Changeset 138 for tags

Jul 6, 2017, 12:24:14 PM (7 years ago)
  • Modified: Updated 1.1.0 version in all related files.
  • Added: Windows installer for 1.1.0 version.
7 edited


  • tags/1.1.0/Install/deb/debian/changelog

    r112 r138  
    1 xtactics (1.0.0-1) precise; urgency=low
     1xtactics (1.1.0-1) precise; urgency=low
    3   * Original version 1.0.0 packaged with lazdebian
     3 * Added: Player starts units can be configured in player dialog.
     4 * Added: Graph window can be shown from menu which presents development of various statistic values during game turns.
     5 * Added: Load recent menu action to load recently opened/saved files.
     6 * Modified: Allow cells to have more then 99 units. Additional units over 99 will die according twice of root square of units over 99. This allows to quick resolution even in case of narrow connections where two players send maximum units against each other.
     7 * Fixed: Map black background under Windows OS was not correct. Used dark gray color so bridges between cells are visible.
     8 * Fixed: Some application states were not stored/restored correctly after application restart.
     9 * Fixed: Default maximized form state for PersistentForm. * Fixed: Do not scale up maximized forms according DPI settings.
     10 * Fixed: Require at least 2 players for a game.
     11 * Fixed: If only computer players are present in game then starts computer move immediatelly.
     12 * Fixed: Center map to player main city at start.
     13 * Fixed: Exception if no human player was selected.
     14 * Fixed: Do not allow to move from single cell more units when available.
     15 * Fixed: Set correct Windows registry path for storing form size.
     16 * Fixed: Set correct path for Config.xml file.
    5  -- Chronos <>  Sun, 27 Nov 2016 00:51:08 +0100
     18 -- Chronos <>  Sun, 6 Jul 2017 00:51:08 +0100
  • tags/1.1.0/Install/deb/debian/control

    r112 r138  
    33Section: utils
    44Priority: optional
    5 Standards-Version: 1.0.0
     5Standards-Version: 1.1.0
    66Build-Depends: fpc, lazarus, lcl, lcl-utils, debhelper (>= 8)
  • tags/1.1.0/Install/win/build.bat

    r136 r138  
    1 %LAZDIR%/lazbuild.exe --lazarusdir=%LAZDIR% --build-mode=Release --cpu=i386 ../../xtactics.lpr
    2 %LAZDIR%/lazbuild.exe --lazarusdir=%LAZDIR% --build-mode=Release --cpu=x86_64 ../../xtactics.lpr
     1%LAZDIR%/lazbuild.exe --lazarusdir=%LAZDIR% --build-mode="Windows 32-bit" ../../xtactics.lpr
     2%LAZDIR%/lazbuild.exe --lazarusdir=%LAZDIR% --build-mode="Windows 64-bit" ../../xtactics.lpr
    44"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\iscc.exe" xTactics.iss
  • tags/1.1.0/Install/win/xTactics.iss

    r136 r138  
    44#define MyAppName "xTactics"
    5 #define MyAppVersion "1.0"
     5#define MyAppVersion "1.1.0"
    66#define MyAppPublisher "Chronosoft"
    77#define MyAppPublisherShort "Chronosoft"
  • tags/1.1.0/Release notes.txt

    r118 r138  
     1Version 1.1.0 (2017-07-06)
     4* Added: Player starts units can be configured in player dialog.
     5* Added: Graph window can be shown from menu which presents development of various statistic values during game turns.
     6* Added: Load recent menu action to load recently opened/saved files.
     7* Modified: Allow cells to have more then 99 units. Additional units over 99 will die according twice of root square of units over 99. This allows to quick resolution even in case of narrow connections where two players send maximum units against each other.
     8* Fixed: Map black background under Windows OS was not correct. Used dark gray color so bridges between cells are visible.
     9* Fixed: Some application states were not stored/restored correctly after application restart.
     10* Fixed: Default maximized form state for PersistentForm. * Fixed: Do not scale up maximized forms according DPI settings.
     11* Fixed: Require at least 2 players for a game.
     12* Fixed: If only computer players are present in game then starts computer move immediatelly.
     13* Fixed: Center map to player main city at start.
     14* Fixed: Exception if no human player was selected.
     15* Fixed: Do not allow to move from single cell more units when available.
     16* Fixed: Set correct Windows registry path for storing form size.
     17* Fixed: Set correct path for Config.xml file.
    120Version 1.0.0 (2016-12-10)
  • tags/1.1.0/UCore.lfm

    r133 r138  
    44  OldCreateOrder = False
    55  Height = 542
    6   HorizontalOffset = 565
    7   VerticalOffset = 329
     6  HorizontalOffset = 692
     7  VerticalOffset = 464
    88  Width = 752
    99  object ActionList1: TActionList
    20412041    Identification = 1
    20422042    VersionMajor = 1
    2043     VersionMinor = 0
     2043    VersionMinor = 1
    20442044    VersionBugFix = 0
    2045     VersionSuffix = 'alfa'
    20462045    CompanyName = 'Chronosoft'
    20472046    CompanyHomePage = ''
    20492048    AuthorsName = 'Chronos'
    20502049    AppName = 'xTactics'
    2051     ReleaseDate = 42913
     2050    ReleaseDate = 42922
    20522051    RegistryKey = '\Software\xTactics'
    20532052    RegistryRoot = rrKeyCurrentUser
  • tags/1.1.0/xtactics.lpi

    r134 r138  
    33  <ProjectOptions>
    4     <Version Value="10"/>
     4    <Version Value="9"/>
    55    <General>
    66      <SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
    1919    </i18n>
    2020    <VersionInfo>
     21      <UseVersionInfo Value="True"/>
     22      <MajorVersionNr Value="1"/>
     23      <MinorVersionNr Value="1"/>
    2124      <StringTable ProductVersion=""/>
    2225    </VersionInfo>
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