1 | unit FormImport;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
7 | Acronym, FormEx;
8 |
9 | type
10 |
11 | { TFormImport }
12 |
13 | TFormImport = class(TFormEx)
14 | ButtonLoadFromFile: TButton;
15 | ButtonProcess: TButton;
16 | ComboBoxDataFormat: TComboBox;
17 | Label1: TLabel;
18 | Memo1: TMemo;
19 | OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
20 | procedure ButtonProcessClick(Sender: TObject);
21 | procedure ButtonLoadFromFileClick(Sender: TObject);
22 | private
23 | procedure ImportMediaWiki;
24 | procedure ImportCSV;
25 | public
26 | AcronymDb: TAcronymDb;
27 | end;
28 |
29 |
30 | implementation
31 |
32 | {$R *.lfm}
33 |
34 | resourcestring
35 | SImportedNewAcronyms = 'Imported %d new acronyms.';
36 |
37 | { TFormImport }
38 |
39 | procedure TFormImport.ButtonProcessClick(Sender: TObject);
40 | begin
41 | if ComboBoxDataFormat.ItemIndex = 0 then ImportCSV;
42 | if ComboBoxDataFormat.ItemIndex = 1 then ImportMediaWiki;
43 | end;
44 |
45 | procedure TFormImport.ButtonLoadFromFileClick(Sender: TObject);
46 | begin
47 | if ComboBoxDataFormat.ItemIndex = 0 then OpenDialog1.DefaultExt := '.csv';
48 | if ComboBoxDataFormat.ItemIndex = 1 then OpenDialog1.DefaultExt := '.txt';
49 | if OpenDialog1.Execute then
50 | Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName);
51 | end;
52 |
53 | procedure TFormImport.ImportMediaWiki;
54 | var
55 | I: Integer;
56 | Line: string;
57 | AcronymName: string;
58 | AcronymMeaning: string;
59 | AddedCount: Integer;
60 | Acronym: TAcronym;
61 | Meaning: TAcronymMeaning;
62 | begin
63 | AcronymName := '';
64 | AddedCount := 0;
65 | for I := 0 to Memo1.Lines.Count - 1 do begin
66 | Line := Trim(Memo1.Lines[I]);
67 | if Copy(Line, 1, 1) = ';' then begin
68 | if Pos(':', Line) > 0 then begin
69 | AcronymName := Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Pos(':', Line) - 2));
70 | Line := Copy(Line, Pos(':', Line), Length(Line));
71 | end else AcronymName := Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Length(Line)));
72 | end;
73 | if Copy(Line, 1, 1) = ':' then begin
74 | AcronymMeaning := Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Length(Line)));
75 | if (AcronymName <> '') and (AcronymMeaning <> '') then begin
76 | Acronym := AcronymDb.Acronyms.SearchByName(AcronymName);
77 | if not Assigned(Acronym) then begin
78 | Acronym := TAcronym.Create;
79 | Acronym.Name := AcronymName;
80 | AcronymDb.Acronyms.Add(Acronym);
81 | end;
82 | Meaning := Acronym.Meanings.SearchByName(AcronymMeaning);
83 | if not Assigned(Meaning) then begin
84 | Meaning := TAcronymMeaning.Create;
85 | Meaning.Name := AcronymMeaning;
86 | Meaning.Acronym := Acronym;
87 | Acronym.Meanings.Add(Meaning);
88 | Inc(AddedCount)
89 | end;
90 | end;
91 | end;
92 | end;
93 | if AddedCount > 0 then AcronymDb.Modified := True;
94 | ShowMessage(Format(SImportedNewAcronyms, [AddedCount]));
95 | end;
96 |
97 | procedure TFormImport.ImportCSV;
98 | var
99 | I: Integer;
100 | Line: string;
101 | Columns: TStringList;
102 | Acronym: TAcronym;
103 | Meaning: TAcronymMeaning;
104 | AcronymName: string;
105 | AcronymMeaning: string;
106 | AcronymDescription: string;
107 | AddedCount: Integer;
108 | begin
109 | AddedCount := 0;
110 | Columns := TStringList.Create;
111 | Columns.StrictDelimiter := True;
112 | for I := 0 to Memo1.Lines.Count - 1 do begin
113 | Line := Trim(Memo1.Lines[I]);
114 | Columns.DelimitedText := Line;
115 | if Columns.Count > 0 then AcronymName := Trim(Columns[0])
116 | else AcronymName := '';
117 | if Columns.Count > 1 then AcronymMeaning := Trim(Columns[1])
118 | else AcronymMeaning := '';
119 | if Columns.Count > 2 then AcronymDescription := Trim(Columns[2])
120 | else AcronymDescription := '';
121 | if (AcronymName <> '') and (AcronymDescription <> '') then begin
122 | Acronym := AcronymDb.Acronyms.SearchByName(AcronymName);
123 | if not Assigned(Acronym) then begin
124 | Acronym := TAcronym.Create;
125 | Acronym.Name := AcronymName;
126 | AcronymDb.Acronyms.Add(Acronym);
127 | end;
128 | Meaning := Acronym.Meanings.SearchByName(AcronymDescription);
129 | if not Assigned(Meaning) then begin
130 | Meaning := TAcronymMeaning.Create;
131 | Meaning.Name := AcronymMeaning;
132 | Meaning.Description := AcronymDescription;
133 | Meaning.Acronym := Acronym;
134 | Acronym.Meanings.Add(Meaning);
135 | Inc(AddedCount)
136 | end;
137 | end;
138 | end;
139 | Columns.Free;
140 | if AddedCount > 0 then AcronymDb.Modified := True;
141 | ShowMessage(Format(SImportedNewAcronyms, [AddedCount]));
142 | end;
143 |
144 | end.
145 |