
     492     procedure SetHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     493     procedure XorHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     494     procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     495     procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; ec: TExpandedPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     496     procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract; overload;
     497     procedure FastBlendHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     498     procedure AlphaHorizLine(x, y, x2: integer; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     499     procedure SetVertLine(x, y, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     500     procedure XorVertLine(x, y, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     501     procedure DrawVertLine(x, y, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     502     procedure AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: integer; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     503     procedure FastBlendVertLine(x, y, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     504     procedure DrawHorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: integer; c, compare: TBGRAPixel;
     505       maxDiff: byte); virtual; abstract;
     507     {Shapes}
     508     procedure DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual; abstract;
     509     procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     510     procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; dashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     511     procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     512     procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     513     procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; Closed: boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     514     procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; Closed: boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     516     procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual; overload;
     517     procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; dashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual; overload;
     518     procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     519     procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     520     procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; Closed: boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     521     procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     522     procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     523     procedure EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; alpha: byte; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     524     procedure EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; alpha: byte; w: single; Closed: boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     525     procedure ErasePolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; alpha: byte; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     527     procedure FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     528     procedure FillTriangleLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     529     procedure FillTriangleLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); virtual; abstract; overload;
     530     procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; light1,light2,light3: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); virtual; abstract; overload;
     531     procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF); virtual; abstract; overload;
     533     procedure FillQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     534     procedure FillQuadLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     535     procedure FillQuadLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True);  virtual; abstract; overload;
     536     procedure FillQuadLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; light1,light2,light3,light4: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); virtual; abstract; overload;
     537     procedure FillQuadLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF); virtual; abstract; overload;
     538     procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF); virtual; abstract; overload;
     539     procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF); virtual; abstract; overload;
     541     procedure FillPolyLinearColor(const points: array of TPointF; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);  virtual; abstract; overload;
     542     procedure FillPolyLinearMapping(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     543     procedure FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     544     procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     545     procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); virtual; abstract; overload;
     547     procedure FillPoly(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; drawmode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract;
     548     procedure FillPoly(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; drawmode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract;
     549     procedure FillPolyAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     550     procedure FillPolyAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract;
     551     procedure ErasePoly(const points: array of TPointF; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     552     procedure ErasePolyAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     554     procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single); virtual; abstract;
     555     procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single); virtual; abstract;
     556     procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     557     procedure FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     558     procedure FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract;
     559     procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     560     procedure EraseEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     562     procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract; overload;
     563     procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract; overload;
     564     procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c: TColor); virtual; overload;
     565     procedure Rectangle(r: TRect; c: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; overload;
     566     procedure Rectangle(r: TRect; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode); virtual;overload;
     567     procedure Rectangle(r: TRect; c: TColor); virtual; overload;
     568     procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single); virtual; overload;
     569     procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     570     procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single); virtual; abstract; overload;
     572     procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     573     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     574     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; pencolor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     575     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; penTexture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; fillTexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     576     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     577     procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     578     procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     579     procedure EraseRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; alpha: byte; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); virtual; abstract;
     581     procedure FillRect(r: TRect; c: TColor); virtual; overload;
     582     procedure FillRect(r: TRect; c: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; overload;
     583     procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c: TColor); virtual; overload;
     584     procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract; overload;
     585     procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract;
     586     procedure FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
     587     procedure FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract;
     588     procedure EraseRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     589     procedure AlphaFillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     591     procedure TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); virtual; abstract; overload;
     592     procedure TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); virtual; abstract; overload;
     593     procedure TextOutAngle(x, y, orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); virtual; abstract;
     594     procedure TextOutAngle(x, y, orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); virtual; abstract;
     595     procedure TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; overload;
     596     procedure TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; c: TColor); virtual; overload;
     597     procedure TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; overload;
     598     procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     599     procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract; overload;
     600     procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; s: string; halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; overload;
     601     procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; s: string; halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; overload;
     602     function TextSize(s: string): TSize; virtual; abstract;
     604     {Spline}
     605     function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     606     function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     607     function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     608     function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     609     function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     610     function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     612     function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     613     function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single; Closed: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     614     function ComputeWidePolygon(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     616     function ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     617     function ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry,w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     618     function ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     619     function ComputeArcRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     620     function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     621     function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     622     function ComputePie65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     623     function ComputePieRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
     625     {Filling}
     626     procedure FillTransparent; virtual;
     627     procedure NoClip; virtual; abstract;
     628     procedure ApplyGlobalOpacity(alpha: byte); virtual; abstract;
     629     procedure Fill(c: TColor); virtual; overload;
     630     procedure Fill(c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; overload;
     631     procedure Fill(texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract; overload;
     632     procedure Fill(texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract; overload;
     633     procedure Fill(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); virtual; abstract; overload;
     634     procedure DrawPixels(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); virtual; abstract;
     635     procedure AlphaFill(alpha: byte); virtual; overload;
     636     procedure AlphaFill(alpha: byte; start, Count: integer); virtual; abstract; overload;
     637     procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     638     procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract; overload;
     639     procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); virtual; abstract; overload;
     640     procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); virtual; abstract; overload;
     641     procedure ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor); virtual; abstract; overload;
     642     procedure ReplaceColor(before, after: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     643     procedure ReplaceTransparent(after: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract; overload;
     644     procedure FloodFill(X, Y: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel;
     645       mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte = 0); virtual;
     646     procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; Color: TBGRAPixel;
     647       mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte = 0); virtual; abstract;
     648     procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
     649       gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
     650       gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False); virtual; abstract;
     651     procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
     652       gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
     653       Sinus: Boolean=False); virtual; abstract;
     654     function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
     655                AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     657     {Canvas drawing functions}
     658     procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
     659       AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
     660     procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
     661       ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
     662     procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); virtual; abstract;
     663     procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); virtual; abstract;
     664     procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); virtual; abstract;
     665     procedure DrawPart(ARect: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean); virtual;
     666     function GetPart(ARect: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     667     function GetPtrBitmap(Top,Bottom: Integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     668     procedure InvalidateBitmap; virtual; abstract;         //call if you modify with Scanline
     669     procedure LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded; virtual; abstract;   //call to ensure that bitmap data is up to date
     671     {BGRA bitmap functions}
     672     procedure PutImage(x, y: integer; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); virtual; abstract;
     673     procedure PutImageSubpixel(x, y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap);
     674     procedure PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: Byte=255); virtual; abstract;
     675     procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; imageCenterX: single = 0; imageCenterY: single = 0; AOpacity: Byte=255); virtual; abstract;
     676     procedure BlendImage(x, y: integer; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap;
     677       operation: TBlendOperation); virtual; abstract;
     678     function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     679     function Equals(comp: TBGRACustomBitmap): boolean; virtual; abstract;
     680     function Equals(comp: TBGRAPixel): boolean; virtual; abstract;
     681     function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
     682       mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     683     procedure VerticalFlip; virtual; abstract;
     684     procedure HorizontalFlip; virtual; abstract;
     685     function RotateCW: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     686     function RotateCCW: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     687     procedure Negative; virtual; abstract;
     688     procedure LinearNegative; virtual; abstract;
     689     procedure SwapRedBlue; virtual; abstract;
