Jan 11, 2012, 10:13:26 AM (13 years ago)
  • Aktualizace: Překlad modulu account.
1 edited


  • cestina/addons/account/i18n/cs.po

    r26 r55  
    66msgstr ""
    77"Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
    8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@openerp.com\n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-11 11:14+0000\n"
    10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-06 12:24+0100\n"
    11 "Last-Translator: Chronos <robie@centrum.cz>\n"
    12 "Language-Team: Czech <cs@li.org>\n"
     8"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-23 09:55+0000\n"
     10"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-11 10:12+0100\n"
     11"Last-Translator: Jiří Hajda <robie@centrum.cz>\n"
     12"Language-Team: Czech <openerp-i18n-czech@lists.launchpad.net>\n"
    1313"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    1414"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    1515"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    16 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-09-06 06:12+0000\n"
    17 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13861)\n"
     16"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-01-02 05:01+0000\n"
     17"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 14560)\n"
    1818"X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n"
     20#. module: account
     21#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     22#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     23msgid "last month"
     24msgstr "minulý měsíc"
    2026#. module: account
    3036#. module: account
    31 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:40
    32 #, python-format
    33 msgid "No End of year journal defined for the fiscal year"
    34 msgstr "Není zadán konec roku knihy pro finanční rok"
    36 #. module: account
    37 #: code:addons/account/account.py:516
    38 #, python-format
    39 msgid "You cannot remove/deactivate an account which is set as a property to any Partner."
    40 msgstr "Nemůžete odstranit/deaktivovat účet, který je přiřazen některému partnerovi"
    42 #. module: account
    4337#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
    4438msgid "Journal Entry Reconcile"
    4539msgstr "Likvidace záznamu v knize"
    47 #. module: account
    48 #: field:account.installer.modules,account_voucher:0
    49 msgid "Voucher Management"
    50 msgstr "Správa poukázek"
    5241#. module: account
    6049#. module: account
    61 #: field:account.invoice,residual:0
     50#: view:account.invoice:0
     51msgid "Proforma/Open/Paid Invoices"
     52msgstr "Proforma/Otevřené/Zaplacené faktury"
     54#. module: account
    6255#: field:report.invoice.created,residual:0
    6356msgid "Residual"
    6659#. module: account
    67 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:793
     60#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:805
    6861#, python-format
    6962msgid "Please define sequence on invoice journal"
    9285#. module: account
    93 #: field:account.partner.ledger,reconcil:0
    94 msgid "Include Reconciled Entries"
    95 msgstr "Zahrnout zlikvidované záznamy"
    97 #. module: account
    98 #: view:account.pl.report:0
    99 msgid "The Profit and Loss report gives you an overview of your company profit and loss in a single document"
    100 msgstr "Výkaz zisku a ztráty Vám dá přehled o zisku či ztrátě společnosti v jediném dokumentu"
    102 #. module: account
    10386#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
    10487msgid "Import from invoice or payment"
    122105#. module: account
    123 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    124 msgid "Accounting Entries-"
    125 msgstr "Účetní záznamy -"
    127 #. module: account
    128 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1305
    129 #, python-format
    130 msgid "You can not delete posted movement: \"%s\"!"
    131 msgstr "Nemůžet smazat zaúčtované pohyby: \"%s\"!"
     106#: constraint:account.journal:0
     107msgid "Configuration error! The currency chosen should be shared by the default accounts too."
     108msgstr "Chyba nastavení! Vybraná měna by měla být také sdílena výchozími účty."
    133110#. module: account
    139116#. module: account
    140117#: view:account.account:0
    141 #: field:account.account,reconcile:0
    142118#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
    143119#: field:account.move.line,reconcile_id:0
    150126#: field:account.bank.statement.line,ref:0
    151127#: field:account.entries.report,ref:0
     128#: view:account.invoice:0
    152129#: field:account.move,ref:0
    153 #: view:account.move.line:0
    154130#: field:account.move.line,ref:0
    155131#: field:account.subscription,ref:0
    169145#. module: account
    170 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1436
     146#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1423
    171147#, python-format
    172148msgid "Warning!"
    173149msgstr "Varování!"
     151#. module: account
     152#: code:addons/account/account.py:3182
     153#, python-format
     154msgid "Miscellaneous Journal"
     155msgstr "Různý "
    175157#. module: account
    191173#. module: account
    192 #: selection:account.account.type,sign:0
    193 msgid "Negative"
    194 msgstr "Záporné"
     174#: field:accounting.report,label_filter:0
     175msgid "Column Label"
     176msgstr "Označení sloupce"
    196178#. module: account
    218200#. module: account
    219 #: code:addons/account/account.py:915
    220 #, python-format
    221 msgid ""
    222 "No period defined for this date: %s !\n"
    223 "Please create a fiscal year."
    224 msgstr ""
    225 "Pro toto datum: %s není definováno období.\n"
    226 "Prosím vytvořte fiskální rok."
    228 #. module: account
    229201#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_select
    230202msgid "Move line reconcile select"
    231203msgstr "Výběr likvidace pohybu"
    233 #. module: account
    234 #: help:account.model.line,sequence:0
    235 msgid "The sequence field is used to order the resources from lower sequences to higher ones"
    236 msgstr "Pole \"sequence\" je použito pro řazení záznamů od nejnižšího čísla k nejvyššímu"
    238205#. module: account
    244211#. module: account
    245 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1224
     212#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1236
    246213#, python-format
    247214msgid "Invoice '%s' is paid partially: %s%s of %s%s (%s%s remaining)"
    260227#. module: account
    261 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1182
     228#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1199
    262229#, python-format
    263230msgid "You can not add/modify entries in a closed journal."
    266233#. module: account
    267 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
    268 msgid "Calculated Balance"
    269 msgstr "Vypočtený zůstatek"
     234#: help:account.account,user_type:0
     235msgid "Account Type is used for information purpose, to generate country-specific legal reports, and set the rules to close a fiscal year and generate opening entries."
     236msgstr ""
     238#. module: account
     239#: report:account.overdue:0
     240msgid "Sub-Total :"
     241msgstr "Mezivýsledek :"
    271243#. module: account
    298270#. module: account
    299 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:532
     271#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:540
    300272#, python-format
    301273msgid "Invoice line account company does not match with invoice company."
    339311#. module: account
    340312#: view:account.installer:0
    341 #: view:account.installer.modules:0
    342313msgid "Configure"
    343314msgstr "Nastavit"
    410381#. module: account
    411 #: selection:account.account.type,sign:0
    412 msgid "Positive"
    413 msgstr "Kladný"
    415 #. module: account
    416382#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
    417383msgid "Open For Unreconciliation"
    420386#. module: account
     387#: field:account.account.template,chart_template_id:0
    421388#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,chart_template_id:0
    422389#: field:account.tax.template,chart_template_id:0
    429396msgid "The amount expressed in an optional other currency."
    430397msgstr "Částka vyjádřená ve volitelné jiné měně."
     399#. module: account
     400#: field:accounting.report,enable_filter:0
     401msgid "Enable Comparison"
     402msgstr "Povolit porovnání"
    432404#. module: account
    448420#: view:account.entries.report:0
    449421#: field:account.entries.report,journal_id:0
    450 #: report:account.general.ledger:0
    451422#: view:account.invoice:0
    452423#: field:account.invoice,journal_id:0
    462433#: view:account.move.line:0
    463434#: field:account.move.line,journal_id:0
    464 #: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    465 #: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    466 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:983
    467435#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
    468436#: field:analytic.entries.report,journal_id:0
    470438#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal
    471439#: field:validate.account.move,journal_id:0
    472 #, python-format
    473440msgid "Journal"
    474441msgstr "Kniha"
    492459#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
    493460#: help:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
    494 #: help:account.bs.report,chart_account_id:0
    495461#: help:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
    496462#: help:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
    501467#: help:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
    502468#: help:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
    503 #: help:account.pl.report,chart_account_id:0
    504469#: help:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
    505470#: help:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
    506471#: help:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
     472#: help:accounting.report,chart_account_id:0
    507473msgid "Select Charts of Accounts"
    508474msgstr "Vyberte účtový rozvrh"
    510476#. module: account
    511 #: view:product.product:0
    512 msgid "Purchase Taxes"
    513 msgstr "Nákupní daně"
     477#: sql_constraint:res.company:0
     478msgid "The company name must be unique !"
     479msgstr "Jméno společnosti musí být jedinečné !"
    515481#. module: account
    530496#. module: account
    531 #: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:349
    532 #, python-format
    533 msgid "CashBox Balance is not matching with Calculated Balance !"
    534 msgstr "Stav pokladny neodpovídá vypočtenému zůstatku!"
     497#: report:account.general.ledger:0
     498#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
     499msgid "Counterpart"
     500msgstr "Protějšek"
    536502#. module: account
    554520#. module: account
    555521#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
    556 #: selection:account.bs.report,display_account:0
    557522#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
    558 #: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
    559523#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
    560524#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
    590554#. module: account
    591 #: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
    592 msgid "Taxes Mapping"
    593 msgstr "Mapování daní"
     555#: field:account.financial.report,account_report_id:0
     556#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
     557msgid "Report Value"
     558msgstr "Hodnota výkazu"
     560#. module: account
     561#: view:account.entries.report:0
     562msgid "Journal Entries with period in current year"
     563msgstr "Položky deníku s obdobím v aktuálním roce"
    595565#. module: account
    605575#. module: account
     576#: code:addons/account/account.py:3376
     577#, python-format
     578msgid "TAX-S-%s"
     579msgstr "TAX-S-%s"
     581#. module: account
    606582#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_amount:0
    607583msgid "Tax Code Amount"
    610586#. module: account
    611 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2823
    612 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:434
     587#: code:addons/account/account.py:3186
    613588#, python-format
    614589msgid "SAJ"
    615590msgstr "KFV"
    617 #. module: account
    618 #: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
    619 msgid "closing balance entered by the cashbox verifier"
    620 msgstr "konečný zůstatek zadaný ověřovatelem pokladny"
    622592#. module: account
    629599#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_partner_report
    630600msgid "Account Common Partner Report"
    631 msgstr ""
     601msgstr "Výkaz běžného účtu partnera"
    633603#. module: account
    643613#. module: account
    644 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:723
    645 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:767
     614#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:750
     615#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:803
    646616#, python-format
    647617msgid "To reconcile the entries company should be the same for all entries"
    654624#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
    655625#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
    656 #: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:302
     626#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:297
    657627#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_receivable
    658628#, python-format
    677647#. module: account
    678 #: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
    679 msgid "Check"
    680 msgstr "Šekový"
     648#: view:account.invoice:0
     649msgid "Print Invoice"
     650msgstr "Tisknout fakturu"
    682652#. module: account
    687657#. module: account
     658#: view:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal:0
     659msgid "Sale journal in this year"
     660msgstr "Deník prodeje v tomto roce"
     662#. module: account
     663#: selection:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
     664msgid "Display children with hierarchy"
     665msgstr "Zobrazit podřízené s hierarchií"
     667#. module: account
    688668#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
    689 #: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
    690669msgid "Percent"
    691670msgstr "Procenta"
    701680#, python-format
    702681msgid "Analytic Entries by line"
    703 msgstr "Analitické položky dle řádku"
     682msgstr "Analytické položky dle řádku"
     684#. module: account
     685#: field:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
     686msgid "Refund Method"
     687msgstr "Metoda dobropisu"
    705689#. module: account
    708692msgid "You can only change currency for Draft Invoice !"
    709693msgstr "Měnu můžete změnit pouze u Návrhových faktůr !"
     695#. module: account
     696#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_report
     697msgid "Financial Report"
     698msgstr "Finanční výkaz"
    711700#. module: account
    713702#: field:account.analytic.journal,type:0
    714703#: field:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
     704#: field:account.financial.report,type:0
    715705#: field:account.invoice,type:0
    716706#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    735725#. module: account
     726#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     727msgid "Supplier Invoices And Refunds"
     728msgstr "Faktury dodavatele a dobropisy"
     730#. module: account
    736731#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
    737732#: view:account.unreconcile:0
    743738#. module: account
    744 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_Journal_report
     739#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     740msgid "At 14 net days 2 percent, remaining amount at 30 days end of month."
     741msgstr "V 14 čistých dnů 2 procenta, zbývající částka v 30 dnech na konci měsíce."
     743#. module: account
     744#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_journal_report
    745745msgid "Account Analytic Journal"
    746746msgstr "Analytický účet knihy"
    753753#. module: account
    754 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    755 msgid "Due date Computation"
    756 msgstr "Výpočet data splatnosti"
    758 #. module: account
    759 #: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
    760 msgid "J.C./Move name"
     754#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1250
     755#, python-format
     756msgid "No period found or period given is ambigous."
     757msgstr "Nebylo nalezeno období nebo dané období je nejednoznačné."
     759#. module: account
     760#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_gain_loss
     761msgid "When doing multi-currency transactions, you may loose or gain some amount due to changes of exchange rate. This menu gives you a forecast of the Gain or Loss you'd realized if those transactions were ended today. Only for accounts having a secondary currency set."
    761762msgstr ""
    782783#. module: account
    783 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:102
     784#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:110
    784785#, python-format
    785786msgid "Can not %s invoice which is already reconciled, invoice should be unreconciled first. You can only Refund this invoice"
    786 msgstr "Nelze %s faktury, která je již likvidována, u faktury by měla být nejprve zrušena likvidace. Můžete vrátit peníze pouze této faktury"
     787msgstr "Nelze %s faktury, která je již likvidována, faktura by měla být nejprve zlikvidována. Můžete vrátit peníze pouze této faktury"
    788789#. module: account
    798799#. module: account
    799 #: view:account.move.line:0
    800 msgid "Next Partner to reconcile"
    801 msgstr "Další partner k vyrovnání"
    803 #. module: account
    804 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1197
    805 #, python-format
    806 msgid "You can not do this modification on a confirmed entry ! Please note that you can just change some non important fields !"
    807 msgstr "Nemůžete provést tuto úpravu na potvrzeném záznamu ! Prosíme berte na vědomí, že můžete změnit jen některé nedůležité pole !"
     800#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
     801msgid "Cancel: refund invoice and reconcile"
     802msgstr "Zrušení: dobropisová faktura a likvidace"
     804#. module: account
     805#: field:account.cashbox.line,pieces:0
     806msgid "Values"
     807msgstr "Hodnoty"
    809809#. module: account
    827827#. module: account
    828828#: report:account.overdue:0
    829 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
    830829msgid "Due"
    831830msgstr "Do"
    833 #. module: account
    834 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
    835 #: field:account.invoice.report,price_total_tax:0
    836 msgid "Total With Tax"
    837 msgstr "Celkem s daní"
    839832#. module: account
    861854#. module: account
    862 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
     855#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_liability
     856#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_liability0
     857msgid "Liability"
     858msgstr "Pasiva"
     860#. module: account
    863861#: view:account.entries.report:0
    864 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
    865 #: view:account.move.line:0
    866862msgid "Extended Filters..."
    867863msgstr "Rozšířené filtry..."
    891887msgid "If the Tax account is a tax code account, this field will contain the taxed amount.If the tax account is base tax code, this field will contain the basic amount(without tax)."
    892888msgstr ""
     890#. module: account
     891#: code:addons/account/account.py:2578
     892#, python-format
     893msgid "I can not locate a parent code for the template account!"
     894msgstr "Nemůžu najít nadřazený kód pro šablonu účtu!"
    894896#. module: account
    916918#: report:account.partner.balance:0
    917919#: field:account.period,code:0
    918 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    919 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    920 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    921 #: report:pl.account:0
    922920msgid "Code"
    923921msgstr "Kód"
    925923#. module: account
    926 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2097
    927 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:350
    928 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:169
    929 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:73
    930 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:678
    931 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:81
     924#: code:addons/account/account.py:2264
     925#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:355
     926#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:71
     927#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:689
     928#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:173
    932929#, python-format
    933930msgid "No Analytic Journal !"
    961958#. module: account
    962 #: field:account.bs.report,display_type:0
    963 #: field:account.pl.report,display_type:0
    964959#: field:account.report.general.ledger,landscape:0
    965960msgid "Landscape Mode"
    968963#. module: account
    969 #: view:board.board:0
    970 msgid "Customer Invoices to Approve"
    971 msgstr "Faktury zákazníka k potvrzení"
     964#: code:addons/account/account.py:644
     965#, python-format
     966msgid "You cannot change the type of account from '%s' to '%s' type as it contains journal items!"
     967msgstr ""
     969#. module: account
     970#: field:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
     971msgid "Sort by"
     972msgstr "Řadit podle"
    973974#. module: account
    978979#. module: account
    979 #: help:account.account,user_type:0
    980980#: help:account.account.template,user_type:0
    981981msgid "These types are defined according to your country. The type contains more information about the account and its specificities."
    982982msgstr "Tyto typy jsou definovány podle vaší země. Typ obsahuje více informací o účtu a jeho specifikách."
     984#. module: account
     985#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:842
     986#, python-format
     987msgid "You have to provide an account for the write off/exchange difference entry !"
     988msgstr ""
    984990#. module: account
    9971003msgid "Cash Registers"
    9981004msgstr "Registrační pokladny"
    1000 #. module: account
    1001 #: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
    1002 msgid "Profit & Loss (Expense Accounts)"
    1003 msgstr "Zisk & ztráty (Nákladové účty)"
    10051006#. module: account
    10121013#. module: account
    10131014#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     1015#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_account_manager
    10141016msgid "Manager"
    10151017msgstr "Správce"
    10221024#. module: account
     1025#: view:account.move.line:0
     1026msgid "Unbalanced Journal Items"
     1027msgstr "Nevyrovnané položky deníku"
     1029#. module: account
     1030#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_bank
    10231031#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
    10241032msgid "Bank"
    10341042msgid "Confirm statement"
    10351043msgstr "Potvrdit výpis"
     1045#. module: account
     1046#: help:account.account,foreign_balance:0
     1047msgid "Total amount (in Secondary currency) for transactions held in secondary currency for this account."
     1048msgstr ""
    10371050#. module: account
    10481061#. module: account
     1062#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
     1063msgid "All Months Sales by type"
     1064msgstr "Prodeje ve všech měsících dle typu"
     1066#. module: account
    10491067#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree2
    10501068msgid "With Supplier Invoices you can enter and manage invoices issued by your suppliers. OpenERP can also generate draft invoices automatically from purchase orders or receipts. This way, you can control the invoice from your supplier according to what you purchased or received."
    10511069msgstr ""
     1071#. module: account
     1072#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_code_template_form
     1073#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_code_template_form
     1074msgid "Tax Code Templates"
     1075msgstr "Šablony kódu daně"
    10531077#. module: account
    10581082#. module: account
    1059 #: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
    1060 msgid "Unreconciliation transactions"
    1061 msgstr "Nezlikvidované transakce"
     1083#: help:account.journal,code:0
     1084msgid "The code will be displayed on reports."
     1085msgstr "Kód bude zobrazen na výkazech."
     1087#. module: account
     1088#: view:account.tax.template:0
     1089msgid "Taxes used in Purchases"
     1090msgstr "Daně použité při nákuu"
    10631092#. module: account
    10761105#. module: account
     1106#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
     1107msgid "Situation"
     1108msgstr "Situace"
     1110#. module: account
    10771111#: help:account.move.line,move_id:0
    10781112msgid "The move of this entry line."
    10811115#. module: account
     1116#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1301
     1117#, python-format
     1118msgid "You can not use this general account in this journal, check the tab 'Entry Controls' on the related journal !"
     1119msgstr ""
     1121#. module: account
    10821122#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,trans_nbr:0
    10831123msgid "# of Transaction"
    10871127#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    10881128#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    1089 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    10901129#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    10911130#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    10951134#. module: account
    1096 #: code:addons/account/account.py:990
     1135#: code:addons/account/account.py:1128
    10971136#, python-format
    10981137msgid "You can not modify/delete a journal with entries for this period !"
    11101149msgid "Others"
    11111150msgstr "Jiné"
     1152#. module: account
     1153#: view:account.subscription:0
     1154msgid "Draft Subscription"
     1155msgstr ""
    11131157#. module: account
    11211165#: field:account.invoice,account_id:0
    11221166#: field:account.invoice.line,account_id:0
     1167#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    11231168#: field:account.invoice.report,account_id:0
    11241169#: field:account.journal,account_control_ids:0
    11521197#. module: account
    11531198#: field:account.account,level:0
     1199#: field:account.financial.report,level:0
    11541200msgid "Level"
    11551201msgstr "Úroveň"
    11721218#. module: account
    1173 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:120
     1219#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_financial_report.py:68
     1220#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:122
    11741221#, python-format
    11751222msgid "Select a starting and an ending period"
    11761223msgstr "Vyberte počáteční a koncové období"
     1225#. module: account
     1226#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_profitandloss0
     1227msgid "Profit and Loss"
     1228msgstr "Zisk a ztráty"
    11781230#. module: account
    11851237msgid "Search tax template"
    11861238msgstr "Hledat šablonu daně"
    1188 #. module: account
    1189 #: report:account.invoice:0
    1190 msgid "Your Reference"
    1191 msgstr "Váš odkaz"
    11931240#. module: account
    12331280#. module: account
    12341281#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_22
    1235 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
    12361282msgid "Partners"
    12371283msgstr "Partneři"
    12481294#. module: account
    1249 #: view:res.partner:0
    1250 msgid "Bank account owner"
    1251 msgstr "Majitel bankovního účtu"
    1253 #. module: account
    12541295#: field:res.partner,property_account_receivable:0
    12551296msgid "Account Receivable"
    12631304#. module: account
    1264 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1277
    1265 #, python-format
    1266 msgid "You can not use this general account in this journal !"
    1267 msgstr "Nemůžete použít tento obecný účet pro tento deník !"
    1269 #. module: account
    12701305#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
    1271 #: selection:account.bs.report,display_account:0
    12721306#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
    12731307#: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
    1274 #: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
    12751308#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
    12761309msgid "With balance is not equal to 0"
    13091342#. module: account
     1343#: field:account.chart.template,code_digits:0
    13101344#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
    13111345msgid "# of Digits"
    13351369#. module: account
     1370#: help:account.fiscal.position,active:0
     1371msgid "By unchecking the active field, you may hide a fiscal position without deleting it."
     1372msgstr ""
     1374#. module: account
    13361375#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_temp_range
    13371376msgid "A Temporary table used for Dashboard view"
    13421381#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree4
    13431382msgid "Supplier Refunds"
    1344 msgstr ""
    1346 #. module: account
    1347 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    1348 msgid "Example: at 14 net days 2 percents, remaining amount at 30 days end of month."
    1349 msgstr "Příklad: při 14 čistých dnech 2 procenta, zbývající čístka při 30 dnech konce měsíce."
    1351 #. module: account
    1352 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:823
    1353 #, python-format
    1354 msgid ""
    1355 "Cannot create the invoice !\n"
    1356 "The payment term defined gives a computed amount greater than the total invoiced amount."
    1357 msgstr ""
    1359 #. module: account
    1360 #: field:account.installer.modules,account_anglo_saxon:0
    1361 msgid "Anglo-Saxon Accounting"
    1362 msgstr "Anglosaské účetnictví"
     1383msgstr "Dobropisy dodavatelů"
    13641385#. module: account
    13851406#. module: account
    1386 #: model:account.tax.code,name:account.account_tax_code_0
    1387 msgid "Tax Code Test"
    1388 msgstr "Test kódu daně"
    1390 #. module: account
    13911407#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,reconciled:0
    13921408msgid "Reconciled transactions"
    14311447#. module: account
    1432 #: sql_constraint:account.model.line:0
    1433 msgid "Wrong credit or debit value in model (Credit + Debit Must Be greater \"0\")!"
    1434 msgstr "Nesprávná hodnota Dal nebo Má dáti v modelu (Dal + Má dáti musí být větší než \"0\")!"
     1448#: view:account.move.line:0
     1449msgid "Unposted Journal Items"
     1450msgstr "Nezaúčtované položky deníku"
    14361452#. module: account
    14441460#: field:account.tax.template,account_paid_id:0
    14451461msgid "Refund Tax Account"
    1446 msgstr ""
     1462msgstr "Účet dobropisu daně"
    14481464#. module: account
    14861502#. module: account
     1503#: code:addons/account/account.py:1342
     1504#, python-format
     1505msgid "You can not validate a journal entry unless all journal items belongs to the same chart of accounts !"
     1506msgstr "Nemůžete ověřit záznamy deníku pokud nepatří všechny položky do stejné účtové osnovy !"
     1508#. module: account
    14871509#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analytic0
    14881510#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analyticcost0
    15071529#. module: account
    1508 #: report:account.overdue:0
    1509 msgid "Sub-Total :"
    1510 msgstr "Mezivýsledek :"
    1512 #. module: account
    15131530#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_report_account_type_sales_tree_all
    15141531msgid "Sales by Account Type"
    15181535#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
    15191536msgid "Cancel Invoice: Creates the refund invoice, validate and reconcile it to cancel the current invoice."
    1520 msgstr ""
     1537msgstr "Zrušit fakturu: Pro zrušení aktuální faktury vytvoří dobropisovu fakturu, ověří ji a zlikviduje."
    15221539#. module: account
    15271544#. module: account
    1528 #: field:account.chart.template,tax_code_root_id:0
    1529 msgid "Root Tax Code"
    1530 msgstr "Kód kořenový daňový"
    1532 #. module: account
    1533 #: field:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
    1534 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
    1535 msgid "Include initial balances"
    1536 msgstr "Včetně počátečních zůstatků"
     1545#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:115
     1546#, python-format
     1547msgid "Unknown Partner"
     1548msgstr "Neznámý partner"
    15381550#. module: account
    15431555#. module: account
    1544 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.report_account_voucher_new
    1545 msgid "Print Voucher"
    1546 msgstr "Tisknout poukaz"
     1556#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1424
     1557#, python-format
     1558msgid "You selected an Unit of Measure which is not compatible with the product."
     1559msgstr "Vybrali jste Měrnou jednotku, která není slučitelná s výrobkem."
    15481561#. module: account
    15581571#. module: account
    1559 #: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
    1560 msgid "Error! You cannot define overlapping fiscal years"
    1561 msgstr "Chyba! Nemůžete definovat překrývající se finanční roky"
    1563 #. module: account
    1564 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:799
     1572#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     1573msgid "Pending Accounts"
     1574msgstr "Čekající účty"
     1576#. module: account
     1577#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:835
    15651578#, python-format
    15661579msgid "The account is not defined to be reconciled !"
