1 | msgid ""
2 | msgstr ""
3 | "Project-Id-Version: \n"
4 | "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
5 | "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
6 | "Last-Translator: Chronos <robie@centrum.cz>\n"
7 | "Language-Team: \n"
8 | "Language: cs\n"
9 | "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 | "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 | "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 | "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
13 |
14 | #: building.sbonusattack
15 | msgctxt "building.sbonusattack"
16 | msgid "Unit attack bonus"
17 | msgstr "Útočný bonus jednotky"
18 |
19 | #: building.sbonusdefense
20 | msgctxt "building.sbonusdefense"
21 | msgid "Unit defense bonus"
22 | msgstr "Obranný bonus jednotky"
23 |
24 | #: building.sbonusgrow
25 | msgctxt "building.sbonusgrow"
26 | msgid "Unit grow bonus"
27 | msgstr "Růstový bonus jednotky"
28 |
29 | #: building.sbonusviewrange
30 | msgctxt "building.sbonusviewrange"
31 | msgid "Unit view range bonus"
32 | msgstr "Dohledový bonus jednotky"
33 |
34 | #: building.sbuildingkind
35 | msgctxt "building.sbuildingkind"
36 | msgid "Building"
37 | msgstr "Budovy"
38 |
39 | #: building.scity
40 | msgctxt "building.scity"
41 | msgid "City"
42 | msgstr "Město"
43 |
44 | #: building.scost
45 | msgctxt "building.scost"
46 | msgid "Cost"
47 | msgstr "Cena"
48 |
49 | #: building.snone
50 | msgctxt "building.snone"
51 | msgid "None"
52 | msgstr "Žádný"
53 |
54 | #: building.sspecialtype
55 | msgctxt "building.sspecialtype"
56 | msgid "Special type"
57 | msgstr "Speciální typ"
58 |
59 | #: clientgui.swrongarrowangle
60 | #, object-pascal-format
61 | msgctxt "clientgui.swrongarrowangle"
62 | msgid "Wrong arrow angle %s"
63 | msgstr "Nesprávný úhel šipky %s"
64 |
65 | #: core.sendgame
66 | msgctxt "core.sendgame"
67 | msgid "End game?"
68 | msgstr "Ukončit hru?"
69 |
70 | #: core.sendgamequestion
71 | msgctxt "core.sendgamequestion"
72 | msgid "Do you want to end current game?"
73 | msgstr "Chcete ukončit aktuální hru?"
74 |
75 | #: core.sfiledialogfilter
76 | msgctxt "core.sfiledialogfilter"
77 | msgid "xTactics games (.xtg)|*.xtg|All files|*.*"
78 | msgstr "xTactics hry (.xtg)|*.xtg|Všechny soubory|*.*"
79 |
80 | #: core.smissingserverclientforplayer
81 | msgctxt "core.smissingserverclientforplayer"
82 | msgid "Server client for current player not found."
83 | msgstr "Chybí klient serveru pro aktuálního hráče."
84 |
85 | #: core.splayersnotinitialized
86 | #, object-pascal-format
87 | msgctxt "core.splayersnotinitialized"
88 | msgid "Not all players were initialized with start cell. Needed %d, initialized %d. Change map parameters to have more terrain cells."
89 | msgstr "Ne všichni hráči byli vytvoření. Potřeba %d, vytvořeno %d. Změňte parametry mapy abyste měli více políček země."
90 |
91 | #: core.splayerswins
92 | #, object-pascal-format
93 | msgctxt "core.splayerswins"
94 | msgid "Players %s win"
95 | msgstr "Hráči %s vyhráli"
96 |
97 | #: core.splayerwins
98 | #, object-pascal-format
99 | msgctxt "core.splayerwins"
100 | msgid "Player %s wins"
101 | msgstr "Hráč %s vyhrál"
102 |
103 | #: core.srestartgame
104 | msgctxt "core.srestartgame"
105 | msgid "Restart game?"
106 | msgstr "Restartovat hru?"
107 |
108 | #: core.srestartgamequestion
109 | msgctxt "core.srestartgamequestion"
110 | msgid "Do you want to restart current game?"
111 | msgstr "Chcete restartovat aktuální hru?"
112 |
113 | #: formcharts.scitiescount
114 | msgctxt "formcharts.scitiescount"
115 | msgid "Cities count"
116 | msgstr "Počet měst"
117 |
118 | #: formcharts.sdiscoveredcells
119 | msgctxt "formcharts.sdiscoveredcells"
120 | msgid "Discovered cells"
121 | msgstr "Objevených buněk"
122 |
123 | #: formcharts.smilitarypower
124 | msgctxt "formcharts.smilitarypower"
125 | msgid "Military power"
126 | msgstr "Vojenská síla"
127 |
128 | #: formcharts.soccupiedcells
129 | msgctxt "formcharts.soccupiedcells"
130 | msgid "Occupied cells"
131 | msgstr "Obsazené buňky"
132 |
133 | #: formcharts.swinobjectivecells
134 | msgctxt "formcharts.swinobjectivecells"
135 | msgid "Win objective cells"
136 | msgstr "Buňky cíle vítězství"
137 |
138 | #: formclient.ssurrender
139 | msgctxt "formclient.ssurrender"
140 | msgid "Surrender"
141 | msgstr "Vzdát se"
142 |
143 | #: formclient.ssurrenderquestion
144 | msgctxt "formclient.ssurrenderquestion"
145 | msgid "Do you want to surrender current game?"
146 | msgstr "Chcete vzdát aktuální hru?"
