Changeset 58
- Timestamp:
- Nov 23, 2023, 11:18:42 PM (16 months ago)
- Location:
- branches/ByteArray
- Files:
- 2 added
- 3 deleted
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r57 r58 90 90 </Unit> 91 91 <Unit> 92 <Filename Value="Forms/FormMain.pas"/>93 <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>94 <ComponentName Value="FormMain"/>95 <HasResources Value="True"/>96 <ResourceBaseClass Value="Form"/>97 </Unit>98 <Unit>99 92 <Filename Value="Cpu.pas"/> 100 93 <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/> -
r57 r58 9 9 {$ENDIF} 10 10 Interfaces, SysUtils,// this includes the LCL widgetset 11 Forms, Form Main, FormConsole, FormDevice, FormScreen, FormDisassembler,11 Forms, FormConsole, FormDevice, FormScreen, FormDisassembler, 12 12 FormAssembler, Cpu, BigInt, Channel, Common.Memory, FrameBuffer, Device, 13 13 Storage, DeviceMapper, Machine, Disassembler, Instructions, Parser, Message, … … 34 34 Application.Initialize; 35 35 Application.CreateForm(TCore, Core.Core); 36 Application.CreateForm(TFormMain, FormMain.FormMain);37 36 Application.Run; 38 37 end. -
r57 r58 39 39 Top = 187 40 40 end 41 object ActionList1: TActionList 42 Left = 568 43 Top = 88 44 object ASourceEditor: TAction 45 Caption = 'Source editor' 46 OnExecute = ASourceEditorExecute 47 ShortCut = 123 48 end 49 object ADebugger: TAction 50 Caption = 'Debugger' 51 OnExecute = ADebuggerExecute 52 end 53 object ADevices: TAction 54 Caption = 'Devices' 55 end 56 object AExit: TAction 57 Caption = 'Exit' 58 OnExecute = AExitExecute 59 ShortCut = 32883 60 end 61 object AMemory: TAction 62 Caption = 'Memory' 63 OnExecute = AMemoryExecute 64 end 65 object AFullscreen: TAction 66 Caption = 'Fullscreen' 67 OnExecute = AFullscreenExecute 68 ShortCut = 122 69 end 70 object ADisassembler: TAction 71 Caption = 'Disassembler' 72 OnExecute = ADisassemblerExecute 73 end 74 object AStorage: TAction 75 Caption = 'Storage' 76 OnExecute = AStorageExecute 77 end 78 object AScreen: TAction 79 Caption = 'Screen' 80 OnExecute = AScreenExecute 81 end 82 object AConsole: TAction 83 Caption = 'Console' 84 OnExecute = AConsoleExecute 85 end 86 object ASettings: TAction 87 Caption = 'Settings' 88 OnExecute = ASettingsExecute 89 end 90 object AAbout: TAction 91 Caption = 'About' 92 OnExecute = AAboutExecute 93 end 94 end 41 95 end -
r57 r58 1 1 {"version":1,"strings":[ 2 {"hash":85931332,"name":"tcore.applicationinfo1.description","sourcebytes":[86,105,114,116,117,97,108,32,109,97,99,104,105,110,101,32,97,110,100,32,100,101,118,101,108,111,112,109,101,110,116,32,101,110,118,105,114,111,110,109,101,110,116],"value":"Virtual machine and development environment"} 2 {"hash":85931332,"name":"tcore.applicationinfo1.description","sourcebytes":[86,105,114,116,117,97,108,32,109,97,99,104,105,110,101,32,97,110,100,32,100,101,118,101,108,111,112,109,101,110,116,32,101,110,118,105,114,111,110,109,101,110,116],"value":"Virtual machine and development environment"}, 3 {"hash":215450690,"name":"tcore.asourceeditor.caption","sourcebytes":[83,111,117,114,99,101,32,101,100,105,116,111,114],"value":"Source editor"}, 4 {"hash":194763106,"name":"tcore.adebugger.caption","sourcebytes":[68,101,98,117,103,103,101,114],"value":"Debugger"}, 5 {"hash":181205379,"name":"tcore.adevices.caption","sourcebytes":[68,101,118,105,99,101,115],"value":"Devices"}, 6 {"hash":315140,"name":"tcore.aexit.caption","sourcebytes":[69,120,105,116],"value":"Exit"}, 7 {"hash":87836313,"name":"tcore.amemory.caption","sourcebytes":[77,101,109,111,114,121],"value":"Memory"}, 8 {"hash":60708750,"name":"tcore.afullscreen.caption","sourcebytes":[70,117,108,108,115,99,114,101,101,110],"value":"Fullscreen"}, 9 {"hash":219359842,"name":"tcore.adisassembler.caption","sourcebytes":[68,105,115,97,115,115,101,109,98,108,101,114],"value":"Disassembler"}, 10 {"hash":179734405,"name":"tcore.astorage.caption","sourcebytes":[83,116,111,114,97,103,101],"value":"Storage"}, 11 {"hash":94014398,"name":"tcore.ascreen.caption","sourcebytes":[83,99,114,101,101,110],"value":"Screen"}, 12 {"hash":174433893,"name":"tcore.aconsole.caption","sourcebytes":[67,111,110,115,111,108,101],"value":"Console"}, 13 {"hash":213582195,"name":"tcore.asettings.caption","sourcebytes":[83,101,116,116,105,110,103,115],"value":"Settings"}, 14 {"hash":4691652,"name":"tcore.aabout.caption","sourcebytes":[65,98,111,117,116],"value":"About"} 3 15 ]} -
r57 r58 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Machine, Common.PersistentForm, Common.ApplicationInfo, 7 Common.RegistryEx, Common.Translator, Common.Theme; 6 Classes, SysUtils, Machine, ActnList, Forms, Common.PersistentForm, 7 Common.ApplicationInfo, Common.RegistryEx, Common.Translator, Common.Theme, 8 FormConsole, FormScreen, FormSourceEditor, FormMemory, FormDisassembler, 9 FormStorage, FormDebugger; 8 10 9 11 type … … 12 14 13 15 TCore = class(TDataModule) 16 AAbout: TAction; 17 AConsole: TAction; 18 ActionList1: TActionList; 19 ADebugger: TAction; 20 ADevices: TAction; 21 ADisassembler: TAction; 22 AExit: TAction; 23 AFullscreen: TAction; 24 AMemory: TAction; 14 25 ApplicationInfo1: TApplicationInfo; 26 AScreen: TAction; 27 ASettings: TAction; 28 ASourceEditor: TAction; 29 AStorage: TAction; 15 30 PersistentForm1: TPersistentForm; 16 31 ThemeManager1: TThemeManager; 17 32 Translator1: TTranslator; 33 procedure AAboutExecute(Sender: TObject); 34 procedure AConsoleExecute(Sender: TObject); 35 procedure ADebuggerExecute(Sender: TObject); 36 procedure ADisassemblerExecute(Sender: TObject); 37 procedure AExitExecute(Sender: TObject); 38 procedure AFullscreenExecute(Sender: TObject); 39 procedure AMemoryExecute(Sender: TObject); 40 procedure AScreenExecute(Sender: TObject); 41 procedure ASettingsExecute(Sender: TObject); 42 procedure ASourceEditorExecute(Sender: TObject); 43 procedure AStorageExecute(Sender: TObject); 18 44 procedure DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); 19 45 procedure DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); … … 23 49 procedure SaveConfig; 24 50 public 51 MainForm: TForm; 52 FormScreen: TFormScreen; 53 FormConsole: TFormConsole; 54 FormMemory: TFormMemory; 55 FormSourceEditor: TFormSourceEditor; 56 FormDisassembler: TFormDisassembler; 57 FormStorage: TFormStorage; 58 FormDebugger: TFormDebugger; 25 59 StartUpForm: string; 26 60 AutoStartMachine: Boolean; … … 37 71 38 72 uses 39 BigInt, Cpu, Common.FormEx ;73 BigInt, Cpu, Common.FormEx, FormSettings, Common.FormAbout; 40 74 41 75 { TCore } … … 50 84 TFormEx.ThemeManager := ThemeManager1; 51 85 TFormEx.PersistentForm := PersistentForm1; 86 87 if StartUpForm = 'Screen' then begin 88 AScreen.Execute; 89 end; 90 if StartUpForm = 'Source editor' then begin 91 ASourceEditor.Execute; 92 end; 93 if StartUpForm = 'Debugger' then begin 94 ADebugger.Execute; 95 end; 96 if AutoStartMachine then 97 Machine.PowerOn; 98 end; 99 100 procedure TCore.AExitExecute(Sender: TObject); 101 begin 102 