1 | unit FormCheck;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, LazFileUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
7 | ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus, ActnList, Acronym, RegistryEx, Registry, Common,
8 | Generics.Collections, FormEx;
9 |
10 | type
11 | TReportType = (rtNone, rtNote, rtWarning, rtError);
12 |
13 | TReportItem = class
14 | Message: string;
15 | Position: TPoint;
16 | Kind: TReportType;
17 | end;
18 |
19 | { TReportItems }
20 |
21 | TReportItems = class(TObjectList<TReportItem>)
22 | function AddNew(Message: string; Position: TPoint;
23 | Kind: TReportType = rtNone): TReportItem;
24 | procedure SaveToCsv(FileName: string);
25 | end;
26 |
27 | { TFormCheck }
28 |
29 | TFormCheck = class(TFormEx)
30 | AGoToLocation: TAction;
31 | ASaveToCsv: TAction;
32 | ActionList1: TActionList;
33 | ButtonLoadFromFile: TButton;
34 | ButtonAcronymsContent: TButton;
35 | ButtonAcronymsSummary: TButton;
36 | ButtonCheck: TButton;
37 | CheckBoxCaseSensitive: TCheckBox;
38 | EditSummaryStart: TEdit;
39 | EditSummaryEnd: TEdit;
40 | GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
41 | GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
42 | Label1: TLabel;
43 | Label2: TLabel;
44 | LabelAcronymCountContent: TLabel;
45 | LabelAcronymCountSummary: TLabel;
46 | ListViewReport: TListView;
47 | MemoDocument: TMemo;
48 | MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
49 | MenuItemGoTo: TMenuItem;
50 | OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
51 | PageControl1: TPageControl;
52 | Panel1: TPanel;
53 | Panel2: TPanel;
54 | PopupMenuReport: TPopupMenu;
55 | SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
56 | Splitter1: TSplitter;
57 | TabSheetSource: TTabSheet;
58 | TabSheetReport: TTabSheet;
59 | procedure AGoToLocationExecute(Sender: TObject);
60 | procedure ASaveToCsvExecute(Sender: TObject);
61 | procedure ButtonAcronymsSummaryClick(Sender: TObject);
62 | procedure ButtonAcronymsContentClick(Sender: TObject);
63 | procedure ButtonCheckClick(Sender: TObject);
64 | procedure ButtonLoadFromFileClick(Sender: TObject);
65 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
66 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
67 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
68 | procedure ListViewReportData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
69 | private
70 | AcronymDbSummary: TAcronymDb;
71 | AcronymDbContent: TAcronymDb;
72 | LastDocumentFileName: string;
73 | function SearchLine(Lines: TStrings; Text: string; Start: Integer = 0): Integer;
74 | function SearchLineReverse(Lines: TStrings; Text: string; Start: Integer = -1): Integer;
75 | procedure FindInSummary;
76 | procedure FindInContent;
77 | function AllowedSideChar(Before, After: Char): Boolean;
78 | function ParseMeaning(Acronym, Text: string; StartIndex: Integer;
79 | out Meaning: string; DashSeparator: Boolean = False): Boolean;
80 | function IsUppercaseAlpha(Text: string): Boolean;
81 | function IsLowercaseAlpha(Text: string): Boolean;
82 | function IsAlpha(Text: string): Boolean;
83 | function IsAcronym(Text: string): Boolean;
84 | function IsDigit(Text: Char): Boolean;
85 | procedure ReportDifferencies;
86 | function WordContainsLetters(Text, Letters: string): Boolean;
87 | function StringEqual(Text1, Text2: string): Boolean;
88 | procedure ReloadReport;
89 | public
