1 | msgid ""
2 | msgstr ""
3 | "Project-Id-Version: \n"
4 | "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
5 | "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
6 | "Last-Translator: \n"
7 | "Language-Team: \n"
8 | "Language: fr\n"
9 | "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 | "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 | "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 | "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
13 |
14 | #: building.sbonusattack
15 | msgctxt "building.sbonusattack"
16 | msgid "Unit attack bonus"
17 | msgstr "Bonus d'attaque des unités"
18 |
19 | #: building.sbonusdefense
20 | msgctxt "building.sbonusdefense"
21 | msgid "Unit defense bonus"
22 | msgstr "Bonus de défense des unités"
23 |
24 | #: building.sbonusgrow
25 | msgctxt "building.sbonusgrow"
26 | msgid "Unit grow bonus"
27 | msgstr "Bonus de croissance des unités"
28 |
29 | #: building.sbonusviewrange
30 | msgctxt "building.sbonusviewrange"
31 | msgid "Unit view range bonus"
32 | msgstr "Bonus de portée visuelle des unités"
33 |
34 | #: building.sbuildingkind
35 | msgctxt "building.sbuildingkind"
36 | msgid "Building"
37 | msgstr "Bâtiment"
38 |
39 | #: building.scity
40 | msgctxt "building.scity"
41 | msgid "City"
42 | msgstr "Ville"
43 |
44 | #: building.scost
45 | msgctxt "building.scost"
46 | msgid "Cost"
47 | msgstr "Coût"
48 |
49 | #: building.snone
50 | msgctxt "building.snone"
51 | msgid "None"
52 | msgstr "Aucun"
53 |
54 | #: building.sspecialtype
55 | msgctxt "building.sspecialtype"
56 | msgid "Special type"
57 | msgstr "Type spécial"
58 |
59 | #: clientgui.swrongarrowangle
60 | #, object-pascal-format
61 | msgctxt "clientgui.swrongarrowangle"
62 | msgid "Wrong arrow angle %s"
63 | msgstr "Angle de flèche incorrect %s"
64 |
65 | #: core.sendgame
66 | msgctxt "core.sendgame"
67 | msgid "End game?"
68 | msgstr "Terminer la partie?"
69 |
70 | #: core.sendgamequestion
71 | msgctxt "core.sendgamequestion"
72 | msgid "Do you want to end current game?"
73 | msgstr "Voulez-vous terminer la partie en cours?"
74 |
75 | #: core.sfiledialogfilter
76 | msgctxt "core.sfiledialogfilter"
77 | msgid "xTactics games (.xtg)|*.xtg|All files|*.*"
78 | msgstr "Jeux xTactics (.xtg)|*.xtg|Tous les fichiers|*.*"
79 |
80 | #: core.smissingserverclientforplayer
81 | msgctxt "core.smissingserverclientforplayer"
82 | msgid "Server client for current player not found."
83 | msgstr "Client serveur pour le joueur actuel introuvable."
84 |
85 | #: core.splayersnotinitialized
86 | #, object-pascal-format
87 | msgctxt "core.splayersnotinitialized"
88 | msgid "Not all players were initialized with start cell. Needed %d, initialized %d. Change map parameters to have more terrain cells."
89 | msgstr "Tous les joueurs n'ont pas été initialisés avec une cellule de départ. Requis %d, initialisés %d. Modifiez les paramètres de la carte pour avoir plus de cellules de terrain."
90 |
91 | #: core.splayerswins
92 | #, object-pascal-format
93 | msgctxt "core.splayerswins"
94 | msgid "Players %s win"
95 | msgstr "Les joueurs %s gagnent"
96 |
97 | #: core.splayerwins
98 | #, object-pascal-format
99 | msgctxt "core.splayerwins"
100 | msgid "Player %s wins"
101 | msgstr "Le joueur %s gagne"
102 |
103 | #: core.srestartgame
104 | msgctxt "core.srestartgame"
105 | msgid "Restart game?"
106 | msgstr "Redémarrer la partie?"
107 |
108 | #: core.srestartgamequestion
109 | msgctxt "core.srestartgamequestion"
110 | msgid "Do you want to restart current game?"
111 | msgstr "Voulez-vous redémarrer la partie en cours?"
112 |
113 | #: formcharts.scitiescount
114 | msgctxt "formcharts.scitiescount"
115 | msgid "Cities count"
116 | msgstr "Nombre de villes"
117 |
118 | #: formcharts.sdiscoveredcells
119 | msgctxt "formcharts.sdiscoveredcells"
120 | msgid "Discovered cells"
121 | msgstr "Cellules découvertes"
122 |
123 | #: formcharts.smilitarypower
124 | msgctxt "formcharts.smilitarypower"
125 | msgid "Military power"
126 | msgstr "Puissance militaire"
127 |
128 | #: formcharts.soccupiedcells
129 | msgctxt "formcharts.soccupiedcells"
130 | msgid "Occupied cells"
131 | msgstr "Cellules occupées"
132 |
133 | #: formcharts.swinobjectivecells
134 | msgctxt "formcharts.swinobjectivecells"
135 | msgid "Win objective cells"
136 | msgstr "Cellules objectifs à capturer"
137 |
138 | #: formclient.ssurrender
139 | msgctxt "formclient.ssurrender"
140 | msgid "Surrender"
141 | msgstr "Abandonner"
142 |
143 | #: formclient.ssurrenderquestion
144 | msgctxt "formclient.ssurrenderquestion"
145 | msgid "Do you want to surrender current game?"
146 | msgstr "Voulez-vous abandonner la partie en cours?"
