1 | msgid ""
2 | msgstr ""
3 | "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
4 | "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
5 | "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
6 |
7 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelpbrowsernotexecutable
8 | msgid "Browser \"%s\" not executable."
9 | msgstr ""
10 |
11 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelpbrowsernotfound
12 | msgid "Browser \"%s\" not found."
13 | msgstr ""
14 |
15 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelperrorwhileexecuting
16 | msgid "Error while executing \"%s\":%s%s"
17 | msgstr ""
18 |
19 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelpnohtmlbrowserfound
20 | msgid "Unable to find a HTML browser."
21 | msgstr ""
22 |
23 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelpnohtmlbrowserfoundpleasedefineone
24 | msgid "No HTML Browser found.%sPlease define one in Tools -> Options -> Help -> Help Options"
25 | msgstr ""
26 |
27 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelpthehelpdatabasewasunabletofindfile
28 | msgid "The help database \"%s\" was unable to find file \"%s\"."
29 | msgstr ""
30 |
31 | #: lclstrconsts.hhshelpthemacrosinbrowserparamswillbereplacedbytheurl
32 | msgid "The macro %s in BrowserParams will be replaced by the URL."
33 | msgstr ""
34 |
35 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsalt
36 | msgid "Alt"
37 | msgstr ""
38 |
39 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsctrl
40 | msgid "Ctrl"
41 | msgstr ""
42 |
43 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsvk_cmd
44 | msgid "Cmd"
45 | msgstr ""
46 |
47 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsvk_help
48 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.ifsvk_help"
49 | msgid "Help"
50 | msgstr ""
51 |
52 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsvk_meta
53 | msgid "Meta"
54 | msgstr ""
55 |
56 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsvk_shift
57 | msgid "Shift"
58 | msgstr ""
59 |
60 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsvk_super
61 | msgid "Super"
62 | msgstr ""
63 |
64 | #: lclstrconsts.ifsvk_unknown
65 | msgid "Unknown"
66 | msgstr ""
67 |
68 | #: lclstrconsts.lislclresourcesnotfound
69 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.lislclresourcesnotfound"
70 | msgid "Resource %s not found"
71 | msgstr ""
72 |
73 | #: lclstrconsts.rs3ddkshadowcolorcaption
74 | msgid "3D Dark Shadow"
75 | msgstr ""
76 |
77 | #: lclstrconsts.rs3dlightcolorcaption
78 | msgid "3D Light"
79 | msgstr ""
80 |
81 | #: lclstrconsts.rsacontrolcannothaveitselfasparent
82 | msgid "A control can't have itself as a parent"
83 | msgstr ""
84 |
85 | #: lclstrconsts.rsactivebordercolorcaption
86 | msgid "Active Border"
87 | msgstr ""
88 |
89 | #: lclstrconsts.rsactivecaptioncolorcaption
90 | msgid "Active Caption"
91 | msgstr ""
92 |
93 | #: lclstrconsts.rsallfiles
94 | msgid "All files (%s)|%s|%s"
95 | msgstr ""
96 |
97 | #: lclstrconsts.rsappworkspacecolorcaption
98 | msgid "Application Workspace"
99 | msgstr ""
100 |
101 | #: lclstrconsts.rsaquacolorcaption
102 | msgid "Aqua"
103 | msgstr ""
104 |
105 | #: lclstrconsts.rsascannothaveasparent
106 | msgid "Class %s cannot have %s as parent."
107 | msgstr ""
108 |
109 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbackgroundcolorcaption
110 | msgid "Desktop"
111 | msgstr ""
112 |
113 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbackward
114 | msgid "Backward"
115 | msgstr ""
116 |
117 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbitmaps
118 | msgid "Bitmaps"
119 | msgstr ""
120 |
121 | #: lclstrconsts.rsblackcolorcaption
122 | msgid "Black"
123 | msgstr ""
124 |
125 | #: lclstrconsts.rsblank
126 | msgid "Blank"
127 | msgstr ""
128 |
129 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbluecolorcaption
130 | msgid "Blue"
131 | msgstr ""
132 |
133 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbtnfacecolorcaption
134 | msgid "Button Face"
135 | msgstr ""
136 |
137 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbtnhighlightcolorcaption
138 | msgid "Button Highlight"
139 | msgstr ""
140 |
141 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbtnshadowcolorcaption
142 | msgid "Button Shadow"
143 | msgstr ""
144 |
145 | #: lclstrconsts.rsbtntextcolorcaption
146 | msgid "Button Text"
147 | msgstr ""
148 |
149 | #: lclstrconsts.rscalculator
150 | msgid "Calculator"
151 | msgstr ""
152 |
153 | #: lclstrconsts.rscancelrecordhint
154 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rscancelrecordhint"
155 | msgid "Cancel"
156 | msgstr ""
157 |
158 | #: lclstrconsts.rscannotfocus
159 | msgid "Can not focus"
160 | msgstr ""
161 |
162 | #: lclstrconsts.rscanvasdoesnotallowdrawing
163 | msgid "Canvas does not allow drawing"
164 | msgstr ""
165 |
166 | #: lclstrconsts.rscaptiontextcolorcaption
167 | msgid "Caption Text"
168 | msgstr ""
169 |
170 | #: lclstrconsts.rscasesensitive
171 | msgid "Case sensitive"
172 | msgstr ""
173 |
174 | #: lclstrconsts.rscontrolclasscantcontainchildclass
175 | msgid "Control of class '%s' can't have control of class '%s' as a child"
176 | msgstr ""
177 |
178 | #: lclstrconsts.rscontrolhasnoparentformorframe
179 | msgid "Control '%s' has no parent form or frame"
180 | msgstr ""
181 |
182 | #: lclstrconsts.rscontrolhasnoparentwindow
183 | msgid "Control '%s' has no parent window"
184 | msgstr ""
185 |
186 | #: lclstrconsts.rscontrolisnotaparent
187 | msgid "'%s' is not a parent of '%s'"
188 | msgstr ""
189 |
190 | #: lclstrconsts.rscreamcolorcaption
191 | msgid "Cream"
192 | msgstr ""
193 |
194 | #: lclstrconsts.rscursor
195 | msgid "Cursor"
196 | msgstr ""
197 |
198 | #: lclstrconsts.rscustomcolorcaption
199 | msgid "Custom ..."