147 |
148 | #: formclient.sturn
149 | msgctxt "formclient.sturn"
150 | msgid "turn"
151 | msgstr "tah"
152 |
153 | #: formgamesystem.sfiledialogfilter
154 | msgctxt "formgamesystem.sfiledialogfilter"
155 | msgid "xTactics game system (.xts)|*.xts|All files|*.*"
156 | msgstr "xTactics herní systém (.xts)|*.xts|Všechny soubory|*.*"
157 |
158 | #: formgamesystems.snewgamesystem
159 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.snewgamesystem"
160 | msgid "New game system"
161 | msgstr "Nový herní systém"
162 |
163 | #: formgamesystems.sremoveitems
164 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.sremoveitems"
165 | msgid "Remove items"
166 | msgstr "Odstranit položky"
167 |
168 | #: formgamesystems.sremoveitemsquery
169 | msgctxt "formgamesystems.sremoveitemsquery"
170 | msgid "Do you want to remove selected items?"
171 | msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit vybrané položky?"
172 |
173 | #: formhelp.scontent
174 | msgctxt "formhelp.scontent"
175 | msgid ""
176 | "xTactics is a risk based strategic game. Main focus of the game is to offer player various possibilities to configure game conditions. Map for game is generated randomly for each play. Game is multiplayer so single player can play with other human opponents or with many computer opponents.\n"
177 | "\n"
178 | "Each cell has defined number of units which can be instructed to attack enemy or neutral adjacent cells. Units can also defend against enemy attach from adjacent cells. You can move units inside your territory. \n"
179 | "Number of units in cells grows by square root of number of units. More units cell contains, more units is added each turn. Maximum number to which units grow is 99. Cell can have more units but excessive cells will die gradually every turn to balance to number 99.\n"
180 | "\n"
181 | "Resolution of attack of units is determined by rule similar to one which is used in Risk game. Battle consist of several fights. Each fight attacker can use up to 3 units and defender up to 2 units. Number of units for each side determine number of dices. Both sides roll their dices and order them in descending order. Each side takes one dice with highest value. One who has dice with higher value wins. In case of tie, defender wins. Loser lose its unit and another pair of dices is evaluated. This process is calculated automatically and for each planned attack win probability is displayed.\n"
182 | "\n"
183 | "Units can be moved by clicking on owned cell and then by clicking on target neutral or enemy cell. Moves can be set to be repeated every turn with defined number of units. Repeated unit moves can be set in Unit move dialog or simply by holding Control key while selecting target cell. If there are multiple unit moves from one cell to more other cells and you want to move all available cells to target cell, then you can do so by holding Shift key while selecting target cell."
184 | msgstr ""
185 | "xTactics je strategická hra založena na hře Risk. Hlavní zaměření hry je nabídnout hráči různé možnosti k nastavení podmínek hry. Mapa hry je generována náhodně pro každou hru. Hra je pro více hráčů takže jeden hráč může hrát s dalšími lidskými protivníky nebo s mnoha počítačovými protivníky.\n"
186 | "\n"
187 | "Každá buňka má určitý počet jednotek, které mohou být použity k útoku na přilehlé nepřátelské nebo neutrální buňky. Jednotky se mohou bránit proti nepřátelském útoku z přilehlých buněk. Můžete přesouvat jednotky uvnitř území.\n"
188 | "Počet jednotek v buňkách roste o odmocninu počtu jednotek. Čím více jednotek buňka obsahuje, tím více jednotek je přidáno každý tah. Nejvyšší počet, po který jednotky rostou je 99. Buňka může mít více jednotek, ale nadbytečné jednotky umírají postupně každý tah pro vyrovnání čísla na 99.\n"
189 | "\n"
190 | "Vyhodnocení útoku jednotek je určen pravidlem podobným tomu, které je použito u hry Risk. Bitva se skládá z několika bojů. Každá boj útočník může použít do 3 jednotek a obránce do 2 jednotek. Počet jednotek pro každou stranu určuje počet kostek. Obě strany házejí jejich kostkami a seřadí je v sestupném pořadí. Každá strana bere jednu kostku s nejvyšší hodnotou. Ten, který má kostku s vyšší hodnotou vyhrává. V případě remízy, vyhrává obránce. Prohrávající ztrácí své jednotky a další pár kostek je vyhodnocen. Tento proces je vypočítáván automaticky a pro každý plánovaný útok je zobrazena odhadovaná pravděpodobnost.\n"
191 | "\n"
192 | "Jednotky lze přesouvat kliknutím na vlastněnou buňku a pak kliknutím na cílovou neutrální nebo nepřátelskou buňku. Přesuny lze nastavit jako opakující se každá tak s určeným počtem jednotek. Opakující se přesuny jednotek lze nastavit v okně Přesun jednotek nebo jednoduše pomocí držení klávesy Control při výběru cílové buňky. Pokud je více přesunů z jedené buňky do více jiných a chcete přesunout všechny dostupné do cílové buňky, tak to můžete provést pomocí držení klávesy Shift a výběru cílové buňky."
193 |
194 | #: formmain.sturn
195 | msgctxt "formmain.sturn"
196 | msgid "turn"
197 | msgstr "tah"
198 |
199 | #: formnew.sfromimagefile
200 | msgctxt "formnew.sfromimagefile"
201 | msgid "From image file"
202 | msgstr "Obrázek ze souboru"
203 |
204 | #: formnew.sgrowamountbyone
205 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowamountbyone"
206 | msgid "By one"
207 | msgstr "O jeden"
208 |
209 | #: formnew.sgrowamountbysquareroot
210 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowamountbysquareroot"
211 | msgid "By square root"
212 | msgstr "O odmocninu"
213 |
214 | #: formnew.sgrownone
215 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrownone"
216 | msgid "None"
217 | msgstr "Nikde"
218 |
219 | #: formnew.sgrowplayerallcells
220 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowplayerallcells"
221 | msgid "Player all cells"
222 | msgstr "Všechny buňky hráče"
223 |
224 | #: formnew.sgrowplayercities
225 | msgctxt "formnew.sgrowplayercities"
226 | msgid "Player cities"
227 | msgstr "Města hráče"
228 |
229 | #: formnew.srectangular
230 | msgctxt "formnew.srectangular"
231 | msgid "Rectangular"
232 | msgstr "Obdelníkový"
233 |
234 | #: formnew.sremoveserver
235 | msgctxt "formnew.sremoveserver"
236 | msgid "Remove server"
237 | msgstr "Odstranit server"
238 |
239 | #: formnew.sremoveserverquery
240 | msgctxt "formnew.sremoveserverquery"
241 | msgid "Do you want to remove server?"
