1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once('Database.php');
4 | include_once('Application.php');
5 |
6 | class System extends Application
7 | {
8 | var $Database;
9 | var $Config;
10 | var $ModuleManager;
11 | var $PathItems;
12 | var $Menu;
13 | var $RSSChannels;
14 | var $DoNotShowPage;
15 |
16 | function __construct()
17 | {
18 | $this->Config = array();
19 | $this->Menu = array();
20 | $this->RSSChannels = array();
21 | $this->DoNotShowPage = false;
22 | }
23 |
24 | function Init()
25 | {
26 | global $Config;
27 |
28 | $this->Config = $Config;
29 | $this->Database = new Database();
30 | $this->Database->Connect($this->Config['Database']['Host'],
31 | $this->Config['Database']['User'], $this->Config['Database']['Password'],
32 | $this->Config['Database']['Database']);
33 | $this->Database->charset($this->Config['Database']['Charset']);
34 | $this->Database->ShowSQLQuery = $this->Config['Web']['ShowSQLQuery'];
35 | $this->Database->ShowSQLError = $this->Config['Web']['ShowSQLError'];
36 | $this->Database->LogSQLQuery = $this->Config['Web']['LogSQLQuery'];
37 | $this->ModuleManager = new AppModuleManager();
38 |
39 | $this->Menu = array
40 | (
41 | array(
42 | 'Title' => 'Stav dokončení',
43 | 'Hint' => 'Stav dokončení překládů',
44 | 'Link' => $this->Link('/statistic.php'),
45 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
46 | 'Icon' => '',
47 | ),
48 | array(
49 | 'Title' => 'Soubory',
50 | 'Hint' => 'Stahování různých pomocných souborů a programů',
51 | 'Link' => $this->Link('/download.php'),
52 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
53 | 'Icon' => '',
54 | ),
55 | array(
56 | 'Title' => 'Pokyny',
57 | 'Hint' => 'Informace k překladu hry',
58 | 'Link' => $this->Link('/info.php'),
59 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
60 | 'Icon' => '',
61 | ),
62 | array(
63 | 'Title' => 'Zdroje dat',
64 | 'Hint' => 'Informace o překladových skupinách',
65 | 'Link' => $this->Link('/TranslationList.php?action=grouplist'),
66 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
67 | 'Icon' => '',
68 | ),
69 | array(
70 | 'Title' => 'Prezentace',
71 | 'Hint' => 'Prezentace a motivace překladu',
72 | 'Link' => $this->Link('/promotion.php'),
73 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
74 | 'Icon' => '',
75 | ),
76 | array(
77 | 'Title' => 'IRC chat',
78 | 'Hint' => 'IRC chat pro překladatele',
79 | 'Link' => 'http://embed.mibbit.com/?server=game.zdechov.net%3A6667&channel=%23wowpreklad&forcePrompt=true&charset=utf-8',
80 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
81 | 'Icon' => '',
82 | ),
83 | array(
84 | 'Title' => 'Správa',
85 | 'Hint' => 'Volby pro správu',
86 | 'Link' => $this->Link('/admin/'),
87 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ADMIN,
88 | 'Icon' => '',
89 | ),
90 | );
91 | }
92 |
93 | function Run()
94 | {
95 | global $System, $ScriptStartTime, $TranslationTree, $User, $StopAfterUpdateManager,
96 | $UpdateManager, $Config, $DatabaseRevision;
97 |
98 | $ScriptStartTime = GetMicrotime();
99 |
100 | if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) session_start();
101 |
102 | if(!isset($Config)) die('Systém není nainstalován. Pokračujte v instalaci <a href="admin/install.php">zde</a>.');
103 | date_default_timezone_set($Config['Web']['Timezone']);
104 |
105 | $this->Init();
106 |
107 | // Check database persistence structure
108 | $UpdateManager = new UpdateManager();
109 | $UpdateManager->Database = $this->Database;
110 | $UpdateManager->Revision = $DatabaseRevision;
111 | if(!$UpdateManager->IsInstalled()) die('Systém vyžaduje instalaci databáze.');
112 | if(!$UpdateManager->IsUpToDate()) die('Systém vyžaduje aktualizaci databáze.');
113 |
114 | // SQL injection hack protection
115 | foreach($_POST as $Index => $Item)
116 | {
