- Timestamp:
- Dec 26, 2011, 12:07:37 PM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 11 edited
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TabularUnified trunk/Components/Common/UResetableThread.pas ¶
r64 r68 53 53 FOnException: TExceptionEvent; 54 54 procedure MethodFinish(Sender: TObject); 55 protected 55 56 procedure ThreadException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); 56 protected57 57 function NewItemObject: TObject; override; 58 58 public -
TabularUnified trunk/Components/CoolWeb/Common/UHtmlClasses.pas ¶
r67 r68 9 9 10 10 type 11 12 { TDomainAddress } 13 11 14 TDomainAddress = class(TPersistent) 12 15 private … … 14 17 procedure SetAsString(const Value: string); 15 18 public 16 Levels: array of string; 19 Levels: TListString; 20 constructor Create; 21 destructor Destroy; override; 17 22 property AsString: string read GetAsString write SetAsString; 18 23 end; 19 24 20 25 TAddrClass = (acA, acB, acC, acD, acE); 26 27 { TIpAddress } 21 28 22 29 TIpAddress = class(TPersistent) … … 32 39 Octets: array[0..3] of Byte; 33 40 procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; 41 function IsAddressString(Value: string): Boolean; 34 42 property AsCardinal: Cardinal read GetAsCardinal write SetAsCardinal; 35 43 property AsString: string read GetAsString write SetAsString; … … 589 597 end; 590 598 599 function TIpAddress.IsAddressString(Value: string): Boolean; 600 var 601 Parts: TListString; 602 begin 603 Result := True; 604 try 605 Parts := TListString.Create; 606 Parts.Explode(Value, '.', StrToStr); 607 if Parts.Count = 4 then begin 608 if (StrToInt(Parts[3]) < 0) or (StrToInt(Parts[3]) > 255) then Result := False; 609 if (StrToInt(Parts[2]) < 0) or (StrToInt(Parts[2]) > 255) then Result := False; 610 if (StrToInt(Parts[1]) < 0) or (StrToInt(Parts[1]) > 255) then Result := False; 611 if (StrToInt(Parts[0]) < 0) or (StrToInt(Parts[0]) > 255) then Result := False; 612 end else Result := False; 613 finally 614 Parts.Free; 615 end; 616 end; 617 591 618 function TIpAddress.GetAddrClass: TAddrClass; 592 619 begin … … 704 731 705 732 function TDomainAddress.GetAsString: string; 706 var 707 I: Integer; 708 begin 709 Result := ''; 710 for I := High(Levels) downto 0 do Result := Result + '.' + Levels[I]; 711 Delete(Result, 1, 1); 733 begin 734 try 735 Levels.Reverse; 736 Result := Levels.Implode('.', StrToStr); 737 finally 738 Levels.Reverse; 739 end; 712 740 end; 713 741 714 742 procedure TDomainAddress.SetAsString(const Value: string); 715 var 716 StrArray: TListString; 717 I: Integer; 718 begin 719 try 720 StrArray := TListString.Create; 721 StrArray.Explode(Value, '.', StrToStr); 722 SetLength(Levels, StrArray.Count); 723 for I := 0 to StrArray.Count - 1 do 724 Levels[StrArray.Count - 1 - I] := StrArray[I]; 725 finally 726 StrArray.Free; 727 end; 743 begin 744 Levels.Explode(Value, '.', StrToStr); 745 Levels.Reverse; 746 end; 747 748 constructor TDomainAddress.Create; 749 begin 750 Levels := TListString.Create; 751 end; 752 753 destructor TDomainAddress.Destroy; 754 begin 755 Levels.Free; 756 inherited Destroy; 728 757 end; 729 758 … … 792 821 procedure THostAddress.SetAsString(const Value: string); 793 822 begin 794 State := asIpAddress;795 try823 if IpAddress.IsAddressString(Value) then begin 824 State := asIpAddress; 796 825 IpAddress.AsString := Value; 797 e xcept798 on EConvertError doState := asDomainName;799 end;800 if State = asDomainName then DomainName.AsString := Value;826 end else begin 827 State := asDomainName; 828 DomainName.AsString := Value; 829 end; 801 830 end; 802 831 -
TabularUnified trunk/Components/CoolWeb/Network/UTCPServer.pas ¶
r61 r68 31 31 32 32 TClientThreadedPool = class(TThreadPool) 33 protected 34 function NewItemObject: TObject; override; 33 35 private 34 36 FActive: Boolean; … … 164 166 { TClientThreadedPool } 165 167 168 function TClientThreadedPool.NewItemObject: TObject; 169 begin 170 Result := TTCPClientThread.Create; 171 TResetableThread(Result).OnException := ThreadException; 172 end; 173 166 174 procedure TClientThreadedPool.SetActive(const AValue: Boolean); 167 175 begin -