242 | msgstr "Chcete odstranit server?"
243 |
244 | #: formnew.srounded
245 | msgctxt "formnew.srounded"
246 | msgid "Rounded"
247 | msgstr "Zakulacený"
248 |
249 | #: formnew.swinobjectivecaptureentiremap
250 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivecaptureentiremap"
251 | msgid "Capture entire map"
252 | msgstr "Obsadit celou mapu"
253 |
254 | #: formnew.swinobjectivecaptureposition
255 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivecaptureposition"
256 | msgid "Capture all special cells"
257 | msgstr "Dobít všechny speciální buňky"
258 |
259 | #: formnew.swinobjectivedefeatallcities
260 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivedefeatallcities"
261 | msgid "Defeat all oponents cities"
262 | msgstr "Porazit všechny města nepřátelů"
263 |
264 | #: formnew.swinobjectivedefeatalloponents
265 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivedefeatalloponents"
266 | msgid "Defeat all oponents"
267 | msgstr "Porazit všechny nepřátele"
268 |
269 | #: formnew.swinobjectivenone
270 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivenone"
271 | msgid "None"
272 | msgstr "Nikde"
273 |
274 | #: formnew.swinobjectivestayaliveforturns
275 | msgctxt "formnew.swinobjectivestayaliveforturns"
276 | msgid "Stay alive for number of turns"
277 | msgstr "Zůstat naživu určený počet tahů"
278 |
279 | #: game.scomputer
280 | msgctxt "game.scomputer"
281 | msgid "Computer"
282 | msgstr "Počítač"
283 |
284 | #: game.shuman
285 | msgctxt "game.shuman"
286 | msgid "Human"
287 | msgstr "Člověk"
288 |
289 | #: game.sminimumplayers
290 | msgctxt "game.sminimumplayers"
291 | msgid "You need at least one player"
292 | msgstr "Potřebujete alespoň jednoho hráče"
293 |
294 | #: game.snewgamefile
295 | msgctxt "game.snewgamefile"
296 | msgid "New game.xtg"
297 | msgstr "Nová hra.xtg"
298 |
299 | #: game.splayer
300 | msgctxt "game.splayer"
301 | msgid "Player"
302 | msgstr "Hráč"
303 |
304 | #: game.sspectator
305 | msgctxt "game.sspectator"
306 | msgid "Spectator"
307 | msgstr "Divák"
308 |
309 | #: game.sunsupportedmaptype
310 | msgctxt "game.sunsupportedmaptype"
311 | msgid "Unsupported map type"
312 | msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ mapy"
313 |
314 | #: game.swrongfileformat
315 | msgctxt "game.swrongfileformat"
316 | msgid "Wrong file format"
317 | msgstr "Chybný formát souboru"
318 |
319 | #: gamesystem.sgamesystem
320 | msgctxt "gamesystem.sgamesystem"
321 | msgid "Game system"
322 | msgstr "Herní systém"
323 |
324 | #: gamesystem.swrongfileformat
325 | msgctxt "gamesystem.swrongfileformat"
326 | msgid "Wrong file format"
327 | msgstr "Chybný formát souboru"
328 |
329 | #: map.scellremoveneighborerror
330 | msgctxt "map.scellremoveneighborerror"
331 | msgid "Can't remove cell from neighbour cell"
332 | msgstr "Nelze odstranit buňku ze sousední buňky"
333 |
334 | #: map.snegativecellpowernotallowed
335 | msgctxt "map.snegativecellpowernotallowed"
336 | msgid "Not allowed to substract power under zero to negative value"
337 | msgstr "Není povoleno odečíst sílu pod nulu do záporné hodnoty"
338 |
339 | #: maptype.sgridtypehexagonhorizontal
340 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypehexagonhorizontal"
341 | msgid "Hexagonal horizontal"
342 | msgstr "Hexagonální vodorovná"
343 |
344 | #: maptype.sgridtypehexagonvertical
345 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypehexagonvertical"
346 | msgid "Hexagonal vertical"
347 | msgstr "Hexagonální svislá"
348 |
349 | #: maptype.sgridtypeisometric
350 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypeisometric"
351 | msgid "Isometric"
352 | msgstr "Izometrická"
353 |
354 | #: maptype.sgridtypenone
355 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypenone"
356 | msgid "None"
357 | msgstr "Žádný"
358 |
359 | #: maptype.sgridtyperandom
360 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtyperandom"
361 | msgid "Random"
362 | msgstr "Náhodná"
363 |
364 | #: maptype.sgridtypesquare
365 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypesquare"
366 | msgid "Square"
367 | msgstr "Čtvercová"
368 |
369 | #: maptype.sgridtypetriangle
370 | msgctxt "maptype.sgridtypetriangle"
371 | msgid "Triangural"
372 | msgstr "Trojúhelníková"
373 |
374 | #: nation.scolor
375 | msgctxt "nation.scolor"
376 | msgid "Color"
377 | msgstr "Barva"
378 |
379 | #: nation.snation
380 | msgctxt "nation.snation"
381 | msgid "Nation"
382 | msgstr "Národ"
383 |
384 | #: player.sagressivity
385 | msgctxt "player.sagressivity"
386 | msgid "Agressivity"
387 | msgstr "Agresivita"
388 |
389 | #: player.sattackerpowerpositive
390 | msgctxt "player.sattackerpowerpositive"
391 | msgid "Attacker power have to be higher then 0."
392 | msgstr "Síla útočníka musí být větší než 0."