90 | AcronymDb: TAcronymDb;
91 | ReportItems: TReportItems;
92 | procedure UpdateInterface;
93 | procedure LoadConfig(RegistryContext: TRegistryContext);
94 | procedure SaveConfig(RegistryContext: TRegistryContext);
95 | end;
96 |
97 | const
98 | ReportTypeString: array[TReportType] of string = ('', 'Note', 'Warning', 'Error');
99 |
100 |
101 | implementation
102 |
103 | {$R *.lfm}
104 |
105 | uses
106 | FormAcronyms;
107 |
108 | resourcestring
109 | SAcronymCountContent = 'Content acronym count:';
110 | SAcronymCountSummary = 'Summary acronym count:';
111 | SDuplicateAcronymContent = 'Duplicate acronym %s with "%s" in document body.';
112 | SDuplicateAcronymSummary = 'Duplicate acronym %s with "%s" in acronym summary.';
113 | SMissingAcronymContent = 'Document body acronym %s with meaning "%s" missing from acronym summary.';
114 | SMissingAcronymSummary = 'Summary acronym %s with meaning "%s" missing from document body.';
115 | SAcronymContentMultipleMeanings = 'Content acronym %s has multiple meanings: %s.';
116 | SAcronymSummaryMultipleMeanings = 'Summary acronym %s has multiple meanings: %s.';
117 | SAcronymWithDifferentMeaning = 'Acronym %s has different meaning for content "%s" and for summary "%s".';
118 | SAcronymWithDifferentMeaningCount = 'Acronym %s has different meaning count for content (%d) and for summary (%d).';
119 | SPluralAcronym = 'Acronym %s is defined as plural in document body.';
120 | SPluralAcronymUsed = 'Acronym %s is used as plural in document body.';
121 | SSummaryAcronyms = 'Summary acronyms';
122 | SContentAcronyms = 'Content acronyms';
123 | SAcronymUsedBeforeDefined = 'Acronym %s used before it was defined.';
124 | SCSVFilter = 'CSV file (.csv)|*.csv|Any file|*.*';
125 |
126 | const
127 | MinAcronymLength = 2;
128 |
129 | { TReportItems }
130 |
131 | function TReportItems.AddNew(Message: string; Position: TPoint;
132 | Kind: TReportType = rtNone): TReportItem;
133 | begin
134 | Result := TReportItem.Create;
135 | Result.Message := Message;
136 | Result.Position := Position;
137 | Result.Kind := Kind;
138 | Add(Result);
139 | end;
140 |
141 | procedure TReportItems.SaveToCsv(FileName: string);
142 | var
143 | I: Integer;
144 | F: TStringList;
145 | Line: TStringList;
146 | begin
147 | F := TStringList.Create;
148 | Line := TStringList.Create;
149 | Line.StrictDelimiter := True;
150 | try
151 | Line.Clear;
152 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
153 | with TReportItem(Items[I]) do begin
154 | Line.Clear;
155 | if Position <> Point(0, 0) then
156 | Line.Add(IntToStr(Position.X) + ', ' + IntToStr(Position.Y))
157 | else Line.Add('');
158 | Line.Add(ReportTypeString[Kind]);
159 | Line.Add(Message);
160 | F.Add(Line.CommaText);
161 | end;
162 | F.SaveToFile(FileName);
163 | finally
164 | F.Free;
165 | Line.Free;
166 | end;
167 | end;
168 |
169 | { TFormCheck }
170 |
171 | procedure TFormCheck.ButtonCheckClick(Sender: TObject);
172 | begin
173 | ReportItems.Clear;
174 | UpdateInterface;
175 | FindInSummary;
176 | FindInContent;
177 | ReportDifferencies;
178 | UpdateInterface;
179 | ReloadReport;
180 | TabSheetReport.Show;
181 | end;
182 |
183 | procedure TFormCheck.ButtonLoadFromFileClick(Sender: TObject);
184 | begin
185 | OpenDialog1.InitialDir := ExtractFileDir(LastDocumentFileName);
186 | OpenDialog1.FileName := ExtractFileName(LastDocumentFileName);
187 | if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin
