source: trunk/Forms/FormClient.lfm

Last change on this file was 335, checked in by chronos, 4 months ago
  • Modified: End turn with space key.
  • Modified: Code cleanup.
File size: 3.5 KB
1object FormClient: TFormClient
2 Left = 882
3 Height = 621
4 Top = 399
5 Width = 775
6 Caption = 'Client'
7 ClientHeight = 621
8 ClientWidth = 775
9 DesignTimePPI = 144
10 OnClose = FormClose
11 OnCreate = FormCreate
12 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
13 OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
14 OnShow = FormShow
15 LCLVersion = ''
16 WindowState = wsMaximized
17 object StatusBar1: TStatusBar
18 Left = 0
19 Height = 28
20 Top = 593
21 Width = 775
22 Panels = <
23 item
24 Width = 200
25 end
26 item
27 Width = 150
28 end
29 item
30 Width = 100
31 end>
32 ParentFont = False
33 SimplePanel = False
34 end
35 object ToolBar1: TToolBar
36 Left = 0
37 Height = 593
38 Top = 0
39 Width = 32
40 Align = alLeft
41 ButtonHeight = 32
42 ButtonWidth = 32
43 Images = Core.ImageListSmall
44 ParentFont = False
45 ParentShowHint = False
46 PopupMenu = PopupMenuToolbar
47 ShowHint = True
48 TabOrder = 1
49 object ToolButton2: TToolButton
50 Left = 1
51 Top = 2
52 Action = AGameEndTurn
53 end
54 object ToolButton6: TToolButton
55 Left = 1
56 Top = 71
57 Action = AZoomIn
58 end
59 object ToolButton7: TToolButton
60 Left = 1
61 Top = 103
62 Action = AZoomOut
63 end
64 object ToolButton8: TToolButton
65 Left = 1
66 Top = 135
67 Action = AZoomAll
68 end
69 object ToolButton9: TToolButton
70 Left = 1
71 Top = 66
72 Width = 32
73 AutoSize = True
74 Style = tbsDivider
75 end
76 object ToolButton1: TToolButton
77 Left = 1
78 Top = 34
79 Action = ASurrender
80 end
81 end
82 object PaintBox1: TPaintBox
83 Left = 32
84 Height = 593
85 Top = 0
86 Width = 743
87 Align = alClient
88 ParentFont = False
89 OnMouseDown = PaintBox1MouseDown
90 OnMouseLeave = PaintBox1MouseLeave
91 OnMouseMove = PaintBox1MouseMove
92 OnMouseUp = PaintBox1MouseUp
93 OnMouseWheelDown = PaintBox1MouseWheelDown
94 OnMouseWheelUp = PaintBox1MouseWheelUp
95 OnPaint = PaintBox1Paint
96 OnResize = PaintBox1Resize
97 end
98 object Timer1: TTimer
99 Interval = 20
100 OnTimer = Timer1Timer
101 Left = 160
102 Top = 160
103 end
104 object ActionList1: TActionList
105 Images = Core.ImageListSmall
106 Left = 280
107 Top = 152
108 object AZoomIn: TAction
109 Caption = 'Zoom in'
110 ImageIndex = 8
111 OnExecute = AZoomInExecute
112 ShortCut = 16491
113 end
114 object AZoomOut: TAction
115 Caption = 'Zoom out'
116 ImageIndex = 9
117 OnExecute = AZoomOutExecute
118 ShortCut = 16493
119 end
120 object AZoomAll: TAction
121 Caption = 'Zoom all'
122 ImageIndex = 7
123 OnExecute = AZoomAllExecute
124 ShortCut = 16449
125 end
126 object AToolBarBigIcons: TAction
127 Caption = 'Toolbar big icons'
128 OnExecute = AToolBarBigIconsExecute
129 OnUpdate = AToolBarBigIconsUpdate
130 end
131 object AToolBarVisible: TAction
132 Caption = 'Toolbar visible'
133 OnExecute = AToolBarVisibleExecute
134 OnUpdate = AToolBarVisibleUpdate
135 end
136 object AStatusBarVisible: TAction
137 Caption = 'Statusbar visible'
138 OnExecute = AStatusBarVisibleExecute
139 OnUpdate = AStatusBarVisibleUpdate
140 end
141 object AGameEndTurn: TAction
142 Caption = 'End turn'
143 ImageIndex = 0
144 OnExecute = AGameEndTurnExecute
145 ShortCut = 32
146 end
147 object ASurrender: TAction
148 Caption = 'Surrender'
149 ImageIndex = 4
150 OnExecute = ASurrenderExecute
151 end
152 end
153 object PopupMenuToolbar: TPopupMenu
154 Left = 452
155 Top = 98
156 object MenuItem18: TMenuItem
157 Action = AToolBarBigIcons
158 end
159 end
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