147 |
148 | #: formclient.sturn
149 | msgctxt "formclient.sturn"
150 | msgid "turn"
151 | msgstr "tour"
152 |
153 | #: formgamesystem.sfiledialogfilter
154 | msgctxt "formgamesystem.sfiledialogfilter"
155 | msgid "xTactics game system (.xts)|*.xts|All files|*.*"
156 | msgstr "Système de jeu xTactics (.xts)|*.xts|Tous les fichiers|*.*"
157 |
158 | #: formgamesystems.snewgamesystem
159 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.snewgamesystem"
160 | msgid "New game system"
161 | msgstr "Nouveau système de jeu"
162 |
163 | #: formgamesystems.sremoveitems
164 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.sremoveitems"
165 | msgid "Remove items"
166 | msgstr "Supprimer les éléments"
167 |
168 | #: formgamesystems.sremoveitemsquery
169 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.sremoveitemsquery"
170 | msgid "Do you want to remove selected items?"
171 | msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer les éléments sélectionnés?"
172 |
173 | #: formhelp.scontent
174 | msgctxt "formhelp.scontent"
175 | msgid ""
176 | "xTactics is a risk based strategic game. Main focus of the game is to offer player various possibilities to configure game conditions. Map for game is generated randomly for each play. Game is multiplayer so single player can play with other human opponents or with many computer opponents.\n"
177 | "\n"
178 | "Each cell has defined number of units which can be instructed to attack enemy or neutral adjacent cells. Units can also defend against enemy attach from adjacent cells. You can move units inside your territory. \n"
179 | "Number of units in cells grows by square root of number of units. More units cell contains, more units is added each turn. Maximum number to which units grow is 99. Cell can have more units but excessive cells will die gradually every turn to balance to number 99.\n"
180 | "\n"
181 | "Resolution of attack of units is determined by rule similar to one which is used in Risk game. Battle consist of several fights. Each fight attacker can use up to 3 units and defender up to 2 units. Number of units for each side determine number of dices. Both sides roll their dices and order them in descending order. Each side takes one dice with highest value. One who has dice with higher value wins. In case of tie, defender wins. Loser lose its unit and another pair of dices is evaluated. This process is calculated automatically and for each planned attack win probability is displayed.\n"
182 | "\n"
183 | "Units can be moved by clicking on owned cell and then by clicking on target neutral or enemy cell. Moves can be set to be repeated every turn with defined number of units. Repeated unit moves can be set in Unit move dialog or simply by holding Control key while selecting target cell. If there are multiple unit moves from one cell to more other cells and you want to move all available cells to target cell, then you can do so by holding Shift key while selecting target cell."
184 | msgstr ""
185 | "xTactics est un jeu stratégique basé sur le risque. L'objectif principal du jeu est d'offrir au joueur diverses possibilités de configurer les conditions de jeu. La carte du jeu est générée aléatoirement pour chaque partie. Le jeu est multijoueur, donc un joueur unique peut jouer avec d'autres adversaires humains ou avec de nombreux adversaires contrôlés par ordinateur.\n"
186 | "\n"
187 | "Chaque cellule a un nombre défini d'unités qui peuvent être commandées pour attaquer des cellules adjacentes ennemies ou neutres. Les unités peuvent également se défendre contre une attaque ennemie depuis des cellules adjacentes. Vous pouvez déplacer des unités à l'intérieur de votre territoire.\n"
188 | "Le nombre d'unités dans les cellules augmente par la racine carrée du nombre d'unités. Plus une cellule contient d'unités, plus il y en a ajoutées à chaque tour. Le nombre maximum auquel les unités peuvent croître est 99. Une cellule peut avoir plus d'unités, mais les unités en excès mourront progressivement chaque tour pour s'équilibrer à 99.\n"
189 | "\n"
190 | "La résolution des attaques des unités est déterminée par une règle similaire à celle utilisée dans le jeu Risk. La bataille se compose de plusieurs combats. À chaque combat, l'attaquant peut utiliser jusqu'à 3 unités et le défenseur jusqu'à 2 unités. Le nombre d'unités de chaque côté détermine le nombre de dés. Les deux côtés lancent leurs dés et les classent par ordre décroissant. Chaque côté prend un dé avec la valeur la plus élevée. Celui qui a le dé avec la valeur la plus élevée gagne. En cas d'égalité, le défenseur gagne. Le perdant perd son unité et une autre paire de dés est évaluée. Ce processus est calculé automatiquement et la probabilité de victoire est affichée pour chaque attaque planifiée.\n"
191 | "\n"
192 | "Les unités peuvent être déplacées en cliquant sur une cellule possédée, puis en cliquant sur une cellule neutre ou ennemie cible. Les déplacements peuvent être configurés pour se répéter à chaque tour avec un nombre défini d'unités. Les déplacements répétés d'unités peuvent être définis dans le dialogue Déplacement d'unité ou simplement en maintenant la touche Ctrl tout en sélectionnant la cellule cible. Si plusieurs déplacements d'unités partent d'une cellule vers plusieurs autres cellules et que vous voulez déplacer toutes les unités disponibles vers une cellule cible, vous pouvez le faire en maintenant la touche Maj tout en sélectionnant la cellule cible."
193 |
194 | #: formmain.sturn
195 | msgctxt "formmain.sturn"
196 | msgid "turn"
197 | msgstr "tour"
198 |
199 | #: formnew.sfromimagefile
200 | msgctxt "formnew.sfromimagefile"
201 | msgid "From image file"
202 | msgstr "Depuis un fichier image"
203 |
204 | #: formnew.sgrowamountbyone
205 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowamountbyone"
206 | msgid "By one"
207 | msgstr "Par un"
208 |
209 | #: formnew.sgrowamountbysquareroot
210 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowamountbysquareroot"
211 | msgid "By square root"
212 | msgstr "Par racine carrée"
213 |
214 | #: formnew.sgrownone
215 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrownone"
216 | msgid "None"
217 | msgstr "Aucun"
218 |
219 | #: formnew.sgrowplayerallcells
220 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowplayerallcells"
221 | msgid "Player all cells"
222 | msgstr "Toutes les cellules du joueur"
223 |
224 | #: formnew.sgrowplayercities
225 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowplayercities"
226 | msgid "Player cities"
227 | msgstr "Villes du joueur"
228 |
229 | #: formnew.srectangular
230 | msgctxt "formnew.srectangular"
231 | msgid "Rectangular"
232 | msgstr "Rectangulaire"
233 |
234 | #: formnew.sremoveserver
235 | msgctxt "formnew.sremoveserver"
236 | msgid "Remove server"
237 | msgstr "Supprimer le serveur"
238 |
239 | #: formnew.sremoveserverquery
240 | msgctxt "formnew.sremoveserverquery"
241 | msgid "Do you want to remove server?"
