Changeset 32 for trunk/Languages
- Timestamp:
- Jun 29, 2024, 7:58:36 AM (9 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/Languages
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r30 r32 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n" 13 13 14 #: dbengine.sfieldnotfound 15 #, object-pascal-format 16 msgctxt "dbengine.sfieldnotfound" 17 msgid "Field %s not found" 18 msgstr "Pole %s nenalezeno" 19 20 #: dbengine.stypeboolean 21 msgctxt "dbengine.stypeboolean" 22 msgid "Boolean" 23 msgstr "Logická hodnota" 24 25 #: dbengine.stypedate 26 msgctxt "dbengine.stypedate" 27 msgid "Date" 28 msgstr "Datum" 29 30 #: dbengine.stypedatetime 31 msgctxt "dbengine.stypedatetime" 32 msgid "Date and time" 33 msgstr "Datum a čas" 34 35 #: dbengine.stypefloat 36 msgctxt "dbengine.stypefloat" 37 msgid "Float" 38 msgstr "Desetinné číslo" 39 40 #: dbengine.stypeimage 41 msgctxt "dbengine.stypeimage" 42 msgid "Image" 43 msgstr "Obrázek" 44 45 #: dbengine.stypeinteger 46 msgctxt "dbengine.stypeinteger" 47 msgid "Integer" 48 msgstr "Celé číslo" 49 50 #: dbengine.stypemapposition 51 msgctxt "dbengine.stypemapposition" 52 msgid "Map position" 53 msgstr "Pozice na mapě" 54 55 #: dbengine.stypereference 56 msgctxt "dbengine.stypereference" 57 msgid "Reference" 58 msgstr "Odkaz" 59 60 #: dbengine.stypestring 61 msgctxt "dbengine.stypestring" 62 msgid "String" 63 msgstr "Řetězec" 64 65 #: dbengine.stypetime 66 msgctxt "dbengine.stypetime" 67 msgid "Time" 68 msgstr "Čas" 69 70 #: enginexml.scolumnnotfoundintable 71 #, object-pascal-format 72 msgctxt "enginexml.scolumnnotfoundintable" 73 msgid "Column %s not found in table %s" 74 msgstr "Sloupec %s nenalezen v tabulce %s" 75 76 #: enginexml.sfieldnotfound 77 #, object-pascal-format 78 msgctxt "enginexml.sfieldnotfound" 79 msgid "Table field %s not found" 80 msgstr "Pole tabulky %s nenalezeno" 81 82 #: enginexml.stablenotfound 83 #, object-pascal-format 84 msgctxt "enginexml.stablenotfound" 85 msgid "Table %s not found" 86 msgstr "Tabulka %s nenalezena" 87 88 #: enginexml.sunsupportedsqlcommand 89 #, object-pascal-format 90 msgctxt "enginexml.sunsupportedsqlcommand" 91 msgid "Unsupported SQL command: %s" 92 msgstr "Nepodporovaný SQL příkaz: %s" 93 94 #: enginexml.swrongfileformat 95 msgctxt "enginexml.swrongfileformat" 96 msgid "Wrong file format" 97 msgstr "Špatný formát souboru" 98 99 #: formconnect.sanyfile 100 msgctxt "formconnect.sanyfile" 101 msgid "Any file" 102 msgstr "Jakýkoliv soubor" 103 104 #: formconnect.sxmlfiles 105 msgctxt "formconnect.sxmlfiles" 106 msgid "XML files" 107 msgstr "XML soubory" 108 109 #: formdatabases.snewdatabase 110 msgctxt "formdatabases.snewdatabase" 111 msgid "New database" 112 msgstr "Nová databáze" 113 114 #: formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnection 115 msgctxt "formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnection" 116 msgid "Remove database connection" 117 msgstr "Odstranění databázového spojení" 118 119 #: formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnectionquery 120 #, object-pascal-format 121 msgctxt "formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnectionquery" 122 msgid "Do you want to really remove database connection %s?" 123 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit databázové spojení %s?" 124 125 #: formfields.sfieldsnotset 126 msgctxt "formfields.sfieldsnotset" 127 msgid "Fields not set" 128 msgstr "Políčka nejsou nastavena" 129 130 #: formfields.snewfield 