1 | unit View;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Game, Player, Map, Geometry;
7 |
8 | type
9 | { TView }
10 |
11 | TView = class
12 | private
13 | FDestRect: TRect;
14 | FZoom: Double;
15 | procedure SetDestRect(AValue: TRect);
16 | procedure SetZoom(AValue: Double);
17 | public
18 | Game: TGame;
19 | SourceRect: TRect;
20 | FocusedCell: TPlayerCell;
21 | SelectedCell: TPlayerCell;
22 | procedure Clear;
23 | function IsCellVisible(Cell: TCell): Boolean;
24 | constructor Create;
25 | destructor Destroy; override;
26 | procedure SelectCell(Pos: TPoint; Player: TPlayer; ShiftState: TShiftState);
27 | procedure CenterMap;
28 | procedure CenterPlayerCity(Player: TPlayer);
29 | procedure ZoomAll;
30 | function CanvasToCellPos(Pos: TPoint): TPoint;
31 | function CellToCanvasPos(Pos: TPoint): TPoint;
32 | function CellToCanvasPosF(Pos: TPointF): TPointF;
33 | function CanvasToCellRect(Pos: TRect): TRect;
34 | function CellToCanvasRect(Pos: TRect): TRect;
35 | function CellToCanvasRectF(Pos: TRectF): TRectF;
36 | procedure Assign(Source: TView);
37 | property DestRect: TRect read FDestRect write SetDestRect;
38 | property Zoom: Double read FZoom write SetZoom;
39 | end;
40 |
41 |
42 | implementation
43 |
44 | resourcestring
45 | SZeroZoomNotAlowed = 'Zero zoom not allowed';
46 |
47 | { TView }
48 |
49 | procedure TView.SetZoom(AValue: Double);
50 | begin
51 | if FZoom = AValue then Exit;
52 | if AValue = 0 then
53 | raise Exception.Create(SZeroZoomNotAlowed);
54 | FZoom := AValue;
55 | SourceRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(Trunc(SourceRect.P1.X + SourceRect.Size.X div 2 - DestRect.Size.X / Zoom / 2),
56 | Trunc(SourceRect.P1.Y + SourceRect.Size.Y div 2 - DestRect.Size.Y / Zoom / 2)),
57 | TPoint.Create(Trunc(DestRect.Size.X / Zoom),
58 | Trunc(DestRect.Size.Y / Zoom)));
59 | end;
60 |
61 | procedure TView.Clear;
62 | begin
63 | FocusedCell := nil;
64 | SelectedCell := nil;
65 | end;
66 |
67 | procedure TView.SetDestRect(AValue: TRect);
68 | var
69 | Diff: TPoint;
70 | begin
71 | if FDestRect = AValue then Exit;
72 | Diff := TPoint.Create(Trunc(DestRect.Size.X / Zoom - AValue.Size.X / Zoom) div 2,
73 | Trunc(DestRect.Size.Y / Zoom - AValue.Size.Y / Zoom) div 2);
74 | FDestRect := AValue;
75 | SourceRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(SourceRect.P1.X + Diff.X, SourceRect.P1.Y + Diff.Y),
76 | TPoint.Create(Trunc(DestRect.Size.X / Zoom),
77 | Trunc(DestRect.Size.Y / Zoom)));
78 | end;
79 |
80 | constructor TView.Create;
81 | begin
82 | Zoom := 1.5;
83 | Clear;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | destructor TView.Destroy;
87 | begin
88 | inherited;
89 | end;
90 |
91 | function TView.CanvasToCellPos(Pos: TPoint): TPoint;
92 | begin
93 | Result := TPoint.Create(Trunc((Pos.X - DestRect.P1.X) / Zoom + SourceRect.P1.X),
94 | Trunc((Pos.Y - DestRect.P1.Y) / Zoom + SourceRect.P1.Y));
95 | end;
96 |
97 | function TView.CellToCanvasPos(Pos: TPoint): TPoint;
98 | begin
99 | Result := TPoint.Create(Trunc((Pos.X - SourceRect.P1.X) * Zoom) + DestRect.P1.X,
100 | Trunc((Pos.Y - SourceRect.P1.Y) * Zoom) + DestRect.P1.Y);
101 | end;
102 |
103 | function TView.CellToCanvasPosF(Pos: TPointF): TPointF;
104 | begin
105 | Result := TPointF.Create((Pos.X - SourceRect.P1.X) * Zoom + DestRect.P1.X,
106 | (Pos.Y - SourceRect.P1.Y) * Zoom + DestRect.P1.Y);
107 | end;
108 |
109 | function TView.CanvasToCellRect(Pos: TRect): TRect;
110 | begin
111 | Result.P1 := CanvasToCellPos(Pos.P1);
112 | Result.P2 := CanvasToCellPos(Pos.P2);
113 | end;
114 |
115 | function TView.CellToCanvasRect(Pos: TRect): TRect;
116 | begin
117 | Result.P1 := CellToCanvasPos(Pos.P1);
118 | Result.P2 := CellToCanvasPos(Pos.P2);
119 | end;
120 |
121 | function TView.CellToCanvasRectF(Pos: TRectF): TRectF;
122 | begin
123 | Result.P1 := CellToCanvasPosF(Pos.P1);
124 | Result.P2 := CellToCanvasPosF(Pos.P2);
125 | end;
126 |
127 | procedure TView.Assign(Source: TView);
128 | begin
129 | SourceRect := Source.SourceRect;
130 | FDestRect := Source.DestRect;
131 | FZoom := Source.Zoom;
132 | SelectedCell := Source.SelectedCell;
