1 | msgid ""
2 | msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
3 |
4 | #: building.sbonusattack
5 | msgctxt "building.sbonusattack"
6 | msgid "Unit attack bonus"
7 | msgstr ""
8 |
9 | #: building.sbonusdefense
10 | msgctxt "building.sbonusdefense"
11 | msgid "Unit defense bonus"
12 | msgstr ""
13 |
14 | #: building.sbonusgrow
15 | msgctxt "building.sbonusgrow"
16 | msgid "Unit grow bonus"
17 | msgstr ""
18 |
19 | #: building.sbonusviewrange
20 | msgctxt "building.sbonusviewrange"
21 | msgid "Unit view range bonus"
22 | msgstr ""
23 |
24 | #: building.sbuildingkind
25 | msgctxt "building.sbuildingkind"
26 | msgid "Building"
27 | msgstr ""
28 |
29 | #: building.scity
30 | msgctxt "building.scity"
31 | msgid "City"
32 | msgstr ""
33 |
34 | #: building.scost
35 | msgctxt "building.scost"
36 | msgid "Cost"
37 | msgstr ""
38 |
39 | #: building.snone
40 | msgctxt "building.snone"
41 | msgid "None"
42 | msgstr ""
43 |
44 | #: building.sspecialtype
45 | msgctxt "building.sspecialtype"
46 | msgid "Special type"
47 | msgstr ""
48 |
49 | #: clientgui.swrongarrowangle
50 | #, object-pascal-format
51 | msgctxt "clientgui.swrongarrowangle"
52 | msgid "Wrong arrow angle %s"
53 | msgstr ""
54 |
55 | #: core.sendgame
56 | msgctxt "core.sendgame"
57 | msgid "End game?"
58 | msgstr ""
59 |
60 | #: core.sendgamequestion
61 | msgctxt "core.sendgamequestion"
62 | msgid "Do you want to end current game?"
63 | msgstr ""
64 |
65 | #: core.sfiledialogfilter
66 | msgctxt "core.sfiledialogfilter"
67 | msgid "xTactics games (.xtg)|*.xtg|All files|*.*"
68 | msgstr ""
69 |
70 | #: core.smissingserverclientforplayer
71 | msgctxt "core.smissingserverclientforplayer"
72 | msgid "Server client for current player not found."
73 | msgstr ""
74 |
75 | #: core.splayersnotinitialized
76 | #, object-pascal-format
77 | msgctxt "core.splayersnotinitialized"
78 | msgid "Not all players were initialized with start cell. Needed %d, initialized %d. Change map parameters to have more terrain cells."
79 | msgstr ""
80 |
81 | #: core.splayerswins
82 | #, object-pascal-format
83 | msgctxt "core.splayerswins"
84 | msgid "Players %s win"
85 | msgstr ""
86 |
87 | #: core.splayerwins
88 | #, object-pascal-format
89 | msgctxt "core.splayerwins"
90 | msgid "Player %s wins"
91 | msgstr ""
92 |
93 | #: core.srestartgame
94 | msgctxt "core.srestartgame"
95 | msgid "Restart game?"
96 | msgstr ""
97 |
98 | #: core.srestartgamequestion
99 | msgctxt "core.srestartgamequestion"
100 | msgid "Do you want to restart current game?"
101 | msgstr ""
102 |
103 | #: formcharts.scitiescount
104 | msgctxt "formcharts.scitiescount"
105 | msgid "Cities count"
106 | msgstr ""
107 |
108 | #: formcharts.sdiscoveredcells
109 | msgctxt "formcharts.sdiscoveredcells"
110 | msgid "Discovered cells"
111 | msgstr ""
112 |
113 | #: formcharts.smilitarypower
114 | msgctxt "formcharts.smilitarypower"
115 | msgid "Military power"
116 | msgstr ""
117 |
118 | #: formcharts.soccupiedcells
119 | msgctxt "formcharts.soccupiedcells"
120 | msgid "Occupied cells"
121 | msgstr ""
122 |
123 | #: formcharts.swinobjectivecells
124 | msgctxt "formcharts.swinobjectivecells"
125 | msgid "Win objective cells"
126 | msgstr ""
127 |
128 | #: formclient.ssurrender
129 | msgctxt "formclient.ssurrender"
130 | msgid "Surrender"
131 | msgstr ""
132 |
133 | #: formclient.ssurrenderquestion
134 | msgctxt "formclient.ssurrenderquestion"
135 | msgid "Do you want to surrender current game?"
