1 | unit WebCamPage;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, WebPage, HTTPServer, HtmlClasses, SqlDatabase,
7 | ModuleUser, DateUtils;
8 |
9 | type
10 |
11 | { TWebCamPage }
12 |
13 | TWebCamPage = class(TWebPage)
14 | procedure DataModuleProduce(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData);
15 | private
16 | ImageWidth: Integer;
17 | ImageHeight: Integer;
18 | function GetAll(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData): string;
19 | function GetSingle(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData; Id: Integer): string;
20 | function GetVideoArchive(Id: string): string;
21 | end;
22 |
23 | var
24 | WebCamPage: TWebCamPage;
25 |
26 |
27 | implementation
28 |
29 | {$R *.lfm}
30 |
31 | uses
32 | Core, Utils, WebSession;
33 |
34 |
35 | { TWebCamPage }
36 |
37 | procedure TWebCamPage.DataModuleProduce(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData);
38 | var
39 | DbRows: TDbRows;
40 | I: Integer;
41 | CameraId: Integer;
42 | SubPageName: string;
43 | Value: Integer;
44 | NotFound: Boolean;
45 | WidthValue: string;
46 | ModuleUser: TModuleUser;
47 | begin
48 | with TWebSession(HandlerData) do begin
49 | ModuleUser := TModuleUser(ModuleManager.FindModuleByName('User'));
50 | ModuleUser.LoadUserInfo;
51 | with HtmlDocument.Body, SubItems.AddString do begin
52 | Text := '';
53 | CameraId := -1;
54 | NotFound := False;
55 | if Request.Path.Count = 2 then begin
56 | SubPageName := Request.Path[1];
57 | if TryStrToInt(SubPageName, Value) then
58 | CameraId := Value else
59 | NotFound := True;
60 | end else
61 | if Request.Path.Count > 2 then NotFound := True;
62 | if NotFound then begin
63 | PageNotFound;
64 | Exit;
65 | end;
66 |
67 | if HandlerData.Request.Query.TryGetValue('W', WidthValue) then
68 | ImageWidth := StrToInt(WidthValue)
69 | else ImageWidth := 640;
70 |
71 | Text := Text + '<table style="width: 100%"><tr><td style="width: 20%" valign="top">' +
72 | '<strong>Velikost</strong><br/>' +
73 | '<a href="?W=160">Malá</a><br/> ' +
74 | '<a href="?W=320">Menší</a><br/> ' +
75 | '<a href="?W=640">Střední</a><br/> ' +
76 | '<a href="?W=1024">Větší</a><br/> ' +
77 | '<a href="?W=1280">Velká</a><br/><br/>';
78 |
79 | Text := Text + '<strong>Místní kamery</strong><br/>';
80 | Text := Text + MakeLink('Všechny', NavigationLink('/kamery/?W=' + IntToStr(ImageWidth))) + '<br/>';
81 | try
82 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
83 | Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT * FROM `Webcam` WHERE `Enabled`=1 AND `Public`=1');
84 | for I := 0 to DbRows.Count - 1 do begin
85 | Text := Text + MakeLink(DbRows[I].Items['Name'], NavigationLink(
86 | '/kamery/' + DbRows[I].Items['Id'] + '/?W=' + IntToStr(ImageWidth))) + '<br/>';
87 | end;
88 | finally
89 | DbRows.Free;
90 | end;
91 |
92 | Text := Text + '<br/><strong>Kamery v okolí:</strong><br />' +
93 | '<a href="https://www.mestovsetin.cz/webove%2Dkamery/d-480245">Vsetínské kamery</a><br />' +
94 | '<a href="https://www.huslenky.cz/webkamery%2Dhuslenky/ds-1119/archiv=0&p1=1020">Kamery v Huslenkách</a><br/>' +
95 | '<a href="https://kamery.hovnet.cz/">Kamery v Hovnetu</a><br/>' +
96 | '</td><td style="width: 80%" valign="top">';
97 |
98 | if CameraId = -1 then begin
99 | Text := Text + GetAll(HandlerData);
100 | end else begin
101 | Text := Text + GetSingle(HandlerData, CameraId);
102 | end;
103 | Text := Text + '</td></tr></table>';
104 | end;
105 | GeneratePage(Self);
106 | end;
107 | end;
108 |
109 | function TWebCamPage.GetAll(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData): string;
110 | var
111 | DbRows: TDbRows;
112 | I: Integer;
113 | ImageWidthThumb: Integer;
114 | ImageHeightThumb: Integer;
115 | WebCamImage: string;
116 | begin
117 | Result := '';
118 | with TWebSession(HandlerData) do
119 | try
120 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
121 | Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT * FROM `Webcam` WHERE `Enabled`=1 AND `Public`=1');
122 | ImageWidthThumb := 160;
123 | for I := 0 to DbRows.Count - 1 do begin
124 | ImageHeightThumb := Round(ImageWidthThumb * StrToInt(DbRows[I].Items['Height']) / StrToInt(DbRows[I].Items['Width']));
125 | WebCamImage := 'images/webcam/' + DbRows[I].Items['ImageName'];
126 | Result := Result + '<span align="center" valign="middle" style="vertical-align: middle;">' + //DbRows[I].Values['Name'] + '<br/>' +
127 | '<a href="' + NavigationLink('/kamery/' + DbRows[I].Items['Id'] + '/?W=' + IntToStr(ImageWidth)) + '">' +
128 | '<img name="theImage" src="' + NavigationLink('/' + WebCamImage) + '" width="' +
129 | IntToStr(ImageWidthThumb) + '" height="' + IntToStr(ImageHeightThumb) + '" alt="' +
130 | DbRows[I].Items['Name'] + '"/></a></span> ';
131 | end;
132 | finally