    15691582#. module: account
    1570 #: field:account.cashbox.line,pieces:0
    1571 msgid "Values"
    1572 msgstr "Hodnoty"
     1583#: view:account.tax.template:0
     1584msgid "Tax Declaration"
     1585msgstr "Přiznání daně"
    15741587#. module: account
    15841597#. module: account
    1585 #: help:account.model.line,quantity:0
    1586 msgid "The optional quantity on entries"
    1587 msgstr "Volitelné množství u položek"
    1589 #. module: account
    15901598#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move_all
    15911599msgid "Receivables & Payables"
    15941602#. module: account
    1595 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:806
    1596 #, python-format
    1597 msgid "You have to provide an account for the write off entry !"
    1598 msgstr "Musíte poskytnout účet pro výpis záznamu !"
    1600 #. module: account
    16011603#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_journal_report
    16021604msgid "Account Common Journal Report"
    16101612#. module: account
    1611 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    1612 msgid "Ref. :"
    1613 msgstr "Odk. :"
    1615 #. module: account
    16161613#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
    16171614msgid "Analytic Account Charts"
    16201617#. module: account
    16211618#: view:account.analytic.line:0
     1619#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
    16221620msgid "My Entries"
    16231621msgstr "Moje položyk"
    16301628#. module: account
    1631 #: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:329
     1629#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:292
    16321630#, python-format
    16331631msgid "User %s does not have rights to access %s journal !"
    16511649#. module: account
    1652 #: code:addons/account/account.py:509
    1653 #, python-format
    1654 msgid "You cannot deactivate an account that contains account moves."
    1655 msgstr "Nemůžete deaktivovat účet, který obsahuje účetní pohyby."
    1657 #. module: account
    16581650#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,credit:0
    16591651msgid "Credit amount"
    16671659#. module: account
    1668 #: code:addons/account/account.py:529
    1669 #, python-format
    1670 msgid "You cannot change the type of account from 'Closed' to any other type which contains account entries!"
    1671 msgstr "Nemůžete změnit typ účtu z 'Uzavřený' na žádný jiný typ, který obsahuje účetní položky!"
    1673 #. module: account
    1674 #: view:res.company:0
    1675 msgid "Reserve And Profit/Loss Account"
    1676 msgstr "Účet rezerv a zisku/ztrát"
     1660#: code:addons/account/account.py:406
     1661#: code:addons/account/account.py:411
     1662#: code:addons/account/account.py:428
     1663#, python-format
     1664msgid "Error!"
     1665msgstr "Chyba!"
    16781667#. module: account
    17051694#. module: account
    1706 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    1707 msgid "A/c Code"
    1708 msgstr "Kód A/c"
     1695#: field:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
     1696msgid "Based on"
     1697msgstr "Založeno na"
    17101699#. module: account
    17261715#. module: account
    17271716#: view:account.account:0
     1717#: view:account.treasury.report:0
     1718#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_treasury_report_all
     1719#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_treasury_report
     1720#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_treasury_report_all
    17281721msgid "Treasury Analysis"
    17291722msgstr "Analýza pokladny"
    17411734#. module: account
    1742 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:332
     1735#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:337
    17431736#, python-format
    17441737msgid "Please verify that an account is defined in the journal."
    17691762#. module: account
    1770 #: field:account.bs.report,reserve_account_id:0
    1771 msgid "Reserve & Profit/Loss Account"
    1772 msgstr "Účet rezervu & Zisků/Ztrát"
    1774 #. module: account
    1775 #: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
    1776 msgid "Closing balance based on Starting Balance and Cash Transactions"
     1763#: help:res.company,property_reserve_and_surplus_account:0
     1764msgid "This account is used for transferring Profit/Loss (If It is Profit: Amount will be added, Loss : Amount will be deducted.), as calculated in Profit & Loss Report"
    17771765msgstr ""
    17911779#. module: account
     1780#: code:addons/account/account.py:3076
     1781#, python-format
     1782msgid "Deposit"
     1783msgstr ""
     1785#. module: account
    17921786#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,seq_journal:0
    17931787msgid "Check this box if you want to use a different sequence for each created journal. Otherwise, all will use the same sequence."
    18071801#. module: account
    1808 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_pl_report
    1809 msgid "Account Profit And Loss"
    1810 msgstr "Účet zisků a ztrát"
    1812 #. module: account
    18131802#: field:account.installer,config_logo:0
    1814 #: field:account.installer.modules,config_logo:0
    18151803#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,config_logo:0
    18161804msgid "Image"
    18191807#. module: account
    1820 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    1821 msgid "Canceled"
    1822 msgstr "Zrušeno"
     1808#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_financial_report_tree
     1809msgid "Makes a generic system to draw financial reports easily."
     1810msgstr "Udělá obecný systém pro snadné kreslení finančních výkazů."
    18241812#. module: account
    18351823#. module: account
     1824#: view:account.analytic.line:0
     1825msgid "Analytic Journal Items related to a sale journal."
     1826msgstr "Položky analytického deníku vztažené k prodejnímu deníku."
     1828#. module: account
    18361829#: help:account.bank.statement,name:0
    18371830msgid "if you give the Name other then /, its created Accounting Entries Move will be with same name as statement name. This allows the statement entries to have the same references than the statement itself"
    18401833#. module: account
    1841 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile
    1842 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_reconcile
    1843 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_select
    1844 msgid "Unreconcile Entries"
    1845 msgstr "Nevyrovnané položky"
     1834#: view:account.bank.statement:0
     1835#: view:account.invoice:0
     1836#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
     1837#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     1838#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
     1839#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
     1840#: view:account.subscription:0
     1841#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
     1842#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
     1843msgid "Draft"
     1844msgstr "Koncept"
    18471846#. module: account
    18521851#. module: account
    18531852#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
     1853#: field:account.treasury.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    18541854msgid "Fiscalyear"
    18551855msgstr "Daňový rok"
    19151915#. module: account
    1916 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:348
    1917 #, python-format
    1918 msgid " Journal"
    1919 msgstr " Deník"
    1921 #. module: account
    1922 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1333
     1916#: code:addons/account/account.py:1458
    19231917#, python-format
    19241918msgid ""
    19261920"on journal \"%s\""
    19271921msgstr ""
    1929 #. module: account
    1930 #: help:account.account,type:0
     1922"Není určen výchozí dluhový účet \n"
     1923"deníku \"%s\""
     1925#. module: account
    19311926#: help:account.account.template,type:0
    19321927#: help:account.entries.report,type:0
    19381933msgid "Search Chart of Account Templates"
    19391934msgstr "Hledat šablony účtové osnovy"
     1936#. module: account
     1937#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1276
     1938#, python-format
     1939msgid ""
     1940"Can not create an automatic sequence for this piece!\n"
     1941"Put a sequence in the journal definition for automatic numbering or create a sequence manually for this piece."
     1942msgstr ""
     1944#. module: account
     1945#: code:addons/account/account.py:786
     1946#, python-format
     1947msgid "You can not modify the company of this journal as its related record exist in journal items"
     1948msgstr "Nemůžete změnit společnost tohoto deníku, protože jeho vztažené záznamy existují v položkách deníku"
     1950#. module: account
     1951#: report:account.invoice:0
     1952msgid "Customer Code"
     1953msgstr "Kód zákazníka"
    19411955#. module: account
    19651979#. module: account
    1966 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2888
    1967 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:498
     1980#: code:addons/account/account.py:3375
     1981#, python-format
     1982msgid "Tax Paid at %s"
     1983msgstr ""
     1985#. module: account
     1986#: code:addons/account/account.py:3189
    19681987#, python-format
    19691988msgid "ECNJ"
    19852004#. module: account
    1986 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:351
     2005#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:359
    19872006#, python-format
    19882007msgid "There is no Accounting Journal of type Sale/Purchase defined!"
    19972016#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    19982017#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
    1999 #: field:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
    20002018msgid "Entries Sorted By"
    20012019msgstr "Položky řazené dle"
    20182036#. module: account
    20192037#: report:account.account.balance:0
     2038#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
     2039#: field:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    20202040#: report:account.central.journal:0
     2041#: field:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
     2042#: field:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
     2043#: field:account.common.journal.report,fiscalyear_id:0
     2044#: field:account.common.partner.report,fiscalyear_id:0
     2045#: field:account.common.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    20212046#: view:account.entries.report:0
    20222047#: field:account.entries.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    20232048#: field:account.fiscalyear,name:0
    20242049#: report:account.general.journal:0
     2050#: field:account.general.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
    20252051#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    20262052#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    20282054#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
    20292055#: report:account.partner.balance:0
     2056#: field:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
     2057#: field:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
    20302058#: field:account.period,fiscalyear_id:0
     2059#: field:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
     2060#: field:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
    20312061#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,fiscalyear_id:0
    20322062#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    20332063#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    20342064#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
     2065#: field:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
     2066#: field:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id:0
     2067#: field:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id_cmp:0
    20352068#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear
    2036 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    2037 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    2038 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    2039 #: report:pl.account:0
    2040 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
    20412069msgid "Fiscal Year"
    20422070msgstr "Účetní období"
    20452073#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
    20462074#: help:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    2047 #: help:account.bs.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    20482075#: help:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
    20492076#: help:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    20542081#: help:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
    20552082#: help:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
    2056 #: help:account.pl.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    20572083#: help:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
    20582084#: help:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
    20592085#: help:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
     2086#: help:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id:0
     2087#: help:accounting.report,fiscalyear_id_cmp:0
    20602088msgid "Keep empty for all open fiscal year"
    20612089msgstr "Pro vybrání všech účetních období nechte pole prázdné"
     2091#. module: account
     2092#: field:account.invoice.report,account_line_id:0
     2093msgid "Account Line"
     2094msgstr "Řádek účtu"
     2096#. module: account
     2097#: code:addons/account/account.py:1465
     2098#, python-format
     2099msgid ""
     2100"There is no default default credit account defined \n"
     2101"on journal \"%s\""
     2102msgstr ""
     2103"Není definován výchozí účet Dal \n"
     2104"v knize \"%s\""
     2106#. module: account
     2107#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_review_financial_journals_installer
     2108msgid "Setup your accounting journals. For bank accounts, it's better to use the 'Setup Your Bank Accounts' tool that will automatically create the accounts and journals for you."
     2109msgstr ""
    20632111#. module: account
    20682116#. module: account
     2117#: constraint:res.partner:0
     2118msgid "Error ! You cannot create recursive associated members."
     2119msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní přidružené členy."
     2121#. module: account
    20692122#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,sequence_main_id:0
    20702123msgid "Main Sequence"
    20712124msgstr "Hlavní číselná řada"
     2126#. module: account
     2127#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:398
     2128#, python-format
     2129msgid "In order to delete a bank statement, you must first cancel it to delete related journal items."
     2130msgstr ""
    20732132#. module: account
    21222181#. module: account
    2123 #: help:account.account,reconcile:0
    2124 msgid "Check this if the user is allowed to reconcile entries in this account."
    2125 msgstr ""
    2127 #. module: account
    21282182#: view:account.partner.reconcile.process:0
    21292183msgid "Partner Reconciliation"
    21382192#. module: account
    2139 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:552
     2193#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:561
    21402194#, python-format
    21412195msgid ""
    21452199"Configuration\\Financial Accounting\\Accounts\\Journals."
    21462200msgstr ""
     2201"Pro tuto firmu neexistuje účetní kniha typu %s.\n"
     2203"Můžete ji vytvořit v nabídce:\n"
     2204"Konfigurace/Finanční účetnictví/Účty/Knihy"
     2206#. module: account
     2207#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term_advance
     2208#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term_advance
     2209msgid "30% Advance End 30 Days"
     2210msgstr ""
     2212#. module: account
     2213#: view:account.entries.report:0
     2214msgid "Unreconciled entries"
     2215msgstr "Nesmířené částky"
    21482217#. module: account
    22022271#. module: account
    2203 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2840
    2204 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:454
     2272#: code:addons/account/account.py:3187
    22052273#, python-format
    22062274msgid "EXJ"
    22142282#. module: account
     2283#: view:account.entries.report:0
     2284msgid "entries"
     2285msgstr "položky"
     2287#. module: account
    22152288#: help:account.invoice,date_due:0
    22162289#: help:account.invoice,payment_term:0
    22362309#: help:res.partner,property_account_position:0
    22372310msgid "The fiscal position will determine taxes and the accounts used for the partner."
    2238 msgstr ""
     2311msgstr "Finanční pozice určí daně a účty použité pro partnera."
    22402313#. module: account
    22412314#: view:account.print.journal:0
    22422315msgid "This report gives you an overview of the situation of a specific journal"
    2243 msgstr ""
    2245 #. module: account
    2246 #: constraint:product.category:0
    2247 msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive categories."
    2248 msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní kategorii."
     2316msgstr "Tento výkaz vám dává přehled o situaci určitého deníku"
     2318#. module: account
     2319#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_writeoff
     2320msgid "Account move line reconcile (writeoff)"
     2321msgstr ""
    22502323#. module: account
    22682341#. module: account
    22692342#: view:account.account:0
     2343#: field:account.financial.report,account_ids:0
     2344#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
    22702345#: view:account.journal:0
    22712346#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_form
    22792354#. module: account
    2280 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:350
     2355#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:358
    22812356#, python-format
    22822357msgid "Configuration Error!"
    22852360#. module: account
    2286 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
    22872361#: field:account.invoice.report,price_average:0
    22882362msgid "Average Price"
    22962370#. module: account
    2297 #: code:addons/account/account.py:654
    2298 #, python-format
    2299 msgid "You cannot modify company of this journal as its related record exist in Entry Lines"
    2300 msgstr "Nemůžete změnit společnost tohoto deníku, protože vztažené záznamy existují v řádcích položek"
    2302 #. module: account
    23032371#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
    23042372msgid "Label"
    23072375#. module: account
    23082376#: view:account.tax:0
     2377#: view:res.partner.bank:0
    23092378msgid "Accounting Information"
    23102379msgstr "Účetní informace"
    23442413#. module: account
     2414#: sql_constraint:account.model.line:0
     2415msgid "Wrong credit or debit value in model, they must be positive!"
     2416msgstr ""
     2418#. module: account
    23452419#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_automatic_reconcile
    23462420msgid "Automatic Reconciliation"
    23562430#: field:account.tax.template,ref_base_code_id:0
    23572431msgid "Refund Base Code"
    2358 msgstr ""
    2360 #. module: account
    2361 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_periodic_tree
    2362 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_tree
    2363 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_tree
    2364 msgid "Bank Statements"
    2365 msgstr "Bankovní výpisy"
     2432msgstr "Základní kód dobropisu"
    23672434#. module: account
    23752442#: view:account.move:0
    23762443#: view:account.move.line:0
     2444#: view:accounting.report:0
    23772445msgid "Dates"
    23782446msgstr "Data"
     2448#. module: account
     2449#: field:account.chart.template,parent_id:0
     2450msgid "Parent Chart Template"
     2451msgstr "Nadřazená šablona osnovy"
    23802453#. module: account
    23832456msgid "Parent Tax Account"
    23842457msgstr "Nadřazený daňový účet"
     2459#. module: account
     2460#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:59
     2461#, python-format
     2462msgid "New currency is not configured properly !"
     2463msgstr "Nová měna nebyla správně nastavena !"
    23862465#. module: account
    24042483#. module: account
     2484#: field:account.invoice,reference_type:0
     2485msgid "Communication Type"
     2486msgstr "Typ komunikace"
     2488#. module: account
    24052489#: field:account.invoice.line,discount:0
    24062490msgid "Discount (%)"
    24182502#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_act_ir_actions_bleble
    24192503msgid "New Company Financial Setting"
    2420 msgstr "Nové finananční nastavení společnosti"
     2504msgstr "Nové finanční nastavení společnosti"
     2506#. module: account
     2507#: view:account.installer:0
     2508msgid "Configure Your Chart of Accounts"
     2509msgstr "Nastavit vaši účtovou osnovu"
    24222511#. module: account
    24342523#. module: account
    2435 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1195
     2524#: code:addons/account/account.py:1320
    24362525#, python-format
    24372526msgid "No sequence defined on the journal !"
    24402529#. module: account
    2441 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2097
    2442 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:350
    2443 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:169
    2444 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:678
    2445 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:81
     2530#: code:addons/account/account.py:2264
     2531#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:355
     2532#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:689
     2533#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:173
    24462534#, python-format
    24472535msgid "You have to define an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!"
    24482536msgstr "Vytvořili jste analytický deník na deníku '%s'!"
     2538#. module: account
     2539#: code:addons/account/account.py:406
     2540#, python-format
     2541msgid "You need an Opening journal with centralisation checked to set the initial balance!"
     2542msgstr ""
    24502544#. module: account
    24542548msgid "Tax codes"
    24552549msgstr "Daňové kódy"
     2551#. module: account
     2552#: view:account.account:0
     2553msgid "Unrealized Gains and losses"
     2554msgstr ""
    24572556#. module: account
    24792578#. module: account
    2480 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:306
    2481 #, python-format
    2482 msgid ""
    2483 "The statement balance is incorrect !\n"
    2484 "The expected balance (%.2f) is different than the computed one. (%.2f)"
    2485 msgstr ""
    2486 "Výpis zůstatku je neplatný !\n"
    2487 "Zůstatek útrat (%.2f) je jiný než vypočtený. (%.2f)"
    2489 #. module: account
    24902579#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
    24912580msgid "Payment entries are the second input of the reconciliation."
    24922581msgstr "Platební položky jsou druhý vstup pro vyrovnání."
    2494 #. module: account
    2495 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    2496 msgid "Number:"
    2497 msgstr "Číslo:"
    24992583#. module: account
    25362620#: help:account.invoice,period_id:0
    25372621msgid "Keep empty to use the period of the validation(invoice) date."
    2538 msgstr ""
     2622msgstr "Nechejte prázdné pro použití období data kontroly(dokladu)."
    25402624#. module: account
    25502634#. module: account
     2635#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:381
     2636#, python-format
     2637msgid "You can not delete an invoice which is open or paid. We suggest you to refund it instead."
     2638msgstr "Nemůžete smazat doklad, který je otevřený nebo zaplacený. Doporučujeme místo toho vytvořit dobropis."
     2640#. module: account
    25512641#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,sale_tax:0
    25522642msgid "Default Sale Tax"
    25552645#. module: account
     2646#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1008
     2647#, python-format
     2648msgid "Invoice  '%s' is validated."
     2649msgstr "Faktura '%s' je ověřena."
     2651#. module: account
    25562652#: help:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
    25572653msgid "The maturity date of the generated entries for this model. You can choose between the creation date or the creation date of the entries plus the partner payment terms."
    25652661#. module: account
    2566 #: view:account.pl.report:0
    25672662#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_pl_report
    25682663msgid "Profit And Loss"
    25852680#. module: account
    2586 #: help:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
    2587 #: help:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
    2588 msgid "It adds initial balance row on report which display previous sum amount of debit/credit/balance"
    2589 msgstr ""
    2591 #. module: account
    2592 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
    2593 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_line_form
    2594 msgid "Analytic Entries"
    2595 msgstr "Analytická položky"
    2597 #. module: account
    2598 #: code:addons/account/account.py:836
     2681#: field:account.partner.ledger,page_split:0
     2682msgid "One Partner Per Page"
     2683msgstr "Jeden partner na stránku"
     2685#. module: account
     2686#: field:account.account,child_parent_ids:0
     2687#: field:account.account.template,child_parent_ids:0
     2688msgid "Children"
     2689msgstr "Děti"
     2691#. module: account
     2692#: code:addons/account/account.py:962
    25992693#, python-format
    26002694msgid ""
    26352729#. module: account
     2730#: field:accounting.report,account_report_id:0
     2731#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_financial_reports_tree
     2732msgid "Account Reports"
     2733msgstr "Výkazy účtů"
     2735#. module: account
    26362736#: field:account.payment.term,line_ids:0
    26372737msgid "Terms"
    26452745#. module: account
     2746#: constraint:account.move.line:0
     2747msgid "You can not create move line on view account."
     2748msgstr "Nemůžete vytvořit řádek pohybu ve zobrazení účtu."
     2750#. module: account
    26462751#: view:res.partner:0
    26472752msgid "Bank account"
    26552760#. module: account
     2761#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:584
     2762#, python-format
     2763msgid "You can not create move line on view account %s %s"
     2764msgstr "Nemůžete vytvořit řádek pohybu ve zobrazení účtu %s %s."
     2766#. module: account
    26562767#: help:account.account,currency_mode:0
    26572768msgid "This will select how the current currency rate for outgoing transactions is computed. In most countries the legal method is \"average\" but only a few software systems are able to manage this. So if you import from another software system you may have to use the rate at date. Incoming transactions always use the rate at date."
    26602771#. module: account
     2772#: help:account.chart.template,code_digits:0
    26612773#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
    26622774msgid "No. of Digits to use for account code"
    26772789msgid "Always"
    26782790msgstr "Vždy"
     2792#. module: account
     2793#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     2794#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     2795msgid "Month-1"
     2796msgstr "Měsíc -1"
    26802798#. module: account
    27032821#: selection:account.account,type:0
    27042822#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
     2823#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_view
    27052824#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
     2825#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
    27062826msgid "View"
    27072827msgstr "Pohled"
    27092829#. module: account
    2710 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2951
    2711 #, python-format
    2712 msgid "BNK%s"
    2713 msgstr "BNK%s"
    2715 #. module: account
    2716 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2950
    2717 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:296
     2830#: code:addons/account/account.py:3455
     2831#: code:addons/account/account_bank.py:89
    27182832#, python-format
    27192833msgid "BNK"
    27272841#. module: account
     2842#: view:account.invoice:0
     2843msgid "Proforma Invoices"
     2844msgstr "Proforma faktura"
     2846#. module: account
    27282847#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_electronicfile0
    27292848msgid "Electronic File"
    27372856#. module: account
    2738 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code_template
    2739 msgid "Tax Code Template"
    2740 msgstr "Šablona kódu daně"
     2857#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     2858msgid "  Day of the Month: 0"
     2859msgstr "  Den v měsíci: 0"
    27422861#. module: account
    27542873msgid "Gives the sequence order to journal column."
    27552874msgstr "Dává pořadí do sloupce knihy."
    2757 #. module: account
    2758 #: view:account.tax.template:0
    2759 msgid "Tax Declaration"
    2760 msgstr "Přiznání daně"
    27622876#. module: account
    27822896msgid "Generate Chart of Accounts from a Chart Template"
    27832897msgstr "Generovat účtovou osnovu z šablony osnovy"
     2899#. module: account
     2900#: view:report.account.sales:0
     2901msgid "This months' Sales by type"
     2902msgstr "Tyto prodejní měsíce podle typu"
    27852904#. module: account
    28012920#. module: account
     2921#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:39
     2922#, python-format
     2923msgid "No End of year journal defined for the fiscal year"
     2924msgstr "Není zadán konec roku knihy pro finanční rok"
     2926#. module: account
    28022927#: view:account.tax:0
    28032928#: view:account.tax.template:0
    28092934#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,journal:0
    28102935#: field:account.balance.report,journal_ids:0
    2811 #: field:account.bs.report,journal_ids:0
    28122936#: field:account.central.journal,journal_ids:0
    28132937#: field:account.common.account.report,journal_ids:0
    28182942#: report:account.general.journal:0
    28192943#: field:account.general.journal,journal_ids:0
     2944#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    28202945#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    28212946#: view:account.journal.period:0
    28232948#: field:account.partner.balance,journal_ids:0
    28242949#: field:account.partner.ledger,journal_ids:0
    2825 #: field:account.pl.report,journal_ids:0
    28262950#: view:account.print.journal:0
    28272951#: field:account.print.journal,journal_ids:0
    28282952#: field:account.report.general.ledger,journal_ids:0
     2953#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
     2954#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    28292955#: field:account.vat.declaration,journal_ids:0
     2956#: field:accounting.report,journal_ids:0
    28302957#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_form
    28312958#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_period_tree
    28462973#: field:account.subscription,lines_id:0
    28472974msgid "Subscription Lines"
    2848 msgstr ""
     2975msgstr "Řádky předplatného"
    28502977#. module: account
    28612988#. module: account
    28622989#: view:account.installer:0
    2863 #: view:account.installer.modules:0
    2864 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_installer
    28652990#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
    28662991msgid "Accounting Application Configuration"
    28692994#. module: account
    2870 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_board_account
    2871 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_board_account
    2872 msgid "Accounting Dashboard"
    2873 msgstr "Účetní nástěnka"
     2995#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     2996msgid "  Value amount: 0.02"
     2997msgstr "  Částka hodnoty: 0.02"
     2999#. module: account
     3000#: field:account.chart,period_from:0
     3001msgid "Start period"
     3002msgstr "Počáteční perioda"
    28753004#. module: account
    28763005#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_start:0
     3006#: field:account.treasury.report,starting_balance:0
    28773007msgid "Starting Balance"
    28783008msgstr "Počáteční zůstatek"
    28803010#. module: account
    2881 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1298
     3011#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1327
    28823012#, python-format
    28833013msgid "No Partner Defined !"
    28933023#. module: account
    2894 #: field:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
    2895 msgid "Empty Accounts ? "
    2896 msgstr "Vyprázdnit účty ? "
     3024#: field:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
     3025msgid "Display details"
     3026msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"
    28983028#. module: account
    29033033#. module: account
     3034#: constraint:account.invoice:0
     3035msgid "Invalid BBA Structured Communication !"
     3036msgstr "Neplatná strukturovaná komunikace BBA !"
     3038#. module: account
    29043039#: help:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
    29053040msgid "The amount expressed in the related account currency if not equal to the company one."
    29083043#. module: account
    2909 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    2910 msgid "Journal:"
    2911 msgstr "Kniha:"
    2913 #. module: account
    2914 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
    2915 #: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
    2916 #: view:account.invoice:0
    2917 #: selection:account.invoice,state:0
    2918 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
    2919 #: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
    2920 #: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
    2921 #: view:account.subscription:0
    2922 #: selection:account.subscription,state:0
    2923 #: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
    2924 msgid "Draft"
    2925 msgstr "Koncept"
    2927 #. module: account
    2928 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_configuration_installer
    2929 msgid "Accounting Chart Configuration"
    2930 msgstr "Nastavení osnovy účetnictví"
     3044#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile
     3045#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_reconcile
     3046#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_select
     3047msgid "Unreconcile Entries"
     3048msgstr "Nevyrovnané položky"
    29323050#. module: account
    29543072#. module: account
     3073#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    29553074#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
     3075#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
    29563076msgid "year"
    29573077msgstr "rok"
    29593079#. module: account
    2960 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    2961 msgid "Authorised Signatory"
    2962 msgstr "Autorizovaný podpis"
     3080#: view:product.product:0
     3081msgid "Purchase Taxes"
     3082msgstr "Nákupní daně"
    29643084#. module: account
    29653085#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
    29663086msgid "All selected journal entries will be validated and posted. It means you won't be able to modify their accounting fields anymore."