136 | msgstr ""
137 |
138 | #: formclient.sturn
139 | msgctxt "formclient.sturn"
140 | msgid "turn"
141 | msgstr ""
142 |
143 | #: formgamesystem.sfiledialogfilter
144 | msgctxt "formgamesystem.sfiledialogfilter"
145 | msgid "xTactics game system (.xts)|*.xts|All files|*.*"
146 | msgstr ""
147 |
148 | #: formgamesystems.snewgamesystem
149 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.snewgamesystem"
150 | msgid "New game system"
151 | msgstr ""
152 |
153 | #: formgamesystems.sremoveitems
154 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.sremoveitems"
155 | msgid "Remove items"
156 | msgstr ""
157 |
158 | #: formgamesystems.sremoveitemsquery
159 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.sremoveitemsquery"
160 | msgid "Do you want to remove selected items?"
161 | msgstr ""
162 |
163 | #: formhelp.scontent
164 | msgctxt "formhelp.scontent"
165 | msgid ""
166 | "xTactics is a risk based strategic game. Main focus of the game is to offer player various possibilities to configure game conditions. Map for game is generated randomly for each play. Game is multiplayer so single player can play with other human opponents or with many computer opponents.\n"
167 | "\n"
168 | "Each cell has defined number of units which can be instructed to attack enemy or neutral adjacent cells. Units can also defend against enemy attach from adjacent cells. You can move units inside your territory. \n"
169 | "Number of units in cells grows by square root of number of units. More units cell contains, more units is added each turn. Maximum number to which units grow is 99. Cell can have more units but excessive cells will die gradually every turn to balance to number 99.\n"
170 | "\n"
171 | "Resolution of attack of units is determined by rule similar to one which is used in Risk game. Battle consist of several fights. Each fight attacker can use up to 3 units and defender up to 2 units. Number of units for each side determine number of dices. Both sides roll their dices and order them in descending order. Each side takes one dice with highest value. One who has dice with higher value wins. In case of tie, defender wins. Loser lose its unit and another pair of dices is evaluated. This process is calculated automatically and for each planned attack win probability is displayed.\n"
172 | "\n"
173 | "Units can be moved by clicking on owned cell and then by clicking on target neutral or enemy cell. Moves can be set to be repeated every turn with defined number of units. Repeated unit moves can be set in Unit move dialog or simply by holding Control key while selecting target cell. If there are multiple unit moves from one cell to more other cells and you want to move all available cells to target cell, then you can do so by holding Shift key while selecting target cell."
174 | msgstr ""
175 |
176 | #: formmain.sturn
177 | msgctxt "formmain.sturn"
178 | msgid "turn"
179 | msgstr ""
180 |
181 | #: formnew.sfromimagefile
182 | msgctxt "formnew.sfromimagefile"
183 | msgid "From image file"
184 | msgstr ""
185 |
186 | #: formnew.sgrowamountbyone
187 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowamountbyone"
188 | msgid "By one"
189 | msgstr ""
190 |
191 | #: formnew.sgrowamountbysquareroot
192 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowamountbysquareroot"
193 | msgid "By square root"
194 | msgstr ""
195 |
196 | #: formnew.sgrownone
197 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrownone"
198 | msgid "None"
199 | msgstr ""
200 |
201 | #: formnew.sgrowplayerallcells
202 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowplayerallcells"
203 | msgid "Player all cells"
204 | msgstr ""
205 |
206 | #: formnew.sgrowplayercities
207 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowplayercities"
208 | msgid "Player cities"
209 | msgstr ""
210 |
211 | #: formnew.srectangular
212 | msgctxt "formnew.srectangular"
213 | msgid "Rectangular"
214 | msgstr ""
215 |
216 | #: formnew.sremoveserver
217 | msgctxt "formnew.sremoveserver"
218 | msgid "Remove server"
219 | msgstr ""
220 |
221 | #: formnew.sremoveserverquery
222 | msgctxt "formnew.sremoveserverquery"
223 | msgid "Do you want to remove server?"
