1 | unit Threading;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Generics.Collections, SyncObjs;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TExceptionEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object;
10 | TMethodCall = procedure of object;
11 |
12 | { TVirtualThread }
13 |
14 | TVirtualThread = class
15 | private
16 | function GetFinished: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
17 | function GetFreeOnTerminate: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
18 | function GetPriority: TThreadPriority; virtual; abstract;
19 | function GetSuspended: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
20 | function GetTerminated: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
21 | function GetThreadId: TThreadID; virtual; abstract;
22 | procedure SetFreeOnTerminate(const AValue: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
23 | procedure SetPriority(const AValue: TThreadPriority); virtual; abstract;
24 | procedure SetSuspended(const AValue: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
25 | procedure SetTerminated(const AValue: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
26 | public
27 | Name: string;
28 | procedure Execute; virtual; abstract;
29 | procedure Start; virtual; abstract;
30 | procedure Terminate; virtual; abstract;
31 | procedure Synchronize(AMethod: TThreadMethod); virtual; abstract;
32 | procedure WaitFor; virtual; abstract;
33 | procedure Sleep(Delay: Integer); virtual; abstract;
34 | property FreeOnTerminate: Boolean read GetFreeOnTerminate
35 | write SetFreeOnTerminate;
36 | property Suspended: Boolean read GetSuspended
37 | write SetSuspended;
38 | property Priority: TThreadPriority read GetPriority write SetPriority;
39 | property Terminated: Boolean read GetTerminated write SetTerminated;
40 | property Finished: Boolean read GetFinished;
41 | property ThreadId: TThreadID read GetThreadId;
42 | end;
43 |
44 | TVirtualThreadClass = class of TVirtualThread;
45 |
46 | TListedThread = class;
47 |
48 | { TListedThreadExecute }
49 |
50 | TListedThreadExecute = class(TThread)
51 | Parent: TListedThread;
52 | procedure Execute; override;
53 | end;
54 |
55 | { TListedThread }
56 |
57 | TListedThread = class(TVirtualThread)
58 | private
59 | FTerminated: Boolean;
60 | FFinished: Boolean;
61 | FThread: TListedThreadExecute;
62 | function GetFinished: Boolean; override;
63 | function GetFreeOnTerminate: Boolean; override;
64 | function GetPriority: TThreadPriority; override;
65 | function GetSuspended: Boolean; override;
66 | function GetTerminated: Boolean; override;
67 | function GetThreadId: TThreadID; override;
68 | procedure SetFreeOnTerminate(const AValue: Boolean); override;
69 | procedure SetPriority(const AValue: TThreadPriority); override;
70 | procedure SetSuspended(const AValue: Boolean); override;
71 | procedure SetTerminated(const AValue: Boolean); override;
72 | public
73 | constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean;
74 | const StackSize: SizeUInt = DefaultStackSize);
75 | destructor Destroy; override;
76 | procedure Sleep(Delay: Integer); override;
77 | procedure Execute; override;
78 | procedure Start; override;
79 | procedure Terminate; override;
80 | procedure Synchronize(AMethod: TThreadMethod); override;
81 | procedure WaitFor; override;
82 | end;
83 |
84 | TTermThreadState = (ttsReady, ttsRunning, ttsFinished, ttsExceptionOccured);
85 |
86 | { TTermThread }
87 |