188 | LastDocumentFileName := OpenDialog1.FileName;
189 | MemoDocument.Lines.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName);
190 | TabSheetSource.Show;
191 | end;
192 | end;
193 |
194 | procedure TFormCheck.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
195 | begin
196 | AcronymDbSummary := TAcronymDb.Create;
197 | AcronymDbContent := TAcronymDb.Create;
198 | ReportItems := TReportItems.Create;
199 | end;
200 |
201 | procedure TFormCheck.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
202 | begin
203 | FreeAndNil(ReportItems);
204 | FreeAndNil(AcronymDbSummary);
205 | FreeAndNil(AcronymDbContent);
206 | end;
207 |
208 | procedure TFormCheck.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
209 | begin
210 | PageControl1.TabIndex := 0;
211 | if FileExists(LastDocumentFileName) then
212 | MemoDocument.Lines.LoadFromFile(LastDocumentFileName);
213 | UpdateInterface;
214 | end;
215 |
216 | procedure TFormCheck.ListViewReportData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
217 | begin
218 | if Item.Index < ReportItems.Count then
219 | with ReportItems[Item.Index] do begin
220 | if Position <> Point(0, 0) then
221 | Item.Caption := IntToStr(Position.X) + ', ' + IntToStr(Position.Y)
222 | else Item.Caption := '';
223 | Item.Data := ReportItems[Item.Index];
224 | Item.SubItems.Add(ReportTypeString[Kind]);
225 | Item.SubItems.Add(Message);
226 | end;
227 | end;
228 |
229 | procedure TFormCheck.ButtonAcronymsContentClick(Sender: TObject);
230 | var
231 | FormAcronyms: TFormAcronyms;
232 | begin
233 | FormAcronyms := TFormAcronyms.Create(Self);
234 | try
235 | FormAcronyms.AcronymDb := AcronymDb;
236 | FormAcronyms.Acronyms := AcronymDbContent.Acronyms;
237 | FormAcronyms.Caption := SContentAcronyms;
238 | FormAcronyms.ShowModal;
239 | finally
240 | FreeAndNil(FormAcronyms);
241 | end;
242 | end;
243 |
244 | procedure TFormCheck.ButtonAcronymsSummaryClick(Sender: TObject);
245 | var
246 | FormAcronyms: TFormAcronyms;
247 | begin
248 | FormAcronyms := TFormAcronyms.Create(Self);
249 | try
250 | FormAcronyms.AcronymDb := AcronymDb;
251 | FormAcronyms.Acronyms := AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms;
252 | FormAcronyms.Caption := SSummaryAcronyms;
253 | FormAcronyms.ShowModal;
254 | finally
255 | FreeAndNil(FormAcronyms);
256 | end;
257 | end;
258 |
259 | procedure TFormCheck.ASaveToCsvExecute(Sender: TObject);
260 | begin
261 | SaveDialog1.InitialDir := ExtractFileDir(LastDocumentFileName);
262 | SaveDialog1.DefaultExt := '.csv';
263 | SaveDialog1.FileName := ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(ExtractFileName(LastDocumentFileName)) + SaveDialog1.DefaultExt;
264 | SaveDialog1.Filter := SCSVFilter;
265 | if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin
266 | ReportItems.SaveToCsv(SaveDialog1.FileName);
267 | end;
268 | end;
269 |
270 | procedure TFormCheck.AGoToLocationExecute(Sender: TObject);
271 | begin
272 | if Assigned(ListViewReport.Selected) then
273 | with TReportItem(ListViewReport.Selected.Data) do
274 | if Position <> Point(0, 0) then begin
275 | MemoDocument.CaretPos := Position;
276 | TabSheetSource.Show;
277 | end;
278 | end;
279 |
280 | function TFormCheck.SearchLine(Lines: TStrings; Text: string; Start: Integer = 0): Integer;
281 | begin
282 | Result := Start;
283 | while (Result < Lines.Count) and (Pos(Text, Lines[Result]) = 0) do Inc(Result);
