1 | unit FormClient;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls,
7 | Game, LCLType, Menus, ActnList, ComCtrls, dateutils, XMLConf, DOM, Math,
8 | Geometry, GameClient, GameProtocol, Threading, Player, ClientGUI, FormEx,
9 | Generics.Collections;
10 |
11 | const
12 | ZoomFactor = 1.5;
13 | MinZoom = 0.1;
14 | MaxZoom = 10;
15 | MouseMinDiff = 0.1;
16 |
17 | type
18 |
19 | { TFormClient }
20 |
21 | TFormClient = class(TFormEx)
22 | ASurrender: TAction;
23 | AGameEndTurn: TAction;
24 | AStatusBarVisible: TAction;
25 | AToolBarVisible: TAction;
26 | AToolBarBigIcons: TAction;
27 | AZoomIn: TAction;
28 | AZoomAll: TAction;
29 | AZoomOut: TAction;
30 | ActionList1: TActionList;
31 | MenuItem18: TMenuItem;
32 | PaintBox1: TPaintBox;
33 | PopupMenuToolbar: TPopupMenu;
34 | StatusBar1: TStatusBar;
35 | Timer1: TTimer;
36 | ToolBar1: TToolBar;
37 | ToolButton1: TToolButton;
38 | ToolButton2: TToolButton;
39 | ToolButton6: TToolButton;
40 | ToolButton7: TToolButton;
41 | ToolButton8: TToolButton;
42 | ToolButton9: TToolButton;
43 | procedure AGameEndTurnExecute(Sender: TObject);
44 | procedure AStatusBarVisibleExecute(Sender: TObject);
45 | procedure AStatusBarVisibleUpdate(Sender: TObject);
46 | procedure ASurrenderExecute(Sender: TObject);
47 | procedure AToolBarBigIconsExecute(Sender: TObject);
48 | procedure AToolBarBigIconsUpdate(Sender: TObject);
49 | procedure AToolBarVisibleExecute(Sender: TObject);
50 | procedure AToolBarVisibleUpdate(Sender: TObject);
51 | procedure AZoomAllExecute(Sender: TObject);
52 | procedure AZoomInExecute(Sender: TObject);
53 | procedure AZoomOutExecute(Sender: TObject);
54 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
55 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
56 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
57 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
58 | procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
59 | procedure PaintBox1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
60 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
61 | procedure PaintBox1MouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
62 | procedure PaintBox1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
63 | Y: Integer);
64 | procedure PaintBox1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
65 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
66 | procedure PaintBox1MouseWheelDown(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
67 | MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
68 | procedure PaintBox1MouseWheelUp(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
69 | MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
70 | procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
71 | procedure EraseBackground(DC: HDC); override;
72 | procedure PaintBox1Resize(Sender: TObject);
73 | procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
74 | private
75 | FClient: TClientGUI;
76 | TempBitmap: TBitmap;
77 | StartMousePoint: TPoint;
78 | StartViewPoint: TPoint;
79 | MoveActive: Boolean;
80 | RedrawPending: Boolean;
81 | Drawing: Boolean;
82 | DrawDuration: TDateTime;
83 | LastTimerTime: TDateTime;
84 | TimerPeriod: TDateTime;
85 | TurnActive: Boolean;
86 | procedure SetClient(AValue: TClientGUI);
87 | procedure DoClientChange(Sender: TObject);
88 | procedure DoGameEnd(Sender: TObject);
89 | procedure DoNextPlayer(Sender: TObject);
90 | procedure DoTurnStart(Sender: TObject);
91 | procedure DoMove(CellFrom, CellTo: TPlayerCell; var CountOnce,
92 | CountRepeat: Integer; Update: Boolean; var Confirm: Boolean);
93 | procedure SetToolbarHints;
94 | procedure DoClientDestroy(Sender: TObject);
95 | public
96 | procedure LoadConfig(Config: TXmlConfig; Path: string);
97 | procedure SaveConfig(Config: TXmlConfig; Path: string);
98 | procedure UpdateInterface;
