Changeset 55 for trunk

Jul 26, 2016, 1:38:36 PM (8 years ago)
  • Fixed: Set correct tab order of controls on forms.
11 edited


  • trunk/AcronymDecoder.lpi

    r43 r55  
    178178        <Filename Value="Forms\UFormSettings.pas"/>
    179179        <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
    180         <HasResources Value="True"/>
     180        <ComponentName Value="FormSettings"/>
     181        <HasResources Value="True"/>
     182        <ResourceBaseClass Value="Form"/>
    181183      </Unit7>
    182184      <Unit8>
  • trunk/Forms/UFormAcronym.lfm

    r35 r55  
    5454    ModalResult = 1
    5555    OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
    56     TabOrder = 2
     56    TabOrder = 7
    5757  end
    5858  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    6565    ModalResult = 2
    6666    OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
    67     TabOrder = 3
     67    TabOrder = 6
    6868  end
    6969  object Label3: TLabel
    8282    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    8383    ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
    84     TabOrder = 4
     84    TabOrder = 2
    8585  end
    8686  object Label4: TLabel
    103103    PopupMenu = PopupMenuCategory
    104104    ScrollWidth = 358
    105     TabOrder = 5
     105    TabOrder = 3
    106106  end
    107107  object Button1: TButton
    111111    Width = 75
    112112    Action = ACategoryAdd
    113     TabOrder = 6
     113    TabOrder = 4
    114114  end
    115115  object Button2: TButton
    119119    Width = 75
    120120    Action = ACategoryRemove
    121     TabOrder = 7
     121    TabOrder = 5
    122122  end
    123123  object ActionList1: TActionList
  • trunk/Forms/UFormAcronyms.lfm

    r51 r55  
    5656    Panels = <   
    5757      item
    58         Width = 100
     58        Width = 120
    5959      end   
    6060      item
    61         Width = 100
     61        Width = 120
    6262      end>
    6363    SimplePanel = False
  • trunk/Forms/UFormCategorySelect.lfm

    r33 r55  
    3030    Caption = 'Select'
    3131    ModalResult = 1
    32     TabOrder = 1
     32    TabOrder = 2
    3333  end
    3434  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    4040    Caption = 'Cancel'
    4141    ModalResult = 2
    42     TabOrder = 2
     42    TabOrder = 1
    4343  end
  • trunk/Forms/UFormImport.lfm

    r16 r55  
    2525    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    2626    ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
    27     TabOrder = 1
     27    TabOrder = 3
    2828  end
    2929  object ComboBoxDataFormat: TComboBox
    3939    )
    4040    Style = csDropDownList
    41     TabOrder = 2
     41    TabOrder = 1
    4242    Text = 'CSV'
    4343  end
    5858    Caption = 'Load from file'
    5959    OnClick = ButtonLoadFromFileClick
    60     TabOrder = 3
     60    TabOrder = 2
    6161  end
    6262  object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
  • trunk/Forms/UFormImportFormat.lfm

    r50 r55  
    1818    Caption = 'Ok'
    1919    ModalResult = 1
    20     TabOrder = 0
     20    TabOrder = 6
    2121  end
    2222  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    2828    Caption = 'Cancel'
    2929    ModalResult = 2
    30     TabOrder = 1
     30    TabOrder = 5
    3131  end
    3232  object Label1: TLabel
    4444    Width = 461
    4545    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    46     TabOrder = 2
     46    TabOrder = 1
    4747  end
    4848  object Label8: TLabel
    6060    Width = 461
    6161    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    62     TabOrder = 3
     62    TabOrder = 2
    6363  end
    6464  object Label9: TLabel
    7676    Width = 461
    7777    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    78     TabOrder = 4
     78    TabOrder = 3
    7979  end
    8080  object ListViewItemRules: TListView
    109109    ReadOnly = True
    110110    RowSelect = True
    111     TabOrder = 5
     111    TabOrder = 4
    112112    ViewStyle = vsReport
    113113    OnData = ListViewItemRulesData
    142142    )
    143143    Style = csDropDownList
    144     TabOrder = 6
     144    TabOrder = 0
    145145  end
    146146  object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
  • trunk/Forms/UFormImportPattern.lfm

