1 | unit Core;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Acronym, Translator, PersistentForm,
7 | JobProgressView, ScaleDPI, Forms, Controls, ExtCtrls, Menus, LazFileUtils,
8 | RegistryEx, ApplicationInfo, Registry, Theme, FormMain;
9 |
10 | type
11 |
12 | { TCore }
13 |
14 | TCore = class(TDataModule)
15 | ApplicationInfo1: TApplicationInfo;
16 | ThemeManager: TThemeManager;
17 | Translator: TTranslator;
18 | ImageListSmall: TImageList;
19 | ImageListLarge: TImageList;
20 | MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
21 | MenuItem19: TMenuItem;
22 | MenuItem2: TMenuItem;
23 | MenuItem26: TMenuItem;
24 | MenuItem27: TMenuItem;
25 | MenuItem28: TMenuItem;
26 | MenuItem3: TMenuItem;
27 | PersistentForm1: TPersistentForm;
28 | PopupMenuTrayIcon: TPopupMenu;
29 | ScaleDPI1: TScaleDPI;
30 | TrayIcon1: TTrayIcon;
31 | procedure TranslatorTranslate(Sender: TObject);
32 | procedure DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
33 | procedure DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);
34 | procedure TrayIcon1Click(Sender: TObject);
35 | private
36 | FAlwaysOnTop: Boolean;
37 | StoredDimension: TControlDimension;
38 | procedure SetAlwaysOnTop(AValue: Boolean);
39 | function FindFirstNonOption: string;
40 | procedure WriteLnConsole(Text: string);
41 | public
42 | FormMain: TFormMain;
43 | AcronymDb: TAcronymDb;
44 | StartOnLogon: Boolean;
45 | StartMinimizedToTray: Boolean;
46 | ReopenLastFileOnStart: Boolean;
47 | InitializeStarted: Boolean;
48 | InitializeFinished: Boolean;
49 | function GetAppShareDir(Dir: string): string;
50 | procedure Initialize;
51 | procedure LoadConfig;
52 | procedure SaveConfig;
53 | procedure ScaleDPI;
54 | property AlwaysOnTop: Boolean read FAlwaysOnTop write SetAlwaysOnTop;
55 | end;
56 |
57 | var
58 | Core: TCore;
59 |
60 |
61 | implementation
62 |
63 | uses
64 | FormEx;
65 |
66 | const
67 | ExampleFile = 'Example acronyms.adp';
68 | DefaultOverrideFile = 'Default.txt';
69 |
70 | resourcestring
71 | SStartMinimizedInTray = 'Start minimized in system tray';
72 | SShowThisHelp = 'Show this help';
73 | SOptions = 'options';
74 | SProjectFile = 'project file';
75 |
76 |
77 | {$R *.lfm}
78 |
79 | procedure TCore.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
80 | begin
81 | Translator.POFilesFolder := GetAppShareDir('Languages');
82 |
83 | AcronymDb := nil;
84 | InitializeStarted := False;
85 | InitializeFinished := False;
86 | StoredDimension := TControlDimension.Create;
87 |
88 | TFormEx.ScaleDPI := ScaleDPI1;
89 | TFormEx.Translator := Translator;
90 | TFormEx.ThemeManager := ThemeManager;
91 | TFormEx.PersistentForm := PersistentForm1;
92 |
93 | Application.CreateForm(TFormMain, FormMain);
94 | end;
95 |
96 | procedure TCore.DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);
97 | begin
98 | FreeAndNil(StoredDimension);
99 | FreeAndNil(AcronymDb);
100 | end;
101 |
102 | procedure TCore.TrayIcon1Click(Sender: TObject);
103 | begin
104 | if not FormMain.Visible then FormMain.AShow.Execute
105 | else FormMain.Hide;
106 | end;
107 |
108 | procedure TCore.TranslatorTranslate(Sender: TObject);
109 | begin
110 | Acronym.Translate;
111 | end;
112 |
113 | procedure TCore.SetAlwaysOnTop(AValue: Boolean);
114 | begin
115 | if FAlwaysOnTop = AValue then Exit;
116 | FAlwaysOnTop := AValue;
117 | if FAlwaysOnTop then FormMain.FormStyle := fsSystemStayOnTop
118 | else FormMain.FormStyle := fsNormal;
119 | end;
120 |
121 | procedure TCore.WriteLnConsole(Text: string);
122 | begin
124 | if not IsConsole then begin
125 | IsConsole := True;
126 | SysInitStdIO;
127 | end;
128 | {$ENDIF}
129 | WriteLn(Text);
130 | end;
131 |
132 | function TCore.GetAppShareDir(Dir: string): string;
133 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
134 | var
135 | NewDir: string;
136 | {$ENDIF}
137 | begin
138 | Result := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + DirectorySeparator + Dir;
139 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
140 | // If installed in Linux system then try to use different installation directory
141 | if not DirectoryExists(Result) then begin
142 | NewDir := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + DirectorySeparator + '..' +
143 | DirectorySeparator + 'share' + DirectorySeparator +
144 | ExtractFileNameOnly(Application.ExeName) + DirectorySeparator + Dir;
145 | if DirectoryExists(NewDir) then Result := NewDir;
146 | end;
147 | {$ENDIF}
148 | end;
149 |
150 | procedure TCore.Initialize;
151 | var
152 | FileNameOption: string;
153 | ExampleFileName: string;
154 | DefaultOverrideFileName: string;
155 | ExamplesDir: string;
156 | Lines: TStringList;
157 | Output: string;
158 | begin
159 | if not InitializeStarted then begin