200 | msgstr ""
201 |
202 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdefaultcolorcaption
203 | msgid "Default"
204 | msgstr ""
205 |
206 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdefaultfileinfovalue
207 | msgid "permissions user group size date time"
208 | msgstr ""
209 |
210 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdeleterecord
211 | msgid "Delete record?"
212 | msgstr ""
213 |
214 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdeleterecordhint
215 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsdeleterecordhint"
216 | msgid "Delete"
217 | msgstr ""
218 |
219 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdirection
220 | msgid "Direction"
221 | msgstr ""
222 |
223 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdirectory
224 | msgid "&Directory"
225 | msgstr ""
226 |
227 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdocopy
228 | msgid "Copy"
229 | msgstr ""
230 |
231 | #: lclstrconsts.rsdopaste
232 | msgid "Paste"
233 | msgstr ""
234 |
235 | #: lclstrconsts.rsduplicateiconformat
236 | msgid "Duplicate icon format."
237 | msgstr ""
238 |
239 | #: lclstrconsts.rseditrecordhint
240 | msgid "Edit"
241 | msgstr ""
242 |
243 | #: lclstrconsts.rsentirescope
244 | msgid "Search entire file"
245 | msgstr ""
246 |
247 | #: lclstrconsts.rserror
248 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rserror"
249 | msgid "Error"
250 | msgstr ""
251 |
252 | #: lclstrconsts.rserrorcreatingdevicecontext
253 | msgid "Error creating device context for %s.%s"
254 | msgstr ""
255 |
256 | #: lclstrconsts.rserroroccurredinataddressframe
257 | msgid "Error occurred in %s at %sAddress %s%s Frame %s"
258 | msgstr ""
259 |
260 | #: lclstrconsts.rserrorwhilesavingbitmap
261 | msgid "Error while saving bitmap."
262 | msgstr ""
263 |
264 | #: lclstrconsts.rsexception
265 | msgid "Exception"
266 | msgstr ""
267 |
268 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfddirectorymustexist
269 | msgid "Directory must exist"
270 | msgstr ""
271 |
272 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfddirectorynotexist
273 | msgid "The directory \"%s\" does not exist."
274 | msgstr ""
275 |
276 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdfilealreadyexists
277 | msgid "The file \"%s\" already exists. Overwrite ?"
278 | msgstr ""
279 |
280 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdfilemustexist
281 | msgid "File must exist"
282 | msgstr ""
283 |
284 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdfilenotexist
285 | msgid "The file \"%s\" does not exist."
286 | msgstr ""
287 |
288 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdfilereadonly
289 | msgid "The file \"%s\" is not writable."
290 | msgstr ""
291 |
292 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdfilereadonlytitle
293 | msgid "File is not writable"
294 | msgstr ""
295 |
296 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdfilesaveas
297 | msgid "Save file as"
298 | msgstr ""
299 |
300 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdopenfile
301 | msgid "Open existing file"
302 | msgstr ""
303 |
304 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdoverwritefile
305 | msgid "Overwrite file ?"
306 | msgstr ""
307 |
308 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdpathmustexist
309 | msgid "Path must exist"
310 | msgstr ""
311 |
312 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdpathnoexist
313 | msgid "The path \"%s\" does not exist."
314 | msgstr ""
315 |
316 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfdselectdirectory
317 | msgid "Select Directory"
318 | msgstr ""
319 |
320 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfileinfofilenotfound
321 | msgid "(file not found: \"%s\")"
322 | msgstr ""
323 |
324 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfileinformation
325 | msgid "File information"
326 | msgstr ""
327 |
328 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfilter
329 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsfilter"
330 | msgid "(filter)"
331 | msgstr ""
332 |
333 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfind
334 | msgid "Find"
335 | msgstr ""
336 |
337 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfindmore
338 | msgid "Find more"
339 | msgstr ""
340 |
341 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfirstrecordhint
342 | msgid "First"
343 | msgstr ""
344 |
345 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfixedcolstoobig
346 | msgid "FixedCols can't be > ColCount"
347 | msgstr ""
348 |
349 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfixedrowstoobig
350 | msgid "FixedRows can't be > RowCount"
351 | msgstr ""
352 |
353 | #: lclstrconsts.rsformcolorcaption
354 | msgid "Form"
355 | msgstr ""
356 |
357 | #: lclstrconsts.rsformresourcesnotfoundforresourcelessformscreatenew
358 | msgid "Form resource %s not found. For resourceless forms CreateNew constructor must be used. See the global variable RequireDerivedFormResource."