393 |
394 | #: player.scolor
395 | msgctxt "player.scolor"
396 | msgid "Color"
397 | msgstr "Barva"
398 |
399 | #: player.scomputer
400 | msgctxt "player.scomputer"
401 | msgid "Computer"
402 | msgstr "Počítač"
403 |
404 | #: player.sdefenderpowerpositive
405 | msgctxt "player.sdefenderpowerpositive"
406 | msgid "Defender power have to be higher then or equal to 0."
407 | msgstr "Síla obránce musí být vyšší než nebo rovna nule."
408 |
409 | #: player.sdefensive
410 | msgctxt "player.sdefensive"
411 | msgid "Defensive"
412 | msgstr "Obranný"
413 |
414 | #: player.shigh
415 | msgctxt "player.shigh"
416 | msgid "High"
417 | msgstr "Vysoká"
418 |
419 | #: player.shuman
420 | msgctxt "player.shuman"
421 | msgid "Human"
422 | msgstr "Člověk"
423 |
424 | #: player.slow
425 | msgctxt "player.slow"
426 | msgid "Low"
427 | msgstr "Nízká"
428 |
429 | #: player.smedium
430 | msgctxt "player.smedium"
431 | msgid "Medium"
432 | msgstr "Střední"
433 |
434 | #: player.smode
435 | msgctxt "player.smode"
436 | msgid "Mode"
437 | msgstr "Režim"
438 |
439 | #: player.snation
440 | msgctxt "player.snation"
441 | msgid "Nation"
442 | msgstr "Národ"
443 |
444 | #: player.sstartunits
445 | msgctxt "player.sstartunits"
446 | msgid "Start units"
447 | msgstr "Počátečních jednotek"
448 |
449 | #: player.sunfinishedbattle
450 | msgctxt "player.sunfinishedbattle"
451 | msgid "Unfinished battle"
452 | msgstr "Neukončená bitva"
453 |
454 | #: tcore.aabout.caption
455 | msgctxt "tcore.aabout.caption"
456 | msgid "About"
457 | msgstr "O aplikaci"
458 |
459 | #: tcore.aexit.caption
460 | msgctxt "TCORE.AEXIT.CAPTION"
461 | msgid "Exit"
462 | msgstr "Odejít"
463 |
464 | #: tcore.aexit.hint
465 | msgid "Exit application"
466 | msgstr "Ukončit aplikaci"
467 |
468 | #: tcore.afullscreen.caption
469 | msgid "Full screen mode"
470 | msgstr "Režim celé obrazovky"
471 |
472 | #: tcore.agameend.caption
474 | msgid "End"
475 | msgstr "Ukončit"
476 |
477 | #: tcore.agameend.hint
478 | msgid "End game"
479 | msgstr "Ukončit hru"
480 |
481 | #: tcore.agameload.caption
482 | msgctxt "tcore.agameload.caption"
483 | msgid "Load..."
484 | msgstr "Načíst..."
485 |
486 | #: tcore.agamenew.caption
488 | msgid "New"
489 | msgstr "Nová"
490 |
491 | #: tcore.agamenew.hint
492 | msgctxt "tcore.agamenew.hint"
493 | msgid "New game"
494 | msgstr "Nová hra"
495 |
496 | #: tcore.agamerestart.caption
498 | msgid "Restart"
499 | msgstr "Restartovat"
500 |
501 | #: tcore.agamerestart.hint
502 | msgid "Restart game"
503 | msgstr "Restartovat hru"
504 |
505 | #: tcore.agamesave.caption
506 | msgctxt "tcore.agamesave.caption"
507 | msgid "Save"
508 | msgstr "Uložit"
509 |
510 | #: tcore.agamesaveas.caption
511 | msgid "Save as..."
512 | msgstr "Uložit jako..."
513 |
514 | #: tcore.agamesystems.caption
515 | msgctxt "tcore.agamesystems.caption"
516 | msgid "Game systems"
517 | msgstr "Herní systémy"
518 |
519 | #: tcore.ahelp.caption
520 | msgctxt "tcore.ahelp.caption"
521 | msgid "Help"
522 | msgstr "Nápověda"
523 |
524 | #: tcore.anewspectatorclient.caption
525 | msgid "New spectator client"
526 | msgstr "Nový klient divák"
527 |
528 | #: tcore.aplayersstats.caption
529 | msgid "Players statistics"
530 | msgstr "Statistiky hráčů"
531 |
532 | #: tcore.applicationinfo.description
533 | msgid "A turn-based strategy game inspired by classic Risk board game. The game is highly configurable to allow to adjust battle field and game rules."
534 | msgstr "Tahová strategická hra inspirované klasickou deskovou hrou Risk. Hraje je vysoce nastavitelná a umožňuje upravit bitevní políčka a herní pravidla."
