source: trunk/Modules/Wiki/Wiki.php

Last change on this file was 893, checked in by chronos, 2 years ago
  • Fixed: Class types casting for better type checking.
  • Fixed: XML direct export.
  • Modified: User class instance moved from Core class to ModuleUser class.
File size: 7.9 KB
5class PageWiki extends Page
7 function Show(): string
8 {
9 if (array_key_exists('Action', $_GET))
10 {
11 if ($_GET['Action'] == 'Edit') $Output = $this->EditContent();
12 else if ($_GET['Action'] == 'EditSave') $Output = $this->SaveContent();
13 else if ($_GET['Action'] == 'History') $Output = $this->ShowHistory();
14 else $Output = $this->ShowContent();
15 } else $Output = $this->ShowContent();
16 return $Output;
17 }
19 function ShowContent()
20 {
21 $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
22 $PageName = Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems[count(Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems) - 1];
23 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('WikiPage', 'Name, Id', 'NormalizedName="'.$PageName.'"');
24 if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
25 {
26 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
27 if (array_key_exists('ver', $_GET))
28 {
29 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('WikiPageContent', '*', 'Page='.$DbRow['Id'].' AND Id='.$_GET['ver']*1);
30 if ($DbResult2->num_rows > 0)
31 {
32 $DbRow2 = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
33 $Output = '<h3>Archív stránky '.$DbRow['Name'].' ('.HumanDateTime($DbRow2['Time']).')</h3>';
34 $Output .= $DbRow2['Content'];
35 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_MODERATOR))
36 $Output .= '<div><a href="?Action=Edit">Upravit nejnovější</a> <a href="?Action=History">Historie</a></div>';
37 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
38 } else
39 {
40 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('WikiPageContent', '*', 'Page='.$DbRow['Id'].' ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1');
41 if ($DbResult2->num_rows > 0)
42 {
43 $DbRow2 = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
44 $Output = '<h3>'.$DbRow['Name'].'</h3>';
45 $Output .= $DbRow2['Content'];
46 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_MODERATOR))
47 $Output .= '<hr><div><a href="?Action=Edit">Upravit</a> <a href="?Action=History">Historie</a></div>';
48 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
49 }
50 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
51 return $Output;
52 }
54 function EditContent()
55 {
56 $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
57 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_MODERATOR))
58 {
59 $PageName = Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems[count(Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems) - 1];
60 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('WikiPage', 'Name, Id', 'NormalizedName="'.$PageName.'"');
61 if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
62 {
63 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
64 $Output = '<h3>Úprava '.$DbRow['Name'].'</h3>';
65 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('WikiPageContent', '*', 'Page='.$DbRow['Id'].' ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1');
66 if ($DbResult2->num_rows > 0)
67 {
68 $DbRow2 = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
69 $Output .= '<form action="?Action=EditSave" method="post">'.
70 '<textarea name="content" rows="8" cols="80" onkeydown="ResizeTextArea(this)" class="textedit">'.$DbRow2['Content'].'</textarea><br/>'.
71 '<input type="submit" name="save" value="Uložit"/> '.
72 '<input type="button" name="cancel" value="Zrušit" onclick="location.href=\'?\'"/>'.
