source: tags/1.4.0/Forms/FormSettings.lfm

Last change on this file was 89, checked in by chronos, 3 months ago
  • Added: Allow to select color palette in new game dialog.
  • Fixed: Use scrollboxes in options dialogs.
File size: 1.9 KB
1object FormSettings: TFormSettings
2 Left = 838
3 Height = 331
4 Top = 468
5 Width = 612
6 Caption = 'Settings'
7 ClientHeight = 331
8 ClientWidth = 612
9 DesignTimePPI = 144
10 OnCreate = FormCreate
11 OnShow = FormShow
12 LCLVersion = ''
13 object ButtonOk: TButton
14 Left = 488
15 Height = 38
16 Top = 283
17 Width = 113
18 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
19 Caption = 'OK'
20 TabOrder = 0
21 OnClick = ButtonOkClick
22 end
23 object ButtonCancel: TButton
24 Left = 352
25 Height = 38
26 Top = 283
27 Width = 113
28 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
29 Caption = 'Cancel'
30 TabOrder = 1
31 OnClick = ButtonCancelClick
32 end
33 object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox
34 Left = 8
35 Height = 262
36 Top = 8
37 Width = 595
38 HorzScrollBar.Page = 438
39 VertScrollBar.Page = 178
40 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
41 ClientHeight = 260
42 ClientWidth = 593
43 TabOrder = 2
44 object Label1: TLabel
45 Left = 19
46 Height = 26
47 Top = 24
48 Width = 170
49 Caption = 'Animation duration:'
50 ParentColor = False
51 end
52 object TrackBar1: TTrackBar
53 Left = 208
54 Height = 58
55 Top = 16
56 Width = 372
57 Max = 1000
58 Position = 0
59 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
60 TabOrder = 0
61 end
62 object ComboBoxLanguage: TComboBox
63 Left = 208
64 Height = 42
65 Top = 86
66 Width = 230
67 ItemHeight = 0
68 Style = csDropDownList
69 TabOrder = 1
70 end
71 object Label2: TLabel
72 Left = 19
73 Height = 26
74 Top = 94
75 Width = 88
76 Caption = 'Language:'
77 ParentColor = False
78 end
79 object ComboBoxTheme: TComboBox
80 Left = 208
81 Height = 42
82 Top = 136
83 Width = 230
84 ItemHeight = 0
85 Style = csDropDownList
86 TabOrder = 2
87 end
88 object Label3: TLabel
89 Left = 19
90 Height = 26
91 Top = 144
92 Width = 63
93 Caption = 'Theme:'
94 ParentColor = False
95 end
96 end
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