535 |
536 | #: tcore.asettings.caption
537 | msgctxt "tcore.asettings.caption"
538 | msgid "Settings"
539 | msgstr "Nastavení"
540 |
541 | #: tcore.asettings.hint
542 | msgid "Application settings"
543 | msgstr "Nastavení aplikace"
544 |
545 | #: tcore.ashowcharts.caption
546 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowcharts.caption"
547 | msgid "Charts"
548 | msgstr "Grafy"
549 |
550 | #: tcore.ashowkeyshortcuts.caption
551 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowkeyshortcuts.caption"
552 | msgid "Key shortcuts"
553 | msgstr "Klávesové zkratky"
554 |
555 | #: tcore.ashowunitmoves.caption
556 | msgctxt "tcore.ashowunitmoves.caption"
557 | msgid "Unit moves"
558 | msgstr "Pohyby jednotek"
559 |
560 | #: tcore.atests.caption
561 | msgid "Tests"
562 | msgstr "Testy"
563 |
564 | #: tcore.atogglefogofwar.caption
565 | msgid "Toggle fog of war"
566 | msgstr "Přepnout Skrytou mapu"
567 |
568 | #: tcore.savedialog1.title
569 | msgid "Save as"
570 | msgstr "Uložit jako"
571 |
572 | #: tformcharts.buttonclose.caption
573 | msgctxt "tformcharts.buttonclose.caption"
574 | msgid "Close"
575 | msgstr "Zavřít"
576 |
577 | #: tformcharts.caption
578 | msgctxt "tformcharts.caption"
579 | msgid "Charts"
580 | msgstr "Grafy"
581 |
582 | #: tformcharts.combobox1.text
583 | msgctxt "tformcharts.combobox1.text"
584 | msgid "Occupied cells"
585 | msgstr "Obsazených buněk"
586 |
587 | #: tformchat.buttonmessagesend.caption
588 | msgid "Send"
589 | msgstr "Odeslat"
590 |
591 | #: tformchat.caption
592 | msgid "Chat"
593 | msgstr "Pokec"
594 |
595 | #: tformchat.label1.caption
596 | msgid "Chat:"
597 | msgstr "Pokec:"
598 |
599 | #: tformclient.agameendturn.caption
600 | msgctxt "tformclient.agameendturn.caption"
601 | msgid "End turn"
602 | msgstr "Ukončit tah"
603 |
604 | #: tformclient.astatusbarvisible.caption
605 | msgctxt "tformclient.astatusbarvisible.caption"
606 | msgid "Statusbar visible"
607 | msgstr "Viditelná stavová lišta"
608 |
609 | #: tformclient.asurrender.caption
610 | msgctxt "tformclient.asurrender.caption"
611 | msgid "Surrender"
612 | msgstr "Vzdát se"
613 |
614 | #: tformclient.atoolbarbigicons.caption
615 | msgctxt "tformclient.atoolbarbigicons.caption"
616 | msgid "Toolbar big icons"
617 | msgstr "Velké ikony panelu"
618 |
619 | #: tformclient.atoolbarvisible.caption
620 | msgctxt "tformclient.atoolbarvisible.caption"
621 | msgid "Toolbar visible"
622 | msgstr "Viditelný nástrojový panel"
623 |
624 | #: tformclient.azoomall.caption
625 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomall.caption"
626 | msgid "Zoom all"
627 | msgstr "Zobrazit vše"
628 |
629 | #: tformclient.azoomin.caption
630 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomin.caption"
631 | msgid "Zoom in"
632 | msgstr "Přiblížit"
633 |
634 | #: tformclient.azoomout.caption
635 | msgctxt "tformclient.azoomout.caption"
636 | msgid "Zoom out"
637 | msgstr "Oddálit"
638 |
639 | #: tformclient.caption
640 | msgid "Client"
641 | msgstr "Klient"
642 |
643 | #: tformgamesystem.buttoncancel.caption
644 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttoncancel.caption"
645 | msgid "Cancel"
646 | msgstr "Zrušit"
647 |
648 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonload.caption
649 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonload.caption"
650 | msgid "Load"
651 | msgstr "Načíst"
652 |
653 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonok.caption
654 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonok.caption"
655 | msgid "OK"
656 | msgstr "OK"
657 |
658 | #: tformgamesystem.buttonsave.caption
659 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.buttonsave.caption"
660 | msgid "Save"
661 | msgstr "Uložit"
662 |
663 | #: tformgamesystem.caption
664 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.caption"
665 | msgid "Game system"
666 | msgstr "Herní systém"
667 |
668 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxemptycellsneutral.caption
669 | msgid "Set cells without player units as neutral"
670 | msgstr "Nastavit buňky bez jednotek hráčů jako neutrální"
671 |
672 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxunitsmoveimmediately.caption
673 | msgid "Units move immediately"
674 | msgstr "Jednotky se hned přesouvají"
675 |
676 | #: tformgamesystem.checkboxunitssplitmerge.caption
677 | msgid "Units can split or merge"
678 | msgstr "Jednotky lze rozdělit a sloučit"
679 |
680 | #: tformgamesystem.label5.caption
681 | msgid "Preferred grid type:"
682 | msgstr "Preferovaný typ mřížky:"
683 |
684 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetbuildings.caption
685 | msgid "Buildings"
686 | msgstr "Budovy"
687 |
688 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetgeneral.caption
689 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.tabsheetgeneral.caption"
690 | msgid "General"
691 | msgstr "Obecné"
692 |
693 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetnations.caption
694 | msgid "Nations"
695 | msgstr "Národy"
696 |
697 | #: tformgamesystem.tabsheetunits.caption
698 | msgctxt "tformgamesystem.tabsheetunits.caption"
699 | msgid "Units"
700 | msgstr "Jednotky"
701 |
702 | #: tformgamesystems.aadd.caption
703 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aadd.caption"
704 | msgid "Add"
705 | msgstr "Přidat"
706 |
