1 | unit News;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, SqlDatabase, ModuleUser, Utils, Generics.Collections, WebSession,
7 | HTTPServer, ModuleBase, Common;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TNewsSettingItem = class
11 | Index: Integer;
12 | Enabled: Boolean;
13 | CategoryId: Integer;
14 | Group: Integer;
15 | ItemCount: Integer;
16 | DaysAgo: Integer;
17 | end;
18 |
19 | TNewsSettingItems = class(TObjectList<TNewsSettingItem>)
20 | end;
21 |
22 | { TNews }
23 |
24 | TNews = class
25 | //Dependencies: TListString; // array('User', 'Log');
26 | NewsCountPerCategory: Integer; // = 3;
27 | UploadedFilesFolder: string; // = 'aktuality/uploads/';
28 | public
29 | Settings: TNewsSettingItems;
30 | Database: TSqlDatabase;
31 | ModuleUser: TModuleUser;
32 | ModuleBase: TModuleBase;
33 | procedure CustomizeSave;
34 | procedure LoadSettingsFromCookies;
35 | function ModifyContent(Content: string): string;
36 | function Show(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData): string;
37 | function ShowCustomizeMenu: string;
38 | function ShowNews(Category, ItemCount, DaysAgo: Integer): string;
39 | constructor Create;
40 | destructor Destroy; override;
41 | end;
42 |
43 |
44 | implementation
45 |
46 | (*function CategoryItemCompare(Item1, Item2: Integer): Integer;
47 | begin
48 | if Item1['Index'] > Item2['Index'] then Result := 1
49 | else if Item1['Index'] < Item2['Index'] then Result := -1
50 | else Result := 0;
51 | end;*)
52 |
53 |
54 | function TNews.ModifyContent(Content: string): string;
55 | var
56 | I: Integer;
57 | URL: string;
58 | begin
59 | Result := '';
60 |
61 | // Make HTML link from URL
62 | I := 0;
63 | while Pos('http://', Content) > 0 do begin
64 | I := Pos('http://', Content);
65 | if (I > 0) and (Content[I - 1] <> '"') then begin
66 | Result := Result + Copy(Content, 1, I);
67 | Content := Copy(Content, I, Length(Content));
68 | if Pos(' ', Content) > 0 then
69 | URL := Copy(Content, 1, Pos(' ', Content))
70 | else URL := Copy(Content, 1, Length(Content));
71 | Result := Result + '<a href="' + URL + '">' + URL + '</a>';
72 | Content := Copy(Content, Length(URL), Length(Content));
73 | end else begin
74 | Result := Result + Copy(Content, 0, I + 1);
75 | Content := Copy(Content, I + 1, Length(Content));
76 | end;
77 | end;
78 | Result := Result + Content;
79 | end;
80 |
81 | function TNews.ShowNews(Category, ItemCount, DaysAgo: Integer): string;
82 | var
83 | DbRows: TDbRows;
84 | Output: string;
85 | Index: Integer;
86 | FontSize: Integer;
87 | I: Integer;
88 | J: Integer;
89 | Author: string;
90 | Enclosures: TStringArray;
91 | begin
92 | //global Database, NewsCategoryNames, NewsCountPerCategory, UploadedFilesFolder;
93 |
94 | ItemCount := Abs(ItemCount);
95 | DaysAgo := Abs(DaysAgo);
96 | try
97 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
98 | Database.Select(DbRows, 'NewsCategory', '*', 'Id=' + IntToStr(Category));
99 | Output := '<div class="NewsPanel"><div class="Title">' + DbRows[0].Items['Caption'];
100 | Output := Output + '<div class="Action"><a href="aktuality/index.php?category=' + IntToStr(Category) + '">Zobrazit</a>';
101 | if ModuleUser.User.CheckPermission('News', 'Insert', 'Group', Category) then
102 | Output := Output + ' <a href="aktuality/index.php?action=add&category=' + IntToStr(Category) + '">Přidat</a>';
103 | Output := Output + '</div></div><div class="Content">';
104 | Database.Query(DbRows, 'SELECT `News`.*, `User`.`Name` FROM `News` LEFT JOIN `User` ON `User`.`Id`=`News`.`User` WHERE (`News`.`Category`=' +
105 | IntToStr(Category) + ') AND (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' + IntToStr(DaysAgo) +
106 | ' DAY) < `News`.`Date`) ORDER BY `News`.`Date` DESC LIMIT 0,' + IntToStr(ItemCount));
107 | //echo(Database->error.'<br />');
108 | //echo(Database->LastQuery.'<br />');
109 | //echo('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td>');
110 | Index := 0;
111 | FontSize := 12;
112 | if DbRows.Count > 0 then begin
113 | Output := Output + '<table class="NewsTable">';
114 | for I := 0 to DbRows.Count - 1 do begin
