1 | {TFindFile
2 |
3 | Article:
4 | http://delphi.about.com/library/weekly/aa052300a.htm
5 |
6 | Tired of using FindFirst, Next and Close?
7 | Come see how to encapsulate all those functions
8 | in a single "find-files-recursively" component.
9 | It's easy to use, free and with code.
10 |
11 |
12 | ********************************************
13 | Zarko Gajic
14 | About.com Guide to Delphi Programming
15 | http://delphi.about.com
16 | email: delphi.guide@about.com
17 | ********************************************
18 |
19 | }
20 |
21 | unit UFindFile;
22 |
23 | interface
24 |
25 | uses
26 | SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
27 |
28 | type
29 | EDirNotFound = class(Exception);
30 |
31 | TFileAttrKind = (ffaReadOnly, ffaHidden, ffaSysFile, ffaVolumeID, ffaDirectory, ffaArchive, ffaAnyFile);
32 | TFileAttrib = set of TFileAttrKind;
33 |
34 | TFindFile = class(TComponent)
35 | private
36 | s : TStringList;
37 |
38 | fSubFolder : boolean;
39 | fAttr: TFileAttrib;
40 | fPath : string;
41 | fFileMask : string;
42 |
43 | procedure SetPath(Value: string);
44 | procedure FileSearch(const inPath : string);
45 | public
46 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
47 | destructor Destroy; override;
48 |
49 | function SearchForFiles: TStringList;
50 | published
51 | property FileAttr: TFileAttrib read fAttr write fAttr;
52 | property InSubFolders : boolean read fSubFolder write fSubFolder;
53 | property Path : string read fPath write SetPath;
54 | property FileMask : string read fFileMask write fFileMask ;
55 | end;
56 |
57 | const
59 | FilterAll = '*.*';
60 | {$ENDIF}
61 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
62 | FilterAll = '*';
63 | {$ENDIF}
64 |
65 | procedure Register;
66 |
67 | implementation
68 |
69 | resourcestring
70 | SDirNotFound = 'Directory not found';
71 |
72 | procedure Register;
73 | begin
74 | RegisterComponents('Common', [TFindFile]);
75 | end;
76 |
77 | constructor TFindFile.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
78 | begin
79 | inherited Create(AOwner);
80 | Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(UTF8Encode(GetCurrentDir));
81 | FileMask := FilterAll;
82 | FileAttr := [ffaAnyFile];
83 | s := TStringList.Create;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | destructor TFindFile.Destroy;
87 | begin
88 | s.Free;
89 | inherited Destroy;
90 | end;
91 |
92 | procedure TFindFile.SetPath(Value: string);
93 | begin
94 | if fPath <> Value then
95 | begin
96 | if Value <> '' then
97 | if DirectoryExists(UTF8Decode(Value)) then
98 | fPath := IncludeTrailingBackslash(Value)
99 | else raise EDirNotFound.Create(SDirNotFound);
100 | end;
101 | end;
102 |
103 | function TFindFile.SearchForFiles: TStringList;
104 | begin
105 | s.Clear;
106 | try
107 | FileSearch(Path);
108 | finally
109 | Result := s;
110 | end;
111 | end;
112 |
113 | procedure TFindFile.FileSearch(const InPath : string);
114 | var Rec : TSearchRec;
115 | Attr : integer;
116 | begin
117 | Attr := 0;
118 | if ffaReadOnly in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faReadOnly;
119 | if ffaHidden in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + 2; //faHidden; use constant to avoid platform warning
120 | if ffaSysFile in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + 4; //faSysFile; use constant to avoid platform warning
121 | // Deprecated: if ffaVolumeID in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faVolumeID;
122 | if ffaDirectory in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faDirectory;
123 | if ffaArchive in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faArchive;
124 | if ffaAnyFile in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faAnyFile;
125 |
126 | if SysUtils.FindFirst(inPath + FileMask, Attr, Rec) = 0 then
127 | try
128 | repeat
129 | s.Add(inPath + Rec.Name);
130 | until SysUtils.FindNext(Rec) <> 0;
131 | finally
132 | SysUtils.FindClose(Rec);
133 | end;
134 |
135 | If not InSubFolders then Exit;
136 |
137 | if SysUtils.FindFirst(inPath + FilterAll, faDirectory, Rec) = 0 then
138 | try
139 | repeat
140 | if ((Rec.Attr and faDirectory) > 0) and (Rec.Name <> '.')
141 | and (Rec.Name <> '..') then
142 | FileSearch(IncludeTrailingBackslash(inPath + Rec.Name));
143 | until SysUtils.FindNext(Rec) <> 0;
144 | finally
145 | SysUtils.FindClose(Rec);
146 | end;
147 | end;
148 |
149 | end.
150 |