242 | msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer le serveur?"
243 |
244 | #: formnew.srounded
245 | msgctxt "formnew.srounded"
246 | msgid "Rounded"
247 | msgstr "Arrondi"
248 |
249 | #: formnew.swinobjectivecaptureentiremap
250 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivecaptureentiremap"
251 | msgid "Capture entire map"
252 | msgstr "Capturer toute la carte"
253 |
254 | #: formnew.swinobjectivecaptureposition
255 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivecaptureposition"
256 | msgid "Capture all special cells"
257 | msgstr "Capturer toutes les cellules spéciales"
258 |
259 | #: formnew.swinobjectivedefeatallcities
260 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivedefeatallcities"
261 | msgid "Defeat all oponents cities"
262 | msgstr "Vaincre toutes les villes des adversaires"
263 |
264 | #: formnew.swinobjectivedefeatalloponents
265 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivedefeatalloponents"
266 | msgid "Defeat all oponents"
267 | msgstr "Vaincre tous les adversaires"
268 |
269 | #: formnew.swinobjectivenone
270 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivenone"
271 | msgid "None"
272 | msgstr "Aucun"
273 |
274 | #: formnew.swinobjectivestayaliveforturns
275 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivestayaliveforturns"
276 | msgid "Stay alive for number of turns"
277 | msgstr "Rester en vie pendant un certain nombre de tours"
278 |
279 | #: game.scomputer
280 | msgctxt "game.scomputer"
281 | msgid "Computer"
282 | msgstr "Ordinateur"
283 |
284 | #: game.shuman
285 | msgctxt "game.shuman"
286 | msgid "Human"
287 | msgstr "Humain"
288 |
289 | #: game.sminimumplayers
290 | msgctxt "game.sminimumplayers"
291 | msgid "You need at least one player"
292 | msgstr "Vous avez besoin d'au moins un joueur"
293 |
294 | #: game.snewgamefile
295 | msgctxt "game.snewgamefile"
296 | msgid "New game.xtg"
297 | msgstr "Nouvelle partie.xtg"
298 |
299 | #: game.splayer
300 | msgctxt "game.splayer"
301 | msgid "Player"
302 | msgstr "Joueur"
303 |
304 | #: game.sspectator
305 | msgctxt "game.sspectator"
306 | msgid "Spectator"
307 | msgstr "Spectateur"
308 |
309 | #: game.sunsupportedmaptype
310 | msgctxt "game.sunsupportedmaptype"
311 | msgid "Unsupported map type"
312 | msgstr "Type de carte non pris en charge"
313 |
314 | #: game.swrongfileformat
315 | msgctxt "game.swrongfileformat"
316 | msgid "Wrong file format"
317 | msgstr "Format de fichier incorrect"
318 |
319 | #: gamesystem.sgamesystem
320 | msgctxt "gamesystem.sgamesystem"
321 | msgid "Game system"
322 | msgstr "Système de jeu"
323 |
324 | #: gamesystem.swrongfileformat
325 | msgctxt "gamesystem.swrongfileformat"
326 | msgid "Wrong file format"
327 | msgstr "Format de fichier incorrect"
328 |
329 | #: map.scellremoveneighborerror
330 | msgctxt "map.scellremoveneighborerror"
331 | msgid "Can't remove cell from neighbour cell"
332 | msgstr "Impossible de retirer une cellule de sa voisine"
333 |
334 | #: map.snegativecellpowernotallowed
335 | msgctxt "map.snegativecellpowernotallowed"
336 | msgid "Not allowed to substract power under zero to negative value"
337 | msgstr "Il est interdit de réduire la puissance sous zéro à une valeur négative"
338 |
339 | #: maptype.sgridtypehexagonhorizontal
340 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypehexagonhorizontal"
341 | msgid "Hexagonal horizontal"
342 | msgstr "Hexagonal horizontal"
343 |
344 | #: maptype.sgridtypehexagonvertical
345 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypehexagonvertical"
346 | msgid "Hexagonal vertical"
347 | msgstr "Hexagonal vertical"
348 |
349 | #: maptype.sgridtypeisometric
350 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypeisometric"
351 | msgid "Isometric"
352 | msgstr "Isométrique"
353 |
354 | #: maptype.sgridtypenone
355 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypenone"
356 | msgid "None"
357 | msgstr "Aucun"
358 |
359 | #: maptype.sgridtyperandom
360 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtyperandom"
361 | msgid "Random"
362 | msgstr "Aléatoire"
363 |
364 | #: maptype.sgridtypesquare
365 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypesquare"
366 | msgid "Square"
367 | msgstr "Carré"
368 |
369 | #: maptype.sgridtypetriangle
370 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypetriangle"
371 | msgid "Triangural"
372 | msgstr "Triangulaire"
373 |
374 | #: nation.scolor
375 | msgctxt "nation.scolor"
376 | msgid "Color"
377 | msgstr "Couleur"
378 |
379 | #: nation.snation
380 | msgctxt "nation.snation"
381 | msgid "Nation"
382 | msgstr "Nation"
383 |
384 | #: player.sagressivity
385 | msgctxt "player.sagressivity"
386 | msgid "Agressivity"
387 | msgstr "Agressivité"
388 |
389 | #: player.sattackerpowerpositive
390 | msgctxt "player.sattackerpowerpositive"
391 | msgid "Attacker power have to be higher then 0."