707 | #: tformgamesystems.aclone.caption
708 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aclone.caption"
709 | msgid "Clone"
710 | msgstr "Klonovat"
711 |
712 | #: tformgamesystems.amodify.caption
713 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.amodify.caption"
714 | msgid "Modify"
715 | msgstr "Upravit"
716 |
717 | #: tformgamesystems.aremove.caption
718 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aremove.caption"
719 | msgid "Remove"
720 | msgstr "Odstranit"
721 |
722 | #: tformgamesystems.aselectall.caption
723 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.aselectall.caption"
724 | msgid "Select all"
725 | msgstr "Vybrat vše"
726 |
727 | #: tformgamesystems.caption
728 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.caption"
729 | msgid "Game systems"
730 | msgstr "Herní systémy"
731 |
732 | #: tformgamesystems.listview1.columns[0].caption
733 | msgctxt "tformgamesystems.listview1.columns[0].caption"
734 | msgid "Name"
735 | msgstr "Jméno"
736 |
737 | #: tformhelp.buttonclose.caption
738 | msgctxt "tformhelp.buttonclose.caption"
739 | msgid "Close"
740 | msgstr "Zavřít"
741 |
742 | #: tformhelp.caption
743 | msgctxt "tformhelp.caption"
744 | msgid "Help"
745 | msgstr "Nápověda"
746 |
747 | #: tformmain.amapgridvisible.caption
748 | msgid "Map grid visible"
749 | msgstr "Mřížka mapy viditelná"
750 |
751 | #: tformmain.astatusbarvisible.caption
752 | msgid "Status bar visible"
753 | msgstr "Stavová lišta viditelná"
754 |
755 | #: tformmain.atoolbarbigicons.caption
756 | msgctxt "tformmain.atoolbarbigicons.caption"
757 | msgid "Toolbar big icons"
758 | msgstr "Velké ikony panelu"
759 |
760 | #: tformmain.atoolbarvisible.caption
761 | msgctxt "tformmain.atoolbarvisible.caption"
762 | msgid "Toolbar visible"
763 | msgstr "Viditelný nástrojový panel"
764 |
765 | #: tformmain.aunitshapevisible.caption
766 | msgid "Unit shape visible"
767 | msgstr "Obrys jednotek viditelný"
768 |
769 | #: tformmain.caption
770 | msgctxt "tformmain.caption"
771 | msgid "xTactics"
772 | msgstr "xTactics"
773 |
774 | #: tformmain.menuitem1.caption
775 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem1.caption"
776 | msgid "Game"
777 | msgstr "Hra"
778 |
779 | #: tformmain.menuitem10.caption
780 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem10.caption"
781 | msgid "View"
782 | msgstr "Zobrazení"
783 |
784 | #: tformmain.menuitem11.caption
785 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem11.caption"
786 | msgid "Zoom all"
787 | msgstr "Zobrazit vše"
788 |
789 | #: tformmain.menuitem12.caption
790 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem12.caption"
791 | msgid "Zoom in"
792 | msgstr "Přiblížit"
793 |
794 | #: tformmain.menuitem13.caption
795 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem13.caption"
796 | msgid "Zoom out"
797 | msgstr "Oddálit"
798 |
799 | #: tformmain.menuitem16.caption
800 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem16.caption"
801 | msgid "Help"
802 | msgstr "Nápověda"
803 |
804 | #: tformmain.menuitem8.caption
805 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitem8.caption"
806 | msgid "Tools"
807 | msgstr "Nástroje"
808 |
809 | #: tformmain.menuitemdebug.caption
810 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitemdebug.caption"
811 | msgid "Debug"
812 | msgstr "Ladění"
813 |
814 | #: tformmain.menuitemloadrecent.caption
815 | msgctxt "tformmain.menuitemloadrecent.caption"
816 | msgid "Load recent"
817 | msgstr "Načíst nedávné"
818 |
819 | #: tformmove.buttoncancel.caption
820 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttoncancel.caption"
821 | msgid "Cancel"
822 | msgstr "Zrušit"
823 |
824 | #: tformmove.buttonok.caption
825 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonok.caption"
826 | msgid "Ok"
827 | msgstr "Ok"
828 |
829 | #: tformmove.buttononcemax.caption
830 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttononcemax.caption"
831 | msgid "Max"
832 | msgstr "Max"
833 |
834 | #: tformmove.buttononcemin.caption
835 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttononcemin.caption"
836 | msgid "Min"
837 | msgstr "Min"
838 |
839 | #: tformmove.buttonremove.caption
840 | msgid "Delete"
841 | msgstr "Smazat"
842 |
843 | #: tformmove.buttonrepeatmax.caption
844 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonrepeatmax.caption"
845 | msgid "Max"
846 | msgstr "Max"
847 |
848 | #: tformmove.buttonrepeatmin.caption
849 | msgctxt "tformmove.buttonrepeatmin.caption"
850 | msgid "Min"
851 | msgstr "Min"
852 |
853 | #: tformmove.caption
854 | msgid "Move"
855 | msgstr "Přesun"
856 |
857 | #: tformmove.label1.caption
858 | msgid "Once:"
859 | msgstr "Jednorázově:"
860 |
861 | #: tformmove.label2.caption
862 | msgid "Every turn:"
863 | msgstr "Každý tah:"
864 |
865 | #: tformmove.label3.caption
866 | msgid "Win probability:"
867 | msgstr "Pravděpodobnost výhry:"
868 |
869 | #: tformmove.labelwinprobability.caption
870 | msgid " "
871 | msgstr " "
872 |
873 | #: tformnew.aserveradd.caption
874 | msgctxt "tformnew.aserveradd.caption"
875 | msgid "Add"
876 | msgstr "Přidat"
877 |
878 | #: tformnew.aservermodify.caption
879 | msgctxt "tformnew.aservermodify.caption"
880 | msgid "Modify"
881 | msgstr "Upravit"
882 |
883 | #: tformnew.aserverremove.caption
884 | msgctxt "tformnew.aserverremove.caption"