133 | FocusedCell := Source.FocusedCell;
134 | end;
135 |
136 | procedure TView.SelectCell(Pos: TPoint; Player: TPlayer; ShiftState: TShiftState);
137 | var
138 | NewSelectedCell: TPlayerCell;
139 | UnitMove: TUnitMove;
140 | I: Integer;
141 | CellPos: TPoint;
142 | R: TRect;
143 | begin
144 | if TGame(Game).Map.Cyclic then begin
145 | R := CellToCanvasRect(TGame(Game).Map.PixelRect);
146 | CellPos := TPoint.Create(
147 | ModNeg(Pos.X - R.P1.X, R.Size.X) + R.P1.X,
148 | ModNeg(Pos.Y - R.P1.Y, R.Size.Y) + R.P1.Y
149 | );
150 | NewSelectedCell := Player.PlayerMap.PosToCell(
151 | CanvasToCellPos(CellPos));
152 | end else begin
153 | NewSelectedCell := Player.PlayerMap.PosToCell(
154 | CanvasToCellPos(Pos));
155 | end;
156 | if Assigned(NewSelectedCell) then begin
157 | if Assigned(SelectedCell) and (NewSelectedCell <> SelectedCell) and
158 | TGame(Game).CurrentPlayer.IsAllowedMoveTarget(SelectedCell, NewSelectedCell) then begin
159 | if ssShift in ShiftState then begin
160 | // Make maximum unit move without confirmation dialog
161 | for I := SelectedCell.MovesFrom.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
162 | Player.Moves.Remove(SelectedCell.MovesFrom[I]);
163 | end;
164 | TGame(Game).CurrentPlayer.SetMove(SelectedCell, NewSelectedCell, SelectedCell.MapCell.OneUnit.Power, False);
165 | SelectedCell := nil;
166 | end else
167 | if ssCtrl in ShiftState then begin
168 | // If CTRL key pressed then storno all moved from selected cell and
169 | // move all power to new selected cell
170 | for I := SelectedCell.MovesFrom.Count - 1 downto 0 do
171 | Player.Moves.Remove(SelectedCell.MovesFrom[I]);
172 | UnitMove := TGame(Game).CurrentPlayer.SetMove(SelectedCell, NewSelectedCell, SelectedCell.MapCell.OneUnit.Power, False);
173 | if Assigned(UnitMove) then
174 | UnitMove.CountRepeat := TGame(Player.Game).Map.MaxPower;
175 | if NewSelectedCell.MapCell.Player = Player then SelectedCell := NewSelectedCell
176 | else SelectedCell := nil;
177 | end else begin
178 | TGame(Game).CurrentPlayer.SetMove(SelectedCell, NewSelectedCell, SelectedCell.MapCell.OneUnit.Power);
179 | SelectedCell := nil;
180 | end;
181 | end else
182 | if not Assigned(SelectedCell) and (NewSelectedCell <> SelectedCell) and (NewSelectedCell.MapCell.Player = Player) then begin
183 | SelectedCell := NewSelectedCell
184 | end else
185 | if (NewSelectedCell = SelectedCell) and (NewSelectedCell.MapCell.Player = Player) then begin
186 | SelectedCell := nil;
187 | end;
188 | end;
189 | end;
190 |
191 | procedure TView.CenterMap;
192 | var
193 | MapRect: TRect;
194 | begin
195 | MapRect := TGame(Game).Map.PixelRect;
196 | SourceRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(MapRect.P1.X + MapRect.Size.X div 2 - SourceRect.Size.X div 2,
197 | MapRect.P1.Y + MapRect.Size.Y div 2 - SourceRect.Size.Y div 2),
198 | TPoint.Create(SourceRect.Size.X,
199 | SourceRect.Size.Y));
200 | end;
201 |
202 | procedure TView.CenterPlayerCity(Player: TPlayer);
203 | begin
204 | SourceRect := TRect.CreateBounds(TPoint.Create(Player.StartCell.PosPx.X - SourceRect.Size.X div 2,
205 | Player.StartCell.PosPx.Y - SourceRect.Size.Y div 2),
206 | TPoint.Create(SourceRect.Size.X,
207 | SourceRect.Size.Y));
208 | end;
209 |
210 | procedure TView.ZoomAll;
211 | var
212 | Factor: TPointF;
213 | MapRect: TRect;
214 | NewZoom: Single;
215 | begin
216 | MapRect := TGame(Game).Map.CalculatePixelRect;
217 | Factor := TPointF.Create(DestRect.Size.X / MapRect.Size.X,
218 | DestRect.Size.Y / MapRect.Size.Y);
219 | if Factor.X < Factor.Y then NewZoom := Factor.X
220 | else NewZoom := Factor.Y;
221 | if NewZoom = 0 then NewZoom := 1;
222 | Zoom := NewZoom * 0.9;
223 | CenterMap;
224 | end;
225 |
226 | function TView.IsCellVisible(Cell: TCell): Boolean;
227 | var
228 | RectPolygon: TRect;
229 | begin
230 | RectPolygon := CellToCanvasRect(Cell.Polygon.GetRect);
231 | Result := (
232 | (RectPolygon.P1.X < DestRect.Size.X) and
233 | (RectPolygon.P2.X > 0) and
234 | (RectPolygon.P1.Y < DestRect.Size.Y) and
235 | (RectPolygon.P2.Y > 0)
236 | );
237 | end;
238 |
239 | end.
240 |