224 | msgstr ""
225 |
226 | #: formnew.srounded
227 | msgctxt "formnew.srounded"
228 | msgid "Rounded"
229 | msgstr ""
230 |
231 | #: formnew.swinobjectivecaptureentiremap
232 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivecaptureentiremap"
233 | msgid "Capture entire map"
234 | msgstr ""
235 |
236 | #: formnew.swinobjectivecaptureposition
237 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivecaptureposition"
238 | msgid "Capture all special cells"
239 | msgstr ""
240 |
241 | #: formnew.swinobjectivedefeatallcities
242 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivedefeatallcities"
243 | msgid "Defeat all oponents cities"
244 | msgstr ""
245 |
246 | #: formnew.swinobjectivedefeatalloponents
247 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivedefeatalloponents"
248 | msgid "Defeat all oponents"
249 | msgstr ""
250 |
251 | #: formnew.swinobjectivenone
252 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivenone"
253 | msgid "None"
254 | msgstr ""
255 |
256 | #: formnew.swinobjectivestayaliveforturns
257 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivestayaliveforturns"
258 | msgid "Stay alive for number of turns"
259 | msgstr ""
260 |
261 | #: game.scomputer
262 | msgctxt "game.scomputer"
263 | msgid "Computer"
264 | msgstr ""
265 |
266 | #: game.shuman
267 | msgctxt "game.shuman"
268 | msgid "Human"
269 | msgstr ""
270 |
271 | #: game.sminimumplayers
272 | msgctxt "game.sminimumplayers"
273 | msgid "You need at least one player"
274 | msgstr ""
275 |
276 | #: game.snewgamefile
277 | msgctxt "game.snewgamefile"
278 | msgid "New game.xtg"
279 | msgstr ""
280 |
281 | #: game.splayer
282 | msgctxt "game.splayer"
283 | msgid "Player"
284 | msgstr ""
285 |
286 | #: game.sspectator
287 | msgctxt "game.sspectator"
288 | msgid "Spectator"
289 | msgstr ""
290 |
291 | #: game.sunsupportedmaptype
292 | msgctxt "game.sunsupportedmaptype"
293 | msgid "Unsupported map type"
294 | msgstr ""
295 |
296 | #: game.swrongfileformat
297 | msgctxt "game.swrongfileformat"
298 | msgid "Wrong file format"
299 | msgstr ""
300 |
301 | #: gamesystem.sgamesystem
302 | msgctxt "gamesystem.sgamesystem"
303 | msgid "Game system"
304 | msgstr ""
305 |
306 | #: gamesystem.swrongfileformat
307 | msgctxt "gamesystem.swrongfileformat"
308 | msgid "Wrong file format"
309 | msgstr ""
310 |
311 | #: map.scellremoveneighborerror
312 | msgctxt "map.scellremoveneighborerror"
313 | msgid "Can't remove cell from neighbour cell"
314 | msgstr ""
315 |
316 | #: map.snegativecellpowernotallowed
317 | msgctxt "map.snegativecellpowernotallowed"
318 | msgid "Not allowed to substract power under zero to negative value"
319 | msgstr ""
320 |
321 | #: maptype.sgridtypehexagonhorizontal
322 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypehexagonhorizontal"
323 | msgid "Hexagonal horizontal"
324 | msgstr ""
325 |
326 | #: maptype.sgridtypehexagonvertical
327 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypehexagonvertical"
328 | msgid "Hexagonal vertical"
329 | msgstr ""
330 |
331 | #: maptype.sgridtypeisometric
332 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypeisometric"
333 | msgid "Isometric"
334 | msgstr ""
335 |
336 | #: maptype.sgridtypenone
337 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypenone"
338 | msgid "None"
339 | msgstr ""
340 |
341 | #: maptype.sgridtyperandom
342 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtyperandom"
343 | msgid "Random"
344 | msgstr ""
345 |
346 | #: maptype.sgridtypesquare
347 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypesquare"
348 | msgid "Square"
349 | msgstr ""
350 |
351 | #: maptype.sgridtypetriangle
352 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypetriangle"
353 | msgid "Triangural"
354 | msgstr ""
355 |
356 | #: nation.scolor
357 | msgctxt "nation.scolor"
358 | msgid "Color"
359 | msgstr ""
360 |
361 | #: nation.snation
362 | msgctxt "nation.snation"
363 | msgid "Nation"
364 | msgstr ""
365 |
366 | #: player.sagressivity
367 | msgctxt "player.sagressivity"
368 | msgid "Agressivity"
369 | msgstr ""
370 |
371 | #: player.sattackerpowerpositive
372 | msgctxt "player.sattackerpowerpositive"
373 | msgid "Attacker power have to be higher then 0."
374 | msgstr ""
375 |
376 | #: player.scolor
377 | msgctxt "player.scolor"
378 | msgid "Color"
379 | msgstr ""
380 |
381 | #: player.scomputer
382 | msgctxt "player.scomputer"
383 | msgid "Computer"
384 | msgstr ""
385 |
386 | #: player.sdefenderpowerpositive
387 | msgctxt "player.sdefenderpowerpositive"
388 | msgid "Defender power have to be higher then or equal to 0."