73 '</form>';
74 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
75 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
76 } else $Output = ShowMessage(T('Access denied'), MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
77 return $Output;
78 }
80 function SaveContent()
81 {
82 $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
83 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_MODERATOR))
84 {
85 $PageName = Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems[count(Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems) - 1];
86 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('WikiPage', 'Name, Id', 'NormalizedName="'.$PageName.'"');
87 if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
88 {
89 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
90 if (array_key_exists('content', $_POST) and array_key_exists('save', $_POST))
91 {
92 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->insert('WikiPageContent', array('Content' => stripslashes($_POST['content']),
93 'User' => $User->Id, 'Time' => 'NOW()', 'Page' => $DbRow['Id']));
94 $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka uložena', MESSAGE_INFORMATION);
95 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Nezadána platná data', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
96 $Output .= $this->ShowContent();
97 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
98 } else $Output = ShowMessage(T('Access denied'), MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
99 return $Output;
100 }
102 function ShowHistory()
103 {
104 $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
105 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_MODERATOR))
106 {
107 $PageName = Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems[count(Core::Cast($this->System)->PathItems) - 1];
108 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('WikiPage', 'Name, Id', 'NormalizedName="'.$PageName.'"');
109 if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
110 {
111 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
113 $Output = '<h3>Historie stránky '.$DbRow['Name'].'</h3>';
114 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `WikiPageContent` WHERE Page='.$DbRow['Id']);
115 $DbRow2 = $DbResult2->fetch_row();
116 $PageList = GetPageList($DbRow2[0]);
118 $Output .= $PageList['Output'];
119 $Output .= '<table class="BaseTable">';
121 $TableColumns = array(
122 array('Name' => 'Time', 'Title' => 'Čas'),
123 array('Name' => 'User', 'Title' => 'Uživatel'),
124 array('Name' => 'Action', 'Title' => 'Akce'),
125 );
127 $Order = GetOrderTableHeader($TableColumns, 'Time', 1);
128 $Output .= $Order['Output'];
130 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT *, (SELECT `Name` FROM `User` WHERE `User`.`ID`=`WikiPageContent`.`User`) AS `UserName` '.
131 ' FROM `WikiPageContent` WHERE Page='.
132 $DbRow['Id'].' '.$Order['SQL'].$PageList['SQLLimit']);
133 while ($PageContent = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
134 {
135 $Output .= '<tr>'.
136 '<td>'.HumanDateTime($PageContent['Time']).'</td>'.
137 '<td><a href="'.$this->System->Link('/user/?user='.$PageContent['User']).'">'.$PageContent['UserName'].'</a></td>'.
138 '<td><a href="?id='.$PageContent['Id'].'&amp;ver='.$PageContent['Id'].'">Zobrazit</a></td>';
139 $Output .= '</tr>';
140 }
142 $Output .= '</table>'.
143 $PageList['Output'];
144 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Wiki stránka nenalezena', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
145 } else $Output = ShowMessage(T('Access denied'), MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
146 return $Output;
147 }
149 function ToHtml($text)
150 {
151 $text = preg_replace('/&lt;source lang=&quot;(.*?)&quot;&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/source&gt;/', '<pre lang="$1">$2</pre>', $text);
152 $text = preg_replace('/======(.*?)======/', '<h5>$1</h5>', $text);
153 $text = preg_replace('/=====(.*?)=====/', '<h4>$1</h4>', $text);
154 $text = preg_replace('/====(.*?)====/', '<h3>$1</h3>', $text);
155 $text = preg_replace('/===(.*?)===/', '<h2>$1</h2>', $text);
156 $text = preg_replace('/==(.*?)==/', '<h1>$1</h1>', $text);
157 $text = preg_replace("/'''(.*?)'''/", '<strong>$1</strong>', $text);
158 $text = preg_replace("/''(.*?)''/", '<em>$1</em>', $text);
159 $text = preg_replace('/&lt;s&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/', '<strike>$1</strike>', $text);
160 $text = preg_replace('/\[\[Image:(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/', '<img src="$1" alt="$2" title="$2" />', $text);
161 $text = preg_replace('/\[(.*?) (.*?)\]/', '<a href="$1" title="$2">$2</a>', $text);
162 $text = preg_replace('/&gt;(.*?)\n/', '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>', $text);
164 $text = preg_replace('/\* (.*?)\n/', '<ul><li>$1</li></ul>', $text);
165 $text = preg_replace('/<\/ul><ul>/', '', $text);
167 $text = preg_replace('/# (.*?)\n/', '<ol><li>$1</li></ol>', $text);
168 $text = preg_replace('/<\/ol><ol>/', '', $text);
170 $text = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", '</p><p>', $text);
171 $text = str_replace("\r\n", '<br/>', $text);
172 $text = '<p>'.$text.'</p>';
173 return $text;
174 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.