99 | procedure Redraw;
100 | property Client: TClientGUI read FClient write SetClient;
101 | end;
102 |
103 | TFormClients = class(TObjectList<TFormClient>)
104 | end;
105 |
106 | const
107 | MapBackgroundColor = $404040;
108 |
109 |
110 | implementation
111 |
112 | uses
113 | Core, FormMove;
114 |
115 | resourcestring
116 | STurn = 'turn';
117 | SSurrender = 'Surrender';
118 | SSurrenderQuestion = 'Do you want to surrender current game?';
119 |
120 | {$R *.lfm}
121 |
122 | { TFormClient }
123 |
124 | procedure TFormClient.SetToolbarHints;
125 | var
126 | I: Integer;
127 | begin
128 | for I := 0 to ToolBar1.ButtonCount - 1 do begin
129 | ToolBar1.Buttons[I].ShowHint := True;
130 | ToolBar1.Buttons[I].Hint := ToolBar1.Buttons[I].Caption;
131 | end;
132 | end;
133 |
134 | procedure TFormClient.DoClientDestroy(Sender: TObject);
135 | begin
136 | Client := nil;
137 | end;
138 |
139 | procedure TFormClient.DoMove(CellFrom, CellTo: TPlayerCell; var CountOnce,
140 | CountRepeat: Integer; Update: Boolean; var Confirm: Boolean);
141 | var
142 | I: Integer;
143 | FormMove: TFormMove;
144 | begin
145 | FormMove := TFormMove.Create(nil);
146 | try
147 | // Set controls value maximum before value itself as the controls update their values mutually
148 | if Update then FormMove.SpinEditOnce.MaxValue := CellFrom.GetAvialPower + CountOnce
149 | else FormMove.SpinEditOnce.MaxValue := CellFrom.GetAvialPower;
150 | FormMove.TrackBarOnce.Max := FormMove.SpinEditOnce.MaxValue;
151 | FormMove.SpinEditOnce.Value := CountOnce;
152 | FormMove.TrackBarOnce.Position := FormMove.SpinEditOnce.Value;
153 | FormMove.SpinEditRepeat.MaxValue := Client.Game.Map.MaxPower;
154 | FormMove.TrackBarRepeat.Max := FormMove.SpinEditRepeat.MaxValue;
155 | FormMove.SpinEditRepeat.Value := CountRepeat;
156 | FormMove.TrackBarRepeat.Position := FormMove.SpinEditRepeat.Value;
157 |
158 | FormMove.AllowChangeOnce := Client.Game.GameSystem.UnitsSplitMerge;
159 |
160 | if Assigned(CellTo.MapCell.OneUnit) then
161 | FormMove.DefendCount := CellTo.MapCell.OneUnit.Power
162 | else FormMove.DefendCount := 0;
163 | // Attack count from other surrounding cells without current move if already exists
164 | FormMove.AttackCount := 0;
165 | for I := 0 to CellTo.MovesTo.Count - 1 do
166 | if TUnitMove(CellTo.MovesTo[I]).CellFrom <> CellFrom then
167 | FormMove.AttackCount := FormMove.AttackCount + TUnitMove(CellTo.MovesTo[I]).CountOnce;
168 | FormMove.ShowWinProbability := CellTo.MapCell.Player <> CellFrom.MapCell.Player;
169 |
170 | FormMove.Game := Client.Game;
171 | if FormMove.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
172 | CountOnce := FormMove.SpinEditOnce.Value;
173 | CountRepeat := FormMove.SpinEditRepeat.Value;
174 | Confirm := True;
175 | end else Confirm := False;
176 | finally
177 | FormMove.Free;
178 | end;
179 | end;
180 |
181 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
182 | var
183 | DrawStart: TDateTime;
184 | R: TRect;
185 | StartP: TPoint;
186 | CountP: TPoint;
187 | X, Y: Integer;
188 | TempView: TView;
189 | begin
190 | DrawStart := Now;
191 | if Assigned(Client) then
192 | with Client do begin
193 | View.DestRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(0, 0), TPoint.Create(PaintBox1.Width, PaintBox1.Height));
194 | if csOpaque in PaintBox1.ControlStyle then begin
195 | TempBitmap.SetSize(PaintBox1.Width, PaintBox1.Height);
196 | TempBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := MapBackGroundColor; //clBackground; //PaintBox1.GetColorResolvingParent;
197 | TempBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(0, 0, PaintBox1.Width, PaintBox1.Height);
198 | Client.Paint(TempBitmap.Canvas, View);
199 | PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, TempBitmap);
200 | end else begin
201 | {$ifdef WINDOWS}
202 | PaintBox1.Canvas.Brush.Color := MapBackgroundColor; //clBackground; //PaintBox1.GetColorResolvingParent;