389 | msgstr ""
390 |
391 | #: player.sdefensive
392 | msgctxt "player.sdefensive"
393 | msgid "Defensive"
394 | msgstr ""
395 |
396 | #: player.shigh
397 | msgctxt "player.shigh"
398 | msgid "High"
399 | msgstr ""
400 |
401 | #: player.shuman
402 | msgctxt "player.shuman"
403 | msgid "Human"
404 | msgstr ""
405 |
406 | #: player.slow
407 | msgctxt "player.slow"
408 | msgid "Low"
409 | msgstr ""
410 |
411 | #: player.smedium
412 | msgctxt "player.smedium"
413 | msgid "Medium"
414 | msgstr ""
415 |
416 | #: player.smode
417 | msgctxt "player.smode"
418 | msgid "Mode"
419 | msgstr ""
420 |
421 | #: player.snation
422 | msgctxt "player.snation"
423 | msgid "Nation"
424 | msgstr ""
425 |
426 | #: player.sstartunits
427 | msgctxt "player.sstartunits"
428 | msgid "Start units"
429 | msgstr ""
430 |
431 | #: player.sunfinishedbattle
432 | msgctxt "player.sunfinishedbattle"
433 | msgid "Unfinished battle"
434 | msgstr ""
435 |
436 | #: tcore.aabout.caption
437 | msgid "About"
438 | msgstr ""
439 |
440 | #: tcore.aexit.caption
441 | msgid "Exit"
442 | msgstr ""
443 |
444 | #: tcore.aexit.hint
445 | msgid "Exit application"
446 | msgstr ""
447 |
448 | #: tcore.afullscreen.caption
449 | msgid "Full screen mode"
450 | msgstr ""
451 |
452 | #: tcore.agameend.caption
453 | msgid "End"
454 | msgstr ""
455 |
456 | #: tcore.agameend.hint
457 | msgid "End game"
458 | msgstr ""
459 |
460 | #: tcore.agameload.caption
461 | msgctxt "tcore.agameload.caption"
462 | msgid "Load..."
463 | msgstr ""
464 |
465 | #: tcore.agamenew.caption
466 | msgctxt "tcore.agamenew.caption"
467 | msgid "New"
468 | msgstr ""
469 |
470 | #: tcore.agamenew.hint
471 | msgctxt "tcore.agamenew.hint"
472 | msgid "New game"
473 | msgstr ""
474 |
475 | #: tcore.agamerestart.caption
476 | msgid "Restart"
477 | msgstr ""
478 |
479 | #: tcore.agamerestart.hint
480 | msgid "Restart game"
481 | msgstr ""
482 |
483 | #: tcore.agamesave.caption
484 | msgctxt "tcore.agamesave.caption"
485 | msgid "Save"
486 | msgstr ""
487 |
488 | #: tcore.agamesaveas.caption
489 | msgid "Save as..."
490 | msgstr ""
491 |
492 | #: tcore.agamesystems.caption
493 | msgctxt "tcore.agamesystems.caption"
494 | msgid "Game systems"
495 | msgstr ""
496 |
497 | #: tcore.ahelp.caption
498 | msgctxt "tcore.ahelp.caption"
499 | msgid "Help"
500 | msgstr ""
501 |
502 | #: tcore.anewspectatorclient.caption
503 | msgid "New spectator client"
504 | msgstr ""
505 |
506 | #: tcore.aplayersstats.caption
507 | msgid "Players statistics"
508 | msgstr ""
509 |
510 | #: tcore.applicationinfo.description
511 | msgid "A turn-based strategy game inspired by classic Risk board game. The game is highly configurable to allow to adjust battle field and game rules."
512 | msgstr ""
513 |
514 | #: tcore.asettings.caption
515 | msgctxt "tcore.asettings.caption"
516 | msgid "Settings"
517 | msgstr ""
518 |
519 | #: tcore.asettings.hint
520 | msgid "Application settings"
521 | msgstr ""
522 |
523 | #: tcore.ashowcharts.caption
524 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowcharts.caption"
525 | msgid "Charts"
526 | msgstr ""
527 |
528 | #: tcore.ashowkeyshortcuts.caption
529 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowkeyshortcuts.caption"
530 | msgid "Key shortcuts"
531 | msgstr ""
532 |
533 | #: tcore.ashowunitmoves.caption
534 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowunitmoves.caption"
535 | msgid "Unit moves"
536 | msgstr ""
537 |
538 | #: tcore.atests.caption
539 | msgid "Tests"
540 | msgstr ""
541 |
542 | #: tcore.atogglefogofwar.caption
543 | msgid "Toggle fog of war"
544 | msgstr ""
545 |
546 | #: tcore.savedialog1.title
547 | msgid "Save as"
548 | msgstr ""
549 |
550 | #: tformcharts.buttonclose.caption
551 | msgctxt "tformcharts.buttonclose.caption"
552 | msgid "Close"
553 | msgstr ""
554 |
555 | #: tformcharts.caption
556 | msgctxt "tformcharts.caption"
557 | msgid "Charts"
558 | msgstr ""
559 |
560 | #: tformcharts.combobox1.text
561 | msgctxt "tformcharts.combobox1.text"
562 | msgid "Occupied cells"
563 | msgstr ""
564 |
565 | #: tformchat.buttonmessagesend.caption
566 | msgid "Send"
567 | msgstr ""
568 |
569 | #: tformchat.caption
570 | msgid "Chat"
571 | msgstr ""
572 |
573 | #: tformchat.label1.caption
574 | msgid "Chat:"
575 | msgstr ""
576 |
577 | #: tformclient.agameendturn.caption
578 | msgid "End turn"
579 | msgstr ""