TabularUnified trunk/Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas ¶
r67 r68 37 37 Cookies: TCookieList; 38 38 Post: TQueryParameterList; 39 procedure Clear; 39 40 constructor Create; 40 41 destructor Destroy; override; … … 48 49 Headers: TStringList; 49 50 Cookies: TCookieList; 51 procedure Clear; 50 52 constructor Create; 51 53 destructor Destroy; override; … … 232 234 { THTTPResponse } 233 235 236 procedure THTTPResponse.Clear; 237 begin 238 Content.Clear; 239 Cookies.Clear; 240 Headers.Clear; 241 end; 242 234 243 constructor THTTPResponse.Create; 235 244 begin … … 267 276 268 277 { THTTPRequest } 278 279 procedure THTTPRequest.Clear; 280 begin 281 Post.Clear; 282 Content.Clear; 283 QueryParts.Clear; 284 Cookies.Clear; 285 Headers.Clear; 286 Query.Clear; 287 end; 269 288 270 289 constructor THTTPRequest.Create; -
TabularUnified trunk/Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServerCGI.pas ¶
r67 r68 66 66 repeat 67 67 Count := InputStream.Read(Buffer[1], Length(Buffer)); 68 Request.Content.Write(Buffer[1], Count);68 if Count > 0 then Request.Content.Write(Buffer[1], Count); 69 69 until Count = 0; 70 70 finally … … 77 77 78 78 // Load data 79 if Request.Headers.IndexOfName('Content-length') <> -1 then79 (*if Request.Headers.IndexOfName('Content-length') <> -1 then 80 80 try 81 81 InputStream := TIOStream.Create(iosInput); … … 83 83 finally 84 84 InputStream.Free; 85 end; 85 end; *) 86 86 87 87 // Load environment variables -
TabularUnified trunk/Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServerTCP.pas ¶
r67 r68 21 21 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; 22 22 destructor Destroy; override; 23 procedure Run; override; 23 24 published 24 25 property MaxConnection: Integer read FMaxConnection write FMaxConnection; … … 143 144 end; 144 145 146 procedure THTTPServerTCP.Run; 147 begin 148 inherited Run; 149 WriteLn('HTTP Server started in TCP mode.'); 150 WriteLn('Listen on ' + Socket.Address + ':' + IntToStr(Socket.Port)); 151 WriteLn('Press any key to terminate...'); 152 Socket.ThreadPool.TotalCount := MaxConnection; 153 Socket.Active := True; 154 ReadLn; 155 WriteLn('Exiting'); 156 end; 157 145 158 end. 146 159 -
TabularUnified trunk/Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UWebApp.pas ¶
r67 r68 7 7 uses 8 8 Classes, SysUtils, CustApp, SpecializedList, UWebPage, UHTTPSessionFile, 9 UHTTPServer , UHTTPServerCGI;9 UHTTPServer; 10 10 11 11 type 12 THTTPServerType = (stCGI, stTCP); 13 12 14 TRegistredPage = class 13 15 Name: string; … … 26 28 private 27 29 FOnInitialize: TNotifyEvent; 30 FServerType: THTTPServerType; 28 31 procedure DoRun; override; 29 32 function DumpExceptionCallStack(E: Exception): string; 30 33 procedure HTTPServerRequest(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData); 34 procedure SetServerType(AValue: THTTPServerType); 31 35 public 32 36 Pages: TRegistredPageList; … … 39 43 destructor Destroy; override; 40 44 property OnInitialize: TNotifyEvent read FOnInitialize write FOnInitialize; 45 property ServerType: THTTPServerType read FServerType write SetServerType; 41 46 end; 42 47 … … 49 54 50 55 implementation 56 57 uses 58 UHTTPServerCGI, UHTTPServerTCP; 51 59 52 60 resourcestring … … 133 141 end else Response.Content.WriteString(SPageNotFound); 134 142 end; 143 end; 144 145 procedure TWebApp.SetServerType(AValue: THTTPServerType); 146 begin 147 if FServerType = AValue then Exit; 148 FServerType := AValue; 149 HTTPServer.Free; 150 case FServerType of 151 stCGI: HTTPServer := THTTPServerCGI.Create(nil); 152 stTCP: HTTPServer := THTTPServerTCP.Create(nil); 153 end; 154 HTTPServer.OnRequest := HTTPServerRequest; 135 155 end; 136 156 -
TabularUnified trunk/Modules/UMainModule.pas ¶