117 | if(is_array($_POST[$Index]))
118 | foreach($_POST[$Index] as $Index2 => $Item2) $_POST[$Index][$Index2] = addslashes($Item2);
119 | else $_POST[$Index] = addslashes($_POST[$Index]);
120 | }
121 | foreach($_GET as $Index => $Item) $_GET[$Index] = addslashes($_GET[$Index]);
122 |
123 | // TODO: Global initialized variable should be removed
124 | $TranslationTree = GetTranslationTree();
125 |
126 | // Initialize application modules
127 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleError($System));
128 | $this->ModuleManager->Modules['Error']->ShowError = $Config['Web']['ShowPHPError'];
129 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleLog($System));
130 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleUser($System));
131 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleAoWoW($System));
132 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleReferrer($System));
133 | $this->ModuleManager->Modules['Referrer']->Excluded[] = $System->Config['Web']['Host'];
134 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleTeam($System));
135 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleDictionary($System));
136 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleTranslation($System));
137 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleImport($System));
138 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleExport($System));
139 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleServer($System));
140 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleClientVersion($System));
141 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleShoutBox($System));
142 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleNews($System));
143 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleWiki($System));
144 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleSearch($System));
145 | $this->ModuleManager->RegisterModule(new ModuleFrontPage($System));
146 | $this->ModuleManager->StartAll();
147 | $User = &$this->User; // Back compatibility, will be removed
148 |
149 | $this->BaseView = new BaseView($this);
150 | if($this->DoNotShowPage == false)
151 | {
152 | $this->PathItems = ProcessURL();
153 | $this->ShowPage();
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | function GetMicrotime()
158 | {
159 | list($Usec, $Sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
160 | return ((float)$Usec + (float)$Sec);
161 | }
162 |
163 | function Link($Target)
164 | {
165 | return($this->Config['Web']['BaseURL'].$Target);
166 | }
167 |
168 | function RegisterPage($Path, $Handler)
169 | {
170 | if(is_array($Path))
171 | {
172 | $Page = &$this->Pages;
173 | $LastKey = array_pop($Path);
174 | foreach($Path as $PathItem)
175 | {
176 | $Page = &$Page[$PathItem];
177 | }
178 | if(!is_array($Page)) $Page = array('' => $Page);
179 | $Page[$LastKey] = $Handler;
180 | } else $this->Pages[$Path] = $Handler;
181 | }
182 |
183 | function RegisterMenuItem($MenuItem, $Pos = NULL)
184 | {
185 | if(is_null($Pos)) $this->Menu[] = $MenuItem;
186 | else {
187 | array_splice($this->Menu, $Pos, 0, array($MenuItem));
188 | }
189 | }
190 |
191 | function RegisterRSS($Channel, $Pos = NULL)
192 | {
193 | if(is_null($Pos)) $this->RSSChannels[] = $Channel;
194 | else {
195 | array_splice($this->RSSChannels, $Pos, 0, array($Channel));
196 | }
197 | }
198 |
199 | function SearchPage($PathItems, $Pages)
200 | {
201 | if(count($PathItems) > 0) $PathItem = $PathItems[0];
202 | else $PathItem = '';
203 | if(array_key_exists($PathItem, $Pages))
204 | {
205 | if(is_array($Pages[$PathItem]))
206 | {
207 | array_shift($PathItems);
208 | return($this->SearchPage($PathItems, $Pages[$PathItem]));
209 | } else return($Pages[$PathItem]);
210 | } else return('');
211 | }
212 |
213 | function PageNotFound()
214 | {