131 msgctxt "formfields.snewfield" 132 msgid "New field" 133 msgstr "Nové políčko" 134 135 #: formfields.stablefields 136 #, object-pascal-format 137 msgctxt "formfields.stablefields" 138 msgid "Table fields - %s" 139 msgstr "Políčka tabulky - %s" 140 141 #: formrecord.stablerecordedit 142 msgctxt "formrecord.stablerecordedit" 143 msgid "Table record edit" 144 msgstr "Úprava záznamu tabulky" 145 146 #: formrecords.sremoverecord 147 msgctxt "formrecords.sremoverecord" 148 msgid "Remove record" 149 msgstr "Odstranit záznam" 150 151 #: formrecords.sremoverecordconfirm 152 msgctxt "formrecords.sremoverecordconfirm" 153 msgid "Do you want to remove record?" 154 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit záznam?" 155 156 #: formrecords.stable 157 msgctxt "formrecords.stable" 158 msgid "Table" 159 msgstr "Tabulka" 160 161 #: formtables.snewtable 162 msgctxt "formtables.snewtable" 163 msgid "New table" 164 msgstr "Nová tabulka" 165 166 #: formtables.sremovetable 167 msgctxt "formtables.sremovetable" 168 msgid "Remove table" 169 msgstr "Odstranit tabulku" 170 171 #: formtables.sremovetableconfirm 172 #, object-pascal-format 173 msgctxt "formtables.sremovetableconfirm" 174 msgid "Do you want to really remove table '%s' ?" 175 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit tabulku '%s'?" 176 177 #: ipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror 178 msgctxt "ipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror" 179 msgid "String to IP address conversion error" 180 msgstr "Chyba převodu řetězce na IP adresu" 181 182 #: tcore.aabout.caption 183 msgid "About" 184 msgstr "O aplikaci" 185 186 #: tcore.adatabaseconnect.caption 187 msgid "Connect" 188 msgstr "Připojit" 189 190 #: tcore.adatabasedisconnect.caption 191 msgid "Disconnect" 192 msgstr "Odpojit" 193 194 #: tcore.aexit.caption 195 msgid "Exit" 196 msgstr "Ukončit" 197 198 #: tcore.applicationinfo1.description 199 msgid "Customizable database storage" 200 msgstr "Nastavitelné databázové úložiště" 201 202 #: tcore.apreferences.caption 203 msgctxt "tcore.apreferences.caption" 204 msgid "Preferences" 205 msgstr "Předvolby" 206 14 207 #: tformconnect.buttoncancel.caption 15 208 msgctxt "tformconnect.buttoncancel.caption" … … 333 526 msgid "Records" 334 527 msgstr "Záznamy" 335 336 #: udatabase.sfieldnotfound337 #, object-pascal-format338 msgid "Field %s not found"339 msgstr "Pole %s nenalezeno"340 341 #: udatabase.stypeboolean342 msgctxt "udatabase.stypeboolean"343 msgid "Boolean"344 msgstr "Logická hodnota"345 346 #: udatabase.stypedate347 msgctxt "udatabase.stypedate"348 msgid "Date"349 msgstr "Datum"350 351 #: udatabase.stypedatetime352 msgctxt "udatabase.stypedatetime"353 msgid "Date and time"354 msgstr "Datum a čas"355 356 #: udatabase.stypefloat357 msgctxt "udatabase.stypefloat"358 msgid "Float"359 msgstr "Desetinné číslo"360 361 #: udatabase.stypeimage362 msgctxt "udatabase.stypeimage"363 msgid "Image"364 msgstr "Obrázek"365 366 #: udatabase.stypeinteger367 msgctxt "udatabase.stypeinteger"368 msgid "Integer"369 msgstr "Celé číslo"370 371 #: udatabase.stypemapposition372 msgctxt "udatabase.stypemapposition"373 msgid "Map position"374 msgstr "Pozice na mapě"375 376 #: udatabase.stypereference377 msgctxt "udatabase.stypereference"378 msgid "Reference"379 msgstr "Odkaz"380 381 #: udatabase.stypestring382 msgctxt "udatabase.stypestring"383 msgid "String"384 msgstr "Řetězec"385 386 #: udatabase.stypetime387 msgctxt "udatabase.stypetime"388 msgid "Time"389 msgstr "Čas"390 391 #: uenginexml.scolumnnotfoundintable392 #, object-pascal-format393 msgid "Column %s not found in table %s"394 msgstr "Sloupec %s nenalezen v tabulce %s"395 396 #: uenginexml.sfieldnotfound397 #, object-pascal-format398 msgid "Table field %s not found"399 msgstr "Pole tabulky %s nenalezeno"400 401 #: uenginexml.stablenotfound402 #, object-pascal-format403 msgid "Table %s not found"404 msgstr "Tabulka %s nenalezena"405 406 #: uenginexml.sunsupportedsqlcommand407 #, object-pascal-format408 msgid "Unsupported SQL command: %s"409 msgstr "Nepodporovaný SQL příkaz: %s"410 411 #: uenginexml.swrongfileformat412 msgid "Wrong file format"413 msgstr "Špatný formát souboru"414 415 #: uformconnect.sanyfile416 msgid "Any file"417 msgstr "Jakýkoliv soubor"418 419 #: uformconnect.sxmlfiles420 msgid "XML files"421 msgstr "XML soubory"422 423 #: uformdatabases.snewdatabase424 msgid "New database"425 msgstr "Nová databáze"426 427 #: uformdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnection428 msgid "Remove database connection"429 msgstr "Odstranění databázového spojení"430 431 #: uformdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnectionquery432 #, object-pascal-format433 msgid "Do you want to really remove database connection %s?"434 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit databázové spojení %s?"435 436 #: uformfields.sfieldsnotset437 msgid "Fields not set"438 msgstr "Políčka nejsou nastavena"439 440 #: uformfields.snewfield441 msgid "New field"442 msgstr "Nové políčko"443 444 #: uformfields.stablefields445 #, object-pascal-format446 msgid "Table fields - %s"447 msgstr "Políčka tabulky - %s"448 449 #: uformrecord.stablerecordedit450 msgid "Table record edit"451 msgstr "Úprava záznamu tabulky"452 453 #: uformrecords.sremoverecord454 msgid "Remove record"455 msgstr "Odstranit záznam"456 457 #: uformrecords.sremoverecordconfirm458 msgid "Do you want to remove record?"459 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit záznam?"460 461 #: uformrecords.stable462 msgctxt "uformrecords.stable"463 msgid "Table"464 msgstr "Tabulka"465 466 #: uformtables.snewtable467 msgid "New table"468 msgstr "Nová tabulka"469 470 #: uformtables.sremovetable471 msgid "Remove table"472 msgstr "Odstranit tabulku"473 474 #: uformtables.sremovetableconfirm475 #, object-pascal-format476 msgid "Do you want to really remove table '%s' ?"477 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit tabulku '%s'?"478 479 #: uipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror480 msgctxt "uipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror"481 msgid "String to IP address conversion error"482 msgstr "Chyba převodu řetězce na IP adresu"483 -
r30 r32 1 1 msgid "" 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 4 #: dbengine.sfieldnotfound 5 #, object-pascal-format 6 msgctxt "dbengine.sfieldnotfound" 7 msgid "Field %s not found" 8 msgstr "" 9 10 #: dbengine.stypeboolean 11 msgctxt "dbengine.stypeboolean" 12 msgid "Boolean" 13 msgstr "" 14 15 #: dbengine.stypedate 16 msgctxt "dbengine.stypedate" 17 msgid "Date" 18 msgstr "" 19 20 #: dbengine.stypedatetime 21 msgctxt "dbengine.stypedatetime" 22 msgid "Date and time" 23 msgstr "" 24 25 #: dbengine.stypefloat 26 msgctxt "dbengine.stypefloat" 27 msgid "Float" 28 msgstr "" 29 30 #: dbengine.stypeimage 31 msgctxt "dbengine.stypeimage" 32 msgid "Image" 33 msgstr "" 34 35 #: dbengine.stypeinteger 36 