580 |
581 | #: tformclient.astatusbarvisible.caption
582 | msgid "Statusbar visible"
583 | msgstr ""
584 |
585 | #: tformclient.asurrender.caption
586 | msgctxt "tformclient.asurrender.caption"
587 | msgid "Surrender"
588 | msgstr ""
589 |
590 | #: tformclient.atoolbarbigicons.caption
591 | msgctxt "tformclient.atoolbarbigicons.caption"
592 | msgid "Toolbar big icons"
593 | msgstr ""
594 |
595 | #: tformclient.atoolbarvisible.caption
596 | msgctxt "tformclient.atoolbarvisible.caption"
597 | msgid "Toolbar visible"
598 | msgstr ""
599 |
600 | #: tformclient.azoomall.caption
601 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomall.caption"
602 | msgid "Zoom all"
603 | msgstr ""
604 |
605 | #: tformclient.azoomin.caption
606 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomin.caption"
607 | msgid "Zoom in"
608 | msgstr ""
609 |
610 | #: tformclient.azoomout.caption
611 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomout.caption"
612 | msgid "Zoom out"
613 | msgstr ""
614 |
615 | #: tformclient.caption
616 | msgid "Client"
617 | msgstr ""
618 |
619 | #: tformgamesystem.buttoncancel.caption
620 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttoncancel.caption"
621 | msgid "Cancel"
622 | msgstr ""
623 |
624 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonload.caption
625 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonload.caption"
626 | msgid "Load"
627 | msgstr ""
628 |
629 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonok.caption
630 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonok.caption"
631 | msgid "OK"
632 | msgstr ""
633 |
634 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonsave.caption
635 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonsave.caption"
636 | msgid "Save"
637 | msgstr ""
638 |
639 | #: tformgamesystem.caption
640 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.caption"
641 | msgid "Game system"
642 | msgstr ""
643 |
644 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxemptycellsneutral.caption
645 | msgid "Set cells without player units as neutral"
646 | msgstr ""
647 |
648 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxunitsmoveimmediately.caption
649 | msgid "Units move immediately"
650 | msgstr ""
651 |
652 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxunitssplitmerge.caption
653 | msgid "Units can split or merge"
654 | msgstr ""
655 |
656 | #: tformgamesystem.label5.caption
657 | msgid "Preferred grid type:"
658 | msgstr ""
659 |
660 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetbuildings.caption
661 | msgid "Buildings"
662 | msgstr ""
663 |
664 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetgeneral.caption
665 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.tabsheetgeneral.caption"
666 | msgid "General"
667 | msgstr ""
668 |
669 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetnations.caption
670 | msgid "Nations"
671 | msgstr ""
672 |
673 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetunits.caption
674 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.tabsheetunits.caption"
675 | msgid "Units"
676 | msgstr ""
677 |
678 | #: tformgamesystems.aadd.caption
679 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aadd.caption"
680 | msgid "Add"
681 | msgstr ""
682 |
683 | #: tformgamesystems.aclone.caption
684 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aclone.caption"
685 | msgid "Clone"
686 | msgstr ""
687 |
688 | #: tformgamesystems.amodify.caption
689 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.amodify.caption"
690 | msgid "Modify"
691 | msgstr ""
692 |
693 | #: tformgamesystems.aremove.caption
694 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aremove.caption"
695 | msgid "Remove"
696 | msgstr ""
697 |
698 | #: tformgamesystems.aselectall.caption
699 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aselectall.caption"
700 | msgid "Select all"
701 | msgstr ""
702 |
703 | #: tformgamesystems.caption
704 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.caption"
705 | msgid "Game systems"
706 | msgstr ""
707 |
708 | #: tformgamesystems.listview1.columns[0].caption
709 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.listview1.columns[0].caption"
710 | msgid "Name"
711 | msgstr ""
712 |
713 | #: tformhelp.buttonclose.caption
714 | msgctxt "tformhelp.buttonclose.caption"