392 | msgstr "La puissance de l'attaquant doit être supérieure à 0."
393 |
394 | #: player.scolor
395 | msgctxt "player.scolor"
396 | msgid "Color"
397 | msgstr "Couleur"
398 |
399 | #: player.scomputer
400 | msgctxt "player.scomputer"
401 | msgid "Computer"
402 | msgstr "Ordinateur"
403 |
404 | #: player.sdefenderpowerpositive
405 | msgctxt "player.sdefenderpowerpositive"
406 | msgid "Defender power have to be higher then or equal to 0."
407 | msgstr "La puissance du défenseur doit être supérieure ou égale à 0."
408 |
409 | #: player.sdefensive
410 | msgctxt "player.sdefensive"
411 | msgid "Defensive"
412 | msgstr "Défensif"
413 |
414 | #: player.shigh
415 | msgctxt "player.shigh"
416 | msgid "High"
417 | msgstr "Élevé"
418 |
419 | #: player.shuman
420 | msgctxt "player.shuman"
421 | msgid "Human"
422 | msgstr "Humain"
423 |
424 | #: player.slow
425 | msgctxt "player.slow"
426 | msgid "Low"
427 | msgstr "Faible"
428 |
429 | #: player.smedium
430 | msgctxt "player.smedium"
431 | msgid "Medium"
432 | msgstr "Moyen"
433 |
434 | #: player.smode
435 | msgctxt "player.smode"
436 | msgid "Mode"
437 | msgstr "Mode"
438 |
439 | #: player.snation
440 | msgctxt "player.snation"
441 | msgid "Nation"
442 | msgstr "Nation"
443 |
444 | #: player.sstartunits
445 | msgctxt "player.sstartunits"
446 | msgid "Start units"
447 | msgstr "Unités de départ"
448 |
449 | #: player.sunfinishedbattle
450 | msgctxt "player.sunfinishedbattle"
451 | msgid "Unfinished battle"
452 | msgstr "Bataille inachevée"
453 |
454 | #: tcore.aabout.caption
455 | msgid "About"
456 | msgstr "À propos"
457 |
458 | #: tcore.aexit.caption
459 | msgid "Exit"
460 | msgstr "Quitter"
461 |
462 | #: tcore.aexit.hint
463 | msgid "Exit application"
464 | msgstr "Quitter l'application"
465 |
466 | #: tcore.afullscreen.caption
467 | msgid "Full screen mode"
468 | msgstr "Mode plein écran"
469 |
470 | #: tcore.agameend.caption
471 | msgid "End"
472 | msgstr "Fin"
473 |
474 | #: tcore.agameend.hint
475 | msgid "End game"
476 | msgstr "Terminer le jeu"
477 |
478 | #: tcore.agameload.caption
479 | msgctxt "tcore.agameload.caption"
480 | msgid "Load..."
481 | msgstr "Charger..."
482 |
483 | #: tcore.agamenew.caption
484 | msgctxt "tcore.agamenew.caption"
485 | msgid "New"
486 | msgstr "Nouveau"
487 |
488 | #: tcore.agamenew.hint
489 | msgctxt "tcore.agamenew.hint"
490 | msgid "New game"
491 | msgstr "Nouveau jeu"
492 |
493 | #: tcore.agamerestart.caption
494 | msgid "Restart"
495 | msgstr "Redémarrer"
496 |
497 | #: tcore.agamerestart.hint
498 | msgid "Restart game"
499 | msgstr "Redémarrer le jeu"
500 |
501 | #: tcore.agamesave.caption
502 | msgctxt "tcore.agamesave.caption"
503 | msgid "Save"
504 | msgstr "Enregistrer"
505 |
506 | #: tcore.agamesaveas.caption
507 | msgid "Save as..."
508 | msgstr "Enregistrer sous..."
509 |
510 | #: tcore.agamesystems.caption
511 | msgctxt "tcore.agamesystems.caption"
512 | msgid "Game systems"
513 | msgstr "Systèmes de jeu"
514 |
515 | #: tcore.ahelp.caption
516 | msgctxt "tcore.ahelp.caption"
517 | msgid "Help"
518 | msgstr "Aide"
519 |
520 | #: tcore.anewspectatorclient.caption
521 | msgid "New spectator client"
522 | msgstr "Nouveau client spectateur"
523 |
524 | #: tcore.aplayersstats.caption
525 | msgid "Players statistics"
526 | msgstr "Statistiques des joueurs"
527 |
528 | #: tcore.applicationinfo.description
529 | msgid "A turn-based strategy game inspired by classic Risk board game. The game is highly configurable to allow to adjust battle field and game rules."
530 | msgstr "Un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour inspiré du jeu de société classique Risk. Le jeu est hautement configurable pour permettre d'ajuster le champ de bataille et les règles du jeu."