115 | if DbRows[I].Items['Name'] = '' then Author := DbRows[I].Items['Author']
116 | else Author := DbRows[I].Items['Name'];
117 | Output := Output + '<tr><td onclick="window.location=''aktuality/index.php?action=view&id=' +
118 | DbRows[I].Items['Id'] + '''" onmouseover="zobraz(' + '''new' + IntToStr(Category) +
119 | IntToStr(Index) + ''')" style="cursor: pointer; margin: 0px;"><table class="NewsItemFrame"><tr><td style="font-size: ' +
120 | IntToStr(FontSize) + 'pt"><strong>' + DbRows[I].Items['Title'] +
121 | '</strong></td><td align="right" style="font-size: ' + IntToStr(FontSize) + 'pt">' +
122 | Author + ' (' + HumanDate(SQLToDateTime(DbRows[I].Items['Date'])) + ')</td></tr></table>';
123 | Output := Output + '<div id="new' + IntToStr(Category) + IntToStr(Index) + '" class="NewsTableItem">' + ModifyContent(DbRows[I].Items['Content']);
124 | if DbRows[I].Items['Link'] <> '' then Output := Output + '<br/><a href="' + DbRows[I].Items['Link'] + '">Odkaz</a>';
125 |
126 | if DbRows[I].Items['Enclosure'] <> '' then begin
127 | Output := Output + '<br />Přílohy: ';
128 | Enclosures := Explode(';', DbRows[I].Items['Enclosure']);
129 | for J := 0 to Length(Enclosures) - 1 do begin
130 | if FileExists(UploadedFilesFolder + Enclosures[J]) then
131 | Output := Output + ' <a href="' + UploadedFilesFolder + Enclosures[J] +
132 | '">' + Enclosures[J] + '</a>';
133 | end;
134 | end;
135 | Output := Output + '</div></td></tr>';
136 | Index := Index + 1;
137 | FontSize := FontSize - 1;
138 | end;
139 | Output := Output + '</table>';
140 | end;
141 | Output := Output + '</div></div>';
142 | Result := Output;
143 | finally
144 | DbRows.Free;
145 | end;
146 | end;
147 |
148 | constructor TNews.Create;
149 | begin
150 | inherited;
151 | Settings := TNewsSettingItems.Create;
152 | end;
153 |
154 | destructor TNews.Destroy;
155 | begin
156 | FreeAndNil(Settings);
157 | inherited;
158 | end;
159 |
160 | procedure TNews.LoadSettingsFromCookies;
161 | var
162 | I: Integer;
163 | DbRows: TDbRows;
164 | NewSetting: TNewsSettingItem;
165 | NewsSettingCookie: TNewsSettingItem;
166 | begin
167 | try
168 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
169 | NewsSettingCookie := TNewsSettingItem.Create;
170 | // Initialize default news setting
171 | Settings.Clear;
172 | Database.Select(DbRows, 'NewsCategory', '*', '1 ORDER BY Sequence');
173 | for I := 0 to DbRows.Count - 1 do begin
174 | NewSetting := TNewsSettingItem.Create;
175 | with NewSetting do begin
176 | CategoryId := StrToInt(DbRows[I].Items['Id']);
177 | Index := I;
178 | Enabled := True;
179 | ItemCount := 6; // System->Config['Web']['News']['Count']
180 | DaysAgo := 30; // System->Config['Web']['News']['DaysAgo']
181 | Group := StrToInt(DbRows[I].Items['Group']);
182 | end;
183 | Settings.Add(NewSetting);
184 | end;
185 |
186 | (*// Merge defaults with user setting
187 | if ModuleBase.HandlerData.Request.Cookies.SearchKey('NewsSetting') <> -1 then begin
188 | NewsSettingCookie.AsString := ModuleBase.HandlerData.Request.Cookies.Values['NewsSetting'];
189 | foreach(NewsSetting as Index => NewSetting) do
190 | begin
191 | if array_key_exists(Index, NewsSettingCookie) then
192 | NewsSetting[Index] := array_merge(NewSetting, NewsSettingCookie[Index]);
193 | end;
194 | end; *)
195 |
196 | finally
197 | NewsSettingCookie.Free;
198 | DbRows.Free;
199 | end;
200 | end;
201 |
202 | function TNews.Show(HandlerData: THTTPHandlerData): string;
203 | var
204 | Output: string;
205 | ColumnCount: Integer;
206 | Column: Integer;
207 | I: Integer;
208 | Action: string;
209 | begin
210 | Output := '';
211 |
212 | UploadedFilesFolder := 'aktuality/uploads/';
213 | LoadSettingsFromCookies;
214 |
215 | if HandlerData.Request.Query.TryGetValue('Action', Action) then begin
216 | // Show news customize menu
217 | if Action = 'CustomizeNews' then begin
218 | Output := Output + ShowCustomizeMenu;
219 | end;
220 | end;
221 |
222 | Output := Output + '<div onmouseout="skryj(predchozi)">';
223 |
224 | ColumnCount := 2;
225 | Output := Output + '<table style="width: 100%"><tr>';