359 | msgstr ""
360 |
361 | #: lclstrconsts.rsformstreamingerror
362 | msgid "Form streaming \"%s\" error: %s"
363 | msgstr ""
364 |
365 | #: lclstrconsts.rsforward
366 | msgid "Forward"
367 | msgstr ""
368 |
369 | #: lclstrconsts.rsfuchsiacolorcaption
370 | msgid "Fuchsia"
371 | msgstr ""
372 |
373 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgdkoptiondebug
374 | msgid "--gdk-debug flags Turn on specific GDK trace/debug messages."
375 | msgstr ""
376 |
377 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgdkoptionnodebug
378 | msgid "--gdk-no-debug flags Turn off specific GDK trace/debug messages."
379 | msgstr ""
380 |
381 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgif
382 | msgid "Graphics Interchange Format"
383 | msgstr ""
384 |
385 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgoptionfatalwarnings
386 | msgid "--g-fatal-warnings Warnings and errors generated by Gtk+/GDK will halt the application."
387 | msgstr ""
388 |
389 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgradientactivecaptioncolorcaption
390 | msgid "Gradient Active Caption"
391 | msgstr ""
392 |
393 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgradientinactivecaptioncolorcaption
394 | msgid "Gradient Inactive Caption"
395 | msgstr ""
396 |
397 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgraphic
398 | msgid "Graphic"
399 | msgstr ""
400 |
401 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgraycolorcaption
402 | msgid "Gray"
403 | msgstr ""
404 |
405 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgraytextcolorcaption
406 | msgid "Gray Text"
407 | msgstr ""
408 |
409 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgreencolorcaption
410 | msgid "Green"
411 | msgstr ""
412 |
413 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgridfiledoesnotexist
414 | msgid "Grid file doesn't exist"
415 | msgstr ""
416 |
417 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgridhasnocols
418 | msgid "Cannot insert rows into a grid when it has no columns"
419 | msgstr ""
420 |
421 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgridhasnorows
422 | msgid "Cannot insert columns into a grid when it has no rows"
423 | msgstr ""
424 |
425 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgridindexoutofrange
426 | msgid "Grid index out of range."
427 | msgstr ""
428 |
429 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgroupindexcannotbelessthanprevious
430 | msgid "GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex"
431 | msgstr ""
432 |
433 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkfilter
434 | msgid "Filter:"
435 | msgstr ""
436 |
437 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkhistory
438 | msgid "History:"
439 | msgstr ""
440 |
441 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionclass
442 | msgid "--class classname Following Xt conventions, the class of a program is the program name with the initial character capitalized. For example, the classname for gimp is \"Gimp\". If --class is specified, the class of the program will be set to \"classname\"."
443 | msgstr ""
444 |
445 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptiondebug
446 | msgid "--gtk-debug flags Turn on specific Gtk+ trace/debug messages."
447 | msgstr ""
448 |
449 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptiondisplay
450 | msgid "--display h:s:d Connect to the specified X server, where \"h\" is the hostname, \"s\" is the server number (usually 0), and \"d\" is the display number (typically omitted). If --display is not specified, the DISPLAY environment variable is used."
451 | msgstr ""
452 |
453 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionmodule
454 | msgid "--gtk-module module Load the specified module at startup."
455 | msgstr ""
456 |
457 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionname
458 | msgid "--name programe Set program name to \"progname\". If not specified, program name will be set to ParamStrUTF8(0)."
459 | msgstr ""
460 |
461 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionnodebug
462 | msgid "--gtk-no-debug flags Turn off specific Gtk+ trace/debug messages."
463 | msgstr ""
464 |
465 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionnotransient
466 | msgid "--lcl-no-transient Do not set transient order for modal forms"
467 | msgstr ""
468 |
469 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionnoxshm
470 | msgid "--no-xshm Disable use of the X Shared Memory Extension."
471 | msgstr ""
472 |
473 | #: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionsync
474 | msgid "--sync Call XSynchronize (display, True) after the Xserver connection has been established. This makes debugging X protocol errors easier, because X request buffering will be disabled and X errors will be received immediately after the protocol request that generated the error has been processed by the X server."
475 | msgstr ""
476 |
477 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelp
478 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rshelp"
479 | msgid "Help"
480 | msgstr ""
481 |
482 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpalreadyregistered
483 | msgid "%s: Already registered"
484 | msgstr ""
485 |
486 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpcontextnotfound
487 | msgid "A help database was found for this topic, but this topic was not found"
488 | msgstr ""
489 |
490 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpdatabasenotfound
491 | msgid "There is no help database installed for this topic"
492 | msgstr ""
493 |
494 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelperror
495 | msgid "Help Error"
496 | msgstr ""
497 |
498 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpcontextnotfound
499 | msgid "Help context %s not found."
500 | msgstr ""
501 |
502 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpcontextnotfoundindatabase
503 | msgid "Help context %s not found in Database \"%s\"."
504 | msgstr ""
505 |
506 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpdatabasedidnotfoundaviewerforahelppageoftype
507 | msgid "Help Database \"%s\" did not find a viewer for a help page of type %s"
508 | msgstr ""
509 |
510 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpdatabasenotfound
511 | msgid "Help Database \"%s\" not found"
512 | msgstr ""
513 |
514 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpfordirectivenotfound
515 | msgid "Help for directive \"%s\" not found."
516 | msgstr ""
517 |
518 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpfordirectivenotfoundindatabase
519 | msgid "Help for directive \"%s\" not found in Database \"%s\"."
520 | msgstr ""
521 |
522 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpkeywordnotfound
523 | msgid "Help keyword \"%s\" not found."
524 | msgstr ""
525 |
526 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpkeywordnotfoundindatabase
527 | msgid "Help keyword \"%s\" not found in Database \"%s\"."