531 |
532 | #: tcore.asettings.caption
533 | msgctxt "tcore.asettings.caption"
534 | msgid "Settings"
535 | msgstr "Paramètres"
536 |
537 | #: tcore.asettings.hint
538 | msgid "Application settings"
539 | msgstr "Paramètres de l'application"
540 |
541 | #: tcore.ashowcharts.caption
542 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowcharts.caption"
543 | msgid "Charts"
544 | msgstr "Graphiques"
545 |
546 | #: tcore.ashowkeyshortcuts.caption
547 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowkeyshortcuts.caption"
548 | msgid "Key shortcuts"
549 | msgstr "Raccourcis clavier"
550 |
551 | #: tcore.ashowunitmoves.caption
552 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowunitmoves.caption"
553 | msgid "Unit moves"
554 | msgstr "Déplacements des unités"
555 |
556 | #: tcore.atests.caption
557 | msgid "Tests"
558 | msgstr "Tests"
559 |
560 | #: tcore.atogglefogofwar.caption
561 | msgid "Toggle fog of war"
562 | msgstr "Activer/désactiver le brouillard de guerre"
563 |
564 | #: tcore.savedialog1.title
565 | msgid "Save as"
566 | msgstr "Enregistrer sous"
567 |
568 | #: tformcharts.buttonclose.caption
569 | msgctxt "tformcharts.buttonclose.caption"
570 | msgid "Close"
571 | msgstr "Fermer"
572 |
573 | #: tformcharts.caption
574 | msgctxt "tformcharts.caption"
575 | msgid "Charts"
576 | msgstr "Graphiques"
577 |
578 | #: tformcharts.combobox1.text
579 | msgctxt "tformcharts.combobox1.text"
580 | msgid "Occupied cells"
581 | msgstr "Cellules occupées"
582 |
583 | #: tformchat.buttonmessagesend.caption
584 | msgid "Send"
585 | msgstr "Envoyer"
586 |
587 | #: tformchat.caption
588 | msgid "Chat"
589 | msgstr "Chat"
590 |
591 | #: tformchat.label1.caption
592 | msgid "Chat:"
593 | msgstr "Chat:"
594 |
595 | #: tformclient.agameendturn.caption
596 | msgid "End turn"
597 | msgstr "Fin du tour"
598 |
599 | #: tformclient.astatusbarvisible.caption
600 | msgid "Statusbar visible"
601 | msgstr "Barre d'état visible"
602 |
603 | #: tformclient.asurrender.caption
604 | msgctxt "tformclient.asurrender.caption"
605 | msgid "Surrender"
606 | msgstr "Abandonner"
607 |
608 | #: tformclient.atoolbarbigicons.caption
609 | msgctxt "tformclient.atoolbarbigicons.caption"
610 | msgid "Toolbar big icons"
611 | msgstr "Grandes icônes de la barre d'outils"
612 |
613 | #: tformclient.atoolbarvisible.caption
614 | msgctxt "tformclient.atoolbarvisible.caption"
615 | msgid "Toolbar visible"
616 | msgstr "Barre d'outils visible"
617 |
618 | #: tformclient.azoomall.caption
619 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomall.caption"
620 | msgid "Zoom all"
621 | msgstr "Zoomer tout"
622 |
623 | #: tformclient.azoomin.caption
624 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomin.caption"
625 | msgid "Zoom in"
626 | msgstr "Zoom avant"
627 |
628 | #: tformclient.azoomout.caption
629 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomout.caption"
630 | msgid "Zoom out"
631 | msgstr "Zoom arrière"
632 |
633 | #: tformclient.caption
634 | msgid "Client"
635 | msgstr "Client"
636 |
637 | #: tformgamesystem.buttoncancel.caption
638 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttoncancel.caption"
639 | msgid "Cancel"
640 | msgstr "Annuler"
641 |
642 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonload.caption
643 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonload.caption"
644 | msgid "Load"
645 | msgstr "Charger"
646 |
647 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonok.caption
648 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonok.caption"
649 | msgid "OK"
650 | msgstr "OK"
651 |
652 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonsave.caption
653 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonsave.caption"
654 | msgid "Save"
655 | msgstr "Enregistrer"
656 |
657 | #: tformgamesystem.caption
658 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.caption"
659 | msgid "Game system"
660 | msgstr "Système de jeu"
661 |
662 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxemptycellsneutral.caption
663 | msgid "Set cells without player units as neutral"
664 | msgstr "Définir les cellules sans unités des joueurs comme neutres"
665 |
666 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxunitsmoveimmediately.caption
667 | msgid "Units move immediately"
668 | msgstr "Les unités se déplacent immédiatement"
669 |
670 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxunitssplitmerge.caption
671 | msgid "Units can split or merge"
672 | msgstr "Les unités peuvent se diviser ou fusionner"
673 |
674 | #: tformgamesystem.label5.caption
675 | msgid "Preferred grid type:"
676 | msgstr "Type de grille préféré:"
677 |
678 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetbuildings.caption
679 | msgid "Buildings"
680 | msgstr "Bâtiments"
681 |
682 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetgeneral.caption
683 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.tabsheetgeneral.caption"
684 | msgid "General"
685 | msgstr "Général"
686 |
687 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetnations.caption
688 | msgid "Nations"
689 | msgstr "Nations"
690 |
691 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetunits.caption
692 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.tabsheetunits.caption"