88 | TTermThread = class(TListedThread)
89 | private
90 | FOnFinished: TNotifyEvent;
91 | public
92 | State: TTermThreadState;
93 | ExceptionMessage: string;
94 | Method: TMethodCall;
95 | procedure Execute; override;
96 | property OnFinished: TNotifyEvent read FOnFinished write FOnFinished;
97 | end;
98 |
99 | { TThreadList }
100 |
101 | TThreadList = class(TObjectList<TVirtualThread>)
102 | function FindById(Id: TThreadID): TVirtualThread;
103 | constructor Create; virtual;
104 | end;
105 |
106 | var
107 | ThreadList: TThreadList;
108 | ThreadListLock: TCriticalSection;
109 | OnException: TExceptionEvent;
110 |
111 | procedure RunInThread(Method: TMethodCall);
112 | procedure RunInThreadAsync(Method: TMethodCall; Callback: TNotifyEvent = nil);
113 | procedure Synchronize(Method: TMethodCall);
114 |
115 | resourcestring
116 | SCurrentThreadNotFound = 'Current thread ID %d not found in virtual thread list.';
117 |
118 |
119 | implementation
120 |
121 | procedure RunInThread(Method: TMethodCall);
122 | var
123 | Thread: TTermThread;
124 | begin
125 | try
126 | Thread := TTermThread.Create(True);
127 | Thread.FreeOnTerminate := False;
128 | Thread.Method := Method;
129 | Thread.Start;
130 | while (Thread.State = ttsRunning) or (Thread.State = ttsReady) do begin
131 | if MainThreadID = ThreadID then Application.ProcessMessages;
132 | Sleep(1);
133 | end;
134 | if Thread.State = ttsExceptionOccured then
135 | raise Exception.Create(Thread.ExceptionMessage);
136 | finally
137 | Thread.Free;
138 | end;
139 | end;
140 |
141 | procedure RunInThreadAsync(Method: TMethodCall; Callback: TNotifyEvent = nil);
142 | var
143 | Thread: TTermThread;
144 | begin
145 | try
146 | Thread := TTermThread.Create(True);
147 | Thread.FreeOnTerminate := True;
148 | Thread.Method := Method;
149 | Thread.OnFinished := CallBack;
150 | Thread.Start;
151 | //if Thread.State = ttsExceptionOccured then
152 | // raise Exception.Create(Thread.ExceptionMessage);
153 | finally
154 | end;
155 | end;
156 |
157 | procedure Synchronize(Method: TMethodCall);
158 | var
159 | Thread: TVirtualThread;
160 | begin
161 | if MainThreadID = ThreadID then Method
162 | else begin
163 | try
164 | ThreadListLock.Acquire;
165 | Thread := ThreadList.FindById(ThreadID);
166 | finally
167 | ThreadListLock.Release;
168 | end;
169 | if Assigned(Thread) then begin
170 | Thread.Synchronize(Method);
171 | end else raise Exception.Create(Format(SCurrentThreadNotFound, [ThreadID]));
172 | end;
173 | end;
174 |
175 | { TThreadList }
176 |
177 | function TThreadList.FindById(Id: TThreadID): TVirtualThread;
178 | var
179 | I: Integer;
180 | begin
181 | I := 0;
182 | while (I < ThreadList.Count) and (ThreadList[I].ThreadID <> Id) do
183 | Inc(I);
184 | if I < ThreadList.Count then Result := ThreadList[I]
185 | else Result := nil;
186 | end;
187 |
188 | constructor TThreadList.Create;
189 | begin
190 | inherited;
191 | end;
192 |
193 | { TListedThreadExecute }
194 |
195 | procedure TListedThreadExecute.Execute;
196 | begin
197 | try
198 | try
199 | Parent.Execute;
200 | except
201 | on E: Exception do
202 | if Assigned(OnException) then
203 | OnException(Parent.FThread, E);
204 | end;
205 | finally
206 | Parent.FFinished := True;
207 | end;
208 | end;
209 |
210 | { TListedThread }
211 |
212 | function TListedThread.GetFinished: Boolean;
213 | begin
214 | Result := FFinished;
215 | end;
216 |
217 | function TListedThread.GetFreeOnTerminate: Boolean;
218 | begin
219 | Result := FThread.FreeOnTerminate;