528 | msgstr ""
529 |
530 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelphelpnodehasnohelpdatabase
531 | msgid "Help node \"%s\" has no Help Database"
532 | msgstr ""
533 |
534 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpnohelpfoundforsource
535 | msgid "No help found for line %d, column %d of %s."
536 | msgstr ""
537 |
538 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpnohelpnodesavailable
539 | msgid "No help entries available for this topic"
540 | msgstr ""
541 |
542 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpnotfound
543 | msgid "No help found for this topic"
544 | msgstr ""
545 |
546 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpnotregistered
547 | msgid "%s: Not registered"
548 | msgstr ""
549 |
550 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpselectorerror
551 | msgid "Help Selector Error"
552 | msgstr ""
553 |
554 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpthereisnoviewerforhelptype
555 | msgid "There is no viewer for help type \"%s\""
556 | msgstr ""
557 |
558 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpviewererror
559 | msgid "Help Viewer Error"
560 | msgstr ""
561 |
562 | #: lclstrconsts.rshelpviewernotfound
563 | msgid "No viewer was found for this type of help content"
564 | msgstr ""
565 |
566 | #: lclstrconsts.rshighlightcolorcaption
567 | msgid "Highlight"
568 | msgstr ""
569 |
570 | #: lclstrconsts.rshighlighttextcolorcaption
571 | msgid "Highlight Text"
572 | msgstr ""
573 |
574 | #: lclstrconsts.rshotlightcolorcaption
575 | msgid "Hot Light"
576 | msgstr ""
577 |
578 | #: lclstrconsts.rsicns
579 | msgid "Mac OS X Icon"
580 | msgstr ""
581 |
582 | #: lclstrconsts.rsicon
583 | msgid "Icon"
584 | msgstr ""
585 |
586 | #: lclstrconsts.rsiconimageempty
587 | msgid "Icon image cannot be empty"
588 | msgstr ""
589 |
590 | #: lclstrconsts.rsiconimageformat
591 | msgid "Icon image must have the same format"
592 | msgstr ""
593 |
594 | #: lclstrconsts.rsiconimageformatchange
595 | msgid "Cannot change format of icon image"
596 | msgstr ""
597 |
598 | #: lclstrconsts.rsiconimagesize
599 | msgid "Icon image must have the same size"
600 | msgstr ""
601 |
602 | #: lclstrconsts.rsiconimagesizechange
603 | msgid "Cannot change size of icon image"
604 | msgstr ""
605 |
606 | #: lclstrconsts.rsiconnocurrent
607 | msgid "Icon has no current image"
608 | msgstr ""
609 |
610 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinactivebordercolorcaption
611 | msgid "Inactive Border"
612 | msgstr ""
613 |
614 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinactivecaptioncolorcaption
615 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsinactivecaptioncolorcaption"
616 | msgid "Inactive Caption"
617 | msgstr ""
618 |
619 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinactivecaptiontext
620 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsinactivecaptiontext"
621 | msgid "Inactive Caption"
622 | msgstr ""
623 |
624 | #: lclstrconsts.rsindexoutofbounds
625 | msgid "%s Index %d out of bounds 0 .. %d"
626 | msgstr ""
627 |
628 | #: lclstrconsts.rsindexoutofrange
629 | msgid "Index Out of range Cell[Col=%d Row=%d]"
630 | msgstr ""
631 |
632 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinfobkcolorcaption
633 | msgid "Info Background"
634 | msgstr ""
635 |
636 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinfotextcolorcaption
637 | msgid "Info Text"
638 | msgstr ""
639 |
640 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinsertrecordhint
641 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsinsertrecordhint"
642 | msgid "Insert"
643 | msgstr ""
644 |
645 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinvaliddate
646 | msgid "Invalid Date : %s"
647 | msgstr ""
648 |
649 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinvaliddaterangehint
650 | msgid "Invalid Date: %s. Must be between %s and %s"
651 | msgstr ""
652 |
653 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinvalidformobjectstream
654 | msgid "invalid Form object stream"
655 | msgstr ""
656 |
657 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinvalidpropertyvalue
658 | msgid "Invalid property value"
659 | msgstr ""
660 |
661 | #: lclstrconsts.rsinvalidstreamformat
662 | msgid "Invalid stream format"
663 | msgstr ""
664 |
665 | #: lclstrconsts.rsisalreadyassociatedwith
666 | msgid "%s is already associated with %s"
667 | msgstr ""
668 |
669 | #: lclstrconsts.rsjpeg
670 | msgid "Joint Picture Expert Group"
671 | msgstr ""
672 |
673 | #: lclstrconsts.rslastrecordhint
674 | msgid "Last"
675 | msgstr ""
676 |
677 | #: lclstrconsts.rslimecolorcaption
678 | msgid "Lime"
679 | msgstr ""
680 |
681 | #: lclstrconsts.rslistindexexceedsbounds
682 | msgid "List index exceeds bounds (%d)"
683 | msgstr ""
684 |
685 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmarooncolorcaption
686 | msgid "Maroon"
687 | msgstr ""
688 |
689 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbabort
690 | msgid "Abort"
691 | msgstr ""
692 |
693 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmball
694 | msgid "&All"
695 | msgstr ""
696 |
697 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbcancel
698 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsmbcancel"
699 | msgid "Cancel"
700 | msgstr ""
701 |
702 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbclose
703 | msgid "&Close"
704 | msgstr ""
705 |
706 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbhelp
707 | msgid "&Help"
708 | msgstr ""
709 |
710 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbignore
711 | msgid "&Ignore"