715 | msgid "Close"
716 | msgstr ""
717 |
718 | #: tformhelp.caption
719 | msgctxt "tformhelp.caption"
720 | msgid "Help"
721 | msgstr ""
722 |
723 | #: tformmain.amapgridvisible.caption
724 | msgid "Map grid visible"
725 | msgstr ""
726 |
727 | #: tformmain.astatusbarvisible.caption
728 | msgid "Status bar visible"
729 | msgstr ""
730 |
731 | #: tformmain.atoolbarbigicons.caption
732 | msgctxt "tformmain.atoolbarbigicons.caption"
733 | msgid "Toolbar big icons"
734 | msgstr ""
735 |
736 | #: tformmain.atoolbarvisible.caption
737 | msgctxt "tformmain.atoolbarvisible.caption"
738 | msgid "Toolbar visible"
739 | msgstr ""
740 |
741 | #: tformmain.aunitshapevisible.caption
742 | msgid "Unit shape visible"
743 | msgstr ""
744 |
745 | #: tformmain.caption
746 | msgid "xTactics"
747 | msgstr ""
748 |
749 | #: tformmain.menuitem1.caption
750 | msgid "Game"
751 | msgstr ""
752 |
753 | #: tformmain.menuitem10.caption
754 | msgid "View"
755 | msgstr ""
756 |
757 | #: tformmain.menuitem11.caption
758 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem11.caption"
759 | msgid "Zoom all"
760 | msgstr ""
761 |
762 | #: tformmain.menuitem12.caption
763 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem12.caption"
764 | msgid "Zoom in"
765 | msgstr ""
766 |
767 | #: tformmain.menuitem13.caption
768 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem13.caption"
769 | msgid "Zoom out"
770 | msgstr ""
771 |
772 | #: tformmain.menuitem16.caption
773 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem16.caption"
774 | msgid "Help"
775 | msgstr ""
776 |
777 | #: tformmain.menuitem8.caption
778 | msgid "Tools"
779 | msgstr ""
780 |
781 | #: tformmain.menuitemdebug.caption
782 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitemdebug.caption"
783 | msgid "Debug"
784 | msgstr ""
785 |
786 | #: tformmain.menuitemloadrecent.caption
787 | msgid "Load recent"
788 | msgstr ""
789 |
790 | #: tformmove.buttoncancel.caption
791 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttoncancel.caption"
792 | msgid "Cancel"
793 | msgstr ""
794 |
795 | #: tformmove.buttonok.caption
796 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonok.caption"
797 | msgid "Ok"
798 | msgstr ""
799 |
800 | #: tformmove.buttononcemax.caption
801 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttononcemax.caption"
802 | msgid "Max"
803 | msgstr ""
804 |
805 | #: tformmove.buttononcemin.caption
806 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttononcemin.caption"
807 | msgid "Min"
808 | msgstr ""
809 |
810 | #: tformmove.buttonremove.caption
811 | msgid "Delete"
812 | msgstr ""
813 |
814 | #: tformmove.buttonrepeatmax.caption
815 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonrepeatmax.caption"
816 | msgid "Max"
817 | msgstr ""
818 |
819 | #: tformmove.buttonrepeatmin.caption
820 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonrepeatmin.caption"
821 | msgid "Min"
822 | msgstr ""
823 |
824 | #: tformmove.caption
825 | msgid "Move"
826 | msgstr ""
827 |
828 | #: tformmove.label1.caption
829 | msgid "Once:"
830 | msgstr ""
831 |
832 | #: tformmove.label2.caption
833 | msgid "Every turn:"
834 | msgstr ""
835 |
836 | #: tformmove.label3.caption
837 | msgid "Win probability:"
838 | msgstr ""
839 |
840 | #: tformmove.labelwinprobability.caption
841 | msgid " "
842 | msgstr ""
843 |
844 | #: tformnew.aserveradd.caption
845 | msgctxt "tformnew.aserveradd.caption"
846 | msgid "Add"
847 | msgstr ""
848 |
849 | #: tformnew.aservermodify.caption
850 | msgctxt "tformnew.aservermodify.caption"
851 | msgid "Modify"
852 | msgstr ""
853 |
854 | #: tformnew.aserverremove.caption
855 | msgctxt "tformnew.aserverremove.caption"
856 | msgid "Remove"
857 | msgstr ""
858 |
859 | #: tformnew.buttoncancel.caption
860 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttoncancel.caption"
861 | msgid "Cancel"
862 | msgstr ""
863 |
864 | #: tformnew.buttongamesystems.caption
865 | msgid "Manage"
866 | msgstr ""
867 |
868 | #: tformnew.buttonimagebrowse.caption
869 | msgid "Browse"
870 | msgstr ""
871 |
872 | #: tformnew.buttonok.caption
873 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttonok.caption"
874 | msgid "Ok"
875 | msgstr ""
876 |
877 | #: tformnew.buttonrandomize.caption
878 | msgid "Randomize"
879 | msgstr ""
880 |
881 | #: tformnew.caption
882 | msgctxt "tformnew.caption"