msgctxt "dbengine.stypeinteger" 37 msgid "Integer" 38 msgstr "" 39 40 #: dbengine.stypemapposition 41 msgctxt "dbengine.stypemapposition" 42 msgid "Map position" 43 msgstr "" 44 45 #: dbengine.stypereference 46 msgctxt "dbengine.stypereference" 47 msgid "Reference" 48 msgstr "" 49 50 #: dbengine.stypestring 51 msgctxt "dbengine.stypestring" 52 msgid "String" 53 msgstr "" 54 55 #: dbengine.stypetime 56 msgctxt "dbengine.stypetime" 57 msgid "Time" 58 msgstr "" 59 60 #: enginexml.scolumnnotfoundintable 61 #, object-pascal-format 62 msgctxt "enginexml.scolumnnotfoundintable" 63 msgid "Column %s not found in table %s" 64 msgstr "" 65 66 #: enginexml.sfieldnotfound 67 #, object-pascal-format 68 msgctxt "enginexml.sfieldnotfound" 69 msgid "Table field %s not found" 70 msgstr "" 71 72 #: enginexml.stablenotfound 73 #, object-pascal-format 74 msgctxt "enginexml.stablenotfound" 75 msgid "Table %s not found" 76 msgstr "" 77 78 #: enginexml.sunsupportedsqlcommand 79 #, object-pascal-format 80 msgctxt "enginexml.sunsupportedsqlcommand" 81 msgid "Unsupported SQL command: %s" 82 msgstr "" 83 84 #: enginexml.swrongfileformat 85 msgctxt "enginexml.swrongfileformat" 86 msgid "Wrong file format" 87 msgstr "" 88 89 #: formconnect.sanyfile 90 msgctxt "formconnect.sanyfile" 91 msgid "Any file" 92 msgstr "" 93 94 #: formconnect.sxmlfiles 95 msgctxt "formconnect.sxmlfiles" 96 msgid "XML files" 97 msgstr "" 98 99 #: formdatabases.snewdatabase 100 msgctxt "formdatabases.snewdatabase" 101 msgid "New database" 102 msgstr "" 103 104 #: formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnection 105 msgctxt "formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnection" 106 msgid "Remove database connection" 107 msgstr "" 108 109 #: formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnectionquery 110 #, object-pascal-format 111 msgctxt "formdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnectionquery" 112 msgid "Do you want to really remove database connection %s?" 113 msgstr "" 114 115 #: formfields.sfieldsnotset 116 msgctxt "formfields.sfieldsnotset" 117 msgid "Fields not set" 118 msgstr "" 119 120 #: formfields.snewfield 121 msgctxt "formfields.snewfield" 122 msgid "New field" 123 msgstr "" 124 125 #: formfields.stablefields 126 #, object-pascal-format 127 msgctxt "formfields.stablefields" 128 msgid "Table fields - %s" 129 msgstr "" 130 131 #: formrecord.stablerecordedit 132 msgctxt "formrecord.stablerecordedit" 133 msgid "Table record edit" 134 msgstr "" 135 136 #: formrecords.sremoverecord 137 msgctxt "formrecords.sremoverecord" 138 msgid "Remove record" 139 msgstr "" 140 141 #: formrecords.sremoverecordconfirm 142 msgctxt "formrecords.sremoverecordconfirm" 143 msgid "Do you want to remove record?" 144 msgstr "" 145 146 #: formrecords.stable 147 msgctxt "formrecords.stable" 148 msgid "Table" 149 msgstr "" 150 151 #: formtables.snewtable 152 msgctxt "formtables.snewtable" 153 msgid "New table" 154 msgstr "" 155 156 #: formtables.sremovetable 157 msgctxt "formtables.sremovetable" 158 msgid "Remove table" 159 msgstr "" 160 161 #: formtables.sremovetableconfirm 162 #, object-pascal-format 163 msgctxt "formtables.sremovetableconfirm" 164 msgid "Do you want to really remove table '%s' ?" 