1 | unit Tests;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, TestCase, Game;
7 |
8 | type
9 |
10 | { TTestCaseGame }
11 |
12 | TTestCaseGame = class(TTestCase)
13 | Game: TGame;
14 | procedure Run; override;
15 | constructor Create; override;
16 | destructor Destroy; override;
17 | end;
18 |
19 | { TTestCaseMap }
20 |
21 | TTestCaseMap = class(TTestCase)
22 | Game: TGame;
23 | procedure Run; override;
24 | constructor Create; override;
25 | destructor Destroy; override;
26 | end;
27 |
28 | function GetTestCases: TTestCases;
29 |
30 |
31 | implementation
32 |
33 | uses
34 | Geometry, MapType, Map;
35 |
36 | function GetTestCases: TTestCases;
37 | begin
38 | Result := TTestCases.Create;
39 | with Result do begin
40 | with TTestCaseGame(AddNew('Load and save', TTestCaseGame)) do begin
41 | end;
42 | with TTestCaseMap(AddNew('Map cells connection', TTestCaseMap)) do begin
43 | end;
44 | end;
45 | end;
46 |
47 | { TTestCaseGame }
48 |
49 | procedure TTestCaseGame.Run;
50 | const
51 | FileName = 'Test.xtg';
52 | Size = 10;
53 | var
54 | Game2: TGame;
55 | begin
56 | Game.Map.Size := TPoint.Create(Size, Size);
57 | Game.MapType := mtSquare;
58 | Game.New;
59 | Game.SaveToFile(FileName);
60 | Game2 := TGame.Create;
61 | Game2.LoadFromFile(FileName);
62 | Evaluate(Game2.Compare(Game));
63 | Log := 'Game1: ' + LineEnding + Game.ToString + LineEnding +
64 | 'Game2: ' + LineEnding + Game2.ToString + LineEnding;
65 | Game2.Free;
66 | end;
67 |
68 | constructor TTestCaseGame.Create;
69 | begin
70 | inherited;
71 | Game := TGame.Create;
72 | end;
73 |
74 | destructor TTestCaseGame.Destroy;
75 | begin
76 | FreeAndNil(Game);
77 | inherited;
78 | end;
79 |
80 | { TTestCaseMap }
81 |
82 | procedure TTestCaseMap.Run;
83 | var
84 | X, Y: Integer;
85 | Connected: Boolean;
86 | Cell: TCell;
87 | Expected: Integer;
88 | const
89 | Size = 10;
90 | begin
91 | Connected := True;
92 | Game.Map.Size := TPoint.Create(Size, Size);
93 | Game.MapType := mtSquare;
94 | Game.New;
95 | for Y := 0 to Size - 1 do
96 | for X := 0 to Size - 1 do begin
97 | Cell := Game.Map.Cells[X + Y * Size];
98 | Expected := 4;
99 | if (X = 0) or (X = Size - 1) then Dec(Expected);
100 | if (Y = 0) or (Y = Size - 1) then Dec(Expected);
101 | if Cell.Neighbors.Count <> Expected then begin
102 | Log := Log + 'Cell ' + IntToStr(X + Y * Size) + ' expected neighbors count ' +
103 | IntToStr(Expected) + ' but is ' + IntToStr(Cell.Neighbors.Count) + LineEnding;
104 | if not Connected then Break;
105 | end;
106 | end;
107 | Evaluate(Connected);
108 | end;
109 |
110 | constructor TTestCaseMap.Create;
111 | begin
112 | inherited;
113 | Game := TGame.Create;
114 | end;
115 |
116 | destructor TTestCaseMap.Destroy;
117 | begin
118 | FreeAndNil(Game);
119 | inherited;
120 | end;
121 |
122 | end.
123 |