693 | msgid "Units"
694 | msgstr "Unités"
695 |
696 | #: tformgamesystems.aadd.caption
697 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aadd.caption"
698 | msgid "Add"
699 | msgstr "Ajouter"
700 |
701 | #: tformgamesystems.aclone.caption
702 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aclone.caption"
703 | msgid "Clone"
704 | msgstr "Cloner"
705 |
706 | #: tformgamesystems.amodify.caption
707 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.amodify.caption"
708 | msgid "Modify"
709 | msgstr "Modifier"
710 |
711 | #: tformgamesystems.aremove.caption
712 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aremove.caption"
713 | msgid "Remove"
714 | msgstr "Supprimer"
715 |
716 | #: tformgamesystems.aselectall.caption
717 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aselectall.caption"
718 | msgid "Select all"
719 | msgstr "Tout sélectionner"
720 |
721 | #: tformgamesystems.caption
722 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.caption"
723 | msgid "Game systems"
724 | msgstr "Systèmes de jeu"
725 |
726 | #: tformgamesystems.listview1.columns[0].caption
727 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.listview1.columns[0].caption"
728 | msgid "Name"
729 | msgstr "Nom"
730 |
731 | #: tformhelp.buttonclose.caption
732 | msgctxt "tformhelp.buttonclose.caption"
733 | msgid "Close"
734 | msgstr "Fermer"
735 |
736 | #: tformhelp.caption
737 | msgctxt "tformhelp.caption"
738 | msgid "Help"
739 | msgstr "Aide"
740 |
741 | #: tformmain.amapgridvisible.caption
742 | msgid "Map grid visible"
743 | msgstr "Grille de la carte visible"
744 |
745 | #: tformmain.astatusbarvisible.caption
746 | msgid "Status bar visible"
747 | msgstr "Barre d'état visible"
748 |
749 | #: tformmain.atoolbarbigicons.caption
750 | msgctxt "tformmain.atoolbarbigicons.caption"
751 | msgid "Toolbar big icons"
752 | msgstr "Grandes icônes de la barre d'outils"
753 |
754 | #: tformmain.atoolbarvisible.caption
755 | msgctxt "tformmain.atoolbarvisible.caption"
756 | msgid "Toolbar visible"
757 | msgstr "Barre d'outils visible"
758 |
759 | #: tformmain.aunitshapevisible.caption
760 | msgid "Unit shape visible"
761 | msgstr "Forme des unités visible"
762 |
763 | #: tformmain.caption
764 | msgid "xTactics"
765 | msgstr "xTactics"
766 |
767 | #: tformmain.menuitem1.caption
768 | msgid "Game"
769 | msgstr "Jeu"
770 |
771 | #: tformmain.menuitem10.caption
772 | msgid "View"
773 | msgstr "Vue"
774 |
775 | #: tformmain.menuitem11.caption
776 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem11.caption"
777 | msgid "Zoom all"
778 | msgstr "Zoomer tout"
779 |
780 | #: tformmain.menuitem12.caption
781 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem12.caption"
782 | msgid "Zoom in"
783 | msgstr "Zoom avant"
784 |
785 | #: tformmain.menuitem13.caption
786 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem13.caption"
787 | msgid "Zoom out"
788 | msgstr "Zoom arrière"
789 |
790 | #: tformmain.menuitem16.caption
791 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem16.caption"
792 | msgid "Help"
793 | msgstr "Aide"
794 |
795 | #: tformmain.menuitem8.caption
796 | msgid "Tools"
797 | msgstr "Outils"
798 |
799 | #: tformmain.menuitemdebug.caption
800 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitemdebug.caption"
801 | msgid "Debug"
802 | msgstr "Déboguer"
803 |
804 | #: tformmain.menuitemloadrecent.caption
805 | msgid "Load recent"
806 | msgstr "Charger récent"
807 |
808 | #: tformmove.buttoncancel.caption
809 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttoncancel.caption"
810 | msgid "Cancel"
811 | msgstr "Annuler"
812 |
813 | #: tformmove.buttonok.caption
814 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonok.caption"
815 | msgid "Ok"
816 | msgstr "Ok"
817 |
818 | #: tformmove.buttononcemax.caption
819 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttononcemax.caption"
820 | msgid "Max"
821 | msgstr "Max"
822 |
823 | #: tformmove.buttononcemin.caption
824 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttononcemin.caption"
825 | msgid "Min"
826 | msgstr "Min"
827 |
828 | #: tformmove.buttonremove.caption
829 | msgid "Delete"
830 | msgstr "Supprimer"
831 |
832 | #: tformmove.buttonrepeatmax.caption
833 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonrepeatmax.caption"
834 | msgid "Max"
835 | msgstr "Max"
836 |
837 | #: tformmove.buttonrepeatmin.caption
838 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonrepeatmin.caption"
839 | msgid "Min"
840 | msgstr "Min"
841 |
842 | #: tformmove.caption
843 | msgid "Move"
844 | msgstr "Déplacer"
845 |
846 | #: tformmove.label1.caption
847 | msgid "Once:"
848 | msgstr "Une fois:"
849 |
850 | #: tformmove.label2.caption
851 | msgid "Every turn:"
852 | msgstr "Chaque tour:"
853 |
854 | #: tformmove.label3.caption
855 | msgid "Win probability:"
856 | msgstr "Probabilité de victoire:"
857 |
858 | #: tformmove.labelwinprobability.caption
859 | msgid " "
860 | msgstr ""
861 |
862 | #: tformnew.aserveradd.caption
863 | msgctxt "tformnew.aserveradd.caption"
864 | msgid "Add"
865 | msgstr "Ajouter"
866 |
867 | #: tformnew.aservermodify.caption
868 | msgctxt "tformnew.aservermodify.caption"
869 | msgid "Modify"
