1 | unit Utils;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | SqlDatabase, Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils;
7 |
8 | function NavigationLink(URL: string): string;
9 | function MakeLink(Text, URL: string): string;
10 | function InsertIcon(FileName: string): string;
11 | function IconedLink(Link, Text: string): string;
12 | function HtmlLink(Text, Target: string): string;
13 | function ShowHeader(Title, Path: string): string;
14 | function ShowFooter: string;
15 | function HumanDate(Date: TDateTime): string;
16 | function PagesList(URL: string; Page, TotalCount, CountPerPage: Integer): string;
17 |
18 |
19 | implementation
20 |
21 | uses
22 | Core;
23 |
24 | function HtmlLink(Text, Target: string): string;
25 | begin
26 | Result := '<a href="' + Target + '">' + Text + '</a>';
27 | end;
28 |
29 | function ShowHeader(Title, Path: string): string;
30 | var
31 | Navigace: string;
32 | begin
33 | Navigace := '';
34 | //Navigace := CgiEnvVar.RequestURI;
35 | Result := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
36 | '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">' +
37 | '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">' +
38 | '<head>' +
39 | ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="cs" />' +
40 | ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />' +
41 | ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" />' +
42 | ' <script type="text/javascript" src="style/global.js"></script>' +
43 | ' <title>Centrála - ' + Path + '</title>' +
44 | ' </head><body>' +
45 | '<div class="PageTitle">' + Title + '</div>'+
46 | '<div class="Navigation"><strong>Navigace >></strong> ' + Navigace + '</div>';
47 | end;
48 |
49 | function ShowFooter: string;
50 | var
51 | UpdateDate: string;
52 | GenerateTime: string;
53 | begin
54 | UpdateDate := '2.5.2007';
55 | GenerateTime := '1 s';
56 | Result := '<div class="Footer">| Web mistr: Jiří Hajda | e-mail: robie@centrum.cz | ICQ: 277158770 | Vygenerováno za ' + GenerateTime + ' s | Verze: 1.0 | Naposledy aktualizováno: ' + UpdateDate + ' |' +
57 | '</div>';
58 | //ShowArray($GLOBALS);
59 | Result := Result + '</body></html>';
60 | end;
61 |
62 | function HumanDate(Date: TDateTime): string;
63 | begin
64 | Result := FormatDateTime('d.m.yyyy', Date);
65 | end;
66 |
67 | function InsertIcon(FileName: string): string;
68 | begin
69 | Result := '<img alt="" src="' + NavigationLink('/images/favicons/' + FileName) + '" width="16" height="16" />';
70 | end;
71 |
72 | function LastPos(const SubStr: String; const S: String): Integer;
73 | begin
74 | Result := Pos(ReverseString(SubStr), ReverseString(S));
75 |
76 | if (Result <> 0) then
77 | Result := ((Length(S) - Length(SubStr)) + 1) - Result + 1;
78 | end;
79 |
80 | function IconedLink(Link, Text: string): string;
81 | var
82 | Extension: string;
83 | Icon: string;
84 | begin
85 | Extension := Copy(Link, LastPos('.', Link) + 1, Length(Link));
86 | Icon := '<img src="' + NavigationLink('/images/icons/' + Extension + '.gif') + '" alt="' + Extension + '"> ';
87 | Result := Icon + '<a href="' + Link + '">' + Text + '</a>';
88 | end;
89 |
90 | function MakeLink(Text, URL: string): string;
91 | begin
92 | Result := '<a href="' + URL + '">' + Text + '</a>';
93 | end;
94 |
95 | function NavigationLink(URL: string): string;
96 | begin
97 | if (Length(URL) > 0) and (URL[1] = '/') then
98 | Result := Core.Core.BaseURL + URL
99 | else Result := URL;
100 | end;
101 |
102 | function PagesList(URL: string; Page, TotalCount, CountPerPage: Integer): string;
103 | const
104 | Around: Integer = 10;
105 | var
106 | Count: Integer;
107 | PagesMax: Integer;
108 | PagesMin: Integer;
109 | I: Integer;
110 | begin
111 | Count := Round(TotalCount / CountPerPage);
112 | Result := '';
113 | if Count > 1 then begin
114 | if Page > 0 then begin
115 | Result := Result + '<a href="' + URL + '0"><<</a> ';
116 | Result := Result + '<a href="' + URL + IntToStr(Page - 1) + '"><</a> ';
117 | end;
118 | PagesMax := Count - 1;
119 | PagesMin := 0;
120 | if PagesMax > (Page + Around) then PagesMax := Page + Around;
121 | if PagesMin < (Page - Around) then begin
122 | Result := Result + ' .. ';
123 | PagesMin := Page - Around;
124 | end;
125 | for I := PagesMin to PagesMax do begin
126 | if I = Page then Result := Result + '<strong>';
127 | Result := Result + '<a href="' + URL + IntToStr(I) + '">' + IntToStr(I + 1) + '</a> ';
128 | if I = Page then Result := Result + '</strong>';
129 | end;
130 | if PagesMax < (Count - 1) then Result := Result + ' .. ';
131 | if Page < (Count - 1) then begin
132 | Result := Result + '<a href="' + URL + IntToStr(Page + 1) + '">></a> ';
133 | Result := Result + '<a href="' + URL + IntToStr(Count - 1) + '">>></a>';
134 | end;
135 | end;
136 | end;
137 |
138 | end.