284 | if Result >= Lines.Count then Result := -1;
285 | end;
286 |
287 | function TFormCheck.SearchLineReverse(Lines: TStrings; Text: string;
288 | Start: Integer = -1): Integer;
289 | begin
290 | if Start = -1 then Result := Lines.Count - 1
291 | else Result := Start;
292 | while (Result >= 0) and (Pos(Text, Lines[Result]) = 0) do Dec(Result);
293 | end;
294 |
295 | procedure TFormCheck.FindInSummary;
296 | var
297 | AcronymSectionStart: Integer;
298 | AcronymSectionEnd: Integer;
299 | I: Integer;
300 | Line: string;
301 | Acronym: string;
302 | Meaning: string;
303 | Index: Integer;
304 | begin
305 | AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms.Clear;
306 |
307 | AcronymSectionStart := SearchLineReverse(MemoDocument.Lines, EditSummaryStart.Text);
308 | if AcronymSectionStart <> -1 then begin
309 | AcronymSectionEnd := SearchLine(MemoDocument.Lines, EditSummaryEnd.Text, AcronymSectionStart + 1);
310 | if AcronymSectionEnd <> -1 then begin
311 | Acronym := '';
312 | for I := AcronymSectionStart + 1 to AcronymSectionEnd - 1 do begin
313 | Line := Trim(MemoDocument.Lines[I]);
314 | Line := StringReplace(Line, #9, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
315 | if Line <> '' then begin
316 | if (Acronym <> '') and IsUppercaseAlpha(Acronym) then begin
317 | Meaning := Line;
318 | end else begin
319 | Index := Pos(' ', Line);
320 | if Index > 0 then begin
321 | Acronym := Copy(Line, 1, Index - 1);
322 | Meaning := Trim(Copy(Line, Index + 1, Length(Line)));
323 | end else begin
324 | if Acronym = '' then Acronym := Line
325 | else Meaning := Line;
326 | end;
327 | end;
328 | if (Acronym <> '') and IsUppercaseAlpha(Acronym) and (Meaning <> '') then begin
329 | if Assigned(AcronymDbSummary.SearchAcronym(Acronym, Meaning)) then
330 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SDuplicateAcronymSummary, [Acronym, Meaning]), Point(0, I), rtWarning)
331 | else AcronymDbSummary.AddAcronym(Acronym, Meaning);
332 | Acronym := '';
333 | Meaning := '';
334 | end;
335 | end;
336 | end;
337 | end;
338 | end;
339 | end;
340 |
341 | procedure TFormCheck.FindInContent;
342 | var
343 | Text: string;
344 | Index: Integer;
345 | State: (stNone, stAcronymUsage, stAcronymDefinition);
346 | Acronym: string;
347 | AcronymCharBefore: Char;
348 | AcronymCharAfter: Char;
349 | Lines: TStringList;
350 | HasUpperCase: Boolean;
351 | HasLowerCase: Boolean;
352 | I: Integer;
353 | J: Integer;
354 | Line: string;
355 | Meaning: string;
356 | Meaning1: string;
357 | Meaning2: string;
358 | HasMeaning1: Boolean;
359 | HasMeaning2: Boolean;
360 | Plural: Boolean;
361 | StartIndex: Integer;
362 | Acro: TAcronym;
363 | begin
364 | AcronymDbContent.Acronyms.Clear;
365 |
366 | // Make lowercase lines where all alpha characters are in uppercase
367 | // These are usually first level chapter titles or first page text
368 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
369 | Lines.Assign(MemoDocument.Lines);
370 | for I := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do begin
371 | HasLowerCase := False;
372 | HasUpperCase := False;
373 | Line := Lines[I];
374 | for J := 1 to Length(Line) do begin
375 | if IsUppercaseAlpha(Line[J]) then HasUpperCase := True;
376 | if IsLowercaseAlpha(Line[J]) then HasLowerCase := True;
377 | end;
378 | if HasUpperCase and not HasLowerCase then
379 | Lines[I] := LowerCase(Lines[I]);
380 | end;
381 |