226 | for Column := 1 to ColumnCount do begin
227 | Output := Output + '<td style="vertical-align: top; width: ' + IntToStr(Round(100 / ColumnCount)) + '%;">';
228 | for I := 0 to Settings.Count - 1 do
229 | with TNewsSettingItem(Settings[I]) do
230 | if Enabled and (Group = Column) then
231 | Output := Output + ShowNews(CategoryId, ItemCount, DaysAgo);
232 | Output := Output + '</td>';
233 | end;
234 | Output := Output + '</tr></table>';
235 |
236 | Output := Output + '<a href="aktuality/subscription.php"><img class="RSSIcon" src="images/rss20.png" alt="Aktuality přes RSS" /></a> <a href="aktuality/subscription.php">Automatické sledování novinek</a>';
237 | Output := Output + '</div>';
238 | Result := Output;
239 | end;
240 |
241 | function TNews.ShowCustomizeMenu: string;
242 | var
243 | Output: string;
244 | I: Integer;
245 | DbRows: TDbRows;
246 | begin
247 | Output := '<form action="?Action=CustomizeNewsSave" method="post">';
248 | Output := Output + '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="1"><tr><td><table cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
249 | Output := Output + '<tr><th>Kategorie</th><th>Pozice</th><th>Zobrazit</th><th>Max. počet</th><th>Posledních dnů</th><th>Sloupec</th></tr>';
250 | try
251 | DbRows := TDbRows.Create;
252 | for I := 0 to Settings.Count - 1 do
253 | with TNewsSettingItem(Settings[I]) do begin
254 | Database.Select(DbRows, 'NewsCategory', '*', 'Id=' + IntToStr(CategoryId));
255 | Output := Output + '<tr><td>' + DbRows[0].Items['Caption'] +
256 | '</td><td align="center"><input type="text" size="2" name="NewsCategoryIndex' +
257 | IntToStr(I) + '" value="' + IntToStr(Index) + '" /></td><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="NewsCategoryEnabled' + IntToStr(I) + '"';
258 | if Enabled then Output := Output + ' checked="checked"';
259 | Output := Output + ' /></td>' +
260 | '<td align="center"><input type="text" size="2" name="NewsCategoryCount' + IntToStr(I) + '" value="' + IntToStr(ItemCount) + '" />' +
261 | '<input type="hidden" name="NewsCategoryId' + IntToStr(I) + '" value="' + IntToStr(CategoryId) + '" /></td>' +
262 | '<td align="center"><input type="text" size="3" name="NewsCategoryDaysAgo' + IntToStr(I) + '" value="' + IntToStr(DaysAgo) + '" /></td>' +
263 | '<td><input type="text" size="3" name="NewsColumn' + IntToStr(I) + '" value="' + IntToStr(Group) + '"/></td></tr>';
264 | end;
265 | finally
266 | DbRows.Free;
267 | end;
268 | Output := Output + '</table><input type="hidden" name="NewsCategoryCount" value="' + IntToStr(Settings.Count) +
269 | '" /><input type="submit" value="Uložit" /></form></td></tr></table><br>';
270 | Result := Output;
271 | end;
272 |
273 | procedure TNews.CustomizeSave;
274 | begin
275 | (* Checkbox := array('' => 0, 'on' => 1);
276 | // print_r(_POST);
277 | Setting := array();
278 | for I := 0 to _POST['NewsCategoryCount'] - 1 then begin
279 | if (_POST['NewsCategoryDaysAgo'.I] * 1) < 0 then _POST['NewsCategoryIndex'.I] := 0;
280 | if (_POST['NewsCategoryCount'.I] * 1) < 0 then _POST['NewsCategoryCount'.I] := 0;
281 | if (_POST['NewsColumn'.I] * 1) < 1 then _POST['NewsColumn'.I] := 1;
282 | if not array_key_exists('NewsCategoryEnabled'.I, _POST) then _POST['NewsCategoryEnabled'.I] := '';
283 | Setting[] := array('CategoryId' => _POST['NewsCategoryId'.I], 'Enabled' => Checkbox[_POST['NewsCategoryEnabled'.I]], 'ItemCount' => (_POST['NewsCategoryCount'.I]*1), 'DaysAgo' => (_POST['NewsCategoryDaysAgo'.I]*1), 'Index' => (_POST['NewsCategoryIndex'.I]*1),
284 | 'Group' => _POST['NewsColumn'.I]);
285 | end;
286 | // Sort indexes
287 | usort(Setting, 'CategoryItemCompare');
288 | Setting := array_reverse(Setting);
289 | // Normalize indexes
290 | foreach(Setting as Index => Item)
291 | Setting[Index]['Index'] := Index + 1;
292 | // print_r(Setting);
293 |
294 | // Store new cookie value
295 | _COOKIE['NewsSetting'] := serialize(Setting);
296 | setcookie('NewsSetting', _COOKIE['NewsSetting'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
297 | *)
298 | end;
299 |
300 | end.
301 |