1 | unit ModulePortal;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, ModularSystem, SqlDatabase, Utils, WebSession, User,
7 | WebPage, HtmlClasses, ModuleBase, ModuleUser, ModuleNews, Generics;
8 |
9 | type
10 |
11 | { TModulePortal }
12 |
13 | TModulePortal = class(TModule)
14 | private
15 | Time: TDateTime;
16 | WebPagePortal: TWebPage;
17 | function ShowFooter(Session: TWebSession): string;
18 | function ShowHeader(Session: TWebSession): string;
19 | procedure GeneratePage(ASession: TWebSession; Page: TWebPage);
20 | public
21 | ModuleBase: TModuleBase;
22 | ModuleUser: TModuleUser;
23 | constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override;
24 | destructor Destroy; override;
25 | procedure Start; override;
26 | procedure Stop; override;
27 | procedure Install; override;
28 | procedure Uninstall; override;
29 | procedure Upgrade; override;
30 | end;
31 |
32 |
33 | implementation
34 |
35 | uses
36 | Core, PagePortal;
37 |
38 | { TModulePortal }
39 |
40 | constructor TModulePortal.Create(Owner: TComponent);
41 | begin
42 | inherited;
43 | Identification := 'Portal';
44 | Title := 'Intranet user portal';
45 | Version := '1.0';
46 | License := 'GNU/LGPL v3';
47 | Author := 'Chronosoft';
48 | Dependencies.Add('User');
49 | Dependencies.Add('Finance');
50 | Dependencies.Add('News');
51 | end;
52 |
53 | destructor TModulePortal.Destroy;
54 | begin
55 | inherited;
56 | end;
57 |
58 | procedure TModulePortal.Start;
59 | begin
60 | BeforeStart;
61 | ModuleBase := TModuleBase(Manager.FindModuleByName('Base'));
62 | ModuleBase.OnGeneratePage := GeneratePage;
63 | WebPagePortal := TWebPagePortal.Create(nil);
64 | ModuleBase.Pages.RegisterPage(WebPagePortal, '');
65 | ModuleUser := TModuleUser(Manager.FindModuleByName('User'));
66 | TWebPagePortal(WebPagePortal).ModuleUser := ModuleUser;
67 | TWebPagePortal(WebPagePortal).ModuleNews := TModuleNews(Manager.FindModuleByName('News'));
68 | AfterStart;
69 | end;
70 |
71 | procedure TModulePortal.Stop;
72 | begin
73 | BeforeStop;
74 | ModuleBase.Pages.UnregisterPage(WebPagePortal);
75 | FreeAndNil(WebPagePortal);
76 | ModuleBase := nil;
77 | ModuleUser := nil;
78 | AfterStop;
79 | end;
80 |
81 | procedure TModulePortal.Install;
82 | var
83 | DbRows: TDbRows;
84 | begin
85 | try
86 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
87 |
88 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows,
90 | ' `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' +
91 | ' `Module` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
92 | ' `Parameters` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
93 | ' `Order` int(11) NOT NULL,' +
94 | ' `PanelColumn` int(11) NOT NULL,' +
95 | ' PRIMARY KEY (`Id`),' +
96 | ' KEY `PanelColumn` (`PanelColumn`)' +
97 | ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_czech_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;');
98 |
99 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows,
100 | 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PanelColumn` (' +
101 | ' `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' +
102 | ' `Width` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
103 | ' PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)' +
104 | ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_czech_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;');
105 |
106 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows,
107 | 'ALTER TABLE `Panel`' +
108 | ' ADD CONSTRAINT `Panel_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`PanelColumn`) REFERENCES `panelcolumn` (`Id`);');
109 |
110 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows,
111 | 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `HyperlinkGroup` (' +
112 | ' `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' +
113 | ' `Name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