Application.Terminate; 103 end; 104 105 procedure TCore.ADebuggerExecute(Sender: TObject); 106 begin 107 if not Assigned(FormDebugger) then begin 108 FormDebugger := TFormDebugger.Create(nil); 109 end; 110 FormDebugger.Show; 111 end; 112 113 procedure TCore.ADisassemblerExecute(Sender: TObject); 114 begin 115 if not Assigned(FormDisassembler) then begin 116 FormDisassembler := TFormDisassembler.Create(nil); 117 if not Assigned(MainForm) then MainForm := FormDisassembler; 118 end; 119 FormDisassembler.Disassembler.Memory := Machine.Memory; 120 FormDisassembler.Show; 121 end; 122 123 procedure TCore.AConsoleExecute(Sender: TObject); 124 begin 125 if not Assigned(FormConsole) then begin 126 FormConsole := TFormConsole.Create(nil); 127 Machine.Serial.OnWrite := FormConsole.ConsoleWrite; 128 end; 129 FormConsole.Show; 130 end; 131 132 procedure TCore.AAboutExecute(Sender: TObject); 133 var 134 FormAbout: TFormAbout; 135 begin 136 FormAbout := TFormAbout.Create(nil); 137 try 138 FormAbout.ApplicationInfo := ApplicationInfo1; 139 FormAbout.ShowModal; 140 finally 141 FreeAndNil(FormAbout); 142 end; 143 end; 144 145 procedure TCore.AFullscreenExecute(Sender: TObject); 146 begin 147 PersistentForm1.SetFullScreen(not PersistentForm1.FormFullScreen); 148 end; 149 150 procedure TCore.AMemoryExecute(Sender: TObject); 151 begin 152 if not Assigned(FormMemory) then begin 153 FormMemory := TFormMemory.Create(nil); 154 FormMemory.Memory := Machine.Memory; 155 end; 156 FormMemory.Show; 157 end; 158 159 procedure TCore.AScreenExecute(Sender: TObject); 160 begin 161 if not Assigned(FormScreen) then begin 162 FormScreen := TFormScreen.Create(nil); 163 if not Assigned(MainForm) then MainForm := FormScreen; 164 FormScreen.FrameBuffer := Machine.FrameBuffer; 165 Machine.FrameBuffer.OnChange := FormScreen.ScreenChange; 166 end; 167 FormScreen.Show; 168 end; 169 170 procedure TCore.ASettingsExecute(Sender: TObject); 171 var 172 FormSettings: TFormSettings; 173 begin 174 FormSettings := TFormSettings.Create(nil); 175 try 176 FormSettings.ShowModal; 177 finally 178 FormSettings.Free; 179 end; 180 end; 181 182 procedure TCore.ASourceEditorExecute(Sender: TObject); 183 begin 184 if not Assigned(FormSourceEditor) then begin 185 FormSourceEditor := TFormSourceEditor.Create(nil); 186 if not Assigned(MainForm) then MainForm := FormSourceEditor; 187 FormSourceEditor.Machine := Machine; 188 end; 189 FormSourceEditor.Show; 190 end; 191 192 procedure TCore.AStorageExecute(Sender: TObject); 193 begin 194 if not Assigned(FormStorage) then begin 195 FormStorage := TFormStorage.Create(nil); 196 FormStorage.Storage := Machine.Storage; 197 end; 198 FormStorage.Show; 52 199 end; 53 200 … … 55 202 begin 56 203 SaveConfig; 204 if Assigned(FormSourceEditor) then FreeAndNil(FormSourceEditor); 205 if Assigned(FormScreen) then FreeAndNil(FormScreen); 206 if Assigned(FormConsole) then FreeAndNil(FormConsole); 207 if Assigned(FormMemory) then FreeAndNil(FormMemory); 208 if Assigned(FormDisassembler) then FreeAndNil(FormDisassembler); 209 if Assigned(FormStorage) then FreeAndNil(FormStorage); 210 if Assigned(FormDebugger) then FreeAndNil(FormDebugger); 211 57 212 FreeAndNil(Machine); 58 213 end; -
r50 r58 8 8 ClientWidth = 1056 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 OnClose = FormClose 10 11 OnCreate = FormCreate 11 12 OnDestroy = FormDestroy -