    2967 msgstr "Všechny vybrané záznamy deníku budou ověřeny a poslané. To znamená, že nebudete schopni nadále měnit jejich účetní pole."
    2969 #. module: account
    2970 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:373
    2971 #, python-format
    2972 msgid "Cannot delete invoice(s) that are already opened or paid !"
    2973 msgstr "Nelze odstranit faktury, které jsou již otevřené a zaplacené !"
    2975 #. module: account
    2976 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    2977 msgid "Total :"
    2978 msgstr "Celkem:"
     3087msgstr "Všechny vybrané záznamy deníku budou ověřeny a zaúčtovány. To znamená, že nebudete schopni nadále měnit jejich účetní pole."
    29803089#. module: account
    29853094#. module: account
    2986 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    2987 msgid "  value amount: n.a"
    2988 msgstr "  částka hodnoty: není"
    2990 #. module: account
    29913095#: view:account.chart:0
    29923096msgid "Account charts"
    29973101msgid "Tax Amount"
    29983102msgstr "Částka daně"
    3000 #. module: account
    3001 #: view:account.installer:0
    3002 msgid "Your bank and cash accounts"
    3003 msgstr "Vaše bankovní a hotovostní účty"
    30053104#. module: account
    30163115#. module: account
    3017 #: report:account.invoice:0
    3018 #: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
    3019 msgid "Draft Invoice"
    3020 msgstr "Návrh faktury"
     3116#: code:addons/account/account.py:3369
     3117#, python-format
     3118msgid "BASE-S-%s"
     3119msgstr "BASE-S-%s"
    30223121#. module: account
    30283127#. module: account
    3029 #: code:addons/account/account.py:532
    3030 #, python-format
    3031 msgid "You cannot change the type of account from '%s' to '%s' type as it contains account entries!"
    3032 msgstr "Nemůžete změnit typ účtu z '%s' na typ '%s', protože obsahuje účetní položky!"
    3034 #. module: account
    3035 #: report:account.general.ledger:0
    3036 #: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    3037 msgid "Counterpart"
    3038 msgstr "Protějšek"
    3040 #. module: account
    3041 #: view:account.journal:0
    3042 msgid "Invoicing Data"
    3043 msgstr "Fakturační data"
     3128#: view:account.invoice.line:0
     3129msgid "Quantity :"
     3130msgstr "Množství :"
     3132#. module: account
     3133#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_length:0
     3134msgid "Period Length (days)"
     3135msgstr "Délka období (dny)"
    30453137#. module: account
    30563148#. module: account
    3057 #: view:account.move:0
    3058 #: field:account.move,narration:0
    3059 #: view:account.move.line:0
    3060 #: field:account.move.line,narration:0
    3061 msgid "Narration"
    3062 msgstr "Účetní text"
    3064 #. module: account
    30653149#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
    30663150#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_addtmpl_wizard_form
    30753159#. module: account
     3160#: view:account.move.line:0
     3161msgid "Unreconciled Journal Items"
     3162msgstr ""
     3164#. module: account
     3165#: sql_constraint:res.currency:0
     3166msgid "The currency code must be unique per company!"
     3167msgstr "Kód měny musí být jedinečný podle společnosti!"
     3169#. module: account
    30763170#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
    30773171msgid "Detail"
    30803174#. module: account
    3081 #: field:account.installer,bank_accounts_id:0
    3082 msgid "Your Bank and Cash Accounts"
    3083 msgstr "Vaše bankovní a hotovostní účty"
    3085 #. module: account
    30863175#: report:account.invoice:0
    30873176msgid "VAT :"
    30903179#. module: account
     3180#: report:account.central.journal:0
     3181#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    30913182#: field:account.installer,charts:0
     3183#: report:account.partner.balance:0
     3184#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
     3185#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    30923186#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_chart
    30933187#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tree
    31273221#: field:account.bank.statement,date:0
    31283222#: field:account.bank.statement.line,date:0
    3129 #: selection:account.bs.report,filter:0
    31303223#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
    31313224#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
    31463239#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
    31473240#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
    3148 #: selection:account.pl.report,filter:0
    31493241#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
    31503242#: selection:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
    31533245#: field:account.subscription.generate,date:0
    31543246#: field:account.subscription.line,date:0
    3155 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    31563247#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    31573248#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    31583249#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
    3159 #: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:97
     3250#: selection:accounting.report,filter:0
     3251#: selection:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
    31603252#: field:analytic.entries.report,date:0
    3161 #, python-format
    31623253msgid "Date"
    31633254msgstr "Datum"
     3256#. module: account
     3257#: view:account.move:0
     3258msgid "Post"
     3259msgstr "Zaúčtovat"
    31653261#. module: account
    31713267#. module: account
    3172 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:79
    3173 #, python-format
    3174 msgid "The journal must have default credit and debit account"
    3175 msgstr "Kniha musí mít výchozí účty Dal a Má dáti"
     3268#: view:account.analytic.line:0
     3269#: field:account.bank.statement,user_id:0
     3270#: view:account.journal:0
     3271#: field:account.journal,user_id:0
     3272#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     3273#: field:analytic.entries.report,user_id:0
     3274msgid "User"
     3275msgstr "Uživatel"
    31773277#. module: account
    31823282#. module: account
    3183 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2109
     3283#: code:addons/account/account.py:2276
    31843284#, python-format
    31853285msgid ""
    31903290#. module: account
    3191 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:801
     3291#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:837
    31923292#, python-format
    31933293msgid "Some entries are already reconciled !"
    31943294msgstr "Některé položky byly již zlikvidovány !"
    3196 #. module: account
    3197 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1218
    3198 #, python-format
    3199 msgid "You cannot validate a Journal Entry unless all journal items are in same chart of accounts !"
    3200 msgstr "Nemůžete ověřit záznamy knihy, pokud nejsou všechny položky ve stejném účtovém rozvrhu."
    32023296#. module: account
    32133307#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
    32143308#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
    3215 #: selection:account.bs.report,filter:0
    32163309#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
    32173310#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
    32223315#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
    32233316#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
    3224 #: selection:account.pl.report,filter:0
    32253317#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
    32263318#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
    32273319#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
     3320#: selection:accounting.report,filter:0
     3321#: selection:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
    32283322msgid "No Filters"
    32293323msgstr "Bez filtrů"
    32313325#. module: account
    3232 #: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
    3233 msgid "Situation"
    3234 msgstr "Situace"
     3326#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     3327msgid "Pro-forma Invoices"
     3328msgstr "Pro-forma faktury"
    32363330#. module: account
    32793373#. module: account
    3280 #: constraint:account.move:0
    3281 msgid "You cannot create entries on different periods/journals in the same move"
    3282 msgstr ""
    3284 #. module: account
    32853374#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
    32863375msgid "Payment Order"
    33103399#. module: account
    3311 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1134
     3400#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1152
    33123401#, python-format
    33133402msgid "Unable to change tax !"
    33213410#. module: account
    3322 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1437
    3323 #, python-format
    3324 msgid "You selected an Unit of Measure which is not compatible with the product."
    3325 msgstr "Vybrali jste Měrnou jednotku, která není slučitelná s výrobkem."
    3327 #. module: account
    3328 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:476
    3329 #, python-format
    3330 msgid "The Payment Term of Supplier does not have Payment Term Lines(Computation) defined !"
    3331 msgstr ""
     3411#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
     3412msgid "Create a draft Refund"
     3413msgstr "Vytvořit koncept dobropisu"
     3415#. module: account
     3416#: view:account.account:0
     3417#: field:account.account,user_type:0
     3418#: view:account.account.template:0
     3419#: field:account.account.template,user_type:0
     3420#: view:account.account.type:0
     3421#: field:account.account.type,name:0
     3422#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
     3423#: field:account.entries.report,user_type:0
     3424#: selection:account.financial.report,type:0
     3425#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_type
     3426#: field:report.account.receivable,type:0
     3427#: field:report.account_type.sales,user_type:0
     3428msgid "Account Type"
     3429msgstr "Typ účtu"
    33333431#. module: account
    33453443msgid "Mapping"
    33463444msgstr "Mapování"
     3446#. module: account
     3447#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:917
     3448#, python-format
     3449msgid "You cannot create an invoice on a centralised journal. Uncheck the centralised counterpart box in the related journal from the configuration menu."
     3450msgstr ""
    33483452#. module: account
    33713475#. module: account
     3476#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_tree
     3477#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_bank_tree
     3478msgid "Setup your Bank Accounts"
     3479msgstr "Nastavit vaše bankovní účty"
     3481#. module: account
    33723482#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:53
    33733483#, python-format
    33823492#. module: account
     3493#: model:ir.actions.todo.category,name:account.category_accounting_configuration
    33833494#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance
    33843495#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingentries0
    33923503#. module: account
     3504#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
     3505msgid "Taxes Mapping"
     3506msgstr "Mapování daní"
     3508#. module: account
    33933509#: help:account.central.journal,amount_currency:0
    33943510#: help:account.common.journal.report,amount_currency:0
    34003516#. module: account
     3517#: help:account.account,unrealized_gain_loss:0
     3518msgid "Value of Loss or Gain due to changes in exchange rate when doing multi-currency transactions."
     3519msgstr ""
     3521#. module: account
    34013522#: view:account.analytic.line:0
    34023523msgid "General Accounting"
    34153536#. module: account
    34163537#: view:account.installer:0
    3417 #: view:account.installer.modules:0
    34183538#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
    34193539msgid "title"
    34443564#. module: account
    3445 #: sql_constraint:account.model.line:0
    3446 msgid "Wrong credit or debit value in model (Credit Or Debit Must Be \"0\")!"
    3447 msgstr ""
    3449 #. module: account
    3450 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_invoice_report_all
    3451 msgid "From this report, you can have an overview of the amount invoiced to your customer as well as payment delays. The tool search can also be used to personalise your Invoices reports and so, match this analysis to your needs."
    3452 msgstr ""
     3565#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_assets0
     3566msgid "Assets"
     3567msgstr "Majetky"
    34543569#. module: account
    34643579#. module: account
     3580#: field:account.balance.report,display_account:0
     3581#: field:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
     3582#: field:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
     3583msgid "Display Accounts"
     3584msgstr "Zobrazit účty"
     3586#. module: account
    34653587#: view:account.state.open:0
    34663588msgid "(Invoice should be unreconciled if you want to open it)"
    34693591#. module: account
    3470 #: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_from:0
    3471 #: field:account.balance.report,period_from:0
    3472 #: field:account.bs.report,period_from:0
    3473 #: field:account.central.journal,period_from:0
    3474 #: field:account.chart,period_from:0
    3475 #: field:account.common.account.report,period_from:0
    3476 #: field:account.common.journal.report,period_from:0
    3477 #: field:account.common.partner.report,period_from:0
    3478 #: field:account.common.report,period_from:0
    3479 #: field:account.general.journal,period_from:0
    3480 #: field:account.partner.balance,period_from:0
    3481 #: field:account.partner.ledger,period_from:0
    3482 #: field:account.pl.report,period_from:0
    3483 #: field:account.print.journal,period_from:0
    3484 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_from:0
    3485 #: field:account.vat.declaration,period_from:0
    3486 msgid "Start period"
    3487 msgstr "Počáteční perioda"
     3592#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_board_account
     3593#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_board_account
     3594msgid "Accounting Dashboard"
     3595msgstr "Účetní nástěnka"
    34893597#. module: account
    34963604#. module: account
    3497 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_configuration
    3498 #: view:res.company:0
    3499 msgid "Configuration"
    3500 msgstr "Nastavení"
    3502 #. module: account
    35033605#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term
    35043606#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term
    35083610#. module: account
     3611#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:314
     3612#, python-format
     3613msgid "The closing balance should be the same than the computed balance !"
     3614msgstr ""
     3616#. module: account
    35093617#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_balance
    35103618#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_balance
    35143622#. module: account
    3515 #: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:76
    3516 #: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:122
    3517 #: code:addons/account/report/account_profit_loss.py:76
    3518 #: code:addons/account/report/account_profit_loss.py:124
    3519 #, python-format
    3520 msgid "Net Loss"
    3521 msgstr "Čisté ztráty"
    3523 #. module: account
    35243623#: help:account.account,active:0
    35253624msgid "If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the account without removing it."
    35283627#. module: account
     3628#: view:account.move.line:0
     3629msgid "Posted Journal Items"
     3630msgstr "Zaúčtované položky deníku"
     3632#. module: account
    35293633#: view:account.tax.template:0
    35303634msgid "Search Tax Templates"
    3531 msgstr "Hledat daňovou šablonu "
     3635msgstr "Hledat daňovou šablonu"
    35333637#. module: account
    35353639msgid "Draft Entries"
    35363640msgstr "Položky návrhu"
     3642#. module: account
     3643#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     3644msgid "  Day of the Month= -1"
     3645msgstr "  Den v měsíci= -1"
     3647#. module: account
     3648#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     3649msgid "  Number of Days: 30"
     3650msgstr "  Počet dní: 30"
    35383652#. module: account
    35443658#. module: account
    3545 #: view:account.account:0
    3546 #: field:account.account,user_type:0
    3547 #: view:account.account.template:0
    3548 #: field:account.account.template,user_type:0
    3549 #: view:account.account.type:0
    3550 #: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
    3551 #: field:account.entries.report,user_type:0
    3552 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_type
    3553 #: field:report.account.receivable,type:0
    3554 #: field:report.account_type.sales,user_type:0
    3555 msgid "Account Type"
    3556 msgstr "Typ účtu"
     3659#: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
     3660msgid "Error! The start date of the fiscal year must be before his end date."
     3661msgstr ""
     3663#. module: account
     3664#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:484
     3665#, python-format
     3666msgid "The Payment Term of Supplier does not have Payment Term Lines(Computation) defined !"
     3667msgstr ""
     3669#. module: account
     3670#: view:res.partner:0
     3671msgid "Bank Account Owner"
     3672msgstr "Vlastník bankovního účtu"
    35583674#. module: account
    36043720#. module: account
    3605 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:722
     3721#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:733
    36063722#, python-format
    36073723msgid "Global taxes defined, but are not in invoice lines !"
    36213737#. module: account
     3738#: field:res.company,paypal_account:0
     3739msgid "Paypal Account"
     3740msgstr "Účet Paypal"
     3742#. module: account
    36223743#: field:account.invoice.report,uom_name:0
    36233744msgid "Reference UoM"
    36323753#. module: account
     3754#: selection:account.financial.report,sign:0
     3755msgid "Reverse balance sign"
     3756msgstr ""
     3758#. module: account
    36333759#: view:account.analytic.account:0
    36343760msgid "Overdue Account"
    36373763#. module: account
    3638 #: selection:account.invoice,state:0
    3639 #: report:account.overdue:0
    3640 msgid "Paid"
    3641 msgstr "Placeno"
     3764#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:835
     3765#, python-format
     3766msgid ""
     3767"Can not create the invoice !\n"
     3768"The related payment term is probably misconfigured as it gives a computed amount greater than the total invoiced amount."
     3769msgstr ""
     3771#. module: account
     3772#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
     3773#: code:addons/account/account.py:184
     3774#, python-format
     3775msgid "Balance Sheet (Liability account)"
     3776msgstr ""
     3778#. module: account
     3779#: help:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
     3780msgid "Keep empty to use the current date"
     3781msgstr "Nechejte prázdné pro použití aktuálního data"
    36433783#. module: account
    36533793#. module: account
    3654 #: help:account.move,state:0
    3655 msgid "All manually created new journal entry are usually in the state 'Unposted', but you can set the option to skip that state on the related journal. In that case, they will be behave as journal entries automatically created by the system on document validation (invoices, bank statements...) and will be created in 'Posted' state."
    3656 msgstr "Ručně vytvořené účetní záznamy jsou typicky založeny jako nezaúčtované. Toto jde pro vybrané knihy přeskakovat, takže založené záznamy se rovnou zaúčtují."
    3658 #. module: account
    3659 #: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:90
     3794#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:93
    36603795#, python-format
    36613796msgid "There is no expense account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
    36693804#. module: account
    3670 #: field:account.invoice.tax,name:0
    3671 msgid "Tax Description"
    3672 msgstr "Popis daně"
     3805#: help:res.company,paypal_account:0
     3806msgid "Paypal username (usually email) for receiving online payments."
     3807msgstr ""
    36743809#. module: account
    36753810#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
    36763811#: selection:account.balance.report,target_move:0
    3677 #: selection:account.bs.report,target_move:0
    36783812#: selection:account.central.journal,target_move:0
    36793813#: selection:account.chart,target_move:0
    36863820#: selection:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
    36873821#: selection:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
    3688 #: selection:account.pl.report,target_move:0
    36893822#: selection:account.print.journal,target_move:0
    36903823#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
    36913824#: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
    36923825#: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
     3826#: selection:accounting.report,target_move:0
    36933827#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:68
    36943828#, python-format
    36953829msgid "All Posted Entries"
    3696 msgstr "Všechny poslané položky"
    3698 #. module: account
    3699 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:357
     3830msgstr "Všechny zaúčtované položky"
     3832#. module: account
     3833#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:365
    37003834#, python-format
    37013835msgid "Statement %s is confirmed, journal items are created."
    37023836msgstr "Výpis %s je potvrzen, záznamy knihy jsou vytvořeny."
    3704 #. module: account
    3705 #: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
    3706 msgid "Error! The duration of the Fiscal Year is invalid. "
    3707 msgstr "Chyba! Délka účetního roku je neplatná. "
    37093838#. module: account
    37293858#. module: account
    3730 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:88
    3731 #, python-format
    3732 msgid "Free Reference"
    3733 msgstr ""
     3859#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:41
     3860#, python-format
     3861msgid "End of Fiscal Year Entry"
     3862msgstr "Položka konece finančního roku"
    37353864#. module: account
    37373866msgid "Periodical Processing"
    37383867msgstr "Pravidelné zpracování"
     3869#. module: account
     3870#: constraint:account.analytic.line:0
     3871msgid "You can not create analytic line on view account."
     3872msgstr ""
    37403874#. module: account
    37573891#. module: account
    3758 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    3759 msgid "  day of the month: 0"
    3760 msgstr "  den v měsíci: 0"
    3762 #. module: account
    37633892#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart
    37643893msgid "Account chart"
    37673896#. module: account
    3768 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    37693897#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
    37703898#: report:account.central.journal:0
    37843912#. module: account
     3913#: field:account.account,exchange_rate:0
     3914msgid "Exchange Rate"
     3915msgstr ""
     3917#. module: account
    37853918#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
    37863919msgid "Bank statements are entered in the system."
    37953928#. module: account
    3796 #: field:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
    37973929#: report:account.overdue:0
    37983930msgid "Maturity date"
    38063938#. module: account
    38073939#: view:account.bank.statement:0
    3808 #: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
     3940#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_cash:0
    38093941msgid "Closing Balance"
    38103942msgstr "Konečný zůstatek"
    38153947msgid "Not implemented"
    38163948msgstr "Nerealizováno"
     3950#. module: account
     3951#: field:account.chart.template,visible:0
     3952msgid "Can be Visible?"
     3953msgstr "Může být viditelné?"
    38183955#. module: account
    38233960#. module: account
    3824 #: view:account.invoice:0
    3825 msgid "Print Invoice"
    3826 msgstr "Tisknout fakturu"
    3828 #. module: account
    38293961#: view:account.tax.template:0
    38303962msgid "Credit Notes"
    38333965#. module: account
    3834 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2081
    3835 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:69
    3836 #, python-format
    3837 msgid "Unable to find a valid period !"
    3838 msgstr "Nelze najít platné období !"
    3840 #. module: account
    3841 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    3842 msgid "Voucher No"
    3843 msgstr ""
     3966#: sql_constraint:account.period:0
     3967msgid "The name of the period must be unique per company!"
     3968msgstr "Jméno období musí být jedinečné podle společnosti!"
    38453970#. module: account
    38553980#. module: account
     3981#: help:account.chart.template,visible:0
     3982msgid "Set this to False if you don't want this template to be used actively in the wizard that generate Chart of Accounts from templates, this is useful when you want to generate accounts of this template only when loading its child template."
     3983msgstr ""
     3985#. module: account
    38563986#: view:account.use.model:0
    38573987msgid "Create Entries From Models"
    38603990#. module: account
     3991#: field:account.account,reconcile:0
    38613992#: field:account.account.template,reconcile:0
    38623993msgid "Allow Reconciliation"
    38653996#. module: account
     3997#: code:addons/account/account.py:1076
     3998#, python-format
     3999msgid "You can not modify company of this period as some journal items exists."
     4000msgstr ""
     4002#. module: account
    38664003#: view:account.analytic.account:0
    38674004msgid "Analytic Account Statistics"
    38704007#. module: account
    3871 #: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
    3872 msgid "This will automatically configure your chart of accounts, bank accounts, taxes and journals according to the selected template"
    3873 msgstr "Toto automaticky nastaví váš účetní rozvrh, bankovní účty, daně a knihy podle vybrané šablony"
     4008#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
     4009msgid "Based On"
     4010msgstr "Založeno na"
    38754012#. module: account
    38924029#. module: account
     4030#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1250
     4031#, python-format
     4032msgid "Encoding error"
     4033msgstr ""
     4035#. module: account
    38934036#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
    38944037msgid "4"
    39024045#. module: account
    3903 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1304
    3904 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1332
    3905 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1339
    3906 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1061
    3907 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:904
    3908 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:152
    3909 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:78
    3910 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:81
    3911 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:165
    3912 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:55
    3913 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:57
    3914 #, python-format
    3915 msgid "UserError"
    3916 msgstr "UserError"
     4046#: selection:account.journal,type:0
     4047msgid "Bank and Cheques"
     4048msgstr "Banka a šeky"
    39184050#. module: account
    39254057msgid "It acts as a default account for credit amount"
    39264058msgstr "Chová se jako výchozí účet pro částku Dal"
    3928 #. module: account
    3929 #: help:account.partner.ledger,reconcil:0
    3930 msgid "Consider reconciled entries"
    3931 msgstr "Uvažte vyrovnané záznamy"
    39334060#. module: account
    39374064#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
    39384065msgid "Post Journal Entries"
    3939 msgstr ""
     4066msgstr "Zaúčtovat položky deníku"
    39414068#. module: account
    39534080#. module: account
     4081#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     4082msgid "Example"
     4083msgstr "Příklad"
     4085#. module: account
    39544086#: constraint:account.account:0
    39554087#: constraint:account.tax.code:0
    39594091#. module: account
    3960 #: constraint:account.account:0
    3961 msgid ""
    3962 "You cannot create an account! \n"
    3963 "Make sure if the account has children then it should be type \"View\"!"
    3964 msgstr ""
    3965 "Nemůžete vytvořit účet! \n"
    3966 "Ujistěte se, že účet má potomky, které mají být typu \"View\"! "
     4092#: view:account.tax:0
     4093#: view:account.tax.template:0
     4094msgid "Keep empty to use the income account"
     4095msgstr "Nechejte prázdné pro použití příjmového účtu"
    39684097#. module: account
    39894118#: view:account.invoice:0
    39904119#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    3991 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:320
     4120#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:326
    39924121#, python-format
    39934122msgid "Customer"
    40064135#. module: account
    4007 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:73
     4136#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:71
    40084137#, python-format
    40094138msgid "You must define an analytic journal of type '%s' !"
    40124141#. module: account
    4013 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1411
     4142#: code:addons/account/account.py:1564
    40144143#, python-format
    40154144msgid "Couldn't create move with currency different from the secondary currency of the account \"%s - %s\". Clear the secondary currency field of the account definition if you want to accept all currencies."
    40164145msgstr ""
     4147#. module: account
     4148#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
     4149msgid "New"
     4150msgstr "Nový"
    40184152#. module: account
    40234157#. module: account
     4158#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
     4159msgid "Unreconciliation transactions"
     4160msgstr "Nezlikvidované transakce"
     4162#. module: account
    40244163#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
    40254164#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
    40264165msgid "Refund Tax Code"
    4027 msgstr ""
     4166msgstr "Kód daně dobropisu"
    40294168#. module: account
    40344173#. module: account
    4035 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    4036 msgid "Account Balance -"
    4037 msgstr "Zůstatek účtu -"
     4174#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_configuration
     4175msgid "Configuration"
     4176msgstr "Nastavení"
    40394178#. module: account
    40464185msgid "Income Account on Product Template"
    40474186msgstr "Příjmový účet na šabloně výrobku"
     4188#. module: account
     4189#: code:addons/account/account.py:3190
     4190#, python-format
     4191msgid "MISC"
     4192msgstr "Různé"
     4194#. module: account
     4195#: model:email.template,subject:account.email_template_edi_invoice
     4196msgid "${object.company_id.name} Invoice (Ref ${object.number or 'n/a' })"
     4197msgstr ""
    40494199#. module: account
    40714221#. module: account
    4072 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:812
    4073 #, python-format
    4074 msgid ""
    4075 "Please verify the price of the invoice !\n"
    4076 "The real total does not match the computed total."
    4077 msgstr ""
    4078 "Prosíme zkontrolujte cenu na faktuře !\n"
    4079 "Skutečný součet neodpovídá vypočtenému součtu."
     4222#: view:account.invoice:0
     4223msgid "My invoices"
     4224msgstr "Moje faktury"
     4226#. module: account
     4227#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
     4228msgid "Check"
     4229msgstr "Šekový"
    40814231#. module: account
    40944244#. module: account
     4245#: view:account.move:0
     4246msgid "Posted Journal Entries"
     4247msgstr "Zaúčtované položky deníku"
     4249#. module: account
    40954250#: view:account.use.model:0
    40964251msgid "Use Model"
    41144269#. module: account
    4115 #: help:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
    4116 msgid "Keep empty to use the current date"
    4117 msgstr "Nechejte prázdné pro použití aktuálního data"
    4119 #. module: account
    4120 #: selection:account.journal,type:0
    4121 msgid "Bank and Cheques"
    4122 msgstr "Banka a šeky"
     4270#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
     4271#: report:account.overdue:0
     4272msgid "Paid"
     4273msgstr "Placeno"
    41244275#. module: account
    41354286#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
    41364287msgid "Draft invoices are validated. "
    4137 msgstr "Koncepty faktůr jsou ověřeny."