160 | InitializeStarted := True;
161 | LoadConfig;
162 |
163 | if Application.HasOption('h', 'help') then begin
164 | Output := 'AcronymDecoder [' + SOptions + '] <' + SProjectFile + '>' + LineEnding;
165 | Output := Output + ' -t --tray ' + SStartMinimizedInTray + LineEnding;
166 | Output := Output + ' -h --help ' + SShowThisHelp + LineEnding;
167 | WriteLnConsole(Output);
168 | Application.Terminate;
169 | Exit;
170 | end;
171 |
172 | if Application.HasOption('t', 'tray') then begin
173 | FormMain.Visible := False;
174 | end;
175 |
176 | ExamplesDir := GetAppShareDir('Examples');
177 | ExampleFileName := ExamplesDir + DirectorySeparator + ExampleFile;
178 |
179 | // To override default project file put new project name to default file
180 | DefaultOverrideFileName := ExamplesDir + DirectorySeparator + DefaultOverrideFile;
181 | if FileExists(DefaultOverrideFileName) then begin
182 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
183 | Lines.LoadFromFile(DefaultOverrideFileName);
184 | if Lines.Count > 0 then
185 | ExampleFileName := ExamplesDir + DirectorySeparator + Lines[0];
186 | Lines.Free;
187 | end;
188 |
189 | FileNameOption := FindFirstNonOption;
190 | if FileNameOption <> '' then begin
191 | // Open file specified as command line parameter
192 | FormMain.ProjectOpen(FileNameOption);
193 | end else
194 | if ReopenLastFileOnStart and (FormMain.LastOpenedList1.Items.Count > 0) and
195 | FileExists(FormMain.LastOpenedList1.Items[0]) then begin
196 | // Open last opened file
197 | FormMain.ProjectOpen(FormMain.LastOpenedList1.Items[0])
198 | end else
199 | if FileExists(ExampleFileName) then begin
200 | // Open default database with examples if no item is in recent openned history
201 | FormMain.ProjectOpen(ExampleFileName);
202 | end else begin
203 | // Create empty file
204 | FormMain.AFileNew.Execute;
205 | end;
206 |
207 | //ImageListSmall.Assign(ImageListLarge);
208 |
209 | ScaleDPI;
210 | FormMain.UpdateAcronymsList;
211 | FormMain.ListViewFilter1.UpdateFromListView(FormMain.ListViewAcronyms);
212 | InitializeFinished := True;
213 | end;
214 | end;
215 |
216 | procedure TCore.LoadConfig;
217 | begin
218 | FormMain.LoadConfig;
219 |
220 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
221 | try
222 | RootKey := RegistryRootHKEY[ApplicationInfo1.RegistryRoot];
223 | OpenKey(ApplicationInfo1.RegistryKey, True);
224 | ScaleDPI1.DPI := Point(ReadIntegerWithDefault('DPIX', 96), ReadIntegerWithDefault('DPIY', 96));
225 | ScaleDPI1.AutoDetect := ReadBoolWithDefault('DPIAuto', True);
226 | if ValueExists('LanguageCode') then
227 | Translator.Language := Translator.Languages.SearchByCode(ReadStringWithDefault('LanguageCode', ''))
228 | else Translator.Language := Translator.Languages.SearchByCode('');
229 | AlwaysOnTop := ReadBoolWithDefault('AlwaysOnTop', False);
230 | StartMinimizedToTray := ReadBoolWithDefault('StartMinimizedToTray', False);
231 | ReopenLastFileOnStart := ReadBoolWithDefault('ReopenLastFileOnStart', True);
232 | ThemeManager.Theme := ThemeManager.Themes.FindByName(ReadStringWithDefault('Theme', 'System'));
233 | finally
234 | Free;
235 | end;
236 | end;
237 |
238 | procedure TCore.SaveConfig;
239 | begin
240 | FormMain.SaveConfig;
241 |
242 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
243 | try
244 | RootKey := RegistryRootHKEY[ApplicationInfo1.RegistryRoot];
245 | OpenKey(ApplicationInfo1.RegistryKey, True);
246 | WriteInteger('DPIX', ScaleDPI1.DPI.X);
247 | WriteInteger('DPIY', ScaleDPI1.DPI.Y);
248 | WriteBool('DPIAuto', ScaleDPI1.AutoDetect);
249 | if Assigned(Translator.Language) and (Translator.Language.Code <> '') then
250 | WriteString('LanguageCode', Translator.Language.Code)
251 | else DeleteValue('LanguageCode');
252 | WriteBool('AlwaysOnTop', AlwaysOnTop);
253 | WriteBool('StartMinimizedToTray', StartMinimizedToTray);
254 | WriteBool('ReopenLastFileOnStart', ReopenLastFileOnStart);
255 | WriteString('Theme', ThemeManager.Theme.Name);
256 | finally
257 | Free;
258 | end;
259 | end;
260 |
261 | procedure TCore.ScaleDPI;
262 | begin
263 | // TODO: Transparent image scaling not working properly under linux Gtk2
264 | // Also screen DPI is not correctly detected under linux Gtk2
265 | //Core.ScaleDPI1.DPI := Point(200, 200);
266 | //{$IFDEF WINDOWS}
267 | Core.ScaleDPI1.ScaleImageList(ImageListSmall, Core.ScaleDPI1.DesignDPI);
268 | //{$ENDIF}
269 | end;
270 |
271 | function TCore.FindFirstNonOption: string;
272 | var
273 | S: string;
274 | I: Integer;
275 | begin
276 | Result := '';
277 | for I := 1 to Application.ParamCount do begin
278 | S := Application.Params[I];
279 | if S[1] = Application.OptionChar then Continue;
280 | Result := S;
281 | Break;
282 | end;
283 | end;
284 |
285 | end.
286 |