source: trunk/Forms/FormPlayersStats.lfm

Last change on this file was 364, checked in by chronos, 10 days ago
  • Modified: Added more action icons to main toolbar and main menu.
File size: 1.9 KB
[181]1object FormPlayersStats: TFormPlayersStats
[362]2 Left = 689
[364]3 Height = 308
[362]4 Top = 437
[364]5 Width = 737
[181]6 Caption = 'Players stats'
[364]7 ClientHeight = 308
8 ClientWidth = 737
9 Constraints.MinHeight = 120
10 Constraints.MinWidth = 120
11 DesignTimePPI = 144
[181]12 OnShow = FormShow
[362]13 LCLVersion = ''
[181]14 object ListView1: TListView
[364]15 Left = 10
16 Height = 247
17 Top = 10
18 Width = 717
[362]19 Align = alTop
20 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
[364]21 BorderSpacing.Around = 10
[181]22 Columns = <
23 item
24 Caption = 'Name'
[364]25 Width = 120
[181]26 end
27 item
[182]28 Caption = 'Mode'
[364]29 Width = 120
[182]30 end
31 item
[181]32 Caption = 'Cells'
[364]33 Width = 120
[181]34 end
35 item
36 Caption = 'Discovered'
[364]37 Width = 120
[181]38 end
39 item
40 Caption = 'Cities'
[364]41 Width = 120
[181]42 end
43 item
44 Caption = 'Units'
[364]45 Width = 120
[208]46 end
47 item
48 Caption = 'Win objective cells'
[364]49 Width = 150
[181]50 end>
51 OwnerData = True
[182]52 PopupMenu = PopupMenu1
[181]53 ReadOnly = True
54 RowSelect = True
55 TabOrder = 0
56 ViewStyle = vsReport
57 OnData = ListView1Data
58 end
[362]59 object ButtonClose: TButton
[364]60 Left = 614
61 Height = 37
62 Top = 265
63 Width = 113
[362]64 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
65 Caption = 'Close'
66 TabOrder = 1
67 OnClick = ButtonCloseClick
68 end
[182]69 object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
[364]70 Left = 172
71 Top = 132
[182]72 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
73 Action = ASpectate
74 end
75 end
76 object ActionList1: TActionList
[364]77 Left = 448
78 Top = 136
[182]79 object ASpectate: TAction
80 Caption = 'Spectate'
81 OnExecute = ASpectateExecute
82 end
83 end
[190]84 object ListViewSort1: TListViewSort
85 ListView = ListView1
86 OnCompareItem = ListViewSort1CompareItem
87 OnFilter = ListViewSort1Filter
88 Column = 0
89 Order = soNone
[364]90 Left = 653
91 Top = 132
[190]92 end
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