     4288msgstr "Koncepty faktůr jsou ověřeny. "
     4290#. module: account
     4291#: constraint:account.account.template:0
     4292msgid ""
     4293"Configuration Error!\n"
     4294"You can not define children to an account with internal type different of \"View\"! "
     4295msgstr ""
     4297#. module: account
     4298#: code:addons/account/account.py:922
     4299#, python-format
     4300msgid "Opening Period"
     4301msgstr ""
     4303#. module: account
     4304#: view:account.move:0
     4305msgid "Journal Entries to Review"
     4306msgstr ""
    41394308#. module: account
    41754344#. module: account
    4176 #: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
    4177 msgid "Balance Sheet (Assets Accounts)"
    4178 msgstr "Rozvaha (Majetkové účty)"
    4180 #. module: account
    4181 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    4182 msgid "Third Party (Country)"
    4183 msgstr ""
    4185 #. module: account
    4186 #: code:addons/account/account.py:952
    4187 #: code:addons/account/account.py:954
    4188 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1195
    4189 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1407
    4190 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1411
    4191 #: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:250
    4192 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:771
    4193 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:794
    4194 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:796
    4195 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:799
    4196 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:801
    4197 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1123
     4345#: code:addons/account/account.py:1087
     4346#: code:addons/account/account.py:1089
     4347#: code:addons/account/account.py:1320
     4348#: code:addons/account/account.py:1560
     4349#: code:addons/account/account.py:1564
     4350#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:807
     4351#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:830
     4352#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:832
     4353#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:835
     4354#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:837
    41984355#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:92
    41994356#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:38
    42014358#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:64
    42024359#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:70
     4360#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_financial_report.py:68
    42034361#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:49
    4204 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:120
    4205 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:126
     4362#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:122
     4363#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:128
    42064364#, python-format
    42074365msgid "Error"
    42104368#. module: account
    4211 #: field:account.analytic.Journal.report,date2:0
    42124369#: field:account.analytic.balance,date2:0
    42134370#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger,date2:0
    42144371#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,date2:0
    42154372#: field:account.analytic.inverted.balance,date2:0
     4373#: field:account.analytic.journal.report,date2:0
    42164374msgid "End of period"
    42174375msgstr "Konec období"
    42244382#. module: account
    4225 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:728
    4226 #, python-format
    4227 msgid "Taxes missing !"
    4228 msgstr "Chybí daně !"
     4383#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_partner_balance
     4384msgid "This report is analysis by partner. It is a PDF report containing one line per partner representing the cumulative credit balance."
     4385msgstr "Tento výkaz je analýza podle partnera. Jedná se o PDF výkaz obsahující jeden řádek na partnera vyjadřující souhrnný zůstatek ve prospěch."
    42304387#. module: account
    42354392#. module: account
    4236 #: help:account.journal,refund_journal:0
    4237 msgid "Fill this if the journal is to be used for refunds of invoices."
    4238 msgstr ""
     4393#: sql_constraint:account.invoice:0
     4394msgid "Invoice Number must be unique per Company!"
     4395msgstr "Číslo dokladu musí být jedinečné na společnost!"
     4397#. module: account
     4398#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_receivable_graph
     4399msgid "Balance by Type of Account"
     4400msgstr "Zůstatek dle typu účtu"
    42404402#. module: account
    42424404msgid "Generate Fiscal Year Opening Entries"
    42434405msgstr "Generovat otvírající záznamy finančního roku"
     4407#. module: account
     4408#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_account_user
     4409msgid "Accountant"
     4410msgstr "Účetní"
     4412#. module: account
     4413#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_treasury_report_all
     4414msgid "From this view, have an analysis of your treasury. It sums the balance of every accounting entries made on liquidity accounts per period."
     4415msgstr ""
     4417#. module: account
     4418#: code:addons/account/account.py:3369
     4419#, python-format
     4420msgid "BASE-P-%s"
     4421msgstr "BASE-P-%s"
    42454423#. module: account
    42614439#. module: account
     4440#: view:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal:0
     4441msgid "Sale journal in this month"
     4442msgstr ""
     4444#. module: account
    42624445#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_vat_declaration
    42634446#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_vat_declaration
    42724455#. module: account
    4273 #: field:account.journal,allow_date:0
    4274 msgid "Check Date not in the Period"
    4275 msgstr "Zkontrolovat zda datum není v období"
    4277 #. module: account
    4278 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1224
     4456#: field:account.treasury.report,date:0
     4457msgid "Beginning of Period Date"
     4458msgstr ""
     4460#. module: account
     4461#: code:addons/account/account.py:1348
    42794462#, python-format
    42804463msgid ""
    42824465"You should set the journal to allow cancelling entries if you want to do that."
    42834466msgstr ""
     4467"Nemůžete upravit zaúčtované položky tohoto deníku !\n"
     4468"Pokud to chcete udělat, měli byste nastavit deník, aby bylo povoleno zrušení položek."
    42854470#. module: account
    42904475#. module: account
     4476#: field:account.invoice.tax,name:0
     4477msgid "Tax Description"
     4478msgstr "Popis daně"
     4480#. module: account
    42914481#: field:account.tax,child_ids:0
    42924482msgid "Child Tax Accounts"
    42954485#. module: account
    4296 #: code:addons/account/account.py:954
     4486#: code:addons/account/account.py:1089
    42974487#, python-format
    42984488msgid "Start period should be smaller then End period"
    42994489msgstr ""
     4491#. module: account
     4492#: help:account.tax,price_include:0
     4493#: help:account.tax.template,price_include:0
     4494msgid "Check this if the price you use on the product and invoices includes this tax."
     4495msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto, pokud cena, kterou používáte u výrobku a faktur zahrnuje tuto daň."
    43014497#. module: account
    43134509#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
    43144510#: field:account.balance.report,target_move:0
    4315 #: field:account.bs.report,target_move:0
    43164511#: report:account.central.journal:0
    43174512#: field:account.central.journal,target_move:0
    43304525#: field:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
    43314526#: field:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
    4332 #: field:account.pl.report,target_move:0
    43334527#: field:account.print.journal,target_move:0
    43344528#: field:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
    43374531#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    43384532#: field:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
    4339 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    4340 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    4341 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    4342 #: report:pl.account:0
    4343 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
     4533#: field:accounting.report,target_move:0
    43444534msgid "Target Moves"
    43454535msgstr "Cílové pohyby"
     4537#. module: account
     4538#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term_net
     4539#: model:account.payment.term,note:account.account_payment_term_net
     4540msgid "30 Net Days"
     4541msgstr ""
    43474543#. module: account
    43494545msgid "Period Type"
    43504546msgstr "Typ období"
     4548#. module: account
     4549#: report:account.invoice:0
     4550#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
     4551msgid "Draft Invoice"
     4552msgstr "Návrh faktury"
    43524554#. module: account
    43784580msgid "Payment Terms"
    43794581msgstr "Platební podmínky"
     4583#. module: account
     4584#: help:account.chart.template,complete_tax_set:0
     4585msgid "This boolean helps you to choose if you want to propose to the user to encode the sale and purchase rates or choose from list of taxes. This last choice assumes that the set of tax defined on this template is complete"
     4586msgstr ""
     4588#. module: account
     4589#: view:account.financial.report:0
     4590#: field:account.financial.report,children_ids:0
     4591#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_financial_report
     4592msgid "Account Report"
     4593msgstr ""
    43814595#. module: account
    44124626#. module: account
    4413 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1181
     4627#: code:addons/account/account.py:1306
    44144628#, python-format
    44154629msgid "Integrity Error !"
    44284642#. module: account
    4429 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:293
     4643#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:300
    44304644#, python-format
    44314645msgid "Journal Item \"%s\" is not valid"
    44324646msgstr "Položka knihy \"%s\" není platná"
    4434 #. module: account
    4435 #: view:account.payment.term:0
    4436 msgid "Description on invoices"
    4437 msgstr "Popis na fakturách"
    44394648#. module: account
    44554664#. module: account
    4456 #: view:account.bs.report:0
    4457 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_bs_report
     4665#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_balancesheet0
    44584666#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_bs_report
    4459 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    4460 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    44614667msgid "Balance Sheet"
    44624668msgstr "Rozvaha"
     4670#. module: account
     4671#: view:account.general.journal:0
     4672#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_general_journal
     4673msgid "General Journals"
     4674msgstr "Obecné deníky"
     4676#. module: account
     4677#: field:account.journal,allow_date:0
     4678msgid "Check Date in Period"
     4679msgstr ""
     4681#. module: account
     4682#: field:account.invoice,residual:0
     4683msgid "To Pay"
     4684msgstr "K zaplacení"
    44644686#. module: account
    44884710#. module: account
    4489 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:138
     4711#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:146
    44904712#, python-format
    44914713msgid "No Period found on Invoice!"
    45074729msgid "Sale"
    45084730msgstr "Obchod"
     4732#. module: account
     4733#: view:account.financial.report:0
     4734msgid "Report"
     4735msgstr "Výkaz"
    45104737#. module: account
    45254752#. module: account
    4526 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:41
    4527 #, python-format
    4528 msgid "End of Fiscal Year Entry"
    4529 msgstr "Položka konece finančního roku"
    4531 #. module: account
    45324753#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
    45334754#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
    45414762#. module: account
    4542 #: help:account.invoice,reconciled:0
    4543 msgid "The Journal Entry of the invoice have been totally reconciled with one or several Journal Entries of payment."
    4544 msgstr ""
    4546 #. module: account
    45474763#: field:account.tax,child_depend:0
    45484764#: field:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
    45524768#. module: account
    4553 #: constraint:account.move.line:0
    4554 msgid "You can not create move line on receivable/payable account without partner"
    4555 msgstr "Bez partnera nemůžet vytvořit pohybový řádek v účtu pohledávek/závazků"
    4557 #. module: account
    4558 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2081
    4559 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:69
    4560 #, python-format
    4561 msgid "No period found !"
    4562 msgstr "Nebylo nalezeno žádné období !"
     4769#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax_template
     4770msgid "Template Tax Fiscal Position"
     4771msgstr ""
    45644773#. module: account
    45714780msgid "Coefficent for parent"
    45724781msgstr "Koeficient pro nadřazený"
     4783#. module: account
     4784#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     4785msgid "Analytic Accounts with a past deadline."
     4786msgstr ""
    45744788#. module: account
    45964810#. module: account
    4597 #: view:account.move.line:0
    4598 msgid "Debit/Credit"
    4599 msgstr "Dluh/Vklad"
     4811#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,progress:0
     4812msgid "Progress"
     4813msgstr "Průběh"
    46014815#. module: account
    46064820#. module: account
    4607 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_code_template_form
    4608 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_code_template_form
    4609 msgid "Tax Code Templates"
    4610 msgstr "Šablony kódu daně"
     4821#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,bank_accounts_id:0
     4822msgid "Cash and Banks"
     4823msgstr ""
    46124825#. module: account
    46274840#. module: account
    4628 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2940
    4629 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:283
    4630 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:295
    4631 #, python-format
    4632 msgid "Bank Journal "
    4633 msgstr "Bankovní deník "
     4841#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     4842msgid "Amount Computation"
     4843msgstr "Výpočet částky"
    46354845#. module: account
    46464856#. module: account
    4647 #: field:account.analytic.Journal.report,date1:0
    46484857#: field:account.analytic.balance,date1:0
    46494858#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger,date1:0
    46504859#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,date1:0
    46514860#: field:account.analytic.inverted.balance,date1:0
     4861#: field:account.analytic.journal.report,date1:0
    46524862msgid "Start of period"
    46534863msgstr "Začátek období"
    46554865#. module: account
    4656 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1199
    4657 #, python-format
    4658 msgid "You can not do this modification on a reconciled entry ! Please note that you can just change some non important fields !"
    4659 msgstr ""
     4866#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
     4867msgid "J.C./Move name"
     4868msgstr "J.C./Název pohybu"
    46614870#. module: account
    46624871#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_account_report
    46634872msgid "Account Common Account Report"
    4664 msgstr ""
     4873msgstr "Obecný výkaz účtu"
    46664875#. module: account
    46674876#: field:account.bank.statement.line,name:0
     4877#: field:account.invoice,reference:0
    46684878msgid "Communication"
    46694879msgstr "Komunikace"
    46734883msgid "Analytic Accounting"
    46744884msgstr "Analytické účetnictví"
     4886#. module: account
     4887#: field:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
     4888#: field:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
     4889msgid "Include Initial Balances"
     4890msgstr "Včetně počátečních zůstatků"
    46764892#. module: account
    46834899#. module: account
    4684 #: view:account.account:0
    4685 #: field:account.account,tax_ids:0
    4686 #: field:account.account.template,tax_ids:0
    4687 msgid "Default Taxes"
    4688 msgstr "Výchozí daně"
     4900#: constraint:account.move:0
     4901msgid "You can not create more than one move per period on centralized journal"
     4902msgstr ""
    46904904#. module: account
    47034917#. module: account
     4918#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     4919msgid "  Number of Days: 14"
     4920msgstr "  Počet dnů: 14"
     4922#. module: account
    47044923#: field:account.fiscalyear,end_journal_period_id:0
    47054924msgid "End of Year Entries Journal"
    47084927#. module: account
    4709 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:331
    4710 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:408
    4711 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:508
    4712 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:523
    4713 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:531
    4714 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:552
    4715 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1361
     4928#: code:addons/account/account.py:3529
     4929#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:336
     4930#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:416
     4931#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:516
     4932#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:531
     4933#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:539
     4934#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:561
    47164935#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:63
    47174936#, python-format
    47184937msgid "Configuration Error !"
    47194938msgstr "Chyb nastavení !"
     4940#. module: account
     4941#: field:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
     4942msgid "Amount To Pay"
     4943msgstr "Částka k zaplacení"
    47214945#. module: account
    47414965#: view:account.move.line:0
    47424966msgid "Unposted"
    4743 msgstr ""
     4967msgstr "Nezaúčtované"
    47454969#. module: account
    47524976#. module: account
     4977#: view:account.invoice:0
     4978msgid "This action will erase taxes"
     4979msgstr ""
     4981#. module: account
    47534982#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingentries0
    47544983#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
    47694998#: view:account.analytic.account:0
    47704999#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_form
    4771 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_analytic_open
    47725000#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_def_account
    47735001msgid "Analytic Accounts"
    47765004#. module: account
    4777 #: help:account.account.type,report_type:0
    4778 msgid "According value related accounts will be display on respective reports (Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account)"
    4779 msgstr "Podle hodnoty vztažených účtů budou zobrazeny na příslušných výkazech (Rozvaha účtů zisku & ztrát)"
    4781 #. module: account
    4782 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
    4783 msgid "Sort By"
    4784 msgstr "Řadit podle"
    4786 #. module: account
    4787 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1340
    4788 #, python-format
    4789 msgid ""
    4790 "There is no default default credit account defined \n"
    4791 "on journal \"%s\""
    4792 msgstr ""
    4793 "Není definován výchozí účet Dal \n"
    4794 "v knize \"%s\""
    4796 #. module: account
     5005#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     5006msgid "Customer Invoices And Refunds"
     5007msgstr "Faktury a dobropisy zákazníků"
     5009#. module: account
     5010#: field:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
    47975011#: field:account.entries.report,amount_currency:0
    47985012#: field:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
    48205034#: field:account.model.line,quantity:0
    48215035#: field:account.move.line,quantity:0
     5036#: selection:account.tax,type:0
     5037#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
    48225038#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
    48235039#: field:analytic.entries.report,unit_amount:0
    48315047msgid "Number (Move)"
    48325048msgstr "Číslo (pohyb)"
     5050#. module: account
     5051#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     5052msgid "Analytic Entries during last 7 days"
     5053msgstr ""
    48345055#. module: account
    48885109#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
    48895110#: selection:account.tax,type:0
     5111#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
    48905112msgid "Fixed Amount"
    48915113msgstr "Pevná částka"
    48985120#. module: account
    4899 #: view:board.board:0
    4900 msgid "Aged Receivables"
    4901 msgstr "Staré pohledávky"
     5121#: view:account.journal:0
     5122msgid "Invoicing Data"
     5123msgstr "Fakturační data"
    49035125#. module: account
    49255147#. module: account
    4926 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:729
     5148#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:759
    49275149#, python-format
    49285150msgid "Already Reconciled!"
    49315153#. module: account
    49325154#: help:account.tax,type:0
     5155#: help:account.tax.template,type:0
    49335156msgid "The computation method for the tax amount."
    49345157msgstr "Výpočetní metoda pro částku daně."
    49365159#. module: account
    4937 #: help:account.installer.modules,account_anglo_saxon:0
    4938 msgid "This module will support the Anglo-Saxons accounting methodology by changing the accounting logic with stock transactions."
    4939 msgstr "Tento modul bude podporovat Anglo-saskou účetní metodologii pomocí změny účetní logiky se skladovými transakcemi."
     5160#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     5161msgid "Due Date Computation"
     5162msgstr "Výpočet data splatnosti"
    49415164#. module: account
    49585181#. module: account
     5182#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1213
     5183#, python-format
     5184msgid "Move name (id): %s (%s)"
     5185msgstr ""
     5187#. module: account
    49595188#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
    4960 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:821
     5189#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:857
    49615190#, python-format
    49625191msgid "Write-Off"
    49705199#. module: account
    4971 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_line_extended_form
    4972 msgid "account.analytic.line.extended"
    4973 msgstr "account.analytic.line.extended"
     5200#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_income
     5201#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_income0
     5202msgid "Income"
     5203msgstr "Příjem"
    49755205#. module: account
    49775207#: view:account.invoice:0
    49785208#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    4979 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:322
     5209#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:328
    49805210#, python-format
    49815211msgid "Supplier"
    50035233#. module: account
    5004 #: help:account.installer.modules,account_payment:0
    5005 msgid "Streamlines invoice payment and creates hooks to plug automated payment systems in."
     5234#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:86
     5235#, python-format
     5236msgid "Free Reference"
    50065237msgstr ""
    50165247#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
    50175248#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
    5018 #: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:306
     5249#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:301
    50195250#, python-format
    50205251msgid "Receivable and Payable Accounts"
    50855316#. module: account
    5086 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:59
    5087 #, python-format
    5088 msgid "New currency is not confirured properly !"
    5089 msgstr "Nová měna není správně nastavena !"
    5091 #. module: account
    50925317#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
    50935318#: field:account.balance.report,filter:0
    5094 #: field:account.bs.report,filter:0
    50955319#: field:account.central.journal,filter:0
    50965320#: field:account.common.account.report,filter:0
    51015325#: field:account.partner.balance,filter:0
    51025326#: field:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
    5103 #: field:account.pl.report,filter:0
    51045327#: field:account.print.journal,filter:0
    51055328#: field:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
    51065329#: field:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
     5330#: field:accounting.report,filter:0
     5331#: field:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
    51075332msgid "Filter by"
    51085333msgstr "Filtrovat podle"
    51105335#. module: account
    5111 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1137
    5112 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1220
     5336#: code:addons/account/account.py:2252
     5337#, python-format
     5338msgid "You have a wrong expression \"%(...)s\" in your model !"
     5339msgstr "Máte nesprávný výraz \"%(...)s\" ve vašem modelu !"
     5341#. module: account
     5342#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1154
     5343#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1237
    51135344#, python-format
    51145345msgid "You can not use an inactive account!"
    51175348#. module: account
    5118 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:794
     5349#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:830
    51195350#, python-format
    51205351msgid "Entries are not of the same account or already reconciled ! "
    5121 msgstr "Záznamy nejsou ze stejného účtu nebo jsou již zlikvidovány !"
     5352msgstr "Záznamy nejsou ze stejného účtu nebo jsou již zlikvidovány ! "
     5354#. module: account
     5355#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1217
     5356#, python-format
     5357msgid ""
     5358"You can not do this modification on a reconciled entry ! Please note that you can just change some non important fields ! \n"
     5360msgstr ""
     5362#. module: account
     5363#: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
     5364msgid "Balance as calculated based on Starting Balance and transaction lines"
     5365msgstr ""
     5367#. module: account
     5368#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:64
     5369#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:70
     5370#, python-format
     5371msgid "Current currency is not configured properly !"
     5372msgstr "Aktuální měna není správně nastavena !"
    51235374#. module: account
    51355386#. module: account
    5136 #: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:100
    5137 #, python-format
    5138 msgid "No Filter"
    5139 msgstr "Bez filtru"
    5141 #. module: account
    51425387#: field:account.payment.term.line,days:0
    51435388msgid "Number of Days"
    51515396#. module: account
    5152 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:391
    5153 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:373
     5397#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:398
     5398#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:381
     5399#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_period_close.py:51
    51545400#, python-format
    51555401msgid "Invalid action !"
    51645410#. module: account
    5165 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax_template
    5166 msgid "Template Tax Fiscal Position"
    5167 msgstr ""
     5411#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_review_financial_journals_installer
     5412msgid "Review your Financial Journals"
     5413msgstr "Prohlédnout vaše finanční deníky"
    51695415#. module: account
    51985444#. module: account
    5199 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    5200 msgid "Amount Computation"
    5201 msgstr "Výpočet částky"
     5445#: field:account.account,foreign_balance:0
     5446msgid "Foreign Balance"
     5447msgstr ""
    52035449#. module: account
    52135459#. module: account
    5214 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:126
     5460#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:128
    52155461#, python-format
    52165462msgid "not implemented"
    52275473msgid "Selected Invoice(s) cannot be confirmed as they are not in 'Draft' or 'Pro-Forma' state!"
    52285474msgstr ""
     5476#. module: account
     5477#: view:account.subscription:0
     5478msgid "Running Subscription"
     5479msgstr "Běžící předplatné"
    52305481#. module: account
    52385489#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_entries_report
    52395490msgid "Analytic Entries Analysis"
    5240 msgstr "Analýza analytických záznamů "
     5491msgstr "Analýza analytických záznamů"
    52425493#. module: account
    52435494#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
    52445495msgid "Past"
     5496msgstr "Minulý"
     5498#. module: account
     5499#: constraint:account.account:0
     5500msgid ""
     5501"Configuration Error! \n"
     5502"You can not define children to an account with internal type different of \"View\"! "
     5503msgstr ""
     5505#. module: account
     5506#: help:res.partner.bank,journal_id:0
     5507msgid "This journal will be created automatically for this bank account when you save the record"
    52455508msgstr ""
    52685531#. module: account
    5269 #: field:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
    5270 msgid "Value Amount"
    5271 msgstr "částka hodnoty"
    5273 #. module: account
    5274 #: help:account.journal,code:0
    5275 msgid "The code will be used to generate the numbers of the journal entries of this journal."
    5276 msgstr "Kód bude použit pro generování čísel záznamů knihy této knihy."
     5532#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_line_extended_form
     5533msgid "account.analytic.line.extended"
     5534msgstr "account.analytic.line.extended"
    52785536#. module: account
    52855543msgid "As soon as the reconciliation is done, the invoice's state turns to “done” (i.e. paid) in the system."
    52865544msgstr ""
    5288 #. module: account
    5289 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:997
    5290 #, python-format
    5291 msgid "Invoice  '%s' is validated."
    5292 msgstr "Faktura '%s' je ověřena."
    52945546#. module: account
    53155567#. module: account
    5316 #: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
    5317 msgid "Create an Account based on this template"
    5318 msgstr "Vytvořit účet založený na šabloně"
     5568#: help:account.model,name:0
     5569msgid "This is a model for recurring accounting entries"
     5570msgstr "Toto je model pro opakující se účetní položky"
     5572#. module: account
     5573#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,sale_tax_rate:0
     5574msgid "Sales Tax(%)"
     5575msgstr "Prodejní daň(%)"
     5577#. module: account
     5578#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:102
     5579#, python-format
     5580msgid "There is no income account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
     5581msgstr "Pro tento výrobek není definován příjmový účet: \"%s\" (id: %d)"
    53205583#. module: account
    53435606#. module: account
     5607#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,complete_tax_set:0
     5608msgid "This boolean helps you to choose if you want to propose to the user to encode the sales and purchase rates or use the usual m2o fields. This last choice assumes that the set of tax defined for the chosen template is complete"
     5609msgstr ""
     5611#. module: account
    53445612#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
    53455613msgid "Tax Statement"
    53535621#. module: account
    5354 #: code:addons/account/account.py:546
     5622#: code:addons/account/account.py:663
    53555623#, python-format
    53565624msgid "You cannot modify Company of account as its related record exist in Entry Lines"
    53575625msgstr "Nemůžete změnit společnost účtu, protože vztažené záznamy existují v řádcích položek"
     5627#. module: account
     5628#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     5629msgid "Open and Paid Invoices"
     5630msgstr "Otevřené a zaplacené faktury"
     5632#. module: account
     5633#: selection:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
     5634msgid "Display children flat"
     5635msgstr ""
     5637#. module: account
     5638#: code:addons/account/account.py:628
     5639#, python-format
     5640msgid "You can not remove/desactivate an account which is set on a customer or supplier."
     5641msgstr ""
    53595643#. module: account
    53795663#. module: account
    5380 #: field:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
    5381 #: field:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5382 #: field:account.bs.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5383 #: field:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
    53845664#: field:account.chart,fiscalyear:0
    5385 #: field:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5386 #: field:account.common.journal.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5387 #: field:account.common.partner.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5388 #: field:account.common.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5389 #: field:account.general.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
    5390 #: field:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
    5391 #: field:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
    5392 #: field:account.pl.report,fiscalyear_id:0
    5393 #: field:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
    5394 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
    5395 #: field:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
    53965665msgid "Fiscal year"
    53975666msgstr "Daňový rok"
    54055674#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
    54065675#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
    5407 #: view:account.analytic.Journal.report:0
    54085676#: view:account.analytic.balance:0
    54095677#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
    54115679#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
    54125680#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
     5681#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0
    54135682#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
    54145683#: view:account.bank.statement:0
    54205689#: view:account.invoice:0
    54215690#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
    5422 #: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
    54235691#: view:account.journal.select:0
    54245692#: view:account.move:0
    54475715#. module: account
    5448 #: field:account.account.type,name:0
    5449 msgid "Acc. Type Name"
    5450 msgstr "Jméno typu účtu"
    5452 #. module: account
    54535716#: selection:account.account,type:0
    54545717#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
     5718#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_receivable
    54555719#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
    54565720msgid "Receivable"
    54695733#. module: account
    5470 #: view:account.installer:0
    5471 msgid "Configure Your Accounting Chart"
    5472 msgstr "Nastavit váš Účtový rozvrh"
    5474 #. module: account
    5475 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    5476 msgid "  number of days: 30"
    5477 msgstr "  počet dní: 30"
    5479 #. module: account
    54805734#: help:account.analytic.line,currency_id:0
    54815735msgid "The related account currency if not equal to the company one."