883 | msgid "New game"
884 | msgstr ""
885 |
886 | #: tformnew.checkboxbridges.caption
887 | msgid "Bridges between cells"
888 | msgstr ""
889 |
890 | #: tformnew.checkboxcity.caption
891 | msgctxt "tformnew.checkboxcity.caption"
892 | msgid "Cities"
893 | msgstr ""
894 |
895 | #: tformnew.checkboxcyclicmap.caption
896 | msgid "Cyclic map"
897 | msgstr ""
898 |
899 | #: tformnew.checkboxfogofwar.caption
900 | msgid "Fog of war"
901 | msgstr ""
902 |
903 | #: tformnew.checkboxsymetricmap.caption
904 | msgid "Symetric map"
905 | msgstr ""
906 |
907 | #: tformnew.checkboxvoid.caption
908 | msgid "Inaccessible places"
909 | msgstr ""
910 |
911 | #: tformnew.label1.caption
912 | msgid "Map width:"
913 | msgstr ""
914 |
915 | #: tformnew.label10.caption
916 | msgid "Max units per cell:"
917 | msgstr ""
918 |
919 | #: tformnew.label11.caption
920 | msgctxt "tformnew.label11.caption"
921 | msgid "Port:"
922 | msgstr ""
923 |
924 | #: tformnew.label12.caption
925 | msgctxt "tformnew.label12.caption"
926 | msgid "Address:"
927 | msgstr ""
928 |
929 | #: tformnew.label13.caption
930 | msgid "Number of turns:"
931 | msgstr ""
932 |
933 | #: tformnew.label14.caption
934 | msgid "Special cells count:"
935 | msgstr ""
936 |
937 | #: tformnew.label15.caption
938 | msgid "Preview:"
939 | msgstr ""
940 |
941 | #: tformnew.label16.caption
942 | msgid "Game system:"
943 | msgstr ""
944 |
945 | #: tformnew.label2.caption
946 | msgid "Map height:"
947 | msgstr ""
948 |
949 | #: tformnew.label3.caption
950 | msgctxt "tformnew.label3.caption"
951 | msgid "%"
952 | msgstr ""
953 |
954 | #: tformnew.label4.caption
955 | msgctxt "tformnew.label4.caption"
956 | msgid "%"
957 | msgstr ""
958 |
959 | #: tformnew.label5.caption
960 | msgid "Grid type:"
961 | msgstr ""
962 |
963 | #: tformnew.label6.caption
964 | msgid "Win objective:"
965 | msgstr ""
966 |
967 | #: tformnew.label7.caption
968 | msgid "Max random neutral units:"
969 | msgstr ""
970 |
971 | #: tformnew.label8.caption
972 | msgid "Map shape:"
973 | msgstr ""
974 |
975 | #: tformnew.label9.caption
976 | msgid "Image file:"
977 | msgstr ""
978 |
979 | #: tformnew.listviewservers.columns[0].caption
980 | msgctxt "tformnew.listviewservers.columns[0].caption"
981 | msgid "Name"
982 | msgstr ""
983 |
984 | #: tformnew.listviewservers.columns[1].caption
985 | msgid "Address"
986 | msgstr ""
987 |
988 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodelocal.caption
989 | msgid "Local"
990 | msgstr ""
991 |
992 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkclient.caption
993 | msgid "Network client"
994 | msgstr ""
995 |
996 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkserver.caption
997 | msgid "Network server"
998 | msgstr ""
999 |
1000 | #: tformnew.radiogroupgrowamount.caption
1001 | msgid "Per turn grow amount"
1002 | msgstr ""
1003 |
1004 | #: tformnew.radiogroupgrowcells.caption
1005 | msgid "Growing cells"
1006 | msgstr ""
1007 |
1008 | #: tformnew.tabsheetmap.caption
1009 | msgid "Map"
1010 | msgstr ""
1011 |
1012 | #: tformnew.tabsheetmode.caption
1013 | msgctxt "tformnew.tabsheetmode.caption"
1014 | msgid "Mode"
1015 | msgstr ""
1016 |
1017 | #: tformnew.tabsheetplayers.caption
1018 | msgid "Players"
1019 | msgstr ""
1020 |
1021 | #: tformnew.tabsheetrules.caption
1022 | msgid "Rules"
1023 | msgstr ""
1024 |
1025 | #: tformplayersstats.aspectate.caption
1026 | msgid "Spectate"
1027 | msgstr ""
1028 |
1029 | #: tformplayersstats.buttonclose.caption
1030 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.buttonclose.caption"
1031 | msgid "Close"
1032 | msgstr ""
1033 |
1034 | #: tformplayersstats.caption
1035 | msgid "Players stats"
1036 | msgstr ""
1037 |
1038 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[0].caption
1039 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[0].caption"
1040 | msgid "Name"
1041 | msgstr ""
1042 |
1043 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[1].caption
1044 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[1].caption"
1045 | msgid "Mode"
1046 | msgstr ""
1047 |
1048 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[2].caption
1049 | msgid "Cells"
1050 | msgstr ""
1051 |
1052 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[3].caption
1053 | msgid "Discovered"
1054 | msgstr ""
1055 |
1056 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[4].caption