712 | msgstr ""
713 |
714 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbno
715 | msgid "&No"
716 | msgstr ""
717 |
718 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbnotoall
719 | msgid "No to all"
720 | msgstr ""
721 |
722 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbok
723 | msgid "&OK"
724 | msgstr ""
725 |
726 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbopen
727 | msgid "&Open"
728 | msgstr ""
729 |
730 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbretry
731 | msgid "&Retry"
732 | msgstr ""
733 |
734 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbsave
735 | msgid "&Save"
736 | msgstr ""
737 |
738 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbunlock
739 | msgid "&Unlock"
740 | msgstr ""
741 |
742 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbyes
743 | msgid "&Yes"
744 | msgstr ""
745 |
746 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmbyestoall
747 | msgid "Yes to &All"
748 | msgstr ""
749 |
750 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmedgraycolorcaption
751 | msgid "Medium Gray"
752 | msgstr ""
753 |
754 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmenubarcolorcaption
755 | msgid "Menu Bar"
756 | msgstr ""
757 |
758 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmenucolorcaption
759 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsmenucolorcaption"
760 | msgid "Menu"
761 | msgstr ""
762 |
763 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmenuhighlightcolorcaption
764 | msgid "Menu Highlight"
765 | msgstr ""
766 |
767 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmenutextcolorcaption
768 | msgid "Menu Text"
769 | msgstr ""
770 |
771 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmodified
772 | msgid " modified "
773 | msgstr ""
774 |
775 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmoneygreencolorcaption
776 | msgid "Money Green"
777 | msgstr ""
778 |
779 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmtauthentication
780 | msgid "Authentication"
781 | msgstr ""
782 |
783 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmtconfirmation
784 | msgid "Confirmation"
785 | msgstr ""
786 |
787 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmtcustom
788 | msgid "Custom"
789 | msgstr ""
790 |
791 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmterror
792 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsmterror"
793 | msgid "Error"
794 | msgstr ""
795 |
796 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmtinformation
797 | msgid "Information"
798 | msgstr ""
799 |
800 | #: lclstrconsts.rsmtwarning
801 | msgid "Warning"
802 | msgstr ""
803 |
804 | #: lclstrconsts.rsnavycolorcaption
805 | msgid "Navy"
806 | msgstr ""
807 |
808 | #: lclstrconsts.rsnextrecordhint
809 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsnextrecordhint"
810 | msgid "Next"
811 | msgstr ""
812 |
813 | #: lclstrconsts.rsnonecolorcaption
814 | msgid "None"
815 | msgstr ""
816 |
817 | #: lclstrconsts.rsnotavalidgridfile
818 | msgid "Not a valid grid file"
819 | msgstr ""
820 |
821 | #: lclstrconsts.rsnowidgetset
822 | msgid "No widgetset object. Please check if the unit \"interfaces\" was added to the programs uses clause."
823 | msgstr ""
824 |
825 | #: lclstrconsts.rsolivecolorcaption
826 | msgid "Olive"
827 | msgstr ""
828 |
829 | #: lclstrconsts.rspickdate
830 | msgid "Select a date"
831 | msgstr ""
832 |
833 | #: lclstrconsts.rspixmap
834 | msgid "Pixmap"
835 | msgstr ""
836 |
837 | #: lclstrconsts.rsportablebitmap
838 | msgid "Portable BitMap"
839 | msgstr ""
840 |
841 | #: lclstrconsts.rsportablegraymap
842 | msgid "Portable GrayMap"
843 | msgstr ""
844 |
845 | #: lclstrconsts.rsportablenetworkgraphic
846 | msgid "Portable Network Graphic"
847 | msgstr ""
848 |
849 | #: lclstrconsts.rsportablepixmap
850 | msgid "Portable PixMap"
851 | msgstr ""
852 |
853 | #: lclstrconsts.rspostrecordhint
854 | msgid "Post"
855 | msgstr ""
856 |
857 | #: lclstrconsts.rspressoktoignoreandriskdatacorruptionpressaborttok
858 | msgid "%s%sPress OK to ignore and risk data corruption.%sPress Abort to kill the program."
859 | msgstr ""
860 |
861 | #: lclstrconsts.rspriorrecordhint
862 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rspriorrecordhint"
863 | msgid "Prior"
864 | msgstr ""
865 |
866 | #: lclstrconsts.rspromptonreplace
867 | msgid "Prompt on replace"
868 | msgstr ""
869 |
870 | #: lclstrconsts.rspropertydoesnotexist
871 | msgid "Property %s does not exist"
872 | msgstr ""
873 |
874 | #: lclstrconsts.rspurplecolorcaption
875 | msgid "Purple"
876 | msgstr ""
877 |
878 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptiondograb
879 | msgid "-dograb (only under X11), running under a debugger can cause an implicit -nograb, use -dograb to override. Need QT_DEBUG."
880 | msgstr ""
881 |
882 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptiongraphicsstyle
883 | msgid "-graphicssystem param, sets the backend to be used for on-screen widgets and QPixmaps. Available options are native, raster and opengl. OpenGL is still unstable."
884 | msgstr ""
885 |
886 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionnograb
887 | msgid "-nograb, tells Qt that it must never grab the mouse or the keyboard. Need QT_DEBUG."
888 | msgstr ""
889 |
890 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionreverse
891 | msgid "-reverse, sets the application's layout direction to Qt::RightToLeft."
892 | msgstr ""
893 |
894 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionsession
895 | msgid "-session session, restores the application from an earlier session."