    54845738#. module: account
    54855739#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     5740#: code:addons/account/account.py:3075
     5741#, python-format
    54865742msgid "Current"
    54875743msgstr "Aktuální"
    54945750#. module: account
    54955751#: selection:account.tax,type:0
     5752#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
    54965753msgid "Percentage"
    54975754msgstr "Procenta"
    55095766#. module: account
    5510 #: field:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
    5511 msgid "Refund Type"
    5512 msgstr "Typ úhrady"
    5514 #. module: account
    55155767#: report:account.invoice:0
    55165768msgid "Price"
    55215773msgid "View Account Analytic Lines"
    55225774msgstr "Zobrazit řádky analytického účtu"
    5524 #. module: account
    5525 #: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
    5526 msgid "Balance Sheet (Liability Accounts)"
    5527 msgstr "Rozvaha (Závazkové účty)"
    55295776#. module: account
    55565803#. module: account
    5557 #: field:account.invoice,reference:0
    55585804#: field:account.invoice.line,invoice_id:0
    55595805msgid "Invoice Reference"
    56055851#. module: account
    5606 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:409
    5607 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:509
    5608 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1362
     5852#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:417
     5853#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:517
    56095854#, python-format
    56105855msgid "Can not find account chart for this company, Please Create account."
    56135858#. module: account
    5614 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:57
     5859#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:58
    56155860#, python-format
    56165861msgid "Enter a Start date !"
    56235868#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
    56245869msgid "Supplier Refund"
    5625 msgstr ""
     5870msgstr "Dobropis dodavatele"
    56275872#. module: account
    56395884msgid "Centralisation"
    56405885msgstr "Centralizace"
    5642 #. module: account
    5643 #: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
    5644 msgid "Generate Your Accounting Chart from a Chart Template"
    5645 msgstr "Generovat váš Účtový rozvrh z Šablony rozvrhu"
    56475887#. module: account
    56545894#: view:account.chart.template:0
    56555895#: view:account.entries.report:0
     5896#: view:account.financial.report:0
    56565897#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
    56575898#: view:account.invoice:0
    56745915#. module: account
    5675 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_pl_report
    5676 msgid "Account Profit And Loss Report"
    5677 msgstr "Výkaz účtu zisku a ztrát"
     5916#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     5917msgid "  Valuation: Balance"
     5918msgstr "  Ocenění: Zůstatek"
    56795920#. module: account
    56865927msgid "Percentages for Payment Term Line must be between 0 and 1, Example: 0.02 for 2% "
    56875928msgstr ""
     5930#. module: account
     5931#: field:account.installer,has_default_company:0
     5932msgid "Has Default Company"
     5933msgstr "Má výchozí společnost"
    56895935#. module: account
    57055951#. module: account
     5952#: code:addons/account/account.py:621
     5953#, python-format
     5954msgid "You can not desactivate an account that contains some journal items."
     5955msgstr ""
     5957#. module: account
    57065958#: view:account.entries.report:0
    57075959msgid "Reconciled"
    57235975msgid "Expense Category Account"
    57245976msgstr "Kategorie výdajů účtu"
     5978#. module: account
     5979#: sql_constraint:account.tax:0
     5980msgid "Tax Name must be unique per company!"
     5981msgstr "Jméno daně musí být jedinečné podle společnosti!"
    57265983#. module: account
    57425999#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
    57436000#: field:account.fiscal.position,note:0
     6001#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,note:0
    57446002#: view:account.invoice.line:0
    57456003#: field:account.invoice.line,note:0
    57546012#. module: account
    5755 #: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:141
    5756 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:897
     6013#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:145
     6014#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:933
    57576015#, python-format
    57586016msgid "Entries: "
    57666024#. module: account
    5767 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1407
     6025#: code:addons/account/account.py:1560
    57686026#, python-format
    57696027msgid "Couldn't create move between different companies"
    57736031#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_type_form
    57746032msgid "An account type is used to determine how an account is used in each journal. The deferral method of an account type determines the process for the annual closing. Reports such as the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss report use the category (profit/loss or balance sheet). For example, the account type could be linked to an asset account, expense account or payable account. From this view, you can create and manage the account types you need for your company."
     6033msgstr ""
     6035#. module: account
     6036#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
     6037#: code:addons/account/account.py:183
     6038#, python-format
     6039msgid "Balance Sheet (Asset account)"
    57756040msgstr ""
    57876052#. module: account
    57886053#: view:account.move.line:0
    5789 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1003
     6054#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1043
    57906055#, python-format
    57916056msgid "Total debit"
    57946059#. module: account
    5795 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:772
     6060#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:808
    57966061#, python-format
    57976062msgid "Entry \"%s\" is not valid !"
    58056070#. module: account
    5806 #: report:account.vat.declaration:0
    5807 #: field:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
    5808 msgid "Based On"
    5809 msgstr "Založeno na"
     6071#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
     6072msgid "This will automatically configure your chart of accounts, bank accounts, taxes and journals according to the selected template"
     6073msgstr "Toto automaticky nastaví váš účetní rozvrh, bankovní účty, daně a knihy podle vybrané šablony"
    58116075#. module: account
    58276091#. module: account
    5828 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_balance_sheet.py:70
    5829 #, python-format
    5830 msgid "Please define the Reserve and Profit/Loss account for current user company !"
    5831 msgstr "Prosíme zadejte účet Rezerv a Zisku/Ztrát pro aktuální společnost uživatele !"
     6092#: view:account.entries.report:0
     6093msgid "Journal Entries with period in current period"
     6094msgstr ""
    58336096#. module: account
    58486111#. module: account
    5849 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    5850 msgid "  valuation: percent"
    5851 msgstr "  ocenění: procenta"
    5853 #. module: account
    5854 #: code:addons/account/account.py:509
    5855 #: code:addons/account/account.py:511
    5856 #: code:addons/account/account.py:836
    5857 #: code:addons/account/account.py:915
    5858 #: code:addons/account/account.py:990
    5859 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1218
    5860 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1224
    5861 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2109
    5862 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2357
    5863 #: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:89
    5864 #: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:98
    5865 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:292
    5866 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:305
    5867 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:345
    5868 #: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:329
    5869 #: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:349
    5870 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1182
    5871 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1197
     6112#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
     6113#: code:addons/account/account.py:182
     6114#, python-format
     6115msgid "Profit & Loss (Expense account)"
     6116msgstr "Zisk & ztráty (Výdajový účet)"
     6118#. module: account
     6119#: code:addons/account/account.py:621
     6120#: code:addons/account/account.py:623
     6121#: code:addons/account/account.py:962
     6122#: code:addons/account/account.py:1051
     6123#: code:addons/account/account.py:1128
     6124#: code:addons/account/account.py:1342
     6125#: code:addons/account/account.py:1348
     6126#: code:addons/account/account.py:2276
     6127#: code:addons/account/account.py:2578
     6128#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:92
     6129#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:101
     6130#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:299
     6131#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:312
     6132#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:350
     6133#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:292
     6134#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:314
     6135#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:805
     6136#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:835
     6137#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1025
    58726138#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1199
    5873 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:793
    5874 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:823
    5875 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1014
    5876 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:100
    5877 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:102
    5878 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:40
     6139#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1215
     6140#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1217
     6141#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:108
     6142#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:110
     6143#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:39
    58796144#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:44
    58806145#, python-format
    58816146msgid "Error !"
    58826147msgstr "Chyba !"
     6149#. module: account
     6150#: selection:account.financial.report,sign:0
     6151msgid "Preserve balance sign"
     6152msgstr ""
    58846154#. module: account
    58966166#. module: account
     6167#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:584
     6168#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:591
     6169#, python-format
     6170msgid "Error :"
     6171msgstr "Chyba"
     6173#. module: account
    58976174#: view:account.analytic.line:0
    58986175msgid "Project line"
    59086185msgid "For an invoice to be considered as paid, the invoice entries must be reconciled with counterparts, usually payments. With the automatic reconciliation functionality, OpenERP makes its own search for entries to reconcile in a series of accounts. It finds entries for each partner where the amounts correspond."
    59096186msgstr ""
     6188#. module: account
     6189#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:824
     6190#, python-format
     6191msgid ""
     6192"Please verify the price of the invoice !\n"
     6193"The real total does not match the computed total."
     6194msgstr ""
     6195"Prosíme zkontrolujte cenu na faktuře !\n"
     6196"Skutečný součet neodpovídá vypočtenému součtu."
    59116198#. module: account
    59146201msgid "To Review"
    59156202msgstr "Ke kontrole"
     6204#. module: account
     6205#: help:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
     6206#: help:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
     6207msgid "If you selected to filter by date or period, this field allow you to add a row to display the amount of debit/credit/balance that precedes the filter you've set."
     6208msgstr ""
    59176210#. module: account
    59316224#. module: account
     6225#: report:account.general.ledger:0
     6226#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
     6227#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
     6228#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
     6229msgid "JRNL"
     6230msgstr "JRNL"
     6232#. module: account
    59326233#: view:account.partner.balance:0
    59336234#: view:account.partner.ledger:0
    59446245#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
    59456246#: selection:account.balance.report,target_move:0
    5946 #: selection:account.bs.report,target_move:0
    59476247#: selection:account.central.journal,target_move:0
    59486248#: selection:account.chart,target_move:0
    59556255#: selection:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
    59566256#: selection:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
    5957 #: selection:account.pl.report,target_move:0
    59586257#: selection:account.print.journal,target_move:0
    59596258#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
    59606259#: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
    59616260#: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
     6261#: selection:accounting.report,target_move:0
    59626262#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:67
    5963 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_move_line_list
    59646263#, python-format
    59656264msgid "All Entries"
    59786277#. module: account
    5979 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:64
    5980 #, python-format
    5981 msgid "Currnt currency is not confirured properly !"
    5982 msgstr "Aktuální měna není správně nastavena !"
     6278#: view:account.bank.statement:0
     6279#: code:addons/account/account.py:419
     6280#: code:addons/account/account.py:431
     6281#, python-format
     6282msgid "Opening Balance"
     6283msgstr "Počáteční zůstatek"
    59846285#. module: account
    60106311#. module: account
    60116312#: view:account.balance.report:0
    6012 #: view:account.bs.report:0
    60136313msgid "This report allows you to print or generate a pdf of your trial balance allowing you to quickly check the balance of each of your accounts in a single report"
    60146314msgstr ""
    60216321#. module: account
    6022 #: help:account.installer.modules,account_voucher:0
    6023 msgid "Account Voucher module includes all the basic requirements of Voucher Entries for Bank, Cash, Sales, Purchase, Expenses, Contra, etc... "
     6322#: field:account.chart.template,complete_tax_set:0
     6323#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,complete_tax_set:0
     6324msgid "Complete Set of Taxes"
    60246325msgstr ""
    60336334msgid "Account tax chart"
    60346335msgstr "Daňový rozvrh účtu"
     6337#. module: account
     6338#: constraint:res.partner.bank:0
     6339msgid ""
     6341"Please define BIC/Swift code on bank for bank type IBAN Account to make valid payments"
     6342msgstr ""
    60366344#. module: account
    60416349#: report:account.invoice:0
    60426350#: report:account.partner.balance:0
    6043 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    6044 #: report:pl.account:0
    60456351msgid "Total:"
    60466352msgstr "Celkem:"
    60486354#. module: account
    6049 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2064
     6355#: code:addons/account/account.py:2225
    60506356#, python-format
    60516357msgid ""
    60776383#. module: account
    6078 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:476
    6079 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:137
     6384#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:97
     6385#, python-format
     6386msgid "You haven't supplied enough argument to compute the initial balance"
     6387msgstr ""
     6389#. module: account
     6390#: view:account.tax.template:0
     6391msgid "Taxes used in Sales"
     6392msgstr "Daně použité při prodeji"
     6394#. module: account
     6395#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:484
     6396#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:145
    60806397#, python-format
    60816398msgid "Data Insufficient !"
    61146431#. module: account
     6432#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_bank_tree
     6433msgid "Configure your company's bank account and select those that must appear on the report footer. You can reorder banks in the list view. If you use the accounting application of OpenERP, journals and accounts will be created automatically based on these data."
     6434msgstr ""
     6436#. module: account
    61156437#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
    61166438msgid "A statement with manual entries becomes a draft statement."
    61306452#. module: account
    6131 #: help:account.account.type,sign:0
    6132 msgid "Allows you to change the sign of the balance amount displayed in the reports, so that you can see positive figures instead of negative ones in expenses accounts."
    6133 msgstr ""
    6135 #. module: account
     6453#: code:addons/account/account.py:1429
     6454#, python-format
     6455msgid "You can not delete a posted journal entry \"%s\"!"
     6456msgstr "Nemůžete smazat zaúčtovanou položku deníku \"%s\"!"
     6458#. module: account
     6459#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
     6460#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:59
    61366461#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_open_unreconciled
     6462#, python-format
    61376463msgid "Unreconciled Entries"
    61386464msgstr "Nevyrovnané položky"
    61456471#. module: account
     6472#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_accounting_report
     6473msgid "Accounting Report"
     6474msgstr "Výkaz účetnictví"
     6476#. module: account
    61466477#: report:account.invoice:0
    61476478msgid "Taxes:"
    61566487#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_subscription_form
    61576488msgid "A recurring entry is a miscellaneous entry that occurs on a recurrent basis from a specific date, i.e. corresponding to the signature of a contract or an agreement with a customer or a supplier. With Define Recurring Entries, you can create such entries to automate the postings in the system."
     6489msgstr ""
     6491#. module: account
     6492#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_report_tree_hierarchy
     6493msgid "Financial Reports Hierarchy"
    61586494msgstr ""
    61826518#. module: account
    6183 #: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_length:0
    6184 msgid "Period length (days)"
    6185 msgstr "Délka období (dny)"
    6187 #. module: account
    61886519#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_invoice_partner_relation
    61896520msgid "Monthly Turnover"
    61986529#. module: account
    6199 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
    6200 msgid "The normal chart of accounts has a structure defined by the legal requirement of the country. The analytic chart of account structure should reflect your own business needs in term of costs/revenues reporting. They are usually structured by contracts, projects, products or departements. Most of the OpenERP operations (invoices, timesheets, expenses, etc) generate analytic entries on the related account."
    6201 msgstr ""
    6203 #. module: account
    62046530#: field:account.analytic.journal,line_ids:0
    62056531#: field:account.tax.code,line_ids:0
    62096535#. module: account
    6210 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:524
     6536#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:532
    62116537#, python-format
    62126538msgid "Can not find account chart for this company in invoice line account, Please Create account."
    62306556#. module: account
    6231 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:963
     6557#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense_opening:0
     6558msgid "Opening Entries Expense Account"
     6559msgstr ""
     6561#. module: account
     6562#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:999
    62326563#, python-format
    62336564msgid "Accounting Entries"
    62386569msgid "Parent Account Template"
    62396570msgstr "Nadřazená šablona účtu"
     6572#. module: account
     6573#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_configuration_installer
     6574msgid "Install your Chart of Accounts"
     6575msgstr "Instalovat vaši účtovou osnovu"
    62416577#. module: account
    62546590#. module: account
    6255 #: model:ir.module.module,description:account.module_meta_information
    6256 msgid ""
    6257 "Financial and accounting module that covers:\n"
    6258 "    General accountings\n"
    6259 "    Cost / Analytic accounting\n"
    6260 "    Third party accounting\n"
    6261 "    Taxes management\n"
    6262 "    Budgets\n"
    6263 "    Customer and Supplier Invoices\n"
    6264 "    Bank statements\n"
    6265 "    Reconciliation process by partner\n"
    6266 "    Creates a dashboard for accountants that includes:\n"
    6267 "    * List of uninvoiced quotations\n"
    6268 "    * Graph of aged receivables\n"
    6269 "    * Graph of aged incomes\n"
    6270 "\n"
    6271 "The processes like maintaining of general ledger is done through the defined financial Journals (entry move line or\n"
    6272 "grouping is maintained through journal) for a particular financial year and for preparation of vouchers there is a\n"
    6273 "module named account_voucher.\n"
    6274 "    "
    6275 msgstr ""
    6277 #. module: account
    62786591#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_journal_period_tree
    62796592msgid "You can search for individual account entries through useful information. To search for account entries, open a journal, then select a record line."
    62826595#. module: account
     6596#: view:account.entries.report:0
     6597msgid "Posted entries"
     6598msgstr "Zaúčtované položky"
     6600#. module: account
     6601#: help:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
     6602msgid "For percent enter a ratio between 0-1."
     6603msgstr "Pro procenta zadejte násobek mezi 0-1."
     6605#. module: account
    62836606#: report:account.invoice:0
    62846607#: view:account.invoice:0
    62856608#: field:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
    6286 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
    62876609#: field:report.invoice.created,date_invoice:0
    62886610msgid "Invoice Date"
    62896611msgstr "Datum faktury"
     6613#. module: account
     6614#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     6615msgid "Group by year of Invoice Date"
     6616msgstr "Seskupit podle roku fakturačního data"
    62916618#. module: account
    63126639#. module: account
    6313 #: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:115
    6314 #, python-format
    6315 msgid "Unknown Partner"
    6316 msgstr "Neznámý partner"
    6318 #. module: account
    6319 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
    6320 msgid "Opening Balance"
    6321 msgstr "Počáteční zůstatek"
     6640#: field:account.chart.template,tax_code_root_id:0
     6641msgid "Root Tax Code"
     6642msgstr "Kód kořenový daňový"
    63236644#. module: account
    63486669#. module: account
     6670#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income_opening:0
     6671msgid "Opening Entries Income Account"
     6672msgstr ""
     6674#. module: account
    63496675#: view:account.bank.statement:0
    63506676msgid "Confirm"
    63546680#: help:account.invoice,partner_bank_id:0
    63556681msgid "Bank Account Number, Company bank account if Invoice is customer or supplier refund, otherwise Partner bank account number."
    6356 msgstr "Číslo bakovního účtu, Bankovní účet společnosti, pokud faktura je dobropis zákazníka nebo dodavatele, jinak číslo bankovního účtu partnera."
     6682msgstr "Číslo bankovního účtu, Bankovní účet společnosti, pokud faktura je dobropis zákazníka nebo dodavatele, jinak číslo bankovního účtu partnera."
    63586684#. module: account
    63646690#. module: account
    6365 #: code:addons/account/account.py:952
     6691#: code:addons/account/account.py:1087
    63666692#, python-format
    63676693msgid "You should have chosen periods that belongs to the same company"
    63686694msgstr "Měli byste vybrat období, které patří ke stejné společnosti"
     6696#. module: account
     6697#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_review_payment_terms_installer
     6698msgid "Review your Payment Terms"
     6699msgstr "Prohlédnout vaše platební podmínky"
    63706701#. module: account
    63806711#. module: account
     6712#: view:res.partner:0
     6713msgid "Information About the Bank"
     6714msgstr "Informace o bance"
     6716#. module: account
    63816717#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting
    63826718msgid "Reporting"
    63856721#. module: account
    6386 #: sql_constraint:account.journal:0
    6387 msgid "The code of the journal must be unique per company !"
    6388 msgstr "Kód deníku musí být jedinečně na společnost !"
     6722#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:759
     6723#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:842
     6724#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:44
     6725#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:68
     6726#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_state_open.py:37
     6727#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:39
     6728#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:61
     6729#, python-format
     6730msgid "Warning"
     6731msgstr "Varování"
     6733#. module: account
     6734#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_analytic_open
     6735msgid "Contracts/Analytic Accounts"
     6736msgstr "Smlouvy/Analytické účty"
    63906738#. module: account
    63956743#. module: account
    63966744#: view:account.journal:0
     6745#: field:res.partner.bank,journal_id:0
    63976746msgid "Account Journal"
    63986747msgstr "Účetní deník"
    64276776#. module: account
     6777#: code:addons/account/account.py:428
     6778#, python-format
     6779msgid "Unable to adapt the initial balance (negative value)!"
     6780msgstr ""
     6782#. module: account
    64286783#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_purchase
    64296784msgid "This view is used by accountants in order to record entries massively in OpenERP. If you want to record a supplier invoice, start by recording the line of the expense account, OpenERP will propose to you automatically the Tax related to this account and the counter-part \"Account Payable\"."
    64306785msgstr ""
    6432 #. module: account
    6433 #: help:res.company,property_reserve_and_surplus_account:0
    6434 msgid "This Account is used for transferring Profit/Loss(If It is Profit: Amount will be added, Loss : Amount will be deducted.), Which is calculated from Profit & Loss Report"
    6435 msgstr "Tento účet je použit pro přesun Zisku/Ztrát(Pokud je zisk: Částka bude přidána, Ztráta : Částka bude odečtena.), Který je spočítán z Výkazu Zisků & Ztrát"
    64376787#. module: account
    64446794#. module: account
    6445 #: field:account.balance.report,display_account:0
    6446 #: field:account.bs.report,display_account:0
    6447 #: field:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
    6448 #: field:account.pl.report,display_account:0
    6449 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
    6450 msgid "Display accounts"
    6451 msgstr "Zobrazit účty"
    6453 #. module: account
    6454 #: field:account.account.type,sign:0
     6795#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     6796msgid "Customer And Supplier Refunds"
     6797msgstr "Dobropisy zákazníků a dodavatelů"
     6799#. module: account
     6800#: field:account.financial.report,sign:0
    64556801msgid "Sign on Reports"
    64566802msgstr ""
    64586804#. module: account
    6459 #: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:250
    6460 #, python-format
    6461 msgid "You can not have two open register for the same journal"
    6462 msgstr "Nemůžete mít dva otevřené registry pro stejné knihy"
    6464 #. module: account
    6465 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    6466 msgid "  day of the month= -1"
    6467 msgstr "  den v měsíci= -1"
    6469 #. module: account
    6470 #: constraint:res.partner:0
    6471 msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive associated members."
    6472 msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní asociované členy."
    6474 #. module: account
    6475 #: help:account.journal,type:0
    6476 msgid "Select 'Sale' for Sale journal to be used at the time of making invoice. Select 'Purchase' for Purchase Journal to be used at the time of approving purchase order. Select 'Cash' to be used at the time of making payment. Select 'General' for miscellaneous operations. Select 'Opening/Closing Situation' to be used at the time of new fiscal year creation or end of year entries generation."
     6805#: code:addons/account/account.py:3368
     6806#, python-format
     6807msgid "Taxable Purchases at %s"
     6808msgstr ""
     6810#. module: account
     6811#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:73
     6812#, python-format
     6813msgid "The periods to generate opening entries were not found"
     6814msgstr ""
     6816#. module: account
     6817#: code:addons/account/account.py:3191
     6818#, python-format
     6819msgid "OPEJ"
    64776820msgstr ""
    64826825msgid "PRO-FORMA"
    64836826msgstr "PRO-FORMA"
    6485 #. module: account
    6486 #: help:account.installer.modules,account_followup:0
    6487 msgid "Helps you generate reminder letters for unpaid invoices, including multiple levels of reminding and customized per-partner policies."
    6488 msgstr "Pomůže vám generovat připomínkové dopisy pro nezaplacené faktury, včetně více úrovní připomínání a přizpůsobitelnou politiku dle partner."
    64906828#. module: account
    65026840#. module: account
     6841#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_email_templates
     6842#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_email_templates
     6843msgid "Email Templates"
     6844msgstr "Šablony emailů"
     6846#. module: account
    65036847#: view:account.move.line:0
    65046848msgid "Optional Information"
    65076851#. module: account
    6508 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
    6509 #: field:account.bank.statement,user_id:0
    6510 #: view:account.journal:0
    6511 #: field:account.journal,user_id:0
    6512 #: view:analytic.entries.report:0
    6513 #: field:analytic.entries.report,user_id:0
    6514 msgid "User"
    6515 msgstr "Uživatel"
     6852#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:84
     6853#, python-format
     6854msgid "The journal must have default credit and debit account"
     6855msgstr "Kniha musí mít výchozí účty Dal a Má dáti"
    65176857#. module: account
    65326872#. module: account
    6533 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1277
     6873#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_multi_currency
     6874msgid "Multi-Currencies"
     6875msgstr "Více měn"
     6877#. module: account
     6878#: field:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
     6879msgid "Maturity Date"
     6880msgstr "Datum splatnosti"
     6882#. module: account
     6883#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1301
    65346884#, python-format
    65356885msgid "Bad account !"
    65386888#. module: account
    6539 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2821
    6540 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:432
     6889#: code:addons/account/account.py:3178
    65416890#, python-format
    65426891msgid "Sales Journal"
    65566905#. module: account
    6557 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1252
     6906#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1276
    65586907#, python-format
    65596908msgid "No piece number !"
    65606909msgstr "Žádné číslo kusu !"
     6911#. module: account
     6912#: view:account.financial.report:0
     6913#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_report_tree_hierarchy
     6914msgid "Account Reports Hierarchy"
     6915msgstr ""
     6917#. module: account
     6918#: help:account.account.template,chart_template_id:0
     6919msgid "This optional field allow you to link an account template to a specific chart template that may differ from the one its root parent belongs to. This allow you to define chart templates that extend another and complete it with few new accounts (You don't need to define the whole structure that is common to both several times)."
     6920msgstr ""
     6922#. module: account
     6923#: view:account.move:0
     6924msgid "Unposted Journal Entries"
     6925msgstr "Nezaúčtované položky deníku"
    65626927#. module: account
    65846949#. module: account
     6950#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
     6951#: code:addons/account/account.py:1515
     6952#, python-format
     6953msgid "Currency Adjustment"
     6954msgstr "Úprava měny"
     6956#. module: account
    65856957#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,fy_id:0
    65866958#: field:account.fiscalyear.close.state,fy_id:0
    65936965msgid "Cancel Selected Invoices"
    65946966msgstr "Zrušit vybrané položky"
     6968#. module: account
     6969#: help:account.account.type,report_type:0
     6970msgid "This field is used to generate legal reports: profit and loss, balance sheet."
     6971msgstr ""
     6973#. module: account
     6974#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_review_payment_terms_installer
     6975msgid "Payment terms define the conditions to pay a customer or supplier invoice in one or several payments. Customers periodic reminders will use the payment terms for each letter. Each customer or supplier can be assigned to one of these payment terms."
