Line | |
1 | unit WebPage;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, HTTPServer, Controls;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TOnProduceEvent = procedure(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData) of object;
10 |
11 | { TWebPage }
12 |
13 | TWebPage = class(TDataModule)
14 | private
15 | FCaption: string;
16 | FOnProduce: TOnProduceEvent;
17 | FRaw: Boolean;
18 | published
19 | property Raw: Boolean read FRaw write FRaw;
20 | property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption;
21 | property OnProduce: TOnProduceEvent read FOnProduce write FOnProduce;
22 | end;
23 |
24 | TWebPageClass = class of TWebPage;
25 |
26 | procedure Register;
27 |
28 |
29 | implementation
30 |
31 | procedure Register;
32 | begin
33 | RegisterNoIcon([TWebPage]);
34 | end;
35 |
36 | end.
37 |
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