1 | unit FormKeyShortcuts;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
7 | ComCtrls, ActnList, LCLProc, Menus, FormEx, Generics.Collections, ImgList,
8 | StdCtrls, ListViewSort;
9 |
10 | type
11 |
12 | { TFormKeyShortcuts }
13 |
14 | TFormKeyShortcuts = class(TFormEx)
15 | ButtonClose: TButton;
16 | ListView1: TListView;
17 | ListViewSort1: TListViewSort;
18 | MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
19 | PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
20 | procedure ButtonCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
21 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
22 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
23 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
24 | procedure ListView1Data(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
25 | procedure ListView1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
26 | function ListViewSort1CompareItem(Item1, Item2: TObject): Integer;
27 | procedure MenuItem1Click(Sender: TObject);
28 | private
29 | function GetImages: TCustomImageList;
30 | procedure SetImages(AValue: TCustomImageList);
31 | public
32 | SourceComponents: TObjectList<TComponent>;
33 | MainForm: TForm;
34 | procedure LoadFromComponent(C: TComponent);
35 | property Images: TCustomImageList read GetImages write SetImages;
36 | end;
37 |
38 |
39 | implementation
40 |
41 | {$R *.lfm}
42 |
43 | resourcestring
44 | SMainForm = 'Main window';
45 | SGlobal = 'Global';
46 | // TODO: https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/lazarus/lazarus/-/issues/41095
47 | {$hints off}
48 | SAction = 'Action';
49 | SWindow = 'Window';
50 | SExecute = 'Execute';
51 | SShortcut = 'Shortcut';
52 | SKeyShortcuts = 'Key shortcuts';
53 | SClose = 'Close';
54 |
55 | { TFormKeyShortcuts }
56 |
57 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
58 | var
59 | I: Integer;
60 | begin
61 | ListViewSort1.List.Clear;
62 | for I := 0 to SourceComponents.Count - 1 do
63 | LoadFromComponent(SourceComponents[I]);
64 | ListViewSort1.Refresh;
65 | end;
66 |
67 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.ListView1Data(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
68 | begin
69 | if Item.Index < ListViewSort1.List.Count then
70 | with TAction(ListViewSort1.List[Item.Index]) do begin
71 | Item.Caption := Caption;
72 | Item.ImageIndex := ImageIndex;
73 | Item.Data := TAction(ListViewSort1.List[Item.Index]);
74 | with Item.SubItems do begin
75 | if ActionList.Owner = MainForm then Add(SMainForm)
76 | else if ActionList.Owner is TDataModule then Add(SGlobal)
77 | else if ActionList.Owner is TForm then Add(TForm(ActionList.Owner).Caption)
78 | else Add(ActionList.Name);
79 | if ShortCut <> 0 then Add(ShortCutToText(ShortCut))
80 | else Add('');
81 | end;
82 | end;
83 | end;
84 |
85 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.ListView1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
86 | begin
87 | if Key = #13 then MenuItem1Click(Sender);
88 | end;
89 |
90 | function TFormKeyShortcuts.ListViewSort1CompareItem(Item1, Item2: TObject
91 | ): Integer;
92 | begin
93 | Result := 0;
94 | if Assigned(Item1) and Assigned(Item2) and (ListViewSort1.Order <> soNone) then begin
95 | with ListViewSort1 do begin
96 | if Column = 0 then Result := CompareString(TAction(Item1).Caption, TAction(Item2).Caption)
97 | else if Column = 2 then Result := CompareString(ShortCutToText(TAction(Item1).ShortCut),
98 | ShortCutToText(TAction(Item2).ShortCut));
99 | end;
100 | if ListViewSort1.Order = soDown then Result := -Result;
101 | end else Result := 0;
102 | end;
103 |
104 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
105 | begin
106 | SourceComponents := TObjectList<TComponent>.Create;
107 | SourceComponents.OwnsObjects := False;
108 | end;
109 |
110 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.ButtonCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
111 | begin
112 | Close;
113 | end;
114 |
115 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
116 | begin
117 | FreeAndNil(SourceComponents);
118 | end;
119 |
120 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.MenuItem1Click(Sender: TObject);
121 | begin
122 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then
123 | TAction(ListView1.Selected.Data).Execute;
124 | end;
125 |
126 | function TFormKeyShortcuts.GetImages: TCustomImageList;
127 | begin
128 | Result := ListView1.SmallImages;
129 | end;
130 |
131 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.SetImages(AValue: TCustomImageList);
132 | begin
133 | ListView1.SmallImages := AValue;
134 | end;
135 |
136 | procedure TFormKeyShortcuts.LoadFromComponent(C: TComponent);
137 | var
138 | I: Integer;
139 | begin
140 | if C is TActionList then
141 | with TActionList(C) do begin
142 | for I := 0 to ActionCount - 1 do
143 | if Actions[I] is TAction then
144 | ListViewSort1.List.Add(Actions[I]);
145 | end;
146 | for I := 0 to C.ComponentCount - 1 do
147 | LoadFromComponent(C.Components[I]);
148 | end;
149 |
150 | end.
151 |