1057 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[4].caption"
1058 | msgid "Cities"
1059 | msgstr ""
1060 |
1061 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[5].caption
1062 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[5].caption"
1063 | msgid "Units"
1064 | msgstr ""
1065 |
1066 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[6].caption
1067 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[6].caption"
1068 | msgid "Win objective cells"
1069 | msgstr ""
1070 |
1071 | #: tformserver.buttoncancel.caption
1072 | msgctxt "tformserver.buttoncancel.caption"
1073 | msgid "Cancel"
1074 | msgstr ""
1075 |
1076 | #: tformserver.buttonok.caption
1077 | msgctxt "tformserver.buttonok.caption"
1078 | msgid "OK"
1079 | msgstr ""
1080 |
1081 | #: tformserver.caption
1082 | msgid "Server"
1083 | msgstr ""
1084 |
1085 | #: tformserver.label1.caption
1086 | msgid "Name:"
1087 | msgstr ""
1088 |
1089 | #: tformserver.label2.caption
1090 | msgctxt "tformserver.label2.caption"
1091 | msgid "Address:"
1092 | msgstr ""
1093 |
1094 | #: tformserver.label3.caption
1095 | msgctxt "tformserver.label3.caption"
1096 | msgid "Port:"
1097 | msgstr ""
1098 |
1099 | #: tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption
1100 | msgctxt "tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption"
1101 | msgid "Cancel"
1102 | msgstr ""
1103 |
1104 | #: tformsettings.buttonok.caption
1105 | msgctxt "tformsettings.buttonok.caption"
1106 | msgid "Ok"
1107 | msgstr ""
1108 |
1109 | #: tformsettings.caption
1110 | msgctxt "tformsettings.caption"
1111 | msgid "Settings"
1112 | msgstr ""
1113 |
1114 | #: tformsettings.checkbox2.caption
1115 | msgid "Automatic DPI"
1116 | msgstr ""
1117 |
1118 | #: tformsettings.checkboxdevelmode.caption
1119 | msgid "Developer mode"
1120 | msgstr ""
1121 |
1122 | #: tformsettings.label1.caption
1123 | msgid "Language:"
1124 | msgstr ""
1125 |
1126 | #: tformsettings.label2.caption
1127 | msgid "Animation speed:"
1128 | msgstr ""
1129 |
1130 | #: tformsettings.label3.caption
1131 | msgctxt "tformsettings.label3.caption"
1132 | msgid "%"
1133 | msgstr ""
1134 |
1135 | #: tformsettings.label4.caption
1136 | msgid "DPI:"
1137 | msgstr ""
1138 |
1139 | #: tformsettings.label5.caption
1140 | msgid "x"
1141 | msgstr ""
1142 |
1143 | #: tformsettings.label6.caption
1144 | msgid "Theme:"
1145 | msgstr ""
1146 |
1147 | #: tformsettings.tabsheetdebug.caption
1148 | msgctxt "tformsettings.tabsheetdebug.caption"
1149 | msgid "Debug"
1150 | msgstr ""
1151 |
1152 | #: tformsettings.tabsheetgeneral.caption
1153 | msgctxt "tformsettings.tabsheetgeneral.caption"
1154 | msgid "General"
1155 | msgstr ""
1156 |
1157 | #: tformunitmoves.buttonclose.caption
1158 | msgctxt "tformunitmoves.buttonclose.caption"
1159 | msgid "Close"
1160 | msgstr ""
1161 |
1162 | #: tformunitmoves.caption
1163 | msgctxt "tformunitmoves.caption"
1164 | msgid "Unit moves"
1165 | msgstr ""
1166 |
1167 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[0].caption
1168 | msgid "From cell"
1169 | msgstr ""
1170 |
1171 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[1].caption
1172 | msgid "To cell"
1173 | msgstr ""
1174 |
1175 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[2].caption
1176 | msgid "Once count"
1177 | msgstr ""
1178 |
1179 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[3].caption
1180 | msgid "Repeat count"
1181 | msgstr ""
1182 |
1183 | #: unitkind.scost
1184 | msgctxt "unitkind.scost"
1185 | msgid "Cost"
1186 | msgstr ""
1187 |
1188 | #: unitkind.smoves
1189 | msgctxt "unitkind.smoves"
1190 | msgid "Moves"
1191 | msgstr ""
1192 |
1193 | #: unitkind.spowerattack
1194 | msgctxt "unitkind.spowerattack"
1195 | msgid "Attack power"
1196 | msgstr ""
1197 |
1198 | #: unitkind.spowerdefense
1199 | msgctxt "unitkind.spowerdefense"
1200 | msgid "Defense power"
1201 | msgstr ""
1202 |
1203 | #: unitkind.sstack
1204 | msgctxt "unitkind.sstack"
1205 | msgid "Stack"
1206 | msgstr ""
1207 |
1208 | #: unitkind.sunitkind
1209 | msgctxt "unitkind.sunitkind"
1210 | msgid "Unit kind"
1211 | msgstr ""
1212 |
1213 | #: unitkind.sviewrange
1214 | msgctxt "unitkind.sviewrange"
1215 | msgid "View range"
1216 | msgstr ""
1217 |
1218 | #: view.szerozoomnotalowed
1219 | msgctxt "view.szerozoomnotalowed"
1220 | msgid "Zero zoom not allowed"
1221 | msgstr ""
1222 |