source: trunk/Packages/Common/Forms/FormAbout.lfm

Last change on this file was 102, checked in by chronos, 3 weeks ago
  • Modified: Lowered minimal swipe distance.
  • Modified: Show score and best score as boxes. Place them according window size.
  • Modified: Updated Common package.
File size: 2.1 KB
1object FormAbout: TFormAbout
2 Left = 624
3 Height = 402
4 Top = 622
5 Width = 702
6 Caption = 'About'
7 ClientHeight = 402
8 ClientWidth = 702
9 DesignTimePPI = 144
10 OnShow = FormShow
11 Position = poScreenCenter
12 LCLVersion = ''
13 object LabelDescription: TLabel
14 Left = 30
15 Height = 26
16 Top = 135
17 Width = 642
18 Align = alTop
19 BorderSpacing.Left = 30
20 BorderSpacing.Right = 30
21 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 30
22 Caption = 'Description'
23 ParentColor = False
24 ParentFont = False
25 WordWrap = True
26 end
27 object LabelContent: TLabel
28 Left = 30
29 Height = 26
30 Top = 191
31 Width = 642
32 Align = alTop
33 BorderSpacing.Around = 30
34 Caption = ' '
35 ParentColor = False
36 ParentFont = False
37 end
38 object PanelTop: TPanel
39 Left = 0
40 Height = 135
41 Top = 0
42 Width = 702
43 Align = alTop
44 BevelOuter = bvNone
45 ClientHeight = 135
46 ClientWidth = 702
47 FullRepaint = False
48 ParentFont = False
49 TabOrder = 0
50 object LabelAppName: TLabel
51 Left = 108
52 Height = 84
53 Top = 20
54 Width = 564
55 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
56 AutoSize = False
57 BorderSpacing.Around = 30
58 Caption = 'Title'
59 Font.Height = -60
60 ParentColor = False
61 ParentFont = False
62 WordWrap = True
63 end
64 object ImageLogo: TImage
65 Left = 24
66 Height = 74
67 Top = 30
68 Width = 71
69 Proportional = True
70 Stretch = True
71 end
72 end
73 object PanelButtons: TPanel
74 Left = 0
75 Height = 75
76 Top = 327
77 Width = 702
78 Align = alBottom
79 BevelOuter = bvNone
80 ClientHeight = 75
81 ClientWidth = 702
82 TabOrder = 1
83 object ButtonHomePage: TButton
84 Left = 24
85 Height = 38
86 Top = 24
87 Width = 264
88 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
89 Caption = 'Home page'
90 OnClick = ButtonHomePageClick
91 ParentFont = False
92 TabOrder = 0
93 end
94 object ButtonClose: TButton
95 Left = 531
96 Height = 38
97 Top = 24
98 Width = 141
99 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
100 Caption = 'Close'
101 ModalResult = 1
102 ParentFont = False
103 TabOrder = 1
104 end
105 end
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