r50 r58 12 12 TFormDisassembler = class(TForm) 13 13 MemoCode: TMemo; 14 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 14 15 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 15 16 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); … … 29 30 {$R *.lfm} 30 31 32 uses 33 Core; 34 31 35 { TFormDisassembler } 32 36 … … 34 38 begin 35 39 Disassembler := TDisassembler.Create; 40 end; 41 42 procedure TFormDisassembler.FormClose(Sender: TObject; 43 var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 44 begin 45 if Core.Core.MainForm = Self then Application.Terminate; 36 46 end; 37 47 -
r50 r58 1 1 object FormScreen: TFormScreen 2 Left = 81 52 Left = 814 3 3 Height = 676 4 Top = 4064 Top = 382 5 5 Width = 931 6 6 Caption = 'Screen' 7 ClientHeight = 6 767 ClientHeight = 642 8 8 ClientWidth = 931 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 Menu = MainMenu1 11 OnClose = FormClose 10 12 OnShow = FormShow 11 13 LCLVersion = '' 12 14 object Image1: TImage 13 15 Left = 0 14 Height = 6 7616 Height = 642 15 17 Top = 0 16 18 Width = 931 … … 26 28 Top = 144 27 29 end 30 object MainMenu1: TMainMenu 31 Left = 371 32 Top = 119 33 object MenuItem4: TMenuItem 34 Caption = 'File' 35 object MenuItem6: TMenuItem 36 Action = Core.AExit 37 end 38 end 39 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem 40 Caption = 'View' 41 object MenuItemViewConsole: TMenuItem 42 Action = Core.AConsole 43 end 44 object MenuItemViewStorage: TMenuItem 45 Action = Core.AStorage 46 end 47 object MenuItem7: TMenuItem 48 Action = Core.AMemory 49 end 50 object Separator1: TMenuItem 51 Caption = '-' 52 end 53 object MenuItem9: TMenuItem 54 Action = Core.AFullscreen 55 end 56 end 57 object MenuItem2: TMenuItem 58 Caption = 'Tools' 59 object MenuItem10: TMenuItem 60 Action = Core.ASettings 61 end 62 object Separator2: TMenuItem 63 Caption = '-' 64 end 65 object MenuItem3: TMenuItem 66 Action = Core.ASourceEditor 67 end 68 object MenuItem5: TMenuItem 69 Action = Core.ADebugger 70 end 71 object MenuItem8: TMenuItem 72 Action = Core.ADisassembler 73 end 74 end 75 object MenuItem11: TMenuItem 76 Caption = 'Help' 77 object MenuItem12: TMenuItem 78 Action = Core.AAbout 79 end 80 end 81 end 28 82 end -
r45 r58 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, FrameBuffer,7 Channel, Device;6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Menus, 7 FrameBuffer, Device; 8 8 9 9 type … … 13 13 TFormScreen = class(TFormDevice) 14 14 Image1: TImage; 15 MainMenu1: TMainMenu; 16 MenuItem1: TMenuItem; 17 MenuItem10: TMenuItem; 18 MenuItem11: TMenuItem; 19 MenuItem12: TMenuItem; 20 MenuItem2: TMenuItem; 21 MenuItem3: TMenuItem; 22 MenuItem4: TMenuItem; 23 MenuItem5: TMenuItem; 24 MenuItem6: TMenuItem; 25 MenuItem7: TMenuItem; 26 MenuItem8: TMenuItem; 27 MenuItem9: TMenuItem; 28 MenuItemViewConsole: TMenuItem; 29 MenuItemViewStorage: TMenuItem; 30 Separator1: TMenuItem; 31 Separator2: TMenuItem; 15 32 TimerDraw: TTimer; 33 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 16 34 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); 17 35 procedure TimerDrawTimer(Sender: TObject); … … 27 45 28 46 {$R *.lfm} 47 48 uses 49 Core; 29 50 30 51 { TFormScreen } … … 55 76 end; 56 77 78 procedure TFormScreen.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 79 begin 80 if Core.Core.MainForm = Self then Application.Terminate; 81 end; 82 57 83 procedure TFormScreen.ScreenChange(Sender: TObject); 58 84 begin -