203 | PaintBox1.Canvas.FillRect(0, 0, PaintBox1.Width, PaintBox1.Height);
204 | {$endif}
205 |
206 | if Game.CyclicMap then begin
207 | TempView := TView.Create;
208 | TempView.Game := Game;
209 | //R := View.CellToCanvasRect(TRect.Create(Game.Map.Cells.First.PosPx,
210 | // Game.Map.Cells.Last.PosPx));
211 | R := View.CellToCanvasRect(Game.Map.PixelRect);
212 | StartP := TPoint.Create(Ceil(R.P1.X / R.Size.X) * R.Size.X,
213 | Ceil(R.P1.Y / R.Size.Y) * R.Size.Y);
214 | CountP := TPoint.Create(Ceil(View.DestRect.Size.X / R.Size.X),
215 | Ceil(View.DestRect.Size.X / R.Size.Y));
216 | for Y := 0 to CountP.Y do begin
217 | for X := 0 to CountP.X do begin
218 | TempView.Assign(View);
219 | TempView.DestRect := TRect.Create(
220 | TPoint.Create(
221 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X,
222 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y
223 | ),
224 | TPoint.Create(
225 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X + View.DestRect.Size.X,
226 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y + View.DestRect.Size.Y
227 | )
228 | );
229 | Client.DrawCellLinks(PaintBox1.Canvas, TempView);
230 | end;
231 | end;
232 | for Y := 0 to CountP.Y do begin
233 | for X := 0 to CountP.X do begin
234 | TempView.Assign(View);
235 | TempView.DestRect := TRect.Create(
236 | TPoint.Create(
237 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X,
238 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y
239 | ),
240 | TPoint.Create(
241 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X + View.DestRect.Size.X,
242 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y + View.DestRect.Size.Y
243 | )
244 | );
245 | Client.DrawCells(PaintBox1.Canvas, TempView);
246 | end;
247 | end;
248 | for Y := 0 to CountP.Y do begin
249 | for X := 0 to CountP.X do begin
250 | TempView.Assign(View);
251 | TempView.DestRect := TRect.Create(
252 | TPoint.Create(
253 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X,
254 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y
255 | ),
256 | TPoint.Create(
257 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X + View.DestRect.Size.X,
258 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y + View.DestRect.Size.Y
259 | )
260 | );
261 | Client.DrawCities(PaintBox1.Canvas, TempView);
262 | end;
263 | end;
264 | for Y := 0 to CountP.Y do begin
265 | for X := 0 to CountP.X do begin
266 | TempView.Assign(View);
267 | TempView.DestRect := TRect.Create(
268 | TPoint.Create(
269 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X,
270 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y
271 | ),
272 | TPoint.Create(
273 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X + View.DestRect.Size.X,
274 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y + View.DestRect.Size.Y
275 | )
276 | );
277 | Client.DrawSelection(PaintBox1.Canvas, TempView);
278 | end;
279 | end;
280 | TempView.Free;
281 | for Y := 0 to CountP.Y do begin
282 | for X := 0 to CountP.X do begin
283 | TempView.Assign(View);
284 | TempView.DestRect := TRect.Create(
285 | TPoint.Create(
286 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X,
287 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y
288 | ),
289 | TPoint.Create(
290 | -StartP.X + R.Size.X * X + View.DestRect.Size.X,
291 | -StartP.Y + R.Size.Y * Y + View.DestRect.Size.Y
292 | )
293 | );
294 | Client.DrawArrows(PaintBox1.Canvas, TempView);
295 | end;
296 | end;
297 | end else begin
298 | Client.Paint(PaintBox1.Canvas, View);
299 | end;
300 | end;
301 | end;
302 | DrawDuration := (9 * DrawDuration + (Now - DrawStart)) / 10;
303 | end;
304 |
305 | procedure TFormClient.EraseBackground(DC: HDC);
306 | begin
307 | // Do nothing, all background space covered by controls
308 | end;
309 |
310 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1Resize(Sender: TObject);
