1 | Version 1.3.0 (2018-09-22)
2 | ==========================
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4 | * Added: Menu icons for players stats, keyboard shortcuts, and help.
5 | * Added: Full screen mode.
6 | * Added: Limit minimum and maximum map zoom.
7 | * Added: Support for color themes (system, dark, light).
8 | * Added: Remember dimensions for more application forms.
9 | * Added: Support for cyclic map. Movement across map borders will take player units to opposite map border. Show map multiple times side by side to simulate infinite world.
10 | * Added: Show number of captured win objective cells in players stats and graphs.
11 | * Added: Remember last opened tab in New game form.
12 | * Added: New window to list all available actions with their keyboard shortcuts.
13 | * Added: Save action to save game without opening save dialog.
14 | * Added: New objective "Capture all special cells" is now functional. Number of such cells can be specified. They are randomly spread across map and such cells are marked with "!" symbol after its number of units.
15 | * Added: Evaluate win objection to stay alive for defined number of turns. Multiple players can win.
16 | * Added: Settings option to automatically reopen last saved game on application start.
17 | * Added: Configurable game parameter maximum units per cell.
18 | * Added: Isometric map type.
19 | * Added: Sorting by table columns in players stats form.
20 | * Added: Popup menu action Spectate in Players stats window.
21 | * Added: New window with players statistics.
22 | * Added: Allow to open other spectator client windows.
23 | * Added: A preparation for gameplay over network. Internal separation of client and server part of game core.
24 | * Added: Voronoi map type which generate random mesh type maps.
25 | * Modified: Initial game setting made independent to current game settings. So last game can be automatically loaded on start and initial setting will be intact.
26 | * Modified: Allow multiselect and removal of players in new game dialog.
27 | * Modified: Draw only visible arrows between cells.
28 | * Fixed: Force directory creation only if directory is specified on game save.
29 | * Fixed: An error on drawing of vertical unit move arrow.
30 | * Fixed: Store map type in saved game files.
31 | * Fixed: Load and start new game after main form is shown so cells can be correctly zoomed to be visible all.
32 | * Fixed: Application settings wasn't saved if the application was exited by main menu action Exit.
33 | * Fixed: Computer was affecting player cells by its cell moves.
34 | * Fixed: Open/Save dialog with file filter and initial directory and name from current game.
35 | * Fixed: Generate map only once on application start.
36 | * Fixed: Do not generate map twice on map config load.
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39 | Version 1.2.0 (2017-11-19)
40 | ==========================
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42 | * Added: Remember players configuration for new game.
43 | * Added: Map can have rounded shape.
44 | * Added: New Unit moves window available from Tools menu.
45 | * Modified: Improved code for symetric map generation.
46 | * Modified: Store player settings for new game separately to current game players.
47 | * Modified: Implemented better algorithm for initialization of players start cell to maintain minimal distance between players.
48 | * Modified: Do not create settings form on application start but just if form is opened.
49 | * Modified: Improved attack to neutral units if computer have more units available when necessary.
50 | * Fixed: Show error message if not all players were placed to the map.
51 | * Fixed: Build cell bridges correctly if symetric map is selected.
52 | * Fixed: Avoid possible negative cell power if player unit was previously unsucessfully attacked and weaken by enemy.
53 | * Fixed: Same game structures were not correctly initialized during load from file.
54 | * Fixed: Show other players cells with normal power and cells of current player with power lowered by unit moves.
55 | * Fixed: Problems with freeing memory of unit moves.
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57 | Version 1.1.0 (2017-07-06)
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60 | * Added: Player starts units can be configured in player dialog.
61 | * Added: Graph window can be shown from menu which presents development of various statistic values during game turns.
62 | * Added: Load recent menu action to load recently opened/saved files.
63 | * Modified: Allow cells to have more then 99 units. Additional units over 99 will die according twice of root square of units over 99. This allows to quick resolution even in case of narrow connections where two players send maximum units against each other.
64 | * Fixed: Map black background under Windows OS was not correct. Used dark gray color so bridges between cells are visible.
65 | * Fixed: Some application states were not stored/restored correctly after application restart.
66 | * Fixed: Default maximized form state for PersistentForm.
67 | * Fixed: Do not scale up maximized forms according DPI settings.
68 | * Fixed: Require at least 2 players for a game.
69 | * Fixed: If only computer players are present in game then starts computer move immediatelly.
70 | * Fixed: Center map to player main city at start.
71 | * Fixed: Exception if no human player was selected.
72 | * Fixed: Do not allow to move from single cell more units when available.
73 | * Fixed: Set correct Windows registry path for storing form size.
74 | * Fixed: Set correct path for Config.xml file.
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76 | Version 1.0.0 (2016-12-10)
77 | ==========================
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79 | * Added: Zoomable map.
80 | * Added: Store application configuration in XML file.
81 | * Added: Allow to save and load game to game file in XML format with extension .xtg.
82 | * Added: Localization support. Additional language is Czech.
83 | * Added: High DPI support.
84 | * Added: Multiple map cell shapes as hexagons, squares and triangles.
85 | * Added: Bridges between remote cells visible as lines.
86 | * Added: Multiple players support. Players can have different color and other starting properties.
87 | * Added: Application now automatically open saved game file given as command line parameter after execution.
88 | * Added: Computer player settings to be low, medium or highly aggresive in attacking.
89 | * Added: Holding SHIFT key during click to attack maximum available power is moved without dialog confirmation.
90 | * Added: With mouse click and with CTRL key pressed new move will set maximum one time and repeated unit counts to selected target cell.
91 | * Added: New game option "Fog of war" which cause map to be covered to black and only explored cells will be visible.
92 | * Added: Auto save game to file option in settings.
93 | * Added: New game option "Map shape" which can use image in file as base for map generation. Black color is used as void.
94 | * Added: Support for symetric map usable for two players game.
95 | * Added: Confirmation dialog for ending game.
96 | * Added: Support for switching large icons in toolbar.
97 | * Added: About form with information about application.
98 | * Added: Support for cities. Cities can be used as only growing cells.
99 | * Added: Allow to set grow rate as square root of cell power.
100 | * Added: Amount of inaccessible cells can be adjusted in New game dialog.
101 | * Added: Player customize dialog window.
102 | * Added: Toolbar for quick access to common actions.
103 | * Added: Player start units setting.
104 | * Added: Size of map can be adjusted in New game dialog.
105 | * Added: Visualization of planned moves between cells for next turn.
106 | * Added: Player mode human or computer.