r56 r58 1 1 object FormSourceEditor: TFormSourceEditor 2 Left = 81 82 Left = 817 3 3 Height = 681 4 Top = 4034 Top = 379 5 5 Width = 926 6 6 Caption = 'Source editor' … … 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 Menu = MainMenu1 11 OnClose = FormClose 11 12 OnCreate = FormCreate 12 13 OnDestroy = FormDestroy … … 67 68 end 68 69 object MenuItem8: TMenuItem 69 Action = AExit 70 Action = Core.AExit 71 end 72 end 73 object MenuItem20: TMenuItem 74 Caption = 'View' 75 object MenuItem21: TMenuItem 76 Action = Core.AScreen 77 end 78 object MenuItem22: TMenuItem 79 Action = Core.AConsole 80 end 81 object MenuItem24: TMenuItem 82 Action = Core.AStorage 83 end 84 object MenuItem23: TMenuItem 85 Action = Core.AMemory 86 end 87 object Separator3: TMenuItem 88 Caption = '-' 89 end 90 object MenuItem28: TMenuItem 91 Action = Core.AFullscreen 70 92 end 71 93 end … … 95 117 object MenuItem16: TMenuItem 96 118 Action = ARunToCursor 119 end 120 end 121 object MenuItem25: TMenuItem 122 Caption = 'Tools' 123 object MenuItem27: TMenuItem 124 Action = Core.ASettings 125 end 126 object Separator2: TMenuItem 127 Caption = '-' 128 end 129 object MenuItem26: TMenuItem 130 Action = Core.ADebugger 131 end 132 object MenuItem29: TMenuItem 133 Action = Core.ADisassembler 134 end 135 end 136 object MenuItem18: TMenuItem 137 Caption = 'Help' 138 object MenuItem19: TMenuItem 139 Action = Core.AAbout 97 140 end 98 141 end … … 103 146 object AExit: TAction 104 147 Caption = 'Exit' 105 OnExecute = AExitExecute106 148 end 107 149 object ANew: TAction -
r50 r58 2 2 {"hash":215450690,"name":"tformsourceeditor.caption","sourcebytes":[83,111,117,114,99,101,32,101,100,105,116,111,114],"value":"Source editor"}, 3 3 {"hash":315429,"name":"tformsourceeditor.menuitem1.caption","sourcebytes":[70,105,108,101],"value":"File"}, 4 {"hash":380871,"name":"tformsourceeditor.menuitem20.caption","sourcebytes":[86,105,101,119],"value":"View"}, 4 5 {"hash":22974,"name":"tformsourceeditor.menuitem9.caption","sourcebytes":[82,117,110],"value":"Run"}, 6 {"hash":5989939,"name":"tformsourceeditor.menuitem25.caption","sourcebytes":[84,111,111,108,115],"value":"Tools"}, 7 {"hash":322608,"name":"tformsourceeditor.menuitem18.caption","sourcebytes":[72,101,108,112],"value":"Help"}, 5 8 {"hash":315140,"name":"tformsourceeditor.aexit.caption","sourcebytes":[69,120,105,116],"value":"Exit"}, 6 9 {"hash":21703,"name":"tformsourceeditor.anew.caption","sourcebytes":[78,101,119],"value":"New"}, -
r56 r58 39 39 MenuItem16: TMenuItem; 40 40 MenuItem17: TMenuItem; 41 MenuItem18: TMenuItem; 42 MenuItem19: TMenuItem; 41 43 MenuItem2: TMenuItem; 44 MenuItem20: TMenuItem; 45 MenuItem21: TMenuItem; 46 MenuItem22: TMenuItem; 47 MenuItem23: TMenuItem; 48 MenuItem24: TMenuItem; 49 MenuItem25: TMenuItem; 50 MenuItem26: TMenuItem; 51 MenuItem27: TMenuItem; 52 MenuItem28: TMenuItem; 53 MenuItem29: TMenuItem; 54 Separator3: TMenuItem; 55 Separator2: TMenuItem; 42 56 MenuItem3: TMenuItem; 43 57 MenuItem4: TMenuItem; … … 53 67 procedure ACloseExecute(Sender: TObject); 54 68 procedure ACompileExecute(Sender: TObject); 55 procedure AExitExecute(Sender: TObject);56 69 procedure ANewExecute(Sender: TObject); 57 70 procedure AOpenExecute(Sender: TObject); … … 60 73 procedure ASaveExecute(Sender: TObject); 61 74 procedure AStopExecute(Sender: TObject); 75 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 62 76 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 63 77 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); … … 77 91 implementation 78 92 93 {$R *.lfm} 94 79 95 uses 80 Common; 81 82 {$R *.lfm} 96 