311 | begin
312 | if Assigned(Client) then
313 | with Client do
314 | View.DestRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(0, 0), TPoint.Create(PaintBox1.Width, PaintBox1.Height));
315 | Redraw;
316 | end;
317 |
318 | procedure TFormClient.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
319 | var
320 | NewCaption: string;
321 | begin
322 | if RedrawPending and not Drawing then begin
323 | Drawing := True;
324 | if not Core.Core.DevelMode then RedrawPending := False;
325 | TimerPeriod := (9 * TimerPeriod + (Now - LastTimerTime)) / 10;
326 | LastTimerTime := Now;
327 | PaintBox1.Repaint;
328 | StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := IntToStr(Trunc(DrawDuration / OneMillisecond)) + ' / ' +
329 | IntToStr(Trunc(TimerPeriod / OneMillisecond)) + ' ms' +
330 | ' ' + IntToStr(Core.Core.Game.Map.CellLinks.Count);
331 | NewCaption := 'xTactics';
332 | if Assigned(Core.Core.Game.CurrentPlayer) then
333 | NewCaption := Core.Core.Game.CurrentPlayer.Name + ' - ' + STurn + ' ' + IntToStr(Core.Core.Game.TurnCounter) + ' - ' + NewCaption;
334 | Caption := NewCaption;
335 | Drawing := False;
336 | end;
337 | end;
338 |
339 | procedure TFormClient.SetClient(AValue: TClientGUI);
340 | begin
341 | if FClient = AValue then Exit;
342 | if Assigned(FClient) then FClient.Form := nil;
343 | FClient := AValue;
344 | if Assigned(FClient) then begin
345 | FClient.Form := Self;
346 | FClient.OnChange := DoClientChange;
347 | FClient.OnMove := DoMove;
348 | FClient.OnTurnStart := DoTurnStart;
349 | FClient.OnDestroy := DoClientDestroy;
350 | FClient.OnGameEnd := DoGameEnd;
351 | FClient.OnNextPlayer := DoNextPlayer;
352 | FClient.View.DestRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(0, 0), TPoint.Create(PaintBox1.Width, PaintBox1.Height));
353 | FClient.CellGridVisible := Core.Core.CellGridVisible;
354 | FClient.UnitShapeVisible := Core.Core.UnitShapeVisible;
355 | end;
356 | Redraw;
357 | end;
358 |
359 | procedure TFormClient.DoClientChange(Sender: TObject);
360 | begin
361 | Redraw;
362 | end;
363 |
364 | procedure TFormClient.DoGameEnd(Sender: TObject);
365 | begin
366 | Redraw;
367 | end;
368 |
369 | procedure TFormClient.DoNextPlayer(Sender: TObject);
370 | begin
371 | Redraw;
372 | end;
373 |
374 | procedure TFormClient.DoTurnStart(Sender: TObject);
375 | begin
376 | TurnActive := True;
377 | UpdateInterface;
378 | Redraw;
379 | end;
380 |
381 | procedure TFormClient.LoadConfig(Config: TXmlConfig; Path: string);
382 | begin
383 | with Config do begin
384 | AToolBarBigIcons.Checked := GetValue(DOMString(Path + '/LargeIcons'), False);
385 | AToolBarVisible.Checked := GetValue(DOMString(Path + '/ToolBarVisible'), True);
386 | AStatusBarVisible.Checked := GetValue(DOMString(Path + '/StatusBarVisible'), False);
387 | end;
388 | end;
389 |
390 | procedure TFormClient.SaveConfig(Config: TXmlConfig; Path: string);
391 | begin
392 | with Config do begin
393 | SetValue(DOMString(Path + '/LargeIcons'), AToolBarBigIcons.Checked);
394 | SetValue(DOMString(Path + '/ToolBarVisible'), AToolBarVisible.Checked);
395 | SetValue(DOMString(Path + '/StatusBarVisible'), AStatusBarVisible.Checked);
396 | end;
397 | end;
398 |
399 | procedure TFormClient.UpdateInterface;
400 | begin
401 | if AToolBarBigIcons.Checked then begin
402 | ToolBar1.Images := Core.Core.ImageListLarge;
403 | ToolBar1.ButtonWidth := Core.Core.ImageListLarge.Width + 7;
404 | ToolBar1.ButtonHeight := Core.Core.ImageListLarge.Height + 6;
405 | ToolBar1.Width := Core.Core.ImageListLarge.Width + 10;
406 | ToolBar1.Height := Core.Core.ImageListLarge.Height + 10;
407 | end else begin
408 | ToolBar1.Images := Core.Core.ImageListSmall;
409 | ToolBar1.ButtonWidth := Core.Core.ImageListSmall.Width + 7;
410 | ToolBar1.ButtonHeight := Core.Core.ImageListSmall.Height + 6;