885 | msgid "Remove"
886 | msgstr "Odstranit"
887 |
888 | #: tformnew.buttoncancel.caption
889 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttoncancel.caption"
890 | msgid "Cancel"
891 | msgstr "Zrušit"
892 |
893 | #: tformnew.buttongamesystems.caption
894 | msgid "Manage"
895 | msgstr "Spravovat"
896 |
897 | #: tformnew.buttonimagebrowse.caption
898 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttonimagebrowse.caption"
899 | msgid "Browse"
900 | msgstr "Vybrat"
901 |
902 | #: tformnew.buttonok.caption
903 | msgctxt "tformnew.buttonok.caption"
904 | msgid "Ok"
905 | msgstr "Ok"
906 |
907 | #: tformnew.buttonrandomize.caption
908 | msgid "Randomize"
909 | msgstr "Náhodně"
910 |
911 | #: tformnew.caption
912 | msgctxt "tformnew.caption"
913 | msgid "New game"
914 | msgstr "Nová hra"
915 |
916 | #: tformnew.checkboxbridges.caption
917 | msgid "Bridges between cells"
918 | msgstr "Mosty mezi buňkami"
919 |
920 | #: tformnew.checkboxcity.caption
921 | msgctxt "tformnew.checkboxcity.caption"
922 | msgid "Cities"
923 | msgstr "Města"
924 |
925 | #: tformnew.checkboxcyclicmap.caption
926 | msgid "Cyclic map"
927 | msgstr "Cyklická mapa"
928 |
929 | #: tformnew.checkboxfogofwar.caption
930 | msgid "Fog of war"
931 | msgstr "Skrytá mapa"
932 |
933 | #: tformnew.checkboxsymetricmap.caption
934 | msgid "Symetric map"
935 | msgstr "Symetrická mapa"
936 |
937 | #: tformnew.checkboxvoid.caption
938 | msgid "Inaccessible places"
939 | msgstr "Nepřístupná políčka"
940 |
941 | #: tformnew.label1.caption
942 | msgid "Map width:"
943 | msgstr "Šířka mapy:"
944 |
945 | #: tformnew.label10.caption
946 | msgid "Max units per cell:"
947 | msgstr "Nejvíce jednotek na buňku:"
948 |
949 | #: tformnew.label11.caption
950 | msgctxt "tformnew.label11.caption"
951 | msgid "Port:"
952 | msgstr "Port:"
953 |
954 | #: tformnew.label12.caption
955 | msgctxt "tformnew.label12.caption"
956 | msgid "Address:"
957 | msgstr "Adresa:"
958 |
959 | #: tformnew.label13.caption
960 | msgid "Number of turns:"
961 | msgstr "Počet tahů:"
962 |
963 | #: tformnew.label14.caption
964 | msgid "Special cells count:"
965 | msgstr "Počet speciálních buněk:"
966 |
967 | #: tformnew.label15.caption
968 | msgid "Preview:"
969 | msgstr "Náhled:"
970 |
971 | #: tformnew.label16.caption
972 | msgid "Game system:"
973 | msgstr "Herní systém:"
974 |
975 | #: tformnew.label2.caption
976 | msgid "Map height:"
977 | msgstr "Výška mapy:"
978 |
979 | #: tformnew.label3.caption
980 | msgctxt "tformnew.label3.caption"
981 | msgid "%"
982 | msgstr "%"
983 |
984 | #: tformnew.label4.caption
985 | msgctxt "tformnew.label4.caption"
986 | msgid "%"
987 | msgstr "%"
988 |
989 | #: tformnew.label5.caption
990 | msgid "Grid type:"
991 | msgstr "Typ mřížky:"
992 |
993 | #: tformnew.label6.caption
994 | msgid "Win objective:"
995 | msgstr "Cíl vítězství:"
996 |
997 | #: tformnew.label7.caption
998 | msgid "Max random neutral units:"
999 | msgstr "Nejvíce náhodných neutrálních jednotek:"
1000 |
1001 | #: tformnew.label8.caption
1002 | msgid "Map shape:"
1003 | msgstr "Tvar mapy:"
1004 |
1005 | #: tformnew.label9.caption
1006 | msgid "Image file:"
1007 | msgstr "Soubor obrázku:"
1008 |
1009 | #: tformnew.listviewservers.columns[0].caption
1010 | msgctxt "tformnew.listviewservers.columns[0].caption"
1011 | msgid "Name"
1012 | msgstr "Jméno"
1013 |
1014 | #: tformnew.listviewservers.columns[1].caption
1015 | msgctxt "tformnew.listviewservers.columns[1].caption"
1016 | msgid "Address"
1017 | msgstr "Adresa"
1018 |
1019 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodelocal.caption
1020 | msgid "Local"
1021 | msgstr "Místní"
1022 |
1023 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkclient.caption
1024 | msgctxt "tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkclient.caption"
1025 | msgid "Network client"
1026 | msgstr "Síťový klient"
1027 |
1028 | #: tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkserver.caption
1029 | msgctxt "tformnew.radiobuttonmodenetworkserver.caption"
1030 | msgid "Network server"
1031 | msgstr "Síťový server"
1032 |
1033 | #: tformnew.radiogroupgrowamount.caption
1034 | msgid "Per turn grow amount"
1035 | msgstr "Množství růstu za tah"
1036 |
1037 | #: tformnew.radiogroupgrowcells.caption
1038 | msgid "Growing cells"
1039 | msgstr "Rostoucí buňky"
1040 |
1041 | #: tformnew.tabsheetmap.caption
1042 | msgctxt "tformnew.tabsheetmap.caption"
1043 | msgid "Map"
1044 | msgstr "Mapa"
1045 |
1046 | #: tformnew.tabsheetmode.caption
1047 | msgctxt "tformnew.tabsheetmode.caption"
1048 | msgid "Mode"
1049 | msgstr "Režim"
1050 |
1051 | #: tformnew.tabsheetplayers.caption
1052 | msgctxt "tformnew.tabsheetplayers.caption"
1053 | msgid "Players"
1054 | msgstr "Hráči"
1055 |
1056 | #: tformnew.tabsheetrules.caption
1057 | msgctxt "tformnew.tabsheetrules.caption"
1058 | msgid "Rules"
1059 | msgstr "Pravidla"
1060 |
1061 | #: tformplayersstats.aspectate.caption
1062 | msgid "Spectate"
1063 | msgstr "Divák"
1064 |
1065 | #: tformplayersstats.buttonclose.caption
1066 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.buttonclose.caption"
1067 | msgid "Close"
1068 | msgstr "Zavřít"
1069 |
1070 | #: tformplayersstats.caption
1071 | msgid "Players stats"
1072 | msgstr "Statistiky hráčů"
1073 |