870 | msgstr "Modifier"
871 |
872 | #: tformnew.aserverremove.caption
873 | msgctxt "tformnew.aserverremove.caption"
874 | msgid "Remove"
875 | msgstr "Supprimer"
876 |
877 | #: tformnew.buttoncancel.caption
878 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttoncancel.caption"
879 | msgid "Cancel"
880 | msgstr "Annuler"
881 |
882 | #: tformnew.buttongamesystems.caption
883 | msgid "Manage"
884 | msgstr "Gérer"
885 |
886 | #: tformnew.buttonimagebrowse.caption
887 | msgid "Browse"
888 | msgstr "Parcourir"
889 |
890 | #: tformnew.buttonok.caption
891 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttonok.caption"
892 | msgid "Ok"
893 | msgstr "Ok"
894 |
895 | #: tformnew.buttonrandomize.caption
896 | msgid "Randomize"
897 | msgstr "Aléatoire"
898 |
899 | #: tformnew.caption
900 | msgctxt "tformnew.caption"
901 | msgid "New game"
902 | msgstr "Nouvelle partie"
903 |
904 | #: tformnew.checkboxbridges.caption
905 | msgid "Bridges between cells"
906 | msgstr "Ponts entre les cellules"
907 |
908 | #: tformnew.checkboxcity.caption
909 | msgctxt "tformnew.checkboxcity.caption"
910 | msgid "Cities"
911 | msgstr "Villes"
912 |
913 | #: tformnew.checkboxcyclicmap.caption
914 | msgid "Cyclic map"
915 | msgstr "Carte cyclique"
916 |
917 | #: tformnew.checkboxfogofwar.caption
918 | msgid "Fog of war"
919 | msgstr "Brouillard de guerre"
920 |
921 | #: tformnew.checkboxsymetricmap.caption
922 | msgid "Symetric map"
923 | msgstr "Carte symétrique"
924 |
925 | #: tformnew.checkboxvoid.caption
926 | msgid "Inaccessible places"
927 | msgstr "Lieux inaccessibles"
928 |
929 | #: tformnew.label1.caption
930 | msgid "Map width:"
931 | msgstr "Largeur de la carte:"
932 |
933 | #: tformnew.label10.caption
934 | msgid "Max units per cell:"
935 | msgstr "Unités max par cellule:"
936 |
937 | #: tformnew.label11.caption
938 | msgctxt "tformnew.label11.caption"
939 | msgid "Port:"
940 | msgstr "Port:"
941 |
942 | #: tformnew.label12.caption
943 | msgctxt "tformnew.label12.caption"
944 | msgid "Address:"
945 | msgstr "Adresse:"
946 |
947 | #: tformnew.label13.caption
948 | msgid "Number of turns:"
949 | msgstr "Nombre de tours:"
950 |
951 | #: tformnew.label14.caption
952 | msgid "Special cells count:"
953 | msgstr "Nombre de cellules spéciales:"
954 |
955 | #: tformnew.label15.caption
956 | msgid "Preview:"
957 | msgstr "Aperçu:"
958 |
959 | #: tformnew.label16.caption
960 | msgid "Game system:"
961 | msgstr "Système de jeu:"
962 |
963 | #: tformnew.label2.caption
964 | msgid "Map height:"
965 | msgstr "Hauteur de la carte:"
966 |
967 | #: tformnew.label3.caption
968 | msgctxt "tformnew.label3.caption"
969 | msgid "%"
970 | msgstr "%"
971 |
972 | #: tformnew.label4.caption
973 | msgctxt "tformnew.label4.caption"
974 | msgid "%"
975 | msgstr "%"
976 |
977 | #: tformnew.label5.caption
978 | msgid "Grid type:"
979 | msgstr "Type de grille:"
980 |
981 | #: tformnew.label6.caption
982 | msgid "Win objective:"
983 | msgstr "Objectif de victoire:"
984 |
985 | #: tformnew.label7.caption
986 | msgid "Max random neutral units:"
987 | msgstr "Unités neutres aléatoires max:"
988 |
989 | #: tformnew.label8.caption
990 | msgid "Map shape:"
991 | msgstr "Forme de la carte:"
992 |
993 | #: tformnew.label9.caption
994 | msgid "Image file:"
995 | msgstr "Fichier image:"
996 |
997 | #: tformnew.listviewservers.columns[0].caption
998 | msgctxt "tformnew.listviewservers.columns[0].caption"
999 | msgid "Name"
1000 | msgstr "Nom"
1001 |
1002 | #: tformnew.listviewservers.columns[1].caption
1003 | msgid "Address"
1004 | msgstr "Adresse"
1005 |
1006 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodelocal.caption
1007 | msgid "Local"
1008 | msgstr "Local"
1009 |
1010 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkclient.caption
1011 | msgid "Network client"
1012 | msgstr "Client réseau"
1013 |
1014 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkserver.caption
1015 | msgid "Network server"
1016 | msgstr "Serveur réseau"
1017 |
1018 | #: tformnew.radiogroupgrowamount.caption
1019 | msgid "Per turn grow amount"
1020 | msgstr "Quantité de croissance par tour"
1021 |
1022 | #: tformnew.radiogroupgrowcells.caption
1023 | msgid "Growing cells"
1024 | msgstr "Cellules en croissance"
1025 |
1026 | #: tformnew.tabsheetmap.caption
1027 | msgid "Map"
1028 | msgstr "Carte"
1029 |
1030 | #: tformnew.tabsheetmode.caption
1031 | msgctxt "tformnew.tabsheetmode.caption"
1032 | msgid "Mode"
1033 | msgstr "Mode"
1034 |
1035 | #: tformnew.tabsheetplayers.caption
1036 | msgid "Players"
1037 | msgstr "Joueurs"
1038 |
1039 | #: tformnew.tabsheetrules.caption
1040 | msgid "Rules"
1041 | msgstr "Règles"
1042 |
1043 | #: tformplayersstats.aspectate.caption
1044 | msgid "Spectate"
1045 | msgstr "Observer"
1046 |
1047 | #: tformplayersstats.buttonclose.caption
1048 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.buttonclose.caption"
1049 | msgid "Close"
1050 | msgstr "Fermer"
1051 |
1052 | #: tformplayersstats.caption
1053 | msgid "Players stats"
1054 | msgstr "Statistiques des joueurs"
1055 |
1056 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[0].caption
1057 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[0].caption"
1058 | msgid "Name"
1059 | msgstr "Nom"
1060 |