411 | ToolBar1.Width := Core.Core.ImageListSmall.Width + 10;
412 | ToolBar1.Height := Core.Core.ImageListSmall.Height + 10;
413 | end;
414 | ToolBar1.Visible := AToolBarVisible.Checked;
415 | StatusBar1.Visible := AStatusBarVisible.Checked;
416 | AGameEndTurn.Enabled := Assigned(Client) and Assigned(Client.ControlPlayer) and
417 | Client.ControlPlayer.IsAlive and TurnActive;
418 | ASurrender.Enabled := Assigned(Client) and Assigned(Client.ControlPlayer) and
419 | Client.ControlPlayer.IsAlive;
420 | end;
421 |
422 | procedure TFormClient.Redraw;
423 | begin
424 | RedrawPending := True;
425 | end;
426 |
427 | procedure TFormClient.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
428 | begin
429 | {$IFDEF Linux}
430 | //PaintBox1.ControlStyle := PaintBox1.ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
431 | {$ENDIF}
432 | //DoubleBuffered := True;
433 | TempBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
434 | TimerPeriod := 0;
435 | LastTimerTime := Now;
436 | end;
437 |
438 | procedure TFormClient.AZoomAllExecute(Sender: TObject);
439 | begin
440 | with Core.Core, Game, Client, View do begin
441 | ZoomAll;
442 | end;
443 | Redraw;
444 | end;
445 |
446 | procedure TFormClient.AToolBarBigIconsExecute(Sender: TObject);
447 | begin
448 | AToolBarBigIcons.Checked := not AToolBarBigIcons.Checked;
449 | end;
450 |
451 | procedure TFormClient.AToolBarBigIconsUpdate(Sender: TObject);
452 | begin
453 | UpdateInterface;
454 | end;
455 |
456 | procedure TFormClient.AStatusBarVisibleExecute(Sender: TObject);
457 | begin
458 | AStatusBarVisible.Checked := not AStatusBarVisible.Checked;
459 | UpdateInterface;
460 | end;
461 |
462 | procedure TFormClient.AStatusBarVisibleUpdate(Sender: TObject);
463 | begin
464 | UpdateInterface;
465 | end;
466 |
467 | procedure TFormClient.ASurrenderExecute(Sender: TObject);
468 | begin
469 | if MessageDlg(SSurrender, SSurrenderQuestion, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, 0) =
470 | mrYes then begin
471 | Client.Protocol.Surrender;
472 | UpdateInterface;
473 | end;
474 | end;
475 |
476 | procedure TFormClient.AGameEndTurnExecute(Sender: TObject);
477 | begin
478 | TurnActive := False;
479 | Client.Protocol.TurnEnd;
480 | UpdateInterface;
481 | end;
482 |
483 | procedure TFormClient.AToolBarVisibleExecute(Sender: TObject);
484 | begin
485 | AToolBarVisible.Checked := not AToolBarVisible.Checked;
486 | UpdateInterface;
487 | end;
488 |
489 | procedure TFormClient.AToolBarVisibleUpdate(Sender: TObject);
490 | begin
491 | UpdateInterface;
492 | end;
493 |
494 | procedure TFormClient.AZoomInExecute(Sender: TObject);
495 | begin
496 | with Client do begin
497 | if View.Zoom * ZoomFactor < MaxZoom then
498 | View.Zoom := View.Zoom * ZoomFactor;
499 | end;
500 | Redraw;
501 | end;
502 |
503 | procedure TFormClient.AZoomOutExecute(Sender: TObject);
504 | begin
505 | with Client do begin
506 | if View.Zoom / ZoomFactor > MinZoom then
507 | View.Zoom := View.Zoom / ZoomFactor;
508 | end;
509 | Redraw;
510 | end;
511 |
512 | procedure TFormClient.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
513 | begin
514 | SaveConfig(Core.Core.XMLConfig1, 'FormClient');
515 | end;
516 |
517 | procedure TFormClient.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
518 | begin
519 | Client := nil;
520 | TempBitmap.Free;
521 | end;
522 |
523 | procedure TFormClient.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState
524 | );
525 | const
526 | ControlKey = 17;
527 | EscapeKey = 27;
528 | begin
529 | if (Key = EscapeKey) or (Key = ControlKey) then
530 | if Assigned(Core.Core.Game.CurrentPlayer) then begin
531 | Client.View.SelectedCell := nil;
532 | Redraw;
533 | end;
534 | end;
535 |
536 | procedure TFormClient.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
537 | begin
538 | SetToolbarHints;
539 | LoadConfig(Core.Core.XMLConfig1, 'FormClient');