215 | return('Page '.implode('/', $this->PathItems).' not found.');
216 | }
217 |
218 | function ShowPage()
219 | {
220 | /* @var $Page Page */
221 | $ClassName = $this->SearchPage($this->PathItems, $this->Pages);
222 | if($ClassName != '')
223 | {
224 | $Page = new $ClassName($this);
225 | $Output = $Page->GetOutput();
226 | if($Page->RawPage == false) $Output = $this->BaseView->ShowPage($Output);
227 | echo($Output);
228 | } else echo($this->PageNotFound());
229 | }
230 | }
231 |
232 | class BaseView extends View
233 | {
234 | function ShowTopBar()
235 | {
236 | $Output = '<div class="Menu">';
237 | if(!$this->System->User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
238 | $Output .= '<div class="advert">'.$this->System->Config['Web']['Advertisement'].'</div>';
239 | $Output .= '<span class="MenuItem"></span>';
240 | if($this->System->User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
241 | {
242 | //$DbResult = $System->Database->query('SELECT `Id`, `Name` FROM `Team` WHERE `Id`='.$this->System->User->Team);
243 | //$Team = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
244 | //$Output .= ''<span class="MenuItem">Moje překlady: <a href="">Dokončené</a> <a href="">Rozpracované</a> <a href="">Exporty</a> Tým: <a href="">'.$Team['name'].'</a></span>';
245 | $Output .= '<span class="MenuItem2">'.$this->System->User->Name.' <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/?action=logout').'">Odhlášení</a>'.
246 | ' <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/user.php?user='.$this->System->User->Id).'">Moje stránka</a>'.
247 | ' <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/Options.php').'">Nastavení</a>'.
248 | ' <a title="Vámi přeložené texty" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?user='.
249 | $this->System->User->Id.'&group=0&state=2&text=&entry=').'">Přeložené</a>'.
250 | ' <a title="Vaše rozpracované text" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?user='.
251 | $this->System->User->Id.'&group=0&state=3&text=&entry=').'">Rozpracované</a>'.
252 | ' <a title="Nikým nepřeložené texty" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?user=0&group=0&state=1&text=&entry=').'">Nepřeložené</a>'.
253 | '</span>';
254 | } else
255 | {
256 | $Output .= '<span class="MenuItem2"><form action="'.$this->System->Link('/?action=login').'" method="post"> '.
257 | 'Jméno: <input type="text" name="LoginUser" size="8 " /> '.
258 | 'Heslo: <td><input type="password" name="LoginPass" size="8" /> '.
259 | '<input type="submit" value="Přihlásit" /></form> '.
260 | '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/registrace.php').'">Registrace</a></span>';
261 | }
262 | $Output .= '</div>';
263 | return($Output);
264 | }
265 |
266 | function ShowLoginBox()
267 | {
268 | $Output = '';
269 | if($this->System->User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
270 | {
271 | // $Output .= 'Jste přihlášen jako: <b>'.$tUser->Id.'</b> <a href="index.php?Logout">Odhlásit</a>';
272 | } else
273 | {
274 | $Output .= '<strong>Přihlášení:</strong>
275 | <form action="" method="post">
276 | <table>
277 | <tr>
278 | <td><input type="text" name="LoginUser" size="13" /></td>
279 | </tr>
280 | <tr>
281 | <td><input type="password" name="LoginPass" size="13" /></td>
282 | </tr>
283 | <tr>
284 | <th><input type="submit" value="Přihlásit" /></th>
285 | </tr>
286 | </table>
287 | </form>';
288 | }
289 | return($Output);
290 | }
291 |
292 | function ShowSearchBox()
293 | {
294 | $Output = '<strong>Hledání:</strong>'.
295 | '<form action="'.$this->System->Link('/search/').'" method="get"><div>'.
296 | '<table>'.
297 | '<tr>'.
298 | '<td><input type="text" name="text" size="13" /></td>'.
299 | '</tr>'.
300 | '<tr>'.
301 | '<th><input type="submit" value="Hledat" /></th>'.
302 | '</tr>'.