896 | msgstr ""
897 |
898 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionstyle
899 | msgid "-style style or -style=style, sets the application GUI style. Possible values are motif, windows, and platinum. If you compiled Qt with additional styles or have additional styles as plugins these will be available to the -style command line option. NOTE: Not all styles are available on all platforms. If style param does not exist Qt will start an application with default common style (windows)."
900 | msgstr ""
901 |
902 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionstylesheet
903 | msgid "-stylesheet stylesheet or -stylesheet=stylesheet, sets the application Style Sheet. The value must be a path to a file that contains the Style Sheet. Note: Relative URLs in the Style Sheet file are relative to the Style Sheet file's path."
904 | msgstr ""
905 |
906 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionsync
907 | msgid "-sync (only under X11), switches to synchronous mode for debugging."
908 | msgstr ""
909 |
910 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionwidgetcount
911 | msgid "-widgetcount, prints debug message at the end about number of widgets left undestroyed and maximum number of widgets existed at the same time."
912 | msgstr ""
913 |
914 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11bgcolor
915 | msgid "-bg or -background color, sets the default background color and an application palette (light and dark shades are calculated)."
916 | msgstr ""
917 |
918 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11btncolor
919 | msgid "-btn or -button color, sets the default button color."
920 | msgstr ""
921 |
922 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11cmap
923 | msgid "-cmap, causes the application to install a private color map on an 8-bit display."
924 | msgstr ""
925 |
926 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11display
927 | msgid "-display display, sets the X display (default is $DISPLAY)."
928 | msgstr ""
929 |
930 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11fgcolor
931 | msgid "-fg or -foreground color, sets the default foreground color."
932 | msgstr ""
933 |
934 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11font
935 | msgid "-fn or -font font, defines the application font. The font should be specified using an X logical font description."
936 | msgstr ""
937 |
938 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11geometry
939 | msgid "-geometry geometry, sets the client geometry of the first window that is shown."
940 | msgstr ""
941 |
942 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11im
943 | msgid "-im, sets the input method server (equivalent to setting the XMODIFIERS environment variable)."
944 | msgstr ""
945 |
946 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11inputstyle
947 | msgid "-inputstyle, defines how the input is inserted into the given widget, e.g. onTheSpot makes the input appear directly in the widget, while overTheSpot makes the input appear in a box floating over the widget and is not inserted until the editing is done."
948 | msgstr ""
949 |
950 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11name
951 | msgid "-name name, sets the application name."
952 | msgstr ""
953 |
954 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11ncols
955 | msgid "-ncols count, limits the number of colors allocated in the color cube on an 8-bit display, if the application is using the QApplication::ManyColor color specification. If count is 216 then a 6x6x6 color cube is used (i.e. 6 levels of red, 6 of green, and 6 of blue); for other values, a cube approximately proportional to a 2x3x1 cube is used."
956 | msgstr ""
957 |
958 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11title
959 | msgid "-title title, sets the application title."
960 | msgstr ""
961 |
962 | #: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11visual
963 | msgid "-visual TrueColor, forces the application to use a TrueColor visual on an 8-bit display."
964 | msgstr ""
965 |
966 | #: lclstrconsts.rsrasterimageendupdate
967 | msgid "Endupdate while no update in progress"
968 | msgstr ""
969 |
970 | #: lclstrconsts.rsrasterimagesaveinupdate
971 | msgid "Cannot save image while update in progress"
972 | msgstr ""
973 |
974 | #: lclstrconsts.rsrasterimageupdateall
975 | msgid "Cannot begin update all when canvas only update in progress"
976 | msgstr ""
977 |
978 | #: lclstrconsts.rsredcolorcaption
979 | msgid "Red"
980 | msgstr ""
981 |
982 | #: lclstrconsts.rsrefreshrecordshint
983 | msgid "Refresh"
984 | msgstr ""
985 |
986 | #: lclstrconsts.rsreplace
987 | msgid "Replace"
988 | msgstr ""
989 |
990 | #: lclstrconsts.rsreplaceall
991 | msgid "Replace all"
992 | msgstr ""
993 |
994 | #: lclstrconsts.rsresourcenotfound
995 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsresourcenotfound"
996 | msgid "Resource %s not found"
997 | msgstr ""
998 |
999 | #: lclstrconsts.rsscrollbarcolorcaption
1000 | msgid "ScrollBar"
1001 | msgstr ""
1002 |
1003 | #: lclstrconsts.rsscrollbaroutofrange
1004 | msgid "ScrollBar property out of range"
1005 | msgstr ""
1006 |
1007 | #: lclstrconsts.rsselectcolortitle
1008 | msgid "Select color"
1009 | msgstr ""
1010 |
1011 | #: lclstrconsts.rsselectfonttitle
1012 | msgid "Select a font"
1013 | msgstr ""
1014 |
1015 | #: lclstrconsts.rssilvercolorcaption
1016 | msgid "Silver"
1017 | msgstr ""
1018 |
1019 | #: lclstrconsts.rssize
1020 | msgid " size "
1021 | msgstr ""
1022 |
1023 | #: lclstrconsts.rsskybluecolorcaption
1024 | msgid "Sky Blue"
1025 | msgstr ""
1026 |
1027 | #: lclstrconsts.rstcustomtabcontrolaccessibilitydescription
1028 | msgid "A control with tabs"
1029 | msgstr ""
1030 |
1031 | #: lclstrconsts.rstealcolorcaption
1032 | msgid "Teal"
1033 | msgstr ""
1034 |
1035 | #: lclstrconsts.rstext
1036 | msgid "Text"
1037 | msgstr ""
1038 |
1039 | #: lclstrconsts.rsthebuiltinurlisreadonlychangethebaseurlinstead
1040 | msgid "The built-in URL is read only. Change the BaseURL instead."