     690     procedure GrayscaleToAlpha; virtual; abstract;
     691     procedure AlphaToGrayscale; virtual; abstract;
     692     procedure ApplyMask(mask: TBGRACustomBitmap); virtual; abstract;
     693     function GetImageBounds(Channel: TChannel = cAlpha): TRect; virtual; abstract;
     694     function GetImageBounds(Channels: TChannels): TRect; virtual; abstract;
     695     function MakeBitmapCopy(BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     697     {Filters}
     698     function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     699     function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     700     function FilterSmooth: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     701     function FilterSharpen: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     702     function FilterContour: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     703     function FilterBlurRadial(radius: integer;
     704       blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     705     function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     706     function FilterBlurMotion(distance: integer; angle: single;
     707       oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     708     function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     709     function FilterEmboss(angle: single): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     710     function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     711     function FilterGrayscale: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     712     function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     713     function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     714     function FilterSphere: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     715     function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     716     function FilterCylinder: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     717     function FilterPlane: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
     719     property Data: PBGRAPixel Read GetDataPtr;
     720     property Width: integer Read GetWidth;
     721     property Height: integer Read GetHeight;
     722     property NbPixels: integer Read GetNbPixels;
     723     property Empty: boolean Read CheckEmpty;
     725     property ScanLine[y: integer]: PBGRAPixel Read GetScanLine;
     726     property RefCount: integer Read GetRefCount;
     727     property Bitmap: TBitmap Read GetBitmap; //don't forget to call InvalidateBitmap before if you changed something with Scanline
     728     property HasTransparentPixels: boolean Read GetHasTransparentPixels;
     729     property AverageColor: TColor Read GetAverageColor;
     730     property AveragePixel: TBGRAPixel Read GetAveragePixel;
     731     property LineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder Read GetLineOrder;
     732     property CanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas read GetCanvasFP;
     733     property CanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode read GetCanvasDrawModeFP write SetCanvasDrawModeFP;
     734     property Canvas: TCanvas Read GetCanvas;
     735     property CanvasOpacity: byte Read GetCanvasOpacity Write SetCanvasOpacity;
     736     property CanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean
     737       Read GetCanvasAlphaCorrection Write SetCanvasAlphaCorrection;
     739     property FontHeight: integer Read GetFontHeight Write SetFontHeight;
     740     property PenStyle: TPenStyle read GetPenStyle Write SetPenStyle;
     741     property CustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle read GetCustomPenStyle write SetCustomPenStyle;
     742     property ClipRect: TRect read GetClipRect write SetClipRect;
     743     property FontAntialias: Boolean read GetFontAntialias write SetFontAntialias; //antialiasing (it's different from TFont antialiasing mode)
     744     property FontFullHeight: integer read GetFontFullHeight write SetFontFullHeight;
     745     property FontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric read GetFontPixelMetric;
     747     //interface
     748     function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     749     function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     750     function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     752     //IBGRAScanner
     753     procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); virtual; abstract;
     754     function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     755     function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     756     procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); virtual;
     757     function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; virtual;
     758  end;
     760  { TBGRACustomScanner }
     762  TBGRACustomScanner = class(IBGRAScanner)
     763  private
     764    FCurX,FCurY: integer;
     765  public
     766    procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); virtual;
     767    function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual;
     768    function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     769    procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); virtual;
     770    function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; virtual;
     771    function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     772    function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     773    function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     774  end;
     776  TBGRACustomGradient = class
     777  public
     778    function GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     779    function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
     780    function GetMonochrome: boolean; virtual; abstract;
     781    property Monochrome: boolean read GetMonochrome;
     782  end;
     785  TBGRABitmapAny = class of TBGRACustomBitmap;  //used to create instances of the same type (see NewBitmap)
     788  BGRABitmapFactory : TBGRABitmapAny;
     790{ Color functions }
    95791function GetIntensity(c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
    96792function SetIntensity(c: TExpandedPixel; intensity: word): TExpandedPixel;
    97793function GetLightness(c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
    98794function SetLightness(c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word): TExpandedPixel;
     795function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;
    99796function BGRAToHSLA(c: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
     797function HSLAToExpanded(c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
    100798function HSLAToBGRA(c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     799function GtoH(ghue: word): word;
     800function HtoG(hue: word): word;
     801function HueDiff(h1, h2: word): word;
     802function GetHue(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
     803function ColorImportance(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
     804function GSBAToBGRA(c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     805function GSBAToHSLA(c: THSLAPixel): THSLAPixel;
    101806function GammaExpansion(c: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel; inline;
    102807function GammaCompression(ec: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel; inline;
     808function GammaCompression(red,green,blue,alpha: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;
    103809function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
    104 function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     810function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
     811function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
     812function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel; overload;
     813function MergeBGRA(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
    105814function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
    106815function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
    107816function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
    108817function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
     818function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
     819function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
    109820function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
    110821operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean; inline;
     822function ExpandedDiff(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): word;
     823function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
    112824function BGRADiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
    113 function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF;
    115 function PtInRect(pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean;
    117 function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
     825operator - (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
     826operator + (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
     827operator * (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
     828operator * (const c1: TColorF; factor: single): TColorF; inline;
     829function ColorF(red,green,blue,alpha: single): TColorF;
    118830function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel): string;
    119831function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel;
     833{ Get height [0..1] stored in a TBGRAPixel }
     834function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
     836{ Get TBGRAPixel to store height [0..1] }
     837function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
     840{ Gamma conversion arrays. Should be used as readonly }
     842  // TBGRAPixel -> TExpandedPixel
    122843  GammaExpansionTab:   packed array[0..255] of word;
     845  // TExpandedPixel -> TBGRAPixel
    123846  GammaCompressionTab: packed array[0..65535] of byte;
     848{ Point functions }
     849function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF;
     850function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
     851operator = (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean; inline;
     852operator - (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
     853operator - (const pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
     854operator + (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
     855operator * (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline; //scalar product
     856operator * (const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF; inline;
     857operator * (factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
     858function PtInRect(pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean;
     859function VectLen(dx,dy: single): single; overload;
     860function VectLen(v: TPointF): single; overload;
     862{ Line and polygon functions }
     864    TLineDef = record
     865       origin, dir: TPointF;
     866    end;
     868function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF;
     869function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF;
     870function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
     871function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
     872function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
     874{ Cyclic functions }
     875function PositiveMod(value, cycle: integer): integer; inline;
     877{ Sin65536 and Cos65536 are fast routines to compute sine and cosine as integer values.
     878  They use a table to store already computed values. The return value is an integer
     879  ranging from 0 to 65536, so the mean value is 32768 and the half amplitude is
     880  32768 instead of 1. The input has a period of 65536, so you can supply any integer
     881  without applying a modulo. }
     882procedure PrecalcSin65536; // compute all values now
     883function Sin65536(value: word): integer; inline;
     884function Cos65536(value: word): integer; inline;
    127888uses Math, SysUtils;
     890function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
     891var op: TBlendOperation;
     893  result := boTransparent;
     894  str := LowerCase(str);
     895  for op := low(TBlendOperation) to high(TBlendOperation) do
     896    if str = LowerCase(BlendOperationStr[op]) then
     897    begin
     898      result := op;
     899      exit;
     900    end;
     903function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
     904var gt: TGradientType;
     906  result := gtLinear;
     907  str := LowerCase(str);
     908  for gt := low(TGradientType) to high(TGradientType) do
     909    if str = LowerCase(GradientTypeStr[gt]) then
     910    begin
     911      result := gt;
     912      exit;
     913    end;
     916{ Make a pen style. Need an even number of values. See TBGRAPenStyle }
     917function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single; space2: single;
     918  dash3: single; space3: single; dash4: single; space4: single): TBGRAPenStyle;
     920  i: Integer;
     922  if dash4 <> 0 then
     923  begin
     924    setlength(result,8);
     925    result[6] := dash4;
     926    result[7] := space4;
     927    result[4] := dash3;
     928    result[5] := space3;
     929    result[2] := dash2;
     930    result[3] := space2;
     931  end else
     932  if dash3 <> 0 then
     933  begin
     934    setlength(result,6);
     935    result[4] := dash3;
     936    result[5] := space3;
     937    result[2] := dash2;
     938    result[3] := space2;
     939  end else
     940  if dash2 <> 0 then
     941  begin
     942    setlength(result,4);
     943    result[2] := dash2;
     944    result[3] := space2;
     945  end else
     946  begin
     947    setlength(result,2);
     948  end;
     949  result[0] := dash1;
     950  result[1] := space1;
     951  for i := 0 to high(result) do
     952    if result[i]=0 then
     953      raise exception.Create('Zero is not a valid value');
     956{ Bézier curves definitions. See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve }
     958function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF
     959  ): ArrayOfTPointF;
     961  i,pos,count:integer;
     962  j: Integer;
     964  count := 0;
     965  for i := 0 to high(APolylines) do
     966    inc(count,length(APolylines[i]));
     967  setlength(result,count);
     968  pos := 0;
     969  for i := 0 to high(APolylines) do
     970    for j := 0 to high(APolylines[i]) do
     971    begin
     972      result[pos] := APolylines[i][j];
     973      inc(pos);
     974    end;
     977operator-(const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D;
     979  result.x := -v.x;
     980  result.y := -v.y;
     981  result.z := -v.z;
     984operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
     986  result.x := v1.x+v2.x;
     987  result.y := v1.y+v2.y;
     988  result.z := v1.z+v2.z;
     991operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
     993  result.x := v1.x-v2.x;
     994  result.y := v1.y-v2.y;
     995  result.z := v1.z-v2.z;
     998operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
     1000  result.x := v1.x*factor;
     1001  result.y := v1.y*factor;
     1002  result.z := v1.z*factor;
     1005function Point3D(x, y, z: single): TPoint3D;
     1007  result.x := x;
     1008  result.y := y;
     1009  result.z := z;
     1012operator=(const v1, v2: TPoint3D): boolean;
     1014  result := (v1.x=v2.x) and (v1.y=v2.y) and (v1.z=v2.z);
     1017operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
     1019  result := v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
     1022procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
     1023var len: double;
     1025  len := v*v;
     1026  if len = 0 then exit;
     1027  len := sqrt(len);
     1028  v.x /= len;
     1029  v.y /= len;
     1030  v.z /= len;
     1033procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
     1035  w.x := u.y*v.z-u.z*v.y;
     1036  w.y := u.z*v.x-u.x*v.z;
     1037  w.z := u.x*v.Y-u.y*v.x;
     1040// Define a Bézier curve with two control points.
     1041function BezierCurve(origin, control1, control2, destination: TPointF): TCubicBezierCurve;
     1043  result.p1 := origin;
     1044  result.c1 := control1;
     1045  result.c2 := control2;
     1046  result.p2 := destination;
     1049// Define a Bézier curve with one control point.
