Aug 14, 2024, 1:05:13 PM (5 weeks ago)
  • Added: Full screen switching support.
  • Added: Help form.
  • Modified: Updated Common package.
  • Fixed: Execution of compiled Java and C# programs.
  • Fixed: Removed interlanced empty lines in Console form on Unix.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/FormConsole.lfm

    r151 r153  
    11object FormConsole: TFormConsole
    2   Left = 449
    3   Height = 727
    4   Top = 261
    5   Width = 975
     2  Left = 779
     3  Height = 689
     4  Top = 375
     5  Width = 1002
    66  Caption = 'Console'
    7   ClientHeight = 727
    8   ClientWidth = 975
     7  ClientHeight = 689
     8  ClientWidth = 1002
     9  DesignTimePPI = 144
    910  OnClose = FormClose
    1011  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1213  OnShow = FormShow
    1314  Position = poMainFormCenter
    14   LCLVersion = '1.5'
     15  LCLVersion = ''
    1516  object Memo1: TMemo
    1617    Left = 4
    17     Height = 674
    18     Top = 48
    19     Width = 966
     18    Height = 628
     19    Top = 56
     20    Width = 993
    2021    Align = alCustom
    2122    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    22     BorderSpacing.Around = 2
    23     Font.Name = 'DejaVu Sans Mono'
     23    BorderSpacing.Around = 3
     24    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
    2425    ParentFont = False
    2526    ReadOnly = True
    2829  end
    2930  object ButtonAbort: TButton
    30     Left = 895
    31     Height = 25
    32     Top = 8
    33     Width = 75
     31    Left = 883
     32    Height = 38
     33    Top = 10
     34    Width = 112
    3435    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    3536    Caption = 'Abort'
     37    TabOrder = 1
    3638    OnClick = ButtonAbortClick
    37     TabOrder = 1
    3839  end
    3940  object EditCommand: TEdit
    4041    Left = 4
    41     Height = 35
    42     Top = 7
    43     Width = 884
     42    Height = 43
     43    Top = 10
     44    Width = 868
    4445    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    4546    ReadOnly = True
    5051    Interval = 1
    5152    OnTimer = Timer1Timer
    52     left = 72
    53     top = 112
     53    Left = 108
     54    Top = 168
    5455  end
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