1041 | msgstr ""
1042 |
1043 | #: lclstrconsts.rstiff
1044 | msgid "Tagged Image File Format"
1045 | msgstr ""
1046 |
1047 | #: lclstrconsts.rstpanelaccessibilitydescription
1048 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rstpanelaccessibilitydescription"
1049 | msgid "Panel"
1050 | msgstr ""
1051 |
1052 | #: lclstrconsts.rstsplitteraccessibilitydescription
1053 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rstsplitteraccessibilitydescription"
1054 | msgid "A grip to control how much size to give two parts of an area"
1055 | msgstr ""
1056 |
1057 | #: lclstrconsts.rsttreeviewaccessibilitydescription
1058 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsttreeviewaccessibilitydescription"
1059 | msgid "A tree of items"
1060 | msgstr ""
1061 |
1062 | #: lclstrconsts.rsunabletoloaddefaultfont
1063 | msgid "Unable to load default font"
1064 | msgstr ""
1065 |
1066 | #: lclstrconsts.rsunknownerrorpleasereportthisbug
1067 | msgid "Unknown Error, please report this bug"
1068 | msgstr ""
1069 |
1070 | #: lclstrconsts.rsunknownpictureextension
1071 | msgid "Unknown picture extension"
1072 | msgstr ""
1073 |
1074 | #: lclstrconsts.rsunknownpictureformat
1075 | msgid "Unknown picture format"
1076 | msgstr ""
1077 |
1078 | #: lclstrconsts.rsunsupportedbitmapformat
1079 | msgid "Unsupported bitmap format."
1080 | msgstr ""
1081 |
1082 | #: lclstrconsts.rsunsupportedclipboardformat
1083 | msgid "Unsupported clipboard format: %s"
1084 | msgstr ""
1085 |
1086 | #: lclstrconsts.rswarningunreleaseddcsdump
1087 | msgid " WARNING: There are %d unreleased DCs, a detailed dump follows:"
1088 | msgstr ""
1089 |
1090 | #: lclstrconsts.rswarningunreleasedgdiobjectsdump
1091 | msgid " WARNING: There are %d unreleased GDIObjects, a detailed dump follows:"
1092 | msgstr ""
1093 |
1094 | #: lclstrconsts.rswarningunreleasedmessagesinqueue
1095 | msgid " WARNING: There are %d messages left in the queue! I'll free them"
1096 | msgstr ""
1097 |
1098 | #: lclstrconsts.rswarningunreleasedtimerinfos
1099 | msgid " WARNING: There are %d TimerInfo structures left, I'll free them"
1100 | msgstr ""
1101 |
1102 | #: lclstrconsts.rswarningunremovedpaintmessages
1103 | msgid " WARNING: There are %s unremoved LM_PAINT/LM_GtkPAINT message links left."
1104 | msgstr ""
1105 |
1106 | #: lclstrconsts.rswhitecolorcaption
1107 | msgid "White"
1108 | msgstr ""
1109 |
1110 | #: lclstrconsts.rswholewordsonly
1111 | msgid "Whole words only"
1112 | msgstr ""
1113 |
1114 | #: lclstrconsts.rswin32error
1115 | msgid "Error:"
1116 | msgstr ""
1117 |
1118 | #: lclstrconsts.rswin32warning
1119 | msgid "Warning:"
1120 | msgstr ""
1121 |
1122 | #: lclstrconsts.rswindowcolorcaption
1123 | msgid "Window"
1124 | msgstr ""
1125 |
1126 | #: lclstrconsts.rswindowframecolorcaption
1127 | msgid "Window Frame"
1128 | msgstr ""
1129 |
1130 | #: lclstrconsts.rswindowtextcolorcaption
1131 | msgid "Window Text"
1132 | msgstr ""
1133 |
1134 | #: lclstrconsts.rsyellowcolorcaption
1135 | msgid "Yellow"
1136 | msgstr ""
1137 |
1138 | #: lclstrconsts.scannotfocus
1139 | msgid "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window"
1140 | msgstr ""
1141 |
1142 | #: lclstrconsts.scannotsetdesigntimeppi
1143 | msgid "Cannot set design time PPI."
1144 | msgstr ""
1145 |
1146 | #: lclstrconsts.sduplicatemenus
1147 | msgid "Duplicate menus"
1148 | msgstr ""
1149 |
1150 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidactioncreation
1151 | msgid "Invalid action creation"
1152 | msgstr ""
1153 |
1154 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidactionenumeration
1155 | msgid "Invalid action enumeration"
1156 | msgstr ""
1157 |
1158 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidactionregistration
1159 | msgid "Invalid action registration"
1160 | msgstr ""
1161 |
1162 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidactionunregistration
1163 | msgid "Invalid action unregistration"
1164 | msgstr ""
1165 |
1166 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidcharset
1167 | msgid "The char set in mask \"%s\" is not valid!"
1168 | msgstr ""
1169 |
1170 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidimagesize
1171 | msgid "Invalid image size"
1172 | msgstr ""
1173 |
1174 | #: lclstrconsts.sinvalidindex
1175 | msgid "Invalid ImageList Index"
1176 | msgstr ""
1177 |
1178 | #: lclstrconsts.smaskeditnomatch
1179 | msgid "The current text does not match the specified mask."