Common, Core; 83 97 84 98 { TFormSourceEditor } … … 91 105 FormAssembler := TFormAssembler.Create(nil); 92 106 FormMessages.OnSelect := FormAssembler.Select; 93 end;94 95 procedure TFormSourceEditor.AExitExecute(Sender: TObject);96 begin97 Close;98 107 end; 99 108 … … 165 174 end; 166 175 176 procedure TFormSourceEditor.FormClose(Sender: TObject; 177 var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 178 begin 179 if Core.Core.MainForm = Self then Application.Terminate; 180 end; 181 167 182 procedure TFormSourceEditor.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); 168 183 begin -
r57 r58 90 90 msgstr "Neznámý znak %s" 91 91 92 #: tcore.aabout.caption 93 msgctxt "tcore.aabout.caption" 94 msgid "About" 95 msgstr "O aplikaci" 96 97 #: tcore.aconsole.caption 98 msgctxt "tcore.aconsole.caption" 99 msgid "Console" 100 msgstr "Konzola" 101 102 #: tcore.adebugger.caption 103 msgctxt "tcore.adebugger.caption" 104 msgid "Debugger" 105 msgstr "Ladič" 106 107 #: tcore.adevices.caption 108 msgctxt "tcore.adevices.caption" 109 msgid "Devices" 110 msgstr "Zařízení" 111 112 #: tcore.adisassembler.caption 113 msgctxt "tcore.adisassembler.caption" 114 msgid "Disassembler" 115 msgstr "Disasembler" 116 117 #: tcore.aexit.caption 118 msgctxt "tcore.aexit.caption" 119 msgid "Exit" 120 msgstr "Odejít" 121 122 #: tcore.afullscreen.caption 123 msgctxt "tcore.afullscreen.caption" 124 msgid "Fullscreen" 125 msgstr "Celá obrazovka" 126 127 #: tcore.amemory.caption 128 msgctxt "tcore.amemory.caption" 129 msgid "Memory" 130 msgstr "Paměť" 131 92 132 #: tcore.applicationinfo1.description 93 133 msgid "Virtual machine and development environment" 94 134 msgstr "Virtuální počítač a vývojové prostředí" 95 135 136 #: tcore.ascreen.caption 137 msgctxt "tcore.ascreen.caption" 138 msgid "Screen" 139 msgstr "Obrazovka" 140 141 #: tcore.asettings.caption 142 msgctxt "tcore.asettings.caption" 143 msgid "Settings" 144 msgstr "Nastavení" 145 146 #: tcore.asourceeditor.caption 147 msgctxt "tcore.asourceeditor.caption" 148 msgid "Source editor" 149 msgstr "Zdrojový editor" 150 151 #: tcore.astorage.caption 152 msgctxt "tcore.astorage.caption" 153 msgid "Storage" 154 msgstr "Úložiště" 155 96 156 #: tformdebugger.caption 97 #, fuzzy98 157 msgctxt "tformdebugger.caption" 99 158 msgid "Debugger" 100 159 msgstr "Ladič" 101 160 102 #: tformmain.aabout.caption 103 msgid "About" 104 msgstr "O aplikaci" 105 106 #: tformmain.aconsole.caption 107 msgctxt "tformmain.aconsole.caption" 108 msgid "Console" 109 msgstr "Konzola" 110 111 #: tformmain.adebugger.caption 112 msgctxt "tformmain.adebugger.caption" 113 msgid "Debugger" 114 msgstr "Ladič" 115 116 #: tformmain.adevices.caption 117 msgid "Devices" 118 msgstr "Zařízení" 119 120 #: tformmain.adisassembler.caption 161 #: tformdisassembler.caption 162 msgctxt "tformdisassembler.caption" 121 163 msgid "Disassembler" 122 msgstr "Disasembler" 123 124 #: tformmain.aexit.caption 125 msgctxt "tformmain.aexit.caption" 126 msgid "Exit" 127 msgstr "Odejít" 128 129 #: tformmain.afullscreen.caption 130 msgid "Fullscreen" 131 msgstr "Celá obrazovka" 132 133 #: tformmain.amemory.caption 134 msgctxt "tformmain.amemory.caption" 135 msgid "Memory" 136 msgstr "Paměť" 137 138 #: tformmain.ascreen.caption 139 msgctxt "tformmain.ascreen.caption" 140 msgid "Screen" 141 msgstr "Obrazovka" 142 143 #: tformmain.asettings.caption 144 msgctxt "tformmain.asettings.caption" 145 msgid "Settings" 146 msgstr "Nastavení" 147 148 #: tformmain.asourceeditor.caption 149 msgctxt "tformmain.asourceeditor.caption" 150 msgid "Source editor" 151 msgstr "Zdrojový editor" 152 153 #: tformmain.astorage.caption 154 msgctxt "tformmain.astorage.caption" 155 msgid "Storage" 156 msgstr "Úložiště" 157 158 #: tformmain.caption 159 msgid "ByteArray" 160 msgstr "ByteArray" 161 162 #: tformmain.menuitem1.caption 163 msgid "View" 164 msgstr "Pohled" 165 166 #: tformmain.menuitem11.caption 167 msgid "Help" 168 msgstr "Nápověda" 169 170 #: tformmain.menuitem2.caption 171 msgid "Tools" 172 msgstr "Nástroje" 173 174 #: tformmain.menuitem4.caption 175 msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem4.caption" 176 msgid "File" 177 msgstr "Soubor" 164 msgstr "Disassembler" 178 165 179 166 #: tformmemory.caption … … 197 184 msgstr "ASCII" 198 185 186 #: tformscreen.caption 187 msgctxt "tformscreen.caption" 188 msgid "Screen" 189 msgstr "Obrazovka" 190 191 #: tformscreen.menuitem1.caption 192 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem1.caption" 193 msgid "View" 194 msgstr "Pohled" 195 196 #: tformscreen.menuitem11.caption 197 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem11.caption" 198 msgid "Help" 199 msgstr "Nápověda" 200 201 #: tformscreen.menuitem2.caption 202 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem2.caption" 203 msgid "Tools" 204 msgstr "Nástroje" 205 206 #: tformscreen.menuitem4.caption 207 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem4.caption" 208 msgid "File" 209 msgstr "Soubor" 210 199 211 #: tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption 200 212 msgid "Cancel" … … 298 310 msgstr "Soubor" 299 311 312 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem18.caption 313 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem18.caption" 314 msgid "Help" 315 msgstr "Nápověda" 316 317 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem20.caption 318 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem20.caption" 319 msgid "View" 320 msgstr "Pohled" 321 322 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem25.caption 323 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem25.caption" 324 msgid "Tools" 325 msgstr "Nástroje" 326 300 327 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem9.caption 301 328 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem9.caption" -
r57 r58 80 80 msgstr "" 81 81 82 #: tcore.aabout.caption 83 msgctxt "tcore.aabout.caption" 84 msgid "About" 85 msgstr "" 86 87 #: tcore.aconsole.caption 88 msgctxt "tcore.aconsole.caption" 89 msgid "Console" 90 msgstr "" 91 92 #: tcore.adebugger.caption 93 msgctxt "tcore.adebugger.caption" 94 msgid "Debugger" 95 msgstr "" 96 97 #: tcore.adevices.caption 98 msgctxt "tcore.adevices.caption" 99 msgid "Devices" 100 msgstr "" 101 102 #: tcore.adisassembler.caption 103 msgctxt "tcore.adisassembler.caption" 104 msgid "Disassembler" 105 msgstr "" 106 107 #: tcore.aexit.caption 108 msgctxt "tcore.aexit.caption" 109 msgid "Exit" 110 msgstr "" 111 112 #: tcore.afullscreen.caption 113 msgctxt "tcore.afullscreen.caption" 114 msgid "Fullscreen" 115 msgstr "" 116 117 #: tcore.amemory.caption 118 msgctxt "tcore.amemory.caption" 119 msgid "Memory" 120 msgstr "" 121 82 122 #: tcore.applicationinfo1.description 83 123 msgid "Virtual machine and development environment" 124 msgstr "" 125 126 #: tcore.ascreen.caption 127 msgctxt "tcore.ascreen.caption" 128 msgid "Screen" 129 msgstr "" 130 131 #: tcore.asettings.caption 132 msgctxt "tcore.asettings.caption" 133 msgid "Settings" 134 msgstr "" 135 136 #: tcore.asourceeditor.caption 137 msgctxt "tcore.asourceeditor.caption" 138 msgid "Source editor" 139 msgstr "" 140 141 #: tcore.astorage.caption 142 msgctxt "tcore.astorage.caption" 143 msgid "Storage" 84 144 msgstr "" 85 145 … … 89 149 msgstr "" 90 150 91 #: tformmain.aabout.caption 92 msgid "About" 93 msgstr "" 94 95 #: tformmain.aconsole.caption 96 msgctxt "tformmain.aconsole.caption" 97 msgid "Console" 98 msgstr "" 99 100 #: tformmain.adebugger.caption 101 msgctxt "tformmain.adebugger.caption" 102 msgid "Debugger" 103 msgstr "" 104 105 #: tformmain.adevices.caption 106 msgid "Devices" 107 msgstr "" 108 109 #: tformmain.adisassembler.caption 151 #: tformdisassembler.caption 152 msgctxt "tformdisassembler.caption" 110 153 msgid "Disassembler" 111 msgstr ""112 113 #: tformmain.aexit.caption114 msgctxt "tformmain.aexit.caption"115 msgid "Exit"116 msgstr ""117 118 #: tformmain.afullscreen.caption119 msgid "Fullscreen"120 msgstr ""121 122 #: tformmain.amemory.caption123 msgctxt "tformmain.amemory.caption"124 msgid "Memory"125 msgstr ""126 127 #: tformmain.ascreen.caption128 msgctxt "tformmain.ascreen.caption"129 msgid "Screen"130 msgstr ""131 132 #: tformmain.asettings.caption133 msgctxt "tformmain.asettings.caption"134 msgid "Settings"135 msgstr ""136 137 #: tformmain.asourceeditor.caption138 msgctxt "tformmain.asourceeditor.caption"139 msgid "Source editor"140 msgstr ""141 142 #: tformmain.astorage.caption143 msgctxt "tformmain.astorage.caption"144 msgid "Storage"145 msgstr ""146 147 #: tformmain.caption148 msgid "ByteArray"149 msgstr ""150 151 #: tformmain.menuitem1.caption152 msgid "View"153 msgstr ""154 155 #: tformmain.menuitem11.caption156 msgid "Help"157 msgstr ""158 159 #: tformmain.menuitem2.caption160 msgid "Tools"161 msgstr ""162 163 #: tformmain.menuitem4.caption164 msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem4.caption"165 msgid "File"166 154 msgstr "" 167 155 … … 186 174 msgstr "" 187 175 176 #: tformscreen.caption 177 msgctxt "tformscreen.caption" 178 msgid "Screen" 179 msgstr "" 180 181 #: tformscreen.menuitem1.caption 182 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem1.caption" 183 msgid "View" 184 msgstr "" 185 186 #: tformscreen.menuitem11.caption 187 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem11.caption" 188 msgid "Help" 189 msgstr "" 190 191 #: tformscreen.menuitem2.caption 192 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem2.caption" 193 msgid "Tools" 194 msgstr "" 195 196 #: tformscreen.menuitem4.caption 197 msgctxt "tformscreen.menuitem4.caption" 198 msgid "File" 199 msgstr "" 200 188 201 #: tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption 189 202 msgid "Cancel" … … 287 300 msgstr "" 288 301 302 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem18.caption 303 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem18.caption" 304 msgid "Help" 305 msgstr "" 306 307 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem20.caption 308 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem20.caption" 309 msgid "View" 310 msgstr "" 311 312 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem25.caption 313 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem25.caption" 314 msgid "Tools" 315 msgstr "" 316 289 317 #: tformsourceeditor.menuitem9.caption 290 318 msgctxt "tformsourceeditor.menuitem9.caption"
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.