382 | // Find acronyms usage in text
383 | Text := Lines.Text;
384 | Text := StringReplace(Text, #9, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
385 | Text := StringReplace(Text, LineEnding, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
386 | Index := 1;
387 | AcronymCharBefore := ' ';
388 | AcronymCharAfter := ' ';
389 | State := stNone;
390 | StartIndex := 0;
391 | Acronym := '';
392 | repeat
393 | if State = stAcronymUsage then begin
394 | if not IsUppercaseAlpha(Text[Index]) then begin
395 | if Text[Index] = 's' then begin
396 | Acronym := Acronym + Text[Index];
397 | Inc(Index);
398 | end;
399 | if (Index) < Length(Text) then AcronymCharAfter := Text[Index]
400 | else AcronymCharAfter := ' ';
401 | State := stNone;
402 |
403 | // Allow plural acronyms with ending 's' character
404 | if (Length(Acronym) >= 1) and (Acronym[Length(Acronym)] = 's') then begin
405 | Acronym := Copy(Acronym, 1, Length(Acronym) - 1);
406 | Plural := True;
407 | end else Plural := False;
408 |
409 | // Acronyms should not contain numbers
410 | if (Length(Acronym) >= MinAcronymLength) and
411 | AllowedSideChar(AcronymCharBefore, AcronymCharAfter) then begin
412 | // If plural acronym then try to remove ending 's' character from the meaning
413 | if Plural then ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SPluralAcronymUsed, [Acronym]), Point(0, 0), rtNote);
414 |
415 | Acro := AcronymDbContent.Acronyms.SearchByName(Acronym);
416 | if not Assigned(Acro) then begin
417 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SAcronymUsedBeforeDefined, [Acronym]), Point(0, 0), rtNote);
418 | AcronymDbContent.AddAcronym(Acronym, '');
419 | end;
420 | end;
421 | end else Acronym := Acronym + Text[Index];
422 | end else
423 | if State = stAcronymDefinition then begin
424 | if Text[Index] = ')' then begin
425 | // Allow plural acronyms with ending 's' character
426 | if (Length(Acronym) >= 1) and (Acronym[Length(Acronym)] = 's') then begin
427 | Acronym := Copy(Acronym, 1, Length(Acronym) - 1);
428 | Plural := True;
429 | end else Plural := False;
430 | if IsAcronym(Acronym) then begin
431 | HasMeaning1 := ParseMeaning(Acronym, Text, StartIndex - 1, Meaning1);
432 | if HasMeaning1 then Meaning := Meaning1;
433 | HasMeaning2 := ParseMeaning(Acronym, Text, StartIndex - 1, Meaning2, True);
434 | if HasMeaning2 then Meaning := Meaning2;
435 | if HasMeaning1 and HasMeaning2 then begin
436 | if Length(Meaning1) > Length(Meaning2) then Meaning := Meaning1
437 | else Meaning := Meaning2;
438 | end;
439 | if HasMeaning1 or HasMeaning2 then begin
440 | // If plural acronym then try to remove ending 's' character from the meaning
441 | if Plural then ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SPluralAcronym, [Acronym]), Point(0, 0), rtNote);
442 | if Plural and (Length(Meaning) >= 1) and (Meaning[Length(Meaning)] = 's') then begin
443 | Meaning := Copy(Meaning, 1, Length(Meaning) - 1);
444 | end;
445 | if Assigned(AcronymDbContent.SearchAcronym(Acronym, Meaning)) then
446 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SDuplicateAcronymContent, [Acronym, Meaning]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning)
447 | else AcronymDbContent.AddAcronym(Acronym, Meaning);
448 | end;
449 | end else
450 | // No acronym inside parenthesis, continue with parsing inside
451 | Index := StartIndex + 1;
452 | State := stNone;
453 | end else begin