1180 | msgstr ""
1181 |
1182 | #: lclstrconsts.smenuindexerror
1183 | msgid "Menu index out of range"
1184 | msgstr ""
1185 |
1186 | #: lclstrconsts.smenuitemisnil
1187 | msgid "MenuItem is nil"
1188 | msgstr ""
1189 |
1190 | #: lclstrconsts.smenunotfound
1191 | msgid "Sub-menu is not in menu"
1192 | msgstr ""
1193 |
1194 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcalt
1195 | msgid "Alt+"
1196 | msgstr ""
1197 |
1198 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcbksp
1199 | msgid "BkSp"
1200 | msgstr ""
1201 |
1202 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcctrl
1203 | msgid "Ctrl+"
1204 | msgstr ""
1205 |
1206 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcdel
1207 | msgid "Del"
1208 | msgstr ""
1209 |
1210 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcdown
1211 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkcdown"
1212 | msgid "Down"
1213 | msgstr ""
1214 |
1215 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcend
1216 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkcend"
1217 | msgid "End"
1218 | msgstr ""
1219 |
1220 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcenter
1221 | msgid "Enter"
1222 | msgstr ""
1223 |
1224 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcesc
1225 | msgid "Esc"
1226 | msgstr ""
1227 |
1228 | #: lclstrconsts.smkchome
1229 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkchome"
1230 | msgid "Home"
1231 | msgstr ""
1232 |
1233 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcins
1234 | msgid "Ins"
1235 | msgstr ""
1236 |
1237 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcleft
1238 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkcleft"
1239 | msgid "Left"
1240 | msgstr ""
1241 |
1242 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcmeta
1243 | msgid "Meta+"
1244 | msgstr ""
1245 |
1246 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcpgdn
1247 | msgid "PgDn"
1248 | msgstr ""
1249 |
1250 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcpgup
1251 | msgid "PgUp"
1252 | msgstr ""
1253 |
1254 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcright
1255 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkcright"
1256 | msgid "Right"
1257 | msgstr ""
1258 |
1259 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcshift
1260 | msgid "Shift+"
1261 | msgstr ""
1262 |
1263 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcspace
1264 | msgid "Space"
1265 | msgstr ""
1266 |
1267 | #: lclstrconsts.smkctab
1268 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkctab"
1269 | msgid "Tab"
1270 | msgstr ""
1271 |
1272 | #: lclstrconsts.smkcup
1273 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.smkcup"
1274 | msgid "Up"
1275 | msgstr ""
1276 |
1277 | #: lclstrconsts.snotimers
1278 | msgid "No timers available"
1279 | msgstr ""
1280 |
1281 | #: lclstrconsts.sparentrequired
1282 | msgid "Control \"%s\" has no parent window."
1283 | msgstr ""
1284 |
1285 | #: lclstrconsts.sparexpected
1286 | msgid "Wrong token type: %s expected"
1287 | msgstr ""
1288 |
1289 | #: lclstrconsts.sparinvalidfloat
1290 | msgid "Invalid floating point number: %s"
1291 | msgstr ""
1292 |
1293 | #: lclstrconsts.sparinvalidinteger
1294 | msgid "Invalid integer number: %s"
1295 | msgstr ""
1296 |
1297 | #: lclstrconsts.sparlocinfo
1298 | msgid " (at %d,%d, stream offset %d)"
1299 | msgstr ""
1300 |
1301 | #: lclstrconsts.sparunterminatedbinvalue
1302 | msgid "Unterminated byte value"
1303 | msgstr ""
1304 |
1305 | #: lclstrconsts.sparunterminatedstring
1306 | msgid "Unterminated string"
1307 | msgstr ""
1308 |
1309 | #: lclstrconsts.sparwrongtokensymbol
1310 | msgid "Wrong token symbol: %s expected but %s found"
1311 | msgstr ""
1312 |
1313 | #: lclstrconsts.sparwrongtokentype
1314 | msgid "Wrong token type: %s expected but %s found"
1315 | msgstr ""
1316 |
1317 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsbytes
1318 | msgid "%s bytes"
1319 | msgstr ""
1320 |
1321 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsinvalidpath
1322 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsinvalidpath"
1323 | msgid ""
1324 | "Invalid pathname:\n"
1325 | "\"%s\""
1326 | msgstr ""
1327 |
1328 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsinvalidpathrelative
1329 | msgid ""
1330 | "Invalid relative pathname:\n"
1331 | "\"%s\"\n"
1332 | "in relation to rootpath:\n"
1333 | "\"%s\""
1334 | msgstr ""
1335 |
1336 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsinvalidroot
1337 | msgctxt "lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsinvalidroot"
1338 | msgid ""
1339 | "Invalid pathname:\n"
1340 | "\"%s\""
1341 | msgstr ""
1342 |
1343 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlskb
1344 | msgid "%s kB"
1345 | msgstr ""
1346 |
1347 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsmb
1348 | msgid "%s MB"
1349 | msgstr ""
1350 |
1351 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsname
1352 | msgid "Name"
1353 | msgstr ""
1354 |
1355 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlsselecteditemdoesnotexists
1356 | msgid ""
1357 | "The selected item does not exist on disk:\n"
1358 | "\"%s\""
1359 | msgstr ""
1360 |
1361 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlssize
1362 | msgid "Size"
1363 | msgstr ""
1364 |
1365 | #: lclstrconsts.sshellctrlstype
1366 | msgid "Type"
1367 | msgstr ""
1368 |