540 | UpdateInterface;
541 | Redraw;
542 | end;
543 |
544 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
545 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
546 | begin
547 | if Button = mbLeft then begin
548 | if Assigned(Client) then begin
549 | StartMousePoint := TPoint.Create(X, Y);
550 | StartViewPoint := Client.View.SourceRect.P1;
551 | MoveActive := True;
552 | end;
553 | end;
554 | end;
555 |
556 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1MouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
557 | begin
558 | MoveActive := False;
559 | end;
560 |
561 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
562 | Y: Integer);
563 | var
564 | Cell: TPlayerCell;
565 | OldCell: TPlayerCell;
566 | CellPos: TPoint;
567 | P: TPoint;
568 | R: TRect;
569 | begin
570 | if Assigned(Client) then begin
571 | P := TPoint.Create(X, Y);
572 | if MoveActive then
573 | if (Abs(StartMousePoint.X - X) > Trunc(Screen.PixelsPerInch * MouseMinDiff)) or
574 | (Abs(StartMousePoint.Y - Y) > Trunc(Screen.PixelsPerInch * MouseMinDiff)) then
575 | with Client do begin
576 | View.SourceRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(
577 | Trunc(StartViewPoint.X + (StartMousePoint.X - X) / View.Zoom),
578 | Trunc(StartViewPoint.Y + (StartMousePoint.Y - Y) / View.Zoom)),
579 | View.SourceRect.Size);
580 | Redraw;
581 | end;
582 | Cell := nil;
583 | OldCell := Client.View.FocusedCell;
584 | with Core.Core.Game do
585 | if Assigned(Client.ControlPlayer) then begin
586 | if Map.Cyclic then begin
587 | R := Client.View.CellToCanvasRect(Map.PixelRect);
588 | CellPos := TPoint.Create(
589 | ModNeg(P.X - R.P1.X, R.Size.X) + R.P1.X,
590 | ModNeg(P.Y - R.P1.Y, R.Size.Y) + R.P1.Y
591 | );
592 | Cell := Client.ControlPlayer.PlayerMap.PosToCell(
593 | Client.View.CanvasToCellPos(CellPos));
594 | end else begin
595 | Cell := Client.ControlPlayer.PlayerMap.PosToCell(
596 | Client.View.CanvasToCellPos(P));
597 | end;
598 | end;
599 | if Assigned(Cell) then begin
600 | Client.View.FocusedCell := Cell;
601 | StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := '[' + IntToStr(Cell.MapCell.PosPx.X) + ', ' + IntToStr(Cell.MapCell.PosPx.Y) +
602 | '] (' + IntToStr(Cell.MovesFrom.Count) + ', ' + IntToStr(Cell.MovesTo.Count) + ') ' + IntToStr(Cell.MapCell.Id);
603 | end else begin
604 | Client.View.FocusedCell := nil;
605 | StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := '';
606 | end;
607 | CellPos := Client.View.CanvasToCellPos(TPoint.Create(X, Y));
608 | StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := 'CellPos: ' + IntToStr(CellPos.X) + ', ' + IntToStr(CellPos.Y);
609 | if Cell <> OldCell then Redraw;
610 | end else StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := '';
611 | end;
612 |
613 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
614 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
615 | begin
616 | if (Abs(StartMousePoint.X - X) < Trunc(Screen.PixelsPerInch * MouseMinDiff)) and
617 | (Abs(StartMousePoint.Y - Y) < Trunc(Screen.PixelsPerInch * MouseMinDiff)) then begin
618 | if Core.Core.Game.Running and (Core.Core.Game.CurrentPlayer.Mode = pmHuman) and
619 | (Core.Core.Game.CurrentPlayer = Client.ControlPlayer) then begin
620 | Client.View.SelectCell(TPoint.Create(X, Y), Client.ControlPlayer, Shift);
621 | Redraw;
622 | end;
623 | end;
624 | MoveActive := False;
625 | end;
626 |
627 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1MouseWheelDown(Sender: TObject;
628 | Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
629 | begin
630 | AZoomOut.Execute;
631 | end;
632 |
633 | procedure TFormClient.PaintBox1MouseWheelUp(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
634 | MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
635 | begin
636 | AZoomIn.Execute;
637 | end;
638 |
639 | end.
640 |