1 | <?php
2 |
3 | $InitSystem = true;
4 | include_once('includes/global.php');
5 |
6 | function DatabaseKit()
7 | {
8 | global $System, $TranslationTree, $User, $Config;
9 |
10 | if($User->Licence(LICENCE_ADMIN))
11 | {
12 | $Output = '<form action="?action=dbkit" method="post">'.
13 | 'Najít: <input type="text" name="find" /><br />'.
14 | 'Nahradit: <input type="text" name="replace" /><br />'.
15 | '<input type="submit" value="Najít/nahradit" /><br />'.
16 | '</form><br />'.
17 | '<a href="?action=dbkit&Take">Opravit data v sloupci Take</a><br />'.
18 | '<a href="?action=dbkit&ShortCut">Opravit data v sloupci ShortCut</a><br />';
19 |
20 | $Output .= '<br /><form action="?action=dbkit" method="post">'.
21 | 'Vymazat log typ : <input type="text" name="Type" /> '.
22 | '<input type="submit" value="Vymazat" /><br />'.
23 | '</form><br />';
24 |
25 | if(array_key_exists('Type', $_POST))
26 | {
27 | $sql = 'DELETE FROM `Log` WHERE `Type` = '.$_POST['Type'];
28 | $System->Database->query($sql);
29 | WriteLog('Vymazán log '.$_POST['Type'], LOG_TYPE_MODERATOR);
30 | $Output .= ' Vymazán log '.$_POST['Type'];
31 | }
32 |
33 | if(array_key_exists('find', $_POST))
34 | {
35 | $Output .= 'Začínám nahrazovat: <br />';
36 | $find = $_POST['find'];
37 | $replace = $_POST['replace'];
38 |
39 | foreach($TranslationTree as $Group)
40 | {
41 | $Table = $Group['TablePrefix'];
42 | $Output .= $Table.' ';
43 |
44 | $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$Table.' WHERE (`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') AND (';
45 | foreach($Group['Items'] as $Item)
46 | {
47 | if($Item['Column'] != '') $sql .= '`'.$Item['Column'].'` LIKE "%'.$find.'%" OR ';
48 | }
49 | $sql = substr($sql,0,strlen($sql)-4);
50 | $sql .= ')';
51 |
52 | $DbResult = $System->Database->query($sql);
53 | while ($Line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
54 | {
55 | $sql = 'UPDATE '.$Table.' SET ';
56 | foreach($Group['Items'] as $Item)
57 | {
58 | $Column_text = addslashes(str_replace($find, $replace, $Line[$Item['Column']]));
59 | $sql .= ' '.$Item['Column'].' = "'.$Column_text.'",';
60 | }
61 | $sql = substr($sql,0,strlen($sql)-1);
62 | $sql .= ' WHERE `ID` = '.$Line['ID'];
63 | $System->Database->query($sql);
64 | $Output .= '.';
65 | }
66 |
67 | $Output .= ' <strong>Hotovo</strong> <br />';
68 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
69 | {
70 | WriteLog('Použita oprava DB ovlivněno '.$DbResult->num_rows.' řádků z tabulky '.$Table.', "'.$find.'" nahrazeno za "'.$replace.'"', LOG_TYPE_MODERATOR);
71 | $Output .= ' Použita oprava DB ovlivněno '.$DbResult->num_rows.' řádků z tabulky '.$Table.', "'.$find.'" nahrazeno za "'.$replace.'"<br />';
72 | }
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | // Oprava dat v sloupci Take
77 | if(array_key_exists('Take',$_GET))
78 | {
79 | $Output .= 'Začínám opravovat Take: <br />';
80 |
81 | foreach($TranslationTree as $Group)
82 | {
83 | $Table = $Group['TablePrefix'];
84 | $Output .= $Table.' ';
85 |
86 | $sql = 'SELECT `ID`, `Entry` AS EntryTran, `Take`, '.
87 | '(SELECT `ID` FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE (`Language = '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') AND (`Entry` = `EntryTran`) LIMIT 1) AS `IDOrig` '.
88 | 'FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `Tran` WHERE (`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') AND ((`Take` IS NULL) OR '.
89 | '(`ID` = `Take`) OR NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE `ID` = `Tran`.`Take`))';
90 |
91 | $DbResult = $System->Database->query($sql);
92 | while($Line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
93 | {
94 | $sql = 'UPDATE `'.$Table.'` SET `Take` = '.$Line['IDOrig'].' WHERE `ID` = '.$Line['ID'];
95 | $System->Database->query($sql);
96 | $Output .= '.';
97 | }
98 |
99 | $Output .= ' <strong>Hotovo</strong> <br />';
100 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
101 | {
102 | WriteLog('Použita oprava DB na sloupec Take '.$DbResult->num_rows.' řádků z tabulky '.$Table, LOG_TYPE_MODERATOR);
103 | $Output .= ' Použita oprava DB na sloupec Take '.$DbResult->num_rows.' řádků z tabulky '.$Table.'<br />';
104 | }
105 | }
106 | }
107 | // Oprava dat ShortCut
108 | if(array_key_exists('ShortCut', $_GET))
109 | {
110 | $Output .= 'Začínám opravovat Take: <br />';
111 |
112 | $Tables = array('TextGlobalString', 'TextGlueString');
113 |
114 | foreach($Tables as $Table)
115 | {
116 | $Output .= $Table.' ';
117 | $sql = 'SELECT `gs_orig`.`ID`, `gs_tran`.`Entry`, `gs_tran`.`ShortCut` AS `ShortCut_tran`, '.
118 | '`gs_orig`.`ShortCut` AS `ShortCut_orig` FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `gs_tran` '.
119 | 'JOIN `'.$Table.'` AS `gs_orig` ON `gs_orig`.`Entry` = `gs_tran`.`Entry` WHERE '.
120 | '`gs_tran`.`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].' AND `gs_tran`.`ShortCut` <> `gs_orig`.`ShortCut`';
121 | $DbResult = $System->Database->query($sql);
122 | while ($Line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
123 | {
124 | $sql = 'UPDATE `'.$Table.'` SET `ShortCut` = '.$Line['ShortCut_orig'].' WHERE `ID` = '.$Line['ID'];
125 | $System->Database->query($sql);
126 | $Output .= '.';
127 | }
128 |
129 | $Output = ' <strong>Hotovo</strong> <br />';
130 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
131 | {
132 | WriteLog('Použita oprava DB na sloupec ShortCut '.$DbResult->num_rows.' řádků z tabulky '.$Table, LOG_TYPE_MODERATOR);
133 | $Output .= ' Použita oprava DB na sloupec ShortCut '.$DbResult->num_rows.' řádků z tabulky '.$Table.'<br />';
134 | }
135 | }
136 | }
137 | } else $Output = ShowMessage('Nemáte oprávnění.', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
138 | return($Output);
139 | }
140 |
141 | if(array_key_exists('group', $_GET)) $GroupId = LoadGroupIdParameter();
142 | else $GroupId = 1;
143 | //$Table = $TranslationTree[$GroupId]['TablePrefix'];
144 | $Action = '';
145 | if(array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) $Action = $_GET['action'];
146 |
147 | else if($Action == 'dbkit') $Output = DatabaseKit();
148 | else $Output = ShowMessage('Nebyla zadána žádná akce.', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
149 |
150 | ShowPage($Output);