     1050function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF
     1051  ): TQuadraticBezierCurve;
     1053  result.p1 := origin;
     1054  result.c := control;
     1055  result.p2 := destination;
     1058{ Check if a PointF structure is empty or should be treated as a list separator }
    1291059function isEmptyPointF(pt: TPointF): boolean;
     1064{ TBGRAColorList }
     1066function TBGRAColorList.GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel;
     1068  if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then
     1069    result := BGRAPixelTransparent
     1070  else
     1071    result := FColors[Index].Color;
     1074function TBGRAColorList.GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel;
     1075var i: integer;
     1077  i := IndexOf(Name);
     1078  if i = -1 then
     1079    result := BGRAPixelTransparent
     1080  else
     1081    result := FColors[i].Color;
     1084function TBGRAColorList.GetName(Index: integer): string;
     1086  if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then
     1087    result := ''
     1088  else
     1089    result := FColors[Index].Name;
     1092constructor TBGRAColorList.Create;
     1094  FNbColors:= 0;
     1095  FColors := nil;
     1096  FFinished:= false;
     1099procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; Color: TBGRAPixel);
     1101  if FFinished then
     1102    raise Exception.Create('This list is already finished');
     1103  if length(FColors) = FNbColors then
     1104    SetLength(FColors, FNbColors*2+1);
     1105  FColors[FNbColors].Name := Name;
     1106  FColors[FNbColors].Color := Color;
     1107  inc(FNbColors);
     1110procedure TBGRAColorList.Finished;
     1112  if FFinished then exit;
     1113  FFinished := true;
     1114  SetLength(FColors, FNbColors);
     1117function TBGRAColorList.IndexOf(Name: string): integer;
     1118var i: integer;
     1120  for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
     1121    if CompareText(Name, FColors[i].Name) = 0 then
     1122    begin
     1123      result := i;
     1124      exit;
     1125    end;
     1126  result := -1;
     1129{ TBGRACustomBitmap }
     1131function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetFontAntialias: Boolean;
     1133  result := FontQuality <> fqSystem;
     1136procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.SetFontAntialias(const AValue: Boolean);
     1138  if AValue and not FontAntialias then
     1139    FontQuality := fqFineAntialiasing
     1140  else if not AValue and (FontQuality <> fqSystem) then
     1141    FontQuality := fqSystem;
     1144{ These declaration make sure that these methods are virtual }
     1145procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.LoadFromFile(const filename: string);
     1147  inherited LoadFromFile(filename);
     1150procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.SaveToFile(const filename: string);
     1152  inherited SaveToFile(filename);
     1155procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.SaveToFile(const filename: string;
     1156  Handler: TFPCustomImageWriter);
     1158  inherited SaveToFile(filename, Handler);
     1161{ LoadFromStream uses TFPCustomImage routine, which uses
     1162  Colors property to access pixels. That's why the
     1163  FP drawing mode is temporarily changed to load
     1164  bitmaps properly }
     1165procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.LoadFromStream(Str: TStream);
     1167  OldDrawMode: TDrawMode;
     1169  OldDrawMode := CanvasDrawModeFP;
     1170  CanvasDrawModeFP := dmSet;
     1171  try
     1172    if not LoadAsBmp32(Str) then
     1173      inherited LoadFromStream(Str);
     1174  finally
     1175    CanvasDrawModeFP := OldDrawMode;
     1176  end;
     1179{ See above }
     1180procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.LoadFromStream(Str: TStream;
     1181  Handler: TFPCustomImageReader);
     1183  OldDrawMode: TDrawMode;
     1185  OldDrawMode := CanvasDrawModeFP;
     1186  CanvasDrawModeFP := dmSet;
     1187  try
     1188    inherited LoadFromStream(Str, Handler);
     1189  finally
     1190    CanvasDrawModeFP := OldDrawMode;
     1191  end;
     1194{ Look for a pixel considering the bitmap is repeated in both directions }
     1195function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetPixelCycle(x, y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
     1197  if (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then
     1198    Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
     1199  else
     1200    Result := (Scanline[PositiveMod(y,Height)] + PositiveMod(x,Width))^;
     1203{ Pixel polylines are constructed by concatenation }
     1204procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint;
     1205  c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
     1206var i: integer;
     1208   if length(points) = 1 then
     1209   begin
     1210     if DrawLastPixel then DrawPixel(points[0].x,points[0].y,c);
     1211   end
     1212   else
     1213     for i := 0 to high(points)-1 do
     1214       DrawLineAntialias(points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y,c,DrawLastPixel and (i=high(points)-1));
     1217procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; c1,
     1218  c2: TBGRAPixel; dashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
     1219var i: integer;
     1221   if length(points) = 1 then
     1222   begin
     1223     if DrawLastPixel then DrawPixel(points[0].x,points[0].y,c1);
     1224   end
     1225   else
     1226     for i := 0 to high(points)-1 do
     1227       DrawLineAntialias(points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y,c1,c2,dashLen,DrawLastPixel and (i=high(points)-1));
     1230{ Following functions are defined for convenience }
     1231procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c: TColor);
     1233  Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2, ColorToBGRA(c), dmSet);
     1236procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Rectangle(r: TRect; c: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode
     1237  );
     1239  Rectangle(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, c, mode);
     1242procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Rectangle(r: TRect; BorderColor,
     1243  FillColor: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode);
     1245  Rectangle(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, BorderColor, FillColor, mode);
     1248procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Rectangle(r: TRect; c: TColor);
     1250  Rectangle(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, c);
     1253procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
     1254  c: TBGRAPixel; w: single);
     1256  RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, c, w, BGRAPixelTransparent);
     1259procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillRect(r: TRect; c: TColor);
     1261  FillRect(r.Left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, c);
     1264procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillRect(r: TRect; c: TBGRAPixel; mode: TDrawMode);
     1266  FillRect(r.Left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, c, mode);
     1269procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c: TColor);
     1271  FillRect(x, y, x2, y2, ColorToBGRA(c), dmSet);
     1274procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel);
     1276  TextOut(x, y, s, c, taLeftJustify);
     1279procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string; c: TColor);
     1281  TextOut(x, y, s, ColorToBGRA(c));
     1284procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: integer; s: string;
     1285  texture: IBGRAScanner);
     1287  TextOut(x, y, s, texture, taLeftJustify);
     1290procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; s: string;
     1291  halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; c: TBGRAPixel);
     1293  style: TTextStyle;
     1295  {$hints off}
     1296  FillChar(style,sizeof(style),0);
     1297  {$hints on}
     1298  style.Alignment := halign;
     1299  style.Layout := valign;
     1300  style.Wordbreak := true;
     1301  style.ShowPrefix := false;
     1302  style.Clipping := false;
     1303  TextRect(ARect,ARect.Left,ARect.Top,s,style,c);
     1306procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; s: string;
     1307  halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; texture: IBGRAScanner);
     1309  style: TTextStyle;
     1311  {$hints off}
     1312  FillChar(style,sizeof(style),0);
     1313  {$hints on}
     1314  style.Alignment := halign;
     1315  style.Layout := valign;
     1316  style.Wordbreak := true;
     1317  style.ShowPrefix := false;
     1318  style.Clipping := false;
     1319  TextRect(ARect,ARect.Left,ARect.Top,s,style,texture);
     1322procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillTransparent;
     1324  Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent);
     1327procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Fill(c: TColor);
     1329  Fill(ColorToBGRA(c));
     1332procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Fill(c: TBGRAPixel);
     1334  Fill(c, 0, NbPixels);
     1337procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.AlphaFill(alpha: byte);
     1339  AlphaFill(alpha, 0, NbPixels);
     1342procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FloodFill(X, Y: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel;
     1343  mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte);
     1345  ParallelFloodFill(X,Y,Self,Color,mode,Tolerance);
     1348procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawPart(ARect: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas; x,
     1349  y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