     6976msgstr ""
    65966978#. module: account
    66106992#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
    66116993#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
    6612 #: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:304
     6994#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:299
    66136995#, python-format
    66146996msgid "Payable Accounts"
    66197001msgid "Templates for Account Chart"
    66207002msgstr "Šablona pro Účtový rozvrh"
     7004#. module: account
     7005#: help:account.model.line,sequence:0
     7006msgid "The sequence field is used to order the resources from lower sequences to higher ones."
     7007msgstr "Pole pořadí je použito pro řazení záznamů od nejnižšího čísla k nejvyššímu."
    66227009#. module: account
    66297016#: view:validate.account.move:0
    66307017msgid "Post Journal Entries of a Journal"
    6631 msgstr ""
     7018msgstr "Zaúčtovat položky deníku jako deník"
    66337020#. module: account
    66387025#. module: account
     7026#: field:account.financial.report,name:0
     7027msgid "Report Name"
     7028msgstr "Jméno výkazu"
     7030#. module: account
     7031#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_cash
    66397032#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
    66407033#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
    66417034#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
    66427035#: selection:account.journal,type:0
     7036#: code:addons/account/account.py:3077
     7037#, python-format
    66437038msgid "Cash"
    66447039msgstr "Hotovost"
    66527047#. module: account
     7048#: code:addons/account/account.py:1428
     7049#: code:addons/account/account.py:1457
     7050#: code:addons/account/account.py:1464
     7051#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:916
     7052#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1103
     7053#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:152
     7054#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:73
     7055#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:83
     7056#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:86
     7057#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:165
     7058#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:56
     7059#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:58
     7060#, python-format
     7061msgid "UserError"
     7062msgstr "UserError"
     7064#. module: account
    66537065#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
    66547066msgid "Payment of invoices"
    66577069#. module: account
    66587070#: field:account.bank.statement.line,sequence:0
     7071#: field:account.financial.report,sequence:0
    66597072#: field:account.invoice.tax,sequence:0
    66607073#: view:account.journal:0
    66707083#. module: account
    6671 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bs_report
    6672 msgid "Account Balance Sheet Report"
    6673 msgstr "Výkaz rozvahy účtu"
    6675 #. module: account
    6676 #: help:account.tax,price_include:0
    6677 #: help:account.tax.template,price_include:0
    6678 msgid "Check this if the price you use on the product and invoices includes this tax."
    6679 msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto, pokud cena, kterou používáte u výrobku a faktur zahrnuje tuto daň."
     7084#: constraint:product.category:0
     7085msgid "Error ! You cannot create recursive categories."
     7086msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní Kategorie."
     7088#. module: account
     7089#: view:account.financial.report:0
     7090msgid "Parent Report"
     7091msgstr "Nadřazený výkaz"
    66817093#. module: account
    67067118#. module: account
    6707 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    6708 msgid "  number of days: 14"
    6709 msgstr "  počet dnů: 14"
     7119#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_asset
     7120msgid "Asset"
     7121msgstr "Aktiva"
    67117123#. module: account
    67167128#. module: account
    6717 #: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,progress:0
    6718 msgid "Progress"
    6719 msgstr "Průběh"
     7129#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
     7130msgid "Computed Balance"
     7131msgstr ""
    67217133#. module: account
    67227134#: field:account.account,parent_id:0
    6723 #: view:account.analytic.account:0
     7135#: field:account.financial.report,parent_id:0
    67247136msgid "Parent"
    67257137msgstr "Nadřazené"
    6727 #. module: account
    6728 #: field:account.installer.modules,account_analytic_plans:0
    6729 msgid "Multiple Analytic Plans"
    6730 msgstr "Více analytických plánů"
    67327139#. module: account
    67677174#. module: account
    6768 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    6769 msgid "Year :"
    6770 msgstr "Roky :"
    6772 #. module: account
    6773 #: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
    6774 msgid "Fixed"
    6775 msgstr "Pevné"
    6777 #. module: account
    6778 #: code:addons/account/account.py:516
    6779 #: code:addons/account/account.py:529
    6780 #: code:addons/account/account.py:532
    6781 #: code:addons/account/account.py:546
    6782 #: code:addons/account/account.py:654
    6783 #: code:addons/account/account.py:941
    6784 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:723
    6785 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:767
    6786 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:722
    6787 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:725
    6788 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:728
     7175#: code:addons/account/account.py:628
     7176#: code:addons/account/account.py:641
     7177#: code:addons/account/account.py:644
     7178#: code:addons/account/account.py:663
     7179#: code:addons/account/account.py:786
     7180#: code:addons/account/account.py:1076
     7181#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:733
     7182#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:736
     7183#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:739
     7184#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:97
     7185#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:750
     7186#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:803
    67897187#, python-format
    67907188msgid "Warning !"
    67987196#. module: account
    67997197#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile
    6800 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_writeoff
    68017198msgid "Account move line reconcile"
    68027199msgstr "Likvidace řádky pohybu účtu"
    68077204msgid "Subscription Compute"
    68087205msgstr "Vypočítat předpaltné"
    6810 #. module: account
    6811 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    6812 msgid "Amount (in words) :"
    6813 msgstr "Částka (slovně) :"
    68157207#. module: account
    68447236#. module: account
    6845 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:100
     7237#: code:addons/account/account.py:3529
     7238#, python-format
     7239msgid "The bank account defined on the selected chart of accounts hasn't a code."
     7240msgstr ""
     7242#. module: account
     7243#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:108
    68467244#, python-format
    68477245msgid "Can not %s draft/proforma/cancel invoice."
    68507248#. module: account
    6851 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:795
     7249#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:807
    68527250#, python-format
    68537251msgid "No Invoice Lines !"
    68567254#. module: account
     7255#: view:account.financial.report:0
     7256msgid "Report Type"
     7257msgstr "Typ výkazu"
     7259#. module: account
     7260#: view:account.analytic.account:0
    68577261#: view:account.bank.statement:0
    68587262#: field:account.bank.statement,state:0
    68867290#. module: account
    6887 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:346
     7291#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:313
     7292#, python-format
     7293msgid ""
     7294"The statement balance is incorrect !\n"
     7295"The expected balance (%.2f) is different than the computed one. (%.2f)"
     7296msgstr ""
     7297"Výpis zůstatku je neplatný !\n"
     7298"Zůstatek útrat (%.2f) je jiný než vypočtený. (%.2f)"
     7300#. module: account
     7301#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:351
    68887302#, python-format
    68897303msgid "The account entries lines are not in valid state."
    68907304msgstr "Poliožky řádků účtu nejsou v platném stavu."
     7306#. module: account
     7307#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
     7308msgid "The normal chart of accounts has a structure defined by the legal requirement of the country. The analytic chart of accounts structure should reflect your own business needs in term of costs/revenues reporting. They are usually structured by contracts, projects, products or departements. Most of the OpenERP operations (invoices, timesheets, expenses, etc) generate analytic entries on the related account."
     7309msgstr ""
    68927311#. module: account
    68977316#. module: account
    6898 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:360
     7317#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:368
    68997318#, python-format
    69007319msgid "Invoice '%s' is paid."
    69137332#. module: account
    6914 #: view:account.invoice.line:0
    6915 msgid "Line"
    6916 msgstr "Řádka"
    6918 #. module: account
    69197333#: help:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
    69207334msgid "If this box is checked, the system will try to group the accounting lines when generating them from invoices."
    69237337#. module: account
     7338#: help:account.account,reconcile:0
     7339msgid "Check this box if this account allows reconciliation of journal items."
     7340msgstr ""
     7342#. module: account
    69247343#: help:account.period,state:0
    69257344msgid "When monthly periods are created. The state is 'Draft'. At the end of monthly period it is in 'Done' state."
    69297348#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
    69307349msgid "Inverted Analytic Balance -"
    6931 msgstr ""
     7350msgstr "Převrácený analytický zůstatek -"
    69337352#. module: account
    69387357#. module: account
    6939 #: field:account.partner.ledger,page_split:0
    6940 msgid "One Partner Per Page"
    6941 msgstr "Jeden partner na stránku"
    6943 #. module: account
    6944 #: field:account.account,child_parent_ids:0
    6945 #: field:account.account.template,child_parent_ids:0
    6946 msgid "Children"
    6947 msgstr "Děti"
     7358#: view:account.analytic.line:0
     7359#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_line_form
     7360msgid "Analytic Entries"
     7361msgstr "Analytická položky"
     7363#. module: account
     7364#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
     7365msgid "This Months Sales by type"
     7366msgstr "Tyto prodejní měsíce podle typu"
    69497368#. module: account
    69547373#. module: account
    6955 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1298
     7374#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1327
    69567375#, python-format
    69577376msgid "You must first select a partner !"
    69667385#. module: account
    6967 #: view:account.installer:0
    6968 msgid "Bank and Cash Accounts"
    6969 msgstr "Bankovní a hotovostní účty"
     7386#: help:account.invoice,state:0
     7387msgid ""
     7388" * The 'Draft' state is used when a user is encoding a new and unconfirmed Invoice.             \n"
     7389"* The 'Pro-forma' when invoice is in Pro-forma state,invoice does not have an invoice number.             \n"
     7390"* The 'Open' state is used when user create invoice,a invoice number is generated.Its in open state till user does not pay invoice.             \n"
     7391"* The 'Paid' state is set automatically when the invoice is paid. Its related journal entries may or may not be reconciled.             \n"
     7392"* The 'Cancelled' state is used when user cancel invoice."
     7393msgstr ""
    69717395#. module: account
    69857409msgid "The chart of taxes is used to generate your periodical tax statement. You will see the taxes with codes related to your legal statement according to your country."
    69867410msgstr "Tento daňový přehled slouží k vytváření pravidelných daňových výkazů. Uvidíte v něm daně a jejich kódy příslušející k daňovým přiznáním podle vaší země."
    6988 #. module: account
    6989 #: view:account.installer.modules:0
    6990 msgid "Add extra Accounting functionalities to the ones already installed."
    6991 msgstr ""
    69937412#. module: account
    70077426#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
    70087427msgid "J.C. /Move name"
    7009 msgstr ""
     7428msgstr "J.C. /Název Pohybu"
    70117430#. module: account
    70167435#. module: account
    7017 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2885
    7018 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:495
     7436#: code:addons/account/account.py:3181
    70197437#, python-format
    70207438msgid "Purchase Refund Journal"
    7021 msgstr ""
     7439msgstr "Deník nákupních dobropisů"
    70237441#. module: account
    70337451#. module: account
     7452#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     7453msgid "Current Accounts"
     7454msgstr "Aktuální účty"
     7456#. module: account
     7457#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     7458msgid "Group by Invoice Date"
     7459msgstr "Seskupit podle fakturačního data"
     7461#. module: account
    70347462#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
    70357463msgid "Modify Invoice: Cancels the current invoice and creates a new copy of it ready for editing."
    70367464msgstr ""
    7038 #. module: account
    7039 #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account.module_meta_information
    7040 msgid "Accounting and Financial Management"
    7041 msgstr "Účetní a finanční správa"
    70437466#. module: account
    70597482#: field:account.subscription,period_nbr:0
    70607483#: field:account.tax.chart,period_id:0
    7061 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:982
     7484#: field:account.treasury.report,period_id:0
    70627485#: field:validate.account.move,period_id:0
    7063 #, python-format
    70647486msgid "Period"
    70657487msgstr "Období"
     7489#. module: account
     7490#: help:account.account,adjusted_balance:0
     7491msgid "Total amount (in Company currency) for transactions held in secondary currency for this account."
     7492msgstr ""
    70677494#. module: account
    70927519#. module: account
     7520#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1025
     7521#, python-format
     7522msgid "You can not cancel an invoice which is partially paid! You need to unreconcile related payment entries first!"
     7523msgstr ""
     7525#. module: account
    70937526#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income_categ:0
    70947527msgid "Income Category Account"
    70957528msgstr "Účet kategorií příjmu"
     7530#. module: account
     7531#: field:account.account,adjusted_balance:0
     7532msgid "Adjusted Balance"
     7533msgstr ""
    70977535#. module: account
    71137551#. module: account
     7552#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     7553msgid "  Valuation: Percent"
     7554msgstr "  Ocenění: Procenta"
     7556#. module: account
    71147557#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree3
    71157558msgid "With Customer Refunds you can manage the credit notes for your customers. A refund is a document that credits an invoice completely or partially. You can easily generate refunds and reconcile them directly from the invoice form."
    71337576#. module: account
    7134 #: report:account.general.ledger:0
    7135 #: report:account.partner.balance:0
    7136 #: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    7137 #: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    7138 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    7139 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    7140 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    7141 #: report:pl.account:0
    7142 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
     7577#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
     7578#: field:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
     7579#: field:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
     7580#: field:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
     7581#: field:account.common.journal.report,chart_account_id:0
     7582#: field:account.common.partner.report,chart_account_id:0
     7583#: field:account.common.report,chart_account_id:0
     7584#: field:account.general.journal,chart_account_id:0
     7585#: field:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
     7586#: field:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
     7587#: field:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
     7588#: field:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
     7589#: field:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
     7590#: field:accounting.report,chart_account_id:0
    71437591msgid "Chart of Account"
    71447592msgstr "Účtový rozvrh"
    71527600#. module: account
    7153 #: help:account.bs.report,reserve_account_id:0
    7154 msgid "This Account is used for transfering Profit/Loss (Profit: Amount will be added, Loss: Amount will be duducted), which is calculated from Profilt & Loss Report"
    7155 msgstr ""
     7601#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
     7602#: field:account.treasury.report,ending_balance:0
     7603msgid "Ending Balance"
     7604msgstr "Konečný zůstatek"
    71577606#. module: account
    71787627#. module: account
     7628#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     7629#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     7630msgid "current month"
     7631msgstr "aktuální měsíc"
     7633#. module: account
     7634#: code:addons/account/account.py:1051
     7635#, python-format
     7636msgid ""
     7637"No period defined for this date: %s !\n"
     7638"Please create one."
     7639msgstr ""
     7640"Nezadáno období pro tento datum: %s !\n"
     7641"Prosíme vytvořte nějaké."
     7643#. module: account
     7644#: constraint:account.move.line:0
     7645msgid "The selected account of your Journal Entry must receive a value in its secondary currency"
     7646msgstr "Vybraný účet vaší položky deníku musí obdržet hodnotu ve své druhořadé měně"
     7648#. module: account
    71797649#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_filestatement0
    71807650msgid "Automatic import of the bank sta"
    71947664#. module: account
     7665#: field:account.financial.report,account_type_ids:0
    71957666#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_type_form
    71967667#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_type_form
    72007671#. module: account
    7201 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:905
    7202 #, python-format
    7203 msgid "Cannot create invoice move on centralised journal"
    7204 msgstr "Nelze vytvořit pohyb faktury na centralizované knize"
    7206 #. module: account
    7207 #: field:account.account.type,report_type:0
    7208 msgid "P&L / BS Category"
    7209 msgstr ""
     7672#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
     7673msgid "  Value amount: n.a"
     7674msgstr "  Částka hodnoty: není"
    72117676#. module: account
    72317696#. module: account
    7232 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
    7233 msgid "CashBox Balance"
    7234 msgstr "Zůstatek pokladny"
     7697#: view:account.invoice:0
     7698msgid "This button only appears when the state of the invoice is 'paid' (showing that it has been fully reconciled) and auto-computed boolean 'reconciled' is False (depicting that it's not the case anymore). In other words, the invoice has been dereconciled and it does not fit anymore the 'paid' state. You should press this button to re-open it and let it continue its normal process after having resolved the eventual exceptions it may have created."
     7699msgstr ""
    72367701#. module: account
    72417706#. module: account
    72427707#: field:account.invoice.refund,journal_id:0
    7243 #: field:account.journal,refund_journal:0
    72447708msgid "Refund Journal"
    7245 msgstr "Deník vrácení peněz"
     7709msgstr "Deník dobropisů"
    72477711#. module: account
    72497713#: report:account.central.journal:0
    72507714#: report:account.general.journal:0
     7715#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    72517716#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    72527717#: report:account.partner.balance:0
    7253 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    7254 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    7255 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    7256 #: report:pl.account:0
    72577718msgid "Filter By"
    72587719msgstr "Filtrovat podle"
    72627723msgid "With Customer Invoices you can create and manage sales invoices issued to your customers. OpenERP can also generate draft invoices automatically from sales orders or deliveries. You should only confirm them before sending them to your customers."
    72637724msgstr ""
     7726#. module: account
     7727#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_period_close.py:51
     7728#, python-format
     7729msgid "In order to close a period, you must first post related journal entries."
     7730msgstr "Abyste mohli uzavřít období, musíte nejdříve zaúčtovat související položky deníku."
    72657732#. module: account
    72777744#. module: account
     7745#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     7746msgid "Contacts"
     7747msgstr "Kontakty"
     7749#. module: account
    72787750#: field:account.tax.code,parent_id:0
    72797751#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
    72897761#. module: account
    7290 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2838
    7291 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:452
     7762#: code:addons/account/account.py:3179
    72927763#, python-format
    72937764msgid "Purchase Journal"
    72977768#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
    72987769msgid "Refund Invoice: Creates the refund invoice, ready for editing."
    7299 msgstr ""
     7770msgstr "Dobropisová faktura: Vytvoří dobropisovou fakturu, připravenou pro úpravu."
    73017772#. module: account
    73317802#. module: account
    7332 #: constraint:account.move:0
    7333 msgid "You cannot create more than one move per period on centralized journal"
    7334 msgstr "Nemůžete vytvořit více než jeden pohyb na období v centralizovaném deníku"
     7803#: code:addons/account/account.py:3376
     7804#, python-format
     7805msgid "TAX-P-%s"
     7806msgstr "TAX-P-%s"
    73367808#. module: account
    73487820msgid "The residual amount on a receivable or payable of a journal entry expressed in the company currency."
    73497821msgstr "Zbytková částka na pohledávkovém nebo závazkovém záznamu účtu vyjádřená v měně společnosti."
    7351 #. module: account
    7352 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    7353 msgid "  valuation: balance"
    7354 msgstr "  ocenění: zůstatek"
    73567823#. module: account
    73777844#. module: account
     7845#: view:account.invoice:0
    73787846#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_invoice_opened
    73797847msgid "Unpaid Invoices"
    73937861#. module: account
    73947862#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
    7395 #: view:account.analytic.Journal.report:0
    73967863#: view:account.analytic.balance:0
    73977864#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
    73987865#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
    73997866#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
     7867#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0
    74007868#: view:account.common.report:0
    74017869msgid "Print"
    74097877#. module: account
    7410 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
    7411 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_chart
    7412 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_account_tree2
    7413 msgid "Chart of Analytic Accounts"
    7414 msgstr "Rozvrh analytických účtů"
     7878#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account_template
     7879msgid "Template Account Fiscal Mapping"
     7880msgstr "Fiskální mapování šablony účtu"
     7882#. module: account
     7883#: view:board.board:0
     7884msgid "Draft Customer Invoices"
     7885msgstr ""
    74167887#. module: account
    74397910#. module: account
     7911#: view:account.move.line:0
     7912msgid "Next Partner Entries to reconcile"
     7913msgstr "Další zápisy partnera k likvidaci"
     7915#. module: account
     7916#: model:res.groups,name:account.group_account_invoice
     7917msgid "Invoicing & Payments"
     7918msgstr "Fakturace & platby"
     7920#. module: account
    74407921#: help:account.invoice,internal_number:0
    74417922msgid "Unique number of the invoice, computed automatically when the invoice is created."
    74497930#. module: account
    7450 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1137
    7451 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1220
    7452 #, python-format
    7453 msgid "Bad account!"
    7454 msgstr "Nesprávný účet!"
     7931#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_expense
     7932#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_expense0
     7933msgid "Expense"
     7934msgstr "Výdaje"
    74567936#. module: account
    74617941#. module: account
    7462 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1062
     7942#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1104
    74637943#, python-format
    74647944msgid "The account move (%s) for centralisation has been confirmed!"
    74697949msgid "The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry."
    74707950msgstr "Částka vyjádřena ve volitelné jiné měně, pokud je položka více-měnová."
     7952#. module: account
     7953#: code:addons/account/account.py:1306
     7954#, python-format
     7955msgid ""
     7956"You can not validate a non-balanced entry !\n"
     7957"Make sure you have configured payment terms properly !\n"
     7958"The latest payment term line should be of the type \"Balance\" !"
     7959msgstr ""
    74727961#. module: account
    75158004#. module: account
     8005#: view:account.entries.report:0
    75168006#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_reconcile_open
    75178007msgid "Reconciled entries"
    75258015#. module: account
    7526 #: help:account.invoice,state:0
    7527 msgid ""
    7528 " * The 'Draft' state is used when a user is encoding a new and unconfirmed Invoice.             \n"
    7529 "* The 'Pro-forma' when invoice is in Pro-forma state,invoice does not have an invoice number.             \n"
    7530 "* The 'Open' state is used when user create invoice,a invoice number is generated.Its in open state till user does not pay invoice.             \n"
    7531 "* The 'Paid' state is set automatically when invoice is paid.            \n"
    7532 "* The 'Cancelled' state is used when user cancel invoice."
    7533 msgstr ""
     8016#: code:addons/account/account.py:2252
     8017#, python-format
     8018msgid "Wrong model !"
     8019msgstr "Nesprávný model !"
    75358021#. module: account
    75458031#. module: account
     8032#: help:account.financial.report,sign:0
     8033msgid "For accounts that are typically more debited than credited and that you would like to print as negative amounts in your reports, you should reverse the sign of the balance; e.g.: Expense account. The same applies for accounts that are typically more credited than debited and that you would like to print as positive amounts in your reports; e.g.: Income account."
     8034msgstr ""
     8036#. module: account
    75468037#: field:res.partner,contract_ids:0
    75478038msgid "Contracts"
    75528043#: field:account.cashbox.line,starting_id:0
    75538044#: field:account.entries.report,reconcile_id:0
     8045#: field:account.financial.report,balance:0
    75548046msgid "unknown"
    75558047msgstr "neznámé"
    75578049#. module: account
    75588050#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,journal_id:0
     8051#: code:addons/account/account.py:3183
     8052#, python-format
    75598053msgid "Opening Entries Journal"
    75608054msgstr "Počáteční položky deníku"
    75728066#. module: account
    7573 #: field:account.invoice,reference_type:0
    7574 msgid "Reference Type"
    7575 msgstr "Typ odkazu"
     8067#: view:account.move:0
     8068#: field:account.move,narration:0
     8069#: view:account.move.line:0
     8070#: field:account.move.line,narration:0
     8071msgid "Internal Note"
     8072msgstr "Vnitřní poznámka"
     8074#. module: account
     8075#: view:report.account.sales:0
     8076msgid "This year's Sales by type"
     8077msgstr ""
    75778079#. module: account
    76168118#. module: account
     8119#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_financial_accounts_installer
     8120msgid "Review your Financial Accounts"
     8121msgstr "Prohlédnout vaše finanční účty"
     8123#. module: account
    76178124#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_open_journal_button
    76188125#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_validate_account_move
    76348141#. module: account
    7635 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2861
    7636 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:476
     8142#: code:addons/account/account.py:3180
    76378143#, python-format
    76388144msgid "Sales Refund Journal"
    76398145msgstr "Kniha dobropisů prodeje"
    7641 #. module: account
    7642 #: code:addons/account/account.py:941
    7643 #, python-format
    7644 msgid "You cannot modify company of this period as its related record exist in Entry Lines"
    7645 msgstr "Nemůžete upravit společnost tohoto období, protože její vztažený záznam existuje v řádcích záznamu"
    76478147#. module: account
    76738173#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_40
    76748174msgid "Analytic"
    7675 msgstr "Analitické"
     8175msgstr "Analytické"
    76778177#. module: account
    76838183#. module: account
    7684 #: field:account.installer,purchase_tax:0
     8184#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,purchase_tax_rate:0
    76858185msgid "Purchase Tax(%)"
    76868186msgstr "Daň nákupu(%)"
    76888188#. module: account
    7689 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:795
     8189#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:807
    76908190#, python-format
    76918191msgid "Please create some invoice lines."
    76998199#. module: account
    7700 #: view:account.installer.modules:0
    7701 msgid "Configure Your Accounting Application"
    7702 msgstr "Nastavit vaši účetní aplikaci"
    7704 #. module: account
    7705 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2864
    7706 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:479
     8200#: code:addons/account/account.py:3188
    77078201#, python-format
    77088202msgid "SCNJ"
    77278221#. module: account
    7728 #: field:account.installer.modules,account_followup:0
    7729 msgid "Followups Management"
    7730 msgstr ""
     8222#: field:account.account,financial_report_ids:0
     8223#: field:account.account.template,financial_report_ids:0
     8224#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_financial_report_tree
     8225#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_report
     8226#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_reports
     8227msgid "Financial Reports"
     8228msgstr "Finanční výkazy"
    77328230#. module: account
    77338231#: report:account.account.balance:0
     8232#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_from:0
     8233#: field:account.balance.report,period_from:0
    77348234#: report:account.central.journal:0
     8235#: field:account.central.journal,period_from:0
     8236#: field:account.common.account.report,period_from:0
     8237#: field:account.common.journal.report,period_from:0
     8238#: field:account.common.partner.report,period_from:0
     8239#: field:account.common.report,period_from:0
    77358240#: report:account.general.journal:0
     8241#: field:account.general.journal,period_from:0
    77368242#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    77378243#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    77388244#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
    77398245#: report:account.partner.balance:0
     8246#: field:account.partner.balance,period_from:0
     8247#: field:account.partner.ledger,period_from:0
     8248#: field:account.print.journal,period_from:0
     8249#: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_from:0
    77408250#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    77418251#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    77428252#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
     8253#: field:account.vat.declaration,period_from:0
     8254#: field:accounting.report,period_from:0
     8255#: field:accounting.report,period_from_cmp:0
    77438256msgid "Start Period"
    77448257msgstr "Začátek období"
    77468259#. module: account
    7747 #: code:addons/account/account.py:2357
    7748 #, python-format
    7749 msgid "Cannot locate parent code for template account!"
    7750 msgstr "Nelze najít nadřazený kód pro šablonu účtu!"
    7752 #. module: account
    77538260#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
    7754 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
    77558261msgid "Analysis Direction"
    77568262msgstr ""
    77728278#. module: account
    77738279#: view:account.move.line:0
    7774 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1006
     8280#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1046
    77758281#, python-format
    77768282msgid "Total credit"
    77808286#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
    77818287msgid "Accountant validates the accounting entries coming from the invoice. "
    7782 msgstr ""
    7784 #. module: account
    7785 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:1014
    7786 #, python-format
    7787 msgid "You cannot cancel the Invoice which is Partially Paid! You need to unreconcile concerned payment entries!"