1061 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[1].caption
1062 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[1].caption"
1063 | msgid "Mode"
1064 | msgstr "Mode"
1065 |
1066 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[2].caption
1067 | msgid "Cells"
1068 | msgstr "Cellules"
1069 |
1070 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[3].caption
1071 | msgid "Discovered"
1072 | msgstr "Découvertes"
1073 |
1074 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[4].caption
1075 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[4].caption"
1076 | msgid "Cities"
1077 | msgstr "Villes"
1078 |
1079 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[5].caption
1080 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[5].caption"
1081 | msgid "Units"
1082 | msgstr "Unités"
1083 |
1084 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[6].caption
1085 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[6].caption"
1086 | msgid "Win objective cells"
1087 | msgstr "Cellules d'objectif de victoire"
1088 |
1089 | #: tformserver.buttoncancel.caption
1090 | msgctxt "tformserver.buttoncancel.caption"
1091 | msgid "Cancel"
1092 | msgstr "Annuler"
1093 |
1094 | #: tformserver.buttonok.caption
1095 | msgctxt "tformserver.buttonok.caption"
1096 | msgid "OK"
1097 | msgstr "OK"
1098 |
1099 | #: tformserver.caption
1100 | msgid "Server"
1101 | msgstr "Serveur"
1102 |
1103 | #: tformserver.label1.caption
1104 | msgid "Name:"
1105 | msgstr "Nom:"
1106 |
1107 | #: tformserver.label2.caption
1108 | msgctxt "tformserver.label2.caption"
1109 | msgid "Address:"
1110 | msgstr "Adresse:"
1111 |
1112 | #: tformserver.label3.caption
1113 | msgctxt "tformserver.label3.caption"
1114 | msgid "Port:"
1115 | msgstr "Port:"
1116 |
1117 | #: tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption
1118 | msgctxt "tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption"
1119 | msgid "Cancel"
1120 | msgstr "Annuler"
1121 |
1122 | #: tformsettings.buttonok.caption
1123 | msgctxt "tformsettings.buttonok.caption"
1124 | msgid "Ok"
1125 | msgstr "Ok"
1126 |
1127 | #: tformsettings.caption
1128 | msgctxt "tformsettings.caption"
1129 | msgid "Settings"
1130 | msgstr "Paramètres"
1131 |
1132 | #: tformsettings.checkbox2.caption
1133 | msgid "Automatic DPI"
1134 | msgstr "DPI automatique"
1135 |
1136 | #: tformsettings.checkboxdevelmode.caption
1137 | msgid "Developer mode"
1138 | msgstr "Mode développeur"
1139 |
1140 | #: tformsettings.label1.caption
1141 | msgid "Language:"
1142 | msgstr "Langue:"
1143 |
1144 | #: tformsettings.label2.caption
1145 | msgid "Animation speed:"
1146 | msgstr "Vitesse d'animation:"
1147 |
1148 | #: tformsettings.label3.caption
1149 | msgctxt "tformsettings.label3.caption"
1150 | msgid "%"
1151 | msgstr "%"
1152 |
1153 | #: tformsettings.label4.caption
1154 | msgid "DPI:"
1155 | msgstr "DPI:"
1156 |
1157 | #: tformsettings.label5.caption
1158 | msgid "x"
1159 | msgstr "x"
1160 |
1161 | #: tformsettings.label6.caption
1162 | msgid "Theme:"
1163 | msgstr "Thème:"
1164 |
1165 | #: tformsettings.tabsheetdebug.caption
1166 | msgctxt "tformsettings.tabsheetdebug.caption"
1167 | msgid "Debug"
1168 | msgstr "Débogage"
1169 |
1170 | #: tformsettings.tabsheetgeneral.caption
1171 | msgctxt "tformsettings.tabsheetgeneral.caption"
1172 | msgid "General"
1173 | msgstr "Général"
1174 |
1175 | #: tformunitmoves.buttonclose.caption
1176 | msgctxt "tformunitmoves.buttonclose.caption"
1177 | msgid "Close"
1178 | msgstr "Fermer"
1179 |
1180 | #: tformunitmoves.caption
1181 | msgctxt "tformunitmoves.caption"
1182 | msgid "Unit moves"
1183 | msgstr "Déplacements d'unités"
1184 |
1185 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[0].caption
1186 | msgid "From cell"
1187 | msgstr "Depuis la cellule"
1188 |
1189 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[1].caption
1190 | msgid "To cell"
1191 | msgstr "Vers la cellule"
1192 |
1193 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[2].caption
1194 | msgid "Once count"
1195 | msgstr "Compteur unique"
1196 |
1197 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[3].caption
1198 | msgid "Repeat count"
1199 | msgstr "Compteur de répétition"
1200 |
1201 | #: unitkind.scost
1202 | msgctxt "unitkind.scost"
1203 | msgid "Cost"
1204 | msgstr "Coût"
1205 |
1206 | #: unitkind.smoves
1207 | msgctxt "unitkind.smoves"
1208 | msgid "Moves"
1209 | msgstr "Mouvements"
1210 |
1211 | #: unitkind.spowerattack
1212 | msgctxt "unitkind.spowerattack"
1213 | msgid "Attack power"
1214 | msgstr "Puissance d'attaque"
1215 |
1216 | #: unitkind.spowerdefense
1217 | msgctxt "unitkind.spowerdefense"
1218 | msgid "Defense power"
1219 | msgstr "Puissance de défense"
1220 |
1221 | #: unitkind.sstack
1222 | msgctxt "unitkind.sstack"
1223 | msgid "Stack"
1224 | msgstr "Pile"
1225 |
1226 | #: unitkind.sunitkind
1227 | msgctxt "unitkind.sunitkind"
1228 | msgid "Unit kind"
1229 | msgstr "Type d'unité"
1230 |
1231 | #: unitkind.sviewrange
1232 | msgctxt "unitkind.sviewrange"
1233 | msgid "View range"
1234 | msgstr "Portée de vision"
1235 |
1236 | #: view.szerozoomnotalowed
1237 | msgctxt "view.szerozoomnotalowed"
1238 | msgid "Zero zoom not allowed"
1239 | msgstr "Zoom nul non autorisé"
1240 |