454 | Acronym := Acronym + Text[Index];
455 | end;
456 | end else begin
457 | if Text[Index] = '(' then begin
458 | State := stAcronymDefinition;
459 | Acronym := '';
460 | StartIndex := Index;
461 | end else
462 | if IsUppercaseAlpha(Text[Index]) then begin
463 | State := stAcronymUsage;
464 | Acronym := Text[Index];
465 | if (Index - 1) >= 1 then AcronymCharBefore := Text[Index - 1]
466 | else AcronymCharBefore := ' ';
467 | end;
468 | end;
469 | Inc(Index);
470 | until Index > Length(Text);
471 | Lines.Free;
472 | end;
473 |
474 | function TFormCheck.AllowedSideChar(Before, After: Char): Boolean;
475 | begin
476 | Result := ((Before = ' ') or (Before = #10) or (Before = #13) or (Before = ',') or
477 | (Before = ';') or (Before = '(') or (Before = ')'))
478 | and ((After = ' ') or (After = #10) or (After = #13) or (After = ',') or
479 | (After = '.') or (After = ';') or (After = '(') or (After = ')'));
480 | end;
481 |
482 | function TFormCheck.ParseMeaning(Acronym, Text: string; StartIndex: Integer;
483 | out Meaning: string; DashSeparator: Boolean): Boolean;
484 | var
485 | StartIndex2: Integer;
486 | StartIndex3: Integer;
487 | StartIndex4: Integer;
488 | LetterIndex: Integer;
489 | OneWord: string;
490 | WordLetterIndex: Integer;
491 | WordCount: Integer;
492 | WordCountWrong: Integer;
493 | begin
494 | Result := True;
495 | Meaning := '';
496 | StartIndex2 := StartIndex;
497 | LetterIndex := Length(Acronym);
498 | WordCount := 0;
499 | WordCountWrong := 0;
500 | while Length(Acronym) > 0 do begin
501 | StartIndex3 := PosFromIndexReverse(' ', Text, StartIndex2);
502 | if DashSeparator then begin
503 | StartIndex4 := PosFromIndexReverse('-', Text, StartIndex2);
504 | if StartIndex4 > StartIndex3 then StartIndex3 := StartIndex4;
505 | end;
506 |
507 | if StartIndex3 = 0 then Break;
508 | OneWord := Copy(Text, StartIndex3 + 1, StartIndex2 - StartIndex3);
509 | if OneWord = '$' then begin
510 | // Avoid parsing Bash variables
511 | Result := False;
512 | Exit;
513 | end;
514 | if Trim(OneWord) = '' then begin
515 | StartIndex2 := StartIndex3 - 1;
516 | Continue;
517 | end;
518 | // Is first letter capital?
519 | if (Length(OneWord) > 0) and IsAlpha(OneWord[1]) then begin
520 | WordLetterIndex := PosFromIndexReverse(LowerCase(OneWord[1]), LowerCase(Copy(Acronym, 1, LetterIndex)), LetterIndex);
521 | if WordLetterIndex > 0 then begin
522 | // First letter was found in acronym
523 | if WordLetterIndex <= LetterIndex then begin
524 | if not WordContainsLetters(LowerCase(OneWord), LowerCase(Copy(Acronym, WordLetterIndex, LetterIndex - WordLetterIndex + 1))) then begin
525 | Result := False;
526 | Exit;
527 | end;
528 | LetterIndex := WordLetterIndex - 1;
529 | end else begin
530 | Dec(LetterIndex);
531 | end;
532 | WordCountWrong := 0;
533 | end else begin
534 | Inc(WordCountWrong);
535 | if WordCountWrong > 1 then begin
536 | Result := False;
537 | Exit;
538 | end;
539 | end;
540 | end else begin
541 | Inc(WordCountWrong);
542 | if WordCountWrong > 1 then begin
543 | Result := False;
544 | Exit;
545 | end;
546 | end;
547 | StartIndex2 := StartIndex3 - 1;
548 | if LetterIndex < 1 then Break;
549 | Inc(WordCount);
550 | if WordCount > 2 * Length(Acronym) then begin
551 | // False acronym in braces with too much words
552 | Result := False;
553 | Exit;
554 | end;
555 | end;
556 | Meaning := Trim(Copy(Text, StartIndex2 + 1, StartIndex - StartIndex2));