114 | ' PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)' +
115 | ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_czech_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;');
116 |
117 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows,
118 | 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Hyperlink` (' +
119 | ' `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' +
120 | ' `Name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
121 | ' `URL` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
122 | ' `Group` int(11) NOT NULL,' +
123 | ' `IconFile` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
124 | ' `PermissionModule` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
125 | ' `PermissionOperation` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NOT NULL,' +
126 | ' `Enable` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT "1",' +
127 | ' PRIMARY KEY (`Id`),' +
128 | ' KEY `Group` (`Group`),' +
129 | ' KEY `Enable` (`Enable`)' +
130 | ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_czech_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;');
131 |
132 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows,
133 | 'ALTER TABLE `Hyperlink`' +
134 | ' ADD CONSTRAINT `Hyperlink_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`Group`) REFERENCES `hyperlinkgroup` (`Id`);');
135 |
136 | finally
137 | DbRows.Free;
138 | end;
139 | inherited;
140 | end;
141 |
142 | procedure TModulePortal.Uninstall;
143 | var
144 | DbRows: TDbRows;
145 | begin
146 | inherited Uninstall;
147 | try
148 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
149 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Panel`');
150 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PanelColumn`');
151 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Hyperlink`');
152 | Core.Core.CommonDatabase.Query(DbRows, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `HyperlinkGroup`');
153 | finally
154 | DbRows.Free;
155 | end;
156 | end;
157 |
158 | procedure TModulePortal.Upgrade;
159 | begin
160 | inherited;
161 | end;
162 |
163 | function TModulePortal.ShowHeader(Session: TWebSession): string;
164 | var
165 | ScriptName: string;
166 | PathTreePath: string;
167 | Navigation: string;
168 | ScriptNameParts: TListString;
169 | ScriptNamePart: string;
170 | I: Integer;
171 | BodyParam: string;
172 | Path: string;
173 | Output: string;
174 | begin
175 | try
176 | ScriptNameParts := TListString.Create;
177 | Navigation := '';
178 | Path := '';
179 | ScriptName := '';
180 |
181 | //ScriptName := $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
182 | while Pos('//', ScriptName) > 0 do
183 | ScriptName := StringReplace('//', '/', ScriptName, [rfReplaceAll]);
184 | PathTreePath := '/';
185 | //PathTreeItem := PathTree;
186 | //Navigation := '<a href="' + NavigationLink(PathTreePath) + '">' + PathTreeItem[0] + '</a> > ';
187 | ScriptName := Copy(ScriptName, Length(Core.Core.BaseURL), Length(ScriptName));
188 | ScriptNameParts.Explode('/', ScriptName);
189 | ScriptNameParts.Delete(0);
190 | (*
191 | for I := 0 to ScriptNameParts.Count - 1 do begin
192 | ScriptNamePart := ScriptNameParts[I];
193 | //echo($ScriptNamePart.'<br />');
194 | if array_key_exists($ScriptNamePart, $PathTreeItem) then begin
195 | if is_array($PathTreeItem[$ScriptNamePart]) then begin
196 |
197 | PathTreeItem = $PathTreeItem[$ScriptNamePart];
198 | PathTreePath .= $ScriptNamePart.'/';
199 | if PathTreeItem[0] != '' then
200 | Navigation := Navigation + '<a href="' + $this->System->Config['Web']['RootFolder'] + PathTreePath + '">' + PathTreeItem[0] + '</a> > ';
201 | end else begin
202 | if(PathTreeItem[ScriptNamePart] != '')
203 | Navigation := Navigation + '<a href="' + $this->System->Config['Web']['RootFolder'].$PathTreePath.$ScriptNamePart.'">'.$PathTreeItem[$ScriptNamePart].'</a> > ';
204 | end;