133 | DbRows.Free;
134 | end;
135 | end;
136 |
137 | function TWebCamPage.GetSingle(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData; Id: Integer): string;
138 | var
139 | DbRows: TDbRows;
140 | I: Integer;
141 | WebCamImage: string;
142 | RefreshInterval: Integer;
143 | LastFileDate: string;
144 | Token: string;
145 | begin
146 | Result := '';
147 | with TWebSession(HandlerData) do
148 | try
149 | if HandlerData.Request.Query.TryGetValue('Token', Token) then
150 | else Token := '';
151 |
152 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
153 | Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT * FROM `Webcam` WHERE (`Id`=' +
154 | IntToStr(Id) + ') AND (`Enabled`=1) AND ' +
155 | '((`Public` = 1) OR ((`Public` = 0) AND (`Token`="' +
156 | Database.EscapeString(Token) + '")))');
157 | if DbRows.Count > 0 then begin
158 | WebCamImage := 'images/webcam/' + DbRows[0].Items['ImageName'];
159 | RefreshInterval := StrToInt(DbRows[0].Items['ImagePeriod']);
160 | ImageHeight := Round(ImageWidth * StrToInt(DbRows[0].Items['Height']) / StrToInt(DbRows[0].Items['Width']));
161 |
162 | if FileExists(WebCamImage) then begin
163 | DateTimeToString(LastFileDate, 'hh:mm:ss d.m.yyyy', FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(WebCamImage)));
164 | Result := Result + '<script language="JavaScript">' + #13#10 +
165 | ' var ImageURL= "' + NavigationLink('/' + WebCamImage) + '";' + #13#10 +
166 | '' + #13#10 +
167 | '// Force an immediate image load' + #13#10 +
168 | 'var theTimer = setTimeout("reloadImage()", 1);' + #13#10 +
169 | '' + #13#10 +
170 | 'function reloadImage()' + #13#10 +
171 | '{' + #13#10 +
172 | ' theDate = new Date();' + #13#10 +
173 | ' var url = ImageURL;' + #13#10 +
174 | ' url += "?dummy=";' + #13#10 +
175 | ' url += theDate.getTime().toString(10);' + #13#10 +
176 | ' // The above dummy cgi-parameter enforce a bypass of the browser image cache.' + #13#10 +
177 | ' // Here we actually load the image' + #13#10 +
178 | ' document.theImage.src = document.theImageTemp.src;' + #13#10 +
179 | ' document.theImageTemp.src = url;' + #13#10 +
180 | '' + #13#10 +
181 | ' // Reload the image every defined period' + #13#10 +
182 | ' theTimer = setTimeout("reloadImage()", ' + IntToStr(RefreshInterval * 1000) + ');' + #13#10 +
183 | '}' + #13#10 +
184 | '</script>' + #13#10 +
185 |
186 | '<br /><div align="center">' + DbRows[0].Items['Name'] + '<br/>' +
187 | '<img name="theImageTemp" src="' + NavigationLink('/' + WebCamImage) + '" width="0" height="0" alt="Temp image"/>' +
188 | '<img name="theImage" src="' + NavigationLink('/' + WebCamImage) + '" width="' + IntToStr(ImageWidth) +
189 | '" height="' + IntToStr(ImageHeight) + '" alt="' +
190 | DbRows[0].Items['Name'] + '"/></div>';
191 | end else Result := Result + '<br />Obrázek nenalezen.<br /><br />';
192 | Result := Result + '<br/><div align="center">';
193 | if LastFileDate <> '' then Result := Result + 'Aktualizace: <span id="lasttime">' +
194 | LastFileDate + '</span>, ';
195 | Result := Result + 'Perioda: ' + IntToStr(RefreshInterval) + ' sekund, Typ: ' +
196 | DbRows[0].Items['DeviceType'] + '<br />' +
197 | '<br/>' + DbRows[0].Items['Description'];
198 | Result := Result + GetVideoArchive(DbRows[0].Items['Id']) + '</div>';
199 | end else Result := Result + '<br />Id kamery nenalezeno.<br/><br>';
200 | finally
201 | DbRows.Free;
202 | end;
203 | end;
204 |
205 | function TWebCamPage.GetVideoArchive(Id: string): string;
206 | var
207 | I: Integer;
208 | Items: TStringList;
209 | DateStr: string;
210 | VideoPathFormat: string;
211 | Date: TDateTime;
212 | Video: string;
213 | const
214 | OneDay = 24 * OneHour;
215 | begin
216 | Result := '';
217 | VideoPathFormat := 'images/webcam_archive/%s/%s/video.mp4';
218 | Items := TStringList.Create;
219 | try
220 | Date := Now - OneDay;
221 | repeat
222 | DateStr := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', Date);
223 | Video := Format(VideoPathFormat, [DateStr, Id]);
224 | if FileExists(Video) then begin
225 | Items.Add(DateStr + Items.NameValueSeparator + Video);
226 | Date := Date - OneDay;
227 | Continue;
228 | end else Break;
229 | until False;
230 |
231 | if Items.Count > 0 then begin
232 | Result := '<br/>Video archív: <select name="dates" id="dates">';
233 | for I := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin
234 | Result := Result + '<option value="' + NavigationLink('/' + Items.ValueFromIndex[I]) + '">' + Items.Names[I] + '</option>';
235 | end;
236 | Result := Result + '</select>';
237 | Result := Result + ' <button onclick="var element = document.getElementById(''dates''); window.open(element.value, ''_blank'')">Zobrazit</button>';
238 | end;
239 | finally
240 | Items.Free;
241 | end;
242 | end;
243 |
244 | end.
245 |