source: lang/en.php

Last change on this file was 9, checked in by george, 17 years ago

Přidáno: Řazení podle času přidání serveru.
Opraveno: Řazení podle odezvy.

File size: 5.8 KB
2$text = array(
3 'top_rating' => '<h3>Top rated servers.</h3>',
4 'top_online' => '<h3>Biggest servers.</h3>',
5 'banned' => 'Your account is banned.',
6 'wrong_pass' => 'Wrong password or login.',
7 'loging_ok' => 'Login successful<br />This window will close in few seconds.',
8 'name' => 'Name',
9 'pass' => 'Password',
10 'pass_again' => 'Password again',
11 'pass_ok' => 'Password is correct.',
12 'pass_error' => 'Passwords have to MATCH',
13 'login_ok' => 'This name is correct.',
14 'login_error' => 'This name is already taken.',
15 'no_pass' => 'You have to enter passweord.',
16 'email_ok' => 'Email entered is all right.',
17 'email_wrong' => 'Email entered is in incorrect form.',
18 'email_used' => 'Email you entered is already registred.',
19 'no_login' => 'You have to enter name.',
20 'subject' => 'Registration on WoW Server Status',
21 'email_body' => 'Visit this webpage.<br />',
22 'regiter_success' => 'Check your e-mail for activation code.',
23 'regist_finishing_error' => 'Account not found!',
24 'registr_finished' => ' activated <br /> <a href="'.$config['base_url'].'">Continue by loging in.</a>',
25 'add_server_name_used' => 'Theres already server with that name.',
26 'add_server_not_accept' => 'You have to agree with rules.',
27 'add_server_not_name' => 'You have to fill in Server name.',
28 'add_server_success_msg' => 'Server successfuly added.',
29 'players' => 'Players',
30 'info_owner' => 'Owner',
31 'info_avarage_players' => 'Avearge online players',
32 'info_place' => 'Location',
33 'vote_only' => 'Only registred users can vote, and only one time per server.',
34 'comment_h3' => 'Comments',
35 'no_comments' => 'There are no comments so far.',
36 'added_comment' => 'Comment added',
37 'add_comment'=> 'Add comment',
38 'deny_adding_comments' => 'Only registred users are able to post comments.',
39 'add_comment' => 'Add comment',
40 'server_added_info' => 'Added',
41 'order_by' => 'Sort by',
42 'abroad_servers' => 'Foreign servers',
43 'th_players' => 'Players',
44 'th_recommend' => 'Recommended',
45 'th_online_state' => 'Online',
46 'th_latency' => 'Latency',
47 'th_xp' => 'XP rate',
48 'th_type' => 'Type',
49 'th_version' => 'Version',
50 'th_rating' => 'Rating',
51 'th_created' => 'Added',
52 'info_servers' => 'Servers',
53 'info_num_of_servers' => 'Number of servers',
54 'info_num_of_comments' => 'Number of comments',
55 'users' => 'Users',
56 'only_logged' => 'Only registred users are able to add servers.\nLog-in, please',
57 'add_server_not_web' => 'You have to fill Server webpages and Registration page in.',
58 'latency' => 'Latency',
61$text['add_server_h2'] = 'Add server';
62$text['reg_name_server'] = 'Server name';
63$text['reg_type_server'] = 'Server type';
64$text['reg_place_server'] = 'Server location';
65$text['reg_web_page'] = 'Server webpages';
66$text['reg_web_reg'] = 'Registration page';
67$text['reg_desc'] = 'Short description of server';
68$text['reg_czech'] = 'Czech';
69$text['reg_abroad'] = 'Foreign';
70$text['add_server_h3'] = 'Rules for adding servers';
71$text['add_server_rules'] = '1. As "Server name" use server name ONLY <br /> 2. Your server is free, that means people dont have to pay for accounts/being able to play<br /> 3. Server is <b>NOT</b> using Hamachi network<br />4. All these informations are valid.';
72$text['reg_accept_rules'] = 'I agree with these rules.';
74$dny["Mon"] = "Monday";
75$dny["Tue"] = "Tuesday";
76$dny["Wed"] = "Wednesday";
77$dny["Thu"] = "Thursday";
78$dny["Fri"] = "Friday";
79$dny["Sat"] = "Saturday";
80$dny["Sun"] = "Sunday";
82 $mesice = array(1=>"January", "February", "March",
83"April", "May", "June",
84"July", "August", "September",
85"October", "November", "December");
87$menu['mm1'] = 'Partner Program';
88$menu['mm2'] = 'Recommended servers';
89$menu['mm3'] = 'Czech/Slovak servers';
90$menu['mm4'] = 'Foreign servers';
91$menu['mm5'] = 'Users';
92$menu['mm6'] = 'Add server';
94$text['home']='<h1>WoW Server Status Partner Program</h1>
96<b>What is "WSS Partner Program"?</b><br />
97Basicaly, its exchange of adverteisments between <i></i> service and World of Warcraft servers itself. <br />
98<br />
99<b>What you have to do to be able to join WSS Partner Program?</b><br />
100You have to put our banner on a VISIBLE place on your websites.<br />
101<br />
102<b>How can i join?</b><br />
103By sending e-mail with your request, or by asking on our forums (<i></i>) in <a href="">proper thread</a>.<br />
104<br />
105<b>What are the requierements of WSS Partner Program?</b><br />
106&nbsp; &nbsp; 1. You have to have a server registred at <i></i><br />
107&nbsp; &nbsp; 2. You have to have our banner on a visible place on your websites<br />
108&nbsp; &nbsp; 3. You have to provide 100% valid informations on WSS <br />
109<br />
110<b>I have applied, how would you check my server?</b><br />
111In few days after making application, we will make sure that your server meet our requierements.<br />
112<br />
113<b>Our server sucesfuly passed all tests. What can you offer?</b><br />
114We are offering so called „Star of WoWresource“, which indicates that all informations about your server at WSS are valid. Star of WoWresource is a mark of quality as well. We wont give it to all servers...only to the best ones.<br />
115<br />
116<b>Is our server going to be a bit different from other servers listed at WSS?</b><br />
117As we stated above, in column "recommended" will be "Star of wowresource", which indicates you have passed our tests. <br />
118<br />
120<div class="table center">
121<img src="templates/img/bannery/banner_maly.gif" border="0" />
122<textarea class="banner" cols="60" rows="4"><a href=""><img src="" alt="WoW Server status" border="0" /></a></textarea>
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