165 msgstr "" 166 167 #: ipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror 168 msgctxt "ipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror" 169 msgid "String to IP address conversion error" 170 msgstr "" 171 172 #: tcore.aabout.caption 173 msgid "About" 174 msgstr "" 175 176 #: tcore.adatabaseconnect.caption 177 msgid "Connect" 178 msgstr "" 179 180 #: tcore.adatabasedisconnect.caption 181 msgid "Disconnect" 182 msgstr "" 183 184 #: tcore.aexit.caption 185 msgid "Exit" 186 msgstr "" 187 188 #: tcore.applicationinfo1.description 189 msgid "Customizable database storage" 190 msgstr "" 191 192 #: tcore.apreferences.caption 193 msgctxt "tcore.apreferences.caption" 194 msgid "Preferences" 195 msgstr "" 3 196 4 197 #: tformconnect.buttoncancel.caption … … 324 517 msgstr "" 325 518 326 #: udatabase.sfieldnotfound327 #, object-pascal-format328 msgid "Field %s not found"329 msgstr ""330 331 #: udatabase.stypeboolean332 msgid "Boolean"333 msgstr ""334 335 #: udatabase.stypedate336 msgid "Date"337 msgstr ""338 339 #: udatabase.stypedatetime340 msgid "Date and time"341 msgstr ""342 343 #: udatabase.stypefloat344 msgid "Float"345 msgstr ""346 347 #: udatabase.stypeimage348 msgid "Image"349 msgstr ""350 351 #: udatabase.stypeinteger352 msgid "Integer"353 msgstr ""354 355 #: udatabase.stypemapposition356 msgid "Map position"357 msgstr ""358 359 #: udatabase.stypereference360 msgid "Reference"361 msgstr ""362 363 #: udatabase.stypestring364 msgid "String"365 msgstr ""366 367 #: udatabase.stypetime368 msgid "Time"369 msgstr ""370 371 #: uenginexml.scolumnnotfoundintable372 #, object-pascal-format373 msgid "Column %s not found in table %s"374 msgstr ""375 376 #: uenginexml.sfieldnotfound377 #, object-pascal-format378 msgid "Table field %s not found"379 msgstr ""380 381 #: uenginexml.stablenotfound382 #, object-pascal-format383 msgid "Table %s not found"384 msgstr ""385 386 #: uenginexml.sunsupportedsqlcommand387 #, object-pascal-format388 msgid "Unsupported SQL command: %s"389 msgstr ""390 391 #: uenginexml.swrongfileformat392 msgid "Wrong file format"393 msgstr ""394 395 #: uformconnect.sanyfile396 msgid "Any file"397 msgstr ""398 399 #: uformconnect.sxmlfiles400 msgid "XML files"401 msgstr ""402 403 #: uformdatabases.snewdatabase404 msgid "New database"405 msgstr ""406 407 #: uformdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnection408 msgid "Remove database connection"409 msgstr ""410 411 #: uformdatabases.sremovedatabaseconnectionquery412 #, object-pascal-format413 msgid "Do you want to really remove database connection %s?"414 msgstr ""415 416 #: uformfields.sfieldsnotset417 msgid "Fields not set"418 msgstr ""419 420 #: uformfields.snewfield421 msgid "New field"422 msgstr ""423 424 #: uformfields.stablefields425 #, object-pascal-format426 msgid "Table fields - %s"427 msgstr ""428 429 #: uformrecord.stablerecordedit430 msgid "Table record edit"431 msgstr ""432 433 #: uformrecords.sremoverecord434 msgid "Remove record"435 msgstr ""436 437 #: uformrecords.sremoverecordconfirm438 msgid "Do you want to remove record?"439 msgstr ""440 441 #: uformrecords.stable442 msgctxt "uformrecords.stable"443 msgid "Table"444 msgstr ""445 446 #: uformtables.snewtable447 msgid "New table"448 msgstr ""449 450 #: uformtables.sremovetable451 msgid "Remove table"452 msgstr ""453 454 #: uformtables.sremovetableconfirm455 #, object-pascal-format456 msgid "Do you want to really remove table '%s' ?"457 msgstr ""458 459 #: uipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror460 msgctxt "uipaddress.sstringtoipconversionerror"461 msgid "String to IP address conversion error"462 msgstr ""463
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.