source: trunk/Forms/FormGameSystem.lfm

Last change on this file was 330, checked in by chronos, 5 months ago
  • Fixed: New game symetric map units calcualtion.
  • Fixed: Map preview with cell and unit borders.
  • Fixed: Allow to set preferred game system grid type.
File size: 3.2 KB
1object FormGameSystem: TFormGameSystem
2 Left = 954
3 Height = 482
4 Top = 479
5 Width = 651
6 Caption = 'Game system'
7 ClientHeight = 482
8 ClientWidth = 651
9 DesignTimePPI = 144
10 OnCreate = FormCreate
11 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
12 LCLVersion = ''
13 object ButtonSave: TButton
14 Left = 160
15 Height = 38
16 Top = 432
17 Width = 113
18 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
19 Caption = 'Save'
20 ParentFont = False
21 TabOrder = 0
22 OnClick = ButtonSaveClick
23 end
24 object ButtonLoad: TButton
25 Left = 24
26 Height = 38
27 Top = 432
28 Width = 113
29 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
30 Caption = 'Load'
31 ParentFont = False
32 TabOrder = 1
33 OnClick = ButtonLoadClick
34 end
35 object ButtonCancel: TButton
36 Left = 374
37 Height = 38
38 Top = 432
39 Width = 113
40 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
41 Caption = 'Cancel'
42 ModalResult = 2
43 ParentFont = False
44 TabOrder = 2
45 end
46 object ButtonOk: TButton
47 Left = 516
48 Height = 38
49 Top = 432
50 Width = 113
51 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
52 Caption = 'OK'
53 ModalResult = 1
54 ParentFont = False
55 TabOrder = 3
56 end
57 object PageControl1: TPageControl
58 Left = 16
59 Height = 400
60 Top = 16
61 Width = 613
62 ActivePage = TabSheetGeneral
63 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
64 ParentFont = False
65 TabIndex = 0
66 TabOrder = 4
67 object TabSheetGeneral: TTabSheet
68 Caption = 'General'
69 ClientHeight = 362
70 ClientWidth = 605
71 ParentFont = False
72 object CheckBoxEmptyCellsNeutral: TCheckBox
73 Left = 16
74 Height = 29
75 Top = 16
76 Width = 330
77 Caption = 'Set cells without player units as neutral'
78 ParentFont = False
79 TabOrder = 0
80 end
81 object CheckBoxUnitsSplitMerge: TCheckBox
82 Left = 16
83 Height = 29
84 Top = 55
85 Width = 213
86 Caption = 'Units can split or merge'
87 ParentFont = False
88 TabOrder = 1
89 end
90 object CheckBoxUnitsMoveImmediately: TCheckBox
91 Left = 16
92 Height = 29
93 Top = 95
94 Width = 217
95 Caption = 'Units move immediately'
96 ParentFont = False
97 TabOrder = 2
98 end
99 object Label5: TLabel
100 Left = 16
101 Height = 25
102 Top = 136
103 Width = 153
104 Caption = 'Preferred grid type:'
105 ParentColor = False
106 ParentFont = False
107 end
108 object ComboBoxPreferredGridType: TComboBox
109 Left = 272
110 Height = 33
111 Top = 136
112 Width = 304
113 ItemHeight = 25
114 Items.Strings = (
115 'None'
116 'Hexagon vertical'
117 'Square'
118 'Triangular'
119 'Random'
120 'Isometric'
121 'Hexagon horizontal'
122 )
123 ParentFont = False
124 Style = csDropDownList
125 TabOrder = 3
126 end
127 end
128 object TabSheetUnits: TTabSheet
129 Caption = 'Units'
130 ParentFont = False
131 end
132 object TabSheetNations: TTabSheet
133 Caption = 'Nations'
134 ParentFont = False
135 end
136 object TabSheetBuildings: TTabSheet
137 Caption = 'Buildings'
138 ParentFont = False
139 end
140 end
141 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
142 Left = 440
143 Top = 160
144 end
145 object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
146 Left = 232
147 Top = 160
148 end
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