r67 r68 41 41 UserOnline: TWebOnlineUser; 42 42 FormatHTML: Boolean; 43 NetworkAddress: string; 44 NetworkPort: Integer; 45 MaxConnections: Integer; 43 46 procedure LoadFromRegistry; 44 47 procedure SaveToRegistry; … … 236 239 SectionGeneral = 'General'; 237 240 SectionDatabase = 'Database'; 241 SectionHTTPServer = 'HTTPServer'; 238 242 begin 239 243 with TIniFile.Create(ConfigFile) do … … 249 253 FormatHTML := ReadBool(SectionGeneral, 'FormatHTML', False); 250 254 Application.LogException := not ReadBool(SectionGeneral, 'ShowException', False); 255 NetworkAddress := ReadString(SectionHTTPServer, 'NetworkAddress', 'localhost'); 256 NetworkPort := ReadInteger(SectionHTTPServer, 'NetworkPort', 80); 257 MaxConnections := ReadInteger(SectionHTTPServer, 'MaxConnections', 10); 251 258 finally 252 259 Free; … … 258 265 SectionGeneral = 'General'; 259 266 SectionDatabase = 'Database'; 267 SectionHTTPServer = 'HTTPServer'; 260 268 begin 261 269 with TIniFile.Create(ConfigFile) do … … 271 279 WriteBool(SectionGeneral, 'FormatHTML', FormatHTML); 272 280 WriteBool(SectionGeneral, 'ShowException', not Application.LogException); 281 WriteString(SectionHTTPServer, 'NetworkAddress', NetworkAddress); 282 WriteInteger(SectionHTTPServer, 'NetworkPort', NetworkPort); 283 WriteInteger(SectionHTTPServer, 'MaxConnections', MaxConnections); 273 284 finally 274 285 Free; -
TabularUnified trunk/Pages/UUserControlPage.pas ¶
r67 r68 16 16 procedure DataModuleProduce(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData); 17 17 private 18 { private declarations } 18 procedure HandleLogin(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData); 19 procedure HandleRegistration(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData); 19 20 public 20 21 { public declarations } … … 45 46 if PageName = '' then PageName := 'prihlaseni'; 46 47 if PageName = 'prihlaseni' then begin 47 with TQueryForm(SubItems.AddNew(TQueryForm.Create)) do begin 48 Title := 'Přihlášení'; 49 ClassId := 'WideTable'; 50 //Action.AsString := '/dev/zdechovnet/trunk/serverinfoo'; 51 with AddNewGroup do begin 52 Title := ''; 53 with AddNewItem do begin 54 Caption := 'Jméno'; 55 Name := 'Name'; 56 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše přihlašovací jméno'; 57 Required := True; 58 end; 59 with AddNewItem do begin 60 Caption := 'Heslo'; 61 Name := 'Password'; 62 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše heslo'; 63 Required := True; 64 ItemType := fitPassword; 65 end; 66 end; 67 with AddNewAction do begin 68 Caption := 'Přihlásit'; 69 Action := 'Login'; 70 end; 71 end; 48 HandleLogin(HandlerData); 72 49 end else 73 50 if PageName = 'registrace' then begin 74 with TQueryForm(SubItems.AddNew(TQueryForm.Create)) do begin 75 Title := 'Registrace nového účtu'; 76 ClassId := 'WideTable'; 77 with AddNewGroup do begin 78 Title := ''; 79 with AddNewItem do begin 80 Caption := 'Jméno'; 81 Name := 'Name'; 82 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše přihlašovací jméno'; 83 Required := True; 84 end; 85 with AddNewItem do begin 86 Caption := 'Email'; 87 Name := 'Email'; 88 Hint := 'Zadejte vaši elektronickou poštovní schránku'; 89 Required := True; 90 end; 91 with AddNewItem do begin 92 Caption := 'Heslo'; 93 Name := 'Password'; 94 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše heslo'; 95 Required := True; 96 ItemType := fitPassword; 97 end; 98 with AddNewItem do begin 99 Caption := 'Ověření hesla'; 100 Name := 'PasswordConfirm'; 101 Hint := 'Zadejte znovu vaše heslo pro ověření'; 102 Required := True; 103 ItemType := fitPassword; 104 end; 105 end; 106 with AddNewAction do begin 107 Caption := 'Registrovat'; 108 Action := 'Register'; 109 end; 110 end; 51 HandleRegistration(HandlerData); 111 52 end; 112 53 end; … … 114 55 end; 115 56 57 procedure TUserControlPage.HandleLogin(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData); 58 var 59 Form: TQueryForm; 60 begin 61 with MainModule, HtmlDocument.Body do begin 62 Form := TQueryForm.Create; 63 with Form do begin 64 Title := 'Přihlášení'; 65 ClassId := 'WideTable'; 66 //Action.AsString := '/dev/zdechovnet/trunk/serverinfoo'; 67 with AddNewGroup do begin 68 Title := ''; 69 with AddNewItem do begin 70 Caption := 'Jméno'; 71 Name := 'Name'; 72 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše přihlašovací jméno'; 73 Required := True; 74 end; 75 with AddNewItem do begin 76 Caption := 'Heslo'; 77 Name := 'Password'; 78 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše heslo'; 79 Required := True; 80 ItemType := fitPassword; 81 end; 82 end; 83 with AddNewAction do begin 84 Caption := 'Přihlásit'; 85 Action := 'Login'; 86 end; 87 end; 88 if HandlerData.Request.Post.IndexOfName('Login') <> -1 then begin 89 Form.Load(HandlerData.Request.Post); 90 with THtmlString(SubItems.AddNew(THtmlString.Create)) do 91 Text := 'Přihlášení user: ' + TQueryFormItem(TQueryFormGroup(Form.Groups[0]).Rows[0]).Value.Value; 92 Form.Free; 93 end else 94 SubItems.AddNew(Form); 95 end; 96 end; 97 98 procedure TUserControlPage.HandleRegistration(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData); 99 begin 100 with MainModule, HtmlDocument.Body do begin 101 with TQueryForm(SubItems.AddNew(TQueryForm.Create)) do begin 102 Title := 'Registrace nového účtu'; 103 ClassId := 'WideTable'; 104 with AddNewGroup do begin 105 Title := ''; 106 with AddNewItem do begin 107 Caption := 'Jméno'; 108 Name := 'Name'; 109 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše přihlašovací jméno'; 110 Required := True; 111 end; 112 with AddNewItem do begin 113 Caption := 'Email'; 114 Name := 'Email'; 115 Hint := 'Zadejte vaši elektronickou poštovní schránku'; 116 Required := True; 117 end; 118 with AddNewItem do begin 119 Caption := 'Heslo'; 120 Name := 'Password'; 121 Hint := 'Zadejte vaše heslo'; 122 Required := True; 123 ItemType := fitPassword; 124 end; 125 with AddNewItem do begin 126 Caption := 'Ověření hesla'; 127 Name := 'PasswordConfirm'; 128 Hint := 'Zadejte znovu vaše heslo pro ověření'; 129 Required := True; 130 ItemType := fitPassword; 131 end; 132 end; 133 with AddNewAction do begin 134 Caption := 'Registrovat'; 135 Action := 'Register'; 136 end; 137 end; 138 end; 139 end; 140 116 141 end. 117 142 -
TabularUnified trunk/ZdechovNET.lpi ¶
r67 r68 60 60 </Item5> 61 61 </RequiredPackages> 62 <Units Count="14 4">62 <Units Count="148"> 63 63 <Unit0> 64 64 <Filename Value="ZdechovNET.lpr"/> … … 67 67 <EditorIndex Value="0"/> 68 68 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 69 <TopLine Value=" 3"/>70 <CursorPos X=" 53" Y="10"/>69 <TopLine Value="12"/> 70 <CursorPos X="35" Y="20"/> 71 71 <UsageCount Value="203"/> 72 72 <Loaded Value="True"/> … … 100 100 <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/> 101 101 <UnitName Value="UCore"/> 102 <EditorIndex Value="3"/> 103 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 104 <TopLine Value="1"/> 105 <CursorPos X="68" Y="10"/> 102 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 103 <TopLine Value="1"/> 104 <CursorPos X="55" Y="9"/> 106 105 <UsageCount Value="203"/> 107 <Loaded Value="True"/>108 106 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 109 107 </Unit4> … … 534 532 <TopLine Value="1"/> 535 533 <CursorPos X="60" Y="11"/> 536 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>534 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 537 535 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 538 536 </Unit53> … … 559 557 <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/> 560 558 <UnitName Value="UWebObjects"/> 561 <EditorIndex Value="1 1"/>562 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 563 <TopLine Value="1 80"/>564 <CursorPos X=" 78" Y="201"/>565 <UsageCount Value="1 56"/>559 <EditorIndex Value="14"/> 560 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 561 <TopLine Value="175"/> 562 <CursorPos X="1" Y="193"/> 563 <UsageCount Value="162"/> 566 564 <Loaded Value="True"/> 567 565 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> … … 634 632 <TopLine Value="1"/> 635 633 <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/> 636 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>634 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 637 635 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 638 636 </Unit64> … … 679 677 <ResourceBaseClass Value="DataModule"/> 680 678 <UnitName Value="UMainModule"/> 679 <IsVisibleTab Value="True"/> 681 680 <EditorIndex Value="1"/> 682 681 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 683 <TopLine Value="62"/> 684 <CursorPos X="34" Y="87"/> 685 <UsageCount Value="138"/> 686 <Loaded Value="True"/> 682 <TopLine Value="65"/> 683 <CursorPos X="1" Y="74"/> 684 <UsageCount Value="144"/> 685 <Loaded Value="True"/> 686 <LoadedDesigner Value="True"/> 687 687 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 688 688 </Unit69> … … 719 719 <TopLine Value="10"/> 720 720 <CursorPos X="1" Y="35"/> 721 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>721 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 722 722 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 723 723 </Unit73> … … 737 737 <TopLine Value="2"/> 738 738 <CursorPos X="14" Y="19"/> 739 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>739 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 740 740 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 741 741 </Unit75> … … 814 814 <TopLine Value="1289"/> 815 815 <CursorPos X="36" Y="1307"/> 816 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>816 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 817 817 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 818 818 </Unit83> … … 832 832 <TopLine Value="174"/> 833 833 <CursorPos X="14" Y="191"/> 834 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>834 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 835 835 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 836 836 </Unit85> … … 840 840 <TopLine Value="538"/> 841 841 <CursorPos X="24" Y="555"/> 842 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>842 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 843 843 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 844 844 </Unit86> … … 866 866 <TopLine Value="2101"/> 867 867 <CursorPos X="3" Y="2108"/> 868 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>868 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 869 869 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 870 870 </Unit89> … … 874 874 <TopLine Value="180"/> 875 875 <CursorPos X="26" Y="197"/> 876 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>876 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 877 877 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 878 878 </Unit90> … … 895 895 <TopLine Value="17"/> 896 896 <CursorPos X="1" Y="47"/> 897 <UsageCount Value="1 29"/>897 <UsageCount Value="135"/> 898 898 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 899 899 </Unit92> … … 907 907 <TopLine Value="26"/> 908 908 <CursorPos X="84" Y="45"/> 909 <UsageCount Value="1 26"/>909 <UsageCount Value="132"/> 910 910 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 911 911 </Unit93> … … 919 919 <TopLine Value="66"/> 920 920 <CursorPos X="1" Y="97"/> 921 <UsageCount Value="1 26"/>921 <UsageCount Value="132"/> 922 922 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 923 923 </Unit94> … … 931 931 <TopLine Value="26"/> 932 932 <CursorPos X="40" Y="44"/> 933 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>933 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 934 934 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 935 935 </Unit95> … … 943 943 <TopLine Value="24"/> 944 944 <CursorPos X="1" Y="55"/> 945 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>945 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 946 946 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 947 947 </Unit96> … … 955 955 <TopLine Value="24"/> 956 956 <CursorPos X="51" Y="42"/> 957 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>957 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 958 958 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 959 959 </Unit97> … … 967 967 <TopLine Value="28"/> 968 968 <CursorPos X="23" Y="40"/> 969 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>969 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 970 970 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 971 971 </Unit98> … … 976 976 <ResourceBaseClass Value="DataModule"/> 977 977 <UnitName Value="ULinksPage"/> 978 <EditorIndex Value=" 8"/>978 <EditorIndex Value="10"/> 979 979 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 980 980 <TopLine Value="32"/> 981 981 <CursorPos X="38" Y="51"/> 982 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>982 