205 | end;
206 | end; *)
207 | Navigation := Copy(Navigation, 1, Length(Navigation) - 6);
208 |
209 | BodyParam := '';
210 | //if(isset($this->Load)) BodyParam := BodyParam + ' onload="'.$this->Load.'"';
211 | //if(isset($this->Unload)) BodyParam := BodyParam + ' onunload="'.$this->Unload.'"';
212 | Output := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' + Core.Core.Charset + '"?>' + LineEnding +
213 | '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">' +
214 | '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="cs" lang="cs">' +
215 | '<head><link rel="stylesheet" href="' + NavigationLink('/style/' + Core.Core.Style + '/style.css') + '" type="text/css" media="all" />' +
216 | '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=' + Core.Core.Charset + '" />' +
217 | '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + Core.Core.BaseURL + '/style/' + Core.Core.Style + '/global.js"></script>' +
218 | '<title>' + Session.GlobalTitle + ' - ' + Path + '</title>' +
219 | '</head><body' + BodyParam + '>' +
220 | '<div id="Title">' + Title + '</div>' +
221 | '<div class="Navigation"><span class="MenuItem"><strong>Navigace :: </strong> ';
222 | Output := Output + Navigation + '</span><div class="MenuItem2">';
223 | if Assigned(ModuleUser) then begin
224 | if ModuleUser.User.Id = UnknownUser then
225 | Output := Output + '<a href="' + MakeLink('Přihlášení',
226 | NavigationLink('/?Action=LoginForm')) + ' ' +
227 | MakeLink('Registrace', NavigationLink('/?Action=UserRegister'))
228 | else Output := Output + ModuleUser.User.Name + ' ' + MakeLink('Odhlásit',
229 | NavigationLink('/?Action=Logout'));
230 | end;
231 | // <a href="'.$this->System->Config['Web']['RootFolder'].'/?Action=UserOptions">Nastavení</a>';
232 | Output := Output + '</div></div>';
233 | Result := Output;
234 | finally
235 | ScriptNameParts.Free;
236 | end;
237 | end;
238 |
239 | procedure TModulePortal.GeneratePage(ASession: TWebSession; Page: TWebPage);
240 | var
241 | I: Integer;
242 | TitleTag: THtmlString;
243 | begin
244 | with ASession do begin
245 | HtmlDocument.ContentLanguage := 'cs';
246 | GlobalTitle := 'Portál';
247 | HtmlDocument.Styles.Add(NavigationLink('/Style/' + TCore(MainModule).Style + '/Style.css'));
248 | HtmlDocument.Scripts.Add(NavigationLink('/Style/' + TCore(MainModule).Style + '/Global.js'));
249 | HtmlDocument.Scripts.Add(NavigationLink('/Style/' + TCore(MainModule).Style + '/jquery.js'));
250 |
251 | TitleTag := THtmlString.Create;
252 | //TitleTag.Text := ShowHeader(ASession);
253 | HtmlDocument.Body.SubItems.Insert(0, TitleTag);
254 | TitleTag := THtmlString.Create;
255 | TitleTag.Text := ShowFooter(ASession);
256 | HtmlDocument.Body.SubItems.Insert(0, TitleTag);
257 | //Page.Page.OnProduce(HandlerData);
258 | HtmlDocument.Title := Page.Caption;
259 | TitleTag.Text := '<div class="TitlePanel"><span class="GlobalTitle">' + GlobalTitle +
260 | '</span> - ' + HtmlDocument.Title + '</div>';
261 | HtmlDocument.Title := GlobalTitle + ' - ' + HtmlDocument.Title;
262 | with HtmlDocument.AsXmlDocument do
263 | try
264 | Formated := TCore(MainModule).FormatHTML;
265 | Response.Content.WriteString(AsString);
266 | finally
267 | Free;
268 | end;
269 | end;
270 | end;
271 |
272 | function TModulePortal.ShowFooter(Session: TWebSession): string;
273 | begin
274 | Result := '';
275 | //Time := Round(Now - $ScriptTimeStart, 2);
276 | Result := Result + '<div id="Footer">' +
277 | '<i>| Správa webu: ' + Core.Core.Admin + ' | e-mail: ' + Core.Core.AdminEmail + ' |';
278 | // if Core.ShowRuntimeInfo then Output := Output + ' Doba generování: ' +
279 | // Time + ' s / ' + ini_get('max_execution_time') + ' s | Použitá paměť: ' +
280 | // HumanSize(memory_get_peak_usage(FALSE)) + ' / ' + ini_get('memory_limit') + 'B |';
281 | Result := Result + '</i></div></body></html>';
282 | end;
283 |
284 | end.
285 |