    7788 msgstr "Nemůžete zrušit fakturu, která je Částečně zaplacena! Potřebujete zrušit vyrovnání týkajících se platebních podmínek!"
     8288msgstr "Učetní ověří účetní položky přicházející z faktury"
    77908290#. module: account
    77958295#. module: account
     8296#: code:addons/account/account.py:3383
     8297#, python-format
     8298msgid "Tax %s%%"
     8299msgstr "Daň %s%%"
     8301#. module: account
    77968302#: view:account.invoice:0
    77978303msgid "Unpaid"
    78008306#. module: account
     8307#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code_template
     8308msgid "Tax Code Template"
     8309msgstr "Šablona kódu daně"
     8311#. module: account
    78018312#: report:account.overdue:0
    78028313msgid "Document: Customer account statement"
    78058316#. module: account
    7806 #: constraint:account.move.line:0
    7807 msgid "You can not create move line on view account."
    7808 msgstr "Nemůžete vytvořit řádek pohybu ve zobrazení účtu."
    7810 #. module: account
    7811 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:70
    7812 #, python-format
    7813 msgid "Current currency is not confirured properly !"
    7814 msgstr "Aktuální měna není správně nastavena !"
     8317#: field:account.account.type,report_type:0
     8318msgid "P&L / BS Category"
     8319msgstr ""
    78168321#. module: account
    78268331#. module: account
    7827 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    7828 msgid "Particulars"
    7829 msgstr ""
    7831 #. module: account
    7832 #: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
    7833 msgid "Profit & Loss (Income Accounts)"
    7834 msgstr "Zisk & Ztráty (Příjmové účty)"
    7836 #. module: account
    7837 #: view:account.tax:0
    7838 #: view:account.tax.template:0
    7839 msgid "Keep empty to use the income account"
    7840 msgstr "Nechejte prázdné pro použití příjmového účtu"
     8332#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:591
     8333#, python-format
     8334msgid "You can not create move line on closed account %s %s"
     8335msgstr "Nemůžete vytvořit pohybové řádky v uzavřeném účtu %s %s"
     8337#. module: account
     8338#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_periodic_tree
     8339#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_tree
     8340#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_tree
     8341msgid "Bank Statements"
     8342msgstr "Bankovní výpisy"
    78428344#. module: account
    78438345#: field:account.account,balance:0
    78448346#: report:account.account.balance:0
    7845 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    78468347#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
    78478348#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
    78488349#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
    78498350#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
    7850 #: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
    7851 #: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_cash:0
    78528351#: report:account.central.journal:0
    78538352#: field:account.entries.report,balance:0
    78598358#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
    78608359#: selection:account.tax,type:0
     8360#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
    78618361#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    78628362#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
     8363#: field:account.treasury.report,balance:0
    78638364#: field:report.account.receivable,balance:0
    78648365#: field:report.aged.receivable,balance:0
    7865 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    7866 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    7867 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    7868 #: report:pl.account:0
    78698366msgid "Balance"
    78708367msgstr "Zůstatek"
    78788375#: report:account.account.balance:0
    78798376#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    7880 #: report:account.balancesheet.horizontal:0
    7881 #: report:account.balancesheet:0
    7882 #: report:pl.account.horizontal:0
    7883 #: report:pl.account:0
    78848377msgid "Display Account"
    78858378msgstr "Zobrazit účet"
    7887 #. module: account
    7888 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    7889 msgid "("
    7890 msgstr "("
    7892 #. module: account
    7893 #: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
    7894 msgid "Modify"
    7895 msgstr "Upravit"
    78978380#. module: account
    79028385#. module: account
    7903 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_partner_balance
    7904 msgid "This report is analysis by partner. It is a PDF report containing one line per partner representing the cumulative credit balance."
    7905 msgstr "Tento výkaz je analýza podle partnera. Jedná se o PDF výkaz obsahující jeden řádek na partnera vyjadřující souhrnný zůstatek ve prospěch."
     8386#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:739
     8387#, python-format
     8388msgid "Taxes missing !"
     8389msgstr "Chybí daně !"
    79078391#. module: account
    79088392#: selection:account.account,type:0
    79098393#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
     8394#: model:account.account.type,name:account.data_account_type_payable
    79108395#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
    79118396msgid "Payable"
    79328417#. module: account
     8418#: view:account.analytic.account:0
     8419msgid "Contract Data"
     8420msgstr "Datum smlouvy"
     8422#. module: account
    79338423#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_sale
    79348424msgid "This view is used by accountants in order to record entries massively in OpenERP. If you want to record a customer invoice, select the journal and the period in the search toolbar. Then, start by recording the entry line of the income account. OpenERP will propose to you automatically the Tax related to this account and the counter-part \"Account receivable\"."
    79378427#. module: account
    7938 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:391
    7939 #, python-format
    7940 msgid "Cannot delete bank statement(s) which are already confirmed !"
    7941 msgstr "Nelze smazat bankovní výpis, který už byl potvrzen!"
    7943 #. module: account
    79448428#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:152
    79458429#, python-format
    79498433#. module: account
    7950 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_receivable_graph
    7951 msgid "Balance by Type of Account"
    7952 msgstr "Zůstatek dle typu účtu"
    7954 #. module: account
    79558434#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
    79568435msgid "Accounting entries are the first input of the reconciliation."
     8436msgstr "Účetní zápisy jsou první vstup pro likvidaci."
     8438#. module: account
     8439#: code:addons/account/account.py:3375
     8440#, python-format
     8441msgid "Tax Received at %s"
    79578442msgstr ""
    79648449#. module: account
    7965 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    7966 msgid "Receiver's Signature"
    7967 msgstr "Podpis příjemce"
    7969 #. module: account
    7970 #: report:account.general.ledger:0
    79718450#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
    79728451#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    79928471#. module: account
    7993 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1134
     8472#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1152
    79948473#, python-format
    79958474msgid "You can not change the tax, you should remove and recreate lines !"
    79988477#. module: account
     8478#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     8479msgid "Analytic Entries of last 365 days"
     8480msgstr ""
     8482#. module: account
    79998483#: report:account.central.journal:0
    80008484msgid "A/C No."
    8001 msgstr ""
     8485msgstr "A/C Ne."
    80038487#. module: account
    80448528#. module: account
    8045 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:82
     8529#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:87
    80468530#, python-format
    80478531msgid "The journal must have centralised counterpart without the Skipping draft state option checked!"
    80488532msgstr "Kniha musí mít centralizovaný protějšek bez zaškrtnutého stavu Přeskakovat koncept!"
     8534#. module: account
     8535#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     8536msgid "Customer And Supplier Invoices"
     8537msgstr "Faktury zákazníků a dodavatelů"
    80508539#. module: account
    80818570#. module: account
     8571#: code:addons/account/account.py:411
     8572#, python-format
     8573msgid "No opening/closing period defined, please create one to set the initial balance!"
     8574msgstr ""
     8576#. module: account
    80828577#: report:account.account.balance:0
     8578#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_to:0
     8579#: field:account.balance.report,period_to:0
    80838580#: report:account.central.journal:0
     8581#: field:account.central.journal,period_to:0
     8582#: field:account.common.account.report,period_to:0
     8583#: field:account.common.journal.report,period_to:0
     8584#: field:account.common.partner.report,period_to:0
     8585#: field:account.common.report,period_to:0
    80848586#: report:account.general.journal:0
     8587#: field:account.general.journal,period_to:0
    80858588#: report:account.general.ledger:0
    80868589#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
    80878590#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
    80888591#: report:account.partner.balance:0
     8592#: field:account.partner.balance,period_to:0
     8593#: field:account.partner.ledger,period_to:0
     8594#: field:account.print.journal,period_to:0
     8595#: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_to:0
    80898596#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    80908597#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    80918598#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
     8599#: field:account.vat.declaration,period_to:0
     8600#: field:accounting.report,period_to:0
     8601#: field:accounting.report,period_to_cmp:0
    80928602msgid "End Period"
    80938603msgstr "Konec období"
    8095 #. module: account
    8096 #: field:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
    8097 #: field:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
    8098 #: field:account.bs.report,chart_account_id:0
    8099 #: field:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
    8100 #: field:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
    8101 #: field:account.common.journal.report,chart_account_id:0
    8102 #: field:account.common.partner.report,chart_account_id:0
    8103 #: field:account.common.report,chart_account_id:0
    8104 #: field:account.general.journal,chart_account_id:0
    8105 #: field:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
    8106 #: field:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
    8107 #: field:account.pl.report,chart_account_id:0
    8108 #: field:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
    8109 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
    8110 #: field:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
    8111 msgid "Chart of account"
    8112 msgstr "Diagram účtů"
    81148605#. module: account
    81248615#. module: account
     8616#: help:account.journal,type:0
     8617msgid "Select 'Sale' for customer invoices journals. Select 'Purchase' for supplier invoices journals. Select 'Cash' or 'Bank' for journals that are used in customer or supplier payments. Select 'General' for miscellaneous operations journals. Select 'Opening/Closing Situation' for entries generated for new fiscal years."
     8618msgstr ""
     8620#. module: account
    81258621#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription
    81268622msgid "Account Subscription"
    81298625#. module: account
    8130 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:725
     8626#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:736
    81318627#, python-format
    81328628msgid ""
    81468642#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,date_from:0
    81478643#: field:account.balance.report,date_from:0
    8148 #: field:account.bs.report,date_from:0
    81498644#: report:account.central.journal:0
    81508645#: field:account.central.journal,date_from:0
    81638658#: field:account.partner.balance,date_from:0
    81648659#: field:account.partner.ledger,date_from:0
    8165 #: field:account.pl.report,date_from:0
    81668660#: field:account.print.journal,date_from:0
    81678661#: field:account.report.general.ledger,date_from:0
    81708664#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    81718665#: field:account.vat.declaration,date_from:0
    8172 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
     8666#: field:accounting.report,date_from:0
     8667#: field:accounting.report,date_from_cmp:0
    81738668msgid "Start Date"
    81748669msgstr "Počáteční datum"
    81768671#. module: account
     8672#: help:account.invoice,reconciled:0
     8673msgid "It indicates that the invoice has been paid and the journal entry of the invoice has been reconciled with one or several journal entries of payment."
     8674msgstr ""
     8676#. module: account
     8677#: view:account.invoice:0
     8678#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    81778679#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierdraftinvoices0
    81788680msgid "Draft Invoices"
    81798681msgstr "Návrhy faktůr"
     8683#. module: account
     8684#: code:addons/account/account.py:3368
     8685#, python-format
     8686msgid "Taxable Sales at %s"
     8687msgstr "Zdanitelné prodeje na %s"
    81818689#. module: account
    81888696#. module: account
    8189 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:812
     8697#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:824
    81908698#, python-format
    81918699msgid "Bad total !"
    82158723#. module: account
    8216 #: field:account.installer.modules,account_payment:0
    8217 msgid "Suppliers Payment Management"
    8218 msgstr "Správa placení dodavatelů"
    8220 #. module: account
    82218724#: field:account.period,name:0
    82228725msgid "Period Name"
    82318734#: field:account.account,active:0
    82328735#: field:account.analytic.journal,active:0
     8736#: field:account.fiscal.position,active:0
    82338737#: field:account.journal.period,active:0
    82348738#: field:account.payment.term,active:0
    82398743#. module: account
    8240 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:353
     8744#: view:accounting.report:0
     8745msgid "Comparison"
     8746msgstr "Porovnání"
     8748#. module: account
     8749#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:361
    82418750#, python-format
    82428751msgid "Unknown Error"
    82438752msgstr "Neznámá chyba"
    8245 #. module: account
    8246 #: code:addons/account/account.py:1181
    8247 #, python-format
    8248 msgid ""
    8249 "You cannot validate a non-balanced entry !\n"
    8250 "Make sure you have configured Payment Term properly !\n"
    8251 "It should contain atleast one Payment Term Line with type \"Balance\" !"
    8252 msgstr ""
    82548754#. module: account
    82778777#: field:account.account,credit:0
    82788778#: report:account.account.balance:0
    8279 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    82808779#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
    82818780#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
    82908789#: field:account.move.line,credit:0
    82918790#: report:account.partner.balance:0
    8292 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    82938791#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    82948792#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
     8793#: field:account.treasury.report,credit:0
    82958794#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
    82968795#: field:report.account.receivable,credit:0
    83058804#. module: account
    8306 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    8307 msgid "Through :"
    8308 msgstr "Skrz :"
    8310 #. module: account
    8311 #: view:account.general.journal:0
    8312 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_general_journal
    8313 msgid "General Journals"
    8314 msgstr "Obecné deníky"
     8805#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
     8806#: code:addons/account/account.py:181
     8807#, python-format
     8808msgid "Profit & Loss (Income account)"
     8809msgstr "Zisk & ztráty (Příjmový účet)"
     8811#. module: account
     8812#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1215
     8813#, python-format
     8814msgid ""
     8815"You can not do this modification on a confirmed entry ! Please note that you can just change some non important fields ! \n"
     8817msgstr ""
     8818"Nemůžete provést tuto úpravu na potvrzeném záznamu ! Prosíme berte na vědomí, že můžete změnit jen některé nedůležité pole ! \n"
     8821#. module: account
     8822#: constraint:account.account:0
     8823msgid ""
     8824"Configuration Error! \n"
     8825"You can not select an account type with a deferral method different of \"Unreconciled\" for accounts with internal type \"Payable/Receivable\"! "
     8826msgstr ""
    83168828#. module: account
    83448856#. module: account
     8857#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
     8858msgid "Analytic Entries of last 30 days"
     8859msgstr "Analytické zápisy za posledních 30 dní"
     8861#. module: account
    83458862#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
    83468863#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
    8347 #: selection:account.bs.report,filter:0
    83488864#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
    83498865#: view:account.chart:0
    83598875#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
    83608876#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
    8361 #: selection:account.pl.report,filter:0
    83628877#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
    83638878#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
    83658880#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
    83668881#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
    8367 #: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:99
     8882#: view:accounting.report:0
     8883#: selection:accounting.report,filter:0
     8884#: selection:accounting.report,filter_cmp:0
    83688885#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_form
    83698886#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_period_form
    83708887#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_23
    8371 #, python-format
    83728888msgid "Periods"
    83738889msgstr "Období"
    83808896#. module: account
    8381 #: help:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
    8382 msgid "For Value percent enter % ratio between 0-1."
    8383 msgstr "Pro hodnotu v procentech zadejte % koeficient mezi 0-1."
     8897#: view:account.account:0
     8898#: field:account.account,tax_ids:0
     8899#: field:account.account.template,tax_ids:0
     8900msgid "Default Taxes"
     8901msgstr "Výchozí daně"
    83858903#. module: account
    84058923#: help:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
    84068924msgid "Refund invoice base on this type. You can not Modify and Cancel if the invoice is already reconciled"
    8407 msgstr ""
    8409 #. module: account
    8410 #: help:account.installer.modules,account_analytic_plans:0
    8411 msgid "Allows invoice lines to impact multiple analytic accounts simultaneously."
    8412 msgstr "Umožní, aby řádky faktury měli dopad na více analytických účtů současně."
    8414 #. module: account
    8415 #: field:account.installer,sale_tax:0
    8416 msgid "Sale Tax(%)"
    8417 msgstr "Prodejní daň(%)"
     8925msgstr "Dobropisová faktura založená na tomto typu. Pokud je faktura již zlikvidovaná, nemůžete ji Upravit ani Zrušit."
    84198927#. module: account
    84468954#. module: account
    8447 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    8448 msgid ")"
    8449 msgstr ")"
     8955#: help:account.bank.statement,state:0
     8956msgid ""
     8957"When new statement is created the state will be 'Draft'.\n"
     8958"And after getting confirmation from the bank it will be in 'Confirmed' state."
     8959msgstr ""
    84518961#. module: account
    84828992#. module: account
    8483 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    8484 msgid "State:"
    8485 msgstr "Stav:"
    8487 #. module: account
    84888993#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form_running
    84898994msgid "Running Subscriptions"
    8490 msgstr ""
     8995msgstr "Běžící předplatné"
    84928997#. module: account
    84999004#. module: account
    8500 #: view:account.analytic.Journal.report:0
    85019005#: view:account.analytic.balance:0
    85029006#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
    85039007#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
     9008#: view:account.analytic.journal.report:0
    85049009#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_ledger
    85059010msgid "Select Period"
    85139018#: view:account.move.line:0
    85149019msgid "Posted"
    8515 msgstr ""
     9020msgstr "Zaúčtované"
    85179022#. module: account
    85199024#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,date_to:0
    85209025#: field:account.balance.report,date_to:0
    8521 #: field:account.bs.report,date_to:0
    85229026#: report:account.central.journal:0
    85239027#: field:account.central.journal,date_to:0
    85369040#: field:account.partner.balance,date_to:0
    85379041#: field:account.partner.ledger,date_to:0
    8538 #: field:account.pl.report,date_to:0
    85399042#: field:account.print.journal,date_to:0
    85409043#: field:account.report.general.ledger,date_to:0
    85429045#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    85439046#: field:account.vat.declaration,date_to:0
     9047#: field:accounting.report,date_to:0
     9048#: field:accounting.report,date_to_cmp:0
    85449049msgid "End Date"
    85459050msgstr "Datum ukončení"
    85649069#. module: account
    8565 #: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:71
    8566 #: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:116
    8567 #: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:119
    8568 #: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:120
    8569 #: code:addons/account/report/account_profit_loss.py:71
    8570 #: code:addons/account/report/account_profit_loss.py:127
    8571 #, python-format
    8572 msgid "Net Profit"
    8573 msgstr "Čistý zisk"
    8575 #. module: account
    85769070#: view:ir.sequence:0
    85779071msgid "Fiscal Year Sequences"
    85809074#. module: account
    8581 #: help:account.model,name:0
    8582 msgid "This is a model for recurring accounting entries"
    8583 msgstr "Toto je model pro opakující se účetní položky"
    8585 #. module: account
    8586 #: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:99
    8587 #, python-format
    8588 msgid "There is no income account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
    8589 msgstr "Pro tento výrobek není definován příjmový účet: \"%s\" (id: %d)"
    8591 #. module: account
    8592 #: report:account.general.ledger:0
    8593 #: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    8594 #: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    8595 msgid "JNRL"
    8596 msgstr "JNRL"
    8598 #. module: account
    8599 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
    8600 msgid "  value amount: 0.02"
    8601 msgstr "  částka hodnoty: 0.02"
     9075#: selection:account.financial.report,display_detail:0
     9076msgid "No detail"
     9077msgstr "Bez podrobností"
     9079#. module: account
     9080#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
     9081msgid "Create an Account based on this template"
     9082msgstr "Vytvořit účet založený na šabloně"
     9084#. module: account
     9085#: field:account.account,unrealized_gain_loss:0
     9086#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_gain_loss
     9087#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_unrealized_gains_losses
     9088msgid "Unrealized Gain or Loss"
     9089msgstr ""
    86039091#. module: account
    86119099#. module: account
     9100#: model:ir.actions.server,name:account.ir_actions_server_edi_invoice
     9101msgid "Auto-email confirmed invoices"
     9102msgstr "Automaticky odeslat emailem potvrzené faktury"
     9104#. module: account
     9105#: field:account.invoice,check_total:0
     9106msgid "Verification Total"
     9107msgstr "Kontrolní součet"
     9109#. module: account
    86129110#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
    86139111#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
    86169114#: view:account.bank.statement:0
    86179115#: field:account.invoice,amount_total:0
    8618 #: field:account.invoice,check_total:0
    86199116#: field:report.account.sales,amount_total:0
    86209117#: field:report.account_type.sales,amount_total:0
    86219118#: field:report.invoice.created,amount_total:0
    8622 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
    86239119msgid "Total"
    86249120msgstr "Celkem"
    86549150#: field:account.tax,company_id:0
    86559151#: field:account.tax.code,company_id:0
     9152#: field:account.treasury.report,company_id:0
    86569153#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
    86579154#: field:analytic.entries.report,company_id:0
    86729169#. module: account
     9170#: code:addons/account/account.py:623
     9171#, python-format
     9172msgid "You can not remove an account containing journal items!. "
     9173msgstr ""
     9175#. module: account
    86739176#: help:account.bank.statement,total_entry_encoding:0
    86749177msgid "Total cash transactions"
    87079210#. module: account
     9211#: field:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
     9212msgid "Empty Accounts ? "
     9213msgstr "Vyprázdnit účty ? "
     9215#. module: account
    87089216#: view:account.invoice:0
    87099217msgid "Invoice lines"
    87129220#. module: account
    8713 #: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_to:0
    8714 #: field:account.balance.report,period_to:0
    8715 #: field:account.bs.report,period_to:0
    8716 #: field:account.central.journal,period_to:0
    87179221#: field:account.chart,period_to:0
    8718 #: field:account.common.account.report,period_to:0
    8719 #: field:account.common.journal.report,period_to:0
    8720 #: field:account.common.partner.report,period_to:0
    8721 #: field:account.common.report,period_to:0
    8722 #: field:account.general.journal,period_to:0
    8723 #: field:account.partner.balance,period_to:0
    8724 #: field:account.partner.ledger,period_to:0
    8725 #: field:account.pl.report,period_to:0
    8726 #: field:account.print.journal,period_to:0
    8727 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_to:0
    8728 #: field:account.vat.declaration,period_to:0
    87299222msgid "End period"
    87309223msgstr "Konec období"
    87329225#. module: account
    8733 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:729
    8734 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:806
    8735 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:44
    8736 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:68
    8737 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_balance_sheet.py:70
    8738 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_state_open.py:37
    8739 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:39
    8740 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:61
    8741 #, python-format
    8742 msgid "Warning"
    8743 msgstr "Varování"
     9226#: sql_constraint:account.journal:0
     9227msgid "The code of the journal must be unique per company !"
     9228msgstr "Kód deníku musí být jedinečně na společnost !"
    87459230#. module: account
    87519236#. module: account
    8752 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
    8753 msgid "On Account of :"
    8754 msgstr "Na účtu :"
     9237#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
     9238msgid "Generate Your Chart of Accounts from a Chart Template"
     9239msgstr ""
     9241#. module: account
     9242#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_invoice_report_all
     9243msgid "From this report, you can have an overview of the amount invoiced to your customer as well as payment delays. The tool search can also be used to personalise your Invoices reports and so, match this analysis to your needs."
     9244msgstr ""
    87569246#. module: account
    87889278#: field:account.account,debit:0
    87899279#: report:account.account.balance:0
    8790 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
    87919280#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
    87929281#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
    88019290#: field:account.move.line,debit:0
    88029291#: report:account.partner.balance:0
    8803 #: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
    88049292#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    88059293#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
     9294#: field:account.treasury.report,debit:0
    88069295#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
    88079296#: field:report.account.receivable,debit:0
    88219310#. module: account
    8822 #: constraint:account.account.template:0
    8823 msgid ""
    8824 "You cannot create an account template! \n"
    8825 "Make sure if the account template has parent then it should be type \"View\"! "
    8826 msgstr ""
    8827 "Nemůžete vytvořit šablonu účtu! \n"
    8828 "Ujistěte se, že pokud má šablona účtu rodiče, měl by být typu \"Pohled\"!"
     9311#: help:account.model.line,quantity:0
     9312msgid "The optional quantity on entries."
     9313msgstr "Volitelné množství u položek."
    88309315#. module: account
    88359320#. module: account
    8836 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:796
     9321#: code:addons/account/account.py:641
     9322#, python-format
     9323msgid "You cannot change the type of account from 'Closed' to any other type which contains journal items!"
     9324msgstr ""
     9326#. module: account
     9327#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:832
    88379328#, python-format
    88389329msgid "Entry is already reconciled"
    88569347#. module: account
    8857 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1252
    8858 #, python-format
    8859 msgid ""
    8860 "Can not create an automatic sequence for this piece !\n"
    8861 "\n"
    8862 "Put a sequence in the journal definition for automatic numbering or create a sequence manually for this piece."
     9348#: view:account.analytic.line:0
     9349msgid "Analytic Journal Items related to a purchase journal."
     9350msgstr ""
     9352#. module: account
     9353#: help:account.account,type:0
     9354msgid "The 'Internal Type' is used for features available on different types of accounts: view can not have journal items, consolidation are accounts that can have children accounts for multi-company consolidations, payable/receivable are for partners accounts (for debit/credit computations), closed for depreciated accounts."
    88639355msgstr ""
    88659357#. module: account
    88669358#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
    8867 #: selection:account.bs.report,display_account:0
    88689359#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
    8869 #: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
    88709360#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
    88719361msgid "With movements"
    88809370#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
    88819371msgid "Account Tax Code Template"
    8882 msgstr ""
     9372msgstr "Šablona kódů účtů daní"
    88849374#. module: account
    89049394#. module: account
     9395#: view:account.invoice.report:0
     9396msgid "Group by month of Invoice Date"
     9397msgstr "Skupina podle měsíce data faktury"
     9399#. module: account
    89059400#: view:account.analytic.line:0
    89069401msgid "Fin.Account"
    89419436#. module: account
    89429437#: view:account.account:0
     9438#: view:account.analytic.account:0
    89439439msgid "Parent Account"
    89449440msgstr "Nadřazený účet"
    89489444msgid "Create and manage your company's journals from this menu. A journal is used to record transactions of all accounting data related to the day-to-day business of your company using double-entry bookkeeping system. Depending on the nature of its activities and the number of daily transactions, a company may keep several types of specialized journals such as a cash journal, purchase journal, sales journal..."
    89499445msgstr ""
     9447#. module: account
     9448#: view:account.payment.term:0
     9449msgid "Description On Invoices"
     9450msgstr "Popis na fakturách"
    89519452#. module: account
    89669467#. module: account
    8967 #: field:account.installer,progress:0
    8968 #: field:account.installer.modules,progress:0
    8969 #: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,progress:0
    8970 msgid "Configuration Progress"
    8971 msgstr "Průběh nastavení"
     9468#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1154
     9469#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1237
     9470#, python-format
     9471msgid "Bad account!"
     9472msgstr "Nesprávný účet!"
     9474#. module: account
     9475#: field:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
     9476msgid "Entries Sorted by"
     9477msgstr "Položky řazené dle"
     9479#. module: account
     9480#: help:account.move,state:0
     9481msgid "All manually created new journal entries are usually in the state 'Unposted', but you can set the option to skip that state on the related journal. In that case, they will be behave as journal entries automatically created by the system on document validation (invoices, bank statements...) and will be created in 'Posted' state."