557 | end;
558 |
559 | function TFormCheck.IsUppercaseAlpha(Text: string): Boolean;
560 | var
561 | I: Integer;
562 | begin
563 | I := 1;
564 | Result := True;
565 | while (I <= Length(Text)) do begin
566 | if not (Text[I] in ['A'..'Z']) then begin
567 | Result := False;
568 | Break;
569 | end;
570 | Inc(I);
571 | end;
572 | end;
573 |
574 | function TFormCheck.IsLowercaseAlpha(Text: string): Boolean;
575 | var
576 | I: Integer;
577 | begin
578 | I := 1;
579 | Result := True;
580 | while (I <= Length(Text)) do begin
581 | if not (Text[I] in ['a'..'z']) then begin
582 | Result := False;
583 | Break;
584 | end;
585 | Inc(I);
586 | end;
587 | end;
588 |
589 | function TFormCheck.IsAlpha(Text: string): Boolean;
590 | var
591 | I: Integer;
592 | begin
593 | I := 1;
594 | Result := True;
595 | while (I <= Length(Text)) do begin
596 | if not (Text[I] in ['A'..'Z']) and not (Text[I] in ['a'..'z']) then begin
597 | Result := False;
598 | Break;
599 | end;
600 | Inc(I);
601 | end;
602 | end;
603 |
604 | function TFormCheck.IsAcronym(Text: string): Boolean;
605 | const
606 | MinAcronymLength = 2;
607 | begin
608 | Result := (Length(Text) >= MinAcronymLength) and IsUppercaseAlpha(Text);
609 | end;
610 |
611 | function TFormCheck.IsDigit(Text: Char): Boolean;
612 | begin
613 | Result := Text in ['0'..'9'];
614 | end;
615 |
616 | procedure TFormCheck.ReportDifferencies;
617 | var
618 | I: Integer;
619 | J: Integer;
620 | Acronym: TAcronym;
621 | Acronym2: TAcronym;
622 | Meaning: TAcronymMeaning;
623 | Meaning2: TAcronymMeaning;
624 | begin
625 | // In content but not in summary
626 | for I := 0 to AcronymDbContent.Acronyms.Count - 1 do begin
627 | Acronym := TAcronym(AcronymDbContent.Acronyms[I]);
628 | if Acronym.Meanings.Count > 1 then
629 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SAcronymContentMultipleMeanings, [Acronym.Name,
630 | Acronym.Meanings.GetNames]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning);
631 | Acronym2 := AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms.SearchByName(Acronym.Name);
632 | if not Assigned(Acronym2) then
633 | for J := 0 to Acronym.Meanings.Count - 1 do begin
634 | Meaning := TAcronymMeaning(Acronym.Meanings[J]);
635 | if not Assigned(AcronymDbSummary.SearchAcronym(Acronym.Name, Meaning.Name, [sfCaseInsensitive])) then
636 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SMissingAcronymContent, [Acronym.Name, Meaning.Name]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning);
637 | end;
638 | end;
639 |
640 | // In summary but not in content
641 | for I := 0 to AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms.Count - 1 do begin
642 | Acronym := TAcronym(AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms[I]);
643 | if Acronym.Meanings.Count > 1 then
644 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SAcronymSummaryMultipleMeanings, [Acronym.Name, Acronym.Meanings.GetNames]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning);
645 | Acronym2 := AcronymDbContent.Acronyms.SearchByName(Acronym.Name);
646 | if not Assigned(Acronym2) then
647 | for J := 0 to Acronym.Meanings.Count - 1 do begin
648 | Meaning := TAcronymMeaning(Acronym.Meanings[J]);
649 | if not Assigned(AcronymDbContent.SearchAcronym(Acronym.Name, Meaning.Name, [sfCaseInsensitive])) then
650 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SMissingAcronymSummary, [Acronym.Name, Meaning.Name]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning);