     1351  partial: TBGRACustomBitmap;
     1353  partial := GetPart(ARect);
     1354  if partial <> nil then
     1355  begin
     1356    partial.Draw(Canvas, x, y, Opaque);
     1357    partial.Free;
     1358  end;
     1361procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageSubpixel(x, y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap);
     1363  PutImageAngle(x,y,source,0);
     1366{ Interface gateway }
     1367function TBGRACustomBitmap.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     1369  if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
     1370    Result := S_OK
     1371  else
     1372    Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
     1375{ There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
     1376function TBGRACustomBitmap._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     1378  result := 0;
     1381function TBGRACustomBitmap._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     1383  result := 0;
     1386{$hints off}
     1387procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
     1388  mode: TDrawMode);
     1390  //do nothing
     1392{$hints on}
     1394function TBGRACustomBitmap.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
     1396  result := False;
     1399{********************** End of TBGRACustomBitmap **************************}
     1401{ TBGRACustomScanner }
     1402{ The abstract class record the position so that a derived class
     1403  need only to redefine ScanAt }
     1405procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
     1407  FCurX := X;
     1408  FCurY := Y;
     1411{ Call ScanAt to determine pixel value }
     1412function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
     1414  result := ScanAt(FCurX,FCurY);
     1415  Inc(FCurX);
     1418{$hints off}
     1419procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
     1420  mode: TDrawMode);
     1422  //do nothing
     1424{$hints on}
     1426function TBGRACustomScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
     1428  result := false;
     1431{ Interface gateway }
     1432function TBGRACustomScanner.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     1434  if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
     1435    Result := S_OK
     1436  else
     1437    Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
     1440{ There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
     1441function TBGRACustomScanner._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     1443  result := 0;
     1446function TBGRACustomScanner._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
     1448  result := 0;
     1451{********************** End of TBGRACustomScanner **************************}
     1453{ The gamma correction is approximated here by a power function }
    135   GammaExpFactor   = 1.7;
    136 {  redWeight = 0.299;
    137   greenWeight = 0.587;
    138   blueWeight = 0.114;}
    139   redWeightShl10   = 306;
    140   greenWeightShl10 = 601;
    141   blueWeightShl10  = 117;
     1455  GammaExpFactor   = 1.7; //exponent
     1456  redWeightShl10   = 306; // = 0.299
     1457  greenWeightShl10 = 601; // = 0.587
     1458  blueWeightShl10  = 117; // = 0.114
    1461463procedure InitGamma;
    148   i: integer; {t: textfile; prevval,val: byte; }
    149 begin
     1465  i: integer;
     1466{$IFDEF WINCE}
     1467  j,prevpos,curpos,midpos: integer;
     1470  //the linear factor is used to normalize expanded values in the range 0..65535
    1501471  GammaLinearFactor := 65535 / power(255, GammaExpFactor);
     1473{$IFDEF WINCE}
     1474  curpos := 0;
     1475  GammaExpansionTab[0] := 0;
     1476  GammaCompressionTab[0] := 0;
     1477  for i := 0 to 255 do
     1478  begin
     1479    prevpos := curpos;
     1480    curpos := round(power(i, GammaExpFactor) * GammaLinearFactor);
     1481    if i = 1 then curpos := 1; //to avoid information loss
     1482    GammaExpansionTab[i] := curpos;
     1483    midpos := (prevpos+1+curpos) div 2;
     1484    for j := prevpos+1 to midpos-1 do
     1485      GammaCompressionTab[j] := i-1;
     1486    for j := midpos to curpos do
     1487      GammaCompressionTab[j] := i;
     1488  end;
    1511490  for i := 0 to 255 do
    1521491    GammaExpansionTab[i] := round(power(i, GammaExpFactor) * GammaLinearFactor);
    1551494    GammaCompressionTab[i] := round(power(i / GammaLinearFactor, 1 / GammaExpFactor));
    157   GammaExpansionTab[1]   := 1; //to avoid information lost
     1496  GammaExpansionTab[1]   := 1; //to avoid information loss
    1581497  GammaCompressionTab[1] := 1;
    159 {
    160      assignfile(t,'gammaout.txt');
    161      rewrite(t);
    162      prevval := 255;
    163      for i := 0 to 255 do
    164      begin
    165        val := GammaCompressionTab[i*256+128];
    166        if val <> prevval then writeln(t,val);
    167        prevval := val;
    168      end;
    169      closefile(t);}
    170 end;
    172 {$hints off}
     1501{************************** Color functions **************************}
     1503{ The intensity is defined here as the maximum value of any color component }
    1741504function GetIntensity(c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
    1871517  curIntensity := GetIntensity(c);
    188   if curIntensity = 0 then
     1518  if curIntensity = 0 then //suppose it's gray if there is no color information
    1891519    Result := c
    1901520  else
    1911521  begin
     1522    //linear interpolation to reached wanted intensity
    1921523    Result.red   := (c.red * intensity + (curIntensity shr 1)) div curIntensity;
    1931524    Result.green := (c.green * intensity + (curIntensity shr 1)) div curIntensity;
     1530{ The lightness here is defined as the subjective sensation of luminosity, where
     1531  blue is the darkest component and green the lightest }
    1991532function GetLightness(c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
     1621function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;
     1622var lightness256: byte;
     1624  if lightness <= 32768 then
     1625  begin
     1626    if lightness = 32768 then
     1627      result := color else
     1628    begin
     1629      lightness256 := GammaCompressionTab[lightness shl 1];
     1630      result := BGRA(color.red * lightness256 shr 8, color.green*lightness256 shr 8,
     1631                     color.blue * lightness256 shr 8, color.alpha);
     1632    end;
     1633  end else
     1634  begin
     1635    if lightness = 65535 then
     1636      result := BGRAWhite else
     1637    begin
     1638      lightness256 := GammaCompressionTab[(lightness-32767) shl 1];
     1639      result := BGRA(color.red + (255-color.red)*lightness256 shr 8,
     1640                     color.green + (255-color.green)*lightness256 shr 8,
     1641                     color.blue + (255-color.blue)*lightness256 shr 8,
     1642                     color.alpha);
     1643    end;
     1644  end;
     1647{ Conversion from RGB value to HSL colorspace. See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space }
    2881648function BGRAToHSLA(c: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
    2951655  ec: TExpandedPixel;
    296   min, max, minMax: word;
     1656  min, max, minMax: integer;
    2971657  twiceLightness: integer;
     1658  r,g,b: integer;
    2991660  ec  := GammaExpansion(c);
    300   min := ec.red;
    301   max := ec.red;
    302   if ec.green > max then
    303     max := ec.green
    304   else
    305   if ec.green < min then
    306     min := ec.green;
    307   if ec.blue > max then
    308     max := ec.blue
    309   else
    310   if ec.blue < min then
    311     min  := ec.blue;
     1661  r := ec.red;
     1662  g := ec.green;
     1663  b := ec.blue;
     1664  min := r;
     1665  max := r;
     1666  if g > max then
     1667    max := g
     1668  else
     1669  if g < min then
     1670    min := g;
     1671  if b > max then
     1672    max := b
     1673  else
     1674  if b < min then
     1675    min  := b;
    3121676  minMax := max - min;
    3151679    Result.hue := 0
    3161680  else
    317   if max = ec.red then
    318     Result.hue := (((ec.green - ec.blue) * deg60 + (minMax shr 1)) div
     1681  if max = r then
     1682    Result.hue := (((g - b) * deg60) div
    3191683      minMax + deg360) mod deg360
    3201684  else
    321   if max = ec.green then
    322     Result.hue := ((ec.blue - ec.red) * deg60 + (minMax shr 1)) div minMax + deg120
    323   else
    324     {max = ec.blue} Result.hue :=
    325       ((ec.red - ec.green) * deg60 + (minMax shr 1)) div minMax + deg240;
     1685  if max = g then
     1686    Result.hue := ((b - r) * deg60) div minMax + deg120
     1687  else
     1688    {max = b} Result.hue :=
     1689      ((r - g) * deg60) div minMax + deg240;
    3261690  twiceLightness := max + min;
    3271691  if min = max then
    3281692    Result.saturation := 0
    3291693  else
     1694  {$hints off}
    3301695  if twiceLightness < 65536 then
    331     Result.saturation := (minMax shl 16) div (twiceLightness + 1)
    332   else
    333     Result.saturation := (minMax shl 16) div (131072 - twiceLightness);
     1696    Result.saturation := (int64(minMax) shl 16) div (twiceLightness + 1)
     1697  else
     1698    Result.saturation := (int64(minMax) shl 16) div (131072 - twiceLightness);
     1699  {$hints on}
    3341700  Result.lightness := twiceLightness shr 1;
    3351701  Result.alpha := ec.alpha;
    336   Result.hue   := Result.hue * 65536 div deg360;
    337 end;
    339 function HSLAToBGRA(c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     1702  Result.hue   := (Result.hue shl 16) div deg360;
     1705function HtoG(hue: word): word;
     1707  segmentDest: array[0..5] of word =
     1708     (13653, 10923, 8192, 13653, 10923, 8192);