     9482msgstr ""
    89739484#. module: account
    89789489#. module: account
    8979 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:345
     9490#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:353
    89809491#, python-format
    89819492msgid "Invoice '%s' is waiting for validation."
    89939504#. module: account
    8994 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_installer_modules
    8995 msgid "account.installer.modules"
    8996 msgstr "account.installer.modules"
     9505#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
     9506msgid "Modify: refund invoice, reconcile and create a new draft invoice"
     9507msgstr "Upravit: dobropisová faktura, likvidace a vytvoření nového konceptu faktury"
    89989509#. module: account
    90039514#. module: account
    9004 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1123
    9005 #, python-format
     9515#: constraint:account.move.line:0
    90069516msgid "The date of your Journal Entry is not in the defined period!"
    9007 msgstr ""
     9517msgstr "Datum vaší položky deníku není v zadaném období!"
    90099519#. module: account
    90279537#: view:account.invoice:0
    90289538#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
    9029 #: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
    90309539#: view:account.invoice.report:0
    90319540#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_refund
    90359544#. module: account
    9036 #: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,bank_accounts_id:0
     9545#: model:email.template,body_text:account.email_template_edi_invoice
     9546msgid ""
     9548"Hello${object.address_invoice_id.name and ' ' or ''}${object.address_invoice_id.name or ''},\n"
     9550"A new invoice is available for ${object.partner_id.name}:\n"
     9551"       | Invoice number: *${object.number}*\n"
     9552"       | Invoice total: *${object.amount_total} ${object.currency_id.name}*\n"
     9553"       | Invoice date: ${object.date_invoice}\n"
     9554"       % if object.origin:\n"
     9555"       | Order reference: ${object.origin}\n"
     9556"       % endif\n"
     9557"       | Your contact: ${object.user_id.name} ${object.user_id.user_email and '<%s>'%(object.user_id.user_email) or ''}\n"
     9559"You can view the invoice document, download it and pay online using the following link:\n"
     9560"    ${ctx.get('edi_web_url_view') or 'n/a'}\n"
     9562"% if object.company_id.paypal_account and object.type in ('out_invoice', 'in_refund'):\n"
     9563"<% \n"
     9564"comp_name = quote(object.company_id.name)\n"
     9565"inv_number = quote(object.number)\n"
     9566"paypal_account = quote(object.company_id.paypal_account)\n"
     9567"inv_amount = quote(str(object.amount_total))\n"
     9568"cur_name = quote(object.currency_id.name)\n"
     9569"paypal_url = \"https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=%s&item_name=%s%%20Invoice%%20%s\"\\\n"
     9570"             \"&invoice=%s&amount=%s&currency_code=%s&button_subtype=services&no_note=1&bn=OpenERP_Invoice_PayNow_%s\" % \\\n"
     9571"             (paypal_account,comp_name,inv_number,inv_number,inv_amount,cur_name,cur_name)\n"
     9573"It is also possible to directly pay with Paypal:\n"
     9574"    ${paypal_url}\n"
     9575"% endif\n"
     9577"If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.\n"
     9580"Thank you for choosing ${object.company_id.name}!\n"
     9584"${object.user_id.name} ${object.user_id.user_email and '<%s>'%(object.user_id.user_email) or ''}\n"
     9586"% if object.company_id.street:\n"
     9587"${object.company_id.street or ''}\n"
     9588"% endif\n"
     9589"% if object.company_id.street2:\n"
     9591"% endif\n"
     9592"% if object.company_id.city or object.company_id.zip:\n"
     9593"${object.company_id.zip or ''} ${object.company_id.city or ''}\n"
     9594"% endif\n"
     9595"% if object.company_id.country_id:\n"
     9596"${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.company_id.state_id.name) or ''} ${object.company_id.country_id.name or ''}\n"
     9597"% endif\n"
     9598"% if object.company_id.phone:\n"
     9599"Phone: ${object.company_id.phone}\n"
     9600"% endif\n"
     9601"% if object.company_id.website:\n"
     9602"${object.company_id.website or ''}\n"
     9603"% endif\n"
     9604"            "
     9605msgstr ""
     9607#. module: account
     9608#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_partner_bank
    90379609msgid "Bank Accounts"
    90389610msgstr "Bankovní účty"
    90669638#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_quantity_cost_ledger
    90679639msgid "Cost Ledger (Only quantities)"
    9068 msgstr ""
     9640msgstr "Hlavní kniha (pouze množství)"
    90709642#. module: account
    91069678#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
    91079679#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
    9108 #: report:account.aged_trial_balance:0
    91099680msgid "Partner's"
    91109681msgstr "Partneři"
    91869757#. module: account
    9187 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account_template
    9188 msgid "Template Account Fiscal Mapping"
    9189 msgstr "Fiskální mapování šablony účtu"
     9758#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
     9759#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_chart
     9760#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_account_tree2
     9761msgid "Chart of Analytic Accounts"
     9762msgstr "Rozvrh analytických účtů"
    91919764#. module: account
    91969769#. module: account
    9197 #: field:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
    9198 msgid "Amount currency"
    9199 msgstr "Měna částky"
    9201 #. module: account
    9202 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:55
     9770#: help:accounting.report,label_filter:0
     9771msgid "This label will be displayed on report to show the balance computed for the given comparison filter."
     9772msgstr ""
     9774#. module: account
     9775#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:56
    92039776#, python-format
    92049777msgid "You must enter a period length that cannot be 0 or below !"
    92059778msgstr "Musíte zadat délku období, která nesmí být 0 nebo kratší !"
    9207 #. module: account
    9208 #: code:addons/account/account.py:511
    9209 #, python-format
    9210 msgid "You cannot remove an account which has account entries!. "
    9211 msgstr "Nemůžete odebrat účet, který má účetní položky!. "
    92139780#. module: account
    92279794#~ msgstr "Otevřeno pro vyrovnání(Open for reconciliation)"
     9796#~ msgid "Period length (days)"
     9797#~ msgstr "Délka období (dny)"
    92299799#~ msgid "Pay invoice"
    92309800#~ msgstr "Zaplatit fakturu"
    92369806#~ msgstr "Finanční hospodaření"
     9808#~ msgid "Bank account owner"
     9809#~ msgstr "Majitel bankovního účtu"
    92389811#~ msgid "Open for unreconciliation"
    92399812#~ msgstr "Open za nevyrovnání(Open for unreconciliation)"
    92519824#~ msgstr "Grafy účtu"
     9826#~ msgid "Fixed"
     9827#~ msgstr "Pevné"
     9829#~ msgid "Line"
     9830#~ msgstr "Řádka"
    92539832#~ msgid "Entries Encoding"
    92549833#~ msgstr "Kódované částky"
    9256 #~ msgid "Unreconciled entries"
    9257 #~ msgstr "Nesmířené částky"
    92599835#~ msgid "Print Taxes Report"
    92609836#~ msgstr "Vytištěné reporty o daních"
    92689844#~ msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
    92699845#~ msgstr "Špatný název modelu v definici akce"
    9271 #~ msgid "Asset"
    9272 #~ msgstr "Aktiva"
    92749847#~ msgid "Account Code"
    92859858#~ "category"
    92869859#~ msgstr ""
    9287 #~ "Tento účet bude použit pro hodnoty příchozích zásob pro aktuální kategorii "
    9288 #~ "výrobků"
     9860#~ "Tento účet bude použit pro hodnoty příchozích zásob pro aktuální "
     9861#~ "kategorii výrobků"
    92909863#~ msgid "Move line select"
    93009873#~ msgstr "Chyba! Nemůžete vytvářet rekurzivní analytické účty."
     9875#~ msgid "Description on invoices"
     9876#~ msgstr "Popis na fakturách"
    93029878#~ msgid "Debit Trans."
    93039879#~ msgstr "Debetní transakce"
    93939969#~ msgstr "Bankovní Příjem"
    9395 #~ msgid "Ending Balance"
    9396 #~ msgstr "Konečný zůstatek"
    93989971#~ msgid "Parent Analytic Account"
    93999972#~ msgstr "Parent Analytická účtu"
    94119984#~ msgstr "Zobrazení historie"
    9413 #~ msgid "Income"
    9414 #~ msgstr "Příjem"
    94169986#~ msgid "Close states"
    94179987#~ msgstr "Zavřít státy"
    94209990#~ msgstr "Zdaněná částka"
    9422 #, python-format
     9992#~ msgid "No period found !"
     9993#~ msgstr "Nebylo nalezeno žádné období !"
     9995#~ msgid "Voucher Management"
     9996#~ msgstr "Správa poukázek"
     9998#~ msgid "Negative"
     9999#~ msgstr "Záporné"
     10001#~ msgid "Positive"
     10002#~ msgstr "Kladný"
     10004#~ msgid "Due date Computation"
     10005#~ msgstr "Výpočet data splatnosti"
     10007#~ msgid "Next Partner to reconcile"
     10008#~ msgstr "Další partner k vyrovnání"
     10010#~ msgid "Total With Tax"
     10011#~ msgstr "Celkem s daní"
     10013#~ msgid "Customer Invoices to Approve"
     10014#~ msgstr "Faktury zákazníka k potvrzení"
     10016#~ msgid "Profit & Loss (Expense Accounts)"
     10017#~ msgstr "Zisk & ztráty (Nákladové účty)"
     10019#~ msgid "Your Reference"
     10020#~ msgstr "Váš odkaz"
     10022#~ msgid "You can not use this general account in this journal !"
     10023#~ msgstr "Nemůžete použít tento obecný účet pro tento deník !"
     10025#~ msgid "Anglo-Saxon Accounting"
     10026#~ msgstr "Anglosaské účetnictví"
     10028#~ msgid "Tax Code Test"
     10029#~ msgstr "Test kódu daně"
     10031#~ msgid "Include initial balances"
     10032#~ msgstr "Včetně počátečních zůstatků"
     10034#~ msgid "Error! You cannot define overlapping fiscal years"
     10035#~ msgstr "Chyba! Nemůžete definovat překrývající se finanční roky"
     10037#~ msgid "The optional quantity on entries"
     10038#~ msgstr "Volitelné množství u položek"
     10040#~ msgid "You cannot deactivate an account that contains account moves."
     10041#~ msgstr "Nemůžete deaktivovat účet, který obsahuje účetní pohyby."
     10043#~ msgid ""
     10044#~ "You cannot change the type of account from 'Closed' to any other type "
     10045#~ "which contains account entries!"
     10046#~ msgstr ""
     10047#~ "Nemůžete změnit typ účtu z 'Uzavřený' na žádný jiný typ, který obsahuje "
     10048#~ "účetní položky!"
     10050#~ msgid "Reserve And Profit/Loss Account"
     10051#~ msgstr "Účet rezerv a zisku/ztrát"
     10053#~ msgid "Reserve & Profit/Loss Account"
     10054#~ msgstr "Účet rezervu & Zisků/Ztrát"
     10056#~ msgid "Account Profit And Loss"
     10057#~ msgstr "Účet zisků a ztrát"
     10059#~ msgid " Journal"
     10060#~ msgstr " Deník"
     10062#~ msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive categories."
     10063#~ msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní kategorii."
     10065#~ msgid ""
     10066#~ "You cannot modify company of this journal as its related record exist in "
     10067#~ "Entry Lines"
     10068#~ msgstr ""
     10069#~ "Nemůžete změnit společnost tohoto deníku, protože vztažené záznamy "
     10070#~ "existují v řádcích položek"
     10072#~ msgid "Total :"
     10073#~ msgstr "Celkem:"
     10075#~ msgid "Your bank and cash accounts"
     10076#~ msgstr "Vaše bankovní a hotovostní účty"
     10078#~ msgid ""
     10079#~ "You cannot change the type of account from '%s' to '%s' type as it "
     10080#~ "contains account entries!"
     10081#~ msgstr ""
     10082#~ "Nemůžete změnit typ účtu z '%s' na typ '%s', protože obsahuje účetní "
     10083#~ "položky!"
     10085#~ msgid "Narration"
     10086#~ msgstr "Účetní text"
     10088#~ msgid "Net Loss"
     10089#~ msgstr "Čisté ztráty"
     10091#~ msgid "Error! The duration of the Fiscal Year is invalid. "
     10092#~ msgstr "Chyba! Délka účetního roku je neplatná. "
     10094#~ msgid "  day of the month: 0"
     10095#~ msgstr "  den v měsíci: 0"
     10097#~ msgid "Account Balance -"
     10098#~ msgstr "Zůstatek účtu -"
    942310100#~ msgid "Invoice "
    942410101#~ msgstr "Faktura "
    9426 #, python-format
     10103#~ msgid "Check Date not in the Period"
     10104#~ msgstr "Zkontrolovat zda datum není v období"
     10106#~ msgid "Debit/Credit"
     10107#~ msgstr "Dluh/Vklad"
     10109#~ msgid "Bank Journal "
     10110#~ msgstr "Bankovní deník "
     10112#~ msgid "Sort By"
     10113#~ msgstr "Řadit podle"
     10115#~ msgid "New currency is not confirured properly !"
     10116#~ msgstr "Nová měna není správně nastavena !"
     10118#~ msgid "No Filter"
     10119#~ msgstr "Bez filtru"
     10121#~ msgid "Value Amount"
     10122#~ msgstr "částka hodnoty"
    942710124#~ msgid "is validated."
    942810125#~ msgstr "není platné."
    9430 #, python-format
     10127#~ msgid "Acc. Type Name"
     10128#~ msgstr "Jméno typu účtu"
     10130#~ msgid "  number of days: 30"
     10131#~ msgstr "  počet dní: 30"
     10133#~ msgid "Refund Type"
     10134#~ msgstr "Typ úhrady"
     10136#~ msgid "Account Profit And Loss Report"
     10137#~ msgstr "Výkaz účtu zisku a ztrát"
     10139#~ msgid "Currnt currency is not confirured properly !"
     10140#~ msgstr "Aktuální měna není správně nastavena !"
     10142#~ msgid "Display accounts"
     10143#~ msgstr "Zobrazit účty"
     10145#~ msgid "  day of the month= -1"
     10146#~ msgstr "  den v měsíci= -1"
     10148#~ msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive associated members."
     10149#~ msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní asociované členy."
     10151#~ msgid "  number of days: 14"
     10152#~ msgstr "  počet dnů: 14"
     10154#~ msgid "Multiple Analytic Plans"
     10155#~ msgstr "Více analytických plánů"
     10157#~ msgid "Year :"
     10158#~ msgstr "Roky :"
     10160#~ msgid "Bank and Cash Accounts"
     10161#~ msgstr "Bankovní a hotovostní účty"
     10163#~ msgid "Accounting and Financial Management"
     10164#~ msgstr "Účetní a finanční správa"
     10166#~ msgid ""
     10167#~ "You cannot create more than one move per period on centralized journal"
     10168#~ msgstr ""
     10169#~ "Nemůžete vytvořit více než jeden pohyb na období v centralizovaném deníku"
     10171#~ msgid "Reference Type"
     10172#~ msgstr "Typ odkazu"
     10174#~ msgid "Configure Your Accounting Application"
     10175#~ msgstr "Nastavit vaši účetní aplikaci"
     10177#~ msgid "Current currency is not confirured properly !"
     10178#~ msgstr "Aktuální měna není správně nastavena !"
     10180#~ msgid "Profit & Loss (Income Accounts)"
     10181#~ msgstr "Zisk & Ztráty (Příjmové účty)"
     10183#~ msgid "("
     10184#~ msgstr "("
     10186#~ msgid "Modify"
     10187#~ msgstr "Upravit"
     10189#~ msgid "Chart of account"
     10190#~ msgstr "Diagram účtů"
     10192#~ msgid "Suppliers Payment Management"
     10193#~ msgstr "Správa placení dodavatelů"
     10195#~ msgid ")"
     10196#~ msgstr ")"
     10198#~ msgid "Net Profit"
     10199#~ msgstr "Čistý zisk"
     10201#~ msgid "JNRL"
     10202#~ msgstr "JNRL"
     10204#~ msgid "  value amount: 0.02"
     10205#~ msgstr "  částka hodnoty: 0.02"
     10207#~ msgid "Configuration Progress"
     10208#~ msgstr "Průběh nastavení"
     10210#~ msgid "account.installer.modules"
     10211#~ msgstr "account.installer.modules"
     10213#~ msgid "Amount currency"
     10214#~ msgstr "Měna částky"
     10216#~ msgid "You cannot remove an account which has account entries!. "
     10217#~ msgstr "Nemůžete odebrat účet, který má účetní položky!. "
     10219#~ msgid "Accounting Chart Configuration"
     10220#~ msgstr "Nastavení osnovy účetnictví"
     10222#~ msgid "You can not delete posted movement: \"%s\"!"
     10223#~ msgstr "Nemůžet smazat zaúčtované pohyby: \"%s\"!"
     10225#~ msgid "Include Reconciled Entries"
     10226#~ msgstr "Zahrnout zlikvidované záznamy"
     10228#~ msgid ""
     10229#~ "The Profit and Loss report gives you an overview of your company profit "
     10230#~ "and loss in a single document"
     10231#~ msgstr ""
     10232#~ "Výkaz zisku a ztráty Vám dá přehled o zisku či ztrátě společnosti v "
     10233#~ "jediném dokumentu"
     10235#~ msgid ""
     10236#~ "The sequence field is used to order the resources from lower sequences to "
     10237#~ "higher ones"
     10238#~ msgstr ""
     10239#~ "Pole \"sequence\" je použito pro řazení záznamů od nejnižšího čísla k "
     10240#~ "nejvyššímu"
     10242#~ msgid ""
     10243#~ "No period defined for this date: %s !\n"
     10244#~ "Please create a fiscal year."
     10245#~ msgstr ""
     10246#~ "Pro toto datum: %s není definováno období.\n"
     10247#~ "Prosím vytvořte fiskální rok."
     10249#~ msgid ""
     10250#~ "You cannot remove/deactivate an account which is set as a property to any "
     10251#~ "Partner."
     10252#~ msgstr ""
     10253#~ "Nemůžete odstranit/deaktivovat účet, který je přiřazen některému "
     10254#~ "partnerovi"
     10256#~ msgid "Accounting Entries-"
     10257#~ msgstr "Účetní záznamy -"
     10259#~ msgid "Calculated Balance"
     10260#~ msgstr "Vypočtený zůstatek"
     10262#~ msgid "CashBox Balance is not matching with Calculated Balance !"
     10263#~ msgstr "Stav pokladny neodpovídá vypočtenému zůstatku!"
     10265#~ msgid "closing balance entered by the cashbox verifier"
     10266#~ msgstr "konečný zůstatek zadaný ověřovatelem pokladny"
    943110268#~ msgid "The statement balance is incorrect !\n"
    943210269#~ msgstr "Nesprávný zůstatek výpisu!\n"
     10271#~ msgid ""
     10272#~ "All manually created new journal entry are usually in the state "
     10273#~ "'Unposted', but you can set the option to skip that state on the related "
     10274#~ "journal. In that case, they will be behave as journal entries "
     10275#~ "automatically created by the system on document validation (invoices, "
     10276#~ "bank statements...) and will be created in 'Posted' state."
     10277#~ msgstr ""
     10278#~ "Ručně vytvořené účetní záznamy jsou typicky založeny jako nezaúčtované. "
     10279#~ "Toto jde pro vybrané knihy přeskakovat, takže založené záznamy se rovnou "
     10280#~ "zaúčtují."
     10282#~ msgid "Cannot delete bank statement(s) which are already confirmed !"
     10283#~ msgstr "Nelze smazat bankovní výpis, který už byl potvrzen!"
     10285#~ msgid ""
     10286#~ "You can not do this modification on a confirmed entry ! Please note that "
     10287#~ "you can just change some non important fields !"
     10288#~ msgstr ""
     10289#~ "Nemůžete provést tuto úpravu na potvrzeném záznamu ! Prosíme berte na "
     10290#~ "vědomí, že můžete změnit jen některé nedůležité pole !"
     10292#~ msgid ""
     10293#~ "Example: at 14 net days 2 percents, remaining amount at 30 days end of "
     10294#~ "month."
     10295#~ msgstr ""
     10296#~ "Příklad: při 14 čistých dnech 2 procenta, zbývající čístka při 30 dnech "
     10297#~ "konce měsíce."
     10299#~ msgid ""
     10300#~ "Wrong credit or debit value in model (Credit + Debit Must Be greater \"0"
     10301#~ "\")!"
     10302#~ msgstr ""
     10303#~ "Nesprávná hodnota Dal nebo Má dáti v modelu (Dal + Má dáti musí být větší "
     10304#~ "než \"0\")!"
     10306#~ msgid "You have to provide an account for the write off entry !"
     10307#~ msgstr "Musíte poskytnout účet pro výpis záznamu !"
     10309#~ msgid "A/c Code"
     10310#~ msgstr "Kód A/c"
     10312#~ msgid "Cannot delete invoice(s) that are already opened or paid !"
     10313#~ msgstr "Nelze odstranit faktury, které jsou již otevřené a zaplacené !"
     10315#~ msgid "  value amount: n.a"
     10316#~ msgstr "  částka hodnoty: není"
     10318#~ msgid "Your Bank and Cash Accounts"
     10319#~ msgstr "Vaše bankovní a hotovostní účty"
     10321#~ msgid ""
     10322#~ "You cannot validate a Journal Entry unless all journal items are in same "
     10323#~ "chart of accounts !"
     10324#~ msgstr ""
     10325#~ "Nemůžete ověřit záznamy knihy, pokud nejsou všechny položky ve stejném "
     10326#~ "účtovém rozvrhu."
     10328#~ msgid "Unable to find a valid period !"
     10329#~ msgstr "Nelze najít platné období !"
     10331#~ msgid "Consider reconciled entries"
     10332#~ msgstr "Uvažte vyrovnané záznamy"
     10334#~ msgid "Balance Sheet (Assets Accounts)"
     10335#~ msgstr "Rozvaha (Majetkové účty)"
     10337#~ msgid ""
     10338#~ "According value related accounts will be display on respective reports "
     10339#~ "(Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account)"
     10340#~ msgstr ""
     10341#~ "Podle hodnoty vztažených účtů budou zobrazeny na příslušných výkazech "
     10342#~ "(Rozvaha účtů zisku & ztrát)"
     10344#~ msgid "Aged Receivables"
     10345#~ msgstr "Staré pohledávky"
     10347#~ msgid ""
     10348#~ "This module will support the Anglo-Saxons accounting methodology by "
     10349#~ "changing the accounting logic with stock transactions."
     10350#~ msgstr ""
     10351#~ "Tento modul bude podporovat Anglo-saskou účetní metodologii pomocí změny "
     10352#~ "účetní logiky se skladovými transakcemi."
     10354#~ msgid ""
     10355#~ "The code will be used to generate the numbers of the journal entries of "
     10356#~ "this journal."
     10357#~ msgstr "Kód bude použit pro generování čísel záznamů knihy této knihy."
     10359#~ msgid "Configure Your Accounting Chart"
     10360#~ msgstr "Nastavit váš Účtový rozvrh"
     10362#~ msgid "Balance Sheet (Liability Accounts)"
     10363#~ msgstr "Rozvaha (Závazkové účty)"
     10365#~ msgid "Generate Your Accounting Chart from a Chart Template"
     10366#~ msgstr "Generovat váš Účtový rozvrh z Šablony rozvrhu"
     10368#~ msgid ""
     10369#~ "Please define the Reserve and Profit/Loss account for current user "
     10370#~ "company !"
     10371#~ msgstr ""
     10372#~ "Prosíme zadejte účet Rezerv a Zisku/Ztrát pro aktuální společnost "
     10373#~ "uživatele !"
     10375#~ msgid "  valuation: percent"
     10376#~ msgstr "  ocenění: procenta"
     10378#~ msgid ""
     10379#~ "This Account is used for transferring Profit/Loss(If It is Profit: Amount "
     10380#~ "will be added, Loss : Amount will be deducted.), Which is calculated from "
     10381#~ "Profit & Loss Report"
     10382#~ msgstr ""
     10383#~ "Tento účet je použit pro přesun Zisku/Ztrát(Pokud je zisk: Částka bude "
     10384#~ "přidána, Ztráta : Částka bude odečtena.), Který je spočítán z Výkazu "
     10385#~ "Zisků & Ztrát"
     10387#~ msgid "You can not have two open register for the same journal"
     10388#~ msgstr "Nemůžete mít dva otevřené registry pro stejné knihy"
     10390#~ msgid ""
     10391#~ "Helps you generate reminder letters for unpaid invoices, including "
     10392#~ "multiple levels of reminding and customized per-partner policies."
     10393#~ msgstr ""
     10394#~ "Pomůže vám generovat připomínkové dopisy pro nezaplacené faktury, včetně "
     10395#~ "více úrovní připomínání a přizpůsobitelnou politiku dle partner."
     10397#~ msgid "Account Balance Sheet Report"
     10398#~ msgstr "Výkaz rozvahy účtu"
     10400#~ msgid "Cannot create invoice move on centralised journal"
     10401#~ msgstr "Nelze vytvořit pohyb faktury na centralizované knize"
     10403#~ msgid "CashBox Balance"
     10404#~ msgstr "Zůstatek pokladny"
     10406#~ msgid "  valuation: balance"
     10407#~ msgstr "  ocenění: zůstatek"
     10409#~ msgid ""
     10410#~ "You cannot modify company of this period as its related record exist in "
     10411#~ "Entry Lines"
     10412#~ msgstr ""
     10413#~ "Nemůžete upravit společnost tohoto období, protože její vztažený záznam "
     10414#~ "existuje v řádcích záznamu"
     10416#~ msgid "Cannot locate parent code for template account!"
     10417#~ msgstr "Nelze najít nadřazený kód pro šablonu účtu!"
     10419#~ msgid ""
     10420#~ "You cannot cancel the Invoice which is Partially Paid! You need to "
     10421#~ "unreconcile concerned payment entries!"
     10422#~ msgstr ""
     10423#~ "Nemůžete zrušit fakturu, která je Částečně zaplacena! Potřebujete zrušit "
     10424#~ "vyrovnání týkajících se platebních podmínek!"
     10426#~ msgid "For Value percent enter % ratio between 0-1."
     10427#~ msgstr "Pro hodnotu v procentech zadejte % koeficient mezi 0-1."
     10429#~ msgid ""
     10430#~ "Allows invoice lines to impact multiple analytic accounts simultaneously."
     10431#~ msgstr ""
     10432#~ "Umožní, aby řádky faktury měli dopad na více analytických účtů současně."
     10434#~ msgid "Sale Tax(%)"
     10435#~ msgstr "Prodejní daň(%)"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.