303 | '</table></div>'.
304 | '</form>';
305 | return($Output);
306 | }
307 |
308 | function ShowMainMenu()
309 | {
310 | $Output = '<strong>Nabídka:</strong>'.
311 | '<div class="verticalmenu"><ul>';
312 | foreach($this->System->Menu as $MenuItem)
313 | if($this->System->User->Licence($MenuItem['Permission']))
314 | {
315 | if(isset($MenuItem['Click'])) $OnClick = ' onclick="'.$MenuItem['Click'].'"';
316 | else $OnClick = '';
317 | if($MenuItem['Icon'] != '') $Icon = '<img src="'.$this->System->Link('/images/menu/'.$MenuItem['Icon']).'"/>';
318 | else $Icon = '';
319 | $Output .= '<li>'.$Icon.'<a class="verticalmenua" title="'.$MenuItem['Hint'].'" href="'.
320 | $MenuItem['Link'].'"'.$OnClick.'>'.$MenuItem['Title'].'</a></li>';
321 | }
322 | $Output .= '</ul></div>';
323 | return($Output);
324 | }
325 |
326 | function ShowTranslatedMenu()
327 | {
328 | global $TranslationTree;
329 |
330 | $Output = '<strong>Překladové skupiny:</strong><br /><div id="TranslationMenu">';
331 | $DbResult = $this->System->Database->select('Group', '`Id`, `Name`', '1 ORDER BY `Name`');
332 | while($Group = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
333 | {
334 | $Output .= '<div id="menuitem-group'.$Group['Id'].'" onmouseover="show(\'group'.$Group['Id'].'\')" onmouseout="hide(\'group'.$Group['Id'].'\')">'.
335 | '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$Group['Id'].'&action=filter').'">'.$Group['Name'].'</a></div>'.
336 | '<div id="group'.$Group['Id'].'" class="hidden-menu-item" onmouseover="show(\'group'.$Group['Id'].'\')" onmouseout="hide(\'group'.$Group['Id'].'\')">';
337 | $Output .= ' <a title="Zde můžete začít překládat" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$Group['Id'].'&state=1&user=0&entry=&text=').'">Nepřeložené</a><br />'.
338 | ' <a title="Přeložené texty, můžete zde hlasovat, nebo opravovat překlady" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$Group['Id'].'&state=2&user=0&entry=&text=').'">Přeložené</a><br />';
339 | if($this->System->User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
340 | {
341 | $Output .= ' <a title="Nedokončené překlady" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$Group['Id'].'&state=3').'">Rozepsané</a><br />
342 | <a title="Všechny překlady, které jste přeložil" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$Group['Id'].'&state=1&user='.$this->System->User->Id).'&entry=&text=">Vlastní</a><br />';
343 | }
344 | $Output .= ' <a title="Sestavit speciální filtr" href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$Group['Id'].'&action=filter').'">Filtr</a><br />';
345 | $Output .= '</div>';
346 | }
347 | $Output .= '</div>';
348 | return($Output);
349 | }
350 |
351 | function ShowHeader()
352 | {
353 | $Output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$this->System->Config['Web']['Charset'].'"?>'.
354 | '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">'.
355 | '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="cz">'.
356 | '<head>'.
357 | '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset='.$this->System->Config['Web']['Charset'].'" />'.
358 | '<meta name="keywords" content="wow, quest, questy, questů, preklad, mangos, překlad, překládání, přeložený, přeložení, čeština, world of warcraft, open source, free, addon" />'.
359 | '<meta name="description" content="'.$this->System->Config['Web']['Title'].'" />'.
360 | '<meta name="robots" content="all" />'.
361 | '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$this->System->Link('/style/style.css').'" type="text/css" media="all" />'.
362 | '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->System->Link('/style/global.js').'"></script>'.
363 | '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.$this->System->Link('/images/favicon.ico').'" />';
364 | foreach($this->System->RSSChannels as $Channel)
365 | {
366 | $Output .= ' <link rel="alternate" title="'.$Channel['Title'].'" href="'.