     1709  segmentSrc: array[0..5] of word =
     1710     (10923, 10922, 10923, 10923, 10922, 10923);
     1712  if hue < segmentSrc[0] then
     1713    result := hue * segmentDest[0] div segmentSrc[0]
     1714  else
     1715  begin
     1716    result := segmentDest[0];
     1717    hue -= segmentSrc[0];
     1718    if hue < segmentSrc[1] then
     1719      result += hue * segmentDest[1] div segmentSrc[1]
     1720    else
     1721    begin
     1722      result += segmentDest[1];
     1723      hue -= segmentSrc[1];
     1724      if hue < segmentSrc[2] then
     1725        result += hue * segmentDest[2] div segmentSrc[2]
     1726      else
     1727      begin
     1728        result += segmentDest[2];
     1729        hue -= segmentSrc[2];
     1730        if hue < segmentSrc[3] then
     1731          result += hue * segmentDest[3] div segmentSrc[3]
     1732        else
     1733        begin
     1734          result += segmentDest[3];
     1735          hue -= segmentSrc[3];
     1736          if hue < segmentSrc[4] then
     1737            result += hue * segmentDest[4] div segmentSrc[4]
     1738          else
     1739          begin
     1740            result += segmentDest[4];
     1741            hue -= segmentSrc[4];
     1742            result += hue * segmentDest[5] div segmentSrc[5];
     1743          end;
     1744        end;
     1745      end;
     1746    end;
     1747  end;
     1750function GtoH(ghue: word): word;
     1752  segment: array[0..5] of word =
     1753     (13653, 10923, 8192, 13653, 10923, 8192);
     1755  if ghue < segment[0] then
     1756    result := ghue * 10923 div segment[0]
     1757  else
     1758  begin
     1759    ghue -= segment[0];
     1760    if ghue < segment[1] then
     1761      result := ghue * (21845-10923) div segment[1] + 10923
     1762    else
     1763    begin
     1764      ghue -= segment[1];
     1765      if ghue < segment[2] then
     1766        result := ghue * (32768-21845) div segment[2] + 21845
     1767      else
     1768      begin
     1769        ghue -= segment[2];
     1770        if ghue < segment[3] then
     1771          result := ghue * (43691-32768) div segment[3] + 32768
     1772        else
     1773        begin
     1774          ghue -= segment[3];
     1775          if ghue < segment[4] then
     1776            result := ghue * (54613-43691) div segment[4] + 43691
     1777          else
     1778          begin
     1779            ghue -= segment[4];
     1780            result := ghue * (65536-54613) div segment[5] + 54613;
     1781          end;
     1782        end;
     1783      end;
     1784    end;
     1785  end;
     1788function HSLAToExpanded(c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
    3411790  deg30  = 4096;
    3651814  q, p: integer;
    366   ec:   TExpandedPixel;
    3681816  c.hue := c.hue * deg360 shr 16;
    3691817  if c.saturation = 0 then  //gray
    3701818  begin
    371     ec.red   := c.lightness;
    372     ec.green := c.lightness;
    373     ec.blue  := c.lightness;
    374     ec.alpha := c.alpha;
    375     Result   := GammaCompression(ec);
     1819    result.red   := c.lightness;
     1820    result.green := c.lightness;
     1821    result.blue  := c.lightness;
     1822    result.alpha := c.alpha;
    3761823    exit;
    3771824  end;
     1825  {$hints off}
    3781826  if c.lightness < 32768 then
    3791827    q := (c.lightness shr 1) * ((65535 + c.saturation) shr 1) shr 14
    3811829    q := c.lightness + c.saturation - ((c.lightness shr 1) *
    3821830      (c.saturation shr 1) shr 14);
     1831  {$hints on}
    3831832  if q > 65535 then
    3841833    q := 65535;
    3861835  if p > 65535 then
    3871836    p      := 65535;
    388   ec.red   := ComputeColor(p, q, c.hue + deg120);
    389   ec.green := ComputeColor(p, q, c.hue);
    390   ec.blue  := ComputeColor(p, q, c.hue + deg240);
    391   ec.alpha := c.alpha;
    392   Result   := GammaCompression(ec);
    393 end;
     1837  result.red   := ComputeColor(p, q, c.hue + deg120);
     1838  result.green := ComputeColor(p, q, c.hue);
     1839  result.blue  := ComputeColor(p, q, c.hue + deg240);
     1840  result.alpha := c.alpha;
     1843{ Conversion from HSL colorspace to RGB. See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space }
     1844function HSLAToBGRA(c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     1845var ec: TExpandedPixel;
     1847  ec := HSLAToExpanded(c);
     1848  Result := GammaCompression(ec);
     1851function HueDiff(h1, h2: word): word;
     1853  result := abs(integer(h1)-integer(h2));
     1854  if result > 32768 then result := 65536-result;
     1857function GetHue(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
     1859  deg60  = 8192;
     1860  deg120 = deg60 * 2;
     1861  deg240 = deg60 * 4;
     1862  deg360 = deg60 * 6;
     1864  min, max, minMax: integer;
     1865  r,g,b: integer;
     1867  r := ec.red;
     1868  g := ec.green;
     1869  b := ec.blue;
     1870  min := r;
     1871  max := r;
     1872  if g > max then
     1873    max := g
     1874  else
     1875  if g < min then
     1876    min := g;
     1877  if b > max then
     1878    max := b
     1879  else
     1880  if b < min then
     1881    min  := b;
     1882  minMax := max - min;
     1884  if minMax = 0 then
     1885    Result := 0
     1886  else
     1887  if max = r then
     1888    Result := (((g - b) * deg60) div
     1889      minMax + deg360) mod deg360
     1890  else
     1891  if max = g then
     1892    Result := ((b - r) * deg60) div minMax + deg120
     1893  else
     1894    {max = b} Result :=
     1895      ((r - g) * deg60) div minMax + deg240;
     1897  Result   := (Result shl 16) div deg360; //normalize
     1900function ColorImportance(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
     1901var min,max: word;
     1903  min := ec.red;
     1904  max := ec.red;
     1905  if ec.green > max then
     1906    max := ec.green
     1907  else
     1908  if ec.green < min then
     1909    min := ec.green;
     1910  if ec.blue > max then
     1911    max := ec.blue
     1912  else
     1913  if ec.blue < min then
     1914    min  := ec.blue;
     1915  result := max - min;
     1918function GSBAToBGRA(c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     1919var ec: TExpandedPixel;
     1920    lightness: word;
     1922  c.hue := GtoH(c.hue);
     1923  lightness := c.lightness;
     1924  c.lightness := 32768;
     1925  ec := HSLAToExpanded(c);
     1926  result := GammaCompression(SetLightness(ec, lightness));
     1929function GSBAToHSLA(c: THSLAPixel): THSLAPixel;
     1931  result := BGRAToHSLA(GSBAToBGRA(c));
     1934{ Apply gamma correction using conversion tables }
    3951935function GammaExpansion(c: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
    3981938  Result.green := GammaExpansionTab[c.green];
    3991939  Result.blue  := GammaExpansionTab[c.blue];
    400   Result.alpha := c.alpha shl 8 + 128;
    401 end;
    403 {$hints on}
     1940  Result.alpha := c.alpha shl 8 + c.alpha;
    4051943function GammaCompression(ec: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     1951function GammaCompression(red, green, blue, alpha: word): TBGRAPixel;
     1953  Result.red   := GammaCompressionTab[red];
     1954  Result.green := GammaCompressionTab[green];
     1955  Result.blue  := GammaCompressionTab[blue];
     1956  Result.alpha := alpha shr 8;
     1959// Conversion to grayscale by taking into account
     1960// different color weights
    4131961function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     1980function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
     1982  result.red := GammaCompressionTab[lightness];
     1983  result.green := result.red;
     1984  result.blue := result.red;
     1985  result.alpha := $ff;
     1988{ Merge linearly two colors of same importance }
    4321989function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
     1990var c12: cardinal;
    4341992  if (c1.alpha = 0) then
    4391997  else
    4401998  begin
    441     Result.red   := round((c1.red * c1.alpha + c2.red * c2.alpha) /
    442       (c1.alpha + c2.alpha));
    443     Result.green := round((c1.green * c1.alpha + c2.green * c2.alpha) /
    444       (c1.alpha + c2.alpha));
    445     Result.blue  := round((c1.blue * c1.alpha + c2.blue * c2.alpha) /
    446       (c1.alpha + c2.alpha));
    447     Result.alpha := (c1.alpha + c2.alpha + 1) div 2;
     1999    c12 := c1.alpha + c2.alpha;
     2000    Result.red   := (c1.red * c1.alpha + c2.red * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
     2001    Result.green := (c1.green * c1.alpha + c2.green * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
     2002    Result.blue  := (c1.blue * c1.alpha + c2.blue * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
     2003    Result.alpha := (c12 + 1) shr 1;
     2004  end;
     2007function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel;
     2008  weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel;
     2010    f1,f2,f12: integer;
     2012  f1 := c1.alpha*weight1;
     2013  f2 := c2.alpha*weight2;
     2014  if (f1 = 0) then
     2015  begin
     2016    if (f2 = 0) then
     2017      result := BGRAPixelTransparent
     2018    else
     2019      Result := c2
     2020  end
     2021  else
     2022  if (f2 = 0) then
     2023    Result := c1
     2024  else
     2025  if (weight1+weight2 = 0) then
     2026    Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
     2027  else
     2028  begin
     2029    f12 := f1+f2;
     2030    if f12 = 0 then
     2031      result := BGRAPixelTransparent
     2032    else
     2033    begin
     2034      Result.red   := (c1.red * f1 + c2.red * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
     2035      Result.green := (c1.green * f1 + c2.green * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