220 | end;
221 |
222 | function TListedThread.GetPriority: TThreadPriority;
223 | begin
224 | Result := FThread.Priority;
225 | end;
226 |
227 | function TListedThread.GetSuspended: Boolean;
228 | begin
229 | Result := FThread.Suspended;
230 | end;
231 |
232 | function TListedThread.GetTerminated: Boolean;
233 | begin
234 | Result := FTerminated;
235 | end;
236 |
237 | function TListedThread.GetThreadId: TThreadID;
238 | begin
239 | Result := FThread.ThreadID;
240 | end;
241 |
242 | procedure TListedThread.SetFreeOnTerminate(const AValue: Boolean);
243 | begin
244 | FThread.FreeOnTerminate := AValue;
245 | end;
246 |
247 | procedure TListedThread.SetPriority(const AValue: TThreadPriority);
248 | begin
249 | FThread.Priority := AValue;
250 | end;
251 |
252 | procedure TListedThread.SetSuspended(const AValue: Boolean);
253 | begin
254 | FThread.Suspended := AValue;
255 | end;
256 |
257 | procedure TListedThread.SetTerminated(const AValue: Boolean);
258 | begin
259 | FTerminated := AValue;
260 | if AValue then FThread.Terminate;
261 | end;
262 |
263 | constructor TListedThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean;
264 | const StackSize: SizeUInt);
265 | begin
266 | FFinished := False;
267 | FTerminated := False;
268 |
269 | FThread := TListedThreadExecute.Create(True, StackSize);
270 | FThread.Parent := Self;
271 | try
272 | ThreadListLock.Acquire;
273 | ThreadList.Add(Self);
274 | finally
275 | ThreadListLock.Release;
276 | end;
277 | if CreateSuspended = False then FThread.Start;
278 | end;
279 |
280 | destructor TListedThread.Destroy;
281 | begin
282 | if not Suspended then
283 | begin
284 | Terminate;
285 | WaitFor;
286 | end;
287 | try
288 | ThreadListLock.Acquire;
289 | ThreadList.Delete(ThreadList.IndexOf(Self));
290 | finally
291 | ThreadListLock.Release;
292 | end;
293 | FreeAndNil(FThread);
294 | inherited;
295 | end;
296 |
297 | procedure TListedThread.Sleep(Delay: Integer);
298 | const
299 | Quantum = 20;
300 | var
301 | I: Integer;
302 | begin
303 | if Terminated then Exit;
304 | SysUtils.Sleep(Delay mod Quantum);
305 | for I := 1 to (Delay div Quantum) do begin
306 | if Terminated then Break;
307 | SysUtils.Sleep(Quantum);
308 | end;
309 | end;
310 |
311 | procedure TListedThread.Execute;
312 | begin
313 | end;
314 |
315 | procedure TListedThread.Start;
316 | begin
317 | FThread.Start;
318 | end;
319 |
320 | procedure TListedThread.Terminate;
321 | begin
322 | FTerminated := True;
323 | FThread.Terminate;
324 | end;
325 |
326 | procedure TListedThread.Synchronize(AMethod: TThreadMethod);
327 | begin
328 | FThread.Synchronize(FThread, AMethod);
329 | end;
330 |
331 | procedure TListedThread.WaitFor;
332 | begin
333 | FThread.WaitFor;
334 | end;
335 |
336 | { TTermThread }
337 |
338 | procedure TTermThread.Execute;
339 | begin
340 | try
341 | State := ttsRunning;
342 | Method;
343 | State := ttsFinished;
344 | if Assigned(FOnFinished) then
345 | FOnFinished(Self);
346 | except
347 | on E: Exception do begin
348 | ExceptionMessage := E.Message;
349 | State := ttsExceptionOccured;
350 | if Assigned(OnException) then
351 | OnException(FThread, E);
352 | end;
353 | end;
354 | end;
355 |
356 | initialization
357 |
358 | ThreadListLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
359 | ThreadList := TThreadList.Create;
360 | ThreadList.OwnsObjects := False;
361 |
362 | finalization
363 |
364 | FreeAndNil(ThreadList);
365 | FreeAndNil(ThreadListLock);
366 |
367 | end.