1 | unit FormImportPattern;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
7 | Acronym, FormEx;
8 |
9 | type
10 |
11 | { TFormImportPattern }
12 |
13 | TFormImportPattern = class(TFormEx)
14 | ButtonCancel: TButton;
15 | ButtonOk: TButton;
16 | CheckBoxRepetition: TCheckBox;
17 | ComboBoxAction: TComboBox;
18 | ComboBoxVariable: TComboBox;
19 | EditBlockEnd: TEdit;
20 | EditBlockStart: TEdit;
21 | Label10: TLabel;
22 | Label11: TLabel;
23 | Label8: TLabel;
24 | Label9: TLabel;
25 | ScrollBox1: TScrollBox;
26 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
27 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
28 | private
29 | procedure InitControls;
30 | public
31 | procedure Save(Pattern: TImportPattern);
32 | procedure Load(Pattern: TImportPattern);
33 | end;
34 |
35 |
36 | implementation
37 |
38 | {$R *.lfm}
39 |
40 | { TFormImportPattern }
41 |
42 | procedure TFormImportPattern.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
43 | begin
44 | InitControls;
45 | end;
46 |
47 | procedure TFormImportPattern.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
48 | begin
49 | InitControls;
50 | end;
51 |
52 | procedure TFormImportPattern.InitControls;
53 | var
54 | I: TImportPatternFlag;
55 | J: TImportVariable;
56 | Index: Integer;
57 | begin
58 | Index := ComboBoxAction.ItemIndex;
59 | while ComboBoxAction.Items.Count > 0 do
60 | ComboBoxAction.Items.Delete(ComboBoxAction.Items.Count - 1);
61 | while ComboBoxAction.Items.Count <= Integer(High(ImportPatternFlagString)) do
62 | ComboBoxAction.Items.Add('');
63 | for I := Low(TImportPatternFlag) to High(TImportPatternFlag) do
64 | ComboBoxAction.Items[Integer(I)] := ImportPatternFlagString[I];
65 | ComboBoxAction.ItemIndex := Index;
66 |
67 | Index := ComboBoxVariable.ItemIndex;
68 | ComboBoxVariable.Items.Clear;
69 | while ComboBoxVariable.Items.Count > 0 do
70 | ComboBoxVariable.Items.Delete(ComboBoxVariable.Items.Count - 1);
71 | while ComboBoxVariable.Items.Count <= Integer(High(ImportVariableString)) do
72 | ComboBoxVariable.Items.Add('');
73 | for J := Low(TImportVariable) to High(TImportVariable) do
74 | ComboBoxVariable.Items[Integer(J)] := ImportVariableString[J];
75 | ComboBoxVariable.ItemIndex := Index;
76 | end;
77 |
78 | procedure TFormImportPattern.Save(Pattern: TImportPattern);
79 | begin
80 | Pattern.StartString := EditBlockStart.Text;
81 | Pattern.EndString := EditBlockEnd.Text;
82 | Pattern.Variable := TImportVariable(ComboBoxVariable.ItemIndex);
83 | Pattern.Flag := TImportPatternFlag(ComboBoxAction.ItemIndex);
84 | Pattern.Repetition := CheckBoxRepetition.Checked;
85 | end;
86 |
87 | procedure TFormImportPattern.Load(Pattern: TImportPattern);
88 | begin
89 | EditBlockStart.Text := Pattern.StartString;
90 | EditBlockEnd.Text := Pattern.EndString;
91 | ComboBoxVariable.ItemIndex := Integer(Pattern.Variable);
92 | ComboBoxAction.ItemIndex := Integer(Pattern.Flag);
93 | CheckBoxRepetition.Checked := Pattern.Repetition;
94 | end;
95 |
96 | end.
97 |