     2036      Result.blue  := (c1.blue * f1 + c2.blue * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
     2037      Result.alpha := (f12 + ((weight1+weight2) shr 1)) div (weight1+weight2);
     2038    end;
     2039  end;
     2042{ Merge two colors of same importance }
     2043function MergeBGRA(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): TExpandedPixel;
     2044var c12: cardinal;
     2046  if (ec1.alpha = 0) then
     2047    Result := ec2
     2048  else
     2049  if (ec2.alpha = 0) then
     2050    Result := ec1
     2051  else
     2052  begin
     2053    c12 := ec1.alpha + ec2.alpha;
     2054    Result.red   := (int64(ec1.red) * ec1.alpha + int64(ec2.red) * ec2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
     2055    Result.green := (int64(ec1.green) * ec1.alpha + int64(ec2.green) * ec2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
     2056    Result.blue  := (int64(ec1.blue) * ec1.alpha + int64(ec2.blue) * ec2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
     2057    Result.alpha := (c12 + 1) shr 1;
    4482058  end;
     2077{ Convert a TColor value to a TBGRAPixel value. Note that
     2078  you need to call ColorToRGB first if you use a system
     2079  color identifier like clWindow. }
    4682081function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
    485 {$hints off}
     2098{ Conversion from TFPColor to TBGRAPixel assuming TFPColor
     2099  is already gamma compressed }
     2100function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
     2102  with AValue do
     2103    Result := BGRA(red shr 8, green shr 8, blue shr 8, alpha shr 8);
     2106function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
     2108  result.red := AValue.red shl 8 + AValue.red;
     2109  result.green := AValue.green shl 8 + AValue.green;
     2110  result.blue := AValue.blue shl 8 + AValue.blue;
     2111  result.alpha := AValue.alpha shl 8 + AValue.alpha;
    4862114function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
    4882116  Result := c.red + (c.green shl 8) + (c.blue shl 16);
    491 {$hints on}
    4932119operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
    502 function BGRADiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
     2128function LessStartSlope65535(value: word): word;
     2129var factor: word;
     2131  factor := 4096 - (not value)*3 shr 7;
     2132  result := value*factor shr 12;
     2135function ExpandedDiff(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): word;
    5042137  CompRedAlpha1, CompGreenAlpha1, CompBlueAlpha1, CompRedAlpha2,
    5052138  CompGreenAlpha2, CompBlueAlpha2: integer;
    506   DiffAlpha: byte;
    507 begin
    508     {$hints off}
    509   CompRedAlpha1 := c1.red * c1.alpha;
    510   CompGreenAlpha1 := c1.green * c1.alpha;
    511   CompBlueAlpha1 := c1.blue * c1.alpha;
    512   CompRedAlpha2 := c2.red * c2.alpha;
    513   CompGreenAlpha2 := c2.green * c2.alpha;
    514   CompBlueAlpha2 := c2.blue * c2.alpha;
    515     {$hints on}
    516   Result    := (Abs(CompRedAlpha2 - CompRedAlpha1) +
    517     Abs(CompBlueAlpha2 - CompBlueAlpha1) + Abs(CompGreenAlpha2 - CompGreenAlpha1)) div
    518     (3 * 255);
    519   DiffAlpha := Abs(c2.Alpha - c1.Alpha) * 3 shr 2;
     2139  DiffAlpha: word;
     2140  ColorDiff: word;
     2141  TempHueDiff: word;
     2143  CompRedAlpha1 := ec1.red * ec1.alpha shr 16; //gives 0..65535
     2144  CompGreenAlpha1 := ec1.green * ec1.alpha shr 16;
     2145  CompBlueAlpha1 := ec1.blue * ec1.alpha shr 16;
     2146  CompRedAlpha2 := ec2.red * ec2.alpha shr 16;
     2147  CompGreenAlpha2 := ec2.green * ec2.alpha shr 16;
     2148  CompBlueAlpha2 := ec2.blue * ec2.alpha shr 16;
     2149  Result    := (Abs(CompRedAlpha2 - CompRedAlpha1)*redWeightShl10 +
     2150    Abs(CompBlueAlpha2 - CompBlueAlpha1)*blueWeightShl10 +
     2151    Abs(CompGreenAlpha2 - CompGreenAlpha1)*greenWeightShl10) shr 10;
     2152  ColorDiff := min(ColorImportance(ec1),ColorImportance(ec2));
     2153  if ColorDiff > 0 then
     2154  begin
     2155    TempHueDiff := HueDiff(HtoG(GetHue(ec1)),HtoG(GetHue(ec2)));
     2156    if TempHueDiff < 32768 then
     2157      TempHueDiff := LessStartSlope65535(TempHueDiff shl 1) shr 4
     2158    else
     2159      TempHueDiff := TempHueDiff shr 3;
     2160    Result := ((Result shr 4)* (not ColorDiff) + TempHueDiff*ColorDiff) shr 12;
     2161  end;
     2162  DiffAlpha := Abs(integer(ec2.Alpha) - integer(ec1.Alpha));
    5202163  if DiffAlpha > Result then
    5212164    Result := DiffAlpha;
     2167function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
     2169  result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2));
     2172function BGRADiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
     2174  result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2)) shr 8;
     2177operator-(const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF;
     2179  result[1] := c1[1]-c2[1];
     2180  result[2] := c1[2]-c2[2];
     2181  result[3] := c1[3]-c2[3];
     2182  result[4] := c1[4]-c2[4];
     2185operator+(const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF;
     2187  result[1] := c1[1]+c2[1];
     2188  result[2] := c1[2]+c2[2];
     2189  result[3] := c1[3]+c2[3];
     2190  result[4] := c1[4]+c2[4];
     2193operator*(const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF;
     2195  result[1] := c1[1]*c2[1];
     2196  result[2] := c1[2]*c2[2];
     2197  result[3] := c1[3]*c2[3];
     2198  result[4] := c1[4]*c2[4];
     2201operator*(const c1: TColorF; factor: single): TColorF;
     2203  result[1] := c1[1]*factor;
     2204  result[2] := c1[2]*factor;
     2205  result[3] := c1[3]*factor;
     2206  result[4] := c1[4]*factor;
     2209function ColorF(red, green, blue, alpha: single): TColorF;
     2211  result[1] := red;
     2212  result[2] := green;
     2213  result[3] := blue;
     2214  result[4] := alpha;
     2217{ Write a color in hexadecimal format RRGGBBAA }
     2218function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel): string;
     2220  result := IntToHex(c.red,2)+IntToHex(c.green,2)+IntToHex(c.Blue,2)+IntToHex(c.Alpha,2);
     2224    arrayOfString = array of string;
     2226function SimpleParseFuncParam(str: string): arrayOfString;
     2227var idxOpen,start,cur: integer;
     2229    result := nil;
     2230    idxOpen := pos('(',str);
     2231    if idxOpen = 0 then exit;
     2232    start := idxOpen+1;
     2233    cur := start;
     2234    while cur <= length(str) do
     2235    begin
     2236       if str[cur] in[',',')'] then
     2237       begin
     2238         setlength(result,length(result)+1);
     2239         result[high(result)] := copy(str,start,cur-start);
     2240         start := cur+1;
     2241       end;
     2242       inc(cur);
     2243    end;
     2244    if start <= length(str) then
     2245    begin
     2246      setlength(result,length(result)+1);
     2247      result[high(result)] := copy(str,start,length(str)-start+1);
     2248    end;
     2251function ParseColorValue(str: string): byte;
     2252var pourcent,unclipped,errPos: integer;
     2254  if str = '' then result := 0 else
     2255  begin
     2256    if str[length(str)]='%' then
     2257    begin
     2258      val(copy(str,1,length(str)-1),pourcent,errPos);
     2259      if pourcent < 0 then result := 0 else
     2260      if pourcent > 100 then result := 255 else
     2261        result := pourcent*255 div 100;
     2262    end else
     2263    begin
     2264      val(str,unclipped,errPos);
     2265      if unclipped < 0 then result := 0 else
     2266      if unclipped > 255 then result := 255 else
     2267        result := unclipped;
     2268    end;
     2269  end;
     2272{ Read a color in hexadecimal format RRGGBB(AA) or RGB(A) }
     2273function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel;
     2274var errPos: integer;
     2275    values: array of string;
     2276    alphaF: single;
     2277    idx: integer;
     2279  if str = '' then
     2280  begin
     2281    result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
     2282    exit;
     2283  end;
     2284  str := lowerCase(str);
     2286  //VGA color names
     2287  if str='black' then result := BGRA(0,0,0) else
     2288  if str='silver' then result := BGRA(192,192,192) else
     2289  if str='gray' then result := BGRA(128,128,128) else
     2290  if str='white' then result := BGRA(255,255,255) else
     2291  if str='maroon' then result := BGRA(128,0,0) else
     2292  if str='red' then result := BGRA(255,0,0) else
     2293  if str='purple' then result := BGRA(128,0,128) else
     2294  if str='fuchsia' then result := BGRA(255,0,255) else
     2295  if str='green' then result := BGRA(0,128,0) else
     2296  if str='lime' then result := BGRA(0,255,0) else
     2297  if str='olive' then result := BGRA(128,128,0) else
     2298  if str='yellow' then result := BGRA(255,255,0) else
     2299  if str='navy' then result := BGRA(0,0,128) else
     2300  if str='blue' then result := BGRA(0,0,255) else
     2301  if str='teal' then result := BGRA(0,128,128) else
     2302  if str='aqua' then result := BGRA(0,255,255) else
     2303  if str='transparent' then result := BGRAPixelTransparent else
     2304  begin
     2305    //check CSS color
     2306    idx := CSSColors.IndexOf(str);
     2307    if idx <> -1 then
     2308    begin
     2309      result := CSSColors[idx];
     2310      exit;
     2311    end;
     2313    //CSS RGB notation
     2314    if (copy(str,1,4)='rgb(') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba(') then
     2315    begin
     2316      values := SimpleParseFuncParam(str);
     2317      if (length(values)=3) or (length(values)=4) then
     2318      begin
     2319        result.red := ParseColorValue(values[0]);