    r45 r55  
    99  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1010  OnShow = FormShow
    11   LCLVersion = '1.7'
     11  LCLVersion = ''
    1212  object Label8: TLabel
    1313    Left = 24
    14     Height = 24
     14    Height = 20
    1515    Top = 13
    16     Width = 101
     16    Width = 75
    1717    Caption = 'Start string:'
    1818    ParentColor = False
    2020  object Label9: TLabel
    2121    Left = 24
    22     Height = 24
     22    Height = 20
    2323    Top = 53
    24     Width = 92
     24    Width = 69
    2525    Caption = 'End string:'
    2626    ParentColor = False
    2828  object EditBlockEnd: TEdit
    2929    Left = 183
    30     Height = 34
     30    Height = 28
    3131    Top = 48
    3232    Width = 461
    3333    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    34     TabOrder = 0
     34    TabOrder = 1
    3535  end
    3636  object EditBlockStart: TEdit
    3737    Left = 183
    38     Height = 34
     38    Height = 28
    3939    Top = 8
    4040    Width = 461
    4141    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    42     TabOrder = 1
     42    TabOrder = 0
    4343  end
    4444  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    5050    Caption = 'Cancel'
    5151    ModalResult = 2
    52     TabOrder = 2
     52    TabOrder = 5
    5353  end
    5454  object ButtonOk: TButton
    6060    Caption = 'Ok'
    6161    ModalResult = 1
    62     TabOrder = 3
     62    TabOrder = 6
    6363  end
    6464  object Label10: TLabel
    6565    Left = 24
    66     Height = 24
     66    Height = 20
    6767    Top = 88
    68     Width = 60
     68    Width = 46
    6969    Caption = 'Action:'
    7070    ParentColor = False
    7272  object Label11: TLabel
    7373    Left = 24
    74     Height = 24
     74    Height = 20
    7575    Top = 120
    76     Width = 74
     76    Width = 58
    7777    Caption = 'Variable:'
    7878    ParentColor = False
    8080  object ComboBoxAction: TComboBox
    8181    Left = 183
    82     Height = 38
     82    Height = 28
    8383    Top = 87
    8484    Width = 461
    8585    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    86     ItemHeight = 0
     86    ItemHeight = 20
    8787    Style = csDropDownList
    88     TabOrder = 4
     88    TabOrder = 2
    8989  end
    9090  object ComboBoxVariable: TComboBox
    9191    Left = 183
    92     Height = 38
     92    Height = 28
    9393    Top = 120
    9494    Width = 461
    9595    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    96     ItemHeight = 0
     96    ItemHeight = 20
    9797    Items.Strings = (
    9898      ''
    9999    )
    100100    Style = csDropDownList
    101     TabOrder = 5
     101    TabOrder = 3
    102102  end
    103103  object CheckBoxRepetition: TCheckBox
    104104    Left = 24
    105     Height = 28
     105    Height = 24
    106106    Top = 160
    107     Width = 112
     107    Width = 93
    108108    Caption = 'Repetition'
    109     TabOrder = 6
     109    TabOrder = 4
    110110  end
  • trunk/Forms/UFormImportSource.lfm

    r50 r55  
    4949    Caption = 'Ok'
    5050    ModalResult = 1
    51     TabOrder = 2
     51    TabOrder = 11
    5252  end
    5353  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    5959    Caption = 'Cancel'
    6060    ModalResult = 2
    61     TabOrder = 3
     61    TabOrder = 10
    6262  end
    6363  object Label3: TLabel
    7777    ItemHeight = 20
    7878    Style = csDropDownList
    79     TabOrder = 4
     79    TabOrder = 2
    8080  end
    8181  object ButtonShowFormat: TButton
    8787    Caption = 'Configure'
    8888    OnClick = ButtonShowFormatClick
    89     TabOrder = 5
     89    TabOrder = 3
    9090  end
    9191  object CheckBoxEnabled: TCheckBox
    9595    Width = 78
    9696    Caption = 'Enabled'
    97     TabOrder = 6
     97    TabOrder = 4
    9898  end
    9999  object Label4: TLabel
    115115    PopupMenu = PopupMenuCategory
    116116    ScrollWidth = 358
    117     TabOrder = 7
     117    TabOrder = 5
    118118  end
    119119  object Button1: TButton
    123123    Width = 75
    124124    Action = ACategoryAdd
    125     TabOrder = 8
     125    TabOrder = 6
    126126  end
    127127  object Button2: TButton
    131131    Width = 75
    132132    Action = ACategoryRemove
    133     TabOrder = 9
     133    TabOrder = 7
    134134  end
    135135  object Bevel1: TBevel
    161161    Top = 351
    162162    Width = 153
    163     TabOrder = 10
     163    TabOrder = 8
    164164  end
    165165  object EditPassword: TEdit
    170170    EchoMode = emPassword
    171171    PasswordChar = '*'
    172     TabOrder = 11
     172    TabOrder = 9
    173173  end
    174174  object ActionList1: TActionList
  • trunk/Forms/UFormMain.lfm

    r51 r55  
    11object FormMain: TFormMain
    2   Left = 429
     2  Left = 603
    33  Height = 446
    44  Top = 342
  • trunk/Forms/UFormSettings.lfm

    r16 r55  
    3535    ModalResult = 1
    3636    OnClick = ButtonOkClick
    37     TabOrder = 1
     37    TabOrder = 3
    3838  end
    3939  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    5353    Width = 118
    5454    Caption = 'Always on top'
    55     TabOrder = 3
     55    TabOrder = 1
    5656  end
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UJobProgressView.lfm

    r54 r55  
    11object FormJobProgressView: TFormJobProgressView
    2   Left = 467
     2  Left = 656
    33  Height = 246
    4   Top = 252
     4  Top = 354
    55  Width = 328
    66  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
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