367 | $this->System->Link('/rss.php?channel='.$Channel['Channel']).'" type="application/rss+xml" />';
368 | }
369 | $Output .= '<title>'.$this->System->Config['Web']['Title'].'</title>'.
370 | '</head><body>';
371 |
372 | $Output .= $this->ShowTopBar();
373 | $Output .= '<table class="page"><tr><td class="menu">';
374 | $Output .= $this->ShowMainMenu();
375 | $Output .= $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['User']->ShowOnlineList();
376 | $Output .= '<br />';
377 | $Output .= $this->ShowSearchBox();
378 | $Output .= '</td><td id="border-left"></td><td class="content">';
379 | return($Output);
380 | }
381 |
382 | function ShowFooter()
383 | {
384 | global $ScriptStartTime, $Revision, $ReleaseTime;
385 |
386 | $ScriptGenerateDuration = round(GetMicrotime() - $ScriptStartTime, 2);
387 |
388 | $Output = '</td>'.
389 | '<td class="menu2">';
390 | $Output .= $this->ShowTranslatedMenu();
391 | $Output .= '</td>'.
392 | '</tr><tr>'.
393 | '<td colspan="4" class="page-bottom">Verze: '.$Revision.' ('.HumanDate($ReleaseTime).')'.
394 | ' <a href="http://svn.zdechov.net/trac/wowpreklad/browser/trunk">Zdrojové soubory</a> '.
395 | '<a href="http://svn.zdechov.net/trac/wowpreklad/log/trunk?verbose=on">Novinky</a> '.
396 | $this->System->Config['Web']['WebCounter'];
397 |
398 | $Output .= '</td></tr>';
399 | if($this->System->Config['Web']['ShowRuntimeInfo'] == true)
400 | $Output .= '<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center;">Doba generování: '.
401 | $ScriptGenerateDuration.' s / '.ini_get('max_execution_time').' s Použitá paměť: '.
402 | HumanSize(memory_get_peak_usage(FALSE)).' / '.ini_get('memory_limit').'B <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri='.
403 | htmlentities('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']).'">HTML validator</a></td></tr>';
404 | $Output .= '</table>'.
405 | '</body>'.
406 | '</html>';
407 | $this->System->User->Store();
408 | return($Output);
409 | }
410 |
411 | function ShowPage($Content)
412 | {
413 | $Output = $this->ShowHeader().$Content.$this->ShowFooter();
414 | //if($this->System->Config['Web']['FormatOutput']) $Output = $this->FormatOutput($Output);
415 | return($Output);
416 | }
417 |
418 | function FormatOutput($s)
419 | {
420 | $out = '';
421 | $nn = 0;
422 | $n = 0;
423 | while($s != '')
424 | {
425 | $start = strpos($s, '<');
426 | $end = strpos($s, '>');
427 | if($start != 0)
428 | {
429 | $end = $start - 1;
430 | $start = 0;
431 | }
432 | $line = trim(substr($s, $start, $end + 1));
433 | if(strlen($line) > 0)
434 | if($line[0] == '<')
435 | {
436 | if($s[$start + 1] == '/')
437 | {
438 | $n = $n - 2;
439 | $nn = $n;
440 | } else
441 | {
442 | if(strpos($line, ' ')) $cmd = substr($line, 1, strpos($line, ' ') - 1);
443 | else $cmd = substr($line, 1, strlen($line) - 2);
444 | //echo('['.$cmd.']');
445 | if(strpos($s, '</'.$cmd.'>')) $n = $n + 2;
446 | }
447 | }// else $line = '['.$line.']';
448 | //if($line != '') echo(htmlspecialchars(str_repeat(' ',$nn).$line."\n"));
449 | if($line != '') $out .= (str_repeat(' ', $nn).$line."\n");
450 | $s = substr($s, $end + 1, strlen($s));
451 | $nn = $n;
452 | }
453 | return($out);
454 | }
455 | }