Changeset 169 for trunk/Forms

Jan 22, 2018, 11:00:53 AM (7 years ago)
  • Modified: Updated Common package.
4 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormAbout.lfm

    r142 r169  
    11object FormAbout: TFormAbout
    22  Left = 562
    3   Height = 397
    4   Top = 277
    5   Width = 473
     3  Height = 314
     4  Top = 306
     5  Width = 485
    66  Caption = 'About'
    7   ClientHeight = 397
    8   ClientWidth = 473
     7  ClientHeight = 314
     8  ClientWidth = 485
     9  DesignTimePPI = 120
    910  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1011  OnShow = FormShow
    1112  Position = poScreenCenter
    12   LCLVersion = ''
     13  LCLVersion = ''
    1314  object LabelDescription: TLabel
    1415    Left = 20
    15     Height = 48
     16    Height = 32
    1617    Top = 108
    17     Width = 433
     18    Width = 445
    1819    Align = alTop
     20    AutoSize = False
    1921    BorderSpacing.Around = 20
    20     Caption = 'Simple tool for quick searching of meaning for various acronyms and abbreviations.'
    2122    ParentColor = False
    2223    WordWrap = True
    2324  end
    2425  object ButtonClose: TButton
    25     Left = 360
     26    Left = 372
    2627    Height = 25
    27     Top = 357
     28    Top = 274
    2829    Width = 93
    2930    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    3435  object LabelContent: TLabel
    3536    Left = 20
    36     Height = 24
    37     Top = 176
    38     Width = 433
     37    Height = 20
     38    Top = 160
     39    Width = 445
    3940    Align = alTop
    4041    BorderSpacing.Around = 20
    4546    Left = 16
    4647    Height = 25
    47     Top = 357
     48    Top = 274
    4849    Width = 176
    4950    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    5657    Height = 88
    5758    Top = 0
    58     Width = 473
     59    Width = 485
    5960    Align = alTop
    6061    BevelOuter = bvNone
    6162    ClientHeight = 88
    62     ClientWidth = 473
     63    ClientWidth = 485
    6364    TabOrder = 2
    6465    object Image1: TImage
    6768      Top = 16
    6869      Width = 69
    69       Picture.Data = {
    70         1754506F727461626C654E6574776F726B477261706869632301000089504E47
    71         0D0A1A0A0000000D49484452000000400000004008030000009DB781EC000000
    72         0C504C544500000000000000003AFFC90EE9675ABE0000000174524E530040E6
    73         D866000000C549444154789CEDD64B0EC3200C04D04C73FF3B77D1AAB2C1DF4E
    74         48BB60364990FC440C121CC7CECEDF054968202580334881888137C1002F8303
    75         664137C99A74228480334803A802EE68B589FEBC6A4030310E18DBE801516F6E
    76         043E8F3E00098CCD2903EAA50740035807385B597E4E82AC5805445F57036613
    77         61A6B10A2C60D7CB5FBA0710EB36353506C65F9E866AC0A982070B346660D5AB
    78         D171FB90C0BC501980EC64A2812C9DC3D5AEF7AF185F5D309A4058BFFA9285B4
    79         FE8A8B2655BEB3F3C33C01B6231002CAEF0D050000000049454E44AE426082
    80       }
    8170    end
    8271    object LabelAppName: TLabel
    8372      Left = 104
    84       Height = 55
     73      Height = 54
    8574      Top = 16
    86       Width = 338
     75      Width = 317
    8776      Align = alCustom
    8877      BorderSpacing.Around = 20
  • trunk/Forms/UFormAbout.pas

    r142 r169  
    5151  if Assigned(ApplicationInfo) then begin
    5252    LabelAppName.Caption := ApplicationInfo.AppName;
     53    LabelDescription.Caption := ApplicationInfo.Description;
     54    LabelDescription.AutoSize := True;
    5355    LabelContent.Caption := SVersion + ': ' + ApplicationInfo.Version + LineEnding +
    5456      SReleaseDate + ': ' + DateToStr(ApplicationInfo.ReleaseDate) + LineEnding +
    5557      SLicense + ': ' + ApplicationInfo.License;
     58    Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(Application.Icon);
    5659  end;
  • trunk/Forms/UFormMain.lfm

    r166 r169  
    33  Height = 602
    44  Top = 261
    5   Width = 998
     5  Width = 847
    66  Caption = 'Acronym Decoder'
    77  ClientHeight = 577
    8   ClientWidth = 998
     8  ClientWidth = 847
    99  DesignTimePPI = 120
    1010  Menu = MainMenu1
    2020    Height = 479
    2121    Top = 70
    22     Width = 998
     22    Width = 847
    2323    Align = alClient
    2424    BevelOuter = bvNone
    2525    ClientHeight = 479
    26     ClientWidth = 998
     26    ClientWidth = 847
    2727    TabOrder = 0
    2828    object ListViewFilter1: TListViewFilter
    3030      Height = 38
    3131      Top = 6
    32       Width = 979
     32      Width = 828
    3333      OnChange = ListViewFilter1Change
    3434      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    3838      Height = 427
    3939      Top = 44
    40       Width = 980
     40      Width = 829
    4141      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    4242      Columns = <     
    6868    Height = 32
    6969    Top = 38
    70     Width = 998
     70    Width = 847
    7171    Align = alTop
    7272    BevelOuter = bvNone
    7373    ClientHeight = 32
    74     ClientWidth = 998
     74    ClientWidth = 847
    7575    TabOrder = 1
    7676    object CheckBoxExactLength: TCheckBox
    103103    Height = 38
    104104    Top = 0
    105     Width = 998
    106     AutoSize = True
     105    Width = 847
    107106    Bands = <   
    108107      item
    141140      Height = 28
    142141      Top = 5
    143       Width = 135
     142      Width = 132
    144143      Align = alNone
    145144      AutoSize = True
    183182      Height = 28
    184183      Top = 5
    185       Width = 120
     184      Width = 117
    186185      Align = alNone
    187186      AutoSize = True
    223222      Height = 28
    224223      Top = 5
    225       Width = 62
     224      Width = 59
    226225      Align = alNone
    227226      AutoSize = True
    253252      Height = 28
    254253      Top = 5
    255       Width = 91
     254      Width = 88
    256255      Align = alNone
    257256      AutoSize = True
    290289    Height = 28
    291290    Top = 549
    292     Width = 998
     291    Width = 847
    293292    Panels = <   
    294293      item
  • trunk/Forms/UFormMain.pas

    r166 r169  
    700700procedure TFormMain.LoadConfig;
    702   RegistryContext := RegContext(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DefaultRegKey);
     702  RegistryContext := TRegistryContext.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DefaultRegKey);
    703703  Core.PersistentForm1.RegistryContext := RegistryContext;
    704   RegistryContext := RegContext(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DefaultRegKey + '\RecentFiles');
     704  RegistryContext := TRegistryContext.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DefaultRegKey + '\RecentFiles');
    705705  LastOpenedList1.LoadFromRegistry(RegistryContext);
    737737procedure TFormMain.SaveConfig;
    739   RegistryContext := RegContext(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DefaultRegKey + '\RecentFiles');
     739  RegistryContext := TRegistryContext.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DefaultRegKey + '\RecentFiles');
    740740  LastOpenedList1.SaveToRegistry(RegistryContext);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.