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 983 983 <Loaded Value="True"/> 984 984 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> … … 993 993 <TopLine Value="8"/> 994 994 <CursorPos X="1" Y="39"/> 995 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>995 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 996 996 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 997 997 </Unit100> … … 1005 1005 <TopLine Value="26"/> 1006 1006 <CursorPos X="1" Y="47"/> 1007 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>1007 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 1008 1008 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 1009 1009 </Unit101> … … 1014 1014 <ResourceBaseClass Value="DataModule"/> 1015 1015 <UnitName Value="UUserControlPage"/> 1016 <EditorIndex Value=" 9"/>1017 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1018 <TopLine Value=" 35"/>1019 <CursorPos X="1 1" Y="50"/>1020 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>1016 <EditorIndex Value="11"/> 1017 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1018 <TopLine Value="55"/> 1019 <CursorPos X="1" Y="62"/> 1020 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 1021 1021 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1022 1022 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> … … 1031 1031 <TopLine Value="15"/> 1032 1032 <CursorPos X="1" Y="46"/> 1033 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>1033 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 1034 1034 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 1035 1035 </Unit103> … … 1041 1041 <UnitName Value="UAboutPage"/> 1042 1042 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1043 <TopLine Value="5 5"/>1044 <CursorPos X=" 22" Y="60"/>1045 <UsageCount Value="1 25"/>1043 <TopLine Value="52"/> 1044 <CursorPos X="59" Y="62"/> 1045 <UsageCount Value="131"/> 1046 1046 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 1047 1047 </Unit104> … … 1127 1127 <TopLine Value="1"/> 1128 1128 <CursorPos X="3" Y="1"/> 1129 <UsageCount Value=" 0"/>1129 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 1130 1130 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 1131 1131 </Unit113> … … 1160 1160 <TopLine Value="10"/> 1161 1161 <CursorPos X="4" Y="26"/> 1162 <UsageCount Value="10 2"/>1162 <UsageCount Value="108"/> 1163 1163 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="None"/> 1164 1164 </Unit117> … … 1172 1172 <Unit119> 1173 1173 <Filename Value="Components/TemplateGenerics/Generic/GenericList.inc"/> 1174 <EditorIndex Value="1 6"/>1174 <EditorIndex Value="18"/> 1175 1175 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1176 1176 <TopLine Value="133"/> 1177 <CursorPos X="1" Y="14 9"/>1178 <UsageCount Value="3 2"/>1177 <CursorPos X="1" Y="147"/> 1178 <UsageCount Value="35"/> 1179 1179 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1180 1180 </Unit119> … … 1183 1183 <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/> 1184 1184 <UnitName Value="UApplicationInfo"/> 1185 <IsVisibleTab Value="True"/>1186 <EditorIndex Value="12"/>1187 1185 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1188 1186 <TopLine Value="32"/> 1189 <CursorPos X="41" Y="55"/> 1190 <UsageCount Value="70"/> 1191 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1187 <CursorPos X="37" Y="54"/> 1188 <UsageCount Value="76"/> 1192 1189 <DefaultSyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/> 1193 1190 </Unit120> … … 1195 1192 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Persistence/USqlDatabase.pas"/> 1196 1193 <UnitName Value="USqlDatabase"/> 1197 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1198 <TopLine Value="1"/> 1199 <CursorPos X="14" Y="1"/> 1200 <UsageCount Value="5"/> 1194 <EditorIndex Value="13"/> 1195 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1196 <TopLine Value="228"/> 1197 <CursorPos X="39" Y="250"/> 1198 <UsageCount Value="10"/> 1199 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1201 1200 </Unit121> 1202 1201 <Unit122> 1203 1202 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UWebApp.pas"/> 1204 1203 <UnitName