651 | end;
652 | end;
653 |
654 | // With different meaning
655 | for I := 0 to AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms.Count - 1 do begin
656 | Acronym := TAcronym(AcronymDbSummary.Acronyms[I]);
657 | Acronym2 := AcronymDbContent.Acronyms.SearchByName(Acronym.Name);
658 | if Assigned(Acronym2) then begin
659 | if (Acronym.Meanings.Count = 1) and (Acronym2.Meanings.Count = 1) then begin
660 | Meaning := TAcronymMeaning(Acronym.Meanings[0]);
661 | Meaning2 := TAcronymMeaning(Acronym2.Meanings[0]);
662 | if not StringEqual(Meaning.Name, Meaning2.Name) then
663 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SAcronymWithDifferentMeaning, [Acronym.Name, Meaning2.Name, Meaning.Name]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning);
664 | end else
665 | ReportItems.AddNew(Format(SAcronymWithDifferentMeaningCount, [Acronym.Name, Acronym2.Meanings.Count, Acronym.Meanings.Count]), Point(0, 0), rtWarning);
666 | end;
667 | end;
668 | end;
669 |
670 | function TFormCheck.WordContainsLetters(Text, Letters: string): Boolean;
671 | var
672 | I: Integer;
673 | LetterIndex: Integer;
674 | begin
675 | Result := True;
676 | for I := 1 to Length(Letters) do begin
677 | LetterIndex := Pos(Letters[I], Text);
678 | if LetterIndex > 0 then begin
679 | Text := Copy(Text, LetterIndex + 1, Length(Text));
680 | end else begin
681 | Result := False;
682 | Break;
683 | end;
684 | end;
685 | end;
686 |
687 | function TFormCheck.StringEqual(Text1, Text2: string): Boolean;
688 | begin
689 | if CheckBoxCaseSensitive.Checked then Result := Text1 = Text2
690 | else Result := LowerCase(Text1) = LowerCase(Text2);
691 | end;
692 |
693 | procedure TFormCheck.ReloadReport;
694 | begin
695 | ListViewReport.Items.Count := ReportItems.Count;
696 | ListViewReport.Refresh;
697 | end;
698 |
699 | procedure TFormCheck.UpdateInterface;
700 | begin
701 | LabelAcronymCountContent.Caption := SAcronymCountContent + ' ' + IntToStr(AcronymDbContent.GetMeaningsCount);
702 | LabelAcronymCountSummary.Caption := SAcronymCountSummary + ' ' + IntToStr(AcronymDbSummary.GetMeaningsCount);
703 | end;
704 |
705 | procedure TFormCheck.LoadConfig(RegistryContext: TRegistryContext);
706 | begin
707 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
708 | try
709 | RootKey := RegistryContext.RootKey;
710 | OpenKey(RegistryContext.Key, True);
711 | EditSummaryStart.Text := ReadStringWithDefault('SummaryStart', 'ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS');
712 | EditSummaryEnd.Text := ReadStringWithDefault('SummaryEnd', 'Appendix');
713 | LastDocumentFileName := ReadStringWithDefault('LastDocumentFileName', '');
714 | CheckBoxCaseSensitive.Checked := ReadBoolWithDefault('CaseSensitiveComparison', False);
715 | finally
716 | Free;
717 | end;
718 | end;
719 |
720 | procedure TFormCheck.SaveConfig(RegistryContext: TRegistryContext);
721 | begin
722 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
723 | try
724 | RootKey := RegistryContext.RootKey;
725 | OpenKey(RegistryContext.Key, True);
726 | WriteString('SummaryStart', EditSummaryStart.Text);
727 | WriteString('SummaryEnd', EditSummaryEnd.Text);
728 | WriteString('LastDocumentFileName', LastDocumentFileName);
729 | WriteBool('CaseSensitiveComparison', CheckBoxCaseSensitive.Checked);
730 | finally
731 | Free;
732 | end;
733 | end;
734 |
735 | end.
736 |