     2320        result.green := ParseColorValue(values[1]);
     2321        result.blue := ParseColorValue(values[2]);
     2322        if length(values)=4 then
     2323        begin
     2324          val(values[3],alphaF,errPos);
     2325          if alphaF < 0 then
     2326            result.alpha := 0 else
     2327          if alphaF > 1 then
     2328            result.alpha := 255
     2329          else
     2330            result.alpha := round(alphaF*255);
     2331        end else
     2332          result.alpha := 255;
     2333      end else
     2334        result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
     2335      exit;
     2336    end;
     2338    //remove HTML notation header
     2339    if str[1]='#' then delete(str,1,1);
     2341    //add alpha if missing
     2342    if length(str)=6 then str += 'FF';
     2343    if length(str)=3 then str += 'F';
     2345    //hex notation
     2346    if length(str)=8 then
     2347    begin
     2348      val('$'+copy(str,1,2),result.red,errPos);
     2349      val('$'+copy(str,3,2),result.green,errPos);
     2350      val('$'+copy(str,5,2),result.blue,errPos);
     2351      val('$'+copy(str,7,2),result.alpha,errPos);
     2352    end else
     2353    if length(str)=4 then
     2354    begin
     2355      val('$'+copy(str,1,1),result.red,errPos);
     2356      val('$'+copy(str,2,1),result.green,errPos);
     2357      val('$'+copy(str,3,1),result.blue,errPos);
     2358      val('$'+copy(str,4,1),result.alpha,errPos);
     2359      result.red *= $11;
     2360      result.green *= $11;
     2361      result.blue *= $11;
     2362      result.alpha *= $11;
     2363    end else
     2364      result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
     2365  end;
     2370function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
     2371var intval: integer;
     2373  intval := color.Green shl 16 + color.red shl 8 + color.blue;
     2374  result := intval/16777215;
     2377function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
     2378var intval: integer;
     2380  if Height >= 1 then result := BGRA(255,255,255,alpha) else
     2381  if Height <= 0 then result := BGRA(0,0,0,alpha) else
     2382  begin
     2383    intval := round(Height*16777215);
     2384    result := BGRA(intval shr 8,intval shr 16,intval,alpha);
     2385  end;
     2388{********************** Point functions **************************}
    5242390function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF;
    5262392  Result.x := x;
    5272393  Result.y := y;
     2396function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
     2398  i: Integer;
     2400  setlength(result, length(pts));
     2401  for i := 0 to high(pts) do result[i] := pts[i];
     2404operator =(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean;
     2406  result := (pt1.x = pt2.x) and (pt1.y = pt2.y);
     2409operator-(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
     2411  result.x := pt1.x-pt2.x;
     2412  result.y := pt1.y-pt2.y;
     2415operator-(const pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
     2417  result.x := -pt2.x;
     2418  result.y := -pt2.y;
     2421operator+(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
     2423  result.x := pt1.x+pt2.x;
     2424  result.y := pt1.y+pt2.y;
     2427operator*(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single;
     2429  result := pt1.x*pt2.x + pt1.y*pt2.y;
     2432operator*(const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF;
     2434  result.x := pt1.x*factor;
     2435  result.y := pt1.y*factor;
     2438operator*(factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF;
     2440  result.x := pt1.x*factor;
     2441  result.y := pt1.y*factor;
    550 function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
    551 var gt: TGradientType;
    552 begin
    553   result := gtLinear;
    554   str := LowerCase(str);
    555   for gt := low(TGradientType) to high(TGradientType) do
    556     if str = LowerCase(GradientTypeStr[gt]) then
     2464function VectLen(dx, dy: single): single;
     2466  result := sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
     2469function VectLen(v: TPointF): single;
     2471  result := sqrt(v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y);
     2474function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF;
     2475var parallel: boolean;
     2477  result := IntersectLine(line1,line2,parallel);
     2480function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF;
     2481var divFactor: double;
     2483  parallel := false;
     2484  //if lines are parallel
     2485  if ((line1.dir.x = line2.dir.x) and (line1.dir.y = line2.dir.y)) or
     2486     ((abs(line1.dir.y) < 1e-6) and (abs(line2.dir.y) < 1e-6)) then
     2487  begin
     2488       parallel := true;
     2489       //return the center of the segment between line origins
     2490       result.x := (line1.origin.x+line2.origin.x)/2;
     2491       result.y := (line1.origin.y+line2.origin.y)/2;
     2492  end else
     2493  if abs(line1.dir.y) < 1e-6 then //line1 is horizontal
     2494  begin
     2495       result.y := line1.origin.y;
     2496       result.x := line2.origin.x + (result.y - line2.origin.y)
     2497               /line2.dir.y*line2.dir.x;
     2498  end else
     2499  if abs(line2.dir.y) < 1e-6 then //line2 is horizontal
     2500  begin
     2501       result.y := line2.origin.y;
     2502       result.x := line1.origin.x + (result.y - line1.origin.y)
     2503               /line1.dir.y*line1.dir.x;
     2504  end else
     2505  begin
     2506       divFactor := line1.dir.x/line1.dir.y - line2.dir.x/line2.dir.y;
     2507       if abs(divFactor) < 1e-6 then //almost parallel
     2508       begin
     2509            parallel := true;
     2510            //return the center of the segment between line origins
     2511            result.x := (line1.origin.x+line2.origin.x)/2;
     2512            result.y := (line1.origin.y+line2.origin.y)/2;
     2513       end else
     2514       begin
     2515         result.y := (line2.origin.x - line1.origin.x +
     2516                  line1.origin.y*line1.dir.x/line1.dir.y -
     2517                  line2.origin.y*line2.dir.x/line2.dir.y)
     2518                  / divFactor;
     2519         result.x := line1.origin.x + (result.y - line1.origin.y)
     2520                 /line1.dir.y*line1.dir.x;
     2521       end;
     2522  end;
     2525{ Check if a polygon is convex, i.e. it always turns in the same direction }
     2526function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
     2528  positive,negative,zero: boolean;
     2529  product: single;
     2530  i: Integer;
     2532  positive := false;
     2533  negative := false;
     2534  zero := false;
     2535  for i := 0 to high(pts) do
     2536  begin
     2537    product := (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y) -
     2538               (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x);
     2539    if product > 0 then
    5572540    begin
    558       result := gt;
    559       exit;
     2541      if negative then
     2542      begin
     2543        result := false;
     2544        exit;
     2545      end;
     2546      positive := true;
     2547    end else
     2548    if product < 0 then
     2549    begin
     2550      if positive then
     2551      begin
     2552        result := false;
     2553        exit;
     2554      end;
     2555      negative := true;
     2556    end else
     2557      zero := true;
     2558  end;
     2559  if not IgnoreAlign and zero then
     2560    result := false
     2561  else
     2562    result := true;
     2565{ Check if two segments intersect }
     2566function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
     2568  seg1: TLineDef;
     2569  seg1len: single;
     2570  seg2: TLineDef;
     2571  seg2len: single;
     2572  inter: TPointF;
     2573  pos1,pos2: single;
     2574  para: boolean;
     2577  { Determine line definitions }
     2578  seg1.origin := pt1;
     2579  seg1.dir := pt2-pt1;
     2580  seg1len := sqrt(sqr(seg1.dir.X)+sqr(seg1.dir.Y));
     2581  if seg1len = 0 then
     2582  begin
     2583    result := false;
     2584    exit;
     2585  end;
     2586  seg1.dir *= 1/seg1len;
     2588  seg2.origin := pt3;
     2589  seg2.dir := pt4-pt3;
     2590  seg2len := sqrt(sqr(seg2.dir.X)+sqr(seg2.dir.Y));
     2591  if seg2len = 0 then
     2592  begin
     2593    result := false;
     2594    exit;
     2595  end;
     2596  seg2.dir *= 1/seg2len;
     2598  //obviously parallel
     2599  if seg1.dir = seg2.dir then
     2600    result := false
     2601  else
     2602  begin
     2603    //try to compute intersection
     2604    inter := IntersectLine(seg1,seg2,para);
     2605    if para then
     2606      result := false
     2607    else
     2608    begin
     2609      //check if intersections are inside the segments
     2610      pos1 := (inter-seg1.origin)*seg1.dir;
     2611      pos2 := (inter-seg2.origin)*seg2.dir;
     2612      if (pos1 >= 0) and (pos1 <= seg1len) and
     2613         (pos2 >= 0) and (pos2 <= seg2len) then
     2614        result := true
     2615      else
     2616        result := false;
    5602617    end;
    561 end;
    563 function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel): string;
    564 begin
    565   result := IntToHex(c.red,2)+IntToHex(c.green,2)+IntToHex(c.Blue,2)+IntToHex(c.Alpha,2);
    566 end;
    568 {$hints off}
    569 {$notes off}
    570 function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel;
    571 var errPos: integer;
    572 begin
    573   if length(str)=6 then str += 'FF';
    574   if length(str)=3 then str += 'F';
    575   if length(str)=8 then
    576   begin
    577     val('$'+copy(str,1,2),result.red,errPos);
    578     val('$'+copy(str,3,2),result.green,errPos);