1074 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[0].caption
1075 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[0].caption"
1076 | msgid "Name"
1077 | msgstr "Jméno"
1078 |
1079 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[1].caption
1080 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[1].caption"
1081 | msgid "Mode"
1082 | msgstr "Režim"
1083 |
1084 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[2].caption
1085 | msgid "Cells"
1086 | msgstr "Buňky"
1087 |
1088 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[3].caption
1089 | msgid "Discovered"
1090 | msgstr "Objeveno"
1091 |
1092 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[4].caption
1093 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[4].caption"
1094 | msgid "Cities"
1095 | msgstr "Města"
1096 |
1097 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[5].caption
1098 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[5].caption"
1099 | msgid "Units"
1100 | msgstr "Jednotky"
1101 |
1102 | #: tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[6].caption
1103 | msgctxt "tformplayersstats.listview1.columns[6].caption"
1104 | msgid "Win objective cells"
1105 | msgstr "Buňky výherního cíle"
1106 |
1107 | #: tformserver.buttoncancel.caption
1108 | msgctxt "tformserver.buttoncancel.caption"
1109 | msgid "Cancel"
1110 | msgstr "Zrušit"
1111 |
1112 | #: tformserver.buttonok.caption
1113 | msgctxt "tformserver.buttonok.caption"
1114 | msgid "OK"
1115 | msgstr "OK"
1116 |
1117 | #: tformserver.caption
1118 | msgid "Server"
1119 | msgstr "Server"
1120 |
1121 | #: tformserver.label1.caption
1122 | msgctxt "tformserver.label1.caption"
1123 | msgid "Name:"
1124 | msgstr "Jméno:"
1125 |
1126 | #: tformserver.label2.caption
1127 | msgctxt "tformserver.label2.caption"
1128 | msgid "Address:"
1129 | msgstr "Adresa:"
1130 |
1131 | #: tformserver.label3.caption
1132 | msgctxt "tformserver.label3.caption"
1133 | msgid "Port:"
1134 | msgstr "Port:"
1135 |
1136 | #: tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption
1137 | msgctxt "tformsettings.buttoncancel.caption"
1138 | msgid "Cancel"
1139 | msgstr "Zrušit"
1140 |
1141 | #: tformsettings.buttonok.caption
1142 | msgctxt "tformsettings.buttonok.caption"
1143 | msgid "Ok"
1144 | msgstr "Ok"
1145 |
1146 | #: tformsettings.caption
1147 | msgctxt "tformsettings.caption"
1148 | msgid "Settings"
1149 | msgstr "Nastavení"
1150 |
1151 | #: tformsettings.checkbox2.caption
1152 | msgid "Automatic DPI"
1153 | msgstr "Automatické DPI"
1154 |
1155 | #: tformsettings.checkboxdevelmode.caption
1156 | msgid "Developer mode"
1157 | msgstr "Vývojářský režim"
1158 |
1159 | #: tformsettings.label1.caption
1160 | msgid "Language:"
1161 | msgstr "Jazyk:"
1162 |
1163 | #: tformsettings.label2.caption
1164 | msgid "Animation speed:"
1165 | msgstr "Rychlost animace:"
1166 |
1167 | #: tformsettings.label3.caption
1168 | msgctxt "tformsettings.label3.caption"
1169 | msgid "%"
1170 | msgstr "%"
1171 |
1172 | #: tformsettings.label4.caption
1173 | msgid "DPI:"
1174 | msgstr "DPI:"
1175 |
1176 | #: tformsettings.label5.caption
1177 | msgid "x"
1178 | msgstr "x"
1179 |
1180 | #: tformsettings.label6.caption
1181 | msgid "Theme:"
1182 | msgstr "Téma:"
1183 |
1184 | #: tformsettings.tabsheetdebug.caption
1185 | msgctxt "tformsettings.tabsheetdebug.caption"
1186 | msgid "Debug"
1187 | msgstr "Ladění"
1188 |
1189 | #: tformsettings.tabsheetgeneral.caption
1190 | msgctxt "tformsettings.tabsheetgeneral.caption"
1191 | msgid "General"
1192 | msgstr "Obecné"
1193 |
1194 | #: tformunitmoves.buttonclose.caption
1195 | msgctxt "tformunitmoves.buttonclose.caption"
1196 | msgid "Close"
1197 | msgstr "Zavřít"
1198 |
1199 | #: tformunitmoves.caption
1200 | msgctxt "tformunitmoves.caption"
1201 | msgid "Unit moves"
1202 | msgstr "Pohyby jednotek"
1203 |
1204 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[0].caption
1205 | msgid "From cell"
1206 | msgstr "Z buňky"
1207 |
1208 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[1].caption
1209 | msgid "To cell"
1210 | msgstr "Do buňky"
1211 |
1212 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[2].caption
1213 | msgid "Once count"
1214 | msgstr "Jednorázově"
1215 |
1216 | #: tformunitmoves.listview1.columns[3].caption
1217 | msgid "Repeat count"
1218 | msgstr "Opakovaně"
1219 |
1220 | #: unitkind.scost
1221 | msgctxt "unitkind.scost"
1222 | msgid "Cost"
1223 | msgstr "Cena"
1224 |
1225 | #: unitkind.smoves
1226 | msgctxt "unitkind.smoves"
1227 | msgid "Moves"
1228 | msgstr "Pohyby"
1229 |
1230 | #: unitkind.spowerattack
1231 | msgctxt "unitkind.spowerattack"
1232 | msgid "Attack power"
1233 | msgstr "Síla útoku"
1234 |
1235 | #: unitkind.spowerdefense
1236 | msgctxt "unitkind.spowerdefense"
1237 | msgid "Defense power"
1238 | msgstr "Síla obrany"
1239 |
1240 | #: unitkind.sstack
1241 | msgctxt "unitkind.sstack"
1242 | msgid "Stack"
1243 | msgstr "Sada"
1244 |
1245 | #: unitkind.sunitkind
1246 | msgctxt "unitkind.sunitkind"
1247 | msgid "Unit kind"
1248 | msgstr "Druh jednotky"
1249 |
1250 | #: unitkind.sviewrange
1251 | msgctxt "unitkind.sviewrange"
1252 | msgid "View range"
1253 | msgstr "Dohled"
1254 |
1255 | #: view.szerozoomnotalowed
1256 | msgctxt "view.szerozoomnotalowed"
1257 | msgid "Zero zoom not allowed"
1258 | msgstr "Nulové přiblížení není povoleno"
1259 |