Value="UWebApp"/> 1205 <EditorIndex Value=" 4"/>1206 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1207 <TopLine Value=" 9"/>1208 <CursorPos X="1 1" Y="134"/>1209 <UsageCount Value="3 5"/>1204 <EditorIndex Value="3"/> 1205 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1206 <TopLine Value="22"/> 1207 <CursorPos X="15" Y="40"/> 1208 <UsageCount Value="38"/> 1210 1209 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1211 1210 </Unit122> … … 1216 1215 <TopLine Value="1"/> 1217 1216 <CursorPos X="17" Y="12"/> 1218 <UsageCount Value="3 4"/>1217 <UsageCount Value="33"/> 1219 1218 </Unit123> 1220 1219 <Unit124> … … 1234 1233 <TopLine Value="1"/> 1235 1234 <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/> 1236 <UsageCount Value="3 2"/>1235 <UsageCount Value="35"/> 1237 1236 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1238 1237 </Unit125> … … 1248 1247 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Common/UHtmlClasses.pas"/> 1249 1248 <UnitName Value="UHtmlClasses"/> 1250 <EditorIndex Value="1 4"/>1251 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1252 <TopLine Value="1 33"/>1253 <CursorPos X=" 3" Y="151"/>1254 <UsageCount Value="3 2"/>1249 <EditorIndex Value="16"/> 1250 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1251 <TopLine Value="172"/> 1252 <CursorPos X="5" Y="192"/> 1253 <UsageCount Value="35"/> 1255 1254 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1256 1255 </Unit127> … … 1258 1257 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Common/UMemoryStreamEx.pas"/> 1259 1258 <UnitName Value="UMemoryStreamEx"/> 1260 <EditorIndex Value="1 5"/>1261 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1262 <TopLine Value="2 2"/>1263 <CursorPos X=" 23" Y="31"/>1264 <UsageCount Value="3 2"/>1259 <EditorIndex Value="17"/> 1260 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1261 <TopLine Value="248"/> 1262 <CursorPos X="3" Y="250"/> 1263 <UsageCount Value="35"/> 1265 1264 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1266 1265 </Unit128> … … 1271 1270 <TopLine Value="1"/> 1272 1271 <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/> 1273 <UsageCount Value="3 1"/>1272 <UsageCount Value="30"/> 1274 1273 </Unit129> 1275 1274 <Unit130> … … 1279 1278 <TopLine Value="28"/> 1280 1279 <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/> 1281 <UsageCount Value="3 1"/>1280 <UsageCount Value="30"/> 1282 1281 </Unit130> 1283 1282 <Unit131> 1284 1283 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Common/UXmlClasses.pas"/> 1285 1284 <UnitName Value="UXmlClasses"/> 1286 <EditorIndex Value="1 3"/>1285 <EditorIndex Value="15"/> 1287 1286 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1288 1287 <TopLine Value="12"/> 1289 1288 <CursorPos X="11" Y="31"/> 1290 <UsageCount Value="3 2"/>1289 <UsageCount Value="35"/> 1291 1290 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1292 1291 </Unit131> … … 1301 1300 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1302 1301 <UnitName Value="UHTTPServer"/> 1303 <EditorIndex Value="1 0"/>1304 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1305 <TopLine Value=" 111"/>1306 <CursorPos X=" 25" Y="166"/>1307 <UsageCount Value="1 3"/>1302 <EditorIndex Value="12"/> 1303 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1304 <TopLine Value="267"/> 1305 <CursorPos X="46" Y="290"/> 1306 <UsageCount Value="16"/> 1308 1307 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1309 1308 </Unit133> … … 1319 1318 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Network/UTCPServer.pas"/> 1320 1319 <UnitName Value="UTCPServer"/> 1321 <EditorIndex Value=" 5"/>1322 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1323 <TopLine Value="1 12"/>1324 <CursorPos X=" 1" Y="1"/>1325 <UsageCount Value="1 2"/>1320 <EditorIndex Value="7"/> 1321 <WindowIndex Value="0"/> 1322 <TopLine Value="145"/> 1323 <CursorPos X="58" Y="171"/> 1324 <UsageCount Value="15"/> 1326 1325 <Loaded Value="True"/> 1327 1326 </Unit135> … … 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Value="Components/CoolWeb/Common/UHtmlClasses.pas"/> 1501 <Caret