Aug 14, 2024, 1:05:13 PM (5 weeks ago)
  • Added: Full screen switching support.
  • Added: Help form.
  • Modified: Updated Common package.
  • Fixed: Execution of compiled Java and C# programs.
  • Fixed: Removed interlanced empty lines in Console form on Unix.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/FormTargetOptions.lfm

    r149 r153  
    11object FormTargetOptions: TFormTargetOptions
    2   Left = 667
    3   Height = 242
    4   Top = 613
    5   Width = 586
     2  Left = 987
     3  Height = 216
     4  Top = 599
     5  Width = 609
    66  Caption = 'Target options'
    7   ClientHeight = 242
    8   ClientWidth = 586
     7  ClientHeight = 216
     8  ClientWidth = 609
    99  DesignTimePPI = 144
    10   LCLVersion = ''
     10  LCLVersion = ''
    1111  object Edit1: TEdit
    1212    Left = 10
    13     Height = 42
     13    Height = 43
    1414    Top = 38
    15     Width = 469
     15    Width = 492
    1616    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    1717    ParentFont = False
    2020  object Label1: TLabel
    2121    Left = 10
    22     Height = 24
     22    Height = 26
    2323    Top = 8
    2424    Width = 155
    2828  end
    2929  object ButtonCompiler: TButton
    30     Left = 489
     30    Left = 512
    3131    Height = 37
    3232    Top = 42
    3434    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    3535    Caption = 'Select...'
    36     OnClick = ButtonCompilerClick
    3736    ParentFont = False
    3837    TabOrder = 1
     38    OnClick = ButtonCompilerClick
    3939  end
    4040  object ButtonExecute: TButton
    41     Left = 489
     41    Left = 512
    4242    Height = 37
    4343    Top = 115
    4545    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    4646    Caption = 'Select...'
    47     OnClick = ButtonExecuteClick
    4847    ParentFont = False
    4948    TabOrder = 2
     49    OnClick = ButtonExecuteClick
    5050  end
    5151  object Edit2: TEdit
    5252    Left = 10
    53     Height = 42
     53    Height = 43
    5454    Top = 115
    55     Width = 469
     55    Width = 492
    5656    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    5757    ParentFont = False
    6060  object Label2: TLabel
    6161    Left = 10
    62     Height = 24
     62    Height = 26
    6363    Top = 86
    6464    Width = 151
    6868  end
    6969  object ButtonOk: TButton
    70     Left = 463
     70    Left = 486
    7171    Height = 37
    72     Top = 191
     72    Top = 165
    7373    Width = 109
    7474    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    7979  end
    8080  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    81     Left = 328
     81    Left = 351
    8282    Height = 37
    83     Top = 191
     83    Top = 165
    8484    Width = 109
    8585    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    8989    TabOrder = 5
    9090  end
    91   object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
    92     DefaultExt = '.exe'
    93     Filter = 'Program (*.exe)|*.exe|JakÃœkoliv soubor (*.*)|*.*'
    94     Left = 118
    95     Top = 145
    96   end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.