Mar 31, 2010, 6:32:40 PM (14 years ago)
  • Upraveno: Aktualizace fóra.
1 edited


  • trunk/forum/language/en/help_bbcode.php

    r400 r702  
    66* @package language
    7 * @version $Id: help_bbcode.php 8479 2008-03-29 00:22:48Z naderman $
     7* @version $Id$
    88* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
    99* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
    7777        array(
    7878                0 => 'Creating an Ordered list',
    79                 1 => 'The second type of list, an ordered list, gives you control over what is output before each item. To create an ordered list you use <strong>[list=1][/list]</strong> to create a numbered list or alternatively <strong>[list=a][/list]</strong> for an alphabetical list. As with the unordered list, items are specified using <strong>[*]</strong>. For example:<br /><br /><strong>[list=1]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>Go to the shops<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Buy a new computer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Swear at computer when it crashes<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />will generate the following:<ol style="list-style-type: arabic-numbers"><li>Go to the shops</li><li>Buy a new computer</li><li>Swear at computer when it crashes</li></ol>Whereas for an alphabetical list you would use:<br /><br /><strong>[list=a]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>The first possible answer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>The second possible answer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>The third possible answer<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />giving<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li>The first possible answer</li><li>The second possible answer</li><li>The third possible answer</li></ol>'
     79                1 => 'The second type of list, an ordered list, gives you control over what is output before each item. To create an ordered list you use <strong>[list=1][/list]</strong> to create a numbered list or alternatively <strong>[list=a][/list]</strong> for an alphabetical list. As with the unordered list, items are specified using <strong>[*]</strong>. For example:<br /><br /><strong>[list=1]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>Go to the shops<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Buy a new computer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Swear at computer when it crashes<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />will generate the following:<ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"><li>Go to the shops</li><li>Buy a new computer</li><li>Swear at computer when it crashes</li></ol>Whereas for an alphabetical list you would use:<br /><br /><strong>[list=a]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>The first possible answer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>The second possible answer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>The third possible answer<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />giving<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li>The first possible answer</li><li>The second possible answer</li><li>The third possible answer</li></ol>'
     80        ),
     81        // This block will switch the FAQ-Questions to the second template column
     82        array(
     83                0 => '--',
     84                1 => '--'
    8085        ),
    8186        array(
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