Line="41" Column="14" TopLine="17"/> 1465 1502 </Position18> 1466 1503 <Position19> 1467 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/ WebServer/UHTTPServerCGI.pas"/>1468 <Caret Line=" 67" Column="24" TopLine="46"/>1504 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Common/UHtmlClasses.pas"/> 1505 <Caret Line="725" Column="3" TopLine="711"/> 1469 1506 </Position19> 1470 1507 <Position20> 1471 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer CGI.pas"/>1472 <Caret Line=" 69" Column="33" TopLine="46"/>1508 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServerTCP.pas"/> 1509 <Caret Line="102" Column="13" TopLine="82"/> 1473 1510 </Position20> 1474 1511 <Position21> 1475 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer CGI.pas"/>1476 <Caret Line="6 4" Column="1" TopLine="46"/>1512 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1513 <Caret Line="62" Column="21" TopLine="41"/> 1477 1514 </Position21> 1478 1515 <Position22> 1479 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer CGI.pas"/>1480 <Caret Line=" 68" Column="44" TopLine="50"/>1516 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1517 <Caret Line="387" Column="11" TopLine="385"/> 1481 1518 </Position22> 1482 1519 <Position23> 1483 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer CGI.pas"/>1484 <Caret Line="5 5" Column="1" TopLine="50"/>1520 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1521 <Caret Line="50" Column="1" TopLine="45"/> 1485 1522 </Position23> 1486 1523 <Position24> 1487 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer CGI.pas"/>1488 <Caret Line=" 116" Column="34" TopLine="88"/>1524 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1525 <Caret Line="39" Column="1" TopLine="32"/> 1489 1526 </Position24> 1490 1527 <Position25> 1491 <Filename Value=" Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/>1492 <Caret Line=" 161" Column="17" TopLine="146"/>1528 <Filename Value="Modules/UMainModule.pas"/> 1529 <Caret Line="70" Column="3" TopLine="65"/> 1493 1530 </Position25> 1494 1531 <Position26> 1495 <Filename Value=" Application/UWebObjects.pas"/>1496 <Caret Line=" 183" Column="10" TopLine="178"/>1532 <Filename Value="Modules/UMainModule.pas"/> 1533 <Caret Line="74" Column="22" TopLine="65"/> 1497 1534 </Position26> 1498 1535 <Position27> 1499 <Filename Value=" Application/UWebObjects.pas"/>1500 <Caret Line=" 43" Column="1" TopLine="22"/>1536 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1537 <Caret Line="117" Column="15" TopLine="93"/> 1501 1538 </Position27> 1502 1539 <Position28> 1503 <Filename Value=" Application/UWebObjects.pas"/>1504 <Caret Line="2 12" Column="45" TopLine="192"/>1540 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1541 <Caret Line="285" Column="20" TopLine="267"/> 1505 1542 </Position28> 1506 1543 <Position29> 1507 <Filename Value=" Application/UWebObjects.pas"/>1508 <Caret Line=" 43" Column="15" TopLine="19"/>1544 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/WebServer/UHTTPServer.pas"/> 1545 <Caret Line="290" Column="46" TopLine="267"/> 1509 1546 </Position29> 1510 <Position30>1511 <Filename Value="Components/CoolWeb/Common/UHtmlClasses.pas"/>1512 <Caret Line="151" Column="3" TopLine="133"/>1513 </Position30>1514 1547 </JumpHistory> 1515 1548 </ProjectOptions> … … 1538 1571 <StackChecks Value="True"/> 1539 1572 </Checks> 1540 <VerifyObjMethodCallValidity Value="True"/>1541 1573 </CodeGeneration> 1542 1574 <Other> -
TabularUnified trunk/ZdechovNET.lpr ¶
r66 r68 4 4 5 5 uses 6 {$IFDEF UNIX} 7 cthreads, 8 {$ENDIF} 6 9 UCore, USqlDatabase, SysUtils, Contnrs, 7 10 UContactPage, UUser, UHTTPSessionMySQL, UHTTPSessionFile, … … 32 35 //RegisterPage(TAboutPage, AboutPage, ''); 33 36 RegisterPage(TUserControlPage, UserControlPage, ''); 37 ServerType := stCGI; 38 if ServerType = stTCP then begin 39 THTTPServerTCP(HTTPServer).Socket.Address := MainModule.NetworkAddress; 40 THTTPServerTCP(HTTPServer).Socket.Port := MainModule.NetworkPort; 41 THTTPServerTCP(HTTPServer).MaxConnection := MainModule.MaxConnections; 42 end; 34 43 Run; 35 44 finally
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.