Changeset 95

Jun 7, 2024, 10:05:49 PM (3 months ago)
  • Added: Windows installer binary.
  • Modified: Post 1.4.0 version changes.
1 added
9 edited


  • tags/1.4.0/Core.lfm

    r91 r95  
    2323    VersionMinor = 4
    2424    VersionBugFix = 0
    25     VersionSuffix = 'alfa'
    2625    HomePage = ''
    2726    AuthorsName = 'Chronos'
    2928    AppName = '2048'
    3029    Description = 'A single-player sliding block puzzle game.'
    31     ReleaseDate = 44056
     30    ReleaseDate = 45450
    3231    RegistryKey = '\Software\Chronosoft\2048'
    3332    RegistryRoot = rrKeyCurrentUser
  • tags/1.4.0/Install/win/Game2048.iss

    r76 r95  
    55#define MyAppNameShort "2048"
    66#define MyAppVersion "1.4.0"
    7 #define MyAppVersionSuffix "alfa"     
     7;#define MyAppVersionSuffix "alfa"     
    88#define MyAppPublisher "Chronosoft"
    99#define MyAppPublisherShort "Chronosoft"
  • tags/1.4.0/Release Notes.txt

    r81 r95  
     1Version 1.4.0 (2024-06-07)
     4* Added: Game menu restart action to start a new game without showing options dialog.
     5* Added: Toggle full screen mode (F11) from View main menu.
     6* Added: Allow to select color palette in new game dialog.
     7* Added: Step button in AI form to do single step.
     8* Added: Use also numeric keyboard for movement.
     9* Modified: Calculate different win tile value for different board sizes.
     10* Modified: Moved Settings menu under Tools menu.
     11* Fixed: Use scrollboxes in options dialogs.
     12* Fixed: Use clear background color under score text instead of solid.
    114Version 1.3.0 (2020-08-13)
  • trunk/Core.lfm

    r91 r95  
    2121    Identification = 1
    2222    VersionMajor = 1
    23     VersionMinor = 4
     23    VersionMinor = 5
    2424    VersionBugFix = 0
    2525    VersionSuffix = 'alfa'
    2929    AppName = '2048'
    3030    Description = 'A single-player sliding block puzzle game.'
    31     ReleaseDate = 44056
     31    ReleaseDate = 45450
    3232    RegistryKey = '\Software\Chronosoft\2048'
    3333    RegistryRoot = rrKeyCurrentUser
  • trunk/Install/deb/debian/changelog

    r76 r95  
    1 2048 (1.4.0-0) precise; urgency=low
     12048 (1.5.0-0) precise; urgency=low
    3   * Original version 1.4.0 packaged with lazdebian
     3  * Original version 1.5.0 packaged with lazdebian
    55 -- Chronos <>  Sun, 1 Jan 2018 00:51:08 +0100
  • trunk/Install/deb/debian/control

    r76 r95  
    33Section: games
    44Priority: optional
    5 Standards-Version: 1.4.0
     5Standards-Version: 1.5.0
    66Build-Depends: fpc, lazarus, lcl, lcl-utils, debhelper (>= 8)
    77#Build-Depends: fpc-laz, lazarus-project, debhelper (>= 8)
  • trunk/Install/snap/snapcraft.yaml

    r90 r95  
    11name: 2048x
    22title: 2048x
    3 version: '1.3.0'
     3version: '1.5.0'
    44summary: A classic 2048 block sliding puzzle game
    55description: |
  • trunk/Install/win/Game2048.iss

    r76 r95  
    44#define MyAppName "2048"
    55#define MyAppNameShort "2048"
    6 #define MyAppVersion "1.4.0"
     6#define MyAppVersion "1.5.0"
    77#define MyAppVersionSuffix "alfa"     
    88#define MyAppPublisher "Chronosoft"
  • trunk/Release Notes.txt

    r81 r95  
     1Version 1.4.0 (2024-06-07)
     4* Added: Game menu restart action to start a new game without showing options dialog.
     5* Added: Toggle full screen mode (F11) from View main menu.
     6* Added: Allow to select color palette in new game dialog.
     7* Added: Step button in AI form to do single step.
     8* Added: Use also numeric keyboard for movement.
     9* Modified: Calculate different win tile value for different board sizes.
     10* Modified: Moved Settings menu under Tools menu.
     11* Fixed: Use scrollboxes in options dialogs.
     12* Fixed: Use clear background color under score text instead of solid.
    114Version 1.3.0 (2020-08-13)
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