    579     val('$'+copy(str,5,2),result.blue,errPos);
    580     val('$'+copy(str,7,2),result.alpha,errPos);
     2618  end;
     2621{ Check if a quaduadrilateral intersects itself }
     2622function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
     2624  result := DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4) or DoesSegmentIntersect(pt2,pt3,pt4,pt1);
     2627{************************** Cyclic functions *******************}
     2629// Get the cyclic value in the range [0..cycle-1]
     2630function PositiveMod(value, cycle: integer): integer; inline;
     2632  result := value mod cycle;
     2633  if result < 0 then //modulo can be negative
     2634    Inc(result, cycle);
     2637{ Table of precalc values. Note : the value is stored for
     2638  the first half of the cycle, and values are stored 'minus 1'
     2639  in order to stay in the range 0..65535 }
     2641  sinTab65536: packed array of word;
     2643function Sin65536(value: word): integer;
     2644var b: integer;
     2646  //allocate array
     2647  if sinTab65536 = nil then
     2648    setlength(sinTab65536,32768);
     2650  if value >= 32768 then //function is upside down after half-period
     2651  begin
     2652    b := value xor 32768;
     2653    if sinTab65536[b] = 0 then //precalc
     2654      sinTab65536[b] := round((sin(b*2*Pi/65536)+1)*65536/2)-1;
     2655    result := not sinTab65536[b];
    5812656  end else
    582   if length(str)=4 then
    583   begin
    584     val('$'+copy(str,1,1),result.red,errPos);
    585     val('$'+copy(str,2,1),result.green,errPos);
    586     val('$'+copy(str,3,1),result.blue,errPos);
    587     val('$'+copy(str,4,1),result.alpha,errPos);
    588     result.red *= $11;
    589     result.green *= $11;
    590     result.blue *= $11;
    591     result.alpha *= $11;
    592   end else
    593     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
    594 end;
    595 {$notes on}
    596 {$hints on}
     2657  begin
     2658    b := value;
     2659    if sinTab65536[b] = 0 then //precalc
     2660      sinTab65536[b] := round((sin(b*2*Pi/65536)+1)*65536/2)-1;
     2661    {$hints off}
     2662    result := sinTab65536[b]+1;
     2663    {$hints on}
     2664  end;
     2667function Cos65536(value: word): integer;
     2669  result := Sin65536(value+16384); //cosine is translated
     2672procedure PrecalcSin65536;
     2674  i: Integer;
     2676  for i := 0 to 32767 do Sin65536(i);
    6002681  InitGamma;
     2682  CSSColors := TBGRAColorList.Create;
     2683  CSSColors.Add('AliceBlue',CSSAliceBlue);
     2684  CSSColors.Add('AntiqueWhite',CSSAntiqueWhite);
     2685  CSSColors.Add('Aqua',CSSAqua);
     2686  CSSColors.Add('Aquamarine',CSSAquamarine);
     2687  CSSColors.Add('Azure',CSSAzure);
     2688  CSSColors.Add('Beige',CSSBeige);
     2689  CSSColors.Add('Bisque',CSSBisque);
     2690  CSSColors.Add('Black',CSSBlack);
     2691  CSSColors.Add('BlanchedAlmond',CSSBlanchedAlmond);
     2692  CSSColors.Add('Blue',CSSBlue);
     2693  CSSColors.Add('BlueViolet',CSSBlueViolet);
     2694  CSSColors.Add('Brown',CSSBrown);
     2695  CSSColors.Add('BurlyWood',CSSBurlyWood);
     2696  CSSColors.Add('CadetBlue',CSSCadetBlue);
     2697  CSSColors.Add('Chartreuse',CSSChartreuse);
     2698  CSSColors.Add('Chocolate',CSSChocolate);
     2699  CSSColors.Add('Coral',CSSCoral);
     2700  CSSColors.Add('CornflowerBlue',CSSCornflowerBlue);
     2701  CSSColors.Add('Cornsilk',CSSCornsilk);
     2702  CSSColors.Add('Crimson',CSSCrimson);
     2703  CSSColors.Add('Cyan',CSSCyan);
     2704  CSSColors.Add('DarkBlue',CSSDarkBlue);
     2705  CSSColors.Add('DarkCyan',CSSDarkCyan);
     2706  CSSColors.Add('DarkGoldenrod',CSSDarkGoldenrod);
     2707  CSSColors.Add('DarkGray',CSSDarkGray);
     2708  CSSColors.Add('DarkGreen',CSSDarkGreen);
     2709  CSSColors.Add('DarkKhaki',CSSDarkKhaki);
     2710  CSSColors.Add('DarkMagenta',CSSDarkMagenta);
     2711  CSSColors.Add('DarkOliveGreen',CSSDarkOliveGreen);
     2712  CSSColors.Add('DarkOrange',CSSDarkOrange);
     2713  CSSColors.Add('DarkOrchid',CSSDarkOrchid);
     2714  CSSColors.Add('DarkRed',CSSDarkRed);
     2715  CSSColors.Add('DarkSalmon',CSSDarkSalmon);
     2716  CSSColors.Add('DarkSeaGreen',CSSDarkSeaGreen);
     2717  CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateBlue',CSSDarkSlateBlue);
     2718  CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateGray',CSSDarkSlateGray);
     2719  CSSColors.Add('DarkTurquoise',CSSDarkTurquoise);
     2720  CSSColors.Add('DarkViolet',CSSDarkViolet);
     2721  CSSColors.Add('DeepPink',CSSDeepPink);
     2722  CSSColors.Add('DeepSkyBlue',CSSDeepSkyBlue);
     2723  CSSColors.Add('DimGray',CSSDimGray);
     2724  CSSColors.Add('DodgerBlue',CSSDodgerBlue);
     2725  CSSColors.Add('FireBrick',CSSFireBrick);
     2726  CSSColors.Add('FloralWhite',CSSFloralWhite);
     2727  CSSColors.Add('ForestGreen',CSSForestGreen);
     2728  CSSColors.Add('Fuchsia',CSSFuchsia);
     2729  CSSColors.Add('Gainsboro',CSSGainsboro);
     2730  CSSColors.Add('GhostWhite',CSSGhostWhite);
     2731  CSSColors.Add('Gold',CSSGold);
     2732  CSSColors.Add('Goldenrod',CSSGoldenrod);
     2733  CSSColors.Add('Gray',CSSGray);
     2734  CSSColors.Add('Green',CSSGreen);
     2735  CSSColors.Add('GreenYellow',CSSGreenYellow);
     2736  CSSColors.Add('Honeydew',CSSHoneydew);
     2737  CSSColors.Add('HotPink',CSSHotPink);
     2738  CSSColors.Add('IndianRed',CSSIndianRed);
     2739  CSSColors.Add('Indigo',CSSIndigo);
     2740  CSSColors.Add('Ivory',CSSIvory);
     2741  CSSColors.Add('Khaki',CSSKhaki);
     2742  CSSColors.Add('Lavender',CSSLavender);
     2743  CSSColors.Add('LavenderBlush',CSSLavenderBlush);
     2744  CSSColors.Add('LawnGreen',CSSLawnGreen);
     2745  CSSColors.Add('LemonChiffon',CSSLemonChiffon);
     2746  CSSColors.Add('LightBlue',CSSLightBlue);
     2747  CSSColors.Add('LightCoral',CSSLightCoral);
     2748  CSSColors.Add('LightCyan',CSSLightCyan);
     2749  CSSColors.Add('LightGoldenrodYellow',CSSLightGoldenrodYellow);
     2750  CSSColors.Add('LightGray',CSSLightGray);
     2751  CSSColors.Add('LightGreen',CSSLightGreen);
     2752  CSSColors.Add('LightPink',CSSLightPink);
     2753  CSSColors.Add('LightSalmon',CSSLightSalmon);
     2754  CSSColors.Add('LightSeaGreen',CSSLightSeaGreen);
     2755  CSSColors.Add('LightSkyBlue',CSSLightSkyBlue);
     2756  CSSColors.Add('LightSlateGray',CSSLightSlateGray);
     2757  CSSColors.Add('LightSteelBlue',CSSLightSteelBlue);
     2758  CSSColors.Add('LightYellow',CSSLightYellow);
     2759  CSSColors.Add('Lime',CSSLime);
     2760  CSSColors.Add('LimeGreen',CSSLimeGreen);
     2761  CSSColors.Add('Linen',CSSLinen);
     2762  CSSColors.Add('Magenta',CSSMagenta);
     2763  CSSColors.Add('Maroon',CSSMaroon);
     2764  CSSColors.Add('MediumAquamarine',CSSMediumAquamarine);
     2765  CSSColors.Add('MediumBlue',CSSMediumBlue);
     2766  CSSColors.Add('MediumOrchid',CSSMediumOrchid);
     2767  CSSColors.Add('MediumPurple',CSSMediumPurple);
     2768  CSSColors.Add('MediumSeaGreen',CSSMediumSeaGreen);
     2769  CSSColors.Add('MediumSlateBlue',CSSMediumSlateBlue);
     2770  CSSColors.Add('MediumSpringGreen',CSSMediumSpringGreen);
     2771  CSSColors.Add('MediumTurquoise',CSSMediumTurquoise);
     2772  CSSColors.Add('MediumVioletRed',CSSMediumVioletRed);
     2773  CSSColors.Add('MidnightBlue',CSSMidnightBlue);
     2774  CSSColors.Add('MintCream',CSSMintCream);
     2775  CSSColors.Add('MistyRose',CSSMistyRose);
     2776  CSSColors.Add('Moccasin',CSSMoccasin);
     2777  CSSColors.Add('NavajoWhite',CSSNavajoWhite);
     2778  CSSColors.Add('Navy',CSSNavy);
     2779  CSSColors.Add('OldLace',CSSOldLace);
     2780  CSSColors.Add('Olive',CSSOlive);
     2781  CSSColors.Add('OliveDrab',CSSOliveDrab);
     2782  CSSColors.Add('Orange',CSSOrange);
     2783  CSSColors.Add('OrangeRed',CSSOrangeRed);
     2784  CSSColors.Add('Orchid',CSSOrchid);
     2785  CSSColors.Add('PaleGoldenrod',CSSPaleGoldenrod);
     2786  CSSColors.Add('PaleGreen',CSSPaleGreen);
     2787  CSSColors.Add('PaleTurquoise',CSSPaleTurquoise);
     2788  CSSColors.Add('PaleVioletRed',CSSPaleVioletRed);
     2789  CSSColors.Add('PapayaWhip',CSSPapayaWhip);
     2790  CSSColors.Add('PeachPuff',CSSPeachPuff);
     2791  CSSColors.Add('Peru',CSSPeru);
     2792  CSSColors.Add('Pink',CSSPink);
     2793  CSSColors.Add('Plum',CSSPlum);
     2794  CSSColors.Add('PowderBlue',CSSPowderBlue);
     2795  CSSColors.Add('Purple',CSSPurple);
     2796  CSSColors.Add('Red',CSSRed);
     2797  CSSColors.Add('RosyBrown',CSSRosyBrown);
     2798  CSSColors.Add('RoyalBlue',CSSRoyalBlue);
     2799  CSSColors.Add('SaddleBrown',CSSSaddleBrown);
     2800  CSSColors.Add('Salmon',CSSSalmon);
     2801  CSSColors.Add('SandyBrown',CSSSandyBrown);
     2802  CSSColors.Add('SeaGreen',CSSSeaGreen);
     2803  CSSColors.Add('Seashell',CSSSeashell);
     2804  CSSColors.Add('Sienna',CSSSienna);
     2805  CSSColors.Add('Silver',CSSSilver);
     2806  CSSColors.Add('SkyBlue',CSSSkyBlue);
     2807  CSSColors.Add('SlateBlue',CSSSlateBlue);
     2808  CSSColors.Add('SlateGray',CSSSlateGray);
     2809  CSSColors.Add('Snow',CSSSnow);
     2810  CSSColors.Add('SpringGreen',CSSSpringGreen);
     2811  CSSColors.Add('SteelBlue',CSSSteelBlue);
     2812  CSSColors.Add('Tan',CSSTan);
     2813  CSSColors.Add('Teal',CSSTeal);
     2814  CSSColors.Add('Thistle',CSSThistle);
     2815  CSSColors.Add('Tomato',CSSTomato);
     2816  CSSColors.Add('Turquoise',CSSTurquoise);
     2817  CSSColors.Add('Violet',CSSViolet);
     2818  CSSColors.Add('Wheat',CSSWheat);
     2819  CSSColors.Add('White',CSSWhite);
     2820  CSSColors.Add('WhiteSmoke',CSSWhiteSmoke);
     2821  CSSColors.Add('Yellow',CSSYellow);
     2822  CSSColors.Add('YellowGreen',CSSYellowGreen);
     2823  CSSColors.Finished;
     2827  CSSColors.Free;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.